HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1926-06-10, Page 3JUNEuSESSION COUNTY COUNCI
The ftuns session df the endunty
council opened on Tuesday after-
noon, June. 1't, at '3 'o'clOcle withall
the members in attendance, Warden
• j. W. 'McKibbenin the (Mahn'
The,' Warden addressed' rhe ccittri pi!
briefly on the work of the present
• session:, scongratulat!ednthe &suns
cil on the fat thatntlien& neve:ten-am
vacancies among the council, though
some had seffered severe losses, to
whom the sympathy' of the couacil
was extended; The county" officials
• and committees had been faithfee. in
carrying -out the wishes of the couns
cit andethe work assigned them.
'rhe committee comptrann.',of!!Mrs
leIcEwen and himself as warden, hed
attended the Good ROads'eonven'tion,
but owing to Mr, MeEwenehaving to
leave, being called home by the (tenth
al ,lais mother, the .retiont would' not
be as perfect as might 'otherwise be
expected. ,
The committee -(consisting of -Mes-
srs !Robertsott, Irwin and 'himeelf)
aPp'einted to. .meet with a:geonimittee
of 'Bruce council hdit"carBrednette in-
structions and hird' '' -
whkh Mi aRoifiertsota., weseeenretary,s
He hoped: tfie ovhole commit „would
tt en d the jOir-ft "Meeting 'annfange d
for Wediresdayaat
'The Goad:-Roaclk..Ccantoisai9O,..'41.a;cti;
Made a thorough examination of the
road ;system and was bus yj complet-
ing the; estimates and making every
effort to keep the levy at the 2 -mill
rate, The commission felt that the
maintenance of what we have must
kept up to a ago* standard, even
if uew work had to Wait. It was al-
tegether owing to our overdraft that
for ordinary expenditure we could
hardly expect,to keep below a
levy this year, .
The appointment of valuators
would •be before the council and he
hoped and felt sure that the most
capable men available Would be se-
• lected. -
He noted the fact that one of the
members of the county council, Mr,
Robertson, • had been selected as the
Liberal party's candidate in North
The Warden concluded his address
by urging ;hearty co-operation of the
members in all the work of the ses-
Among the correspondence laid be-
fore the council were the following:
.From the Deputy Minister of Edu-
cation announcing that the .Legisla-
tive grant to rural public and separ-
ate schools in Huron for equipment
and accommodation was $2,075.48 ifor
public schools.and $92,79 for separate
schools, a total of $2;168.27. 'The
comity council is required to raise the
same amount for public schools.—
Sent to education committee.
From Mr; iBrydone, on ;behalf of
Mr, 5. W. Jowett, requesting pay-
ment of $245..67 for gravel furnished
from part of -let 1, Bayfield conces-
sion'Goderich tp., to the county Mon
ing the years 1924 and 1925.
A letter front 'the Department of
Highways gnve the amount of Gov-
ernment. grant- on the expenditures
,made, by the county in 1925, as
Total. amount .01 \statement $170,978.44
1 Count Y roads (revised system);
Superintendence .,„ „.. $ 4521.99
Road. conetruetion 38656.4n
Urban improvetnent , 15670.58
Purchase of gravel pits. 450.00
•'Bridge .constracrioti . „.. 44,81.49
'Maintenance and repair.: 68596.08
-Machinery ''' . ' 3991.75
Total n .$143993.37
• Amount of grant (50 p.c.) 71996.69
2 Expenditure made •prior to a40P-
ition of -revised system:
Road construction $10404,93
(Bridge construction ....., 4481.49
Maintenance and repair,. , 10593-97'
' Trigui4iti , $25880.39
t of grant (40 p.c.) 1035.246
3' Expense to road superintendents?
..00nferenee .„.: .... , „ .440.15
INtnount of grant (i0 p.c.). 20.08
Total grant, $82,368,93, -
—Sent eo edncation committee,
.;;.;:The Sna I tiCatlegia te I nitigtt oacd
sent aEcOlint'Ior $41.20 for 'education
of County of Huron pupils' for 1925.
