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The Seaforth News, 1926-04-22, Page 2
HOS5 is revealed. The flavor is pure. fresh and fragrarat. Try it. Blatt. a Mixed or Green Blends. RUMMIES) fly t M tt►�.�orT� natio:ea- ea' tey It 1N, ID "?9 „a eel"; BEGIN HERE TO -DAY. sought to soothe her, sustain her and Rolaort Reclmetthteroamieg. attiring her tuind to regard a future large, is susppecetett d the murder of wht\trut ponce, happiness and content Michael Pendean„ husband •to Robert's might still be her pardon, Another r a date n passed, the fireflies s da z ce niece, Jonny. Mark Brendon, criminal hour p ., , investigates, has charge Of tho ease. their heads; Meet scoots stole through Jenny rOe. to live. with her uncle, the gimlet; lights twinkled fr'ot e the 13endigo edmaytle\ Robert, appears 1 house; on the -lake in the silence that in the et ti tan . hbaxhoad and send* word to a d rd the g t hes hem they bitting! 1 between t y ln0wfel Bendiga to canto alone to his hiding , ppe , gentle thud of a steamer's propeller. iaretiiitsciDariniclao vroxks. ti toe' Bend' taakts his punster to, the' ti11 Delia did not return andeas me.oting place. When Darla teturnsi church clock struck the hour Jenny to the nearby renes he tincts tlrat'bethrose• men have distala:ewecl. i She left him to seek Assunta; and Jenny marries 1)oria and they FgO0: he, hearing the steamer and guessing to live in Italy, where Jenny's unele, ` that Peter was at hand, hastened to Albert iiAm rico; lives., Peter banns, the house, Silence seemed• to fall it, famous American dei tave, assists and, as tae lifted his voice and called Breeden in the investigeatdons, Bobcat; to , aItedmny tae, the noise on tits meets Brendon and shoats et him, Gonne sueptacts Delia and bis wife of water ceased. No answer reached treachery. i Mark, and from the library he pro- NOW GO ON WITH THE STOR1-, ce'eded to the adjoining bedroom, It was empty and he hastened cut upon "I cannot Stop here," he said when the verandah ab.eve the lake. But still *the lead gout. 'This is no life for the book. lover did not appear. A Iong, assn, Jenny will probably remain with intact: vessel with all lights out had her amnia She is load up. as yon say'.` anchored a hundred yards from the with me. 1 stn verve: unfartunatz, \"illy Pinne. a, and stew a boat put off Marco, for 1 have net in the least de- from the craft of the lake pollee and served to lose her affection:" paddled to the steps belewBre:idea. quickly- IIe departed anti Premien joined Peter, with four met, stile- land - y Albert Reedit:a:ems ton fine} the old man ed and Brendon spoke. Ile could give had grown uneasy and fearful, "I urn not happy, Breeden."said. t fl ilio" -There is vominft into my IMO a cloud -- a prement.tien that very dreadful di.easters are going to 1111% en to those I love. When deae:, leans return? "Seim titter dark. Mr. Redma''ne Perhaps about nine o'elock we may 0\ lam Be. patient a litt elonger." "It has not lid to nae to fee;l es 1 do t, tfay," answered the boat, loviet-.'"-A ee se of all tiaakenso nay mind zsusnioien of tin; .sty. ani Jenny. hates la Something IS amiss Cite lass a parse aliment that it is so." jenny is.:, senntly- Metal them anti all :stewed the dining 1001 togethe,., wvhrr taxa watt evrvz.l. They sat long and the shadows -were ae a t.' l :Meg before tlae." 1 man return- ed d his a;anrtnano at The„ Giuseppe lit eta, 01 his Tat n„ cigars. took his hat amid left the 1s., 1150. •Ai e.et 1 whispert'd Jen;,,y, her free lighting In relief. "Re will be gene era e Roel two leo+un e /wee end. The ballet meant for Michael Pen - We Cala tea." dean :trick :down his wife. "Not lyre, thea:;" 'Mark answered. • ' "Let 51 go into the girder.. Then I no details. however, and jenny fur - eon `00 'when the man nerves beak," 0ishei theta. White she and Mark Press ily E: neeto eamoo and turned sat it the garden, ginardieg the front t 1:613 e?e t r balls is that hunts; ever the deer oar. d front Bata, behind them tee :veered hive work of the