HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1926-04-15, Page 8THE SEAFORTI-I NEWS. BENSALL. Ph}?c School JepVit for mnnt im ,MarchPrimary R o 'PPri xer°- Lcoriard.'Howarth 235, Ronald Peckf. 224 ' Harry Clark 202, May Wolff 178, Violet •:BBeeswax 178, ' Freddie Mc- Dougall 174. First-horothy McQueen 231 Har- old Bonthron 220 , William. Glenn 220, HaroldBell 218, Nellie Fee 207,: Dor- othy or- oth 'Paters 190.'. Y Sinclair 521, Jr. Second --Norman n Dorothy .Drununond 505, Mildred Follicle 492, Lillian illi.an Beeswax 484. Minnie Sangster ster' 474, Irene Smale 467, M. Kathran Drysdale 459,- Olive Brock 449,; 'Harold Higgins'402, Kenneth Matis 344, Myrna Hudson 318, Mary Little 173. Teacher, Jessie Buchanan. Mrs, E. Fines, of Clinton, visited friends in town on Tuesday Miss Annie 'Moore visited fn Lon- don on Saturday. Dr. Smith, of St. Marys, visited friends in town over_the week -end. Mr. Ferris Cantelon, who spent the holidays with his parents, returned to Onondago on Saturday. Miss jean Chapman, of Palmerston, is visiting her grandmother, .Mrs, Scott. Mr. Hugh McDonald is at Tillson- burg taking' charge of the work of Mr. Wm. Reynolds, who is here at the bedside of his sister, Mrs. Geo. Arm - earwig. Mr. Root. Green, of Detroit, visited his parents over the week -end. Mr. Beverly .Beaton, of Detroit, who came over to spend Easter with his wife,- returned home on Friday, accompanied by Mrs. Beaton and babe. Mr, Wm, Armstrong, of the Bron- son line, Stanley, was up before Mag- istrate Reid, of Goderich, in theal ball here on Monday morning, charg- ed with neglect to provide for his stock. Dr. Campbell, of Hensall, who went back to the Armstrong farm with Provincial Officer Whiteside de- scribed the condition he found the stock in. The building where the stock was kept was very dirty, and the animals were in a starving condi- tion, a number having died, County Constable Bloch, of Zurich, was call- Ramsay, Sask.; Florence, Calgary; ed and told how he had made several Mrs. y,RSask.; Flo Miss Amy, at trips up tion finding the stock in home. Mrs, Armstrong was of a bad condition and no feed, but sine ( a - bright, cheerful disposition, and a va- lued charges were laid, some hay had luted member of the Anglican church. The funeral took place from her mo- ther's home on Wednesday afternoon to the Anglican church, where;a fune- ral service was held by the .Rev.,, Mr. Naylor, after which interment took place at the Mensal] Union cemetery. Amongst those who attended the fun- eral from a distance were Mr, and bad condition in this district, but lMrs. John Sproul, of Goderiof ch; Mr Miss baled hay can be bought and shipped t' Florence Reynolds, of Calgary, Mr. George Reynolds, of Port Albert. On Monday evening, a meeting of the Hensall Public Library Board was held in the council .chambery of dplaces in this district conditionans are the town hall to open the tenders for too weak Cattle get down have are the position of librarian for the Hen - be kept to get up again, or to sall ublic library, It was found that begs. Tu their feet by the ice aas the tender of Miss Greta McNaugh- this is, looks wealthy a district e- ton was the .lowest and was accepted thin it wrong as if es there a some- bythe Board. The tender was for thing else besides a scarcity of $4,00 a year or $1.62 a week. The li- fe THURSDAY,.APRIL 15, 1926 x cued:• He 'was of our, local. Mea gave other:' prix• aa'' Jr. TII--Gladys Leiper'. 78,, Alvin' 'ileath was not uncpe, ,c. .,, 4 f r Barrie •77 -ears ago `attdP, A, }ongst`those we noticed mtowu fax Stevens 65,; John Rapson 65.,' Jr H- einle neo 77-y ears � r ::.