HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1926-05-13, Page 4THE SEAFORTH NEWS.
The sound of the earpef•bcater is
heard from aI parts of the village
those days.
''Many frons this district 'attended
the funenal of Mt: J. Morrison on
Friday of last week.
The saw mill leas dosed for a short
Mies, Met), Duncanson is visiting.
met at the home of Miss Maggie hostess hat, in her usual high order
with het.het.stater, Mrs. R. Campbll.
'Mr. and Mrs. E. Hackweil and
children .spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. F. Hackwell.
Kelly on Thursday of last week. made' ready, and it need .hat be said
Mr. and Mrs. E. Radford visited that every one again did justice, Af
friends in. Clinton on Sunday, ter this function Mr. and Mrs, J H.
r McLaughlin , were called to the sit
tingeroom, where the•' following was
read by Mr. Jas. Watt:
Mrs. W. 'Ii. McCravin 'has not been
enjoying her usual good health of
Tile ladies of St. George's Church
Greater "Quality at Low Cost" Nowwe offer you.
the finest Chevrolet in Chevrolet history a car
so smooth— so effortless, so powerful that its per-
formance can be compared only with much higher
priced cars.
Learn about these improvements --Ask for de-
R H. SPPRtM T, Dealer
Phone 57 W.
q/ \ ,1 .. Platt carefully the spend-
\ in of your income and set
esea., $ aside a definite amount as
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- place
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Choose a
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evith us is guaranteed by
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p account draws interest.
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HEAD OFFICE v+i E, ^+HPr 15 QueE1!s PARK
14 Other B ranches Throughout Ontario.
The manyfriends of Mr. Harry
Skinn, of New Liskeard; will be sorry
to hear that he suffered a slight stroke
a short time ago,
Mr. W. H. S'holdice has invested
in a Ford touring car. Looks as
though he intends to take more than
one out for those Sunday evening
Messrs. • Win. 'McCune - and Thos.
Archibald attended the' - funeral of
Mrs. J. W. King, of Bluevale, last
Master 'Godkin spent the week -end
in Toronto.
Mr. Jahn Crozier alas purchased a
new iFordson tractor.
Mr. Russell 'Barrows fihisked his
seeding this week. Well : done,
Russell 1
Master Bob Campbell is laid up
with the flu, but is improving nicely.
Messrs. George Wheatlley and 'Ru's-
sell Bolton were in .London on
Thursday last:
Miss S, Driscoll spent Tuesday
with Mrs. A, Cuthill
Miss Evelyne Elliott spent the
week -end in Walton.
The W.M.S. and Ladies' Aid Society
of Duff's church •met on Wednesday
afternoon of this week at Mrs, 'Dave
Duff's 'church annual .garden party,
the event of the season; has been set
for Tuesday, July 6th. ,
There were special Mothers' Day
services held in. Duff's'chureh on Sun-
day. The church was 'beautifully
decorated with the many flowers
which were brought for the occasion:
Quite a number of cars have been
stuck in the very deep mud on Ben-
nett's hill, east of 'Walton, 'lately.
Messrs. ''Phomas Dodds and A.
Dolmage of McKillop both had the
misfortune to lose a valuable •horse.
last week owing to the haat. It is re-
markable that such a thing would
happen this year, but the occasional
very hot days are hard on the hot ees
just starting the spring work.
Mr. W. 'G. McSpadden is tractor
plowing J on the farm of Mr. J. G.
Grieve, recently 4eased' by Mr, John
Dear Mr. and Mrs. McLaughlin,—
It is with great pleasure teat we,
your friend's and neighbors, have as- BRIICEFIELD. .
sampled this evening to celebrate Mr, and Mrs. A. Murdoch and data -
your wedding anniversary and to ex ghter Flora Jean, of .Detroit spent
tend hearty congratulations. Twenty Sunday 'with the fortner''s _parents,
years ago today you were united in Mr. and Mrs. R. fortnere, of our
the holy bonds 'of matrimony and village.
since :that felicitious occasion you The many faiends of Mies Grace
have truly and faithfully carried out
the sequisttes for a happy married Addison will 'be glad to sce;her out
life. .In this 'Connection we are re- Mrn., and Mrs. J, 'aeattenbury and
minded of the following verse: daughters, of Hamilton spent
visited Mrs, F, Innis, on Tuesday.
' i preparing
i s r.
'Wire I2um hr es P g
Mr, Wn P P,
to .build a• garage.