emits': gate.' the house there had .cute a message Then, they were alone agair, and the by boat for Mr. Retimay-ne. wenaan threw cif sit shadow of re-' Assume toad them how an ltalian teeve ,1e 1 ve ti•aint had teethed the steps in a skiff from 1 star le told you oar :.etrn at last bo l ag et bow he had Called her and she a 1,i, then a, poured out a :keel of `aa oaam the evil new e that Signor Poggi entreatiea lie vias swept iron every was faller. er dnl xou ay 'l stay; how rental In' l draw/led in the tcri'ent lie sent t. 1101tles to his friends to see of her pe tat ,one, baffled anti l+awi:ter 1111;; w `ao*: t delay. ed ae ,,, a. neerent, tilled with joy ie. ass a is -declared that her master the "lex had been gore for an hour. if not For tat lit *he spc u end &awned e ane sat' .he H.a,? Oyer e ..41!eti epee te. e"dure. 'rho gt\at1P formed ;under Peter': Breeden .t.-e.ted with a carters este:read and he issued his directions that wa , .nasi ,.-re hee she.ev,,ft:y. Ile gait eine look at Mark :eyed l•. :eel: and das al TM w•oi;h the detective never forget; but tet,: r ;:at,; , -a-tO hare e al Sorge. 00' a saw save Brendon himself. 1111 u, a tragedy gedy 1a, had 1 „beet her Tiee a he eyelet). .-i,: life. , "Rove this lout i-twk t0 the steatne- SI,.a= was a Ms lIrende::," iia said, "001 tali theta to take you ".cross tea Pegg" as quick as may let. If Redmayne is there, leave 1t,n1 there and return. Bat he's not • he's at the bettor. of the lake.. + Them Pi1110 tuinead to the re$1 and waste tier all, with 'terry, 000rrpariy len to the two lar 1.. See had TzlEj ill, . .. wee trey. \i eel,"e\p unea . a . '1,1 11.,. ..ad the e May. i ruse, movie ° Albert Red. y.f t,,= t. t^i 1 ,.sere, and h's wife he, deelele eelee hien to the Isant dgi U; e erne tiog the attetttier,I of .) ` o eg z vvl,101. I let iii charge i e t .111.1. it I ear. easily ass , a" o trey-r;:tit,.: eyes ti11u<d ,1t hila t l':. ,taegrew i i'?.a y-. ilawLittle you knew ' she cried. 1 :a,s is e 1110'. nfarat to Have 1 :tot. ,Ltd'-rt,er enough?" "If I am_wronir, I'll be the first to I ,,ene Pa ma'am, he answered. "Brat, Ek1111. net wrotng• What hes happenoil n eons that your husband wilt be ha .1 t Suppe', That's but ten treirutee to wait. \s enta, r toon to the kitehe i ' ki ttsty h.3, in the garden and loth the iron gate as seen as Depth has' passed through et.' Silohee fell and in five minutes came _ tine chick ea the iron gate 01111 the • aoShell of a man witltotat, Dern -w s That deiidoun flavor of fresh mint gives a MNV thrill to every bite. Wrigley's h good and good for you. idogittg his calneenet. Hot1ataestraight into the raoin, stared about him at the -assembled -nen, then fixed his eyes inion hie`?vvi.fe. • • "Whitt is this?" he cried in amaze - tient , ' °Gainre/s kne and you've lost,' an- swered Gitanes. "You're a great crock! And your own vanity is all that's heat yen!" He tallied quickly to the chief of (police, who showed 11 warrent and spoke English. "Michael Pendean," he said, "you are arrested far the murder of -Robert Redmayne and Bendigo Padmatyue. "And add ,'.filbert Reiimtayne,' growled Geene. He Ieaped aside with amazing agility as :he spoke, for tho culprit had seized the .weapon'tlelarest his hand and hurleda heavy salt, collar from the table .at Peter's head. The mass of g„las crashed int° an old Italuua mirror behind Gauls and at the moment when all eyes instinctively followed 1110 sound, Jenny's- husband dashed for the door, ' Like lightning he turned and was over the theshold before a hand could be lifted to stop hunt; but one in the room had watched and now he raised his revolver. This young officer -destined' for future fame -hod never taken his eyes off Dori and now he fired. He was quick but another had been quicker, had seen his purpose and anticipated his action. The bullet meant for Michael Pendean, struck down his wife, for Jenny had leaped into the doorway and stopped it She fell without a sound, whereupon the fugitive turned instantly, -ban doped his flight, ran to her, knelt