HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1926-05-06, Page 5' THUR1D, AY,MAY '6, 1926.
is an appetizing dish, even for
those who are not hungry. There
is one essential, however, in
making an ideal dish of it. ` The.
pork must give it the right
flavor and we pride ourselves
that we know how to supply
• just the right cut for the purpose.
Try it once. You'll want it
Phone 58. • Seaforth.
Your' Butcher.
Watches and
Clocks Repaired
Any style or size of watchglaes
Alain• clocks, wrist watch
straps and ribbons
Opposite W. A. Crich's.
When .Holloway's Corn Remover is
applied to a corn it kills the roots and
the callosity comes out without injury
to the flesh.
Iced & `co1`hite
chin' Stores
Our prices for one week starting
May '7th.
Aylmer Corn 2 tins 25c
Rasipbe.rries in apple Jelly
4 lb. tins 39c
Magnet Black Tea, draws well, lb. 65c
Sery-us Floor 'Wax lb.: tin 40c
Shell Castile, imported . 7 -boars •25c
Somriie Naphtha 'Shap, 5 bars ,..28c
and 1 box Soap 'Flakes '.FREE"
Our weekly Specials,saves you ,,Honey
Six-deliveries.,-iu' town each' day.
Phone your orders.
Ross J. Sproat Phone 8
W. M. Stewart Phone 77
W,'J, Walker 8I
Motor or Horse. Equipment-
` W. j WALKER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license.,
Flowers Furnished.
Night or day phone 67.
Having taken .over the agency of the
late James Cowan for the
'Farmers' FertilLer Co., :Wingham,
I will be pleased to fill all orders of
both old and new customers and give
any information within my knowledge
Box 282, Seaforth.
Ph -..e 44W.
Also Agricultural Lime
Sores 'Heal Quickly. -Have you a
persistent sore that refuses to heal ?
Then, try Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil
in the dressing. It will stop slough.:
ing, carry away the proud,flesh, draw
out the pus and prepare a clean way
for 'the new skin. It is a recognized
healer among oils and numbers of
people , can certify that, it healed
where properly applied.
Keep the wheels of Industry running in your own
Send or deliver your cream to us and receive the/utmost
returns. • This is your Creamery.
Your satisfaction means our success.
Highest prices paid for good cream with accurate
and careful weighing and testing.
Cash paid for creatn to all patrons desiring satne,
Seaforth !,Creamery Co, Seaforth, Ont.
D, H. McInnes
ehiropractor Masseur
Of "Wingham, will be at the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth,'
Monday and Thursday After-
noons in future.
fliseases of all all kinds success-
fully treated.
Fruits and
At all prices to meet your needs
Per 1b
E s
eZ E
Tit ; pberhart's Drug -Store
• Mr.,and Mrs. Wm. Ross and fam-
ily spent 'Sunday with :Brucefieid
'friends. • -
Mr, ancl.Mt's. Harve Jenkins visited
friends here on Sunday.
.Mus, J. Phillips and Miss V. Phil-
lips visited Clinton friends over the
week -end.
Mr and Mrs. G. Cr Dale and Mr,
and Mrs. G. W. Nott were guests at
the wedding anniversary of Mr. and
Mrs, McLaughlin, near Wilton, on
Monday evening.
Rattier in keeping with the weather
the municipal' hall by-law got a cool
reception from the ratepayers Mon-'
day when 'they defeated the project
by 173 .majority, The poll was 398 for
the Gy-law'and 571 against. It was
conceded in most quarters that the.
by-la}v would 'parry •wit'h.a majority,
,and the fact that it , was defeated
carne as a surprise to the advocates -of
the new town hall, The by-law voted
on was the authorization of the ex-
penditure of $85,000 for a new town
hall and to which 'R'obert McKay, of
Goderich, was donating $12,000. This
by-law was defeated at the municipal
,,electron lust year by a majority of
'four. Thee, fight has_been a hard -one
threugh'ou6' on both sides, and es a
result the (workers succeededin poll-
ing a
oll-ing' a large vote.
McLEOD•.--dn McKillop, on Sunday,
May 2nd, 1926, Isabel( 'McDonald
McLeod, relict of .the late Roderick
McLeod, aged 83 years.