.ga•Sent to edueaion committee. ,.
A request front the Tourists' Asso-
ciation of Toronto for payment of
$50.. membership in the 'Association
was sent to the finance committee.
Applications for the ,position of
High 'Constable made vacant by the
resignation of •Mr. Whitesides, were
received from R. P, McMichael, R.R.
No. 2, ;Seaforth; F. BFitzsimmons,
Clinon, and T. Gundry, Goderich.
These were laid on the table.
Applications for. the position of
valuator in the matter of the propos-
ed valuation of the assessable proper-
ty of the couety, from the following
were laid on the table: John 'Goven-
lock, Egmondville; J. e, Pear, Ethel;
Win, McQuillan, Lucknow; Dr. W.
F. Clark, Goderich; C. K. Taylor,
Blyth;' j. M. • Govenlock, Seaforth;
Abner Cosens, •Wingham; John
Montgomery, Howick; H. 0. Mur-
phy, Clinton; W. H. Coates Us -
borne;' Harry •Salkeld, Goderieh
township, and ;Chas. Stewart., Ash-
The 'clerk made is report of the
mothers'• atiowance..payments from
December to •April: ,Dec., 47 on the
roll, $750 payment; Jan. 49 on the
roll, $750 payment; rFeb., 50 on the
roil, $797.50 .payment; March, 50 on
the roll, $795 payment;- April ;51 On
the roll, $820 payment; showing an
average payment of $782.50, or a total
monthly,payment ot $1,565 from both
county and province. A motion was
passed that the appointment of
valuatots' be • made -on •Thursday
afternoon,'....The Jailer j reported 44
prison'eee admitted •durixig theiprevi-
ous,eiscemoilths, and thesavenage daily
cost ,per niinuate 1334 rcents.,,The
report of the auditors was received.
It shows $88;450 • insurance On the
coulitYnbuildingS, as folloWs! On the
Court Hous'e, $25,000; on the Jail and
Reeidenige, $12,000; on ;the House of
Refuge'and 'Outbuildings, $39,050; Ion
the RegistrY'Office; $50001tnesitn;the
Children's Shelter; $2,400; ';gy. the
bnilrs at ' the ; Cdutt 444
Reese of Refuge, $5,000. ,Ctu ac-
count of the time the cospecil intend-
ed. tb . take of 'an .'4Veclnesda,y'rio at
tend,the get-together' '-witInertice'
-005311.),,r7.-councif Kie`Ctiatdine,
nighe.'s&SSion was' held otin'fuesclags
Bruce--afid Hurint COitrity Councillors;
Meet. Together., •
s,ptite .of the.doQf'419Inp.wsather
the sporeldrogradtimeonnection'with
the getetogethere. . the Bresce and
Heron- Cbtinty eonncils .was' held
Wednesday afternoon Of last week at
Kincardine, the events takingplace
'the rink.— • .-
• Anleading.attraction was the chal-
lenge ,game of .softball•betWeen Bruce
and Hurmi rCounties: 'The ,honors
went; to the 'Bruce team:by a score
of 15 to 13. The winning team coil-
sisted of 'Messrs, "WillciughhY, Me -
Donald, 'Nelson, Gillies, ,Ransbury,
Watson, Tiffin, 'Phobias' and Herm-
Iston. And the Huron team was
composed of .Messrs, A. j. MacKay,
C. Robertkon; T. R. Patterson, R. C.
Hays, Coultes, Dodds, McKibben,
Cox and McEweit. '
The winners of the races . were as
!Fat man's rate—Ed. ThorndYle,
C. Hays.
Open race — J. Tyndale, E. J.
Downs, -
Coat race—G. Hubbard and W. Ira
win, lst; Thorndyle and j. H, Brown,
Relay race—J. Tyndale, W. j. Mc-
Kay, E. "Thoradyle and 3',. H. Brown
1st,- E. Klopp, C. A. Robertson, Jno.
aMcEwen and J. j. Hubbard 2nd,
Standing jump—E. Thorndyle, .E,
J. Downs.
Standing hop, step and jump — W.
j.aleKaY, E. Downs. . -
Throwing shoulder stone — 5. B.
