HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1926-04-29, Page 7,i. MONSTER DELEGATION .PROTESTS TO GOY "MONT AGAINST DUTY ON AUTOS A despatch frons Ottawa says:— Three thousand orderly, good-humored but earnest ,people from Central and Western Ontario, comprising the larg- est delegation that has ever come here. to 'interview a Federal Government, arrived Friday morning: by six special trains' to protest to the King Admin- istration against the proposed reduc- tion'of 15 per cent. in the duty on Tow=priced automobiles, and to urge tho reference of this natter to the Advisory ,Tariff Board' before any action is taken. • " At three different meeting places —first, in, a local] theatre, where the enti'.e delegation mot; then in the. Railway Committee Room, where only 500 mould get' admittance,. and finally. under ,a warns eummer sun in front of the Parliament Building: --they were told' by the Dominion Government that whether or net this tariff reduction, would become effective would be deter- mined by Parliament, which represent- ed ed the people of the whole country, and from which -body the Government' derived its power to legislate for the • Iii another part of the. Parliament Building one hundred women, who were a part of the delegation,mid who were headed by Mrs, Edith C. Myers of Oshawa, waited upon Miss" Agnes Macphail, the only woman member of Parliament, .and Submitted to her arguments similar to, those presented by the '.larger 'body, Miss Maephait spoke freely and frankly to ,the WO- men, and expressed ;her hearty ap- I w r s% s Xrv;.. c ; proval f th d t ' ff • redne- o lepropeso art tion, declaring that the consumers of Canada were entitled to some consid- eration; that it 1,ad cost too much to protect the automobile industry, and that the benefits that would accrue to the 'country. from cheaper cars would outweigh the considerations of any one section.ef th,e country. POULTRY CONGRESS- TO MEET IN OTTAWA at Ottawa Station A despatoli from Ottawa says:-- George ays:—George Metcalfe of Oshawa, one of the members of the delegation which came Oshawa Man Injured Over 5,000 Delegates Expect. ed in Capital at ,19.27 Meeting. to Ottawa to protest to the Govern-' A "despatch from Ottawa says:—The ment against the proposed tariff de - World's Poultry Congress of 1927 is c'r'ease on automobiles, met with a' ser assured. for Ottawa F. C. Elford, Do- ions -accident here,. - Hurr'ying to catch minion Poultry Oommissioner, an- one of the homeward bound special nouiiced, trains, he sinpped be the Central St"a- • Forty countries will be represented tion steps "and fell down a half -flight at the Congress, which will last from of marble stairs. He was unconscious July 27 to August 4. It will be the biggest thing of its kind ever held in the Dominion. It is expected there will ire from 5,000 to 6;090 accredited delegates, so that with friends accem- when picked up, and was. rushed to thehospital with a serious gash ever the right temple, panying them, there will probably .be Wornan Trapped by Fire Saved by- Her Children A despatch from Ottawa says:— Trapped by flames which 'r'evented her from escaping by the rear door of her home here, Mrs. E. L. Dawson was saved from a horrible death by an influx of 1.0,000 visitors to Ottawa and, the Dominion. Arrangements 'are being made with the two big lines, the C.N.R. and C.P.R., for Dominion -wide tours for the delegates, • Queen Mary Denies Request for Shorter Court Gown her children, who.were playing hi the yard. Hearing her, cries for help, they A despatch from London says:— Tho .Lord Chamberlain's office and fashionable modistes of the West End of London and in Paris are at great variance as to how long the skirt' of a fashionable gown should be, "Four or five inches from :the ground" is the edict of. Queen Mary . which has remained unchanged for eee Several years in spite of the exposed knees which Paris designers have been favoring. Wooten presented at the Court of succeeded in tearing off a storm door which was nailed from the outside and which 'prevented a cape by means of the front door. An overheated kit- chen stove started the blaze. The house and ail its contents were de- stroyed at a loss of $2)600. Sir John Pickford Chief commissioner al the ,British Boy Scouts and comilessioner for overseas scouts and migration, 'is -now in Can- ada..