STRONG. -In Egmondvflle, en May
'4tlh, 1926, to Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
Strong, a daughter°
Send us• the names of your visitors,
n..�nn.�.rem�Np eY®�Yr o
I!o own opics.11.
'Oe�n[f.:��nu .�Nro��nu'.va.�•ap
Mrs t1.. Teamerson of Waterloo,
who has been visiting with her par-
ents in Egmondville for 'two weeks,
was called to Rochester, N.Y., on Sat-
urday owing to the •death of herI
father-in-law, Mr. Andrew Teenier-
son, '
An enjoyable euchre was•held in l
St. Thomas' parish . hall hall' on Friday
evening by the Men's • Bible Class.
The prize -winners were: Lone hands,
H. 'H; Johnstone; games, George
Parke; ,consolation, E. W.'Edge.
Mr, Alex. Casemore, of Petrolia,
spent a few days at the home a8 Mr.
Ed. Mole.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Strong and Mr.
and Mrs. :Harvey Moore were
guests of Mr,. and Mrs. J. H. Mc-
Laughlin, of Walton, on Monday, it
dieing the occasion of -their twentieth
wedding anniversary.
Mr. 4nd Mrs, Jack Neely and two
children and Mos. Torrens of London,
spent Monday .tlje. guests' ,of ,Mrs: S..
A Mother's •pay -service will be held
fn -the Seaforth Presbyterian c'hurc'h,
next Sundtay evening.
Mr, Thos. Consitt and "son Russell
and Mr. and Mrs. McAllister and
family, of Hilisgrrnen,. were visitors
this •week with Mr.- and. Mrs. john
Mr. and Mrs. David Papple and
„Mr, and ,Mrs. W. ID. Manson; were
Hensall visitors on iSun•day.
Mr. and Mrs. John. Beattie were in
Lopd'on 'on Wednesday.
Mrs. Esther' McLeod has taken
rooms with Mrs, John. Manson, Eg-
Mr. and Mrs. 'Jahn 'Govenlock, E'g-
mondville, are both laaid tip with the
flu at present,
Mr. J'osep'h Hogg -has purchased the
late Mr. James Hillen's residence in
Mr. Scott Ferguson is hoose 'from
Toronto University for the vacation.
Mr. J. J.-Merner, of Windsor, spent
a few days in town with 'Isis family.
Dr. and Mrs. J. A.'Munn:spent'Sun-
day at Dr. Munn's home in Hensali.
Mrs. T. G. Livingstone of Mullett
is suffering from a stroke of paralysis.
Mr. Don. Kerslake of Toronto is a
visitor at the !tome of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs.' W. E. Kerslake.
-Dr. and Mrs. McGavin, of Wind-
sor, Mr. and. Mrs. McGavin Of Detroit
land Mr. A. ,McGavin of Windsor,
were 'here attending the' funeral of Mr.
Ralph Elliott.
Mrs. G. D. Ferguson is visiting
friends in Toronto:
Mrs. Hodgins of Toronto is visit-
ing her mother, Mrs. Robert Winter.
Mr. Joe Carbett of 'Detroit, spent a
few -days with his mother,
Mr. Arthur Teamerson of Waterloo
spent the week end at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. Robert Strong.
Mr. -and Mrs, R iH, 'Sproat were
week 'end guests in 'Hensall,
Messrs, Dot. Reid and 'George Ste-
wart were on a business trip to To-
ronto over the week -end.
Many Seaforth people motored to
Goderich on Sunday to enjoy the lake
Mr. Gus. .Irlicknell motored to
Kitchener where. he spent the week-
Mr. Finlay Ross ,left last week for
Detroit where he has secured a posi-
Mr. John Kerr is sick at present.
His many 'friends wish him aspeedy,
recovery. '
Mr. and Mrs, Horace Wilbee and
family spent Suniay in Brussels.
•Mr. E. S. Stacey, (Hamilton, was a
vis'it'or at the 'home of Mrs. J. F. 'Reid
this week.
Miss Mary :Downey spent the week-
end at her home in St. Coluntban.
