HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1926-06-03, Page 4. „ia aio
H ; SEAFOR.Tk • E.
nd V. A, met 'at -Mrs„
The 'Guild a Y
A ane
_ Fred ticarle
tt s on We sdaY
C I::
Mr.1?, been
has tDr.'Brown and•i^ itnrnic .Balfour
Rcv`Haste J
f bur returned • (from the.of diton laid up with a severe attack of "flu"
t conference at `_ Stratford an 2 weeks.
Churcl s usual at Walton lfoe the past
nd Bet eSChur he bvtr, and Mrs, 'A,. Coutts and fain-
Churches Sunday,
Bethel G fent: Sunday at Mr, and Mrs, A,
.. R. A.'Lundy ..will,. take: the ily sL•
Rev. Iiand Forbes.
inWaltonand- oil Sunday ore Love and'Wnt. Sol-
Serviceswill take the Messrs, -Ue �
Ret., E.s ,n. .Chandlerton 'had the well drill working for
services in If,ippen and!'EIifls'greeti. them, Rev. J. W. Button, of Florence, A. ivMorrfson, of Cleveland, and.
cryo , vee rend visiting friends om ss Irene ells, of Toronto, were at
•e n Stihome from Miss 'Morrison's over the week
Walt Mr. Wm.
:theNconferencese'FergusonisatStratford, present at end.his barn
Norse shr is moving 14th . to the
tending Mrs, Christopher Moffat, of Mr. •his larinlolasthe 4t s
tent gfrom
• Dr.. ve. Humphries, Of New farm on the gravel road,
Dk, isRi E. his brat and sister,
York, visited` brother N DUBLIN
W. J. Humphries and'Mrs.
Shannon,"the first of the week.
tto Is
Miss O'Donnell,t,Lo'S Toronto,
Kate Miss
visiting ti. s it .the
Reeve �hortreed is attending
Connty Council this week.
Miss Helen McKercher spent the
week -end with Miss Vera.Gardiner.
is improving
\ors. \Um; N
and will soon be able to resume.
her household duties. Toxon
Mt and 'Mrs. R. liowbray>
to. visited ,Miss M. Mowbray on the
Master ;las. Alderson and his sister,
`'ierr rtndparents, Mr.spending a tandceks Mrs.roJas,
their g
Peter )Mowbray, -Detroit, paid a fly-) tion made by airs, N. Maye, rs•
ing visit with friends here on Mon- Carlin replied in a few short words
. Cardiff and son visited Mr.
and Mrs. J. ,Bolger last Sunday.
Quite a number attended the fun-
eral of Mrs, J. Bewley last Wednes-
Mrs. A. Dundas has been ander the
weather for a few days with a bad
very critical operation in Ldndotl .last
week, is ftip'rov g..
called ' on
Mr. David Crawford ,
friends in Dublin; during the'' past
week, r
venin 'tinder
dance o 1 Friday evening The t
the .auspices -of the C. W. L, was a
grand success.
d Mrs. Wm, +Hills attended'
lMr: an
the .graduation of their daughter, Miss
Ruth (Hirai at 'Brescia Hall on 'Fri-'
day. 'Louis Kraus-
Mr. Jos.. Jordan, Mr,
kopf, Mr, 'Geo. Malone, Messrs'. Matt.
and `Mike McCarthy and f Mr, Win.
'Byrne motored•from Detroit on IFri-
All the different machinery, for road
Aikehlreed, and Mr, James., Martin
The tender of Ed/Murray for' !fie Seaforth, She had 'been a' member of
'Geary Drain' was 'accepted: The let- 'member
Presbyiterian. Church, becoming a
ting of the +McMillan dtaftt +contract member of the United "Church last
Was deferred and tenders will be earl- aqd was a dtfe member of.the
paving has been unloaded off cars
here and moved to the 'highway tfox
,Mr. Ed,! the paving of the road hrom Dubh
4ded by . Therefore Dublin will
Mr, E. J. P !the
Gornttey, attended the South '- h,ed.
ea...s on be a detour until. work•is finished.