- seeking to make arre"tigsineuta Whereby this country will receive a greater share of the British boys now emigrating to the dominions. Sir Jolin emp'hunttcally denies' suggestions that thescout movement' is mdlitar]stic MEN IN ROWBOAT HAVE NARROW ESCAPE Caught in Ice -Floes in Niagara River But Manage to Reach Shore. A despatch from Niagara Ont., says •Niagara Falls, N.Y., fire- men were called out to the rescue of three men in a rowboat Who were caught in the ice -floes near the United States shore. The boat was carried rapidlydown stream before the men succeeded in get- ting it clear of the ice. The iden- tity of the men was not ascertained. The men were first noticed by some fishermen. They battled with pikes and poles to free the craft, without avail. It was soon surrounded by, floes and being carried down toward the upper river and the falls. Lasalle, N.Y., boatmen tried to get to the boat, but were compelled to put into shore when their ovin boats were into., by the ice. The police and firemen werecalled out, but the men were able to steer into shore before the more dangerous part of the rapids was reached: WHEAT CROP OF INDIA MAY SHOW DECREASE — toria's father web dead, and althougl Col. George Ham Veteran publicist of the Canadian Pa. Ono Railway, died' in Montreal ori April 10, ages' 78, ROYAL BABY MAY ASCEND THRONE Daughter of Duke and Duchess of York is Third in Line of Succession. A despatch from London says:—All day long there was' a procession- of distinguished visitors and messengers coming and going from the Bruton Street home of the Earl of Strath- more, where the Duchess of York, on Apii1 21st; gave birth' Id her first child, a daughter. Announcement of the birth thrilled thousands of British subjects almost as much as it did the Royal family and nearly—pushed cricket and the coal crisis out of the news, For this is a very important baby, more important than the IKing's two other grandchildren, the sons of Prin- cess Mary. One day the child May be Queen of England, as she is third in the dine of succession. Should the Prince of Wales have no direct heir, should the Duke and•Duch- e5s of York never have a son, and should the - 'daughter outlive King George,the Prince of *ales and her. father, she would become by the Grace of God Queen of the United Iiingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and of the° British dominions beyond the, seas, and Empress of India. Also his -I tory would, be repeating itself, foil Queen Victoria came to the Throne" under just such circumstances. Vic - Trek of New Settlers Reduced' Yield Indicated' by Continues to Canada First Forecast of 1926 Production.. A despatch from Ottawa says:— The Indian director of statistics at Calcutta hascabled that the first fore - mit of the production of wheat in India for the 'season of 1905-211 is 3'30,208,000 bushels from 29,890,001) acres, as compared with, 3'24,011,000 btuhe'le from 31,778,000 acres, the linal estimates for. 1924 ;25, and with 329,- 1111„000 bushels from 27,784,009 acres, the annual average for the five years 't -r led 19'24, The area now reported represents a decrease of 1,874,000 acres, o; 13 per cent., and the production a decrease of 4,443,000 bushels, or 1.4 per cent., es compared withethe final estimate for 1924-25. A despatch from. Liverpool, Eng., St. James have been compelled to says :—The trek of settlers to Canada listen to the dress regulations set continued, when 700 migrants left here forth by the Lord Chamberlain's of- for Quebec and Montreal on the liner Alaunia. ` This number included a party of yop"ng women who will take employment as domestics and also a liSany dressmakers have made'" re- -party of 30 boys, ranging in age from quests that the regulations be altered 18 to 19 years of age, who are travel - to allow this year's court dresses to be ing under the auspices of the Salva - eight., niches frons the ground, but tion Army and will take up land work their request has been refused by the in Canada, :• Queen. . 0 300 00 Persons � Affected byFloods, in Brazil flee and there is no indication that there will be any modification in the• rule about skirt lengths. A despatch from Rio De Janeiro says:—Summer .rains, which have been falling steadily since January over the north eenti"'il plateau of Bra- zil, have" resulted bi serious" floods, causing distress to more 'than 300,000 persons. Enormous property damage and loss of lives have taken place, ac- cording to information received by the 'Federal Meteorological Service.