•show were N. W. Trewartha, M. Helen cGre r 89, Jack McEwtn' first.. when a.. yokxg, ti e w , le M aoJ c g caiman ; Hensall ea t .. ' n� resided here for a nunxber of P:P;, •and -,Geo. Elliott of Clinton; Pae 85. Sr. T --Harry Rapson 80, TYfar$'a=efi^ than a d h u andReeve 'Manson' i - 0 ears,,;then he went farming and farm- yfd• McN:tug tit_ , Beattie 80:; Jr. L -May Lydd alt 7 e number of years in the town- orSfanley; Elmer and Oscar Klo ed fora , attendance, Jean Stevens, .. AP' Perfect at shipof Stephen, A few:: Years ago he and Chris Eilber of:.. Zurich, Wm, Olive Kinox, Alvin Stevens. sev- Coates and Dan Dew er Usborne•. B. t s went to'New Ontario and spent Co , , Teacher, D. eral years up- there with his son -in- Hicks, Centralia; W. D. Saunders, Richard Paul Wnt, Deering, R law, When the Kennings family mov-tCoates, g, ed from New Ontario back to' Hen- and John Hunter and Fred Ellerin - salt, Mr. Mitchell came with them, top, The following is the prize list: i made his home here since, '£Glydesdale or Shire, stallion, aged, and has Mr. Mitchell was a Conservative in .Ales. Colquhoun, John Miller; Wm. a member of the Orange Or- McLaren; Standard Bred. aged stab politics, , , der and a prominent member of the lion, Alex. Stewart, F. Eellerfitgton, E. Anglican church, •He leaves behind' Oesch; Agricultural, class, team, T. hint to mourn his loss, his aged yvi- -Forsyth, Nelson Keys & Sons, Geo. dow,- two sons, Herb on the farm in E. Thompson; mare in foal, Alex. Stephen, Gordon, in New Ontario, and Colquhoun, Wm. Chapman, James. one (laughter, Mrs. Fred. Kennings, of Jarrott; 3 -yr. old filly or gelding, 1923, Hensall. One son, Stewart Mitchell, S. Thompson, C. Seamon; 2 -yr. old was burned to death in the big bush filly or gelding,•1924, John, McLean; fires in New Ontario about three Draught or Agricultural foals, 1925, years ago. The funeral, which was Thos. E. Blake, W. S: Broadfoot, C. conducted; by the Orange Order took Hudson; General Purpose Class, team place from the residence of Mr. Ken- Wm. Decker. Carriage•Class, William hitm s at 10 o'clock Wednesday morn Hyde. Roadster Class, team, Geo. E. ing. Interment at Henaall Union Thompson. Single Roadsters, John g • Decker, W. Thompson, E. Oesch, •C.. ceDeaery.,. f - Mrs, Geo.'Armstrottg.- .Seamon. Draught() r Agri; mare orPg.,. Death p A shadow of gloom was cast over any age, B'roadfoot Bros., A.'Smnclair,, Hensall on Saturday morning when Geo, Lowery. ,Roadster or Carriage it was learned that Mrs. Get). Arris- filly, 1924, J. Park, Alex. Buchanan. trong had passed away here at the Harness Horses, heavy draught_ team, residence of her mofher, ,Mrs, Henry A Sinclair, Geo. Lowery, C. `Siemon. Reynolds. Mrs. Armstrong, who be- Heavy Draught Marc in foal, Broad - fore her marriage was Beatrice Rey -foot Bros, E. Sproat, A. Buchanan. 3 nolds, the youngest daughter of the yr, old filly or geld., 1923, Wm. Alex - late Henry Reynolds and Mrs. Rey- ander, 2 yr. old draught f. or g. foal- nolds of town, was born in Hensall ed in 1924, Wm. Chapman. Single 37 years ago and spent all her life in .Carriage horse, J. B. Laois, R. J. this vicinity. -Since her marriage to Scott, Taves Love. Best int.tched team Mr. Armstrong six years ago they Light horse, J. Decker; the Joe Bur' have resided on the Armstrong ,farm ney silver cup for best Clydesdale, three miles from Hensel]. Mrs. Arm -mare or gelding, won in 1923 by Don - strong was well known in this district ald Burns; 1924-25 by Alex. Sinclair, especially to the farmers, she having won this year by Broadfoot Bros, 2nd acted as bookkeeper for the Cook prize, Alex. Sinclair, 3rd. Geo. Low - Bros.' mills here for a number of ery. Best Clydesdale stallion, Alex. years. She leaves ,'behind her to Colquhoun. team coming gflon est dis- mourn her loss her sadly bereaved tance, Geo. Lowery, husband and a little son a week old, Cattle. -Aberdeen Angus, bull calv- her aged mother, Mrs, Henry Rey- ed in 1924-25, E. Klopp; heifer under nolds, three brothers, Percy, Moose -2 yrs„ H. C. Soldan, E. Klopp; butch - jaw, George, of Port Albert; William, er steer or heifer, M. Crich, Wm. bf Tilsonburg, and four