HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1926-06-10, Page 5THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1926: ' frowarmaanswoomak PORK ANDBEANS is an appetizing dish, even, €6r .those who are not hungry. There is one essentitai, however, in making an ideal dish of it. The pork must give it the right flavor and we pride ourselves that we know how to supply \ just the right cut for the purpose, ''Fry it dance, You'll want it often. D. D. STEWART Phone 58. Seaforth. Your Butcher. WEDDING RINGS June is suggeetive• of Wedding Rings. 14 K. and i8 K. Plain and Engraved $6.00 to $9;00 Diamonds Mounted in modern settings, also in the popular claw eettinge, Real money savers Also Clocks, Watches, Emblem Signet and Birthday' Rings. Expert watch, clock and jewelry repairing. -w , Service Satisfaction - J. An WESTCOTT watch maker Ss Jeweler Opposite W. A. Crich's. Red & .White hair Stores Our prices for .. week commencing June lith. H. P. Sauce per bottle 28c Serv-us Corn flakes pkg. 11c Pumpkin.- „:2 tins for 25c Red & White Coffee per lb. 60c Hill Top Tea, all black, lb. 74c White Enamel Sauce Pan each 50 infants' Delight Soap 4 for 25c We Serv- U. right at the Red and White. Ross J. Sproat Phone 8 W. Me Stewart Phone 77 W1 el, Walker 81, Sem UNDERTAKING —and— EivIBALIvIING Motor or Horse Equipment. W. I. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished. } Night or day phone 67. NOTICE Having taken over the agency of the late James Cowan for the Farmers' Fertiliser Co., Wingham, I will be pleased to fill all orders of both old and newcustomers and give any information within my knowledge ANDREW ARCHIBALD Box 282, Seaforth. Ph...e 44W. Also Agricultural Lime If Testifies for Itself.—Dr. Thoma Eclectric Oil needs ,no testimonial of its powers other than itself. Who- ever tides it for coughs or colds, for cuts or .contusions, for sprains or burns, for pains in the limbs or body, well know that the medicine proves itself and needs no guarantee.. This shows why this Oil is in general use, seaesre CEAM G The purchasing of Cream according to grade became law on .May 1st. Your cream graded here by experts tinder Government supervision and we guarantee you the best of service, All our grading ischecked by the Department of Agriculture. Aiin_.to send Specials and No. 1 grade create. Send or deliver your cream at least twice a week and as direct as possible. All cream graded as soon as we receive it. Creamery Open Saturday Nights. Seaforth Creamery Ce ' Sgaforth, Ont. D. McInnes ehiropractOr Masseur` Of Wingham, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Scafort hr- , Monday and Thursday noon& in future. Diseases of all ail Tcinds success- fully treated. srasememansleszusemegeggalnill 0 Fruits Vegtta;4es Atall prices to meet your. neede RHUBARB RADISHES REEN ONIONS SPINACH ' TABLE RAISINS HEAD LETTUCE CELERY "CAULIFLOWERS TOMATOES SHELLED ALMONDSa c amerautea Ea1 �� At Aberhavt' Drug Seaferth ' net real'', For Aiery o .Y suCn an crsat#rSency7 Complete sato/mobile ifesurance safe'¢¢cards - your drivii'i . , INSURE NOW wrrH A. D. SUTHERLAND GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT BONDS AND REAL ESTATE SEAFORTH, ONT. - Phone 152 A -en Go 'ch. d c Mr. Thomas Cox announces es the en- gagement of his youngest daughter E,}a Marjorie, to 'Francis I- Ierbu t Orser; of Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Orser, Dungannon, At the annual,., district meeting of the Retail Druggiats ail' 1-luron, Bruce and !Grey, Mr. E, R. Wigle, was a,p.pointed to represent the dis- trict on the council sof.. the Ontario College of !Pharmacy, A coupedcive'n by W. Powell, Gnd• r erich, collided with a rtiota c} c.le driven byrMrrNraegle, of Auburn. Stor The Goerl tdch' Pelic'e have been checking up American motorists who fail to fly •the ICaztidean flag with the /American Hag. a THE SEAFORTH NEWS i9w.