Reynolds, E. 'Ashford,
After the sports a round table con-
ference was held, presided over. by
Warden McKibbon, of Huron Coun-
ty. Mr. G. mr. Holman„ clerk of
Huron, and Mr. A. Nelson, treasurer
of 13ruce county, spoke on "Methods
of Procedure of County. Couneil!!
Engineer Stephenson of Bruce 'Coun-
ty, Engineer Patterson of Huron
County, and Engineer H. Irwin of the
Department of if-lighways, on "Coun-
ty Highways"' and these was open
discussion and questions asked on
both subjects.;
Then et 6;30 a fine banquet was
tendered by the town of, Kineardine
to the visitors in the town hall. About
250 sat dowii to the- well -laden and
Every Motor's' a
'Supreme in the Empire
of Ontariei Beauty
roads in Ontario haye made each motorist the
• Monarch–a an Empire of natural charm and
beauty. This Empire is his to know and to enjoy, with
' convenience and ease. '
In an hour or less, ho can pass through unequalled
scenes of farmlanO, lake and stream-- can mount hills
which open out it.wide and colourful panorama—can
descend into valleys where nature is most exquisite
• because most intimate.
The highways invite you to see your Province and
thus to know how good a place it is in which 'to five.
• Never have the roads been better. Enjoy them. But use
them sanely. Excessive speed damages road surfaCes
and. hastens the need for costly repairs. Remomber that
roads are maintained at the expense of yourself and the
other motorists of Ontario. Do not break the speed law.
The .06=vernment relies on the cordial co-operation
of nintorists 1 fi maintaining the roads by sane driving.
Those who are careless about speed restrictions are
reminded that the law is being rigidly enforced.
Minister et niziwnits Deputy Winegar
Issued by the Ontario Department of Ilighway.s
to secure the, co-operation of niotoritts
abating the_abUse of the roads of the Province.
prettily decorated tables ''and-clusice
ecliblee were served, by ladies of the
town. '
Mr. 'Robert Johnston, ex-VVardea of
Bruce. County, was''toastmaster, and
the following program Was carried
out': •• ;
The.' King, proPoseen by D. Mc-
Donald, Warden Bruce County. "God
Save the King" responded to by
County, Treasurer 'Latie, ef.dluron,
Our Guesta—Proposed by ;Reeve
AVatsonn-Kineerditie. `Tor They 'Are
Jolly' Good fesPOu'ded 40 by
Reeve ;Neebe, !Huron; Court ty.
'Solo—Alf, Irwin, ex-Wardee, I-Itir-
on. 'County.' • , '
'Our :Highneays—sProposed by War-
d.en W. McKibben, Huron County.
Responded to by H. Trwin,„Provincial
Solo—Elgin Flaser, Kincardine,
The Pres—'Proposed by A. Nelson,
Treasurer !Bruce County. 'Responded
to by Mr. W. H. Robertson, of Gode-
inch,. and Mr: 3. j. Hunter,' of Kin-
cardine, .
Violin Selo — Fs, Downs, reeve.
Bruce County., •
'Our Counties—aPeoposed by Mr. A.
,E. Nelson, of Kincardine. Responded
to by F. McQuaid, Reeve, Huron
_eau lity H. „M cKer, rather, Reeve,
Bruce County, aand Mr. Holman,
County Clerk, Huron county:
Solo—Jan:es Anderson, Kincardine.
Catiada--Proriosed by Mr. Coultice,
Reeve, ,Huron County. Responded to
by Major Tolmie, Reeve,. Southatnp-
ton. The address of Major Tolmie
was a fine effort and did credit to the
won in the sports of the
afternoon, were presented by Mr. 5.
5, iHunter and Mr. 5. W. Heiserman
during the evening, fled the gather.
ing was 'brought to a close by the
singing of Auld Lang Syne and the
National Anthem.
' Back to Business.
)ruend that they be painted.
• theW2e6inh'exotf IMneaty.'atWBeal'sbria
mend ,that this bridge be .painted.