sisters, Mrs. Dougal; baby beef not to exced 850 lbs., H. Kercher, M. Crich, E. Klapp; dairy cows, any breed, 'Wm. Sang- ster, A. Buchanan. Dr. Peck silver cup best Shorthorn female, M. Crich, This cup is to be won thre times. Boys' judging competition for horses. -Roy Soldan, Gordon Elliott, We. Archibald, R. J. Doig, Clarence SFor Cattle -Lorne Foster Pepper, Les- ter Bertram Klopp, ter Fisher, Geo. Elliott. Judges -For cattle, H. Smith of Exeter; for horses, 3. M. Gardhouse, of Weston and Wni. Merrifield, of Ridgetown. been bought. and the stock wee get- ting in better condition. The Magis- trate gave Mr. Armstrong a warning and fined him $10 and costs, the whole amount being $32.87, or 30 days in the county jail. Mr. Arm- strong said he would pay the fine. We understand that owing to scarcity of feed there is a lot of stock getting in in here at a reasonable price, so there is no excuse fax a farmer to say he can't get feed, and to allow his ani- mals to die. We understand in some ell Miss J. Johnson, who spent thebrarian is to keep the library open holidays at her home in Clifford, re- turned Saturday evening to take up her work at the school. Miss Mildred McDonald returned live or three years ago from near home on Monday after spending t Chiselhurst where they still own sew • Easter holidays with her cousin inn Parkhill. o Mr. Thos. Archer, of ' rLondon, a week -end visite at the home f Mr.was and Mrs. Thos. Farquhar, Mr. Archer and Mr. Familiar were old neighbors in the township of Hulled. Needless to say they enjoyed the visit. Miss Helen Smith, who spent the holidays at her home here, returned to London Normal Monday evening. Owen Geiger and son have their flax mill running at full capactiy, with aright and day shifts. to enable them to get their large stock worked up. Death of Mrs. Wm. Hildebrand. - There died in Hensall on Thursday morning, April 8th, Mrs. Wm, Hilde- brand, aged 48 years and 6 months. Mrs. Hildebrand, whose maiden name was Annie Dabus, was born near Zurich, being a daughter of the late Conrad Dabus. She spent her early life at Zurich and was married to her now bereaved husband some 30 years ago. About 20 years ago they mov- ed to Heimall and have resided here since. She was the mother of six children, of whom four are. living: Erwin, of Goderich; Mrs. Wilfred Jones, of Hensall, Alex, and Viola at home; Albert and Pheba dying at Zurich. Besides her bereaved husband and children she leaves to mourn her loss 2 brothers and three sisters, Will Dabus of Zurich, and John Dabus, of Webster's Corners, B.C., Mrs. Jos. Gibson of Goderich, Mrs. Chas. Web- er and Mrs. Uttely, of 'Zurich. Mrs, three afternoons and three evenings a week. Miss McNaughton is fairly well known in the village, having moved into *own with her parents eral farms. To the outsider this sal- ary may look small for the duties re- quired, but we must remember that salaries are not high in Hensall. The pay for years for our village constable was 48c a week, and he had quite a few duties to perform• for that. It •s to the credit of the corporation that tables salaryhas been raised h constable's the o about 20ca week more for this year. Mr. and Mrs. Claris. Eilbcr Of Zur- ich, visited friends in town on Sunday. The meeting of the Young People's League of the United church was held on Monday evening. Miss E, Mur- dock had charge of the programme with the president presiding. The meeting was opened by the singing of a hymn. after which Mr.