HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1926-05-06, Page 1WHOLE SERIES, -.VOLUME 48:
• ISSUE „No. 1s..
all Suppers
Hot Lurches
at all hour
Prices Reasonable
The Olympia •
Confectionery and:-' �Restaura-
People:- , Complain
DYE SOAP of -guaranteed quality
at 3 -for 25c
T"` ; TEAS continue to advance in price,
yet we still have our splendid
values at old prices.
AVON TEA. --A new one of excep-
tional value, a broken lje
Orange Pekoe at .. . • QP C
and while introducing it a Come
anunity Silver plated tea -spoon
with each pound. j
are guaranteed for 1000 hours.
Heavy weight, good $1.50
quality, per „doz,..
Cups alone, per doz. $L00
600 PLANT BOXES, 2c each,
Why not grow tomato, cabbage and
flower" plants enough to supply'lo-
cal demands?
SOAP.—Our special - for
' 25c
double size cake...
EGGS.—We have our eggs graded
here by Mr. T. Bickell." We be.,
reeve .he grades fairly. It. is to
hie interest to give the best grade
the eggs will stand and the best
mice. Our price for CASH is
• the same as his. For eggs that are
traded our we allow le per doz.
extra.-' We solicit your' eggs.
for seed.
Phone 166
Phone for Food.
After you take off Overshoes
don't get damp feet. Buy a pair
the well-known reliable Do-
minion .made Rubbers.
Our Spring Shoes
Ladies' front $3.50 to $5.00
Boys' from. $2.50 to $5.00
Youths' tom $2,00 to $3.25
Men's from ,: $2.95 to $7.00.
See our new Grey and Blond
Kid Shoes for ladies.
Moderately 'priced considering
the quality.
Fe w.
The North Side Chnrch.--Sabltath
services, 11 -act. and 7 p.m:. Sun-
day school' 2:30 •p.m, Pastor, Rev. R.
Fulton Irwin. •
Pastor at' both services. A Mother's
Day choir will : have charge of the
music in •the morning,
t " T -he, Salvation Artny. — Sunday
morning service, 11 a.m.; evening
service 7"p,m.•Sunday school 3 p.m.
Services in charge of Capt. Tidman
and Lieut.-Huson,
The Presbytery of Huron of the
United Church of Canada inet in
Wesley Church, Clinton, on Tuesday,
April 27th; " the •Chairman, Rev. G.
Telford, M;A., B;DC, of Blyth, presid-
ing over a large attendance of min-
esters aod5lay representatives. After
devotional exercises the Presbytery
was duly constituted enrh'a full day's
business entered upon.; Among other
matters of interest the following were
discussed and action taken.
The List of suieraitnuated ministers
was , presented for confirmation and
each name thereorf Was duly endorsed
and recommended .to be continuated
on the Superannuation Feed, Re-
quests were presented for superan-
nuation from Rev, A. A. Holmes, of
\\'esley 'Church, Clinton, and Rev. E.
Sheppard, of James Street, Exeter,
the former having given forty years'
service to the Church, and the latter
having been compelled by sickness
to ask for release. Both requests
were granted, Presbytery expressing"
its deep regret at losing the active
services of both these men. In view
of the meeting, on the same day as
Presbytery, of reOresentatives ,from
the various Women's Missionary So-
cieties throughout the Presbytery to
inaugurate the 'Presbyterial W. M. S.
of the United -Church, a resolution of
appreciation .Of the W. M. S. work
was adopted by Presbytery and the
Chairman authorised to convey greet-
ings and congratulations to the, newly
formed 'Presbyterial 'Society.
At the opening of the afternooti
session, IDr. Oaten briefly addressed
the gathering on the work of the
Ontario 'Prohibition Union. After his
address Presbytery unanimously
adopted the. .following resolution:
1. That this Presbytery affirms its
adherence 'to . the principle of total
prohibition of the liquor 'traffic in
the 'Dominion.
2. That we express .our confidence
in the Ontario Temperance crancc Act and
would urge that everyeffort be made
to secure its effective enforcement.
