The Seaforth News, 1926-04-08, Page 7vh A>aril 'chosen, for NEW BLOOD NEEDED
Sive-the-Forest Week
lits Excellency the Govern, Gen-
oral rias nennainted; by Roy:t1; Praela
motion, the ;days April 18 u, 29 inalu-
sLve as • Save-the.Foreiet•Week. Laot
year week at abet the eaine period
was designated for this purpose. There
Wee a love:!,'enthusiastic response to
thoe'prdclamation and much good re-
siilted from trio work done:
Saggestione have helm . made Utat
publicity tlirected towards forest fire
.,•.prevention should not b» Confined. to
any one week but should be contlrn1 J s.
This is, 6/ course, vet ` tette said Elie
forest auttloritiea thgougdreut Canada
bare .Work. organlzeal on a year-long
baaia. Nevertheless 'the; focusing tat
91ie Public inind'en the subjestthrough
coneentraton of all forces diming a spe-
cial week has also .very important ad-
vantages, chief of which is 'that ter n
short period a high degree of intensity
of Publicity can •be attained.. The fore;thortt'lee and,. cooperating, or
ganlzations`ihave not, the resotireeaor
facilities at -their (Deposal to. sustain
such intensive effort over long periods
of time. ' For these masons a specs
Save -the -Forest -Week is conceder
The week chosen is selected in tri
month of April for two reasons.
first. of these ie. that lu a 'large part
Canada the period of highest fire ha
ant In the forest Is the fortnight e
seeding the disappearance of the sno
from the woods. During the war
days, which come at this tinge, the su
beats'down through leafless trees, a
the: dead leaves and twigs and the
dried -out genes and herbage of the pre
vions season's griywth become Lindende
in which the smallest speck may eta
a •conflagration In.."ariGUter• fortnigh
new growth appears and the danger
over. until dry weather bring& oth
hazards later in the season.
The second reason is that April
comes in the seaaou in which people
usually make their plans for holidaying
in the woods, and a wood, a suggestion
or a warning now will bear good fruit
during the whole danger period. The
fact that this year the United States
authmdties have selected the sae
week as Canada shows that it le gen-
erally agreed that the selection of a
week in the month of April may be ex-
pected to produce the best. results.
Try Dr. Whams' Pink Plus as a
Blood Improving,.
g,. Hettltil-
• ReStoring TOrtic.
Every man, hvoinan'and child needs'
new, rl(sli, red blood at this -time of
the year.: That le a scientific fact. All
doctors, know it, The brood gt'ieWe
titin and poor In.;the.ewlnter; there !
not ennugh • of , and spring , allows
the .ett'eet. Take notice ant -see how:
many peepe are pale and -aat.low •at
-this time of the year. Theycomplaiin
o1 being least!., timer!, their appetite'is
poor, anal they ..are often • depressed
anal 11)W -spirited. That le Mother Na-
ture urging them to lmpa'ove their'
blood Supply; but often theft digestion
ie, weakened so that they cannot turn
food into blood "without help. Here isaal's
r here motleee medicieace comes
to the resethe, 1)r. Williams' Pink'Pilis
i11 have a direct action on the blood' and
ed enable you to get full use of the blood -
/leaking elements 111'y -our meals. You
• soon feel their effect—your appetite
Tie improves, your nerves. aro steadier,
of color returns to the cheeks and I1ps,
z you have more vim and energy and
ell can -work with These fatigue:
.ithe value of Dr,'.illlame' Pink Pills
to all who are in what is known as a
run-down condition of 'henit'h is proved
n by the experience of Mee. Alex. Me-
nd Kenzie, Schumacher, Out, wile says;—
"I wasin a completely tun -down con.
r Clition. Nervousness., s1eeplesonese',
and toss of vitality were all taking
rt their toll. I felt miserable all the time
!s and began to feel that my case was
Popular ,Colors Among
Winged Folk.
Bees and humming birds, as well as
boys and girls ancl,grown folk, have
their favorite colors. Bees and hum-
ming birds, however, continue their
preference to flowers, and do not in-
clude neckties., gowns and hats,
Sir John Lubbock' proved by some
amazing experiments that bees prefer
blue to all other shades In blossoms,
The discovery hos Iikewise been made
that where red flowers -are most plenti-
ful, there will be Lound most frequent-
ly the dainty humming bird. Of
course, this does not mean that bees
and humming birds do not visit flow -
ores of other shades as well. It only
shows that when they can, they turn
to the oolor each likes. best. Bees are
especially fond of the blue fleur-de-lis,
the Canadian bluellag of the marshy
meadows. They delight in the blue,
capped lobelia, too, more than in its
cousin, the •native cardinal flower.