`. The Sao Francisco and Paruahyba Rivers have reached record flood stages, the Sao Francisco tieing up 98 feet from its low-water Iove1. - ` New Gold Reef Struck k in Victoria, Australia A despatch from Melbourne, :Aus- tralia, says A gold rush has begun to Warraiidyte, Victoria, where num- erous claims have already been pegged out. A e.'w reef has been struck in --ese'the hills close to the old' Ca:edonia reefwuoi i i yielded .d L 79 000 Icebergs Mile Long Menace Pacific Ships A despatch from Seattle says :-For the first time In twenty years icebergs menace North Pacific' shipping lanes, according to advices"received here from -the customs authorities of Yoko - llama. The danger, it is predicted, will increase with the coming of warm j weather. One iceberg five miles Iong has been floating for weeks in the currents forty miles' from Nenamiy North Japan. Another lar•ge' floe, three miles in extent, with ice moun- Itains 000 feet in height, was sighted i recently from the island of Attu, out- post of the Aleutian archipelago. Easter Near April "1 Hurts French Finns • French confectioeuee have a' griev t 0rice against the calendar, and earn- estly hope' the Leagile of Nations amends it so that Easter Sonday iteve7' fells" so item' the first of April as this r., ounces, year, b Governor-General Reviews Whitewood Veterans • A despatch from Whitewood, Sask., says:—His Excellency Baron.Byng,of Vinay, Governor-General of Canada, was much improved when the special carrying the vi carrying on a fare- well tour of Western Canada arrived here. The inflammation which had fob.lowed an infection -in his'foot had sub- sided considerably, and he was able to take part in the various functions arranged in his honor. Accompanied by Lady Byng and members of 1115 staff, the Governor- General visited the war memorial, at ended a formal reception given by the Town: Council, reviewed the war vet- erans and received the citizens. •He replied to addresses of welcome, aril requested that the school children e given a holiday. two younger sons of George III. were living, the sown passed to her, As it is, the new baby is the fourth lady of the land, ranking in social pre- cedence only behind • Qutaen Mary Princess Mary and the Duchess of York. Daughter Born to Duke and Duchess of York A despatch from London says:- A daughter was born to the Duke and Duchess of York at 2,40 o'clock this (Wednesday) morning. The Duchess occupied her own child- hood bedroom in the town house of her father, the Earl of Strathmore, which added a thrill of sentiment to the happy event. TheDuke of York is the second son of the British Sovereign and his mar- riage to Lady Elizabeth Bowes -Lyon took place in Westminster Abbey, April 4, 1923. This is their first child, u - Ottawa 5 ifers.FB°ons e Worst Flood in. History fee A despatch from Ottawa says:— y do Early Friday morning Ottawa and, $ district faced the worst spring flood 'd in the capital's history. s s s, Mikes $ o s P teS"in y d Ottawa South are suffering w t r s ffe rn badly, and g i Y, sh the new; Ottawa Tennis and Bowling Club courts and greens are completely submerged. The clubhouse has about five feet of water pouring into the basement and lockers. In Eastview a concrete wall has broken and large stretches of the town will be under flood. Two' newspapermen sent -out to CARLOAD OF ALE SIPPED AS'GREASED WOOL" DUMPED INTO MA ' r RIVER A despatch from Buffalo' says:—A. tion, indicating that the car had been bonded at Detroit. The bills of lading lapparently were flawless, but when the car was opened it was found to be filled with bottled ale in cases. Falsification of bilis of lading and the affixing of Customs seams, so that a shipment of contraband originating in Canada, would cross the border as a shipment of ordinary merchandise, in bond 'from Detroit to some other U.S, point, is the worst smuggling evil with which the Customs have had to contend, they said. Several months ago there was a threat from Washing- ton that the bonding privilege would be abrogated: full freight -car load of ale from Lon- don, Ont., was dumped into the Nia- gara