The Holmesville bridge which was
raifeer last year we found in
good condition except that we reteitn-
mend guard fences as follows:. 100
feet on each side on !the north ap-
proach and 150 feet on the south ap-
proach on each side, .
A.n' amendment by ;Messrs. Neeb
and 'McQuaid' was carried, that the
county -construct only the statutory
liebility of, 100 feettbf 'approaches at
each apProach: of the bridge,' but that
if the council of Goderich township
wishes to .safeguard their portion of
the approaches, arrangernent • be
-made to have this work continued'.
with the understanding that Gederich
township assume the cost of their
Corey's 134.idge on
the boundary of 'Stanley and Goderich
townships. We recommend that the
east approach 'be widened and guard
fences erected .for 100 feet . on each
side of !both approaches.
• We found several of the bridges
where abutments and piers were be-
ing. undermined by the current, but
owing to th.e depth ,of the water, it
was impossible to ascertain the ex-
tent of the injury. YoureConatnittee
Feel that a stone barricade will be
moee effective in preventing this in-
jury than a concrete apron on ac-
count of the flexibility of the stones.
in ;following the excavation.
We recommend that the ap-
proaches to the Mud Creek bridge,
Stephen-MoGillivray boundary, be
improved, -
'Estimated cost of Road and Bridge
Committee's work, 1926:
Hanna bridge (washed, out). ..$ 20
Annett bridge (abutnet reps:ir)350
Painting 2 ;bridges (Bowes! and
:Kenzie's) 80
Ball's bridge (painting) 250
HolmesVille bridgt , ..... 100
Corey's bridge• 100
•$ 900
Emergeet costs . ,
Mr. Fulton .addressed the couneil
with reference to the importance of
the Huron County Trustees' and
Ratepayers' ;Association and asked
for financial support. Mr. Archibald,
also addressed the council advocating
a grant in support of Mr. Fulton's re-
quest: He claimed the Association
was the Teacher's Association.
Mr. Irwin, provincial engineer,
was present and addressed the coun-
cil particularly with reference to the
township patrolmen's work, and sug-
gested •that meetings be held with the
minor councilsandpatrol men. Mr.
Irwin alSb spoke at length regarding
grants to county connecting links and
the proper interpretation of the ap-
plication of the regulations regarding,
these' grants. In all improvements
on Connecting links within the limits
of tawns or villages, there must be
an agreement .in each case. In some
ceunties the _council assumes all the
responsibility on connecting streets:
The following motions were sub-
1.13y Messrs. 'Robertson and 13aeker,
asking the Clerk to call the attention
of the town of Winghain to the mo-
tion passed by the county council
last year with reference to the return
of the Warden by acclamation the
year ee' w in g his tern: of office.—
Carried,By 'Messrs. Moser and Manibu
that a grant of $50 be made to the
Poultry and Pet Stock Association
for the year 1926.--Tteferred--4o the
executive committee.
'By Messrs. ;Geiger and Saunders
that the special levy on the concrete
road in Hensall be not made this year
as we have over $3,000 to our credit.
--Sent to the Good Roads Commis-
tsi°113messrs. McEwen and Beattie
%each association before neceiving
a grant from the County of Huron
must send to the comity clerk is copy
of its prize list and financial state-
By 'Messrs. Coultes 4nd Cameron,
tliat a grant of $200 be made to the
Huron County Trustees' and Rate-
payer's' ASSOCia tion.—Sent to the
executive committee.
On Thursday afternoon the clerk
armounced that he had received an
application .from Mr. 5. Franklin
Johnston for the position of valuator.
--Laid on the table, '
The treaserer the gave is report
of the' financial position of the coun-
Resuming business on Thursday
morning the •council assembled at
8:45 atm, all the members present.