�.aaru.�-uu�ra..�ua„m:u3l' — — �a o„ JT0i Topiks ♦fiN.��,NNm.plJ�o,NN.�oMN��� ru..aw,'�} Mrs. Ward Allen and two (laugh - tors, Glace and ;Margaret, arrived from Edmonton and will spendthe. summer with her parents, Mr, and NI rs. J. A, McLaren, E''gnjondville. tD'r, and Mrs.:Geronnell, of 'Stray' ford; were visitors at the home of (Mr. John Gemmell,Egmondvalle., Mr, Chapman, Dr. and Mrs.'Hod- gins, Bernice 'au'd Morley Hodgins and Mrs. McIntyre motored up from, Toronto and were week -'end guests of Mrs L. T. DelLacey, John street. Mrs. James Hays, of Egmondville, is a'Walkerville visitor.' Nhs. Will I-Iillsof Dublin, was a town visitor. Report of the June session 'of the cou,n,ty council on .page 3, Mrs. P. iJ, /Kelly, of Blyth, spent the week -end with her aunt; Mrs. T. McQuaele, Goder•ich street. Mrs. Sarah Webb, who has been visiting ,relatives in 'town, left on Monday for, j.eading, Mich„ owing to the serious 'illness of her son-in- law, Dr. Herbert 'Bell,. She was ac- companied'from Toronto by her dau ghter, .Nlrs. Wm. Montgomery. Dr Bell was a visitor ,hese atthe time o tlhe 'Cilfn'ton'Reunion last summer. . Owing to the .cool, disagreea'hl weather, 'the first band condent ,of th season, scheduled for Thursday last was postponed to Thursday evening of this week. Mrs, John Sclatsr and Marion are visiting in Toronto, M'r, ,Russell Hays, of Detroit, is visiting his mother, Mrs. John 'Hays A numiber of young peo'pl'e took it the moo'nlig'ht •excursion at 'Goderic on Monday evening. Miss Kate Mc+Faul, Miss 'Mar Grigg and Miss Weeks, *1 Exeter were guests 'of Mr. and Mrs. J. Mac- 'ravish. ao 'ravish. Miss Muriel' Willis is visiting rela- tives in ]Detroit, Mr. W. 'L. Watson of San 'Fran- ei0co, is renewing old acquaintances in 'town. Ms. 'Chester- Henderson is on n motorlii: t-•' to •A a there .Ontario. ao. 'Mr. L. Matthews took in the Grey- hound trip to Detroit. ' Mr. and Mrs, T. E. 1-leron and Why daughter have returned from spending the witeter in Florida. Mrs. t3. J. Mercer is spending a few days rin 'Detroit and Windsor. The annual church parade of the Seaforth Collegiate cadets will be held to Egmondville United church 'n'ext Sunday evening. The parade will be headed 'by the Seaforth High- landers 'Band, iMr. and firs. Thomas Healy and little son Orden, of Toronto, are spen'ding their . vacation at Mrs. IHealy's tome here. 1Ls. Kenneth 'Ferguson, of Lon- don, is a.guest at the hone of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. J. 31•erner. Mr, and IMrs, 'Henn and .Mr, and Mrs. Courter, of Detroit, were guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs, James Sproat. Miss Minnie Habkirk is spending her holidays in Grosse Isle. Miss Wilson, of the receiving hos- pital, Detroit, has entered upon her new duties as su'perin'tendent of the- Seaforth /hospital. Miss Wilson has returned from attenfling Americ.:n convention of uurse5 held in Atlantic City. She costes well recommended, having received her training in the Woodstock 'General hospital. and 4a - ter in Harper's, ,Detroit, • Miss Mabel ]odd, niece of 'Mrs. Irwin, arrived from /Belfast, Ireland, en the S.S. Baltic, a few' clays ago,. and