HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1926-04-29, Page 6Always
The little leaves and tips from high .
linousetas tea gardens„ that are cased
hilt SALADA are much finer in flavor
than aanr Gunpowder or Japan. Tr, it.
E1»TAYM e s
RAW, 9err6
Michael, husband' of Jenny Pendants,
disappears and Robert Redmayne,
unele to Jenny, is suspected of mur-
der. Matic Brendon, criminal investi-
gator, has charge of the case. Jenny
goes to live with her uncle, Bendigo
Redmayne, Robert, in hiding, sends
for Bendigo to come to a secret cave.
Both men disappear and there is evi-
dence of a terrible struggle in the
Jenny marries Giuseppe Doria, who
works for Bendigo, and they go to
live in Italy, where Jenny's uncle, Al-.
beet Redmayne lives.
Peter Ganns, famous American de-
tective, assists Brendon in the. investi-
Ganes arranges an arrest of Dorsa.
Jenny is killed when she throws her-
self in front of her husband and re-
ceives the bullet meant for him when
he tries to escape.
"Nothing at present was positively
known by me which made it out of the
question that Joseph Pendean's wife
should be the mother of Giuseppe
Bonin. But none the less many facts
might exist as yet beyond my knowl-
edge, which would prove such a sus-
picion vain. I considered how to ob-
tain these feta and naturally my
thought turned to Giuseppe himself.
"Having found out what Penzance
could tell me, I beat it up to Dart-
mouth, because I was exceedingly anx-
ious to learn, if possible, the exact
date when Giuseppe poria entered the
employment of Bendigo Redmayne as
motor boatman. Albert's brother
hadn't any friends that I could flncl;
but 1 traced his doctor and, though he
was not in a position to enlighten me,
he !.new another man—an innkeeper
at Tor -cross, some miles away on the
coast—who night be -familiar with
this vital date,
"Mt. Noah Blades proved n very
shrewd and capable ehap. Bendigo
Redmayne had known him well, and it
was after spending a week at the
Tor -cross hotel with Blades and go-
ing fishing in his motor boat, that the
old sailor had decided to start one
himself at '(''row's Nest.' He did so
end his first boatman was a failure.
Then he advertised for another and
received :.t good many ttppllCatleli5.
He'd sailed with Italians and liked
them on a ship, and he decided for
Giuseppe Dcria, whose testimonials
appeared to be exceptional. The man
came along and. two days after his
arrival, ran Bendigo down to Tor -
;rose in his launch to see Blades.
"Redmaync, of course, was full of
the murder at Princetown, which had
just occurred, and the tragedy proved
so interesting that Blades had little
time to notice the new motor boatman.
But what natters is that we know it
was on the day after the murder—on
the very day Bendigo heard what his
brother, Robert, was supposed to have
done at Foggintor Quarry—that his
new innn Giuseppe 1)orilt, arrived at
'Crow's Nest' and took on his 110 NV du-
"That meant that not Pendean, but
his wife's uncle, Robert Redmayne,
perished on Dartmoor. And there he
lies yet, nay son!"
Irlr. Ganes took snuff and proceeded.
Go for
Ala the
pJ i§1
It makes
them smile --
it's sure
worth white.
every meal
sa„cwaae. Sareau'meao,.,.,ma,o,�-•�.+
ISSUE No. 18—'26.
"Here, I think, we may spare a tri-
bute of admiration to Pendean's his-
trionics. Both he and his wife were
heaven -born comedians as well as hell -
That he will leave a full statement
before the end, I venture_to praphesy.
His•egregious vanity demandsit. You
may even expect something a little
new in the suicide line if they give
him a chance; for be sure he's thought
of that.
"And now I'll indicate how I
brought fact after fact to bombard
my theory, and how the theory with-
stood every assault until I was bound
to accept it and act upon it.