Miss N. Laverty, Stratford, was a
week -end visitor at . the home' of 'Iter
sister, Mrs.' W. J. Duncan.
Mr. Frank.'Cudntore was in Wind-
sor last week on a business trip.
Mrs. Jessie .Brown is -on the sick
list at present. - -
Mrs. T. Pu'l'lman returned home
from a visit with friends in Parkhill,
Mr. J. Entigh, of Blyth, has taken
tt position in the Dennison & Pullman
barber shop.
?fr. Leslie Watson, olf•Terontn, was
a week -mid guest at the home of 'his
father, Mr. James 'Watson.
Mr. and Airs. Pardon, of Brandon,
who 'are returning from Miami,
Florida, and Mr, and Mrs.-L.'Purdon,
of Chicago, spent few days with Mr.
and Mrs. 'Neil 'Gillispiu.
Miss Agnes. Crosbie is visiting Mrs.
Thomas. McMillan.
Miss 'htot spent the week -end at
her 1rome in Gorrie.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Siegel, of
Stratford, and' Mr. and Mrs. M. Shea,,
of Mitchell, Sunday visitors at
e w ere
the home: of Mr. and Mrs,: S. Deem.
Mrs, Kuntz and ..two daughters,
Marguerite and Dorothy, of -Exeter,
and Mr. ;Bickel'1, of London, spent
Sunday with Miss 'Link.
The proceeds of the. Old Times
Easter Dance and .the Old Titres
Dance held on Spring Show night
amounting to $151 has 'been handed
the Turif'Club to help pay a nuhn'ber
of accounts owing from last season.
Mr. and Mrs. John Cronin moved
to 'Detroit on Fri -day last.
Mr. Leo 'Fortune and famnily ,have,
moved- into 'the Copp residence on
Goderich street east.
Mrs. F. R. 13ca'ttie spent the ,week-
end in Toronto,
Miss Eleanor iHarries 'who
`t p
been aguest'
at the home of Mr. and
Mrs, J. H. Best, has returned to
Mr. John Dobie, of Medford, vias
a week -end guest of his aunts, 'the
Misses McLellan.
Mrs. F. H. Larkin has been ap-
pointed a delegate to •the General
Council meeting, this month in Saska-
toon by the Board in Toronto, '
Mr.- Frank 'Rankin, of Detroit,
spent the week -end with his mother,
Mrs. J. 'Rankin,
Mr. . and Mrs., C. A. Barber and
family aotored to Hickson and 'pent
the :we 'k-.eiid.; ..g,
9 I
i\dr, iand"Mrs, C. Alexander , and
daughter Peggy, of 'Hespeler, were
Malice Street Seaforth
We 'have a.
fine selection of New
for your inspection
PHONE 257.
The Village Lawyer
Walker's Hall
Friday May 14th
at .8 o'clock ,
Played by Benmiller Young
Under auspices of
Tuxis Square
You enjoyed their play last
year you will love their play
this year.
Come! See it. Enjoy it.
Admission 35c and 20c
week -end guelts of Mrs. F. Anderson.
Mr. 'Gordon Webster 'left for To-
ronto on Monday where he Will in
future reside.
Mr. Ben..Duffey and family motor-
ed from Kitchener and spent Sunday
with -relatives in town.
Mr, Clifford Hunt, of London, was
a visitor at the home of 'his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. E.'Hun.t, McKillop.
Miss 'Sparks spent the weelc-end in
Mr. end Mrs. W. !G, Spencer ntotor-
ed, to Port Colborne over' the week-
Mr. 'Orval T'witchell, of Hensall,
underwent mi,S'mtdayrfor appendicitis
in the Seaforth'hospital..
Mr. Norman Cook,' of Hensall, had
underwent an operation for a,ppendi-.
citis .on Sunday in Sea'forth hospital.
Mrs. Hugh Currie, of Cl•otnarty, is
at present ill in the hospital.
Following an airless of six months,
the death occurred ' in Bluevale on
Monday morning ' of Annie Olive
Schoales, wife o:f John W. King, M.
