HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1926-04-29, Page 4orommumosmosiuslmamaktotsrow.r.Samaa...gsaisai=agsrizataisiimaiisimi
, serious, and , R. Erorn4 '
- tBy W.H. T. that.lte will only be brought back to ruMttinrs. ,Rg frienHdsoy inhas Guelph:returned .
Health' by the - exercise on the part of Mrs. G.Badley spent the weekend
GENERAL OBSERVATIONS that his case is very, very
That Dr, Young's line, Alt Wren i tho doctor of a skill ' which enables in 'Goderictt• t
Mr. D. Boyd has purchetsed a new
Ilam to/ to that which is hardly short Ghevrdlat sedan.
of the `miraculous. Mr. W Toll spent the week -end in
Great strides have been trade in Toronto.
the invention and improvement of Mr. Percy Taylor 'and his mother
visited in<Blyth • on Tuesday of this.
mcdipal apparatus 'since the clays of Week.
Hippocrates, 'who •would stare with; T.he community extends sympathy
open-eyed wonder at what the mod- to Mr. and Mrs, George Nicholson
ern doctor has to work with. in the death of their eldest daughter,
Well, first the heart, that most tote Miss Martha Nicholson, on Thurs-,
day, April 22nd. Miss Nicholson,
portant organ, which is the first part who was twenty-one years of age, had
of us to live arid the last to die, mus?
been in -poor health
carefully examined1 and tested with
the stethoscope, then the:lungs are
exainined with the same instrument
to the accompaniment of a rat -tat on
the chest�as though it were a kettle
drum. Then around the upper arm
is wrapped a band.of rubber cloth
with, pipes attached and what looks
like's !baby steam gauge, and a rubber
bttlb to blow it up. This reveals
what the blood pressure is. The eyes
and the tongue looked at and the
pulse counted, and the diagnosis is
complete, •
Then follow the days and nights
of lying in bed which is so irksotne
after life of activity.
But even sickness has its bright
side. Shakespeare says "Sweet are
the uses of adversity which, like; the
toad, ugly and venomous, wears yet
e precious jewel iii its head."
oae of the great alleviations
of sickness is the kindness of one's,
friends. Otte .feels' under a lasting
obligation to them ,for their ,pleasant
calls. their.pleasittg words tend their
other kindly ministrations,
And then there is the pleasure of
getting well again, and feeling that
one wilt once more be of some use in
the world, for which one thanks from
the depths of his heart The Great
Giver of alt good.
think all men mortal •but themselves,
expresses a universal -truth may fairly
•. be open tq question; but ,`there -is no
' doubt .that it is true in many cases:
To., many ;people ,in perfect health
death seems to be away in the van-
ishing point. of the future's perspec-
tive plane. Often they are reminded
of death by the passing over into
the Unknown of near and dear ones,
and trey Say "My turn will surely
, come" 'but they do not realize the
i full,import of these true and solemn
' words, They titter them as. glibly as
they would say "good mor ting" to
. em
n ifriettd, and with as little
They go blithely on their way, wholly
oaken up iwith the things of time and
sense, as though .this world were to
be their eternal•dwelling place. The
fact is few of us are like the Appstle
Paul, "having a desire to depart."
'vM are rather like Henry Ward
Beecher who was "dreadfully at
hpme" in this world.
Of course, we cannot be always
thinking about our final hour. Nor
would it be well for us' to be, but
some thinking about it, might, per-
haps, have a modifying influence on
our words and -conduct. The Bible
says, "O that they were wise—that
they would consider their Utter end,"
and our' friend the •poet says "'Tis
well to -have 'familiar thoughts with.
But sickness comes. Sickness,
which Alexander 'Pope calls "a sort
of early old age, which teaches us a
diffidence iia our earthly state." It.
tells us with uncomfortable emphasis,
that after all, we are physically -frail—
that there is but a step between us
and death—that "the• spider's most
attenuated thread is cord, is cable, to
anan's tender tie on earthly bliss; it
breaks at every breeze,"
The doctor is called, and soon.he
enters the "sick room," with a coun-
tenance not too lugubrious, but with-
al expressive of a 'due sense of his
responsibility. Nor does he'try to
'impress the patient with the notion
h ith for some time.