The clerk presented the 'lamming
coirununications: '
Frons Mr. W. H. Lobb, of !Goderich
township, applying for the position
of valuator on the assesment cotn-
Mission to be appointed,—Laid on the
table. •
Prom Mr, Geo. P. Gould asking a
grant from the Huron Poultry and
Pet ,Stock Association, --Referred to
the executive .committee,
' Di opening the address of the day
the Warden spoke of the previous
day's proceedings and the pleasant
'visit to Kineardibe. He also spoke
of the appointment of valuators as
taken UP so far by adjoiningcounties.
tincleithe head of 'enquiries Mr,
McQuaid spoke ,of the nuisahce pre-
vailing with regard to the camping
of gypsies or others on the public
highways. Mr, Saunders said that
the statutes provided for such things
andthat any, person living in the
municipality lia'S the power to prefer
a charge and hive the nuisance 'abat-
ed by law. In some mueicipalities
bylaws were passed prohibiting such
and notices were put up. These by-
laws -and notices were generally ob-
Mr, Middleton brought up the mat-
ter .of committing inmates to the
I-Ithise of !Refuge and. 'the law re-
garding he same, and the chairma*
of the House of ;Refuge committee,
stated that the Reeves were protect-
A `communication from the Town-
ship • of 'Colborne with reference '
increasing the tax on gasoline and
one as to the salary of rural mail
carriers were referred to the special
committee as they related to legis-
Matron of Shelter and Jailer Highly
The county property committee re-
ported as, follows; -
We have inspected the registry of-
fice and found the wiring has -been
done. as requested, satisfactorily to
the Committee. The balance of the
regiStry office is in fair condition.
Re request from the matron of the
Children's Shelter for replacing pap-
er on ceiling in living room which
was _damaged by water, we recoes-
mend that the request he granted.
We. would also commend lairs. Wil-
son for ,the splendid condition in
whieh sve find • in ,inatters at the
Shelter, thetas ebeing' four children
there at present. .
!Re report ,pf the jailer, we would
like to express ohr appreciation of
the satisfactory report presented aud
tie economical manner • M °which all
departments at the jail are being
tnanagett. We find everything bit ex-
cellent- conditions there being sbc pri-
soner's in the 3411 at present.
We would recommend that the jail-
er's salary he increased to $1,000, as
by the saving of the present jailer.
expenses have beemdecreased by $600
per year, the increase in salary to
take effect July 1st, 1026.
-Re supply of coal to the couuty
buildings here, we reColpfnelld that
the clerk be instructed to get prices
from our local coal dealers before
Purchasing, for the different grades of
coal required. • --
The-report wait adopted, with the
exception of clause recommending
increase of salary to the jailer, which
was referred to the executive commit-
• Roads and Bridges.
The road and ,bridge committee res
ported as follows;
,We met in Brussels on the 25th of
May and proceeded to .the east boun-
dary of 'Grey township, where we
mot the Road and Bridge committee
of 'Perth County. We examined a
cernent cuivent 'between concessiens
4 acid 5, (Grey, whic.h ha.el faller! cloWie
It was agreed 'that it should be made
passable in the meantime untit it is
Possiblc to constrifot a new one,
We';tiext eXamined the ;Albert An -
net 'bridge befween the 611m and 7th
concessions of Grey and' found ' the
north abutment was undermined and
defective, ahrl' in was agreed that it
should be. reinforced with concrete
under the direction of Mr. 'Patterson.
'We next visited the !Bowes bridge
and .also the ;11ienz•ies bridge on the
boundary of Grey ,and -we recom-
House of Refuge.
—The House of Refuge ;Committea
rcported as follows:
We met at Clinton March 2nd and
May 28111, and audited at these meet-
ings, the quarterly accounts and in-
structed the v.idrk td make orders for
the payment of the same, March 2nd,
$3.322.36: May 28th, $2,50l.40; total,
We issued instructions to the in-
spector and the reeves concerned to
make the proper arrangements ,for
the settlement of the properties be-
longleg to certain inmates as, fol.
lows: As to an inmate from Stephen
the matter was referred to Reeves
Noel) and Saunders to act with the
inspector; the case of an inmate from
Usborne to R.eeve Hanna and the in-
spector; the CaSC of an ironate from
Howick to Reeve Inglis and the in-
spector, . .