River on order from Fred A. Bradley, Collector of Customs," The ale was seized at Black Rock by Fed- eral agents. The Customs had been • informed that a carload of "greased wool/' con- signed from Chicago to Newark, tra- velling in bond thnrcugh Canada, would Ise found to be more liquid than grease, and more' glass than wool. Several cars were inspected at the United States end of the International Bridge. ` The seals on` the "grease" ear were found to be in perfect condi- THEfARKETS TOSSONTO Man. wheat—No. 1 North., $1.76 No, 2 North., $1.71; No. 8 North., no quot Maned,. oats—No. 2 CW., nominal; No 8, not quoted; No: 1 feed, 52c; No. on feed,c.i.5f,034c;bay Wportsestern grain quotation , Ann. corn, track, Toronto—No. 2 yellow, 851/1c; No, 8 yelew, S8f/ic, &iillfeed—Del., Montreal freights, bags included:. Bran, per ton, :$31.25; shorts per ton $83 25 middlings, Ont.' oats -44 to 46c fo.b. shipping points.. PP g Ont. good milling wheat—$1.87 to $1.89, f.o.b. chipping points, according to freights. Barley, :malting -02 to ' 64c. Buckwheat—No. 2, 72c. Rye -s' -No. 2, 85e. Man. flour—Fir'at pat., 39, Toronto; do, second pat-, 38,50, ' Ont. flour—Toronto, 90 per cent, pat., per barrel, in carlots," Toronto,, $6.20; seaboard; in bulk, 36.80. Straw—Oarlots, per ton, $9 to 39.50. Screenings—Standard, recleaned, f. o.b. bay ports, per ton, $2X50. ew, large, -0c; twins, 21c; triplets, 22c; Stiltons,•23c. Old, large, 2oc; twins, 26c; triplets, 27c. Butter—Finest: creamery prints, 39% to 40%c; No. 1 creamery, 39 to 40c; No. 2, 37 to 38c. Dairy prints, 38 se 85c - Eggs --Fresh extras, in cartons, 35 to 30c; fresh extras, loose, 33c; fresh firsts, 31e; fresh seconds, 26 to 27c. Dressed poultry—Chickens, spring, lb, 70 to 80c; chickens, lb., 35 to 37e; hens, over 4 to -5 lbs., 30c; do, 3 to 4 lbs., 27c; roosters, 25c; ducklings, 5 lbs. and up,.30 to 81c; turkeys, 40e. Beans—Can. hand-picked, $2.110 per bushel; primes, 32.40 per bushel. Maple produce—Syrup, per imp. gal., $2.40; per 5 -gal., 32,30 per gal.; maple sugar, lb,, 25 to 26c; maple syrup, new, per'gal., 32.50. Honey -50-111, tins, 113 to 12c per 1b.; 10-15, tins, 1134 to 12c; 5-15. tins, 11 to 12%c; 24/4-15. tins, 14 to 143itc. Smoked meats—Hants, med., 29 to 81c; cooked hams, 46 zo 48c; smoked tolls, '22c; cot5ugo, 25 to 27c; break- fast bacon, 32 to 86e; special brand breakfast bacon, 33 to Sec; backs, boneless, 30 to 43a Cured' meats --Long clear bacon, 60 to 70 lbs., 324,25; 70 to`90lbs., 323.75;., 20 lbs. and up, $22.34; lightweight rolls in barrels, $42,50; heavyweight rolls, $39.60 per bbl. winter' pats.,; choice $6.40 to' 36.50. Rolled oats, bag,. 90 leis., 33.80 to 33,40. Bran, $31.26. Shorts, $33.25. Mid- dlings, 340,25, Hay, No. 2, per ton, car lets, 313.50• Butter, No. 1 pasteurized, 31f/y to t 320, . Eggs, fresh extras, 36c; fresh firsts, 83 to 34c, Potatoes, Quebec, per bag, car lots, $4 to $4.25. 2, Com. cattle, $3.25 to 34.50; calves, s ordinary quality, 36.75 to $7.25; de, better' grades, 37.50 to' $7.76; hogs, 314.50. • • Arbor Day Needs Revival. , .5 mi mgr, The annual Arbor Day set apart $40.25; good feed Sous,, per bag 32.30 • for tree planting appears to have lost its meaning in many sections of the country. This cessation of the worthy practice of beautifying runal sur,, rotntdings left much desirable work undone. Particularly is there need of a revival of Arbor Ilay activities in tate grounds of many of the rural ?choose in this country. Why these properties in which children spend so much of their time, should be left bare and unattractive, is difficult to under- stand, It was to arouse a revival of the planting of trees and shrubbery as well as flowers in school grounds that the Canadian Horticultural Coun- cil organized a movement one year ago. A silver cup for each of nine sections in Canada has been provided for competition' ,between the . sections in the improvement that can be made in a single :season. These cups, in most of the provinces, werewon last year and are being held by the suc- cessful schools until they are beaten. As the winning depends on the im- provement made each season, the cup is likely to pass from school to school as the years go by, as it can become the property of the school only after it has been won three tunes. Other particulars with respect to the compe- tition