She is survived by four brothers and
one sister, besides her parents. The
funeral was held on 'Saturday after-
noon to Brussels cemetery, the 'ser-
vices being conducted by Rev. Dr,
Brown of Walton
United C
The ,pallbearers. were Messrs Ed,
Rowland, Louis !Rowland Norman
Rowland, Wan. Nicholson, Lorne:R'oe
and Ernest Toll.' '
Mrs, Armour Dundas was' a grac-
ious hostess last Wednesday evening
when she entertained the ladies of
the Y. L. S. C. After an evening
spent in fancy work, games and
singing, dainty refreshments were
J 4,L\ .1 JSi
h •,T iii I ' •�3,�-,010 co'
to j44,3,1,, --,;010
%c'• co
gtttY 31
• sT���
should see you put aside some part of your income.
When your earning powers are high provide for
the future. Open a savings account with us next
pay day and every pay day thereafter add some-
thing to it.
This will undoubtedly benefit us, but it's you
who will reap the real benefit.
3S'�i TAR/0 COVE4WMF//T '
14 Other Branches Throughout Ontarianao.
The many friends of Miss Mary
Kelly are very sorry to hear of her
Mrs. Johit Darling has gone to the
hospital for'treatment.
Mrs. Pat. 'Ryan and her son Jack
spent Sunday in Seaforth with her
daughter, Mrs. John Evans.
Mrs. John Mclvor suffered a para-
lytic stroke on Friday:
Miss Pearl Mero, of Seaforth,-spent
the week -end with her sister, Mrs.
Joseph Hickey.
Mr, Walter Carpenter is sporting
a new coupe, Aril 22nd,
On Thursday evening, . p
the different societies and the choir
of St. Patrick's parish assembled in
the Parish Hall •to present their be-
loved pastor, Rev. :Father White,
with some remembrance before his
departure to his -new appointment at
Windsor. Although he had been with
us hardly three years, Rev. Father
White had the love and respect not
only of his parishioners, but of all
who knew him. 'In this short time he
accomplished a great deal of good
work for the parish. The most im-
portant were the interior decorating
of the church, rearranging the heat -
Mg system and completing an upetb
date parish hall. Alter a'1ew pleasant
(tours of progressive euchre and a
gaiety lunch supplied by the ladies
alt address was read by Mr. Joseph
Nagle. Rev. Father White was agree-
ably surprised by a handsome club
bag from the Altar Society, an elec-
tric reading lamp . from the Catholic
Women's League, a gold piece from'
'the Choir and a purse of gold from
the ,Holy 'Name-Societyand friends.
Father White replied .in a few well
chosen remarks and expressed his
regret at not being able to remain
longer in Dublin parish.
Mrs. E. B. Tycrs visited friends in
Stretford on Friday.
Mr. Geo. Sills, -of Seaforth called
n friends here Saturday.
• Mr. Thos. Murphy is visiting
friends in Tdtteliham.
Miss Catherine Coyne visited her
nephew, Mr. John Burns, of Logan,
during the past week.
During the week, Rev. Father
erred with
r presented V e
was fun
the following gifts:. a pair of kid
gloves from his Altar boys; a foun-
tain pen and eversharp pencil Brom
pupils of the high school, and a pair
of military brushes from pupils of the
Separate School.
Mr. Richard Barry, of Seaforth,
spent Monday in Dublin.
Mrs. James Shea attended a meet-
ing of the diocesan executive of the.
Catholic Women's League in London
on Tuesday.
Rev. Father White left to take
charge of his duties in Windsor on
• Re'. Father O'Draski, of .Poet
Lambton. who succeeds Rev. Father
White assumed his duties here on
M. T,hn McGrath, of Hibbert has
treated himself to a_nesv car.
Corns are caused by the pressure of
tight boats, but no one reed ,be
troubled with them long when so
simple a remedy as Holloway's Corn
Remover is available.
quality goods..
1 ;: -• - alt this store .l`, giving,you real g, Y.$
- ., to • tY • ...•; v: • ,. ..
!vin ou choice m.erchan-
�, 0 0Realize -that this store ws $ $ • y,
1, s ivi, Flu real honest to goodness values? if not ,o�n
trig-- .:that this- store i:� g t,g y
the litany customer•s and make enquiry.
Men's and' Young .