is staying at .the Parsonage. She intends making 'Canada her future home, Mrs. Deiia Mcbougall, ,Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Jack :Hamill, Mrs. G. F. Rogers; and daughter Miss 'Betty, motored 'from Toronto and spent a couple of days With Miss Stephens, Mr. N'lurmy, of Thedfor•ci, &petit the week -end art the home of 'Mr. and Mrs. George IEberhart, Mrs. R. 13.'Horton and little daugh- ter Shirley, left this week to join her husband in Detroit. .Mrs. J. Walker, of Roxboro, is ill in the /hospital et present, • .Mrs. Charles Stewart is visiting re- latives, in Detroit. ' Mr. A. 'Dickson, of Toronto, Mr. Percy Smith, Mr. W. :Beatty and Mr. Chester Henderson, of IvloKiliop, and Mrs, Thonras Grieve, of Scaforith, motored to Monetvilte,.'New 'Ontario, to visit Messrs. T. ,Grieve and W. K err, Miss A, Strong :and !Mr. R. Taylor, I.,ondon,&;pent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs, W. Strong, 7'u ckers m ith. The N1'isses Chra�lrners, of Glasgow, Scotland, ere the .guests of Miss 'Cut- hill, Jaines, street. Mrs. Tiigney returned on the 'G'rey- hound to Detroit after visiting her mother e , Mrs. Torry. ry, She was -accom- an � red b Miss SS T:tll`L • tt Y ale l Tarry, •• r twho will t tsi�t'''Dr and Mrs. Garbutt, of Detroit, Mr. William Wilson was a delegate to the Presbyterian General Assembly at, Montreal last week, bliss' Billy Ohesney has :returned from spending 'the winter with ler aunt and uncle, Mr. and. Mrs, Luther Robbins, in 'Florida, She was accom- panied by her sister, Miss Janet Ches- ney, R,N., ,of Cleveland, who will spend her va'catio'n, with Iver parents. Mrs. Creoles, Mr. Robert 'Torry, Mr's. Lemon and'children, of '�Beants- ville, spent Sunday with ales.. Tarry, R rntondvill• t, e. Mrs. R.'S. }'tan- s and :'tics ' a xr r ett'a P.nss went to D ' ctrott an the Grey- hound excursion this week. Mrs. J. B. Russell and little laugh- te:'r, of f e'orirt IN., are visiting at tire hone of her father, Mr. J..R. Scott, ncl her aunt, Nliss Scott, in QTar- ptti<b ey. h Y • BORN. il.i1NL'AN. -- In Egmondvitle, on 'Wednesday, Junc�2md 3926, to Mr, and Mrs.. John Quin Ian, 'ti son. SPL'Iltat.-in Morris �towitsh�ip; on Extra Trousers Free- i/roiiers and New Laid (Eggs OCR PRIkIE s RRE THE HIGHEST With All Made To Measure Hobbel id Suits from $25.00 up Ordered during Jute from torn .n District Representative PHONE 257. ' Are,. yol1 intyteg, at these Prices Manitoba Flour. , Red Path Sugar e 2 Tins Snap for ....... $4.50 .. ...35c 28c Fancy Biscuits Reg. 3"C for 5 Bars P & G Soap 25c 90 lbs. Roll Oats $ 3 35 We are. Paying 34c For Eggs. It Pays To Buy From W. J. Finnigan WALTON. The following sketch in connection wth the golden wedding of Mr. an Mrs, William Mulholland, of Holmes vide,' published in The ,Clinton News Record last week will /be of interes to many of the older residents o this locality: Mulholland -Peters. --A 10 a.m. on May 24tH, 1876, at bride's home in 'Brussels, Ont„ .Flor euce Mary AnnAdelaide Nightdngal Peters, daughter of Dr: and /Mrs Jaines J: Peters, ry s united in mar riage to William Mulholland, of lWal ton, the marriage ceremony being performed by :Rev. Mr. Stafford. Th 'bride and groom of 50 years•ago were attended. by .Minnie Mitchell, no Mrs. Sen. Cole, of 'Clinton, and 'H, B Peters, brother o'f the bride. On Mn 24th, 1926,'at their home ip 'Holmes ville,''Mr. and Mrs, Mulholland .cele brated their golden wedding. Mr Mulieolllancys parents lived near Sea forth., Mrs. Mulholland's father, IDr James 