3e{.That we would urge on Sabbath
Sts cls, Meng People's ,,Societies
and other organizations to give thor-
ough attention to Temperalnce edu-
The Committee' on Candidates for
the Ministry and Probationers pre-
sented a list,of.candidntes for cansid-
eratioti and recommended their ap-
proval by Presbytery.. Three o`f•-those
recommended were probationers at
present in attendance, at, or seeking
to enter college, three were candidates
presenting themselves Tor the first
Hine, ,and two were graduates seeking
to be ordained; --
Notice having been given that the
London Conference or the United
Church would meet at Str'tforcl on
May 26th, a -dist of lay delegates; to
•Conference was presented tq Presby-
tery. Front Seaforth , arid,`district,
Messrs. 'Rev. IR. FIrwin, W. D. Mc-
Donald and J. A. 'Ferguson- and
Messrs. John McNay, Thos. Dodds
and 'John iFinlayson will be repre-
sentatives of Presbytery at this Con-
.Aniong innortau
t reports brought
forward for discussion and adoption
:was that of the 'B'oundaries Cornipis-
sion of 'Presbytery presented by "Rev,
J. E. Hogg, of Clinton. A number
of changes and adjustments in 'pas-
toral charges were suggested and the
foilowing changes were approved.
Suns'hine appointment on the Elim-.
.elle circuit was closed. and the re-
maining appointments, 21oh.and Elitn-
vi11e, constituted a charge.
Smith's 7111'appointinen•t was de -
tached from the Auburn charge and
attached to Benmiller.
_ The Union of the former Methodist
an Presbyterian
d si terian congregations a
Auburn was 'sanctioned and with
these were associated. Westfield and
Donnybrook to constitute a charge.
A 'request was sent to Landon
Conference to transfer Roy's congre-
gation' from Perth .Presbytery that ft
mishit be united with Thames Road
congregation to form a charge.
Maine, formerly' .assosiated with.
Ford ich was , w s associated with Moles-
worth to become an augmented
charge, and the two former -congre-
gations in rordwich were, united to
form with Newbrigge a self -sustain -
Mg •charge..
A new charge was formed on the
Late; Shore district by the, associat-
in of Nile Leeburn g Port Albert.
Lanesville -:;and'}Iackett's',, were
given permission to unite- as one
congregation and . to- be associated
with East Ashfield and Ashfield to
form •one charge.
The 'Conference was• asked for per-
mission to transfer IWhitechurch:•froan
Bruce Presbytery to '£orin with St.
Helens a pastosal cherge.
Applications ons were made
for permis-
sion to sell property as ,follows:
'Belgrave congregation to sell fie
former Methodist parsonage or manse
and. former Me'tho'dist church at Bel -
grave; the proceeds to provide a suit-
able residence for minister. -
Wroxeter to sell the former 'Metho-
dist Church and parsonage, proceeds
for Total .purposes.
(Sunshine Church, Elimville Circuit,
to sell ell iirch building. -
'Bethel Church, Benmilier Circuit,
to sell' eland ' belonging to Bethel
Chureh,'proceeds for local purposes.
(Former Leeburn charge to sell
manse and divide proceeds equally be-
tween Leeburn and Union.
Ashfield charge to sell Lanesville
Church and hold: proceeds for build-
ing purposes.
Gorrie asked permission to apply
proceeds of sale of former Presby-
terian Church, after making payment
to former minister, to local church
Reports were received from the
Maintenance and Extension Fund, the
Religious Education and from the
Statistical Committees. The latter
sheaved that the United Church in
Huron Presbytery ministered to 5,-
219 families, con'taining 18,141 per-
sons and 12,329- members and that a
grand total of $247,234 had been
contributed for all purposes.
The report of the M. and E. 'Fund
committee showed that the Presby-
tery had contributed the gratifying
amount of $59,964 to the work of
maintaining the church's enterprises
at home and abroad.