Thcrc is said to be about $50,
, S
Liberal nominationt11
On Thursday evening the officers
worth of machinery including a steam
the Altar Society and officers of shovel to dig the gravel out of the
ofpit. Several rods an hour of cement
the Catholic Women's League as I r til 'be laid, and it is said two inen
led at the home of Mrs. 'C' will he kept busy just emptying ce-
with a I
Carlin and goldtro her wt t trent bags, The contractor .expects to
amethyst and rosary as a token be work through in less than six weeks.
of their appreciation of the goo esident Mrs. Briklen and daughter attended
accomplished by her while Pseminary, her son
the in
of the Altar Society of St. Patrick's being made the services 'Deacon. the ,
Church. Mrs. Carlin resigned the Mr. Peter Di•il, of Detroit, spent
presidency this year on account of ill re.
his the week -end at e
health. The address was read by Mrs. Edwards, 'he, is visit -
Mrs. M. ;Benninger and the pres eta- ing her daughter, Mrs. Tyers.
Messrs. J. Bruxer, Joseph Murphy
and Martin Klinkhatnnier returned to
Detroit after spending the holiday
Mr. and Mrs. Blood and Mr. Joseph
McAlear were visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Ryan, Hibbert.
The uncertain timetables of the
busses have caused some people to
wait a long time for them. One man
who came to Dublin expecting the
bus would take hitt to Mitchell by a
certain time, had to go to the expense
of hiring a car in order to keep his
likfr, and Mrs, 'Fergus Kenny and
•(amity spent Sunday at the home of
Mr, and Mrs. Dan. I3urtts.
Mr. Jack Bruxer, of Detroit, ac-
companied by, his cousin, Miss 'Helen
Bruxer, from Chicago. motored to
his home here.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kenny motored
front Detroit to visit the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kenny.
Me. Peter Maloney is soon to join
the bcnedicts. We wish him every
Mr. Martin Klinkhantmer visited
his sister, Mrs. Leo, Krauskopf,
Mr, Joseph Kenny was home ',from
I'etroit over the week -end.
Miss Quinn, of Stratford. visited at
the home of Mr. Michael Flanagan.
'Mr. Francis Dantzer, of Detroit,
visited at the home of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew ,Dantzer.
Mr. and Mrs, Monahan, of Detroit,
spent the week -end in our burg,
Mr, and Mrs, Jahn McGrath spent
Tuesday with friends in London,
Many from here attended the eon-
�w. T := frinatiott services in Seaf,irth and St,
ed for again later on. Orders were
issued on the treasurer amounting to
$711, Notice -was served on the coun-
cil' by,Matt Coy:ie that- the Coyne
drain is out:of repair. . 'T.he engineer
was instructed to make an examina-
tion df the said drain and file his re-
port with the clerk. Council then ad-
jourated to meet again ou Wednesday,
the 16thdayof June at 1 o'clock.—'J.
Jordan, Clerk,
Mr, and Mrs, John McAleer and
family, of Detroit, were week -end
visitors at h h of Mr and head of London, and Dr, 7. W. Ark-
Patrdck 'Ryan.,
Mrs, John O'Rourke and family, of
Detroit, spent the American holiday
at the borne of her'mother, Mrs.
James Burns.
Miss Annie Ryan, ',from 'Seaforth,
spent Sunday. with her, mother, Mrs.
Patrick Ryan.
year, ,
Tera will take lace
he funeral 1 p,:..
wM.s. T
from ,her l;'ate. residence -:on Friday at
2 p.m:, interment in- Baird's cemetery,
Rev. C. Gordon Armour will officiate
and the pallbearers will'be Messrs.
Louis Tebbut, Hugh Md.:achlan,
Geo e McCartney, Alex. Broadfoot,
Robt• Doig and John Wood:
Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Murdock
have rettrrned to their home in 'De-
troit. They were visiting at the home.
of the former's mother, Mac A,iken-
(Messrs, John B, and
week, on their' honeymoon trip, ' The
Miss Monica Eck-
andwformerlyenher days here
of Y
art - spent her 'school
while her ,parent's, Mr. and ,Mrs... Con,
Eckert, were resident's of our burg,
the home enhead, of Toronto,: visited relatives
here last Friday. n,
Two adcidents were reported o
the London road last week.
The monthly song service of the
Y. P. S. G. E. was held Sunday
night. A large number remained ;for
•i. the call
of . N t
i considering t
a g
Outside. As usual all enjoyed the
Progressive euchre was theft indulged
in 'for the rest of the evening.
dainty lunch was then served by the
officers of the Altar Society,
Little Miss Rita Stapleton; who
was operated on for appendicitis at
St. Joseph's hospital last week, is im-
proving steadily.
Mr. John Bruxer who underwent a
ea ort eafe
has just been rte-decurnted and everything is always kept
bright and clean.