Mr, Fry intends to reside at Wal-
ton ,`hotel. the ,has bought Wm.
Humphries' 'inplement shop for a
store room,
Mrs: Enoch Clark is sewing near
Brussels for a few weeks,
We are wedded now, my darling, said e,the
the husband to the bride, week -end •with friends here.
And henceforth we'll go together "on Mr. and Mrs. Wm,s Do
life's journey side by side; Sunday with .friends' in Hensalle
We must bear each other's burdens, Sneak thieves broke into the sere
'help each other when we can; vice station of Bruce Berry some
Wed to make life happier, brighter, time between midnight Saturday
eight and Sunday morning. They
each must for the other plan, ,bored a 'hale in the do'or and picked
Known to many of us.praetfcally the lock, broke into the till, taking
all your life, you, Jim, are regarded some $55 in cash, and 'also took inner
as a jolly, whole-souled, 'honored add tubes and other supplies. It seems
respected citizen of the community, time such metiers should be investi-
and you, Mrs. McLaughlin, though gated..
coming a bride among strangers have, g There wasa good attendance at the
by your many •graces, won a place in United Church both in Sunday school
the affection of all who''have had the and church Sunday morning. Go -to -
pleasure of your acquaintance. This Sunday School service was held in
home, from whichgoes out sympathy,
the basement and Mothers' service
kindness and help, is noted in the in the auditorium
neighborhood for its hospitality and •Remember the Odd Fellows service
royal entertainment: Many a time next Sunday evening.-
we have done justice to the bounty .The many ,friends of Miss Greta
Of good things provided to eat and Mustard, who has..'been seriously ill
the +fact that the. groom has thrived in Clinton hospital, will be pleased to
sowell is ample testimony to the know she is improving.
truth of the statement that the bride Miss Eleaor'Snider was in London
is a first class artist 'in the culinary on .Monday of this week. _.
department. Now, on this special oc- Rev. R. Fulton Irwin, of North
oasion, we bring. you.' greetings; we Side United Church, Seaforfh, will
wash you abundance of the things occupy the pulpit of Brucefield Unit -
worth while; we hope that you may ed Church on.Sabbath morning, ex -
be long spared to each other; and we changing pulpits with Rev. C. ,Gore
pray that God will richly 'bless you don Armour, ^who mill prcaoh to the
in the years to come, Bru cefield Odd ,Fellows in the even -
Mr. and Mrs. McLaughlin were ,
taken by surprise, but 12r. J H, Mc tnMother's day—Mr. Armour •preach -
Laug'hlin, on behalf of Mrs. Mc -
ed to a large congregation on Sun -
Laughlin and himself, collected his day morning from the text, "Behold
wondering. thoughts, and in a brief Thy Mother." The setting for the
Mothers' 'gowned choir was very
beautiful, the 'front of the church be-
ing banked with hundreds of sunny
daffodils, marsh marigolds and yel-
low violets.
THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1926,
he Cui. Of Your Clothes
That Counts
but exceptionally well selected man -
(Intended for last week.) her, thanked his friends for their
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McLaughlin presence in helping them to celebrate
celebrated their 20th anniversary on at this special anniversary occasion,
Monday evening, May 2nd, 1926. and that the numerous end well sel-
Early in the •evening the invited erred gifts would be long a reminder
guests came, mostly by ear, bring- pule always the true friendshipexist iwhich chcheea hopeds d
i'.g with them good:cheer, until the come. Then followed a recitation en -
e -m n numbered nearly one iaun-
+ red. Soon the musicallstniins rang titled "When Pa is Sick," by Eileen
.':rough the 'house, from the experts, McLaughlin; instrumental by Mrs.
:•:r. and Mrs. B. Allen of+Harlock, Redford, song by Mrs. P. 'B..Gardin-
and others, That the music all through er song by E Rowland. Then the
the entire evening was of such an ex-
ceptionally good quality that the
company was kept in more than or-
dinary high spirits, is enani'fest by
the large dancing room being kept
crowded continuously. Then at mid-
night the 'company sat down to par-
take of the:good things 'whic'h the Mrs. L. 'Campbell, of—Brussels,
Mrs. E. A. Featherstone and dau-
ghter Doris, who have spent the
winter with the farmer's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Parker, left on Sat-
urday to make their home in London.
company, once more Jubilant in dance Mrs., George King was called to
and game, until they- were loath to London last week owing to the sud
helieve the fact that the gray .dawn den death of her brother, Mr. Isaac
was 'corning, and each one left 'for 111 Burr. The funeral took place in
their homes, thanking Mr. and Mrs. Clinton on Tuesday last.
