HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1926-05-06, Page 8HF,NS,FII.L.
74, .Bella Smalee 72 Eleanor Be11 ;71,
Misa,'riorence,Welsh, of Londopr,, Norinan: McKay -66 Roy Brock ,63e,
Harold AP•pieton 56, •'Sr. II., Harold"'
Sherriet 79, Ray, Paterson. 7-3, Mabel
Fee 70, Lotne Elder 67, 'john Mee -
Kay ' 67, Lloyd -Lindenfield 66, Jack
Young.63, Mary Hemphill 63, Hugh
McDougal 63, Ielett Glenn 62; ; Har-
vey Hudson 6t, J6hn Farquhar 60,
Edith Wolf 58, Robert Fasstnore 58,
Stewart' Bell 57„Viola Hildebrandt 56,
Margaret Kenaiiegs 52, Kornelius Fe-
her 45, Thomas Smale 33.-M. `A.
Ellis, 'teacher.*
Council Meeting. -= The regular'
monthly meeting of the. village coun-
cil was lfeld in the council chamber
on Tuesday evening, all .the members
being present. The reeve occupied the
chair. • The minutes of the last meet-
ing were read and adopted on motion
of Campbell and 'Higgins, Mrs. Bute
lard appeared before the council and
asked for rebate of $8.72,, that :she
paid on the Queen street dram. It
seenis that two years ago some of
the ratepayers on Queen street asked
permission from the council to dig a
drain on the north sided of Queen
street, the council to amply the tile
and the ratepayers to do the work,.
which was agreed to. Some of the
ratepayers helped dig the dram 'thei-
selves,, others ,paid in their share tnd
Mrs. Bullard paid in $8.72 under pro-
test that "tote drain was doing her no
good whatever, and •that she could
not drain into it, and has been
threatening to take action against
the town for d'ama'ges. 'Strictly -speak-
ing, it was up to, the ratepayers of
Queen street to pay back this money
to Mrs. 'Bullard; but. as -it .would open
the .whole question again, it was de-
cided that it would be better for the
council to make the rebate. Mr. Col-
in Hudson, the assessor • of the vil-
lage, returned the assessment 'roll,
which was accepted by the council
and the assessor ordered to be. paid,
It teas moved' by Robert Higgins, sec-
onded by Chris. Campbell, , that a
Court of Revision be held on Tuesday
evening, May 25th, at eight o'clock,
to 'hearany appeals against the as-
sessment roll. Mrr McLaren asked
permission to erect a gas pump at the
front of his store on Main street. Per-
mission 'vas:granted, the -work to be
done under the supervision (of Camp-
bell and Higgins. The Council de-
cided to make a tour of •the streets on
Thursday afternoon to see whar'i• was
to be done during etheeesurismer
months. A communication was read
from the Clerk of Colborne township,
caking the council. , to .petition t e
Government to raise the gasoline tax
for highway purposes to six cents a
gallon, instead of .three, and- to lower
the license fee 30 per cent. Some one
seems to be boosting this movement
through the province, h rovince but
the coun-
cil decided to take no action. The
total ,assessment for the village for
1926 is $419,683; t'he population 786,
or 17 less than last year,. and •there are
28 dogs in the village. Before the
meeting closed Mr, 'Higgins brought
up the matter of better fire protection
for 'the village, claiming thtik a vil-
lage like 'Heneall with, over half a
million dollars' worth of property,
was at the mercy of every fire, and
especial)' on the black streets where
there is no water. In case of a fire
here, there is no wday to protect the
village. The owner loses his build-
ing and 'the chances are he would not
rebuild. The town also loses its
revenue in the 'way of ttaxation. The
village of Hensel] h'as made itself re-
sponsible for a large sum of money,
which it has spent in the way of pub-
lic improvements, and everything
should be done to protect the prop-
erty of the village. Mr. Higgins was
in favor of a chemical engine as the
most economical way of protecting
the village, and moved, esconded by
Robert McArthur, that a committee
be appointed, composed. of 'Reeve
Geiger, Councillor Priest , and„ Clerk
Murdock to take up the matter of bet-
ter fire protection for the village.and
report to the council at the June',
meeting. A suitable engine can be
purchased and the money borrowed
and spread over a term of five years,
and it would never be noticed in our
tax rate. A number of accounts were
ordered paid. The meeting finally
adjourned to meet again on May 25th,
es the Court of Revision.