"We start with the assumption that
Pendean is living and Robert .Red-
mayne dead, We next 'assume that
Pendean, having laid out his wife's
uncle at Foggintor, gets into his
clothes, puts' on a red mustache and
a red wig and starts for Berry Head
on Rednayne's motor bicycle. The
sack supposed to contain the body is,
found, and that is all. His purpose
Ili to indicate a hiding -place for the;
corpse and lead search in a certain+
direction; but he is not going to trust,
the son; he is not going to stand the'
risk of Robert Redmayne's corpse
spoiling his game. No, his victim never
left Foggintor and probably Michael
will presently tell us where to find the
"Meanwhile a false atmosphere is
"I hurled hint over the cliff:"
created under which he proceeds to
his engagement at 'Crow's Nest.' And
then what happens? The first clue-
the forged letter, purporting to come,
from Robert Redmayne to his brother.
Who sent it? Jenny Pendean onn her
way through Plymouth to her Uncle
13endigo's home.
"Jenny plays widow but, spends as
much tinge as she wants in her bus-
band'a arms all the sante; and to-
gether they plan to put out poor Ben.
He'd never seely Pendean, of course,
which made the Doria swindle pos-
sible. I incline to think that Michael
meant to begin with the old sailor and
that, when Robert turned tip unex-
pectedly on Dartmoor, he altered his
"Now we come to the preliminary
steps at 'Crow's Nest' which ended in
the death of the second brother. You
offered just the starting . point; and
before you left on that rough, moon.
light.night, Pendean had recreated the
forgery of Robert Redmayne and ap-
peared before you in that character.
And not content with this, he kept the
part going :for all it was worth. As
Robert Rednlayne, he broke into Strete
Flim and was .seen by'Mr. Brook, the
"New we get to biindnaan'e buff
with the forgery. Follow each step.
Bendigo never sees his supposed bro-
ther once; yeti never seen him again.
Your united search through the woods
is futile; but Jenny and her husband
in the motor boat bring news of him.
Robert must sea l3endigo all alone—
end he mast have fond and a lamp in I
this secret 'hiding place.
"We111 it's fixed up and Ben derides
to meet his brother after midnight,
atone; but the old sailor's puck wav-f
fns -whop ;hall blame 11in1?,•---anal he
arranged In secret with. you that yea!
should be hidden in his tower room
when Robert Redmayne comes to keep
the appointment.
to clear the point, ,but I can guess
that at that first interview with Ben
he tumbled to the fact that yen were
hidden in -the tower room. -
"Tha't being so, his own pians, had
to be modified pretty extensivch'
Whether he meant to finish off Bon
that night, you c'en't besure; but there
is very little doubt of it. Everything
was planned.
"Now wegetanotlteelil.eiilc. teirort
of runaway Robert; and finally Ben-
digo consents to visit him in his hiding
place, The lamp is going to bust and
show the particular cave on that
honeycombed coast, where Bendigo'-s
brother is supposed to be cencele:ed.
Another night comes and Ben goes to
his death;
"Two Redrnaynes have -gone to their
account and- there remain.. but one.
Meantime the course of true love runs
smoothly and Doris marries 'his wife
During the autumn assizes, Iilicbael
Pendean was tried at Exeter • and con:
demned to death for the murders of
Robert, Bendigo and Albert' Red-
mayne,- He offered 110 defence and he
was only impatient to return to his
seclusion within the red walls of the
county ,jail, where he occupied the
brief balance of his days with just
such a statement as Peter Ganns had
foretold that he would seek to make.
This extraordinary document was
very characteristic of the criminal.
Here is his statement, word for
word, as he wrote it:
"i%arken, ye judges! There is an-
other madness besides, and -it is before
the deed. Ah! Ye have not gone deep
enough into this soul! Thus speaketh
the red judge:' 'Why did this criminal
commit murder? He meant to rob.'
I tell you, however, that his soul hun-
gered foe blood,. not booty; he thirsted
for the happiness of the knife!"
And again:
"What is this man? A coil of wild
serpents at war against themselves—
so they are driven apart to seek their
prey in the world."
So wrote one whose art and wisdom
are nought to this rabbit -brained gen-
eration; but it was given -to me to find
my meat and drink within his pages
and to see my own youthful impres-
sions reflected and crystallized with
the brilliance of genius in his stu-
pendous mind.