'Peters, was a surgeon .in th Crimean War and Florence 'Nightie gale was his: assisting nurse and h named his daughter after her at'Fior ence Nightingale's request. Mr. Mel hailand's grandfather William Small, was one of the earliest pioneer set- tlers around Hodmesvil'le. In 1833 he and his wife came from 'Toronto. to 'Godcrich Tp.. and settled in the wild- erness on the "Crown Laird" farm later known as the 'McLeod property and at present owned by \fichae Flick, on the T-1'uron Road:' The jour- ney was tint made he those days by automobile but in an ox -cart, taking a week or more to make the trip. Those were the good old days, for the first morning after they settled 00 their farts they enjoyed a breakfast of fine speckled trout caught in the stream that flowed through `their farm. 1r. Small in later days was manager of the Piper's Flour still, the first flour mitt in Godcrich, owned by the Canada Co. ,lir. Small was a man of avoirdupois, weighing around 250 pounds. :\t that time the land on which the Godcrich Court House now slands was swampy gr;otind. Among the pioneers of those days were the Achesoits, the 'T�loimes, the Rutledges, and the Fords. 51r. and Mrs. Mul- holland have enjoyed happiness and prosperity through all . the years. Their home •l,a been blessed, by a fancily of ix children, sine son, 11arvey, deceased. The remaining five are, Mrs. \\', R. Cole, of Win- nipeg; Mrs Gibeou and Mrs. Draper r 'Detroit; Fred G. on the farts, Huron :Road, and john F., in the gar- age business, fliolmesyille, They have sixteen grandchildren and three gnat grandchildren living. The two Botts. Fred and Jahn, and their families, tad their wedding dinner with the bride and groom of fifty years !ago and the pa�•ents lead their two daughters from Detroit to visit ' them on Sunday, May 30th. Mr. Mulholland has a wonderful ettesnory and recalls many interesting and arousing incidents from pioneer days: As a boy•he saw the first railway engine passing through IHolmesville to Goderich,'rl'-le relates that the church seats in those days were so 'high that an a boy he could scarcely see over _them to view the preacher. Up the aisles, uprights 2 x 4 inches, were. fastened to the seats .and candies placed op the top of ,them to right the church, Mn. Mul- hdlland also remembers being tri'nt- nteci to the tune of the 'hickory stick for playing hookey. They have many relics in their home of former clays, being possessors of one of the oldest candlesticks used in Godcrich ship, and nd the still have the beautiful p,a yet tF walnut, cane -bottomed parlor chairs belonging t n Mr.Mulhohand';; g s another. NJr, Mulholland has been the "Village Blacksmith for •forty years. in 111otlme'sville, coming here on New Year's Day, front Watton in 18'86, Where he had already spent fifteen years 'at his trade. 'Ile has been an artisan of the first order and has enjoyed the well -merited paronage of the residents .of the community- and is still practising his trade as occasion demands. He has two old anvils, no longer flat but well hollowed out 'by the constant fashioning of, the metals upon then', Both Mr. and: 51 es, Mut.. -holland o la c are held in highesteem 'b se t ) members a of the community. In tune. 'of sickness I trouble Mrs. 1 rl and orbl 1 s 1 t 1• e 1 ha land has always 'been one of the "atunistering angels' who has given her efficient services gladly and will- irtgly. Both are enjoying good :health. 