and lifted her to his breast, He was harmless now, hut he em- braced a dead wen= and the blood from her mouth, as he kissed her, covered his lips. He made no further fight and, knowing that she, was dead, carried her to a couch, laid her gently down, then turned and 'stretched his arms for the handcuffs. A moment later Mark Brandon entered from the house ' "Poggi sent no message and Albert. ,Rednaynie has stent been seen et Bel - hooka" he said. CHAPTER' XVII. -; THE 01}1T2101'S OF PETER eaelle5, of mourning in his/ Two metetraveled together in the inclies- bust, Size 36 bust requires 3,1 train de luxe from Milan te Grams wore a black hand upon the ,companiettiterial BS illustamted. Price 20 cents, - sleeve of his left -arm; carried the marks that smart different appearance which Which? - y eine. Third Man. face. It seemed that Brendon testi In - draws The - sat at table he and she :and Zea- dinged m age; his -countenance was looked toy cable comment from the y , 'when the school boys of New ed Into eaeh others eyes, whit g� y , most ob sect T it u n he designs l s the m . tan -aa a to vote on 8 land kd .public, r haggard; his very voice was older tested in 0111' new Fashion Bobk are time he mechanically consumed. hs t Peter tried to distract the y0upger food which was set before him important men now alive, they began tone., who appeared to listen, though originated in the alp you of the styli Y,'Ah," she said, "1 ant glad you like: by choosing King George and the his mind was far away and his centres and will help you to slimes i Prince of Wales. That was en under- thoughts brooding non :a rave. that much desired air of inthe s;ity. it. Mother seLers are only two p 1, Price t,f the:book 10 cents the copy. things I can make Pt'operly-pomto �&tandable exprassionwoi their British Ater a pause and a long silence, salad and marmalade tart." Patriotism; but who, do you think, white the train sped through the dark- IIOIY TO ORDER P�1TT_iRIvS "Indeed;, said he; "and which is ',stood third on, their list? Not Presi- 115100 of the Simplon tunnel, Peter l'e'i Write your name and address plain- s., lain- this?" - - s dent Ceolidge nor Premier Baldwin traced the steps.bv which he had been; lr giving number and size of st►cL nor Signor Slussollati nor Marshal enabled to soles the riddle of the Rets- n Minard's Liniment' used by physicians, 1 Foch -nth, M. _Briand - nor any other patterns as you want. PLAITS OUTSTANDING PEA - TIME OF NEW FROCKS. Plaits" are the outstanding feature of the newest frocks -whether of one- yeee or two -and are represented in s variety of eonbinations. You are sure to be in the mode of this season with a frock like the one pictured here, which expresses a tailored simplicity in its slender -lines, Note the arrange- ment of plaits in the skirt front -wide box and narrow side plaits in groups. The bodice froirt has a set -on trim- ming band forming n becoming deep V, and the back is plain, emphasizing the vogue for fulness at the front No. Only Pure Soap is safe and economical. Slit;th�,l��est selling Launder map in the world -18 x,11- Pure Soap Prolonqs the fife of 7ahrics Lever Brothers Limited. Toronto Enclose ..tAc in .i may'nee. stain s or coin (coin preferred; wrap 1'—' • I teetitb'r 1:agracter. It fns Henry P "1 went first to Penzance and de it carefully) for each -umber, and voted several days to ?earning all pox- address your order to Pattern Dept.,' ale particulars of the Pendean fate- Wilson Publishing Co., 15 West Ade-: i1y. On examining Michael PendeRn's :aide St.,' Toronto, Patterns sent by anoeetrv, as a preliminary to finding return mail, out evZrythir-g remembered of Pen- 1c - bean himself, 1 at oni`e made a highly filinard'- Liniment for colds. inalx rtat t discovery. Joseph Pendean, - Michael's father, was often in Italy on- Music in the Movies. his pilchard business for the firm, a ti In the larger moving pietxrs theatres he married. an Italian woman. ,.he to -day a surprising amount of good; lived with her husband at Penzance - music - and even the bet music Is anis bore him one seen and a daughtene who died in infancy. The lady seems played. For cams years nanny eanductars of tO have given cause for a certain sin- a aunt of scandal, far her Latin tem- perament movie and live'v ways did not 1001 01511 of borr0n ling Good tenni frim' ell ' manner of courts, Including the eery mend themselves tie the rather austere w • •i to dnto anal and religious circle in which her bus highest, and env lig theta bard and Ids re atiaats moved. Michaele andae 1Osely with the em01'anal aspect of web, with harmonization more or less 'VMS ieveteti to his mother ncco_ t ethe. pictures chasing: one aarother partied her frequently to Italy. On inclose the screen. Over and over One -of these tae.�isions. )when a boy eflagain, audiences have been surprised seventeen er eighteen, he met with an f d delighted with iheatererness altlt, amt tet t+ his beast; but I ctatild '' .which this is. done, sad with the excel - no particulars of its nature. in} tent make-up of the orehesatras,. some "When at ia.st Mrs. Pendean died=, g which include first-rate artists who' Italy, her husb, d attended the furio ` enhave left the symphony orchestras be-' eras at Naples and returned to Eng -'cause• the mantes. heir rasperoos, land i:utnedi ate g afterward with his f eau pay more. son. The boy was subsequently epee Thus at the movie shows thou ;`ands premised to a dentist. having express-; of people who previeusiy had eaten ed a wish to fallow that profession. {To he continued, t BATH DAILY RECOMMENDED A p erainent physician made the remark recently that if people were half as pa ticaiiar in regard to in- ternal cleanliness as'tbay are .abant external appearance thee: quarters of our ordinate 01111010,wo.11d be eliminated. Tats medical -.tan nail eCoela did ton sent to thin11 of the importance orI. , thesystem ,Feast a 0151111.1 MT is :0 fill tc'(eaeh lt,ar t., t .ee and hoe!, 1.111.-. result is that tee intestinal Lace here• tee tied` i •c:2 was,: at oat wwh ich 1201( i 1 :tae the body Iii" stays 111110 100 inazentitc period using a Pia111 to'., So many +;Is ec bt to those clod lag Iaoien .s l -tit i^ire ziat: bath sounds eaves, but :it,i to ch easier to take ban any other kind! 3 spoonful of Sal Lithofes beto e breakfast (al any other rer la diseolval an ;a glass ae tc,i, P water acts as :.'a gentle .cle'a„ ser tel the bowls-erovides 2 seoth lit intereal ba -i1 that, rids de- body of deateeerees toed,: poisons arid, 1"ites one that feclam of fresitress,'vigor an i tlwell-being 1i - rtirt.lc adva,•ata„e of the arrerttai bat•1'r lies in 15Oe fact that a lteaiihy body easnrks an alert acid active antn,l w0 ct1 makes far greater ertrtneney" and happiness in one's daily work. atothit g but -bad eggs, musically sgeak- in . are gradually br'eught face to faoe with the fact that good musical eggs are better -hits better -than the rot- ten ones they tlaniight they liked best. The reason way matey people' to -day ,l prefer "bad" music to good. Is shoot, • because they have no opportunity to hear the good She had la fill about theme It is ail a matter of e•ncirOn- uten1. Give to the masses the hest t rere Is in music and there will be n0 r, ani for the bad 0- Tammy's'Troublee, On Ills w1v 110110 front school, Tom- . ate. Looked sad eta tweeted: `Dear ane`.n exelanti:el a e mpatheti•e I'i Patty. "•wliatev r is troubling you. ally little -mane"_ "Dyspe1sea nail • rtl.ntuattan0" re- plied Taammy. ,- ois, surety r r •' so 1 the std lady; "I.aw can tIt a ln@ • Tea.aher caned me 'canes i couldn't pati teem." answered Tommy dismal- ) " Bring Harare Lis to Date. ince of the many charms of home 1.110i11g is the freedom with which you 47,11 15preach any new Hee. Many a ii:attue to'.. improve appearance and .lance ya1015 come:. to thedue wb nuttiness an old house. Closets are urate 1 into* cltpbaards ltauerte5 inter r, kfa t a Gcorea end wasteftl attics ti • extra lnel-ce'nle. 11 C lei;ss Eleanor Mitchell, an E,nglasiit recently won the European