The General Council at its last
meeting 'remitted to ,Presbyteries for
consideration three matters 'of im-
portance. These were discussed and
action taken as follows:
1.' It was reoonimended and ap-
proved that 'Presbytery affirtn the
principles of .stewardship as express-
ed by the ,Laymen's . Missionary
Movement and that steps be taken by
committees of the various courts of
the church to urge these principles
upon all -members and congregations.
2. The 'recommend'ation urging that
all congregations should organize
Brot'herhtrods or. Men's Service Clubs
for the ,discussion and practical
undertaking of the •tasks facing the
church was cordially approved.
3. The following m'oti'on by Judge
Chesley in the General Council was
dis'ctissed at some length and finally
approved by Presbytery:
That whereas we believe that the
of ur young o u men for war is
contrary 'to the Spirit of Christ:
Therefore resolved, that we take step.
to discontinue all the:Officers' Train-
ing Corps in the colleges of the Unit-
ed Church and that we urge the, Gov-
ernment to abolish Cadet Training; in
ubhC schools ofc Dominion."
The Y. P. S. .met on Tuesday
nightwith e President, Miss May
the s
Wallace in the chair,. After the usual
devotional exercises, Mr. Edwin
Chesney gave• an excellent synopsis
of. Lew Wallace's •fanrous book "Ben
1-Tur," which -.proved both .entertain
ing and instructive. Avery pleasing
sold 'was contributed by Miss Sadie
Howatt. During the intermislsion:
th'ose present • divided into four
groups for a contest in which Roy
ilfcGonigle'•s`group, was successful.
Much to the regret • of the whole
Society, Miss' Nfay Wallace felt that
she would he unable to continue as
President, and Mr. Earl Webster • was
appointed in her place, with Mr.
George Blake as vice,president in Mr.,
Webster's place.
The pastor reported that he had
heard favorably •from Dr,• F. A, Rob-
inson •regardin'g anniversary services,
and erttangements were made for the
Young People's anniversary ' on Snn-
ciay'and Monday, May '30th and 31st.
Further announcement .of this will
be made at a later date.
At a meeting of the Tuxis Square
on Tuesdlay evening; after the regular
progltanr, plans were discussed for
forming a soft -hall team and prepar-
ing a field suitable for, sports. Com-
mittees were appointed' and the boys
expe'c't soon to be in training.
',The usual meeting of the C. G• I, T.
Wee held Tuesday night with. Lawns
McMillan presiding. Margaret For-
rest and Jeannette ,Finnigan spoke
on the life of Moses. The practical
talk was given by Evaleua Nott. Sev-
eral relay games were enjoyed by all.
Meeting closed with the C., G. r, T.
A . bitter northwest-v4nd with gusts
of driving rain made" the annual in-
spection ection of the Sea'forth Collegiate
n g
Institute ; Cadet Corps most un-
pleasant for the ipembete of the corps
and greatly curtailed their ' man-
oeuvres. Owing to the weather the
crowd of spectators which •met the
district cadet officer, Col ' Gillespie,
was not -as large as usual.
Cadet Sgt Major Jack Archibald
was inechar a of the'fail in and kept
g k
a (fatherly eye on the dressing and
marching throughout the morning.
Cadet Captain FredWillis took
charge- and 'conducted the ' corps
through' their ceremonial and com-
pany drill.
ontpany..drill. 'Phe sticky field hindered
the carrying out of the more spec-
tacular movements and the'inspecting
officer gave the platoon .and section
'commanders a changeito show their
ability'.with their: ocyh eI units. After_
the comnic:ion of the physical t
exercises the visiting colonel call-
ed the boys together. I He compli-
mented them
ompli-mented•them On their neat and trim
appearance_ and their precision in
movement. IHe mentioned- also. the
successes of the v a n
ons Shooting
teams in the school." ( • '
After the dismiss the boys paraded
to 'Crick's where they'• made .aihr altad7c
in mass !formation .on" the annual
treat of .ice cream. .The offteers of
the corps are apt'airi Fred. Willis,
Lieutenants Rob Millis. Clarence
Trott, Sgt. Major ;Jack Archibald,
Section commanders 'Davis Moore,
John McIntosh, Larry Webster, 'Bill
Barber Norman'. Jefferson, George
aly, Tom Chuff, . Charlie Stewart;
11atoon 'See Jack Crich and Harold
TI e n:embers of the corps intend
holding their annual church parade
in !the near future.