Men's 'nits
37 only Men's and young' Men's
S- its in grey, brown and lovat
shades. Guaranteed ;'all -wool
tweeds and made in the new
single-breasted styles. Every,
suit guaranteed to give sat sfac-
tion. Values to $j!5.00 Friday
and Saturday
Men's !tats
Any hat in the store will be
sold at this price on Friday
and Saturday only. Values
to $6.50 •
Men's Shirts -
10 dozen Men's. Shuts in all
sizes just received. 'in plain,
stripes and fancy patterns Each
shirt has separate soft collar to
match. Regular $2.50' : Friday
and Saturday only at
Men's Hose
25 dozen Men's New Hose just
received in silk and wool, checks...
-fancy stripes and plain patterns,
Reg. 75c ' Friday and Saturday
Boy's Cotton
58c a pair
4 dozen only boys cotton
hose black and brown Reg.
35c FRID NY and SATUR-
2 pairs for 50c
Den's and Young
Men's- Suits
25 only. Men's and young Meii's
Suits just arrived from one of
Canada's largest Clothing Houses
Made in the newest styles. Co
lors grey. brown and blue with
colored pin _stripes. • . Every suit
guaranteed. Friday and Saha.
day only
Boy's Suits
28 only . Boy's one bloomer
Suits in all shades and styles
Values to $9.50 F'riday and
Saturday only
Bath Towels.
12 dozen Bath Towels in all
shades and patterns. Sold'
elsewhere at 65c. Friday and
Saturday only
r■..n,,. urs
20 per cent oil Spring Coats and• Dresses
We are offering
20 per cent.' off our Misses and Ladies' Spring Coats and, Dresses for: Friday and Saturday only.
inthis large stock goes at this price. It is your chance Don't delay.
R. J. GI. B
Every garment`
Horticultural Society. — A large
number front Brueefield attended' Mr.
Moore's es lc
on Monday evening
ori "The r Beautification of I3onte
Surroundings" and: telt well rewarded
Mr. Durant's lantern was in good
form and the slides' were excellent
and beautifully colored, showing
some prize specimens, of individual
ghmpse5•;of many ,
dens etc.Miss Eleanor Seder's
piano number was a Scottish Tone
Picture by MacDowell, Mr. Jarvis
Horton gave "Annie Laurie" and
"The Flower Song" on his villin,
Miss Irene Snider an appropriate poem
from Kipling, and Mr. Armour sang,
"Thank God -for .a Garden" by del
Riego, and "Fiddle and I," with violin,
obligato. Those who missed the tre-
tnendous...helpfulness of Mr. Moore's
wide experience in flower cultureand
gardening have real cause to regret
it but it was gratifying to see so
many interested' .home and flower
lovers bent on adding to their store
of knowledge.
Considerable interest is being
shown in the Recital of'sacred choral
music to be given in the United
Church on , Friday evening of this
week at` 8 'An augmented
choir will.render a number of choice
choral numbers as well as quartettes,
duets and .polos, Mrs. Lundy will
contribute' organ .solos: and Miss
Gladys Holland, ' pf Seaforth, his
kindly consented to give some read-
ings.. There is no charge for admis-
sion but a 'silver offering will be taken
at the door, the. proceeds going -to
the choir ,funds. ' •
The Y. P.'S.'C. E, had their month-
ly song service after church service,
As usual a large crowd were present
for it because all enjoy it and realize
-thr value of good music upon charact-
er.' Miss Anna Mustard told 'the story
of how hymn 272 was written, which
was very interesting. On April
18th, Miss Clete Pepper gave an `in-.
teresting address on the "Observance
of. the Sabbath Day." Mr, Wallace
.Haugh :told' how the Sabbath had
been sanctified or violated since
early days. A lively discussion fol-
lowed on the -eight observance of
Sunday at the present day. Mr. John
McIntosh, the leader of the 'Whites;
challenged the captains of the Blues
and the Reds for each side- to take
one meeting each'' and see which
could have the best ' meeting: This
was accepted by the captains. The
Blues will have the Devotionall 'Night,
May 2nd; the Whites the Missionary
Night, May 9th, and 'the Reds the
Citizenship Night, May 1Yith Be sure
and come and hear, them so you will
'show which had the best "meeting;,
besides each captain needs all his side.
to help him: •
Many of 'fhe farmers are plowing.
enw but .hope to soon be busy seed-
Again death has visited our village
and rebioved from our midst Mr,
entrew T. Scott. M.
r Scott has been.
a patient sufferer forsome time, hav-
um been stricken 'with paralysis sev-
el years ago. Our deefiest synt-
a!hr arc; to Mrs. Scott and family
,••�1 10 his 'ager! mother at this tiine.