The 'inspector was instructed to
take steps' to close the estate of the
late John 'Lamb, nt ianiate of the
House of Refuge now deceased.
These several estates have, we
understandnbeen closed satisfactorily,
Reeve artmnings and the inspector
were asked to close the arrangements
regarding the property belonging to
two inmates ;from Goderich.
At the May meeting, owing to the
resignation of Mist Campbell, assist
ant matron, an -appointment of assist-
ant matron. was made, ,Several ap-
elictions were received and several
of the.applieants visited!the Home to
make a personal application. The
committee appointed Miss Mary
!Miller, of Barrie, who came well rec-
ommended and appeared' to the in-
spector, manager and matron, ,per.
sweetly to i11 tile best fitted for the
position. The initial salary was fix-
ed it $30 per Manth, which she- ac-
cepted. ,
The .inspectot was instructed to
close up the 'House of Refuge •ac-
count with ThoS, McMichael, who
for some time was a paying inmate,
but i4at present engagedin Stratford.
The large visitors' register, which
'has lbeen ih use since the opening of
the Horne, is completenr filled, and
we instrocted the clerk to procure a
new one and the order will be made
as sooe as stationers reply to (the
clerlesspecifications furnished them.
It was found necessary to order
some repairs to eavetroughs and pro-
vide additional rugs for lone of the
rooms. This was ordered done by
the inspector and 'manager.
On both occasions your committee
inspected the Home and premises
and Sound all in perfect order, and
we deem the county fortunate in
having Mr, and Mrs. Jacobs in the
mana,gement of the Horne, for they
seem 10 be, very zealous and efficient
in the performance of their duties.
Re request of the Association of
Managers of Homes for Aged andIn-
firm, to ,attend a meeting of same on
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday,
June 23rd, 241h and 25th, your com-
inittee recommended that no action
be taken.
Messrs. Macdonell, Coates and Stew-
art Appointed Valuators,
• 'The council' than went into com-
mittee of the Whole to consider the
question of valuation of the county
and the appointment of valuators.
Moved by Messrs. Geiger and Mc-
Ewen that the 'valuators value at
least 8 to 10 per cent, of each con-
cession and street—Carried. ;
Moved by Messrs, McOeaid and
highs that the. valuators start not
later than June 15th and end Sept.
15th. --Carried.
Moved by Messrs. Munnings and
Hays that the report be adopted as
to the pay the valuators are to re-
ceive, ---Carried. The report was that
• the remuneration be $5 a day with an
allewance of $2 a day for expenses.
Moved by Messrs, )11elnibbon and
McQuaid that the commission be
composed of three members, one
from urban and two front reral
Balloting was then conducted in
committee of the whole, and on the
fifth -ballot Mr. C. A. Macdonell, of
'Hensel], was elected as the urban
representative. .
Mr. Wm. H, Coates was elected as
the rural representative from the
south on the first ballot and Mr. Ohas.
Stewart was elected as the rural rep-
resentative .from the north.
The council then adjourned to Fri-
dey morning.
On Friday morning the finaace
committee reported on a number of
accounts and recommended that a 4 -
milt rate be struck on the equalized
assessment of the county lot 1926.
and that one-fifth of a Milt be raised
for Provincial Highway levy on the
equalized assessment of the county.
• The report was adopted.
The chairman of the Education
•Committee, Mr. Robertson, made a
verbal repeat ;of matters peritaining
to school grants to High Schools and
continuation schools, &peaking parti-
cularly with reference to the situation
in Exeter, where a part of the
public school 'building was being 'used
for High School purposes and a ren-
tal Charged for its use. Messrs.
Badger, Sanders and Neeb spoke
briefly with reference to the matter
of continuatn 1 arid High School
grants which were given based on
annual levies asked by the various
High and Continuation schools in this
county and for pupils attending
schools in adjacent counties.