An old resident of McKillop and
Selaforth died on. Wednesday, May
5th, in the ,person of Mr John Mor-
rison, aged 81 years.•. Mr. Morrison,
who has been living with ,his son,
Mr. James Morrison, McKillop, for
several years, has been 1 confined to
bed for many months ,with a linger-
ing illness, The 'fd ieral' will take
place -.from the residence of his song
Mr. James Morrison, on ,the, elev-
enth concession; McKillop, on Friday,
May 7th, service at 2 'pen., 'funeral at
2:30 p.m. to the place of.interment in
Maitland- Bank .cemetery.
With startling sudcleituess• death
came to Mr. Ralph Elliott;- of Sea -
forth . Monday morning. Mr. Elliott
hIad been feeling unusually well until
on Sunday afternoon lie was seized
with a paralytic stroke from which
he did not rally; and passed away
early the following morning. A bro-
ther, Mr, Edmund Elliott, died sev-
eral weeks ago. Morn on the Goshen
line, Stanley township, nearly seventy-
one years ago, he had lived in that
township till thirty-three years ago,
.when he moved to Seaford( where he
has since been engaged in the car-
pentering trade. He was married
forty-two years ago to •Miss Annie
McGavin, of ,Stanley, who survives.
He also leaves a brother and a sister,
Robert and Evelyn, in Stanley. Mr.
Elliott had for many years been a
prominent Orangeman. The 'funeral
took place on • Tuesday afternoon
from his late residence, Huron istreet,
to the place of interment in Maitland
Bank cemetery, Racy, .R, Fulton Irwin
ng The ,pallbearers were
fictatn .'
f t
Messrs Ed. Mole,Chas, Adatns, John
3fcLennan, Thos Rands, H. Law-
rence, A. Porteous.
The Y. P; L. of the North Side
United Church on Tuesday evening
was in charge of the Christian attm En-
deavour department. nt. In the absence
stonthe vice-president, o
sten took charge After singing the
first hymn, 'Rev. Mr. Lrwvin Sed in
prayer, Scripture' lesson was read by
Miss Haldaintl, A dialogue en-
titled, "A. Lady to Call,' taken by
Misses Gladys McPhee, Doreen Hud-
son and Evelyn 'Harburn was thor-
ouglily enjoyed by a11. Capt. Tidman
,rendered a cornet solo, after which
the topic was taken by Miss I.
iohnston on the Writings of 'Nellie
McClung. A ladies' quartet favored
the Leaguers with a selection, The
meeting c'iosed with the benediction.
Britannia Lodge, No, 170, A, F. &
A, M., was the scene of a large gath-
ering of Masonic brethren On Mon
clay evening, the occasion being the
official visit of Da7)!G 1f: Rt \\tor.
Bro. Dr. Orme, of Liman. The initiat-
ory degree was ably exemplified by
'W. M Bro. "McKellar and his officers.
An inspiring 'address was delivered by.
R•t.'\Xtor,'Bro. Dr. Orme, ie which ire
complimented the
officers 'very highly
on their work The meeting adjourn-
ed to the Olympia;, •w'here'a splendid
banquet was served, 'Bro. 1lcMillan
acting as toastmaster. The (usual
toasts 'were proposed and. responded
to by Very Wor, Bro. McLennan,
Seaforth Lodge; Won Bros, 1.1obbs,
Monkton; Thos• Chapman Hensall
Lodge; ,Armstrong, 'Lucan. The very
pleasant evening;eaute to a close with
the singing ;of'the' National anthem
and `Auld Lang Syne.'