*Ortwein led in prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read .by the secretary " Mr. Gerald Farquhar. The Scripture lesson was read by Miss J. Buchantn. Mrs. E. McQueen very ably gave the topic. A solo by Miss Jean Chapman, instrumental by Miss Florence Me - Donald, instrumental duet by Miss Pybus and Miss Greta Lammie were all greatly enjoyed. Mr. Robert Patterson, who has been cashier in Joynt's store for a number of years has resigned his po- sition and will go into the insurance business, Mr. Milton Ortwein, of London, was in town Tuesday on business. Mr, and Mrs. John Scott and babe of Cromarty visited friends in town Ilildebrand was stricken with cancer on Tuesday some months ago, and was taken to Goderich first and then to London for examination, but the doctors could do nothing for her, and after weeks of severe suffering, she passed away on Thursday morning, The `funeral took place on Saturday horning from her home here to St. Boniface chinch, Zurich, where a service was held. Interment was in the church cemetery. Mrs. Hilde- brand was of a quiet disposition and will be sadly missed in her home and by her friends. Amongst those from mg for ap;pendicftis. a distance who attended the funeral g were Mrs, Thos. Gibson, Mrs, Peter Hensall Sarin', Show.-.Hensall was Zeufe, Norman Divine, and miss Bea- favored with a nice warm day for its sic Gibson, all of London, Mr. and spring show. The sun was shining Mrs, Joseph Gibson and son, of Grate - street warm and the fine cement Mr. and Mrs.street and the side street where the rich; John Hildebrandt, Louis Hildebrandt and Barney, of show was held was clear of snow and Seaforth, and Mr, and Mrs. Irvin dry. A large crowd was present wlto Ilildebrandt of Goderich. came out to enjoy the beautiful day, The services in the United church to see the many fine ani• ahs shown, Charles Lowery is on the sick list last Sunday were well attended. Rev, and to sea a lot of old friends and to again and hope he may soon be re - Arthur Sinclair occatpied his own pith -stored many new mics. Most of the usual stored to his health again, entries were well filled. Some line ups pit both morning and evening. At theMins A. an, of Seaforth, is morning service Miss ;1• Chapman were very attractive. In the boys'1 visiting her sister, Mrs, J. E. Fair - sang a solo and favored again in the''vdreina contest the •nterest was keen. service. evening with another solo, also Mrs, Most of the boys who entered showed Mr.' M. Armstrong had the MIS- Sinclair isSincla r and Mrs, Redden sang a duet chat they knew _quite a bit about fortune to lose one of his fine grey m the evening, horses and cattle, 'Cook Bros, and J. horses last week: Another Old Hensall Resident Is McDonald had a fine display of auto- � Mr, and Mrs, George Lawrence IYead-Airothen aged resident of. nen- mobiles on .exhibition and was centre have purchased .an organ. tall in the person of John A. Mitchell of quite hof of interest. The judge's I S S No. 6 Re ort fair die e Easter passed away on Sunday evening at the residence of his , son-in-law, Mr. Fred. Kell -flings. Mr. Mitchell has been in poor health all winter, and his On Wednesday evening April 21st, in the Chiselhurst church anentertain ment will be held "An Evening with the Nations," Four nations will be represented, Canada, England, Ire- land and Scotland. The programme will represent these nations, also lunch will be served, Next Sunday morning in the United church the subject of the sermon will be the Place of Hymns in the Church. The six greatest hymns will be used Mr. Nelson Wurin was taken to a London hospital on Tuesday morn- '• VARNA, Mrs. George Foster of_Windsor gcld s last weelc. with spent a few y i s 'friends and acquaintances in and around Varna. ' report' t at the We are pleased toh majority of our citizens who have been suffering from lagrippe are all on a fair way to recovery and attend to their several duties. Our teacher Miss Welsh, who. spent t the holidays in London, has' returned, On April 6th the two- Varna Auxil iaries, Methodist and Presbyterians met in the United church for the purpose of uniting and forming one W.M.S. of the United Church of Can- ada. The pastor, -Rev. J. Durant, took the chair. After the official opening of the mesting by singing and prayer, the Scripture lesson, John 