P. for North 'Huron: Deceased, who
was 57 years ,of age, was born in Cul-
ross 'township. Besides her husband,
three sisiers and one brother survive,
Mrs. E. M. Bainton, Bluevale; Mrs.
iohn Ferguson, Wolsley; Mrs. M. B.
'Gibson, Saskatoon, and F. H.
S'choales, ' Laird,' Algoma. Funeral
services will he conducted on Friday
afternoon at her 'Date ,residence at 2
o'clock. , Intenrnent will be made in
the 113luevale cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. J 'C. Reid, of the. Bay-
field road were- visiting 'at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Robin McAllister on
Sunday, .
Mr. Wm. Jarrott, who was taken
suddenly ill last Thursday morning,
is still under the doctor's care. His
many friends hope for a .'speedy re-
Mrs. James Cochrane is confined to
her room with an attack of Is grippe:
Miss Muriel Carlile, 'who has spent
the piast two weeks in 'Hensall with
her grandmother, Mrs. 'Ann Hudson,
has returned home.
Inspector Tom, ..of 'Goderich, has
been snaking his usual rounds call-
ing on S. S. No. 7.
Sucker fishing is the order of the
i ht A
dayand n great
have been caught.
Mrs, Pickard, of Clinton, spent the
week -end with Miss Ferne Logan.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford and Mr. and
Mrs. Lorne Epps motored to Wind=
sor for the week -end where they have
Mr. Dan. Smith, of London, spent
the week -end with friends in and
around Varna.
Mr. Earl wfcNttughton, of Kitchen-
er, spent a few days with friends here.
Mr. G. H. Beatty, in company with
his sister Edyth, and Miss Welsh,
spent Sunday in London.
Quite a number frotn this district
attended the 'funeral of the late Mr,
it iuch took place in
Ralph :Elliott w
Seaforth Monday.
Mrs. John Beatty -and Miss Mossop
spent Sunday ' with Mr, and Mrs,
Stephenson, Goshen line.
'Wretched from Asthma. Strength
of body and vigor of mind are inevit-
ably impaired by . the visitations of
asthma, Who can live under the cloud
of recurring attacks and keep body
and mind at their full efficiency? Dr.
T. D, Kellogg's' Asthma Remedy dis-
sipates the cloud by, rennovtng the
cati•se' It• does `relieve; J't" docsYes tore
the sufferer to :normal bodily trim and
mental happiness.
-Shoe Sale -
The Sale is near its end ..-
you'll have to hurry!
When you can buy good
Shoes well worth $4.00 or
$5.00 for. 45c and 95c, isn't
if an inducement to hurry?
Get those Running Shoes,
Tennis - Shoes or Outing
Shoes NOW. They'll all
be gone very SOON.
Economy' Shoe Store
Opposite Public Library
Ladies' Hairdresser
' will be at the
Dennison & Pullman
Barber' Shop
(Successors to W. W. Robin-
Every Tuesday
Phone 125 for appointmante
Specialist in Marcelling,
massaging, shampooing and
hair cutting.
A quiet marriage was solemnized
at Ontario street parsonage, Clinton,
on Tuesday, April 27th, when Miss
Lenora, second youngest daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, George Mann, of Hul
lett township, became tie bride of
Mr, William B. Pearson, eldest son of
Mr. o Benjamin
Pearson, of 'Goderich
township The ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. C. J. Moorehouse.
The young couple were unatltended.
The britle wore a pretty frock of
peach -crepe, with gold trimmings,
and hat to match. Mr, and Mrs.
Pearson will reside in Goderich town-
ship and they have the good wishes
of their 'friends for a 'happy married
Unless worms be expelled from the
system no child can be healthy. Moth-
er 'Graves' Worm Exterminator is an
excellent medicine to destroy worms.
Wise and experienced mothers
know when their children are troub-
led with worms and lose no time in
applying Miller's s Warm -Powders, owd r
s, a
most effective vein '
ntfug It e. -
is bso
lute in clearing the system of worms
and restoring those healthy condi-
tions without which there can be fro
comfort for the child, _ or !tope of
robust growth. It is a most trust
worthy worms exterminatod,
After some few weeks 01 illness,
Joseph Andel! passed away at his
home on Drummond street on Friday,
last at the .advanced age of 84 years
and 11 months. Deceased had been
in failing health for some time but
last*"'Pla'n eonirpon 1eti e
'atronize the man who gives you service.