Mr. Lee Hedden left Tuesday even-
ing for St. Catharines where he will
wvork .for a short time.
At time of writing we are informed
that on Tuesday evening while work-
ing on his farm, Mr. Stewart Mc-
Queen was hurt in a runaway ac
visited -bee, parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Thos. Welsh, over the week -end.
Mi. and Mrs. Jas. Lagan, , who
. vent last winter in 1Florida,r have re-'
turned homy and are spending a short
lime visiting friends herd' The wea-
ther was %very warm when they left
Florida, and find: quite a change up
Miss Anna Richardson, of London,
visited her• parents west of the vil-
lage over the week -end.
Mr. Johee)Fisher is confined to his
home through illness.
Mr. 'Orville Twitchell' was taken to
Seaforth orth hospital on .Saturday even-
,ung where he was operated on for ap-
Mr.. and Mrs. Roy Weber `•are
spending a few days: this week visit-
ing .friends in Detroit.
Mr." John MdDougall, , who has
been conducting a tailoring business
here last yeer intends closing up his
shop, .and moving with his .family •to
Hamilton where' he intends going into
io is con
Dohs:. e Alice Joynt fined to
her 'home -with a severe attack of the
influenza. •
Quite a nutiiber, front,. ,here spent
Sunday at diet Bend,
An amusing accident'occurr$d to
well known resident of the 2nd cot -
session of Hay while in town. on ,Fri-
day last, 'He was talking to Reeve
Geiger down near `Tile !Globe" bill
board and was •most likely discussing
the customs scandals at Ottawa,
when in his excitement he put his
pipe in his hip pocket. Presently
'smoke began to appear, and the Reeve
noticed the fire, Mr. Geiger went to
put the fire out with the same energy
that he puts into a municipal election
in January, and succeeded, apparent-
ly in putting it out. But as our
friend rfrom-Hay'was going across to
the New Commercial sheds to get his
horse, it avas noticed that he was still
smoking away, making about as
much smoke as the C. N. R. engines
coming up the railway track, and try-
ing to keep face to face with all the
ladies .he met.
The many -friends of . Mrs. Alex,
Sparks will be sorry to 'hear that she
had a stroke last week. At time of
writing, she is somewhat improved.
Mrs. Thos. Sherritt, Sr.,,suffered a
severe stroke on Sunday last.
Mrs. John Zuefle has been confined
to her home with la grippe. _
Miss Evelyn Heffernan visited Mist
Bertha Corbett, of Hay, over Sunday.
Miss M. Ellis visited relatives in
Goderich on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Albert 'Whiteside and
Miss Jean, of . Goderich, visited
friends in town on Sunday.
The meeting of the Young People's
League of the United Church was
held on Monday evening with Miss
Elva Shaddock presiding. The .meet-
ing was opened by the singing of a
hymn, atter which Mr. Ortwein led
in prayer. The Scripture lesson, I.
Corinthians, 13th chapter, was read.
alternately, after which the secretary
read the minutes of the last meeting.
Mrs. 'Hugh McEwan in a very table
manner gave the topic on "Influence."
A solo by Mrs, Lee Hedden and a
reading by Miss Viola Higgins were
greatly enjoyed by all present.
Mrs. Abraham, who has been here
kr several years looking after her
aunt, Mrs. McKay, and since Mrs.