'fr was born in Brucefielcl'fifly-six'
--s ,15,0'. only son., of the late Wrl-
°rr tt and Iti's'..Scntt and hall
-relene resident, In 'his years
aesene:with the public in the
store •founded by his father, his quiet,
unassuming manner and thorough
uprightness won for him the highest
regard of everyone. He is survived -by
his mother, who in her eiht-
is g y
fourth year; by his -widow, ,formerly
Miss Jessie McDonald of Brucefield,.
and by five children, all at home,
Ross, Elizabeth, Ina, Willie and Ellen
Mae. His father died 9 years ago.
funeral which was as un er
auspices of the Odd Fellows, of which
he was a member, took ,place on.
Tuesday -afternoon. to the place of
interment in Baird's cemetery, the
service being conducted by Rev, C. G.
Armour. The pallbearers were
Messrs. Thomas Fraser, James Swan,
James Boyce, Drew Swan, Hugh Gil--
ntour, James Bowey. Among those
from a distance who attended , the
funeral were: Mrs, Smith, of Chicago;
Mr. and .Mrs. Yeilowlees, 'Bowman .
villa; Mr. and Mrs. Andrew- Beattie,
London; Mr.. and Mrs. Angus Beat-
tie; Pond Mills; Mr. and Mrs. Mc
Clary; Nilestowni Mr, and Mrs:• Andy
Beattie, Mee Jack Beattie and Miss
.Ella Beattie, Kerwood; Massrs. Alex.
McDonald and• Peter McDougall,
Witsgham; • Mr. John Beattie, Sea
Only n few farmers in •theneigh-
borhood -have 'started seeding. A few
more warm• days; and all will ;be on
the land.,. -
Miss Greta . Mustard... • and Miss
Grace Addison are doing-nkely, now.
Both were• operated on fpr- appendi-
citis last- week in Clinton hospital, ' •
Miss Janet Ailcenhead spent 'last
week with her aunt, Mrs: tI3. Cam-
eron, in Clinton.
Those who •attended the picture
Meow, "The Ten Commandments," in
Seaforth last week, say it is the hest
they have seen here.
,A number of the members of our
anissiottary•a•uxilieries attended the in-
augural service in Clitston on Tues-
On Monday evening, 026th April,
the Horticultural societies of Kippen
and Bruceficld, represented by a
large gathering in St. Andrew's
United Church, listened with much
profit and keen interest to Mr. Henry
J. Moore, Canada's greatest authority
on J-Iorticulture, In the absence of
the president Rev. R, A. Lundy,
pastor of Kippen United- Church, 'in-
troduced the speaker of the evening,
also the musical and literary talent.
Brucefteld who 'contributed
to the prograimtie which consisted of
a violin solo by Mr. Jarvis Horton; a
reading by • Miss Irene Snider; a
piano solo by Miss Eleanor Snider,
who also acted as accompanist for
the other musical numbers; • and a
vocal solo by'Rev, C G. Armour, alt
of which were heartily received by the
audience.' Mr. Moore spoke on
"Beautifying Home Surrottitdings"
saying that the 'hoine was a most
sacred' spot and required a setting or
frame even as .eye frame an artist's
tt a 5
omitting. Permanencyof the set-
ting should he ,the obect and peren-
nials, should be used, A lawn should
be made and then a frame for the
hoose and lawn, planting' to the sides
and extremities, Evergreens planted
to screen structures proved useful
'elle year, through—while taller flower-
ing shrubs such as 'Golden @ell, Jap-
anese Flowering Quince, Bridal
Get That
Piano Now
Experience has taught tis that an 8' year old child will
develop in music better and also easier than' any other
time'in life. A good religious training with ,music go hand
in hand with a moderate school and home training and will
place any child in the highest ranks of society the world over.