Other bine flowers of garden and Held
and roadside have been found to be
to the bees' particular liking.
Red flowers, on the other hand, to
which the Mini:filing birds eagerly fly,
are•tho blossom of the trumpet- creep-
er, tate trumpet 'honeysuckle. the red
columbine, the cardinal flower; and in
the garden the littlee"ruby throat" is
often found hovering over the glad!•
clue blooms, the most common colors
of which have always ranged from
pink. to crimson -red. -From Better
(!ones and Gardens,
Mr. "It."
The French can claim tine distinc-
tion of having the Shortest surname
In the world. It is "0," and is quite
common in Paris. A Madame Theresa,
0 was for ulauy years the proprietress
of n Parisian cafe. "0"- is also the
name of a village in .Normandy, and
the chateau is occupied by the Mar-
quis d'O!
Tho next shortest surname Is'Irish
--•"Elc"; this is also found, in Sweden.
An - -explorer, well-known In his day,
• was named .—John Ilk, and one of his,
recendants, named ltida Ek, could prob-
ably claim, that she had the shortest
names in the world.
Of towns with short navies, there
are "A" in Sweden and "U" in the
Chinese province of Honan There is
abet). in another- province, • a village
with the name of "Y,"' In Europe
there are several givens. named "Aa"
but the palm, geographically, must be
given to "Y," a small eay in the Zuyder
Tn England there are many three-
lettered names, but in the churchyard
round a ruined Dorset church there
are grave.e:ones erected in memory of
several members of a family named
"1.1," This name was either. Changed
or the fan,IW has died -out for none
bear it to -day.
Her Error.
Ahu t1 --"Did you take "the note to
Mrs, Smith?"
Tommy—"Yes, but I dou't'.think she
can read. She can't see."
Aunty.—" by?"
'Yummy ---"Because, she asked me
twice where my hat was and it was
right Ott my head all the time."
hopeless, as 1 had taken a number of
romoclies• with little or no relief. I had
often read of lir. Wil'' Pink Pills,
nnd, finally decided to try them. I
got a half dozen boxes, and by the
time I had taken about half of them,'
there was no doubt I had at last found'
the mediclue I needed to restore my
health. I continued the use of the
pills, gaining strength day by day, un-
til I was soon enjoying good health
and happiness: 1 strongly recommend
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to every man,
,waoman or child who is in :a rundown
condition, feeling sure that the pills
will soon restore them to health and
Whether you are seriously 111 or,
merely feel easily tired and out -of- i
sorts, you should ' try Dr. Williams' r
Pink Pills this'apring. They are sold
by medicine dealers everywhere, or
will he sent by mail at 60 cents a box,
by writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co„ Brockville, Ont.
No Risks.
"Now I want a very careful chauf-
feur—one who does not take the
slightest risks," warned the Would-be
"I'm your man, sir," answered the
applicant. "Can I have my salary in
Poultry, Butter, Eggs
We Offer Toronto's Best Prices.
St. Lawrence Market Toronto 2
The Maclean Builders' ,Guide
aids home builders; supplies,_
information not generally, obtain-
able except through professional
sources. Profusely illustrated.
Several plans by prominent Cana-
dian Architects. Send Twenty
Cents for a copy. Questions an-
swered, MacLean Building Re-
ports, Ltd„ 344 Adelaide St. West,
r\‘.\\ , Andrews'P1.u+ S
Temporary FIDing, -. -which
L,t aLong rune:
• Nnma. F. w,lalu A Ca, Pseud. D"Mat.,, Toronto
It Wrinkles :Up and 'lids Call the RestilelYlountain Chl,iras.
A sketch of the Matterhorn, the famous Alpine peak, le reproduced here. •
It 14,705 feet, high. A party headed by Edward Whymper was the first to
ascend it. But four of the party lost their (lives In the attempt, That was in
Secrets of Science.
By David Dietz,
The atmosphere, rains, rivers, gla-
ciers and oceans., as we have seen. are
continuously, at work wearing' away
the land.
If these forces were the only ones at
work. the continents would be level-
led into featureless plains stretching
from ocean to ocean and all the sedi-
mentary rocks would be in even layers
Upon the ocean bottom.
But a second group of forces coun-
terbalance the work of the first group„
This second group tends to uplift the
As a result of these forces, we find
the continents marked with great
chains of mountains. We find layers
of sedimentary rocks which formed
colder water now lifted high above sea -
level and bent and buckled and twist-
ed out of their original shape.
We also find a third type of rock
whose formation was brought about by
-these forces.