,McKay's death, has been straighten-
ing up her estate left on Tuesday
morning for her home in Portland,
The church services on Sunday teat
were largely attended, At the United
Church in the morning a large crowd
was present, Rev, A. Sinclair occupy-
ing his own pulpit. On account of
the Anniversary service in the Pres-
byterian church the evening service in
the United Church and Anglican
Church were withdrawn. At the
Presbyterian church Rev, Mr. Gil-
mour, of London, preached anniver-
sary sermons both morning and even-
ing to large congregations, and on
Monday evening, 'Rev. Mr. Nelson, of
Hamilton, gave his lecture entitled,
"The Open Windows of the 'British
Mrs. 'E. Fines, of Clinton, visited
friends in town on Tuesday,
Baseball Club Organizes. -A well
'attended meeting of 'Hensall baseball
enthusiasts was 'held at the Com-
emrcial hotel on Thursday evening
last for 'the purpose of electing :offi-
cers'for'thiTseason. After a few min -
sites of free discussion the meeting.
was called to order and Mr, L.
Mickle appointed Chairman for the
evening. The following is a list af.
the newly elected officers: Hon, Pres.
Mr. Owen `Geiger; ,president, Mr. E.
Drummond; vice-president, Mr, 3.
•Passmore; secretary, Mr. H, Scruton;
treasurer, Mr. I. McLaughlan; mana-
ger, .l{r L. Mickle• coach Dr, G.
'Knapp; mascot, Scott Welsh. Ar ad'e
dition to t'he above-named officers an
executive committee of five was el-
ected consisting of Messrs. J, Bolton,
D. Brintnell, Dr. Camp,hell, D. M'c-
.iKnnon and N.Reicliant. A grounds
committee, whose duty it is to get
the ball ,park iu shape was also elect-
ed. Those on said committee are
-Messrs. Owen Geiger, T. 'Welsh, N.
.Shaffer, T. Shaddock and C. Moore.
,Mr, Fleming, Dr. Knapp and the
president were elected delegates to
,the league convention, Mr. J. Pat-
erson's generous offer of a Locker in
which to store the team's :property,
was accepted, The meeting then ad-
On Friday evening a preparatory
service will be 'held. in. the United
church, Rev. Andrew Boa will give
the address. The elders will meet at
7.30, '
Next Sunday is Mother's Day in
'lie' United church. A mother's choir
will lead the singing. The sacrament
of the Lord's Supper will be adminis-
tered at the morning service.
Next Tuesday the congregational
meeting will be held in the United
church at which reports of all the de-
partments,of the Church will be given.
The anniversary cif the church wilt' be
heldion:,Mayeatled. Rev. W D.,'Mc
Deetald .of•,.E.gm tedesiile, will• he .thes'pecial' "speaker..`,,
Report Rdtitti 88., Mar. and April -
Jr, 1'11„ Alice 'Higgins 85 per Bent.,
Marion M'dKay 81, Aldou Appleton
THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1926.
More than :ever before cheek price,
for price,value for value, and you
will buy a ehevrolet._
Three Speed transmission Speedometer, Alemite lubrica-
tion system, Duco finish', Fisher bodies, . Balloon tires,
Automatic windshield wiper Be sure and see them at
1-4 :.. I' Dealer
Phone57 W."
Mrs. Jtames Gilmour, -Mrs. Ray Hest- the United Church - next Sunday
ings, Mr. John McBurney, Mrs. Bert. morning and a special service will he
Martin, Mr. James Wiley and Miss .heldin the Sunday School to n{arlc
"GoetesSunday-SS`ie neo! t, day; •
The Blues had charge 'of'the-Con-
secration meeting. Although . -they
are not mighty in numbers they. cer-
tainly are mighty in ability. and pr6v
ed the old_ adage again that "it, is
Quality,. not numbers, that counts."
Their leader, Miss Alice Mustard, oc-
cupied .the 'chair and opened the
meeting by singing ,hymn 554. All
repeated the Lord's prayer in •unison,
The ,Scripture lesson was: Psalm 8:
After.:hymn^ 556 was, Sung, Miss Anna
Mustard led in prayer. Miss Jean
Murdock .favored :"us with a 'pleasing
solo. The topic entitled -"Steward-
ship of our Physical Life," was-ably
by Miss Anna •'Haugh. Miss
Anna Mustard brought up two ques-
tions ;for •discussions, Mr. . Wallace
Haugh gave a short outline on "Tem-
perance," its . true meaning and its
real . relation 10 - all things.- Miss
T•repe Snider gave. a reading. entitled
"Gwen''s 'Canyon '.from the Sky Pilot.