MdLsstughtin and wishing' them malty Mrs. D. Harrison, Mr. Ross Har -
returns of the occasion: rison and Miss Jean Harrison and
Miss Muriel 'Routledge, of Goderich„
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
George King.
Lowe Brothers Liquid Paint costs approximately I/2c per square
root. This is another way of saying that "job cost," which should
always be the measure of your painting cost, "High Standard" is
the most economcal paint you can buy.
The reason is to be found in its the
high quality, the
fineness to which it is ground and the purity of materials used..:
It gives a very high gloss. Wears evenly
for years and comes ready for use in thirty
handsome shades, and is very easy to apply.
Try it when next you paint.
Price -c. Sq. Ft.
Varnish -Stain
Make scarred or faded furniture like new
with this splendid Varnish Stain. It Is ex-
ceptionally easy to apply and dries to a
beautiful minor -like gloss that is free from
stickiness, It retains its beauty for a sur-
prisingly long time and does not fade.
Splendid for floors, furniture and woodwork.
r o r graining — beautiful
effects, representative of the
grain of handsome hard-
woods can be obtained with
Neptunite Graining Com-
pound finished with Varnish
stain. Comes in six attrac-
tive shades.
Neptu lr ite Varnish
Lowe Brothers Neptunite Varn-
ishes..are ideal for either Exterior or
Interior use.
They have the distinction of being the
only varnishes made that have successfully
withstood the heat froth a Hot Iron on
their surface. They will not
turn white, crack under the
hammer, test, or show heel
marka. Ice, snow or rain
have no effect on them. They
produce a remarkably beeeitt-
ful finish; they wear longer
and cost less than most good
rah Floor Paint
Is Specially made to withstand the
extreme hard usage to which a ver-
andah floor is subjected. The scrap-
ing of, feet and verandah furniture
will not affect this finish when prop-
erly applied. It will stand up under
the rigours of the weather and pre-
serve your verandah floor for years.
Like all Lowe Brothers Products,
Porch Floor Paint is very economical.
It is easily applied and a pint of this
paint will go almost as far as a quart
of most any other so-called "cheap"
exterior floor paint.
Porch Floor Paint is made in a
splendid range of colors, one of which
is sure to please
]Mellotone Wall Paint
Walls that are finished with Mello -
tone need never be marred with
finger prints or dust spots. Mellotone
is washable, it may be washed with
soap and water just as often as
necessary without injury to its deli-
cately beautiful flttish. Mello -
tone combines all the durable
qualities of an outside paint
with the soft, attractive rest
tones that are so much de-
sired by particular people.
Mellotone is so easy to
apply and lasts so long that
its first cost is practically
negligible. Comas in 16
beautiful shades.
Hard Drying Floor Paint
This is the floor paint that does
away with the back breaking drud-
gery of scrubbing. Simply mop this
high gloss finish and you have a floor
to be proud of.
Hard Drying Floor Paint is a floor enamel'
of exceptional toughness.
It dries over night with a
glossy and elastic surface
that will stand an y
amount of wear and will
not chip off or crack.
Made in a variety of
popular colors, ready for
Mr. Kenneth Moerehouse, of Lon-
don, is spentling.a few weeks in his
Mr. T. Orr and son Jack; of Strat-
ford, spent the week -end at their
Mr, and Mrs. Jas. McMillan, Miss
Helen McMillah and Mr. Jas. Mc-
Millan, Jr., spent the week -end et
their summer cottage.
Miss Annie McCurdy and Messrs.
Robt. and Thomas McCurdy, of
Stratford, arrived on Monday to
spend the summer.
Dr. and Mrs. N. B. Alexander, of
London, spent Sunday at their cot-
Mr. and Mrs.' John Pease and.
daughter have returned to the vil-
lage, having spent a year in London
and are _occupying the residence of
Mrs. Pease' grandmother, the late
Mrs. McEwen.
.The Senior Guild' of Trinity Church
met at the .home of Mrs. H. R. Mc-
Kay on Thursday last, After the 1
business meeting had been closed,
Mrs, McKay served a dainty lunch.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Willis and Dr.
and Mrs. E. T. 'White and son Louis
spent Sunday at their summer resid-
ences. --
Dr. and Mrs. Xing, Miss Betty
King and friends of Detroit, spent
the" week -end at the former'•s summer
There will be a Presbyterian ser-
vice in the Town Hail on Sunday ev-
ening at 7 o'clock p.m. A cordial
invitation is extended to all.