speed. jtyenwritinr ehertap,10nship, tvitia 812 touches, car tfeS Ivortis a minute. The Ampulla. Ford i':..:n we oonsidar how the pre- sentBegfuning with the ancient Ilebrews, i age values mechanical oregress, In tart 11 thing coalman among all old ,beelness organization and commercial peoples. a bellied nim was celled the 1 seeress. the choice -was not an un - Ampulla and was used to hold the sac-; natural one, Of a civilization so much red oils used for christentngs and roan ' more mobile than any earlier one, lir. nations. It was said to have been Ford is an excellent representative. brought to France in 491 by a dare for; use at the =coronations It was used until the Preach Revolution, when the soidiene 0leaned their boots with` the oil ani made away with the Ampulla. A 1lmilar article now. in London Tower is trade of ten ounces of the purest gold. 6T You have not converted a Mail b*e- esu:e you have sentenced him.-Mor- iey Hair Goods Et1gh- rs..de toupeei noted for perfect fit and oom€ort., A I s o women e: iede goods• -treusforszatlons, std Corruporaleavos �"' Iasrita3. EDWARDS &WHITE 425 mage 5t_. Toronto Send Ib,- Booklet. COLOR IT NEW WITH "DIAMOND - DYES," Just D%p to. Tint or Boil - to Dye Each:15•cent pati*- age contains three dons so sinp.ie E$7 woman can time soft, delicate shades or rive .rich: permanent tolora, in fineerie eines, rtbbats, skirts, -waists, dresses. e a a t 5.' stockings, v sweaters, draperies, coverings. har.gtuga everything i Buy Diamond Dyes -no other klmi- and• tele your druggist whethee the ma,. ter ial yon wish to cater is wool or stik, or whether it is liaeneecettae or telaed, god. You are eordially Ego /\ D ci incited to hear by YT @ eqk A Lecture entitled , "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE THE GOSPEL OF SALVATION" By Mrs. Nelv^fa E. littchie, (1.5.; et Sewickley, Pa., meni1er of --the Board of Lectureship of The Mather Church, The First' Church et Christ, Scientist. Boston, Mass., given from Massey Hall, Toronto,•.,Snndey af- ternoon, April 25, at 3 o'clock, by Station C:IC.C.L., 357 mater wave length, by courtesy of the Reliance and Mastmite Battery Co. "WHO. 'PLANTS A TREE'.' The Iairdein'Seott'e-Heary'af Ivlidlo Itfaii says to his anrau, "Joule when ye '�` bevelnoth-1dg else to do, ye may he aye sticking hi -a tree 1t Will be -growing, Jock, when ye're sleeping" And, fn the Autocrat, Oliver Wendell Holmes -. says:..IPThenevel• weplant a tree, we aro doing something to make 'our planet a more wllole0om© and a hap- pier place, for those who come after ' us, if snot fol tlttrselvesi 1 The 110111 advice fs canny, las one (night e\Peet from,' that canny land, Tree' planting in his view iso a means `of getting more out of. Jock and :.mere out of 'nature --keeping :Tock steadily employed in the services or his time, and theta calling on nature to .work when Jook Is .asleep. The New 5ng- Iund ice is more philosophic; linking trees faith -the larger concerns of hu- man 5Je11-Using.. • The plaiting of trees always looks'' tie .the future, it is always• an sot of faith; for .they take iota. to :grow, they are slow in coining 150, maturity: For many- of the nobler trees, .one must needs wait somewhere near half o 0811- - tury, before they reach -Maturity.. So that one of the liveliest things in thea world is to see all age plantinging young trees, • The planter is not thinking of• himself, but'of those rvho come atter him:, And though posyerfty has 'done nothing for him, lie lie doing a kin>dty -thing for posterity, "making the planet • a more wholesomeeand happier piaoe." At Busby,_ in England, there is on famous avenue of chestnuts, a mile long: At flowering time tltousen,de go' out from London is gee those trees in bloom, which Seven -Year -Old, "com pates to "big Christmas trees, lighted up," That avenue in its season is one of those beautiful -things that none who can see it should mise. The de- light it bas given to its myriads of - visitors can never; cif coursee, be even approximately estimated. It