may be obtained from the Sec- retary of the Canadian Horticultural Council, Mr. L. F. Burrows, at Ot- tawa. Lard—Pure tierces, 1734 to 18e; tubs, 18 to 18%c; pails; 1834 to 19c; prints, 1034 to 20e; shortening, tierces, 16 to 15%c; tubs, 16% to 16e; pails, 16 to life c; blocks, 17% to 18c. Heavy steers, choice, $7.50 to 38; do, good, $7 to $7.26; butcher steers, "hoice, 37 to 37,50; do, good, 36.25 to 36.75; do, con. -to med., 35 to $6; butcher heifers, choke, $6.50 to $7.25; do,'good, $6 to $6.50; do, com., $5 to $5.50; butcher cows, choice, $5:25 to $6; d0, fair to good, $4 to 5; butcher :bulls, good, 35 to'35.75; olognes, 3,3.50 ti $4,: canners and utters, $2.50 to $3:00; springers, ho]ce, $80 to $90; good 'flitch cows, 70 to 380; indium ccws, $45 to $60; filers, good, $6.2cc to 33.75; do, fair, 5 to 36; stockers, good, 5 to $5.50; fair, $4.r: to 35; calves, choke, 12 to 312.75; do, good, 310 to 311; o' lights, $5 to $0.50 good lambs, 14 to $14.90; do, mad., 312.50 to $13; 0, culls 310 to 311,50; good light cep $7 to $9; heavy sheep and Delinquent Youth, "Committing a lad to a Reformatory is a matter of serious import and should be carefully considered in view of all that is involved," said J. J. Kelso in an interview recently. Mis- takes are often'made in condemning a boy for one bad offence; the Magis- trate may too readily accept the testi- mony of prejudiced witnesses, or he niayallow an angry constable to have his way. Then too, there are people who urge the commitment of a boy that he may "get; an education," with- out realizing the kind of education he may absorb fi:om evi'lsminded asso- ciates in the school. All sentences should be subject to review by an impartial broad-minded man, backed up, where necessary, by a'report from a mental expert. There arra not a few instances where a change of neighborhood and congenial surroundings would -have effected the' necessary improvement in conduct. There is also the important question of classification and the kind of train- ing needed, for all boys should not be put through the same educational grind as at present. Getting relatives REBUILD SRIAICESJ; RE • MEMORIAL' THEATRE All English -Speaking Nations to Subscribe Fund of .$1,2550,000. A despatch from New York says:— An organized appeal to all English- speaking nations to subscribe to a fund 43f'$1,250,000 for rebuilding and endowing the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre at Stratford -on -Avon, Eng- 4and, will coincide this year with the celebration of the birthday of the great deafnatist. Committees in England, Australia,' New Zealand, Canada and the United States have completed final details of the program and the campaign will open next Monday, the 363rd anniver- sary of Shakespeare's birth. Thousands of Americans visited the birthplace of Shakespeare, and thou- sands more attended the Spring and Summer festivals in the memorial theatre in past years before the the- '. atre was destroyed by fire last March..' In rebuilding the theatre and pro- viding for a suitable endowment, Citi-; tens of England thought to raise the entire ruin themselves but were pre- vailed upon to invite all English- speaking countries to participate ih the drive. The British committee is headed by Premier Baldwin, Ramsay MacDonald, the Earl of Asquith and Oxford, and Thomaa Hardy, Dean of. Contempor- itry English Literature. • Natural Resources Bulletin. Canada again this year observed in, a special manner the week beginning April 18th as "Save the Forest Week," not that in this week only should con- sideration be given the subject, but with the object of concentrating pub He attention upon what our fire lose means. During the past years, terrific de- struction has ben wrongbt 105 the for- ests of Canada through fires break- ing out and getting beyond control. These fires have,caused enormous losses to our couniiq josses that can- not be replaced for many, many years, Canada at one time had what was supposed to be unlimited timber re- sources. Their apparent in xhaustive- ness would appear to have been their undoing. We have been both prodigal in their use and careless in their pro- tection; we have exploited them 're- gard'ess of consequences, and we have burned them with the utmost reckless- ness. Forest authorities aver that for one tree used for cdimercial