The forces which cause the uplifting
of the continents and the' mountain
ranges upon them, are due to the con-
tractlon of the earth, many geologists
Contraction is thought to be due to
loss of heat and to molecular rear-
rangeanent of the materials In the in-
terior of the earth.
As the earth :contracts, the outer
crust or surfat'e of the earth becomes
too large for it. Cancequently it col-
lapses, Parts $ink. Other parts„ are
buckled up into great wrinkles by this
Geologiste know that the continents
are composed of lighter rooks such as
the granites: while the ocean beds -are
'conhpose.d of heavier rocks known as
Consequently, in these readjustments
due to shrinlcage, the heavier ocean
bells tend to sink while the lighter
masses composing the continents are
pushed up and elevated.
Geologists have a theory known as
the theory of isistasy. Aocording to
this theory, the crust of the earth le
considered as floating, so to speak,
upon the molten but rigid Interior of
the earth.
According to this theory, the heavier
materials�sach as the ocean beds, set-
tle down because of their weight. This
causes the lighter materials, the con-
tinents, to rise.
Because of the rigidity of the earth,
the Contraction process cannot be a
gradual one.
It is periodic,. The tendency toward
shrinkage sets up tremendous strains
in the structure of the earth's crust.
These strains next get so great that
the material gives way to them.
The shrinkage first sets up strains
which Buse small movements of por-
tions of the earth' surface. The dif-
ference of elevation caused by these
small warpings Is usually only several
hundred feet,
• These small warpings la time set up
strains which cause a breaking and
greater re -adjustment between the ries
ing and settling portion. At these
times, the shortening, folding and
breaking of the earth's crust causes
the rise of great mountain ranges,
Geologists believe that eight read-
justments of this nature have taken
place in North ,tmerica 1n the course
of the world's history.
Finally there are the great periods
of major re -adjustment when the con-
tinents are lifted as units above sea -
Geologists believe there have been
elx such major readjustments In the
world's history.
Next article—Earthquakes,
The Clever Blacksmith.
Betty, a little city girl who knew
more about automobiles than horses,
was taken to the country for a visit.
She bad a fine time in the village,
where so many things were strange to
her. A glimpse of the blacksmith shop
filled her with wonder. When she got
back to the 'cottage she burst into the
parlor in great excitement,
"Daddy,"'she said, "I've just seen a
man who makes horses•,"
"Nonsense,"esaid her father, "you've
made a mistake?'
I haven't," she persisted. I
saw him. He had one nearly finished.
He was just nailing on its back feet"
The meanest gossip is the one who
wags whiskers.
People:. learn wisdom by experiences e•
A man never: wakes up his second
baby to see it laugh.
Are You
Niitink on
Six icy ind , s
Do you tackle your duties with
pep and vim or does every task
seem a trial?' 'You can't work well
unless you feel well. Keep your
body free of those dangerot"es'.toxic
poisons that, are at the root of so
many physical ailments by reg-
ularly using
the gentle, effervescent lazatgive:
A spopnful in a glass of water be-
fore meals and at bedtirne provides
an effective dose of sparklfitsg fresh-
ness very pleasant to take.
For rheumatic acid gouty.cotrditions it ,
is also recognized es an irlvalilablc
'specific In three .sizes --all druggists.
The Wingate' Chemical Co. Limited, Montreal
lrr1f , ,. tt 1\.
e/ 1 t1`.
- Jliifl, flliliCfiltiltlifl131,Ultiflliiiiill!lRtlill d Ela tilt
1}1 i
Where Strength Doesn't
Count —
In Nutconzte Wood.
One never knows :It: may be 700 will
No one at all. It may be fairy;, feet -
Will tiptoe lightly down . the situ
' splashed glade,
And --they will stand and watch you
Then vanish. Sometimes peter Rabbit
'Will stop to nod upon hie homewe d
' .. ..
And once ---long yeare ago -(i shan't,
That summer evening).—God Eimeif
I met.
—Joe Walker.
Can Best Be Guarded With
Baby's Own Tablets,
The Spring is a time of anxiety to
mothers who have little ones in the
home. Conditions make it necessary
to keep the baby 'Indoors. He is often
confinedto overheated, badly venti--
lated rooms and catches colds which
rack his whole systenm, To guard
against this a box of Baby's Own
Tablets should he kept in the house
and an occasional dose given the baby
to keep his stomach and bowels work-
ing regularly. This will prevent colds,
constipation or collo and keep baby
web. The Tablets are sold by medi-
cine dealers or by mall at 25 cents a
box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
"Knights of Labor."