After, singing hymn,:587,. the meeting
closed by all repeating the Mizpa'h
Benediction. :Fifteen•eReds, thirteen
Whites, seven 'Blues, . and seventeen
visitors were present. The iW'hitos
have chiarge of 'the next meeting.
The Spring' weather 'has been very
backward and 'feed very scarce. This
is causing a great deal of worry to
many farriers whose barns are nearly
The youth, no matter what age, tare
busy at the we'll -favored sport of
spearing suckers at present from the
near -by streams.
Mr. `Thos. Chapman sold several
fat cattle to Mr. Hicks, of Centralia
last week.
Jean, Mrs. John, Wiley end. G
Wiley, of-Wingham Mts. Isabella
Spear, and -Mrs. ' Wm. Spear, , Mr.
3lugh McDougall and Mr. ;Rtiesell
Hastings', of Highgate; Miss Mary
Gilmour, of Cleveland, Ohio.
The following •from.Mottday's Free
Press refers to a fire at the residence
of Mr. J. McClary, Nilestown. Mr.
and' M-rs. McCtary were in Brucefield
Last week. atteredin.g the funeral of
their uncle, Mr. A.,T. Scott: "Fire
almost completely destroyed the -two-
story brick residence -of' J. McClary at
Niles.town early yesterday afternoon,
causing -a loss estimated .-at $4,000.
The roof and upper story •of the
dwelling were totally destroyed, as
was part of the lower floor. The
carrying sof most of the furniture from
the burning 'house .prevented a greeter
loss, The blaze, which started from
an overheated chimney, was un-
noticed by occupants of the hotise,
who were. eating :dinner. A passerby,
however, discovered it and etotified
members of the 'family. A call .for aid
was sent to, the 'London fire depart-
ment at 1.30 p.m and ,a'pumper from
No. 2 company responded, When fire-
men arrived . the roof was a mass of
flames. ,A line of 'hose was .hayed,
however, and after about two hours'
Work the blaze was ,brought under
control Firemen returned to the city
shortly after 5 p.m." .
The Tuxis Square have again been
very fortunate in securing the Ben -
miller Young People to put on their
new play, "The ,Village Lawyer.",
Many still have pleasant memories of
their play 'last year, and the many
well played parts. These players
have .already shown•their play a num-
ber of times this year, and by re-
ports, it is even better than their play
last year. So come to Walker's hall,
Friday, May 14th, at 8 o'clock and
you will not be disappointed. ,.,
Mr. W. Stackhouse, of the London
Road, has treated himself to a new
Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Atkenhead and
daughter Lillian, also Mr. and Mrs,
J. B. Aikcnhead, all of 'London, visit-
ed friends here last week and also At-
tended the funeral of their cousin,
Mrs. Hugh 'Gilmour,
Mrs. F. Burge underwent an opera-
tion for appendicitis in Seaforth his-
pital on Sunday. Her many friends
hope for a speedy recovery,
Mr. Ross Scott spent last Monday
in London.
Miss Helen Tough is visiting
friends in Seaforth.
Mr. James Logan, of Windsor, was
visiting friends in the vicinity last
The Rev. C. Mustard and Mr. and
Mrs. T. Mustard visited their father,
1tfr. Alex, Mustard last week.
Go to Sunday School Service end
Mother's Day will be observed in the
United Church on Sunday. A
Mother's 'Choir will provide music,
Mr. -George Swan has resumed his
duties at Brucefield station,
Choir Concert. -Many compliment-
ary rentlarks .have been received by
the augmented choir' on their pro-
gramme of sacred music given in
the auditorium of the United Church
on Friday evening last under the di-
rection of the Rev. and Mrs. C. Gor-
don Armour. The 'splendid audience
and the marked enthusiasm over the
varied choral numbers 'gave evidence
of genuine •appreciation of high-grade
music. Printed folders took the place
of a chairman and the gowned choir
of twenty-ehree voices very creditably
gave the following: numbers: "Awake
Up, My Glory" (Barnby); "Ave
Verum"-"Jesu, Word of God In-
tarnate" ('Goun' d); "How Long Wilt
Thou Forget Me, 0 "Lord" (Pfleug-.
er); `,'What Are These". (Stainer);.