Mr, Hayes, county solicitor, was
present and gave a verbal report re-
garding the matter of constructing
office and public lavatories under the
Court House and was requested to
give hie .aphtion in writing. Plans
for the work had been drawn tip by
Engineer Patterson, who wrote, "A
new 7 -inch sewet will be required
from the Court House to the manhole
on 't•lee 'Square opposite West street,
and there will be ample fall ;for the
saCohtlter ilHAottit:e-bac:nd utilized c
hin3naesY in
av ethe
No details of plumbing, lighting or
heating, ;etc., have been shown, as it
WiS deemed advisable to leave these
matters till it was decided whether or
not the scheme would be carried out.
Tt would appear reasonable for the
tawn to assume all of the cost of the
public portion and one-half of the
cost of the sewer. . Heat could be
supplied by the Court House boiler,
for which am anaual •payrnent could
be made, and the janitor of the Court
House could be paid extra by the
town for the caretaking of the public
lavatories. It is probable thee lights
will lie required a large part of the
time, which, of course, would need
to he on a system separate front the
Coltri House. For your information
I have inadea liberal estimate of the
cost, which for .the public portion
-would be $3,500, and for the comity
portion, $2,000. .each paying one-half
of the cose of the sewer. It would
be advisable to secure the consent ce:
the judge of the county court before
proceeding." ,
The executive committee recom-
mended no grant to lhe Trustees' and
Ratepeyers' Association but in com-
mittee this was changed to making a
grant of $100: that a grant of $25 be
given to ti,s Poultry and Pict Stock
Association: :that the question of
jailer's salaryhe not opened up at
this time; that a grant of $50 be
made to the County Fruit Show.
Te.e following, motions were adopt-
ed! -
By Messrs. Erwin and Cox that we
hold our annual county.council picnic
at ,Bayfield on Wednesday, June 16th.
The Wardell, the Clerk and Messrs.
Erwin, Cox and 'Manson were ap-
pointed a committee to carry out ar-
I a rigernents for the picttic.
Moved ha' iN.,fessrs. Sanders and 'Er-
win that we. the members and °Slicers
of !Huron Couni v Council take great
pleasure in expressing our sincere
appreciation of the kind invitation of
Bruce County Council to join them in
an 'interchange of, methods of proced-
ure in carrying etit county council
work, which conference proved very
iiiteresting and • profitable. 1VO also
anpreciate the courtesy with which
we were reeeived 4id entertained and
would at SOirl'e time ;in the finure en -et
joy a return of similar get-together
meetings in our respettive comities,
as it is A decided advantage to have
Ode- Means of comnarieg notes and
Of friendly intercourse. That a eaMY
of this' resolution be forwarded to the
Warden of 'Bruce county.
And •C'ino.Pxti*eini t' tbhye :N.Ifotts'iSdr‘ e5for Aigde
'Collegiate Institttte to be built in.
Clinton, for which the county is in
part responsible, be guaranteed by
the Cottnty of 'Huron in preference
to !the town, as a saving of a consid-
erable amount can 'be made by doing
this. --Laid on the table to be consid-,
erect later.
Moved by Messrs. 'Henneberg and
Inglis that, owing to lands being
taken out of.Wroxeter and placid bit
the townships of Howick and Turn -
berry by the Ontario Railway Board,
the assessment of Wroxeter be re-
duced to $142,760, for 1926 equaliza-
tion purposet.—Certied,
• toee thbayMt Coeusnsrtys Ca
be given two weeks ' holiday's this
year. ---Carried:
A second report of the fGeod Roads
Commission recommended that no
action be taken on the request of j.
Jowett fer.$245.77 for gravel, "ae
we find no evidence that Mr. jewett
owne'the gravel or the right-of-way,
anti we further recommend !that the
deunty continue 40 secure grevel f rem
the same location,"
"Re insurance against accidents,
we have already reported oa this mat-
ter in January and We recommend
that this question be decided- ;by the
whole council,"
ifte motion of Messrs. Geiger and
Sanders, that the special levy on the
Village of Hensall be not made this
year, we recommend that this be al-
lowed as was done with Witagham
last year.