15,,was read •alternately. By the request of `Mie"meeting Mrs. Geo. Johnston act- ed as secretary.' Mr: Durant then' read. the constitution of the••United. Wo.. men's Missionary Society, and it was moved and seconded that the two auxiliaries be united and known here- after as the Varna Auxiliary of the United Church of Canada. The 'fol- lowing officers were elected: H,on. Pres., Mrs. A. Foster; pres„ Mrs. Sparrow; vice 'presidents, Mrs.' • Mc- Clymont, Mrs. A. McConnell; sec., Mrs. Wm. Reid; corr. sec., Mrs. Geo. Johnston; treas., Miss Bertha Deihl; .Messenger sec„ Miss Violet McCly- mont; sec., Associate or Home Help- er's, Mrs. J. Rathwell; strangers' sec., Mrs. Sherlock Keys; organist, Mrs. Chas. Johnston. It was decided that the auxiliary would meet the first Thursday of every month: The meet- ing was closed' by singing, "Blest Be the Tie that Binds," and prayer. 1 Wise mothers who know the vir- tues of Mother Graves' Worm Exter- minator always have it at hand, be- cause 9t proves its, value. • 1 nket':LLset single har iss• i- cSEAFOIiT1i MARKETS. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. rah and ba , g n ., gg 1 . hens '' ' 11 -of°' which will be sold , '' A rtl 14th, 2 A , . . , � \ ,. 'Wednesday, P , ,, , r s of Sale 1,25 Medical, without, reserve:,'. Tem Wlicat per'ibui. ....:.., ,.'. � . i � `• Cash. •Johan Groin,' prop. T..Brown, oats: er .bus, •.... , ., . , ....: 40 . . ,,., r� .. DR. II HLJGIi 'ROSS, 1'•lxystctan auctaoneer. �, Barley, per bus, 60 , Buckwheat er bus 50e and Surgeaa, Late. of London Hos, P BAYFIELD. Miss Anna Elliott returned on Sat- urday to Toronto and Mr. Graham Elliott to Kitchener. Mr. William Metcalf, Ann- Arbor, Mich., arrived last Friday and is spending his holidays with his par- ents, Dr. W. F. and Mrs. Metcalf. Misses Elva and Ann Dewar return- ed to Toronto on Saturday last. Mrs. E. Featherstone, little Miss Doris Featherstone and Mrs., Chas. Parker returned on Tuesday after vis- iting the latter's daughter, Mrs. L. B. Smith in London for a week. The party given in the town hall on Thursday last by a number of the young people of the community was enjoyed by all present. The Y.P.S. met on Friday last, Dr. r inter- esting Newton Bradyave a very A. and instructive lecture. Mer- ton Merner took the topic from the study book, "Heroes of Our Home- lands," after which the social com- mittee took charge and a very inter- esting Amer- ican English contest on poets was given. Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Townsend and Miss Gwen Elliott have returned to their home at Manila. The play entitled, "The Little Clod- hopper,' which was given on Wednes- day of last week by the Junior Dram- atic Club of Zurich, was excellent. But owing to the bad weather and so many people being ill, there was a small attendance. Th play was well presented, each took their parts splen- didly. It might be advisable to have AUCTION SALE' • Of^Far Stock and 'Im Ale e`hts. Farm oc nP m e _ t hasbeen. Mr.Thomas Br t om s ow,. in- structed o sell by public auction on l Lot 13, Con. 7, McKillop, on bloim- clay, At>rtl 19th, a•tt 1 o'cloclt pm., the fallowing: Horses -. One notched team of mare 8 and 9' years old quiet and reliable, single or double. Cattle -1 two year old' steer, 1 two year old heifer, 1 one -year-old steer, 1 one- year -old 'heifer, 1 young calf. Pigs -- 5 pigs `175 (founds each, one sow to litter before the ;time of sale. 7ntple- ments--Massey-Harris 6ft. cut bind- er nearly new; tNoxon ' 12 -hoe "drill nearly new, 8 -foot roller- in good shape; new , Oliver riding plow; ` Fleury walking plow nearly new; :12- platedisc harrow (outthrow), Cock- shutt gang plow, set - diamdnd har- rows, road cart, 2-inch;tire, wagon as good as new, '3 -inch low; wagon, hay rack, Massey-Harris.13-tooth culti- vator nearly new, Deering mower, new, only cut 10 acres; horse ,rake, set of'aleighs-with..bunlcs