Ye the Lord" (Roberts);."The
King of Love My Shepherd Is"
(Shelley) and "Still, Still With
Thee' (Fletcher). "The I3eaveuly
Song" (Gray) with soprano solo. was
given ;by Mr, and Mrs Armour, Miss
Leila Stackhouse and lv'1r. - jack
Ketchen land 'Barnby's "Conte and
See" by ,M•rs, Driver Miss 'Irene
Snider and Miss -Gladys Addison.
Mrs, Lundy, who was absent through
Meese, was unable to give her organ
solos. Miss Gladys Holland, of Sea-
ford), pupil of the late Miss Frances
Whiter, delighted -the audience with
her readings, 'the musical monologues
being sympathetically accompanied
by Dr. Rosa Savauge. Miss Eleanor
Snider made an able accompanist
for all the choir numbers. During an
interval on the program, several of
the choir owls took up the collection,
which amounted to $39.00. This' choir
has been invited to repeat its pro-
gram in the United Church at Kip -
pen at antatly date. Further are
uottncement cif this will be given
later. It was a .pleasure to see so
many music lovers from Seaforth.
Such 'encouragement is invariably sti-
mulating ;to- greater effort.
Horticultural Society, -Quite a con-
signment of perennial roots arrived
last week and were duly distributed
amoing the members. Word has
come frotn the shippers that the rest
of the stock will be there just as soon
tis the settled weather comes,
Motheris Day will, be observed in
All the community wasshocked to
hear of the death of Mrs. Hugh Gil-
mour on Wednesday, April 28th,
i-Ieeetfelt sympathy is extended to the
•bereaved family. Mrs. Gilmour had
not been in good health for over a
year, although not conitinuously a
sufferer. Margaret Isabella MacEwen
was born forty-six years ago on the
second concession of"Stanley, daugh-
ter of the late Duncan MacEwen and
Mrs. MacEwen, and 'held lived all her
life in the same neighborhood, t
January, 1924, she was enarried to her
now 'bereaved husband, who survives,
together with her mother and one
brdther, Mr. John A. MacEwen, She
htad been an active worker in the
Women's organizations of the church
until ill 'health interfered. The funeral
was 'held on Saturday afternoon and
was very largely ettended. Two
cousins officiated, Rev. John Mac-
Ewen, and Rev. Chas. Mustard, of
Toronto. The padilbearers • were also
cousins of the deceased, Messrs
(Hugh Aikcnhetad, Gregor McGregor,',
Will MacEwen, 'Walter Moffatt, Ar-
thur McQueen, T. B. Baird. The
floral tributes were many and heauti-
eul and included wrea'tlts'fr'oin Bruce -
field Odd •Fellows, and the neighbors,
end a spray from. Brucefield Kelly
Circle. Among those .from a distanch
who attended the 'funeral were: Mrs,
Ella Mustard, Chicago; Mr, and Mrs,
Thornton Mustard, Toronto; Mr, and
Mrs, John Aikcnhead, Mr. and Mrs,
Hugh Aikcnhead, London; Mrs.
David Wallet ' Mrs. Alex. Svf eGdlf-,
u,ray Williain 'and Gordon BFowtr,of.
Tiventon; T:`J, fl3roevne St 'Mary's;
Mr.' and Mrs. Will:Mopelell, ysfrs.
John Mundell of Windier's; Mr, and
r One of the early pioneers 'passed
away on Stttiday morning,' this 'be-
ing Mrs. McLeod who -had been ill
from pneumonia for only a few days.
Mrs. • McLeod, whose maiden name
was Isabel!, MaDopald, was horn in
the north of 'Scotland, but had Jibed
in Canada nearly :tall her life. She
was a kindly and. good. living woman,
and will be much missed by relatives,
and friends.
Mr. Thomas Leeming, `•who has
been ill for several months, is now
very weak and 'helpless.