The many friend's of Mrs. C. H
Holland, of Seafortli, regretted last
to hear of the death of her
sister, Mrs. J. R. Trewartha, and
extend deepest sympathy. The Clin-
ton News,Record says: After an i11-
ness of some duration Mrs. J. R. Tre-
wartha, a native of Goderich town-
ship and mother of .Nelson W. Tre-
wartha, M. L. A:, of Clinton, passed
Away on Saturday, April 24th, at the
home .f h r
o e daughter, Mrs.Albert
C. Cox of Goderich township, f
n her
seventy-fifth year. The late Mrs. Tre-
wartha, whose maiden name was
Charlotte Amelia Jervis, .•was a
daughter of the late William Jervis,
being the eldest of a family of eleven,
all born in Goderich township. Of
this family ,two brothers' end four' sis-
ters survive: John end Alfred Jervis,
Mrs.. Thos. Potter and Mrs. S. Mer-
rill .of !Goderich township, ' Mrs.
Charles Holland df Seeforth and Mrs.
Thomas Holland of Winnipeg. She
was born Sept, 16tth, 1851, and in
1877 she was united in marriage to
the late John IR, Trewartha. Of this
union there are six children, four sons
and two daughters: N.of Clinton,
n o s W. C o
Herbert J., Edgar J., 'Howard C., Mrs.
A. B. Cox and Miss Myrtle, who is a
nurse, all living within. a few miles of
the Fold 'home on the 9th concession.
Mr. Trewartha died 25 years ago,
leaving his wife with her compara-
tively young family, who have alt
turned out to be a credit to her and
her training. She was a true mother
and one who retained the respjct and
affectionof her : family. ' 'Her out-.
standing quality might be said to be
kindness in the highest degree. She
was a member of Holmesville United,
formerly Methodist, church. For a
time Mrs. Trewartha came to reside
in Clinton but later, when her health
began to fail, she went to her. daugh-
ter, Mrs. Cox, and during her last ill-
ness she was tenderly nursed by her
two daughters, while . her sons and
their wives alsoministered to her
in every way possible. The funeral
was held on Monday afternoon from
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cox:_ The
serviceswere conducted by the Rev.
Mr: Kilpatrick of Holmesville, assist-
ed by Rev. A. A. Holmes of Clinton.
The pallbearers were her four sons.
The remains were laid in, Clinton
cemetery beside those of her husband.
Amongst those from 'a distance wha
attended the funeral were Mr. Elgyn
Waters, Mrs, Alex. Cook and Mrs.
Wm. Cook, nephew and nieces of the
deceased, of Arthur. Many old
friends and neighbors also paid the
last tribute df respect to one they
had known for long years.
'A quiet but .pretty 'wedding was
solemnized et the Manse, Stratford,
at 'high noon on Wednesday, April 28,
1926, by Rev. W. D. Bell, when Ellen
Viola, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
'Samuel Johnston, of iBritton, Ont. be-
came the bride of Mr. William
T. Elliott, of ?Holmesv1ile, son of
Mr. and Mrs. 'William Elliott, of Mc-
Killop. The bride was beautifully at-
tired ill a sand crepe dress with het,
shoes and stockings to match and car-
ried Qp'helia :roses and 'babysbreath,
The bridesmaid was .her cousin, Miss
Norma L. Hone, of Toronto, who
wore a becoming dress of pale bine
georgette,- and carried' a bouquet of
Sweetheart roses •and lily of the val-
ley. The groom was supported by his
brotTier, Mr. Oliver . Elliott, of
Holmesville. The groom's gift to the
bride was a set of. La Refine pearls, to
the bridesmaid 'a handsome pendant
Of white gold With a diamond centre,
and to the groonesman a white 'gold
pln ick with a diamond stone. After
the bridal party had partaken of a
wedding dinner, Mr. and' Mrs. Elliott
left amid showers of confetti and best
wishes, for a motor 'honeymoon •to
Woodstock, Simcoe and .ether points,
• h travelling in a rosewood
c bride t g
shade coat wdi hat, shoes and gloves
to match. Upon their return they
will reside at Holmesville. Those who
attended' the wedding from a' distance
r Mr. Oliver L. EI'liott' "ofwvc e
Holmesville; Miss Norma L. Hone,
of Torontoi. frs, M. G, Johnston, of
Rritton; Miss Lsabella Nicholl, off
The regular meeting of the Duff's.