Quick Lunches at all hours. Prompt Service
Inc Creast, Sodas, Soft Drinks, Chocolate Bars, Cigarettes, e.3./.c
SO. Greyhound Navigation eo
Goderich to DETROIT and Return
An incident occurred recently in
Tttekerstuitl which was really amus-
ing to some people, bat we call safely
say not to everybody. On this occa-
sion two men engaged to repair
fence that.crossed a deep stream df
water. One man was prepared' for the
job with long rubbe? boots and took
the responsibility of carrying the oth-
er man across on his back. They
Made a'good many trips very Success-
fully, but on the •last and return trip
for home, he stepped ott a slippery
stone and was crushed to the ibottom
with his burden, We did not hear
what was said when they got ttp,
for our part, we would rather be a
a ride on a
spectator that', to take
f f that description
e nt one
spent Taylor Win. p
Mrs. W
Mr, and
day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Ja-
mieson, (Hallett.
Miss (Florence Rouse was visiting
a ifew days in Goderich last week.
• Miss Carrie ',Dempsey spent Thurs-
day with'Miss 'Cora Skelton in Mor-
The picture show has closed for the
summer. It has been in Blyth every
Thursday for thepast winter.
On Friday evening a number of
girls met at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. Robt. Newcombe and gave a
ntiscellateofis shower to their daugh-
ter, Miss Alice Kirk, who was married
last week to Mr. J. A. Snell.
Mr, A.B. Carr, who some time ago
sold his residence at the north end of
the town, has •purchased the home of
Johtt Armstrong on Dinsley street
and will move there shortly. Mr, and
Mrs. Armstrong intend to trove to
the United States to reside near mem-
bers of their faniily.
Blyth Continuation scitodl is hold-
ing their annual picnic to Bayfield on
Thursday, June 3rd. Mrs. P. ;Gardiner
has consented to chaperone the party.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Laidlaw, of Au-
burn, visited with relatives here on
Miss Ruth McGowan, of Detroit,
spent Sunday with her parents, Ide,
and Mrs. IR. C McGowan.
Mr, and Mrs. 'Goldie, of •Guelph,
were week -end guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs, Daniel McGowan.
Many friends from this neighbor-
hood attended the funeral of Mrs.
Jos. Bewley last week.
•Cotnmandant Hurd, of the Salva-
tion Army, London, addressed a well -
attended meeting in Memorial Hall
on Sunday evening. His forceful
plea for financial help met with roads'
The congregations of Queen street
United Church and St. Andrew's
United Church held union services on
Sunday owing to the absence of `Rev.
Dr, Barnby. Rev,' Mr. Telford con-
ducted the morning service in St.
Andrew's and in Queen street in the
evening. Dr, Barnby ' attended the
Conference in Stratford.
An Indian was locked up in the
jail on 'Sunday night on a charge of
stealing a car in Toronto. Early
Monday morning he escaped, to all
appearances havinrr been let out from
the outside by an accomplice. ,He
came to Mr. John Howard's in Wa-
wattosh about a month ago from
Southampton and had worked there
since. He has not been apprelteeded
The regular meeting of Morris
l'on•nship council was held in the
'Township hall at Sunshine on Mon-
day, May 31st, There was a good at-
,Rev, J. L. Small, of ,Harriston, for-
merly pastor of St. Andrew's Church,
will preach at St. Andrew's on Sun-
day morning, June 6th, and again in
the evening at the annual Union An-
niversary service of the opening of the
Memorial 'Hall All the clergy of
iBlyth will take part in this service.
A union choir will provide the music.
Mr. and Mrs. Rohent ',Hull and their
son, Arnold, of Cleveland, spent a few
days this week renewing did acquaint-
ances with friends and relatives.
Mrs, Chas, Nicholson and little son
Gordon, spent part of last week the
guest of her parent's, Mr and Mrs.
John Grasby, iBluevale.
Mr. and -Mrs. P. J. Kelly and Mas-
ter James visited friends in Brussels
over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John McNichol visit-
ed friends in Sea'forth over the week-
Mr. and Mrs, J. '1'. McCaughey
spent Sunday with Clinton friends.
Dr,and .Mrs Blake and children
of Detroit, are at ,present visiting
friends in this neighborhood.
Mrs. Bryans and Master Kenneth,
of Detroit, are guests of Mr and Mrs,
J. T. McCaughey.
The Big Steel Steamer Greyhound—Safe, Speedy and
Comfortable—Will leave GODERICH
Tuesday, June 8th at 9.30 a•m
$4.00 ROUND TRIP ONE WAY $2,50
Arriving at Port Huron 1:30 p.m., Detroit at 5.30 p.m.