'Both arc still young in spirit and the sincere wishes of their realty friends are extended that they May "still be spared to enjoy many years of life together. d e e The May e e VVingham; The late 'And1•'eiv 'Linldatcr was Thursday, May27th, 1026, to buried i,n Wingham 'cemetery last and '\'fr (An .0. Siuc. (nee \9 y Week, He 'was 85 years old. and was ( tc ,rimy r• .horn t he ;Orkney He Roe),. aRghaer (Helen ..3~lizvbeth), b tv t, t O kt y Islands. was one of the pioneers of VVir gham coiiununity. 1 Forst coupe driven by Chas, Henderson, of Detroit, failed to make the turn at the 'en'd of the Diagonal road on Sunday last and smashed eight ,fence _posts. No one was injured. Mr. F. '\V, iFrech, 13. A.., of the \lriguhim High School, has accepted a ;position in the Strathroy High School. .Mr, Sleintan, who has been blind fqg a number of years, is very low at present. :Mothers Value this Oil.—Mothers who know how suddenly croup may seize, their children and how neces- sary Ptcgmpt action is in applying re- lief, alwayskeep at hand a supply of Dr, .Thomas' Eclectric .Oil, because experience has taught them that this is an excellent preparation for the treatment of this ailment. And they are wise, forits various uses render it a valuable medicine, BAYFIELD. Dr. nand Mrs. 'Garrett and sons, of Cleveland, Ohio, are holidaying in one of Mr. R. Heard's cottages. Mrs, T'rebilcock, 'Mrs, Walsh and little Miss Margaret 'Walsh, of Lon- don, are spending their vacation. it the 'former's cdttarge, Miss Gladys 'Shannon is spending her holiday with her mother at their cottage in 'Lakeside Park. Mrs. E. Wigle, of London, spent a few days with Mr. and Mfrs. Jas. Sturgeon. Mr. E. T. Brown spent 'the week- end in 'Auburn. The llenmiller Ciircubt Club will present "The Village .Lawyer,” ;in the Town Hall on 'Friday, June the '11th. under the auspices of the Ladies' Ald of the United Church, This club pre- sented a play last year which was much enjoyed,` so this should be a good one as well. The Y. 1'. S. held the last regular meeting In .the basement of St. art- drew'':s church an /Friday last taking the ,forst of a social. It was decided 4o hold a beach 'party on Friday, June 'tire 25th. An impromptu pro- gram consisting of solos by Miss Jean McKenzie, Miss Lucy Woods; reading, Miss M. 1Ho'weli; violin sods by Harold $cotchmer, af- ter which a contest anct• games were played. Before ,lunch, the President, Harold Scotchmer, read'a short ad- dress to Miss' Jean McKenzie, she be- ing presented with a library table by Messrs. Brown, Stewart and Jack. Watson on ,behalf of the members of the Young 'People's Society. :Mr. and Itirs. E. A. Sander, IBe'tty and Bobby Sander and 'Miss Ruble Fisher, Of Kitchener, were week -aid visitors with Mrs. .F. A. Edwards. Ford picnic is to be held on Clan Gregor Square, 'Wednesday, July the 7th. The committee is busy planning the program of game's and sports. Re- member the dale and tell your friends .about it. One of the .biggest gatherings May- field has ever seen is expected on 'Wednesday, June the 23rd, when the Conservative .picnic is to be held. Pre- mier Ferguson rand other lea'd'ing members are to, give addresses. There will also 'be a splendid program of sports, all .to be held on the Square. Come and spend the day at the popu- lar resort. Messrs. 'Armstrong, Needles, Mor- ley. Ti'.twkins, !Stanley Kneehtel and Smyth. of Caadta1 Goodrich Co., C. Gutrell F. i Manch l Erwin: of c is 1'rintntg IC.o„ ,Ken. 'Burroughs of the s>sur�ec� a MEI esr • he Seth pl l ve ton 'lour we Have it—Give it a Trial Ground '.�icreenin gss A . 