Mr. William 'Leeming has purchas-
ed 50 acres.of land from Mr.. George
Dundas, being the east half of Lot 14.
on the 12th concession. Ha intends
using it for pasture. '
About noon on>Senday .?the resid-
ence of Mr. George Dundas was
burned down. The family have gone.
to reside with relatives and friends. .
Mr. J.. J. Irvine ,returned from To-
ronto last week' and now ocgupies his
summer ,residence. His address is at
present R.R. 2,,'Whlton. 9 e
It still continues cold and •backward
r Far-
merslittle or no' ploughing done. Fa,
mers 'teed not, despond. Mare seed-
ing -is i ften as''goo 'good, as th:_ t, clone;'b1
April, a good harvest ,,' .ending "on
.the weather in June en. illy._
"Mrs. Ratph. Elliott wishes to exe
press, her 5iheere thanks to the many
friends and neighbors 'for kindness
.during her bereaj✓ement..
We are glad to ,report that Miss
Jennie Chesney is recovering from -the
Mr. Thos. D4aytnigp had the mis-
fortune to lose a„valuable cow 'this
Miss Edna Strong -hae returned
home after spending a week withher
sister, Mrs. Ivan Forsyth, in Hibbert_
Several from this community at-
tended the funeral of the late Mrs.
Hugh Gilmour, of 'Stanley, on Sat-
urday afternoon last- Mrs. Gilmour.
died while undergoing an operation
for a goitre front which site .had suf-
fered for a year and a 'half. Much
sympathy is felt for the bereaved hus-
Some mean sneak thieves entered
the drive shed of Mr. Earl Sproat on
Saturday night last and stripped two
new toed tires off' his car and also
the rims. High Constable White -
sides ,has taken the matter up and
expects 'to make ate example of the
rascals soon.
Mrs. Lundy, of the Manse, has been
confined to her room the past week
suffering from an attack of flu. Her
many friends hope she will soon be in
her usual health again.
Mr. Emerson Kyle, .who has been
working in Detroit for some time, has
returned home and is assisting on the
farm again.
Sucker fishing has been in !full
swing for a 'week in the river and
some of the boys have made some
fine hauls.
Mrs. LAnndrew P. Joynt and family
wish to thank their friends and
neighbors for their .kindness and sym-
pathy in their recent bereavement;
also for their. 'beautiftil floral tributes.
An Assistant Matron -for the Huron
County Home at ',Clinton, Ontario.
Duties to eomitten'ce June ls.t or as
soon as possible thereafter.
Applications.receivgd by the'under-
signed until "May 26th.
Perecinal 'applications preferred.
JOHN TOR'RENCE, Ipspector,
19 Clinton,' Ont.
' Wednesday •May 5th.
Wheat, per bus, ., . ;. $1.35
Oats, per bus... .. .. 50c
Barley, per bus. 6C
Buckwheat, per bus . 5
Shorts, per .cwt.•., ......SP;
Bran, per cwtr. •51.
Eggs, per, doz.'.. a, ... , 18c-2
Butter, per ib .. 33c-3
Potatoes, per bag $2.
Hogse per cwt , $12,
'1''h' sician.'.'
pa and ,Surgeon. Late of'London •Hos-
75 pital,'London, '.England.;; 'Special -
65 attention ko'diseases of the eye, ear,
7c nose and 'throat. Office and ,;resid-
5c ence behind Dominion Bank. Office
.' 5;' csidence Plioi'e\ 106, ,,,
75 Phone No., R
"' D12 F J.BURROWS Seaford)
Office and residence, Godericit street,'
east of
the Methodist
t Chur h.Cor-
steers, coming 2 years, 1oast forthe County of Huron. Tele-
el -heifer
coining 2 years, tlso 1 yearling, Phone No. 40.
for 'sale .Apply to SAM STOREY,
Jr., lot 31, con,r5, McKillop. 19
• Pure bred Barred"Rock ,eggs froin
hens bred to lay, sleigh' and pay. 60c
for 15 ' eggs. BEATTY BROS.,
-Varna., Phone 12 on 622. 19
Front "bedroom sitting room, with
board. Central location. Apply to The
News. Office.' • - of
Ford cpupe, 1923'. ntode'l, license. A
snap. Apply to CHAS: HOWEY,
over Dominion Bank. 20
Themany friends of Miss Jennie
Chesney will 'be glad to know she is
recovering after her severe illness.