Returning Leaves Detroit at 1 p.tn., Thursday, June 10th, 1926
The only boat trip from Goderich to Detroit this season.
Children between 6 and 12, half fare. Visit your Michigan
friends and see magnificent Detroit. A delightful trip over the
great International Highway of lakes and rivers. Don't miss it
dol)hght Ouof Goderich - .. MONDAY
If �i June 7th at 8:30 P.M.
Finzet's Orchestra Inc dancing in steamer's big ball room.
Three hours on beautiful Lake Huron for 50c. Children 25c.
Last trip Goderich to Detroit, Friday, June 11th, at 9:30 a.m,
NORTH' "Iilcif;LLOP.
weather continues cool ;but,.
To rove . l
ear. at; (alta. and we will
June is n
likely. Itave'a better brand of weather'
soon, • about the fall
It is a great:pity,
eat: Fully . half' 'of it has been.
pand sown with' other
aploughed up- that is left looks
grain and 9ottte Of it. a
MMrs. Herbert Lrvine and
little and 1
hter, af. Toronto, were visit
chug ,
ing the former's •father, snJ. 5.
Irvine,! one day recently,, They
ed up lfrom the city. . ` t . •
Mr. William Toll, of Hat .ock, ac-
companied by •a couple of lady
friends, visited on the Leadbtiry line
There was lots of joyriding and:
other diversions on the holiday. Outumber t
irt'Walton the other day a
fcreign-appearing ladies adorned with
flaming red tarn o'shanters -were in
evidence. `Fortune-tellers, we' are in-
singing; especially the beautiful solo
of Mr. •Sibthorpe, of Blyth.
-Mr, and Mrs.J. Kaiser and Mr. and
Mrs. ,Earl Kaiser, of Detroit, visited
friends 'here last week.
Austin and 'Norman Wheeler, of
Detroit, spent last week -end with
their parents here,
Mr. A. Aikenhead and daughter
Agnes, of London, Mr. H. Aikenhead
' r and
and sen Bruce, of �Vindso ,
W. .Bell, df Detroit, were Sunday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. - H.
errs o
Mr. and Mrs. Archie McKay, from
Guelph, motored to our burg last
week to spend a few days with friends
here. •
Mr. Charles 'Regele is busy building
bridges over the Rapien drain on the
Canada Co. pasture lands north of
here, to accommodate cattle eros -
sing the drain, so they will not dam-
age the banks.
Mr. Leslie •Weiterson has returned
from Detroit, ',where he has been en-
gaged in the real estate 'business, and
intents to remain with his parents for
the summer months to help work the
Mr. and Mrs. F. Mack from Roch-
ester, N.Y., motored here over the
week end to visit her sister, firs, P.
Eckart, and to visit at her old O'Con-
nor lrorne in 'Hibbert, before return-
Wedding bells will ring when Miss
Cotilda Eckert and Mr• Peter Mal-
oney will be married the middle of
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Desboura, of
Detroit, called on friends here this
The council ',net on Wednesday,
tate 26th May at 10 o'clock a,m, to
hold court of revision on the assess-
ment roll,wtvith the Reeve as chair-
man. The asbessment o lot 16, con.
7 was reduced $500 owing to the
dwelling house being destroyed by
fire. The assessment of lot 30, con.
2. was reduced $100. The east half
of lot 13, con, 1, was assessed to Ken-
netlt Raley, and the north half of
the west half of lot 12, con. 1, was as-
sessed to Irvine Aikens. The court
then adjourned till the 16th 'June to
deal with other changes to be made
in the roll. General business was ta-
ken up at one o'clock p.m., and Bylaw
No. 278, for borrowing $1,000 and the
issue of debentures for same dor S,S.
No. 1, was read three tines and final-
ly passed, Bylaw Nos. 276 and 277,
respectively, were read a second and
third time and finally passed. The
Robinson Drain Bylaw, No. 279, was
read a first time and .provisionally
adopted. The following tenders for
the Geary and ;McMillan drain con-
tracts were received:
Geary. Me M,
$'1400 $2970
735 3347
798 3188
1150 2500
1400 3800
John Dwyer
Ed. Murray
J. M. Gaffney
W. Connolly
M. Connolly
F. Curtin
T -he
Neptunite Varnish
Neptunite Varnishes have the distinction of being
the onlyVarnish made that can withstand the heat of
a hot iron on its surface. They will not turn white,
crack under the hammer test or show heel marks.
They produce a beautiful finish and cost less than most
good varnishes.