amid ..bol- sters,.,Clinton funning .mill, 2 sets new,wJtiffletrees'and'several old' sets, stock rack, scuffl•er, 2 pig troughs, high step ladder,' 1,000 ft. elm lumber, mostly plank (dry); 16 -foot ladder, grain cradle,'large oak barrel, turnip sower, ,tile scoop, 2 spring seats, 25 grain bags, 2 gravel boxes, 1 wheel- barrow, 1 grindstone,'set snow_ plows, set of breeching harness as •good as new, set single harness, 8 col'ars of varius sizes, 1 set double back -band harness almost new, also some house- hold effects and forks, shovels, chains and other articles too numerous, to mention. All of the implements are nearly new. No reserve as the farm has been sold. Terms -All sums of $10 and under, cash; o,ver that a nount 8 months' credit will be given on fur- nishing approved joint notes. A dis- count of.6 per cent, per.annum off fax cash. Thos. Brown, auet, Archie Ferguson, prop. BIRTHS. WESTCOTT-Ili Seaforth, on Wed- nesday, April 7, 1926,, •to' Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Westcott, a daughter. HARRIGAN-In Glencoe, on Thurs- day, April 8, 1926, to Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Harrigan (nee Jean Wallace), a •son (Wallace Charles). IN MEMORIAM: Int loving memory of Sheldon Wren Eyre, who departed for a fairer world on April 14th, 1924. Two years have passed since that sad day When one we loved was called away; God took him home, it was His will, But in our 'hearts, he liveth still. -Father, Mother, Sister and Brothers BARRON-In sad andloving mem- ory of our dear husband and father, John Barron,' who passed away one year ago, April 18, 1925. We little thought, when leaving home That you would never return That you so' soon in death would sleep, And leave us here to mourn. We did not know the pain you bore, P Wenot see ou ie dids d We only know you passed away And could not say good-bye. -Wife, Sons and Daughters. AUCTION SALE of Household Effects on Saturday, April 17th, at 1 p.m. at the resid- ence of John Cronin, William street, Seaforth, tae -following: 1 couch. 4 rocking chairs, 1 six octave Bell organ, 2 hanging lamps, dining table; 2 parlor tables; 6 dining room chairs; 1 sideboard; 1 cabinet; 1 writing desk; 1 glaass cupboard; 2 bedroom suites, 1 bclistead, `stand, mattress and springs; 3 toilet sets, 6 kitchen chairs, 1 Kennedy range,' 1 Quebec tit repeated when conditions are more •heater, 1 Perfection coal oil stove, favorable. I three burner; 1 'coal oil heater; 1 Mr. Thomas Elliott met with a ser- stepladder; also'glassware,- dihes, icus accident on Saturday last while pictures, linbleums and other articles; cutting wood. He was accidentally • also rubber tired buggy, 1 : cutter. cut in the leg just back of the knee. - It was a deep cut requiring eleven stitches, It is hoped that he will make a sneedy recovery. Mrs. Alex, Brown and Master John Brown returned on Thursday last, having, visited Mrs. Brown's daughter at Windsor for two weeks. Mr, J. W. Tippet returned on Mon- day from Detroit where he spent a week with his daughter, Mrs. H. A. Stott and Mr. J. D. Goldthorpe who spent the winter in Europe returned home on Tuesday of last week, - HULLETT. Miss Florence Taylor, of Toronto, is spending a few days with her par en`ts, Mr. and Mrs, H. Taylor. • Mrs, Charles Dexter and daughter Ella are spending a few days with Mrs, Dexter's parents, ,Mr. and Mrs. harry Adams. Miss Mary Riley visited at the home of her •grandfather's, near Clin- ton last week. Messrs Hazelwood brothers attend- ed the funeral in Clinton of the late Mrs. W,arncr, interment being' made in the Clinton cemetery, Miss Mabel Riley is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. Charles Riley, of Tuckersmith. We are sorry to hear that Mr. seem to have given their decisions in test. Sr. IV. ,icon Stevens 73 per a very. -fair manner, their decisions cent. Jr. IV -Marjorie McEwing 75, ',teasing the entrants. Besides