1 c5 GP;AIN DEALER a7 Also. ehop of Till Kinds MSON PHONE 25 to Needs Winter Storage, Charging and Repairing for all makes of Batteries. A complete line of most called for parts of var\lous car's. Now is the time to have your car overhauled Give us a call and see how reasonably it can be repaired, greased and clearted. Dealer in ;".ew and Used Cars. Agent for Chrysler tour and Six Cylinder Cars, egief PHONE 167W. , Lades' iiairdress r will be at the Dennison & PO Barber Shll' (Successors to W. W. Ro. son) very Tuesda\ ... Phone 125 for appointments M 'celli'n 111 al Specialist '; and 'iz .sham eels massaging, shampooing Bank of Montreal, of Katurday., were hair cutting. here on .e. c a {isltin tripSaturday. g Y \.tis,, Cecil �I'aLeart returned nn -. , Monday after a visit in Detroit. Miss J. brant, of Clinton, is spend- i dutroduced: ing the summer at Mrs. NI. ,Balley''s. By Messrs. Erwin and Inglis, .that The sad 'news 'was ..received on the .Comity Treasurer stake a state Monday of • the decease !Hent, showing all the rates collected lttwood, 'Detroit, formerly iltss LiL- .meat e.nrl ing all paid out to each of has King. The funeral :took'place on i9ar nti nicipal ties •for 'Goad 'Roads Wednesday from the hone of Mfrs. purposes since the beginning of the Elizabeth :\ttwooct. County Road system, and mail a copy to each reeve and deputy. reeve...- Carried. eeve:-- Carried. Moved by Messrs. Coulees and hertrecd that a letter expressing our t ,crab n be sent to1 mayor of i[tt a rte n y Eitem-dine 'for the splendid manner r'1 which the rnettvbei's stndnfficers'af Huron Comity Council wereenter- tained by the ladies and coeneil .of that town at the magnificent banquet Wednesday evening, June 2nd.—Car-. rieri, The appointment of High 'Con- stable was held 'over awaiting in- formation ('Nom 'the Attorney -General in the regarding .hc slew Act, Moved by Messrs, Coultes aril Dodds that ehe education committee bt instructed, to Make the necessary steeps to unravel ttbe 'tangle with re- gard to the Exeter High school mat- ter,of.levy andifnecessary that the COUNTY COUNCIL (Continued from Page e 3. a ruling, The 'Warden Titled in favor of Mr. Geiger's contention .and the council upheld him. The trate on the nuitiou to rescind resulted 14 for and 16 a'gaina, its' follows; Yea -- Messrs. 'Armstrong, Backer, Beattie, Cnultt s, Cox, •Dochls, i Twin, TTenncherg Livingston ...\1).!!!! Ewen. Middleton, 31ttnnings, Miser, and Robertson. Against — \dessrs Ctinterot :Parrish, ffIa n na, TTayes, 'iTtbbarrl, .Inglis, .1ohnslnn, l< 011.71cdy, 'K'lopp, 'McD'oitsIdo Manson, mentiaid, Neel), 'Sanders and Sh+t'ri- The following motions were then Why shouldn't they buy from. you? Make up your mind to secure the trade of the S u m m e r cot- tages near town, this year. Think of all the things they will be buy- ing l Why shouldn't they buy thein from you? In the cit theyare e Y . s d to ordering goods by tele- phtnie, Call thein, even u;iin Long Distance where tt _Icre 1lecesszu y and tell them what you can do for them, Remind them that for week -end par- ties you Call ,hive -J Tern , prompt delivery. When they oo �t ,ren „h.Z' see how easy it is to order from you by telephone. they will likely prove * pvit1.3 cus- tomers all `1.1.1111er. Warden, IRI'. Robertson and the Cleric be appointed a committee to wait on the Ldncation tlepartment- Carried. IBylaw•a d, 7, 8, 9 and 10 jvore passed acrd the .,council having. ' ,o p n. chided the business of the June 'ses- sion, adjourned to meet the 'first Tuesday In Decetnber.