Start your children right by installing one of niy
apil=safe iii -saying right here you will get the best
grails of good procurable at prices lower than at Eaton's,
with the -guarantee of satisfaction or no sale. Mso we give
you Fair terms, if you prefer:
Yotir old piano, organ or phonograph taken in 'part
Pianos iii• stock at all times.
Jonathan E. Hug ll
PHONE 34-616.
Wreath, Persian Lilac, Mock 'Orange,
White 'Honey Stickle planted in
groups -of 3 at the back of a peren-
nial border gave a splendid back-
ground for • groups of smaller
shrubs placed -in the foreground.
These should again have groups of
such subjects as delphiniums, acon-
ite, hollyhocks, phloxes, peonies,
iris 'anti many others for choice, and
the steadier always in front. Mr,
Moore advisedt ag air
s a botanical
museum in a border, also. to consider
the size of the lawn in determining
the width of the 'border. A lawn 100
feet could have' a border 10 or
12 feet wide, while one 50 feet a bor-
der 6 feet wide: As edging plants -to
the perennial border Mr, •Moore'men-
tinted White Rock Cress, Moss Pink
Phlox and Iris !Primula, and peren-
nial Cardytuft. -' Arrange the soi'li in
the fail' land don't :cultivate, along
plants ,tater than September 15th,' The
h s kind of roiee ivA ri ul h '
t 1 C is t
P flat
shaken out of stabile tnanure,• Heavy
clumps Of f rti1tz
roots, prevent thrill' 'getting air, and if
left too long has a tendency to hold
the frost over time. Beautiful -slides
showing flowering borders and indiv-
idual subjects es .well'as homes and
their settings were thrown on the
screen; Mr. Moore spoke 'Very high-
ly of the daffodil as the !Ding of butes
and said that nowhere .could they be
better grownthan in Ontario. •Among
the' roses, Madame Revery; Ulrich
Brunner and the climbers Dorothy
Perkins, Excelsa and Paul's Scarlet
were shown — the climbers recom-
mended to .be planted where they
would prove a useful screen The ap-
preciation of the audience was tend-
ered Mr, Moore, the meeting closing
by !Rev. Mr. Durant pronouncing the
ben i
Accident. --Mr. Gilbert!'lJatrott met
with a very had accident on Mon-
day, As he was drawing out manure
to the fieldthe chain on the stone -
boat .broke and he fell over. =He
pushed rthe'fork over as he fell and
the horses drew him forward, one
prong of the fork going into his
body :.above the waist about two
inches.. IIdc was rushed to the. hospi-
tal at 'Hensall, but after two doctors
consulting, g, they�
fours d there e e rias no
serious injury. ' He is 'improving,
nicely. r
His friends i
c s 'ho
c for a
quick recovery.,
Mr. Stafford, of Vienna, was "visit-
ing at the Meilis'home over the week
Mr:'5 John Whiteman, who was
visiting at Robt. Dinsdale's all win-
ter, has returned to his old home
1�' ep u ate Varnishri3.0
Neptunite Varnishes have the distinction ion
a hot ithe ron onii a sh made thateat of
They will can not turn the hwhite ,
crack under the hammer test or show heel marks.
They produce a beautiful finish and cost less than most
good varnishes. -
-- �,
lei ,
IMI AIII�t g 1° is
cear0s3 i
,.r .- - - y j
- Fes..;,..•
Pak' ,'ti t NOW!
And paint with L owe
Brothers' "High Standard"
Liquid 'Patntn It costs tip-
proximately i!a centper
qua foot. That is anotherit
way of saying that per job
Bost, which should always be
the measure of your Paint
and Painting coats, High
Standard t '
d rd is he .most e -
' nomical ctrlyou can buy.
The reason is found in its
exceptionally high quality.
. ., ()Ca___ ..
•y -
"High Standard" Paint is a
pure lead and oil paint. It
dries to a beautiful high-
gloss n,ah that !circ from.
two to four years longer
an iia ' so-calledcheap
P` t=s
a in .
a liquid
...,, Isl
. ffI
x J
- =r
paint ready 'for
combines all
durable ele-
inerts of a lead
and oil paint
with the delicate
rovater flint. t
is washableh
Dries overnight to
gloss -enamel: finish.,
smooth that it requires
scriubbing. - light
will keepgg
and "clean. Anyone
a p p l y it. Is
very : durable,
retaining.its fin- • a
iah for an ex- r
long ,.,
a high -
a is so
a a n'
s 1.t�,.
r ,� -
t�� ,.:. a
,� • soap and water.
