HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1926-04-15, Page 3FAcing the W011(1.
Tn theeffort to impress' young per-
sons With the seriousness of life, their
seniors -frei(uentlly'•]told hetero them
the picture of the warltl as a heartless,
• outlies monster, wailing to 'rend and
devour them. Even so in days of old
the effort was •'nmde to frighten people
into virtuous conduct.bychii';ing their
blood with the terrors of, perdition, To
make t fife or to earn a living le
deed'. a serious, careful occupation. But
11 oboes . good "to innsrepregent th•e'sit-
bimbo , the world toward the human
beings. young and old, who live In it
and are to do their duty by it and by
themselves, 'rho wort die not inimical.
to anybody., Human society is made
up of individuals .like ourselves, with
the seine dibre,, the sante 'structural
wealaneasee,the same "proclivities end
needs. '
We depend on one another, and if
ionic are Weaklings and cowards and
ttefuse to play their part,, then others
must take up the burden anti carry on
in their places. • There ie'no time to
fess, uo energy to spare for conspire -
Mee against the peace of mind or the
Industrial Plate of others. We. have.
CUT OW11 *crit to d0 alld we nnest do
it. The surprledng fact is not that in.
oorsm'petent;and'4nadequate persons are
smelled -10 the -s'e3 or denied their al-
leged ,right to a livelihood, but' thaft
there are constantly and everywhere
in evidence mean's indulgent kindness
and touching charity to fellow man.
The world does'not want.us to fail;
it heartily wishes us to succeed, It'
does honor to itis prophets and heroes,
When it finds and lrnows therm. It
Crowns with its rewards in fortune and
reputation those who have striven long
and earnestly. For the poor and needy
it makes contribution and takes
thought. gain and again the busiest
of people put aeke their bread -win
ning acclimation for some altruistic
end, honestly rejoice when the goal is
rea.ched.8116 then return modestly and
quietly to their own place and work,
1101 asking any trumpeting or praise
for the golden deed. Charity and
kindness are round about us a7d like
morning sun and the fresh air; to cleny
it is to proclaim ou:selves ingrates.
The crowd is not 'a monster, treading
underfoot those .who cainwt light
against it; it is a creature with a
chivalrous heart as ready to be touch-
ed by suffering and infirmity as by a
sinning Ilet'ioemance of valor on land
or sea; It wants to find a hero, it
seeks a leader, 1t.naturally turns to-
ward the light We need not be afraid
of it, for it wants'1111 the Help that we
can give to it.
Why We Should Sing,
It is generally admitted that there
hi • a beneficial physiological side to the.
inattel' of singing as well as that of en•
tertaiument and musical pleasure.
Long and learned articles on this sub.
jed.come from erudite linens; but we
venture that it would be hard to find
anything more unique in :this line than
the "Reasons briefly set downe by th'
aucter,to perswade euei'y one to
loarne to sag," given in William
Byrd's "Pealmes, Sonets and Songs of
Sadness and Pfetie," published in Eng-
land in 1688.
These reasons that are "briefly set
downe," are as follows: -
1. Ie is a lmowiedge easily taught
and quickly learned, when there is a
good master and au apt scalier,
2, The -exercise of singing 1a delight -
full to nature, and good to preserve' the
health of man,
3, it doth strengthena; l parts of
the brest and doth open •the pipes.
4. It is a singular good remedie for
a stuttering and stammering in the
6. It is the best mums to procure a
perfect pronunciation, and to make a
good orator.
6, It is the only way to know when
nature hath bestowed the benefit of a
good voyee which guilt is eo rare, as.
there is not one among a thousand
that hath it; and in many, that excel-
lent guif 'is lost, because they want
art to expresso nature. •
7. There is not any musicke of in-
struments whatsoever comparable' to
that which is made of the voyces of
men, where the voyces are good, and
the same well sorted and ordered.
'8. The better the voyee is., the meet-
er 11 Is to honor and serve God there-
with; and the voyee of man is chiefly
to be employed to that ende.
Introducing Graham Bread.
When you eat. a loaf of. • graham
bread, do you realize that in order to
enable you to do so someone nearly a
century ago passed through a period
of martyrdom that warraate recogni-
tion in our thought to -da'? At least,
so Gas Logic, a monthly publication
put out by the Consolidated Gas Com-
pany of
ompany'of New York, ten, us in a alioi't
item published under the caption, The'
Doctor -Hero of Graham Bread." It ap-
pears that Dr. Graham's 'ideas on eat-
ing moved • the bakers and the butchers
to the throwing of stones and brick-
bats. It was in 1840 that he advocated
the use of this bread, but when he
tried to put his ideas forward in Bos-,
ton, ho ,vas denied the use of Armory
Hali. -T' ie owner of a'hotel, however,
offered hint a rooms, but the Mayor pro-
te6,JQed that lits police force was 1iot
fkideient' to protect the eourageoua
doctor, so that the hotel proprietor
blt rieaded the lower story and pos t4
a Shovel brigade with slacked lime `o
the roof, • "Those were, indeed, trip
,good old. days!"
And Figure Title Out.
Fresh Son—"How ler it dad, that the
pfght ' falls --,but it is It,
day that
Weary Dad--"In'the sunset of life,
eau, 11 hasn't yet dawned on me,"
People Who Feel Lille Tliis Need
the Help of a Tonic.
' 'J'he dictionary defines a tonic: as a
)neddbiiiie that fncreai:es the 'strength
and gives vigor t& the egstem. That
telis why Dr. W1I•liaids' Pinks Pills are
a real tonic, Thousands' of men and
women are 'ailing today, not sick in
bed, hit without ambition to do tt full
day's work, though they are forced t.o
keep on, They are always tired or
nervous; .Flo tot sleep well, and awake
in .the morning unrefreshed. , *any
hove -headaches, baclracheo and. stom-
ach trouble, .Such people ,need the
tonic help of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
The beneficial effects of this metiicine
reachea'the whole system. 'Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills do ulore than relieve
the symptoms—they remove the cause.
Mrs. 31. Virginia Gray,-ToRe111, Alta.,.
has prdven the value of this medicine
and says:—"I ,.can sincerely recom-
mend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for a
tired and run-down condition of the
system. I have 'followed the nursing
profession for a number of years and
after a 'few weeks, of hard or trying
cases T,talse two or three boxes of Dr.
Williamma' Pints Pills, and always with
the very best results. The pills also
proved -a great boon to my daughter
at a trying age, and I have seen splen-
did results follow their use in other
Dr..'Williame' Pink Pills are sold by
all medicine dealers or sent by mall
at 60 cents -a -box by The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co, Brockville, Ont.
The. Four Seasons.
Father (examining son in general
knowledge)—"Now, George, name the
folia seasons." -
George (after much thought)—"Salt,
mustard, vinegar and pepper!"
Fastest Plane.
Flying Bullet, said to be the fastest
fighthtg :airplane yet designed 1n Eng-
ngland, is Nang assembled near South-
ampton under direction of A. V. Roe,
British aviation pioneer.
That's Because Pushing Up of Ranges' Weakened "Earth's
Au outline Wrap of North and South America is reproduced'here wit 1 the
earthquake line along western America traced on it The numbers give the
location of the eight earthquakes 'which took place on this line between 1899
and 1806. The first was off the Boast of British Columbia in Septentber,1899.
The second was in Central America in January, 1900. The third was in Bri-
tish Columbia again in October, 1900. The fourth and fifth were in Central
America in April and September, 1902. The sixth was in South America .in
January, 1906. Then came the San Francisco earthquake in April, 1906, the
seventh of the series,. The, eighth wesin Peru and Chile. in August, 1906.
Secrets of Science. South America from Peru to Pats -
By David Dietz gonia,
The contraction of the earth's sur- Another earthquake region is the
face, as we have seen, is responsible gest Indica.' Geologis•te believe that
for the rise of continents and moun- at one time these islands were all con-
tain ranges. All life upon the earth, netted together into a. continent, but
therefore- owls its existence, to this that great regions subsided, owing to
fact.•movements of the earth's creat, leav-
But while this contraction makes ing the present archipelago,
1•ife possible, it aria results at times A southern earthquake region ex -
Sleep lingers all our lifetime about in- the destruction of life. For it is
our eyes, as night hovers all dayin the chief cause of earthquakes.
the boughs of the fir tree.'—Emerson. An e •
arthquake is caused by a sudden
movement or slipping of a part of the
earth's crust.
ealen occur in certain re-
glons. These are :the regions of great-
upheaval during i '
p n n the last move -
g muents of the earth's crust which m-
oo ��� salted in the buckling up of the pre.
csent great mountain ranges.
! Tho largest earthquake region ex-
tends along the line of the Alpine -
Himalayan mountain system. It starts
in the Alps and extends to central
China, taking in .Italy, the eastern
Mediterranean, the Caspian, and the
Himalayan mountains. These moun-
tains are among the youngest upon the
earth. Many geologists' believe that
they are still growing that is, still be-
ing pushed up by movements of the
earth's crust.
Over one-fifth of the earthquakes
occur in this region. ,
Another great earthquake region ex-
tends front the Bay of Bengal to north
of New Zealand. It includes the
mountain region through the Malay
A third region starts at Kamchatka,
a peninsula at the • eastern end of
Siberia, and follows the eastern coast
of Asia to the Philippine Islands: This
region includes Japan.
Thor'e are three -earthquake „regions
1H America, One lies along the coast
of Alaska and British Columbia. The
second begins in California and ends
in Bcuador.
' The third' is along the west coast of
Take a spoonful
of Sal Lithofos
in a glass of water
daily before break-
fast and rid 'our-
self of that dis-
agreeable feeling
of dullness. An
efficient saline
laxatve that gent-
ly purges the sys-
tem of clogging
poisons and makes
a new being of you.
High School Boards and Boards of Education
Are authorized by law to establish
With the approval of the Minister of. Education.
may beconducted in accordance, with the regulations Issued by
the Department of Education.
is given in varlousttrades. The schools and classes are under the
Application for attendance should be made to the Principal of the,
for In the Courses of Study In Public, Separate, Continuation and: High
Schools, Collegiate Institutes, Vocational Schools and Departments.
Copies of the Regulations Issued by the Minister of Education may be
obtained from the Deputy Minister, Parliament Buildings, Toronto.
1st Prize $100 5th Prize $40
2nd Prize $75' 6th Prize $30
3rd Prize $60 7th Prize $25
4th Prize $50 8th Prize $20
5 Prizes of $10 each
10 Prizes of $5 each
li:very contestant will receive a prise
of at least 02.60 volae.
If you count the dote coryceW and sell 10 tubers .Rnet and Stals.
Remover at see a tube, youwith iceeive-ono of these prizes. And
you will have a thanes for the Die Casa Pelee. When WO tecelve: year,
nature, - we will Bend you the Rust and Stain Remover nt once. Try
yourshill now.
UNITED SUPPLY 'CO. 'De - t." '10, . TORONTO, 3
tends from South India westward to
Mauritius, in the Indian Ocean.
Another large earthquake region ex-
tends from North Africa to Spain and
Portugal, Aesmaller region includes
the Bermuda Islands,
Many factors tend to aggravate the
natural instability' of these weaker
portions of the earth's crust.
One is the atmospheric pressure.
Hellcat° measuring instruments prove
to the satiefaotion of geologists, that
iv'hen the atmospheric 'pressure is
heaviest in western Japan and when
heavy rains fall there, the result is an
upward tiltof eastern Japan. Itis un-
noticeable ,of course, except for the
records made by exceptionally deli-
cate apparatus.
Strains in the earth's crust are also
aggravated by -the tidal pull of the
moon and by the fact that the earth
does not rotate smoothly upon its axle
but wobbles somewhat as, it rotates.
Next article—Volcanoes.
An acid stomach caused by indigestion often
creates rheumatic symptoms. Set your stomach
right with Seigers Syrup. Any drug store,
The Householder.
There was a lark in Devonshire,'
Iie walked one day at dawn
And found a yellow clover
With. bright dew brimming over
Upon his little Iawn.
The dew was -clear as honey;
'Twas more titan heart could bear.
With all hie breast a tumult
FIe scaled a far-flung stair—
Up, story after story,
With "Glory, glory, glory["
To gain a golden turret
High up the crystal air;
So glad his alleluias
That drowsy farmer folk
Slow blinking In the mist beneath
Half -dreamed an angel spoke;
So loud his jubilate,
That all the Polk of heaven
Heard how a tuft of meadow grass
Was ebbing down in Devon'
Far, sweet and solitary,,
Rejoicing, lost and fair,
-He' leaned from latticed sunlight
And turned one pure note 'slowly,
Then, dropping down the circled stair
Of amethyst and amber air,
Came crying, "Holey, helyl"
Still telling all the wondrous worth,
The marvel, over and over,
Of one square foot of April earth
And one new April clover.
--Nancy Byrd Turner in Youth's Com-
Ring On—Ring 0fl'!W
"Bi, George, dear," she whispered,
When he slipped the eugagetnesl ring
on her finger, show sweet of you to re-
, member jtis•t the sort of stone I pre-
felled! None of the others was ever
so thoughtful."
' Ceoigo was staggered for a moment.
Then he sairl;—
i' "Not at all; dear; you overate me.
This ie the. one I've always used."
She was inconsistent enough to cry
about it.
Can't Se Opened'.
Inventor -"I have here a cafe which
cannot be opened."
Patent. Attorney—"Let's see; what
is the idea back of it?"
Inventor -"I have combined the
, Pullman window and a sardine can, re-
taining the best features of both.
Minard's Liniment for sore throat.
Life's Golden Rule.
Ifonly thoughtless. people
Wiiirld 'take a little heed
Ansi think'a'iiout their neighbors,
Their troubles and their need!'
It never just oecuro to then[
That; in their selfish way,
Maybe they've dimmed the sunlight,
And darkened som•eone'5 day.
If only busy people
Would linger for a while
And stop to do a kindly act,
Then pass on with .a Smile,
The world Would .be a warmer place
If only, no wind then,
We all would stay, to think a bit.
About our fellow -men
—Lily Dean,
Has Shown One Mother Thele is
Nothing to Equal Them.
A constant ase of Baby's • Own Tab-
lets for their children has proven to
thousands of mothers that they itre
without an equalfor babyhood and
childhood aliments. One mother, Mrs.
C. W, Jackson, R.R. 1, Gilford, Ont,
writes: -"We have used, Baby's Own
Tablets ever since our first baby was
born eixtoen yeais ago. We have
seven fine healthy children and the•
Tablets is the only medicine they re-
ceived in their early yearn. Our baby
is one and a half years old, is walking
and talking and weighs 25 pounds.
Baby's Own Tablets is tlie: only medi-
cine he has ever had."
Baby's Own Tablets are guaranteed
to be absolutely safe for even the new-
born babe. They are free from opiates
and narcotics.; act as a gentle laxative
on the stomach and bowels and thus
relieve cogstipetion . and indigestion;
break up colds, and simple fevers and
make babyhealthy and strong.
You can get Baby's Own -Tablets
trent your druggist or direct by mail
at 25 cents • a box from The Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine Go., Brockville, Ont.
A Puzzle,
The teacher was showing the child-
ren how to form the figures from 1 to.
12. After writing them on the blaole-
board several times she told the child-
ren tosite
wa them a in their exercise
books from memory.
When, iater, she looked at the books
she found that one little boy had writ-
ten the numbers correetly up to 10, but
instead of the fl'gures 11, he had writ-
ten only 1.
"Why, what is the meaning of this,
Jackie Jones?" she asked, pointing out
the solitary figure.
"Please, teacher," he said, "I didn't
know on which side of the 1 to put the
other 1."
Minard's Liniment for dandruff.
And Not Until
Salesman (at show)—"This is the
-type of car that pays for itself, sit."
Proepedtivo Buyer—"Well, as soon
as it has done that yon can have it de-
livered ae my garage."
Cloche hats, now so popular as to
be almost universal, are made much
too tight, according to a statement re-
cently made by Sir Robert Armstrong
Jones. the fatten,: phyrician.
and Sanwa. a OlaN
,fatani amigo,
Your favorite old
!a naw befog offered in
Better than before!
Easy to apply!
Its well-knownsoothing,
healing and penetrating
qualities have been inten-
sified in the new, compact
For over fifty years it has been
a standard household remedy for
sprains, bruises, rheumatic pains or
muscular lameness from any cause.
Generous tube for 25 cents.
Sold Everywhere, or by mail from
Chamberlain Medicine Co., Toronto
Real Ren. C9ta * Wove id Weill
42:•varu irWirirta Tuna
itfacLean Builders' Guide con-
tains many practical dieing by
prominent Canadian architects',
aet.ually built and lived M. Aliso
contains• well illustrated articles
on planning, batting, decorating,
furnisbing,anii gardening. Profuse-
ly illustrated. Send Twenty Cents
for a copy. Questions'. answered.
MacLean Building Reports, Ltd.,
344 Adelaide St. West, Toronto.
Who Will They Marry?
This is. a gosetion which thoughtful
parents of unmarried children are con-
stantly asking themselves. It is not
the, spirit of Canadian parents to dic-
tate whom the children should marry.
Here democracy prevails, and we be:.
1•ieve the best interests of the future
homes and the nation may be secured
by a "hands off" policy.
Nevertheless, danger lurks when
sentiment, unguided by sense, directs
the Pairing of our young folks. child-
ren ought' to be tough some facts about
the marriage relations. They ehouid
have ideate in their Blinds, to art as
protection against mantles that are
certain to bring grief. It is the °bier
ration of biologists that never in re-
corded history have two feeble-minded
parents been known to produce normal
children, &Ione thought on matters of
biologlcal S•tneee for each other will
augur Por greater happiness in the
clays to come.
All Tired Out—Feel
Miserable, Generally?
If yea feel out of sorts, your kidneys
and liver are not acting nll.lua.1
Don't delay but go to :sour druggist
and get a bottle of Warner's Safe Kid-
ney and Liver Ileinedy
and take according
to directions. In a
short time you shourd
notice the benefit from
this remedy made' front
Herbs and other bon°•
ficial Ingredients. Used
for over 50 years by
millions in all parts of
the world For your
health's emit° talte tetra
of, your kidneys anti
Sold by all druggists. Price 51.25
per bottle. Warner's Sere Remedies
Co., Toronto, Ontario.
Classified Advertisements.
Fon 658.E
W Mu
DGS oaf Bnon MI,AWQR,. AND..
timbers. Veld Ewa., Bothwell. Ontario.
vinnerauc Marotta BouaaT ARD eonn, ,
.n1 Milton, Frederick' 8t., Toronto,
aea5an (10Op5.•,. •
$ uaoine—IF IT'S RADIO otr nus'eont,'ww.;
[8 have 1t. Writeva and .ment,.tion your won1.
?Camara Sopsly Co., "mot, NV, ,n,4x 2701,' MLonappt,..1.
Taking Her Part. -
Ttley were talking about .the weight
of different members 'of the family,'
and the daughter's young*man spoke
up before he 'though, and said:--
"I tell you •that Jennie isn't a0 1e17 light, either, lthough she leeks. so,"
And then he looked_snrddonly can-.
fused, and blushed, and: Jennie became I
absorbed in etudyinng a picture on the
There is no half wayhoubetween
the reign of law and the reign of
force.—Sir Esme Howard,
Aili.dr s .P.N. S i
'rampant), Fillings --.which' y
Last • Lang Time. 15Ca
N"niae S. Wright se Co., flaked. Dhtriburon, Toronto
Chapped Hands
and other skin :.irritations
are quickly relieved by a
few applications of Minard's
diluted with sweet oil.
f;MOIT1101 S
That Shockingly Painful
There are few of us who have not
suffered from this trouble, but little
do we realize that in most cases it is
due to our own neglect.
Medical authorities agree that
Hemorrhoids (piles) could be largely
avoided were one to assist nature by
observing nature's laws.
Hemorrhoids are most frequently
brought about as a result of constipa-
tion. Therefore, assist nature by as-
suring an easy passage of the waste
matter, and this can best be done by
the use of N14jel, '
Nufol simply softens the waste
matter, and thus permits regular, easy
elimination, without any overtaxing of
the intestinal muscles,
Nujol, the scientific internal lubri-
cant, replaces the lack. of nature's
lubricant, and obviates the possibility
of constipation.
Ask your druggist for Nujol today
and remember—look for the name
Nulol" in red on both bottle, label
and package._
Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for
Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago
Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism
Accept only "Bayer" package
which contains proven direct a s.
Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets
Also bottled of 24 and 100 ----Druggists.
Aspirin le the trails mark (registered In Canada) of Darer 1lfaunfactare or 1.fenoacetle.
neideter of Saticrlicacta (Acetyl seltoy2th Acid, ea.. 0. A."). while It Is wolf known
that aspirin metes -Sayer manufacture. to, assist the public ogali nt Imitations. the Tablets.
of Bayer Compeer will bestamped with their general' trade learn, the 'calci.. Cress,"
These Two Found Relief by
Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Ayer's Cliff, Quebec.— "I hav
been teaching for three years, a,pol
at the end of the
year I always Teti
tired and have tie
appetite. I wall I.
awful sick each 1
pains- in my bac 3
until sometimes
was oblged to sto
worithig A frien
Lydia E. P�in11g..
hamis Vegetable
Compound to the
and 1heard many women telling how
good it was so Ithought Itwould help
me. And it did. Now I take sb
bottles every year and recommend it .�
{ to others,' I}oNAL,nA PANTatrx,
Ayer's Cliff, Quebec.
"Unable to Work" I
Canning, Nova Scotia.--``T-hod ir-
regular periods and great st;tiring i.
et those times, the pains causing g'
vomiting and fainting. I was teach-
ing school and often for some hours
I would be unable to attend to my i
work. Through an advertisement in
the papers I knew of Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Codlpdund, and it ,
has been of great benefit to me, the
troubles being completely relieved,"
—CLAURounty,ANJ, ova EATONScoti[a• , Canning, King's 1
Caused a Lot of Pai 1, Itched
Badly, Healed. by Cuticura.
"My trouble began with a -rash.
of pimples that covered my face and
neck. The pimples grew larger' and
started to fester, causing a lot of
pain. They itched badly and I:was
very restless at night. 'nib trouble
lasted four monthd.
"'A friend advised me to try Cuti-
cura Soap and Ointment so I pur-
chased some, and after using three
cakes of Ceticura Soap and one box
of Cuticura Ointment I. was tom
pletely healed.' (Signed) Miss
Martha Marione, R. R. 2,
Ont„ Nov. 3, 1925. •
Daily use of Cuticura Soap, with
touches of Cuticura Ointment now
and then, keeps the skin fresh,
smooth and clear. Cuticura Talcum'
also is ideal for the skin:
Maniple Each rr,, Dy [eon. Address Canadian
Depot: "steahoase, Std., Montreal," mica,Soap.
l 20 ee. Ointment and 500. Talenm 760, ,
" Cuticura Stowing Seek 25d.
ISSUE No. 10-'26.