Remember, 1, -who write, am not
thirty years old.
As a young man without experience
I sometimes asked myself if some
spirit from another order of beings
than my own had not been slipped into
my human ,carcass It seemed to me
that none with whom I: came in con-
tact was built on, or near, my own
pattern, for I had only met one per-
son as yet -any mother—who did not
softer from the malady of a had con-
science. My father and his friends
wallowed in this complaint.
At fifteen years of age I kilted a
mala, and found, in a murder under-
taken for very definite' reasons, a
thrill beyond expectation. That inci-
dent- is unknown; the death of my
father's foreman, Job Trevose, has not
been understood 'till now. He lived at
Paul, a village upon the heights nigh
Penzance. Among the • fish -curing
,sheds one day, unseen, I chanced to
hear Trevose speak of my mother to
another man and declare that she did
evil and dishonored my father.
From that moment I doomed Tre-
vose to death and, some weeks later,
after many failures to win the right
conditions, caught ]nim alone in 0 sen
fog. I walked beside pian for fifty
paces, then fell behind, leaped at his
neck and hur-ed him over the cliff in
all instant.
My life proceeded old r:y; I diose
the profession of dentist, as being
likely to -introduce me to people of a
more interesting type than my fath-
er's acquaintance; and I kept an open
mind for myself, but a shut mind for
others. '
The brainless 'Robert Redmayno,
brought his mere to spend her school
holiday with him and I discovered in
the seventeen -year-old school girl a
magnificent and pagan simplicity of
mind, combined with a Greek loveli-
ness of 'body that created in me a
We loved one another •devotedly
from the first understanding,.
(To be continued:)
Minard's Liniment for backache.
The Music.
The birth befell..
'Upon a night wb n all 111e Syrian
iSwayed tremulous before one lordlier
I I That rose in gradual epleni11 1',
Flooding the firnlaulent with'a1;:a!e
light,• I
And dropped upon the Breathing ]gills
A sudden music,
-_Don Alarquls.
I ".Now the nod: thing puzzled me for
.a moment; but I think I know what
- happened. Only Pendean's final state-
ment if he ever makes one will serve
On Ronda;; evening, May 3• at
eight o'clock. from Massey Hall.
Toronto }will be
.by Station (..I -1,1.C., 157 meter wave
length, a LECTURE Qin Chn'islian
Science, entitled •
"Christian Science the
Science of Healing"
sy Gavin W. Alien, - C.S.B.; of
Toronto, a member of the Board et.
Leeiu:•eship of The Mother Chitral,,
The First Church of C,hrist, Sciett-
tish Boston, Mass. You 'are cora
filially invited to listen iu
The beauty"' of printed silks ts_af
great attraction in the new models.
Cut with round neck and fastening at
the side front, this charming frock
developed in printed silk, displays a
long panel and tie belt of plain ma-
teriel. There •are tucks at the shoul-
ders, and double inverted plaits at the
side seams flare out, emphasizing the
silhouette of motion. The long full
sleeves are gathered into little bands
at the wrist. No. 1311 is for misses
and small women, and is in sizes 10,
18 and 20 years, or (34, 36 and 38
inches bust only). Size 18 years (36
bust) requires 414 yards 39 -inch ma-
terial. Price 20c.
Every woman's desire is to achieve
that smaat different appearance which
draws: favorable comment from the
observing pubic. ' The designs illus-
trated in our new Fashion Book are
originated, in the Meant of the style
centres and will help you to acquire
that much desired air of individuality.:
Price of the book l0c the copy.
Write your name and address plain-
ly, giving number and size of such
patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in
stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap
it carefully) for each number,- and
address your order to. Pattern Dept.,
Wilson Publishing Co., 73 West Ade-
laide St., Toronto. Patterns sent by
return mail
The Scrapegoat.