Wednesday only, we will sell you Red Path Sugar at $6.39.
Wednesday only, we will sell you Manitoba Flour at $4.49
Wednesday only, we will sell you 5 pounds
of Salada Tea at 69C, a pound
Theseprices are Cash at time of Sale.
Yours for Service
We J. Finnigan
Make them strong, sturdy, productive, EGG -LAYING
Pullets, with Pratts Baby Chck Food. Itcostsa trifle more
but is CHEAPEST in the end, judged by results. The
extra chicks you save and raise, more than pay for all the
Pratts Baby Chick Food you use. Ask
ryour dealer—there's one near you.
Q,� Baby Chick.Food
PRATT FOOD CO.W,rOtb for PrcDA,PL Dy. Boor,3-2FCEaEr
law Awa., Toronto
If you found yourself handicapped in 1925 by lack of speeislised.
training you can remedy it in 1926.
A Business Course secured at THE CENTRAL will give you a
start, lifting yon out of the ranks' of the low paid --else laid oft.
Classes now in 'session. Students may enter at anw time.
Free Employasesst Service.
Central Business College, Stratfor"d, Ont
Drtnc+pat, R. P. Lameden.BJ1, r. •
The Special Milverton
We Have it—Give it a Trial. Also.
ehap of PHI Kinds
Ground Screenings
C. G. TllO\SON
Your Auto Needs
Winter Storage, Charging and Repairing for all makes
of Batteries.
A complete line of most called for parts of various •
Now is the time to, have your car overhauled
Give us a call and see how reasonably it can be repaired, greased
and cleaned.
Dealer in New and Used Cars.
Agent for Chrysler Four and Six Cylinder Care.
Regier's Garage
was usually able to be about" .The
late Joseph Ardell was born hr:Ire-
l'and and came to Canada *hen a
child, the family settling in Grey
township. Fifty-five yenas ago 'he
was married to Maria Cosens, of
Tuckersmith, and tate family -continu-
ed to reside in Grey twp until about
eight years ago when they moved to
Morris Kvp Alter aresidencc
there of
three 'years they moved to Blyth
where they resided on Drummond
street. Deceased was a member of
Ethel LO.L. and of Court Morning
Star, Canadian Order of Foresters.
'He was an Anglican in religion and
a Conservative in politics. Besides his
widow, he leaves a:family of two
daughters and three sons. The dau-
ghters reside in the West also two
sons, John and Joseph, awhile James
resides in London. The funeral took
place on Monday, April 26th, inter-
ment being in the Union cemetery.
The pallbearers, were Messrs. Frank
Metcalf, John Potter, Rob:t, Wight -
man, M: Armstrong, S. A. Poplestone
and John Maines.
Mr. J. Y. Kellough, who since last
September has been assistant agricul-
tural representative for 'Huron coun-
ty, has been appointed assistant 'for
Bruce cotfnty and commenced his new
duties at Walkerton on April 26th.,
Mr. Kellough graduated from the 0.
A. C. in 1925. He was a member of
the livestock judging team which rep•'
resented the 0. A, C, at the Toronto
Royal Show and the Chicago Inter-
tional'show. At Toronto he won the
gold medal for sheep judging. During
the past two summers he was ;Con-
nected •wittlt the poultry dopartfrient
at the 0. A, C. Mr. D, A: Andrew,
14,690 TRUCKS
were registered in the Province o
Ontario in 1925.
Accidents, avoidable a.nd unavoid-
able happen daily •
Auto insurance is no longer a lux-
prime - necessity,
Our Auto Policies protect you any.
where in Canada or the United States
—rates have been reduced and include
Legal expenses and Doctor's bill.
You may escape accident, but it is
worth your while to be prepared,
Phone 152
who has been attending the 0. A. C,
at Gueiph, has returned to his old
work as 'assistant in tie Clinton of- .
Soft, corns are••ddft`ibttlt"`to eradicate
'' but Holloway'ts Corn iRemoder will
draw thein 'out painlessly