Ts a high-grade. Varnish-
t9tain for Pioors; Trim and
Woodwork of all ,kinds.
Varnishes and Stains in one
e a s y operation.
i Y>..: The stain colors
-.v are non -fading. It
rf! ;,
*.. has splendid
4 . P
";0 a'x. wearing qualities.
and is veryeasy
-y to apply.
Any amateur can renew
the finish of his car with
Auto -Gloss. 'It only takes
few hours to do it. It is
easy flowing enamel of ex
ceedingly high
gloss and dur-_"
ability. i l d k . , ' It 9 ._ - r...
evenly, leaving• 3�`('+�
brush- •-.4..
br a i n .-s
merle 'ov r-
or e
la pings.
1 ;; a e .
sa ail
1 S Haas &
quality goods..
1 ;: -• - alt this store .l`, giving,you real g, Y.$
- ., to • tY • ...•; v: • ,. ..
!vin ou choice m.erchan-
�, 0 0Realize -that this store ws $ $ • y,
1, s ivi, Flu real honest to goodness values? if not ,o�n
trig-- .:that this- store i:� g t,g y
the litany customer•s and make enquiry.
Men's and' Young .
Men's 'nits
37 only Men's and young' Men's
S- its in grey, brown and lovat
shades. Guaranteed ;'all -wool
tweeds and made in the new
single-breasted styles. Every,
suit guaranteed to give sat sfac-
tion. Values to $j!5.00 Friday
and Saturday
Men's !tats
Any hat in the store will be
sold at this price on Friday
and Saturday only. Values
to $6.50 •
Men's Shirts -
10 dozen Men's. Shuts in all
sizes just received. 'in plain,
stripes and fancy patterns Each
shirt has separate soft collar to
match. Regular $2.50' : Friday
and Saturday only at
Men's Hose
25 dozen Men's New Hose just
received in silk and wool, checks...
-fancy stripes and plain patterns,
Reg. 75c ' Friday and Saturday
Boy's Cotton
58c a pair
4 dozen only boys cotton
hose black and brown Reg.
35c FRID NY and SATUR-
2 pairs for 50c
Den's and Young
Men's- Suits
25 only. Men's and young Meii's
Suits just arrived from one of
Canada's largest Clothing Houses
Made in the newest styles. Co
lors grey. brown and blue with
colored pin _stripes. • . Every suit
guaranteed. Friday and Saha.
day only
Boy's Suits
28 only . Boy's one bloomer
Suits in all shades and styles
Values to $9.50 F'riday and
Saturday only
Bath Towels.
12 dozen Bath Towels in all
shades and patterns. Sold'
elsewhere at 65c. Friday and
Saturday only
r■..n,,. urs
20 per cent oil Spring Coats and• Dresses
We are offering
20 per cent.' off our Misses and Ladies' Spring Coats and, Dresses for: Friday and Saturday only.
inthis large stock goes at this price. It is your chance Don't delay.
R. J. GI. B
Every garment`
Horticultural Society. — A large
number front Brueefield attended' Mr.
Moore's es lc
on Monday evening
ori "The r Beautification of I3onte
Surroundings" and: telt well rewarded
Mr. Durant's lantern was in good
form and the slides' were excellent
and beautifully colored, showing
some prize specimens, of individual
ghmpse5•;of many ,
dens etc.Miss Eleanor Seder's
piano number was a Scottish Tone
Picture by MacDowell, Mr. Jarvis
Horton gave "Annie Laurie" and
"The Flower Song" on his villin,
Miss Irene Snider an appropriate poem
from Kipling, and Mr. Armour sang,
"Thank God -for .a Garden" by del
Riego, and "Fiddle and I," with violin,
obligato. Those who missed the tre-
tnendous...helpfulness of Mr. Moore's
wide experience in flower cultureand
gardening have real cause to regret
it but it was gratifying to see so
many interested' .home and flower
lovers bent on adding to their store
of knowledge.