't .•
b4 s11MISS' 4
it =.> ;•,
ala.... --,17...,%40,..;;0y. !
d.o,"=" ,,
paint with Lowe
"High Standard"
Paint, It costa ap-
1/4 cent per
foot. That is another
of saying that per joband
which should always be
measure of your Paint
Painting coats, High
is the most eco-
r l paint you can buy.
reason is found in its
high quality.
( d�/
For Interior
a liquid oil
use. Meilotone
`! :}l
- 4�+
• 1 t
, f nt ��
'"- � :;
Decoration, is
paint ready for
combines all
durable ole-
mento of a lead
oil paint
with the delicate
beauty o4 a
b water paint. it
is washable with
soap and water.
Dries overnight to
gloss enamel finish.
smooth that it requires
scrubbing —• light
will keep it always
and clean. Anyone
va pe py y it. Is
retaining its fin °
ieh for an ea
eeptlonally long 1'
a high -
It is so
c a n
_ %
Is a high grade Varnish-
Stain for Floors, Trim and
Woodwork of all kinds.
Varnishes and Stains in one
ea s y operation.
The stain colors
.st are non -fading. It
. r `'_ has splendid
'" is 1 wearing qualities
" to dais ply cry easy
amateur can renew
the finish of hecar with
Auto -Gloss. It only takes a
few hours to do it It is an
easy flowing enamel of ex-
eeedingly high
gloss and dux -
ability. It 'ii'J >!l!
flows out s.
evenly, leaving I f� ;
no brush- ' 61 a
marks or over-
"High Standard" Paint is a
pure lead and oil paint. it
dries to a beautiful high-
two gloss fitatosh that four years lons ger
than any so-called cheap
L6eoA0 Sills& Sons
The community was saddened on
Wednesday when it becante known
that Mrs, '.Robert Murdoch had pass-
ed away shortly before three o'clock
that morning. Mrs. Murdoch had
been in failing health for some time
and had been confined to bed the
past six months during which time
she had suffered severely. The pati-
ence and fortitude with which she
bore her suffering were the constant
admiration and marvel of those who
knew how great was her trial, Jane
Boyd Martin was born sixty-eight
years ago on the 2nd ,concession,
73. R. S„ Tuckersmith, daughter of.
James and Margaret Taylor Martin;
moving to the 4th 'concession, L. R.
5., where she lived until her 'marriage
to Mr, Robert Murdoch on August
24th, 1887, and since then had been a
resident of Brucefield. Besides her
husband, she is survived by three
children, Mrs. William McKenzie,
Stanley; Jean, at home; Andrew, of
Detroit. One daughter, Elizabeth,
predeceased her some years .ago Six
sisters at}d'two'brothers also survive,
Misses Maggie, Isabel and Jessie
Martin at hone; Mrs, Louis Tebbut,
Tuckersmibh; Mrs, Hugh ,McLachlan,
Stanley; Mrs, Luff, 'Hamilton; Wil-
liam and John at home, A sister and
brother predeceased her, Mrs. Jno.
this Summer will be ever so much more enjoyable
if you save for it now. Open a savings
aend cco nt
with us, add a little each month
HEAD Off'icE
�;r Y't7,ry7ARl0 GOVERNMENT
o .1
14 Other B ranches Throughout Ontario.
spring and. Summer Clothes
are important these bright and sunny days. Now is the time
that every man, woman and child wants to look their best. We
are more than ready to help him or her do it.
Another Consignment of Young
Men's Suits Have Arrived
New patterns and shades
for both men and young
men bought at a wonder-
ful price. A suit to
suit every man's pocket
Double breasted and sin-
gle breasted models to
fit every typeof man•
$ 13.95 to $25.00
50 Only Boys' Suits
in the newest patterns just received,
suit has two bloomers.
Straw Hats
An immenae showing of the very latest shapes
in sailors and other shapes—Sennets, Flat -
Foots, Yeddos, Leghorns, Panamas, Togos.
Many with colored bands,
$1,50 to $4.00
Charmingly New Dresses
Each model exqu sitely
defining the newer styles
for midsummer wear.
Many are developed from
soft clinging georgettes
while others are of taffeta.
fancy silks and other ma-
terials, which lend them -
seine so admirably in
designing. Wonderful
assortment of colors.
$8.95 to $29.50
Fancy Crepe Dresses
Just received. All sizes. See window
Misses', Ladies' and Girls'
wash dresses of many colors and patterns
Men's Fancy Sox
a wonderful large showing—all new goods--
oods -many patterns to choose from -
35c. 50c, 65c, 75c to
It Costs Little To Pre$s , Well At