Y•P1S, was held on Sunday evening.
The leader was Miss Essie Kerr and
organist Miss Helen M'cICercher.
Rev, J• A. Ferguson led in prayer,
The topic, The Ten Most Important
Kinds of Work, jHow to Make Thetis
Christian, was ably taken by Miss
Essie ^Dorrance. The.. president, Miss
May Campbell, took the closing part
of the 'meeting. Talks on the topic
were given by Miss Grace Kerr and
J. A. Ferguson. Meeting closed with
the Lord's prayer.
The Ladies' Society held their reg-
ular monthly meeting in Duff's
Church, 'McKillop,on Friday after-
noon, April 30th. The President,
Mrs. J. 'A, Ferguson, opened the
meeting by singing. hymn 552, follow-
ed by prayer. Mrs, Ferguson Mead the
Scripture lesson from Matt. 17, 1-8,
Mrs. W. J. Shannon read the mis-
sionary prayer. Several items of
business were discussed,
was closed 'by singing hymn 386 and
by all repeating the Lord's ipnayer in
unison. The remainder of the after-
noon was .spent in .sewing.
Mrs, Norman Smith and baby
Keith, who have been visiting at the
home of her parents, Mr. land Mrs.
Henry I3endersan, have returned to
her home in Toronto.
Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Shannon, of
Walton, were Sunday visitors at the
home of Mr, John E. Daley.
Miss Minnie 1'-Iablcirlc and Miss
The Diamond
Always a beautiful and
valuable article of person-
al adornment. Always
much desired, 'always
much sought after. .Pel-
ways the dream of mi-
We always have a very
fine line of Diamond
Rings just suitable for
such a purpose and will
be pleased to show them
y u at your con=
You would also be pleas-
ed with the New Forget-
me-not Wedding Rings:
All Tired Out
Ever feel that way with-
out having undergone un-
usual physical exertion?
It's probably your eyes!
They affect the Y 101 andthat
wh'1e ner-
vous vous sa
means,the brain and the .,
Those wearing correct
glasses -will tell' you of the
relief, comfort -- yes, hap-
piness imparted bb pro-
perly fitted glasses. Life
looks different through
Don't neglect your eyes!
M. Ross Savauge, R. O.
Eyesight Specialist
Fred. S. Savauge
Expert Watch Jeweler & Optometrist
Repairing Opposite Post Office.
Phones 194. Res, 10.
Annie Stewart; of-Stlaforth, spent the
week -end at the home of Mr. and
Mrs: Dan. Henderson.
Mr. Wilmore Scott held a very
successful ploughing bee Monday af-
Presents and Presence.
Dora: Jack was quite poetical about
you. 'He said that when he is with
Ile a can think of nothing but the
present, the beautiful present. •
Flora: 'Well, I wish he would bring
it along. ,
For week ending April 29th,
Seaforth-Total 61 select bacon 11,
thick smooth 39, extra heavies 1, shop
hogs 3.
'Walton—Total 224, select bacon 55,
thick smooth 127, heavies 20, extra
heavies 5, shop hogs y.
Huron County -Total 2,723,select
bacon 802, thick smooth 1,94, heavies
164, extra. heavies 27, shop hogs 84,
lights and feeders 18,
The Highest Grade of House Coal Produced
Immediate Delivery
New Prices Now Effective
Greatest Value
Offered. Leave Your Order NOW
E. L. BOX Phone 43
Do Not Delay
You simply must have a new suit this Spring -- So
why not have your order in now?
We have some lovely patterns in greys, both in
tweeds and worsteds --
Prices ranging from $40 to *55
Our Indigoes at $38 to $50
are wonderful value end a really necessary item of
Get your name on our Measure Book at earliest
possible date to secure yourself against any
Tailorine and Haberdashery
ICON . 42
Dress Well and Succeed