Considerable interest is being
shown in the Recital of'sacred choral
music to be given in the United
Church on , Friday evening of this
week at` 8 'An augmented
choir will.render a number of choice
choral numbers as well as quartettes,
duets and .polos, Mrs. Lundy will
contribute' organ .solos: and Miss
Gladys Holland, ' pf Seaforth, his
kindly consented to give some read-
ings.. There is no charge for admis-
sion but a 'silver offering will be taken
at the door, the. proceeds going -to
the choir ,funds. ' •
The Y. P.'S.'C. E, had their month-
ly song service after church service,
As usual a large crowd were present
for it because all enjoy it and realize
-thr value of good music upon charact-
er.' Miss Anna Mustard told 'the story
of how hymn 272 was written, which
was very interesting. On April
18th, Miss Clete Pepper gave an `in-.
teresting address on the "Observance
of. the Sabbath Day." Mr, Wallace
.Haugh :told' how the Sabbath had
been sanctified or violated since
early days. A lively discussion fol-
lowed on the -eight observance of
Sunday at the present day. Mr. John
McIntosh, the leader of the 'Whites;
challenged the captains of the Blues
and the Reds for each side- to take
one meeting each'' and see which
could have the best ' meeting: This
was accepted by the captains. The
Blues will have the Devotionall 'Night,
May 2nd; the Whites the Missionary
Night, May 9th, and 'the Reds the
Citizenship Night, May 1Yith Be sure
and come and hear, them so you will
'show which had the best "meeting;,
besides each captain needs all his side.
to help him: •
Many of 'fhe farmers are plowing.
enw but .hope to soon be busy seed-
Again death has visited our village
and rebioved from our midst Mr,
entrew T. Scott. M.
r Scott has been.
a patient sufferer forsome time, hav-
um been stricken 'with paralysis sev-
el years ago. Our deefiest synt-
a!hr arc; to Mrs. Scott and family
,••�1 10 his 'ager! mother at this tiine.
'fr was born in Brucefielcl'fifly-six'
--s ,15,0'. only son., of the late Wrl-
°rr tt and Iti's'..Scntt and hall
-relene resident, In 'his years
aesene:with the public in the
store •founded by his father, his quiet,
unassuming manner and thorough
uprightness won for him the highest
regard of everyone. He is survived -by
his mother, who in her eiht-
is g y
fourth year; by his -widow, ,formerly
Miss Jessie McDonald of Brucefield,.
and by five children, all at home,
Ross, Elizabeth, Ina, Willie and Ellen
Mae. His father died 9 years ago.
funeral which was as un er
auspices of the Odd Fellows, of which
he was a member, took ,place on.
Tuesday -afternoon. to the place of
interment in Baird's cemetery, the
service being conducted by Rev, C. G.
Armour. The pallbearers were
Messrs. Thomas Fraser, James Swan,
James Boyce, Drew Swan, Hugh Gil--
ntour, James Bowey. Among those
from a distance who attended , the
funeral were: Mrs, Smith, of Chicago;
Mr. and .Mrs. Yeilowlees, 'Bowman .
villa; Mr. and Mrs. Andrew- Beattie,
London; Mr.. and Mrs. Angus Beat-
tie; Pond Mills; Mr. and Mrs. Mc
Clary; Nilestowni Mr, and Mrs:• Andy
Beattie, Mee Jack Beattie and Miss
.Ella Beattie, Kerwood; Massrs. Alex.
McDonald and• Peter McDougall,
Witsgham; • Mr. John Beattie, Sea
Only n few farmers in •theneigh-
borhood -have 'started seeding. A few
more warm• days; and all will ;be on
the land.,. -
Miss Greta . Mustard... • and Miss
Grace Addison are doing-nkely, now.
Both were• operated on fpr- appendi-
citis last- week in Clinton hospital, ' •
Miss Janet Ailcenhead spent 'last
week with her aunt, Mrs: tI3. Cam-
eron, in Clinton.
Those who •attended the picture
Meow, "The Ten Commandments," in
Seaforth last week, say it is the hest
they have seen here.
,A number of the members of our
anissiottary•a•uxilieries attended the in-
augural service in Clitston on Tues-
On Monday evening, 026th April,
the Horticultural societies of Kippen
and Bruceficld, represented by a
large gathering in St. Andrew's
United Church, listened with much
profit and keen interest to Mr. Henry
J. Moore, Canada's greatest authority
on J-Iorticulture, In the absence of
the president Rev. R, A. Lundy,
pastor of Kippen United- Church, 'in-
troduced the speaker of the evening,
also the musical and literary talent.