purposes twenty have been destroyed by fire. What a record for a young country c n li w 0 a 0 ti 1 - wa L P a is C Peo p ot t u tr truggding to secure a place in world omnlerce in competition with older ations. Ninety per cent, of the forest' fires are the result of carelessness; not de�- berately are forest fires started, but ithout a thought of the result. Camp fires are left smouldering, smokers al - ow sparks to escape or throw matches r cigarette stubs in the forest debris sfore they are dead. Setters with- ut any intention of doing harm, set clearing fires which get beyond their onto]. It is too late to be. sorry ftor a forest fire gets started. The, me to think is before the fire. We cannot appreciate what Canada nvr11 look like without her forests, and yet we have the authority of Mr. Ell od Wilson, Chief Forester of the aurentide Co., to the effect that at er present rate of consumption, and estruction of forests in - the eastern rovinces there will be a severe short - go within the next twenty years. There are comparatively few mun- ipalities, either large or small, in anhda where more or less of their p]e are not entirely dependent upon ulp and paper mills, sawmills, or. her wood -using .industries. Before a king action,. are we going to wait ntil, for lack of wood, these indus- ies must shut down and throw their employees on the street? As Canadians we need our forests;. we need and badly need our forest ndustriee. By keeping fire out of ern we can prolong their existonee most indefinitely. The answer to the estion lies entirely with ourselves. tolen Crown of Kaiserin Worn by Hermine at Doorn buck, 311;50 to 36.00; hogs, thick. Properly interested and co-operating i smooths, fed and watered, $18.50; do, for the boy's best welfare should re- th f.o.b., $13; do, country points, $12.75; cehro consideration. If no worthy a' do, off cars, $ ,,' do, thick fats, f.o.b., relatives are available then the sooner qu $12.50; select premium, $2.65. a reliable. foster. home•can be found -- the better- Interest the boyin him- S MONTREAL„' ' se:f. Develop whatever good' and Oats, No. 2 CW., 70c; No. 3 C'V-'., kindly qualities he may possess hitt at alluding to past fat:ores or dwell ng on his faults—and his reformation s more'' likely to be assured. cover the flood have been marooned in 65c; extra No. I feed, 62See. Moue o their automobile, having to be rescued .Man, spring wheel; pats., firsts, 30; i by a police boat. • seconds $8 50 t bakers' 38 30 s rong' ra ars , ; ; MUTT AND JEFF—By Bud Fisher. 600D MORNING,. MOTHER; DcAa, s 1-1Av0 AGRCAT SukPRlse FoR`\tov: - You itNow Ttia 'S-oo YOv,GAue me Pots XMAS; wcuc t'r i Spato iNf IT To BeAVTIFY ^°' ? weseeei eve RAT) My eYetareowS• P-ockc--o, AND MADAMe 9121 GIVES MG A 34l b-PAcic CUGRY DAY: AND 5'V0 HAD MY 2 HAIR 13aI3BoD: • �e) • Yov'D HARDLY know Ma NOW Loot: s o MucH YouNGGa1 wHAT'5 THAT FOR? A despatch from Berlin says :—New clues havebeen uncovered by Prussian State detectives in the hunt for the ' 3875,000 jeweled crown of the late Another Five Hu dyed Retake Goes Blooey. Queen Augusta, first wife of Kaiser William II,, which mysteriously die - appeared from the Royal Palace en Utter den Linden more than three !years ago. The information virtually estab:islr- es that the crown was snuggled out of the palace. in 1922, and that Frill - ' cess Hermine von Reuss . wore it at I Doors, Holland, when she married the former monarch in exile. The crown I legally belongs to the Prussian Gov - 4 i'inna it{ • ` A former court jeweler told the I police that the crown vvas brought to, 1 him in a' leather• hat box by a mart wbo �nresented himself as an agent for the fo-rn3er T, '°''r', The roan. it is said, totd the ,jaw er it tvailain s n greatest dewire to see rinoess Her- mine wear the cinMl his former veein ar mile aitai. tom i measure- ments the Kaiser knew' the crown would not fit the Princess and asked that it be made smaller: The jeweller said theagent called for the 'crown after it had been re- 1� 4 i modeled with the remark that he was ' s iy, taking it to Doorn for the wedding, ' Novenibu 5, 1922,' %IT's- Fore 'toy TO PLAY w1TH, M`DeA) i tF you FecL As YovNG As `lov i_ootc Yov t-WST Feat: VG-,RY ct1lLbtsl-0. TEC Hee: PINHeAI)i f 1, pi Til 01 11110 104 1`'14,�lll' �1'lll 1 1 lall Ns 5l cd. i n o,aai a..c MA. Or OBI