During the war, especially, many a
1111111 was renmoved from office or from
a high command mote as -the victim
of a policy than for any eh1 or omis-
sion of his own. •1fe was said to be a
"scapegoat," because he was, more or
less, suffering for faults -that were by
no moans all itis own.
Title passage, from the Bible, illus-
trates the present use of the. term_
"scapegoat": "Aaron shall cast lots
upon the two goats; one lot for the
Lord, and the other lot for the-scape-
goet, and Aaron *hail bring the goat
upon which the Lord's lot i'ell, and of-
fer,- hint for a sill of'rcriag. But the
goat 00 which the lot fell to be the
scapegoat shall be presented alive be -
tore the Lord, tb male an atonement
with him, ant to lel him go for a scope-'
goat into the. wilderness. , .And
Aaron shall lay both his hands upon
the ]lead of the live goat, and confess
over hint all the iniquities of the Child-
ren of Israel . . putting then upon
the head of the goat, and shall send
him away by the hand of a gt man into
the. wilderness: And the goat shall
bear upon hien all their iniquities unto
a land not inhabited: and he shall let
go the geat in the wilderness."
Titus, through three thousand years,
or more, has this pitiful picture of the
scapegoat conee to us, to be used to -day
as the symbol for a pian who is the
victim inure or less innocent, of other • mean less
pe0ple's lnistakes and errors. met i,
The new kind of soap-`
-makes anew -kind-»
of washday ,
Simply dissolve Rinso and put it
into the ' wash -water, pita in the
clothes,soak 2 Hours oe Inore and
just rinse.
Change the hard work of wash-
. ing to just rinsing'.
No rubbing, no maimed
hands, no aching backs,
or jangled nerves.
Gloriously white,
clean clothes. -
Madeby the
?halters of Luc.
R-4 54
lif&rt, N frlr:: ei
' The Mouth Organ as a'
Physical Stimulant.
Apart from all effeots it may -pro-
duce upon- the pulmonary organs, .the
mouth organ has in- many instances
proved a splendid mental tonic. While
discussing mouth organs with a friend
recently, the conversation turned te•
army days. My friend.mentioned' an
incident which occurred in Prance.
while a company of wearied troops
were on a forced march. It was neces-
sary to reaoh a certain place ibefore-
day break, but the company was still
a number of miles &way'front its des-
tination when it became»evident that
the majority of the men were physi-
cally tired ant.• Steps began to drag,
and it Seemed that the party would
*sever reach their objective at the time
ordered. - -
Suddenly. when everybody was ready
to drop, the old familiar tune of "Tip-
perary"'broke the night's silence. One
after another heads went up, dragging
feet stepped out in time to the inutile,
and tiro whole compel), _moved for-
ward like a new man. The music kept
pp mile after mile,' and the. soldiers'
feet kept 11p with It
In spite of exhaustion, the company
arrived at its-seitebTn'i'ed destination
with every plan marching, The day
hall been saved and ..the glory went to
the man who had suddenly remember
ed that in the bottom of his bit bag
was the only musical Instrument in
the oompanY:
I suppose it's hardy, necessary for
me to say that that instrument. -was a
mouth organ.—S. T. Leonards.
Sentence Sermons.
Seven Bests --The best compliment'.
—tile one a woman pays a man when
she marries hint.
-The best business—making men
out of hired ]tants.
—The -best inusic—the laughter of
ones' children at evening :time.
—The best'religion---that which re.
sults in orthodox conduct.
--The best medicine—faith, as an
antidote for Worry,
.--The best government --that which I
begins in sell' -government, govern -
Mont of self.
Poultry,- Mutter, Eggs
Wo Offer Toronto's Best 'Prices,`
St. Lawrence Market Toronto
e"a, gtri- e
An Unfinished Course.
Her Lindland'—"Delicatessen -stuff
ageism! -I thought you had studied do-
mestic solenee."
Mrs. Junebride—"l hive. But" I
never went beyond the lecture on the
use of the can opener."
Minard's Lintment for burns. -
How They Used It. •
"That luminous paint is ,a splenoid
"What do you use It for?"