"We recommend that the hedge
fence at Charter's Hill, 2t1111 Road,
Tuckersmith, 'be removed, and that
the owners of board fence between.
con. 5 and 6, and !of rail fences 'be-
tween con. 11 and 12 and 13, Hay
township, he requested to replace
them with wire.
• "We recommend that the hill op-
posite lot 28, con. 19, East Wawa -
nosh, be improved by ditching and
surfacing, which will cost about $150.
"We recommend that some addi-
tional improvenients be made on road
23. Aahfield, in grading and surfac-
The report was adopted, with the
exceptioa of the clause with reference
to special levy on Hensel!, which was
lost on the following division. For
the clause—Baeker, Beattie, Coultes,
Dodds, Erwin, Geiger. Kennedy,
Rime's, 'Manson, McEwan, McKibben,
McQuaid, _Middleton and Sandere-14;
against --Armstrong. Cameron Cox,
Farrish, 'Hanna. Hayes, Henneberg,
T-Tubbard, Inglis, Johnston, Livings-
ton, McDonald, Stfunnings, Moser,
Neeb, Robertson and Shortreed-17.
The question of the mill rate for
roads was next taken up in cotmnit-
tee, when it was moved in amendment
to the report of the Good Roads
Commission by Messrs. Hayes and
Geiger, that the Highways rate this
year be one and a half mills on the
dollar instead of two mills. A vote
was taken and 6 voted ;for the 134
mill rate and 25 for the report 'In
favor of a 2 -mill rate. For the 134 -
mill rate—Messrs. Cox, Geiger, Han-
na, Hayes, Livingston, Web — 6.
Against—Messrs. Armstrong, Beek -
et, Beattie, Cameron, Coultes, Dodds,
Erwin, Farrish, Henneberg, ;Hubbard,
Inglis, Johnston, Kennedy, Klopp,
Manson, McDonald, McEwen, McKib-
bon, McQuaid, Middleton, Munnings,
Moser. Robertson, Sanders, Shortreed
The matter of the council adopting
the Gtobe Indemnity's accident in- ,.
surance in the county was taken up
and a motion ,was made by Messrs.
Inglis and Cox to accept the offer
with the privilege of cancelling the '
same at any time. A standing vote
was taken, 9 voting for the motion
and 22 against,
The motion for the county to guar-
antee the bonds of the Clinton Col-
legiate was then considered, and Mr.
E. E. Hifi, stock broker, Goderith,
addressed the council no (behalf of
Clinton. A standing vote resulted in
four voting for the motion and 25
'A second report of the county pro-
perty committee reciting the steps
taken in regard to the matter of
constructing lavatories under the
Court House was adopted, and a mo-
tion by Messrs. Hanna and Inglis
that no action be taken in proceeding
with the work was carried.
Moved by Messrs. ,Farrish and
Armstrong that municipalities hav-
ing .paid special levies as per a spe-
cial committee's report, dealing with
the equalization of county road ex-
penditures in past. years, ;be re-int-
harsed to the extent of their special
levies, and that provision be made at
this session r-egarding this matter.
A vote was taken after much discus-
sion ancl resulted as follows: 9 in
favor of -che resolution and 19 against.
On Friday afternoon Mr. McQuaid
re -opened the discussion of the mat-
ter which had ,been adjourned at the
Tuesday forenoon session regarding
the Provincial Highway paving on
the Huron road.
At the request of the warden Mr.
Beattie presented the preamble of the
petitirn which had been presented to
members of the council previous to
the meeting of the council.
'It was moved by Messrs. McQuaid
and Geiger that this council adhere
to its resolution of the January meet-
ing- re this matter, and that we mem-
orialize the Highways Department to
defer having the !Provincial Highway
from Coderich to Dublin • only to a
point a distance of 5.5 miles., east of
Goderich for is number of years.
Moved by Messrs. - Beattie ,and
Menniegs that motiori 117 o'f the
.Taimery seseion made by Messrs.
McQuaid and Hanna re Provincial
Highway paving be -rescinded
Mr. Geiger claimed that only the
question of ,reScinding motion No. 47
nt before the 'council, and asked for
(Concluded on Pen,e 5.1