Brucefteld who 'contributed
to the prograimtie which consisted of
a violin solo by Mr. Jarvis Horton; a
reading by • Miss Irene Snider; a
piano solo by Miss Eleanor Snider,
who also acted as accompanist for
the other musical numbers; • and a
vocal solo by'Rev, C G. Armour, alt
of which were heartily received by the
audience.' Mr. Moore spoke on
"Beautifying Home Surrottitdings"
saying that the 'hoine was a most
sacred' spot and required a setting or
frame even as .eye frame an artist's
tt a 5
omitting. Permanencyof the set-
ting should he ,the obect and peren-
nials, should be used, A lawn should
be made and then a frame for the
hoose and lawn, planting' to the sides
and extremities, Evergreens planted
to screen structures proved useful
'elle year, through—while taller flower-
ing shrubs such as 'Golden @ell, Jap-
anese Flowering Quince, Bridal
Get That
Piano Now
Experience has taught tis that an 8' year old child will
develop in music better and also easier than' any other
time'in life. A good religious training with ,music go hand
in hand with a moderate school and home training and will
place any child in the highest ranks of society the world over.
Start your children right by installing one of niy
apil=safe iii -saying right here you will get the best
grails of good procurable at prices lower than at Eaton's,
with the -guarantee of satisfaction or no sale. Mso we give
you Fair terms, if you prefer:
Yotir old piano, organ or phonograph taken in 'part
Pianos iii• stock at all times.
Jonathan E. Hug ll
PHONE 34-616.
Wreath, Persian Lilac, Mock 'Orange,
White 'Honey Stickle planted in
groups -of 3 at the back of a peren-
nial border gave a splendid back-
ground for • groups of smaller
shrubs placed -in the foreground.
These should again have groups of
such subjects as delphiniums, acon-
ite, hollyhocks, phloxes, peonies,
iris 'anti many others for choice, and
the steadier always in front. Mr,
Moore advisedt ag air
s a botanical
museum in a border, also. to consider
the size of the lawn in determining
the width of the 'border. A lawn 100
feet could have' a border 10 or
12 feet wide, while one 50 feet a bor-
der 6 feet wide: As edging plants -to
the perennial border Mr, •Moore'men-
tinted White Rock Cress, Moss Pink
Phlox and Iris !Primula, and peren-
nial Cardytuft. -' Arrange the soi'li in
the fail' land don't :cultivate, along
plants ,tater than September 15th,' The
h s kind of roiee ivA ri ul h '
t 1 C is t
P flat
shaken out of stabile tnanure,• Heavy
clumps Of f rti1tz
roots, prevent thrill' 'getting air, and if
left too long has a tendency to hold
the frost over time. Beautiful -slides
showing flowering borders and indiv-
idual subjects es .well'as homes and
their settings were thrown on the
screen; Mr. Moore spoke 'Very high-
ly of the daffodil as the !Ding of butes
and said that nowhere .could they be
better grownthan in Ontario. •Among
the' roses, Madame Revery; Ulrich
Brunner and the climbers Dorothy
Perkins, Excelsa and Paul's Scarlet
were shown — the climbers recom-
mended to .be planted where they
would prove a useful screen The ap-
preciation of the audience was tend-
ered Mr, Moore, the meeting closing
by !Rev. Mr. Durant pronouncing the
ben i
Accident. --Mr. Gilbert!'lJatrott met
with a very had accident on Mon-
day, As he was drawing out manure
to the fieldthe chain on the stone -
boat .broke and he fell over. =He
pushed rthe'fork over as he fell and
the horses drew him forward, one
prong of the fork going into his
body :.above the waist about two
inches.. IIdc was rushed to the. hospi-
tal at 'Hensall, but after two doctors
consulting, g, they�
fours d there e e rias no
serious injury. ' He is 'improving,
nicely. r
His friends i
c s 'ho
c for a
quick recovery.,
Mr. Stafford, of Vienna, was "visit-
ing at the Meilis'home over the week
Mr:'5 John Whiteman, who was
visiting at Robt. Dinsdale's all win-
ter, has returned to his old home