The many friends of Mrs. 'Colclough
will be pleased to know she is stiri
improving and will be able to leave
the hospital in a few days.
Friday, being Arbor day, was well
observed in our school. The teacher
and children spent a pleasant after-
noon in the bush.
Mrs. Chas. Johnston attended the
funeral of her late .uncle, Mr. iHay-
ter, ,iwho resided in .Stephen.
Mr, and Mrs. M. Elliott attended
the funeral' of the late John Morris
son, a resident of McKillop
Our villagers were somewhat sur-
prised and alarmed to know Mr.
Epps' garage had been raided Sat-
urday night. Auto tires, batteries and.
$20 in cash, in all amounting to $125,
were taken. 'It is to be hoped the
miscreants may be captured and spume
fished severely.
Mr. Will Johnson and mother, in
company with Cecil Wylie, :left for,
,Flint last Friday.
Gaderich .Signal: A long and active
life was brought to a close by the
death on Thursday, April 29th, of
Mr. George Thompson, in his 86th.
year. Mr. Thomson had ,beets in fail-
ing 'health for several ,years. He was
born in Bnantford township in 1841,
and for same time in his early life
lived in the 'township of Tucker -
smith. In 1876 he went to Zetland,
near Wingharn, and engaged exten-
sively and successfully in the 'lumber
business. In 1896 he, came to ,Gode-
rich. and in connection with some
local business men established the
Goderich Lumber Co., whose mill at
the harbor was a busy place for some
years. Since this mill: ceased opera -
What every man is looking for.
These ` rare unfinished worsteds
that tailor so beautifully and wear
so unusually well. Ask to see the
new:models. They come in many
rich and exclusive effects; dark blues
smoke greys and many tan shades.
17.50 to $35.00
Our stock of Men's and Boys' Shirts, Pyjamas, Hose, Under-
wear, Sweaters, Neckwear, Belts, Fancy Pocket Handkerchiefs
Collars, Hatt and Caps are complete. ; -See our window.
Dresses That Are Different
and vivid ill charm
as it. is authoritative.
a varied and ion
' They are made of georgette, taffeta, satin, crepe -de -chine, flat
crepe and sport material in all the colors and black.
Individual models to suit the woman of conservative taste
and gaiety of youth. Priced conspicuously low for such values
$4.95 to $27.50
20 per cent Reduction
On Ladies' Spring
Have you a Coat Problem? Here
is the answer in this inunense show-
ing of coats.
Conservative coats for wide' useful-
ness. Original distinctive coats for
gala occasions. Coats of quiet eleg-
ance for the older women,
It costs little to Dress Well at R. J. GIBB'S
Get That
Piano Now
Experience has taught us that an 8 year old child will
develop in music better and also easier than any other'
time in life. A good religious training with music go hand
in hand with a moderateschool and home training and will
place any child in the highest ranks of society' the -world over.
,Start your children right by installing one of my
I am safe in saying right here you will get the best
grade of good procurable at prices lower than at Eaton's,
with the guarantee of satisfaction or no sale. Also we give
you Fall tertris, if you - prefer.
Your old piano, organ or phonograph taken in part
Pianos in stock at all times.
Jonathan B. Hugill
PHONE 34-616.
tions, Mr. Thomson had continued
his connection withthe lumber busi-
ness in various capacities. He was
also .reeve of Turnberry for several
terms, In 1860 be married Mary
Willis, 'who died in 1923 after they
had been privileged to celebrate their
golden 'wedding and diamond wed-
ding anniversaries. Four sons and
two daughters survive: Frederick, of
Alberta; • Lewis, of Manitoba; Henry
of Wingham, and Rev. A. E. M.
Thomson, who is president .of the
London Conference of :@he United
Chunch; Mrs. Ada Walters and Mrs.
W. iHern, of town, The deceased
was a lifelong member of the Metho-
dist church, The remains were laid
at rest in Maitland cemetery on 'Sat-
urday morning All the members of
the 'Family were Present except two
sons in 'the West, and others in at-
tendance were Mrs. Moody, of Bruce -
field; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thomson
and Mrs. Wm, Alexander, of Kippen.