the Leslie Reid 70, Leah Rapson 65, Les - money pri;es es-money;prizes given, quite a number lie Beattie 45. Sr. III.Olive Knox 70. re, Have Your Spring Suit Tailored to Measure AT tiobberlin's Experience the satisfaction : of an individual = cut, individually fitted suit that, cosec you the same or little more than a ready -made --a Hobbeelin's. SNAPPY STYLES FOR ALL TYPES. WONDERFUL CLOTHS FOR EVERY TASTE' THE FINEST TAILORING: TO SATISFY THE MOST PARTICULAR And with every garment turned out by time Ilobberlin establish- ment a wide-open guarantee- Complete satisfaction or your stoney back, JOHN HOOPER Seaforth. P.O. box 350. Phone 259-J Representing- • The 1-Tnnse• of HOBBERLIN Limited. Tailors to Canadian gentlemen for 40 years. London Eng land. Special Shorts er ewt.................al,75 pital,g P attention to diseases'oE the eye, ear, Bran, per Cwt, , , ..:, 265 throat. Office and resid-' per 'dor ...:....18c' 24C 2Gc' noise andr Butte P Bank.Office t lb` 3 s nee behind Domanion. I3 t COWS FOR SALE. One newly calved cow and one 'saoringer. Apply to" J. R. SCOTT, Phone 251r32, Seaforth. 15 u, er, per .ahope No. 5; Residence Phone 106. Potatoes, per -bag ROOM AND BOARD. Front bedroom sitting room, with board. Central location. Apply to The News Office. - tf KINBURN DRAIN ASSESSMENT Last Call. Mr, G. K. Holland, McKillop Tp. Treas., will be at the Queen's Hotel, Seaforth, on 'Saturday, Apr. 17th, 1926, afternoon; also on Tuesday, Apr. 20 h 1926. afternoon, to ,receive cash pay,ments on the Kinburn Swamp Draiti. By order of Commit 15 JNO. 'McNAY,-Clerk. DR. F; J, BURROWS, Seaforth. HATCHING EGGS. Office and ,residence,, Goderich,str^.et - k1 -- From s•pectally, selected. 2 year o east of thee, Methodist Church. • Cora ': Barred Rock diens, $4.00 per hundred.:oeter Eor+the County of Huron. Tele - JAMES_ M. SCOTT; Seaforth, phone0 phone No. 4 , • 32-251. L9 PASTURE FARM TO RENT. DR., C.''MACKAY.-C. Mackay,' honor graduate of Trinity Univers- Pasture:farm'to'relit. Alae a wind- ity and 'gold.' medallist of Trinity mill' wanted, Apply . to JAMES Medical College;member of the CaI-. SPROAT, r. r.:'3,; Seaforth. Phone lege of Physicians' and Surgeons of' 160 r 34. tf Ontario. HOUSE. FOR SALE OR TO RENT 7 -room house, good cellar, hard and soft water inside. a On East William street, near High School. Possession first of May. Apply to ADAM -HAYS, Seaforth, - a ' SEED'$ARLEY• FOR SALE. ' A iquantity of Manchuria six -rowed barley, guaranteed, clean for seed. R. H. MODELAND, phone 143r4, ,Eg- ntondville. tf FOR SALE. A number of sows almost ready 'to litter, also several 'Registered Hol- stein cows for •sale. Apply to J. R. ARCHIBALD, Seaforth. 16 FURNITURE FOR SALE. For sale. a number of pieces of household furniture, including side- board, extension table, chairs, etc. All in good repair. Cheap for cash. J. H. REID, West William street. RED CLOVER,. SEED- POR SALE. Red clover seed for sale. Apply to A. O'LEARY, lot 6, •con. 1, Tucker - smith. Phone 144r22. ;" 16 BABY CHICKS FOR SALE. Laying strain. White Leghorns, 11c each; Barred Rocks, 12c each. Your own eggs incubated at 8c each. mini- mum 100 at above ,prices. Get your order in early for April and May delivery. Cash with order. Prices F.O.B. Dublin: JOHN A. ECKART, R R. 1, Dublin. Phone 23 r 23 Dublin. 16. PROPERTY FOR SALE. 5aa acres of land being situated near Ethel Cheese Factory, one mile from C..N. R. station. 