The Young People •ofSt. Andrew's
United "Church will hmld .their anni-
versary services on; Sunday, May
16th, at 11 a.m. and 7 ,p.m. when Mr.
Conquergoodwill preach. On the
following Monday evening, a grand<
concertwill begivenby .'excellent
Lond9n.talent, the "Royalite Four."
Women or inert . to- represent Real
Silk in town and surrounding terri-
tory. Write to 'Real Silk Branch Ser-
vice ,Oflice,
er-vice'Office, 33 'King st. east, Kitch-
ener. 18
Happy Thought Range fa sale. In
good condition. Apply to The News
Office, 20
Centrally located Seaforth home.
Apply to the News Office. 18
554 acres• of land• being situated
near -Ethel` Cheese Factory; one',fnile;
from C. N. R. station:8 room house,.
barn and -orch rd. First class'
large. a
land, all under cultivation' For Furth
er:particulars ;i apply to. MRS. W. C.
MoEA CI F)RN, 'Wal ton Ont. ' .
•Cbniforlable frame house, or would
retia to steady ;tennant, electric lights,
town water and cistern. Apply to
MRS, JOS. ,MELADY, one • block
west of Creamery, southwest 'corner
lot., -22
Tp, Assessment Roll.
Mr: Donald Calder, Assessor of
McKillop Township, -has delivered to.
me the assessment roll of the Town-
ship of McRillop for Che year 1926
and said roll remains at my office for.
inspection by 'those entitled to exa-
mine the 'same,
Dated April 30th, -1926.
18 JOHN•McNAY, Clerk..
DR, C. ' MACKAY.-C. Mackay,
honor graduate of Trinity Univers-
ity and gold medallist of ,Trinity
Medical College; member of the Col-
lege of Physicians' and Surgeons of
DR. F. j. R. FORSTER-Eye, Ear,,
Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medi;-
eine, University of Toronto 1897. Leta
Assistant New York Ophthalmic and,
Aural Institute, Moorefield's'Eye, and
'Golden Square throat hospitals, Lon-
don, England. At Commercial .hotel,
Seaforth, 3rd Monday in ea'ch.tnonth,'
from' 11 a.m. to 3';p.n. 53 Waterloo, st.
south, Stratford Phoxie• 267 `Stratford,
The ratepayers of the Township Of
Hullett are , notified : that the Pro-
vincial Audit
rovincial'Audit is now in progress. Mr,
Morrison, the. auditor, will ' he . res-
ent at the Township office (John
Fingland's residence) duriygthe
week of May 10th and requests that
any ratepayer signing_ the •petition_
for an investigation will attend during
that week. M. ARMSTRONG, Reeve
of Hutlett. 18
Want and. For Sale ads, 3 times S0c
Improved farm for sale, containing
100 acres, less one acre on which is a
school house, ,in the Township of
Usborne, ,being Lot 6, Concession 3,
The farm is in a good state of culti-
vation,well drained anmL fenced and 8
acres in fall wheat; plenty of water
at all seasons, 'with windmill at house
over a splendid well; also water in
stable. The buildings are practically
new land up-to-date, a Targe bank
barn with stabling complete, also
good 'brick . house, drive shed, hen
house, etc„ 3•)44 miles from Exeter,
good market town, also a canning
factory in the town. A quantity of
straw in barn to -be sold with farm.
If not sold soon, the farm will be
rented. Apply to ANDREW & WIL-
LIAM DOIG, Jr., r:r. No. 3, Kippen,
Ont. 19
Mr, and Mrs, Allan Lamont, of
Brussels, spent Sunday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. James Mann:,
Mr. and Mrs. Jos Riley anent Sun-
day with Mr. and. Mrs, George Cook,
of Goderich township.
Mr. Andrew ,Spell 'has been ,busy
the week with his elector
Mr. and Mrs,John Riley, of Tuck-
ersmith, thevillage
visited friends vge
on Sunday.