"We paint baby's free so that we can
give him a drink in the night without
lighting the gas." •
Justice and truth are absolutely es-
sential to the highest friendship; we
respect a friend all the more because
he is just and true, even when he hurts
our pride and mortifies us most. -O.
S Marden.
Snap Shot Finishing
Wo epoelallze In Develop010 and Printing
of allnpthota. if you !lova never. scan our
Work We will mall -you 0 Prints frac of oharea
11 you will ,cold O. 0 of your hest naoattee,
tater, May Iltlh eland with Hui names and
0001,1.,. of 3 ar morn friends who awn a
Kodak our ,rnrtivas returned WYk print..
--1', 11. SAnCEANT
412 Yearn St., - - - Toronto, 1
SHIP UU±SApV,eOUC2-'-.-o-.:�
Mite today fin, psi cos _neesluarantee
them for q week ahead
o-39 $EVgouonZal- gont'e
Their teeth are of a tough-
: Hess which n'miccsthemhold
their keen cutting edge un-
der army usage.
just tip to Tint or Boil
to Dye
Each 15•1eut p.lck•
age containa dires-
lions so simple any
W011111 11 can tint soft,
del Ica to" shades ca,
dye rich, permanent
colors.` in lingerie,
silks, ribbons, skirts,
waists, dresses,
coats, 'stockings,
sweaters, draperies,
coverings, barging -a
Bey Diamond !lyes -no OLlier Bind
and toll your druggist whether the ma-
terial you wish to color is wool or silk;
or 'whether it is linen, cotton or mixed.
'Nr o-
The Thumb Rest which re.
j lieves'all strain from the band
and wrist..
The' Heel Stand which makes
it unnecessary to lift the iroll.
The hinged Plug, which pre- '
vents wear and disconnection
of the cord.
The Hot Point, which makes
ironing quicker and easier...
Hotpoint is the only electric iron
in the -work! to; give yot all these
advantages. And the price is
remarkably low.
Hotpoint Standard Iron ,$5.50:
Special Iron $1 extra.
A Canadian General Electric Product -
�a $1
Here is great value in
Dairy Pails. We know
there exists a big de-
inand for awellfinished,.
good -wearing sanitary
dairy hail selling at a
popular price. Here it
3S—the SF DairyP1til,,'
inew style. _ See them in the
stores. Fake a look at the
big ear, note the absence,of
ill cracks and crevices---
and -marls the 10w price—
only one dollar. Equip
your dairy throughout with
I r-
My path, to the barn ds ip•olving ti'izn:
I love that patli. -. 11 lies' so
beautifully, : tiliat -ribbon;. curves: 'a
trifle, tothe left, thea sul1Lly downhilt,.
subtly back again aliii up a very gentle
grade to the cow-batrn door;; laid out
as if with a' wave :of it graceful hand.
(Really, of course, the graceful flue
/nations of 'feet! A foot=path albveys
bras oharmiuJ'Onra:est but this is'poet-
tively Riozartian in it5,grace; the little.
t i'iit of its Idyllic:
t1 grassy Path, Yet
with a, clear 13111; difference its'' color
rims ili more than- any actual edge.-
13ut we never lose '1.1; • the r'ibbon's
curve is always there—trodden snow
in ~tinter, ice and brownness for
1Mar0n, a bit of faint color for. ApsIl;
after that, the variatio-n of-suinnier.
A narrow path, yet social, it .leads you.
to a benevolent barn at one end; a
syinllatltetic house at the other. Oue
to happy in it, going either way; 11 is
quite the thread of one's- fared' des-
tinies. -' And all the dear attendant
ones who have followed that path!
Late and early cats; Gli and'Jand, and
Jane's- babies; domestic ponies and
cheerful hens; Mr, Duck—eloquent;
the geese, Julius and Julia and the
Eleven (all Chanting,. apd doing wi�ng-
rhythms) ; 'but above all, cats, Snow-
ball and Smutty; black Rachel, yellow
Sammy, and their children, .Christo-
pher 17olunrbus and Explorer ---two
hideous little tortoise -shell squallere.