8 room house. large barn and orchard. First class land, all under cultivation. For furth- er particulars apply to MRS. W. C. McEACHERN, Walton Ont. • Want and For Sale ads, 3 times 50c Cecil B. DeMille's production Ten The Commandments The Bible Brought to Life Revealing the Trials and Triumphs of the Israelites under Pharaoh. The events leading up to andtheir escape from Egypt their reversion to idolatry erd the writirg of the tables of stone on Mount Sinai, followed by a modern story showing the ancient laws as applied to the present age; A GIANT EPIC IN MOTION PICTURES Reviving the mighty Grandeur of Egypt when she was building the Pyramids. THE CROSSING of the RED SEA and the ENGULFING of the EGYPTIAN ARMY The Most Tremendous and Awe Inspiring Scenes Ever Re•en- acted Before the Public Gaze. Originally dated here for , April 22-- 23= DR. F. J. R. FORSTER-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medi- cine, University of Toronto 1897. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural•Institute, Moorefield'a Eye 'arid • Golden Square throat hospitals, Lont den, Englund. AV Commercial "hotel, Seaforth; 3rd Monday in each month from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. 53 Waterloo st, south, Stratford. Phone 267 Stratfori. ' Dental DR. J. A.lefUNN Successor to Dr. R. R Ross, gradu- ate of Northwestern University, Chi- cago, Ill. Licentiate Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office over Sills' hardware, , Main street,; Seaforth. Phone 151. Musical Instruction. CHAS. A. HOWEY„ organist and • choir director, North Side .United Church, Seaforth. Instruction given an piano, organ and, theory. Studio over the Dominion Bank. •Auctioneer. GEORGE ELLIOTT:" Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Arrangements can be male for Sale Date at The Seaforth News. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed General Fire, Lite, Accident & J ut (mobile INSURANCE AGENT and dealer in Singer Sewing Machine0 J ames W atson North Main St. 'SEAFORTH; ONT. 1't t lvlcKlLLON M�uaI Fire I suranc ee Ca , IAVAND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY 0 N L Y, INSURED Officers -James Connolly, Coder- tch, Alex. Janes Evans, Beechwood, Vice President; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer.. an - Directors -Wm. Rinn,- No. -aa -Sea- , forth: John Bennewveis, Brodhagen; James Evans, Beechwood; b1. ale - Ewen, Clintod; James Connolly, God- erich; Alex. Broadfoot, No. 3. Sea - forth; ja G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc- Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth;• Murray Gibson, Bruccfield, Agentse-Alex. bitch, 7,r, 1, Clin- ton; E. Hinchley, Seaforth;J. A. J Murray, r.r. No. 3, Seaforth, J. V. Yeo, Holmesville; • R. G. Jarmouth, Bornholm. James Kerr and John Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties deairous to effect insurance or trans- ,acf other business will beron d P y' • P attended to by application to any of ' the Above named officers addressed to,their respective postoffices. • • IMPROVED FARM FOR SALE:. Improved farm for sale, containing - 100 acres, less one acre on which is a school house, in the Township of UsbornE, being Lot 6, Concession 3: The farm is in a good state of culti- vation, well drained and fenced and d - acres in fall wheat; plenty of water at all seasons,' with windmill at house over a splendid well; also water int 'stable. The buildings are practtally new and up-to-date, a large bank barn with stabling ^complete, also good brick house, drive shed, hea house, etc„ 354 miles from Exeter, good market town, also a canning factory mn the town. A quantity of straw in barn to be sold with farm. If not sold soon, the farm -will be rented. Apply to ANDREW & WIL- L LIAM t. DOIG, Jr., Jar. No. 3, Kip19n, We have added a Special Showing for Sprinci Fair Day Matinees Each Day during the entire showing' ADMISSION Evenings 15 and 22 cents Afternoons 1O and 1'5 cents Make Spring Fair day a day for the whole family by bringing them all to this rllarvellous entertainment. 1. rm,,,.�•d.•nryfe,, • lay °aea' ap Qm awaits you. Just say "Ban. cilia Facial" to your bar- ber and get the surprise of. yoi r life --a Peeling of re- newed vigor and the knowledge that at last you look the part. Be ono of the "million a week." ROBINSON'S:: The. Better Barber Shop Just 'Round the Corner l,: