HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1926-04-08, Page 8THE SDq,FOr ''I-; .NEWS., 'HENS4.1•Teeel (:.... „s..Id,ollend ,,Little"' and child en `ire, 5pendin8;'the holidays w: tiM ter -.. tnoCheY at Auburn. ^*s Mrs. Johneop, of Goderich,,. the, hdliday visiting her .•..,. bent titster, M. Chas. Moore and les Annie' Moote.. nt, tri L ado Uni- versity, is visiting -his'% home'liere,, to on of Ononda o ",.Mr Ferris Can Cantelon 8., s soereding'•the holiday at his home.,, Mr. Donald McKinnon, Lad •Mc- Esvan and.Al. Bell spent Good Friday in ondon. s John arm ichaol af tra for d: s spending: the holidays at his home. Mrs. Samuel S'teaey visited over the o ip. •eek -end aunt in S uthan with her ; ondon •vi,-' A'Iiss Jen':Maicwell, of L o er the .week -end with-hersis tied v , ter, ,Mrs. Peck. Miss Jessie Buchanan is visiting re Jtives fn, Toronto overthe• holiday, -, Miss Grace ,Scarlett is spending the holidays at her home in Seaforth. Mr. Angus Morrison and. family left on Friday morning for Lucknow, .where Mr, Morrison will work on a dairy farm, Since Coming to Hensell: orriso'n has been engaged by Mr. M g Owen Geiger & Sonbut before com- ing here he was an xperienced dairy- man in Scotland. Miss Edith MCEwan,• of Kitchener, is visiting over the, holidays with her brother and sister, Mr John McEwan, and Miss- Lily McE-wan, of the Lon- don road. Miss J. Johnson , principal -of the tcntinuation school, is spending the iolidays� at her home in Clifford. A number of farmers in this dis- trict are ;allowing their cattle to get in very poor condition owing to scarcity of feed, tine farmer west of here has allowed five to die from neg- lect and starvation. His case is being looked after by the authorities. Mrs. Jas. Patterson, who has been. waiting on her sister, Mrs. Brenkolt in Kitchener, returned home Thurs- day evening. • Mr.'. Hugh McDonald, who has been working for a short time in Mit- chell, returned home last week. Miss Helen Elder, of London, vis- ited over the week -end at her home. Mr, Wm. Simpson, of Detroit, vis- ited over the holidays at his home. Miss Hazel Coxworth is visiting her mother during the holidays. Miss Florence Welsh, of London, spent the week -end with her parents. • Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hildren, of Hamilton, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Chapman. Mrs. Mew, of Goderich, is visiting her niece, Miss Mattie Ellis. Mrs. Geo. Dadson and children, of Exeter, visited in town on Monday. Miss Gertrude I-Ioggarth, of To - Tonto, spent the holidays here visit- tee her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hoggarth. Mr. Jas. Drummond and a lady friend, of Toronto, spent Easter the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Drum- mond. rum- mond. Misses Ruby and • Pearl Churchill, of Clinton, visited friends in town on Monday. Mrs. Thos, Welsh and Miss Dor- othy Welsh spent Good Friday in London. Mrs. Hoggarth, of Norwich, is vis- iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Murdock. • At a .meeting of the Library Board on Saturday evening last Mrs. Jas. Patterson, who has acted as Librar- ian fora number of years, handed in her •resignation. The resignation -was accepted and the board decided to ask for tenders to fill the position. Tend- ers will be received by Mr. Wm. Mc- Kay up till Monday, Apr. 12th, when they will be opened and a new Li- brarian appointed. Death of John Taylor.—There died at the residence of Mr, Orval Taylor, Parr Line, Hay, on Good Friday morning. John Taylor, age 71 years. Mr. Taylor retired to rest as usual on Thursday evening and ,was found dead in bed on Friday morning. Mr. Taylor was well known in this vicin- ity, having land on the third conces- sion of Hay and had lived there for some time with Dr. Moir. He leaves to mourn his loss three nieces and a nephew, Mrs. Rex. Dick, of Usborne; Mrs. Harvey and Miss Jennie Taylor, of London, and Mr. Orval Taylor, of Hay. The funeral took place on Mon- day afternoon from the residence of Orval Taylor. Interment was in Hen - sail Union cemetery. Mrs. Andrew Dougal and daughter Miss Cassie, have returned home af- ter spending the winter with Mr. Wm. Dougal, near Chicago. Edmund Troyer Passes Suddenly.— There passed' away suddenly at his ho -e at Hillsgreen on Good Friday afternoon, Mr. Edmund Troyer, aged seventy years. Mr. Troyer had been going around in t his usual health and was cutting sonic wood on Good Fri- day morning, but after dinner coin- plained of not feeling well and laid 1`HURSDAY, APRIL 1 SALE C uu il t t t' •hose , o to, have BABY I i3S' . F,• down,., and.. shortly, afterward ,passed o c a . t. wh wish sr. Clara Parker, 1)orxs .FeatheFstou, . A X I=1 G , �Oli: away. Mr;, Tr6yer was a ltfeelong re? wa:r'pnt on the floor, should purchase yhri'lliam Osmond." 12 fanned Laying strain White Leghornp, • c �t f'tttis vicnft -having ar §' C .o y td n , r i ' .ears on .the 7th: putt, for a good many years Haw.;` Some years'agd .he, -sold ;his, 'Tama and ; he „and Mrs. Troyer retired to Hilisgreen,'Besidee his sorr`owiug .widow, he leaves to mourn, his loss one daughter, Mrs." f Bri en; . The fun- James' Jari;ott, o dg eraL, which: was largely attended; took. place from his'la,te; home at Hills - green on Tuesday- afternoon, inter men�t being at Henson' Union came- . 'tery. Mrs. George Hudson, of town, is la niece of the deceased; -to Mr - and Mrs. congratulations, .. •George Armstronon;the'arrival of a young son on Good Friday. the Large congregations enjoyed •Easter services• m= e o -churches th local on Sunday ,when special sermons and special music were` given. At the United Church, which, was;. crowded; at both services, the choir gave ,spa-, clef Easter music.. In, the morning a a duet was given by Mrs. Sinclair and Mrs. '-Hedden,- and a' male quartet, composed of Mr. Lindendeld, Mr. Cook, Mr. Foljick and Mt. Passmore; while in the evening there was a' duet by,Mr. Goodwin and Sam Rennie, and Mr Sinclair, Ides quartet Mrs. a ladies' by . Miss Viola Higgins, -Mrs. Drysdale and Miss Nellie, Boyle. Rev. Arthur Sinclair, preached at both services. Miss Jessie Bell, of Windsor, spent the holidays with her parents, Mr.. and ,Mrs. James Bell, London road Mr. 'Wm. Geiger and son, London,. are spending the 'holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Geiger. Miss Jean Campbell, Toronto, is spending the holidays with her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs, T. Murdock. Mrs. Reid and daughter Miss Min- nie Reid, attended -the McBride -Mc - Beath wedding in 'Stanley last week. The regular meeting.of the Young People's League of the United church was held on Monday evening. The meeting was in charge of Miss Flora Higgins, who presided. The Scrip- ture lesson was read by Miss Grace Forrest. Mr. Skinner very ably gave the topic on "Consecration." A solo by Mr, W. O. Goodwin, violin solo by Marjorie Pearce, instrumental duet Mrs. Hoggarth and Miss Jean Camp- bell; instrumental by Miss Gladys Luker, and a solo by Harold Higgins were all greatly enjoyed. A meeting of those interested in football will be held at the New Commercial Hotel on Thursday even- ing to organize a football team. A severe sleet storm passed over this district on Wednesday last doing considerable damage to electric and phone lines. Hydro was off Wednes- day but cane on in the evening, On Saturday a severe snow storm pass- ed over the district, - when about a foot of snow fell. Saturday the motor stage from Zurich was unable to get through and was left on the road. The spring work on the farm will be at least two weeks later than usual this year. The maple sap run has not been very good so far this season. Some syrup is being brought into town and is sold from $225 to $2.50 a gallon. Mr. Peppier, of the Bank of Mon- treal, spent Sunday at his home in Montreal. The many friends of Mrs. Wm. Hildebrand, Wm. Howard and John Mitchell will regret to learn they are very ill at present, and hope for their recovery is slight. Mrs. Geo. Armstrong is also seri- ously ill at the home of her mother, Mrs. H. Reynolds. Our spring show which was to G h has have takenplace on April t a a were been postpopned. Judges who iv e appointed to judge the horses were not notified of the change in date, owing to difficulty of communication. and arrived in town on Tuesday to go ahead with the show. Dr, Baker, of Toronto, was here to judge heavy horses; Mr. H, J. Darrock, of Lis- towel for light horses. Mr. Colin Hudson, .assessor, is busy this week making the town assess- ment, "The play, "The Old Codger" will be put on in the Town hall on Friday it themselves, and ^that he was to, ?u,t t ., • ' a canner, A,. W Wobds, on the.ainount he saw •fit. It was cided to :'ren the,3.acres " f 'Park! tk� o 1 'ALE ` ground. tt7 'ylr: • RichardWo sh For', .. t on Saturday, of Household Effects pasturage, at the same price as- last t h resid- Aril l'lth of .1 at a t e I dl P P year, ou-, motion „ Caanpbell an coca. -of John Cronin; VVflliam street, Priest.. A number of accounts were presented and ,ordered - ;paid.. Reeve Geiger andWCouncillor McArthur were appointed a committee to see about getting the snow and water oft: Main street, Rev. Mr, Naylor h'a'nded in his- resignation as member of the Library Board.> It was moved byE Rohl. I3iggitts, seconded` .by James Priest, that, the.: resignation •be not accepted,.,as ,the, Council wished him, to still continue on the Board. A there 'was• no other business the Couneil.,adjournes to -meet the first Tue'sda'y in May.... A. congregational tneetin as held meeting w the ti lhurst • Unite Church on taCl se d Wednesday night when the- work for the year was reviewed. The congre- gation is in a very flourishing condi- tion. ,, The young people: of the- con- gregation undertook to paint and decorate the interior ` of the-churteh ,and they succeeded in raising the -to'`s . al cost amounting to 240 The La- dies' os g $ dies' -Aid installed `a ,new gasoline lighting' system -in the church and provided a new carpet for the plat- form—and also a new Bible, for' the pulpit. All the departments of the. church presented good reports. Lunch was served at the close of the meet- ing. BAYFIELD. Miss Anna Elliott, of Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. Will Townshend and fam- ily and Miss Gwen Elliott, of Manila, spent the Easter vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Elliott. Mr. Harry Baker, of London, spent Easter Sunday at his home. Misses Elva and Ann Dewar, of AUCTION SALE Toronto, spent the Easter holiday with, their parents, Mr,. and Mrs, Mr. Thomas Brown has been in - David Dewar. structedto sell by public auction at Miss Gladys Davison returned to the barn of Mn. Joseph Storey, Vic- London ie London on Monday, having spent toria st., Seaforth on Friday, April' Easter Sunday with her mother, Mrs. 9th, at 2.30 o'clock, the following: 1 J. Davison. lumber wagon nearly new, 1 horse 8 Mr. E. Brown spent Easter at his years old, 1 horse 10 years old, 1 set hone in Toronto. sleighs nearly new, 1 set team harn- Messrs. Lawrence and Fred Fowlie ess, 1 gravel box, 1 coal box and coal of London spent Good Friday at chute, 1 wood rack, 1 cultivator, 1 their home. mover, 1 hayrack, 1 flat ' rack for Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jowett, who sleighs, 1 plow, 1 wagon jack nearly spent a few days in Toronto, return- new, forks, shovels, chains, whiffle - ed on Friday last. trees and other articles too numer- Mr. Nesbit Woods, principal of ous to mention. Terms—All sums of Wellesley Public school, spent the $5.00 and under, cash; over that am - Easter holidays with his parents, Mr. ount 9 months' coedit on furnishing and Mrs. J. D. Woods. approved joint notes. 6 p. c: off on Mr. J. W. Tippett left on Monday credit amounts, Melvin Shiels, prop. to spend a few days with his daugh- Thomas Brown, auct. ter, Mrs. Dyment, in Detroit. Miss M. Howell spent the Easter vacation at her home in Goderich, Miss Maude Stirling, matron of Mowat Sanitarium, Portsmouth, is visiting her mother, Mrs. William Stirling. Miss Izetta Merner, of New Dun- dee, spent the Easter vacation at her home. The Y. P. 5. will meet on Friday evening at the usual hour. Miss S. M. Ross, of Woodstock, spent Easter with 'her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Murdock Ross. Mr. Allan Pye left on Monday to take a position at Chatham, Miss Ruth Hueston, of London. spent Easter with her parents, Mn. and Mrs. Sam Hueston. Miss Alma McKay, of Toronto, ne- terned on Monday. Miss Ethel Jowett, of Brechin, Miss . Woodsof Orton,and Jean 11 of ratford Miss Nina Heard,St iospent the Easter vacation at their homes. Messrs, Brown Higgins, School of Commerce, David Dewar and Merton Merner, of the Clinton Collegiate, spent Easter at their homes. Miss Lucinda Reid is visiting friends in Exeter. Miss Helen Beattie, of Wingham, is visiting her aunt, Mrs, A. E. Eriwn. Seaforth, toe Followjng;"' 1' conch, 4 rocking chairs;,, 1 :six octeve<Be11 organ, 2 hanging lamps, dinning: (able; '2 -parlor tables,• 6• dining toont chairs; �-- NOTICE. 1 sideboard; cahinef' 1•"Wi'.iting. d 1 � ,,, M 's L. L. Pickard, trained .corset-, desk; 1 glass cupboard; 2, bedroom iere,fur 'the Spirella Corset' Company, suites,?1'bedstead stanlh;mattrebs and will be pleased to meet all her;old springs; 3 -toilet setts; k kitchen. ,eusfonners at hex' rooms above! Mr. D. chairs, 1 .Kennedy range; - 1 t,Joebec` 1-lr Stewart's ;butcher shop;: Having each; Barred Rocks -12c ;each. Your eggsincubated'at' 8c 'each, ;mini - own., a e , :num' 100 at above prices. Get your order' in early for April- and May, delivery. ; Cash with ,order,, Prices F.O.B. Dublin.- JOHN A. ECKART, R.Dublin. Plume 23 r 3 R.h a 4 2 Dublin. 16. heater, 1 Perfection coal oil'sto"ve, beeti,ill, ,she ,has not been -able to" three burner; ;'-1= coat oil heatet,;;',1' i make+ her' u'lta7"'calls. 14 1 es •' stepladder; ;also glasswa,re , dsh Pie res hno a ms an o r aF;tc es;: to u l d rhe f I also rubber tred._bug y, '',cutter, k • et ngle arness'; robe'andlblan,et; •s h 21 ;hens.. •, A11 of Which ` wiil be sold without reserve: Terms of Sale Cash. John^Cronin, prop. T Brown; auctioneer. • ,AUCTION,SALE Of Ford Automobile' and `tHouse- hold ,Goods. John Stevenson; Auth- orized Trustee of -.Joseph Dayman Estate, has instructed •`Mr. Thomas Brown, auctioneer, to offer by public auction, at the Royal Hotel stables, Seaforth on Monday, Al•ril 12th, 1926, at 2:30 o'clock p.m. sharp, the fol- lowing chattels; 1 •Ford touring car, with self-starter and in good repair; 1 Bell piano and bench, 1 leather davenport, 2 small oak rockers, 2 oak dressers, I oak commode, 1 kitchen table, l kitchen cupboard, 3 kitchen chairs„ 2 stoves, wood heaters, Terms —Cash. J. F. DALY, GEO, A. SILLS, Inspectors. Thos, Brown, Auctioneer. R. S. Hays, Vendors' Solicitor. SDOVE.FO R"SALE. • ook-sto-•.fir -cbaker," Good cve _ ,. slass $ e, or. sale cheap. Apply to The News. -14 NOTICE at.',St. Ail outstanding'accounts the Oalamban -Store must' be settled; by SEAPORTH MARKETS. a.•A if 7th' lrhednesd p. W eat. ,... $125 Oats : Pe.r 4 5 Barley;"rPer'bus ..:,:�, 60c Buckwheat; per bus: 50c. 1.70 per 'cwt Shorts,$ t. 1.60 Bran, -,per $ ,p . . •17¢ to- 2 7c Eggs, per'. dog, ... , ..; + , Butter, per, lb,.... ........ 40c per- L,. 2.25 Potatoes, p g • $ $ Hogs,' per cwt. 1275 RED CLOVE SEED FOR SALE. Red clover seed for sale;' Apply to A, O'LEARY, lot 6, con 1 'Tucker- smith. Phone 144r22. 16 HOGS FOR SALE. We,:, have young -York 2 ho s fit to g head good herds. They are from good breeding and priced' to sell at $30.00 ,for immediate asale.. . Also we will bold forservice both aTa 'and York, boars at $LSU, with..privelege of returning of necessary. For particul- ars icul- ars - see JONATHAN E, HUGILL, 3 miles west of Seaforth. 14 cash or bankable paper on or,'liefnre April l0t1i: J. j.. HOLLAND. :14 n 1 e PROPERTY FOR SALE. t 5%! acres' of laud - being situated ear Ethel Cheese Factory, one mile rim C. N. R. station. 8 room house, arge barn and orchard, First ;'class and, all under cultivation. For`' forth-; r particulars, apply to MRS. W. C. McEACHERN, Walton Ont. School Report.—Senior Room. Sr. V.—Grace Jowett, Mary Elliott. Jr. V.—Isobel Mustard. Douglas Gemein- hard*. Sr. IV,—Clayton Weston, evening. April 16th under auspices of George Sturgeon, Annie McLeod*, Jr. the Welfare Youth Club of the Pres- IV.—Jessie Lindsay. Fred Weston, Lottie Higgins, Margaret Elliott, Agnes Kerr, George Finley, Newton Sturgeon, Ella Mackay*, Isabel Lind- say*, Sr. III. -Doris Gemeinhard, Grafton Weston*, Berthena Sturg- eon, John Brown*, Harold McLeod*. (3) missed one or more examinations. Teacher, M. Helen Gerrie. byterian church. Mr. Robert Caldwell has taken a position at the New Commercial hotel as clerk, Mr. Nathan Warriner, of Pontiac, Mich., passed through town on Tues- day to Clinton to the bedside of his mother, who is lying dangerously ill at her home there. Council Meeting. — The regular monthly meeting of the Council was held on Tuesday evening. All the members present, the reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meet- hng were read and adopted on motion by Higgins and McArthur. Mr. Geo. Hudson, caretaker of the Hall, corn- olained about the amount of wax be- ing put on the floor during the ,lances. He was instructed by the Junior Room—Jr.' III.—Craig Kerr, Mary Widcombet ' Kenneth Merner. Sr, IL -Thelma Parker, Isabel Os- mond, Edith Merner, John Wild, Tack Lindsay. Emma Sturgeon, San- dy Mustard, Lawrence Johns, Jr. II. —Keith Gemeinhard, James Sturg- eon, Maude Parker. limn Castle, - Brown Lindsay, Louis Wild, LouiseGARAG_I FOR RENT. :McLeod. Sr. I.—Ruch McLeod, A private garage to rent. Close to Tem Castle, Carson Johns, Mervin Main street. Apply to the NEWS Elliott, Sr, Primary. -Charlie Park- OFFICE. 14, AUCTON SALE Of Choke Young Heavy Horses, Broken gentle. Will be offered for sale at Jack McConnell's stable;, Dublin on Friday afternoon, April 9. Terms -7 months' credit will be given on furnishing joint notes approved by the Standard Bank, with 4 per cent. interest, `Wan. E, Nairn, auct. L. Pipe, prop. HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT 7 -room house, good cellar, hard and soft water inside. On East William street, near High School. Possession first of May. Apply to ADAM HAYS, Seaforth. 15. Have Your Spring Suit- Tailored to Measure AT [1obberlin's Experience the satisfaction of an individual cut, individually fifted suit that costs you the same or little more than a ready-made—a Hobberlin's. SNAPPY STYLES " FOR ALL TYPES. WONDERFUL CLOTHS FOR EVERY TASTE THE FINEST TAILORING TO SATISFY THE MOST PARTICULAR And with every garment turned out by the 13obberlin establish- - ment a wide-open guaraatee— Comnplcte satisfaction or your money back. JOHN HOOPER Seaforth. P.O. box 350. Phone 259-J Representing- -- The House of HOBBERLIN Limited. Tailors to Canadian gentlemen for 40 years. MARES FOR SALE. • Right good young mare, six years double, weighs old, quiet single, or ou Ie , w ng s around 1,250 pounds. Also one. mare, 9 years old, quiet single or double. Terms cash. Apply to ROBERT BETTS, lot 25, con 8. McKillop." 14 SEED BARLEY FOR SALE. A quantity of Manchuria six -rowed barley, guaranteed clean for seed. R. H. MODELAND, phone 143r4, Eg- mondvillc. tf FOR SALE. A number of sows al host ready to litter, also several Registered Hol- stein cows for sale, Apply to J. R, ARCHIBALD, Seaforth. - 16 FURNITURE FOR SALE. For sale. a number of pieces sof household furniture, including side- board, extension table, chairs, etc. All in good repair. Cheap for cash. J. H.: REID, West William street. HOUSE WANTED. Medium-sized house wanted in Sea - forth in good repair. Price about $2,000, What have you to offer ;' Ap- ply to The News Office. POSTPONED . _Clinton Spring Shpo. W has been postponed' until Thursday Aril 15th H. C., Cox - - President W Miller - - Treasurer E. Rosen, 8. B. Stothers Sec's 111_1111i4 Nowa ofilg aaaar zit -.. — ....i sek, 4E64 ,r; l�a/rS awaits you. Just gay "Bon - cilia Facial' to your bar- ber and get the aurpriae of your life—a feeling of re- newed vigor and the knowledge that et hitt you look the part. Be, one of the "million a week." ROBINSON'S .The Better Barber Shop Just 'Round the Corner U'RINeES THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY JAMES OLIVER CURWOOD`S Spectacular Romance of the Canadian L=:mbar Camps TheAncient llighway W$tth JACK HOLT BILLIE DOVE MONTAGU LOVE. Made by the same organization that screens the Zane Grey Stories. MONDAY ' TUESDAY WEDNESDAY POLA NECRI- in A WOMAN OF THE WORLD PROFESSIONAL CARDS.' i 1Vlecitca , • DR, .13. HUGH •ROSS, :`; .Phys •ciao so � on • os and .Surgeon,: Late of'Ii nd pital, - London,' ;England.-- Special'• , attention to diseases of the ey,e, ear,;., nose and throat. ;Office • and . resid- ence behind D n iotn .Bank • Of 4e ' .. Phone No. 5; Reside -4e Phone DR. . F J.BURROWS, Se forth ,Office and residence, Goderich street east of the Methodst Church. Cor t f over 'for' the :Coun y o Huron. n. o Tele- DR. -C. MACKAX—C: ;Mackay, 'honor, graduate '.of Trinity Univers- ity ,and gold .medallist, of Trinity;.; ; Medical. College; :member' of the Cil n . n n lege' of Plysciantn; s 'and 5urgep s of Ontario. DR:'F;"J. R. FORSTER-Eye; Ear,; Nose and Throat. Grad nate Medi-' cine, University «f1Toroc-tto 1897. •Late' `• Assistant' New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Moorefield''s Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, Lon- don, England. At ComnTercial hotel, Seaforth, 3rd Mo la i : each month from I1 tn.,Moeslay n Waterloo st. tq.3-p m. 53,W.at south, Stratford. Phone' 267Stratford: Dental,, DR,J A.MUNN Successor to Dr. R. R. Ross, grads - ate of Northwestern University, Chi- cago, 311.' -Licentiate Royal College of Dental Surgeons; Toronto. Office over Sills' hardware, Main street, Seaforth. Phone 151. Musical Instruction. CHAS. A. HOWEY, organist and . clfoir director,- North Side United Church, Seaforth. Instruction; given in piano, organ and theory. Studio over the Dominion Bank. Atictionee8.. GEORGE ELLIOTT. 'Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Arrangements can be made for Sale Date at The Seaforth News. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. -General Fire, Life, 'Accident & Automobile INSURANCE AGENT and dealer in Singer Sewing Machines' James Watson North Main St. SEAFORTH, ONT. Mch1LLOi' Mutual Fire Insurance I'ARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY 0 N L Y, INSURED Officers—James Connolly, Goder- ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechwood, Vice President; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer. Directors—Wm. Rion, No. 2, Sea- forth; John Benneweis, Brodhagen; James Evans, Beechwood; M. Mc- Ewen, Clinton; James Connolly, God- erich; Alex. Broadfoot, Na. 3, Sea- forth; J. G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc- Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray Gibson; Brucefield. Agents—Alex. Leitch, r.r. 1, Clin- ton; E. Iiinchley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray. r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; j. V. Yeo, Holmesville• R.G.J armouth Bornholm. B James o n J m s Kerr and John Govenlock, Seaforth auditors. Parties desirous .to effect insurance or trans- act other business will be promptly attended to by application to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective postoffices. IMPROVED `FARM FOR SALE. - Improved fartn for sale, containing 100 acres, less one acre on which is a school house, in the Township of Usborne, being Let 6, Concession .3, The farm is in a good state of culti- vation, well drained and fenced and 8 acres in fall wheat; plenty of water at all seasons, with windmill at house over a splendid well; also water in stable. The buildings are practically new and up-to-date, a large bank barn with stabling complete, also good brick house, drive shed, hen house, etc,; 3y miles from Exeter, good market town, also a canning factory in the town. A quantity of straw in barn to be sold with farm. If not sold soon, the farm will be rented. Apply to ANDREW & WIL- LIAM DOIG, Jr,, r,r, No. 3, Kippen, Ont, 19 Peevish, pale, restless, and sickly children owe their condition to worms; Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terminator will relieve 'them and re- store health, nniversary Sale at CHEIFETZ BROS. Seatorth- 01e offer now the.greatest opportunity ®i all times t(t) buv- -ail you need in Coo s Ready=te=Wear at the:nrtiist aston shingly unheardeof low prices. 97io1:rse Fu�nishin o not miss it. s