(and Rachael was such a niece cat);
spleudid gray Tipey of the raised tail
and . courteous manners—even to 0"
leen, met On the path; and. last and
always, my Boo-hoo. Hoe glorified and
-adornecl that path lilte a daffodil;,..but
no daffodil has his sense of humor, his
gallant loyalties. 1 could planta whole -
garden of flowers there andhhey would
not shine out as his •memory does. .
Paths Are Eloquent.
The paths in lano and pasture are
eloquent, too. Not with: caw -.tracks;
-hundreds and hundrede of pony -tracks.
Lopping over each other, heel upon toe,'e-
circle- upon indenttd circle; up and
along the narrow, rich -soiled ways
they go, and one has tender thoughtse,
as one ponders then!, Meditative
tracks going .out; hasty emphatic
tracks galloping. down; Grey's prat -
'lily pointed Hoofs, Julia's and Superb's
generous ones, Ocean's and Dignity's
neat round ones, Elizabeth's still
smeller tracks—they are all them, all
different. An individual pony has, as
a rule, very individual fret; they are
as distinctive ee hands among humans.
Lassie has prompt -Reeking tracks; and
she is almost our promptest pony. One
can jusrt see the good nature in Elaan-
or's bland tread, while Feacinetlolt has
a nervous •though amiable little print--
rint—pointed Iike'Grey's. (Sensitive ponies
almost always have pointed feet)
Duchess leaves a brightly, stamped,
energetie mark; and there is nothing
slctilful about one Duch" Icer child,
Marigold, has a similar' track, though
slightly more, lingering, more phleg
matte; th. re Is sometl'iug of iteofy in
Marigold, and Reddy on the road was
a calm person whom no' emergency
could dismay. (Strange how collect-
ed, In harness., that copper -colored imp
became how dillnitsly he shell his
stage-dragonism stiinelvltete on the
pitches, yet never failed to. pick .1t up
on his. return!) . 111,1: !teddy's tracks
are gone; the tracks of his grandchild-
ren fill the paths.
Graphic Signs.
Oh, the footprint of a Shetland baby!
About as big as et five cont piece; pro-
gressing to a quarter, maybe -a ter-
rific hoof that, for aaby. .In spring,
the paths are exquisite with 't-beee tit-
tle shapes, across the lane puddle, the
ground is. thick with them.
The. competence of those teu-cent
pieces; the cocky confidence of them;
the early morning spirits, the caraco-
lings and sprintltags; the simultaneous
dashings; the deeptoe-prints that
show a small tail was over a tack, and
great acts In the doing. I caul never
get enough of those tiny chalets and
their games, drawn so 'graphicallyin
the damp shore of the puddle:—Anne
Bosworth Greene, -in. "Dipper Trill,"
Origin of Colors.
Turkey red is made. from the mad.•
dal• plant, growing in IIlndustam
The exquisite Prussian blue comes
front fusing horse'shoofs•and other
r efuse,matter with impure potassium
Ctunboge if; from the yellow lap of
N tree In Siam.
Indian ink is made from burned,
c a inp110a•,
alastic comes frau the gum of the
111111.10 tree, which grows in Greece.
Run =.tenni is the natural eerl.h from
the neighborhood of Sienna, Italy;
,:fid umber is an earth found near Um -
illue black comes Rani the charcoal
of the vin -e- eteett.
The camel furnishes 11illi5a1 yellow
raid the cattle -gel] gives sepia, which
is an inky litiid that tate fish, when at-
tacked, discharges to make (ho water
Metre 15 the soot of wool 'ashes..
Scarlet le iodide 0f. mercury, 'veruil•
-lion Is frotnl the ore cinnabar, and the
Chinese white is zinc.
The gorgeous garmine, crinisen, 50111•
let -carmine, and purple lakes are fur-
nished by the cochineal insects.
How to Wash Care.
'the 1. nit11ne1'at1t1'& of 1140 water used
or washing should arhvays be n lints
bolos; drat. of the oar body.