sIte an old gardener who planted that avenue, and someone, when- he was in the course of its plantlhg, sug- gested }low foolish it was for bim to thus spend his days,/'seeing that he would never see the trees in their beauty. "NO," he said, "but others will have the Joy of them,: and I shall at 's least have' the satisfaction of layinS down the tins of their future order and beauty" That to aim was suf- ficient reward. -Such an act is a Etna challenge to the imagination. The planting of trees has long been associated with festivals and anni- versaries 'of various kinds. Some- times memorial or commemorative trees have been set in honor of cour- age - -tad self-sacrifice. One of the municipal schools et Manchester, for instance, keeps a school -arbor day, -and some time ago they platted eighty trees in memory of old boys who went to the war. "Tbe trees were planted -so that the: initial of the names, spelt' peace." Arbor Day, however, on a national stale, is something comparatively new in history. It it a new kind of nature festival. It is a great and noble idea -that a whole people shouldplant, that there may be places of shade, that cities may have trees about them, that roads may be ennobled ;luto avenues: That is to bring in beauty, rather than to exile beauty, as' mens° often -hate done. It 'means that the harshness of cities will be softened. 1t means that there will be added links with. nature in cur cities, and suchvadded links are altogether good. Because of Arbor Days cities are taking. on new grace" " and rads are becoming . in many yams shaded avenueie To have_a Moth in any such .enterprise is indeed Coallinaggillsolle good: We thereby link our own ex- perience xperience with beauty and joy that shall be. "If you are a notable and wish to. be renaetibet'ed; : said the anther of Dreamtheepe, "better plant a tree than - build Welty or strike a medal. -It will outlast both:' M:2a1f Price �' 1. NEW.$� ��llm Year �.tl Carpets Po not tkrovr away yam- d3 '.newt( ar rags- 1.et' vs.. re-vroa5$ Them Sato handsome in a w Raga, P- hewla fat aseconomical I{ pew and: an ecaa�loai asscY to F aaN home. 15/,5ta far Catalogue 50. 7R 'NENENE CI Linked-, .,r ., °13an, Oat you/ - 1 Been a :heavy ironing will not tire you out if you do it the Hotpoint '.'ay. The e_\elusive Hotpoint thumb rest, permit_- a natural, ebmfortablc position of the h:rvd. The Hotpoint Heel Smnd realms u unnecessary to lift xbe icon, while the Hotpoint Iron requires no further pres- sure than its ovum t.i5 pounds of weight. Por sale by dealers everywhere. 05.50 Special Hotpaint Iron 11 Handmade Shatlkespeare. '. • 1C,' S. Gilbert, the famous poet and librettist, was `full of the quaintest avhitusies. An English magazine adde this story to an already large collet- tion. ollettion. It Is quite neve; to the Cour panion editors, at leant. .. At the Garrick Club, one evening, ,he made the astcundineetatement.that Shakespeare was a very ,obscure writer. His statement was immedihte- ly protested by ntostiof those presente and lie was ached to prove [t. I"Well," said Ci bell, "w-h,•at do you ' make' of this passage: "1 would as lief be thrust through a qufekaaetlaedge as cry,"plash" to a cal- low throstle. " "There's -nothing obscure .in that," said one member. "It's per1ectlyclear. Here's'' a main, a great lover of the feathered songsters, who, rather than disturb the caroling of the little evarb- 1er, prefers to go through the hitense 110111 of tbrusting himself through` a thorny hedge. But 1:don't..1mo 'that passage; in what play tines it occur?" "ten leo play," said Gilbert "I've Net invented it. And Jolly. Shakeapea'* too 1" —4 - New Cable to. Australia. A new cable (flutnufaetured at Greolawioh, England) betvy0en COcoi, In the Indian Ocean, slid Fremantlee',, Australia, n' 1115(5 ee of 1,S00 nautical mile, has )est buena sucT essfu.a ly laid. Detect Color Blindness. H -57.A :\ color wheel b'hiett eau be 115ee1 to eetect rn:Or lintuluese : has, 'been lir; A Canadian Ciousoutal Slintric Product vented.