Rev. Mr. 'Snell occupied the pulpit
on Sunday after' a few 'weeks' absence
through 'il'biess,
Mr. Ephriam Clarke was busy
threshing' clover on Monday.
1 ,
For Cata rhrIt is one of the chief
recoitmendatiotis of Dr. T'homa's' Ec-
lectric?Oil -that it can be used internal-
ly with as much success as ie can out-
wardly. Sufferers front catarrh will
find that the Oil when used accord-
ing to directions will.give prompt re-
lief. Many sufferers' from this ' ail-
ment have found relief in the Oil and
have 'sent testimonials..
Want and For. Sale Ads, 3 times SOs
Have Your Spring
Tailored ao
bber I1n: s
Experience the satisfaction of
an individual cut, individually
fitted,.suit that costs you the.
same or little more than a
ready -made --a 'Fiobberlin's.
And -with every garment turned
ottt by the Hobberlin establish-
ment a wide-open guarantee- •
'Complete satisfaction or yob
money back. ...
• P.O. box 350., j Phone 259-J
Representing -
The House of
Tailors to Canadian gentlemen
for 40 years.,
Thurs., Fri:, Sat.
The adventures of a' New York -Irish traffic copwho won a trip
to Europe. •
from the Saturday Evening Post
t stor
Produced in ''N
o'rkT CietryfcatdImIroeslafonrd,
and ori the S. S.
of Folly
Mother may I go out' to swim?
Yes, my darling daughter,
But see "The Coast of Folly' child,
And don't stray from the water!
Produced at Palm Beach, Florida
• DiR, J. A. MUNN
Successor.to Dr, R. R. Ross, gradu-
ate of 'Northwestern University, Chi-
cago, I.11. Licentiate Royal College of
Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office
over Sills' hardware, Mains.. street
Seaforth. Phpne 151. •
Auctioneer for the County of Huron,.
Arr•angements.•can be made, for Sale
Date at Thee Seaforth News. Charges
moderate and satisfaction guaranteed.
••General Fire, Lige;
Rccidentt& Automobile
and dealer in Singer (Sewing Mac'hinee
James Watson
North Main St. SEAFORTH, ONT,
Mutual Fire Insurance Cos
Officers -James Connolly, Goder-
ich• AIex. James Evans,Beechwood;
VicePresident; D. .
Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer. •
Directors -Wm. Rinn, No. 2, Sea -
forth; John Bentteweis, Brodhagene
James Evans, Beechwood; M. Mc-
Ewen, James Connolly, God
erich; Alex. Clinton;roadfoot, 'No. 3, Sea
Sea -
forth; J. G. Grieve, 110. 4, Walton;
Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc-
Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray
Gibson,»Bruceffeld. -
Agents -Alex. I tch, r.r. 1, Clin-
ton; E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J, A.
Murray, r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V.
Yeo; Holmesville; R. G. Jarmoutb..
Bornholm. James Kerr„ and John
Govenlocic, Seaforth, auditors. Parties
desirot(s to effect insurance or trans-
act other business wilt -be promptly
attended to by application to any of
the above named', officers 'addressed
to their respective'postoffices,
Sales -$1233 -
Cost -$27.15
The difference between a
successful year and an,
unsuccessful one is -only
about 15%. Think how
easily you can increase
your sales 5%, 10% or
15% this year by plan-
ning to go after business •
systematically, by Long
Distance! •
Every day we receive
new evidence from mer-
chants in medium-sized
towns, who have tried it
for the first s and are
t ine
surprised at their suc-
cess. ,
I--Iere is a recent case
"Number ; of sales, 17;
number who subsequent-
ly bought, 27; total
amount of sales,
- total cost of 44 calls
, $27.15; percentage of
selling, cost, 2.2.
.Try Long Distance
selling - and con-
vince yourself.
Time has Tested it. -Dr. Thomas'
Ectectric Oil has been on the rriaeket:
upwards of fifty ;'t'ears , end, 1 that,
time it has ,proved a blessing to thou-
sands. It is in high favor -through-'
out Canada and its excellence ha:
carried its ,fame beyond the seas. If it
were double the price it would be a '
cheap liniment.