The cross of the "Knights of Labor"
is a distinction planned to reward the
merit of French workmen, It is in-
tended to honor workers who in an-
nualcompetition may earn special dis-
tinction for application, skill" or pro-
A bill before the Chamber of De-
puties authorizes the government to
prepare the decoration, choose the
color of the ribbon, and announce the
establishment of the order by decree.
It authorizes ,the nomination of 1000
knights, 100 offrcers and ten command-
Gas, biliousness, heartburn, dyspepsia, and
similiar ills will not trouble you if you take
Seigei's Syrup. Any drug store.
No Pacifiers of Babies.
French babies may howl, but their
mothers may no longer ihuslh them
with pacifiers, nipples, which attached
to rings, merely defraud infantile de-
sires, Dr. Pinard, a famous baby
specialist, has had a law put through
the Chamber of Deputies forbidding
manufacture of "sncettes," as the
French cal them, as causing adenoids
and many childish complaints.
Among the most tireless helpers of
the Medical Research Council are
many ladies; one measures and exam-
ines skulls, a second inspects worms,
while a third is investigating the ques-
tion of telegraphists' cramp,
Just Dip to Tint or Boil
to Dye
Hand to a spectator a spool of
cotton thread. Ask him to double
the thread and to see whether or
not he can break it with his fingers.
He will' find little difficulty in do-
ing this, although the thread
selected for tihe trick should be
etrong enough to make him exert
a little strength.
Tell him that the little effort he
exerted was due to the tact that he
was unable to exert the whole
Strength of his arm in the job,
Ask him to stand erect, his hands,
palms in, hanging at his side,
Now lead the thread twirl; around
his body, the strands resting on
the middle joints of his ,fingers.
Pull it tightly and• tie it firmly.
He is now to. b-eakeit by the out-
ward pressure of his hands. White,
in many cases,' he can do it, he
will•end the effort required is out
of all proportion to the effort he
expended when he broke ,the same
thread with his fingers.
(Clip this out and paste U, with
ether of the series, in a scrapbook.)
Fine Words.
"Can a body eat with those things?"
netted ' an elderly -lady, looking aLeeme
dental platee.
"Madam," the dentist replied, "nes-
tication can be performed with, those
with a facility scarcely excelled by that
of the product of nature."
Yes, yes, I know, but can a hely
eat with 'em?
Minard's Liniment for sore threat..
Eacii 15 -cent pack
age contains direr.
tions so simple any
woman can tint soft
delicate shades or
dye rich, permanen
colors in , lingerie
silks, ribbons, skirts
w a i a is , dresses
coats , stockings,
sweaters, draperies,
coverings, hangings
Buy Diamond Dyes—no other kind—
and tell ycur druggist whether the ma.
terial you wish to color is wool or silk,
or whether it is linen, cotton or mixed
The Twinge.
1 was fifty' when Mother died
Really I"do not mind
Living alone. My.thoughts range wide;
Everyone is kind;
Lite slips smoothly along the groove.
I am 100 schooled to miss
What I never was free to have --
Love and a love'r's kiss,.
Only my vanity feels a twinge!
Now I shall never know
Whether Love would have turned the
hinge •
Had I been free to go,
For I have the chin of the Wentworth
Unsought women; but then
/have eyes like my mother's eyes
That had the "come hither" for men.
Life 1e good and I am content
- With its peaceful ebb and flow,
Only—my vanity feels a twinge.
Now I shall never know!
—May Williams War&
Minard's Liniment for dandruff.
Amid the branches of the silver
The nightingale doth sing; per-
chance he knows
That spring hath come, and 'takes
the later snows -.
For the white petals of the plum's
sweet flowers,
—From the Japanese of Sosei (Cham-
Some of the screws used in watches
are so small that it takes 380,000 of
them to weigh a pound,
Our skuls are changing in shape,
according to Miss V. George, a Lon-
don scientist, who believes that our
`faces are growing longer and nar-
Classified Advertisements.
Wnam cox nnmae ' PLANK. AND
team. veld nroa„ 'Bothwell, Ontario:
Peanut Shell Alcohol.
A factory for the manufacture"of
industrial alcohol from peanut shells
is to be established at Marse!ilee,
France. -
100,000 Die Yearly
From Kidney Diseases
Authorities. Say 50% Due to Neglect
Kidney disorders are largely caused
by poverty of the blood causing ner-
vousneee, headache, sleepleesness, etc.
Warner's Safe Kidney
and Liver Remedy
belpe Improve the
condition of the
blood and its circula-
tion as well as remov-
ing waste matter and
poisons from the blood.
Don't neglect the first
symptoms but use this
50 year old remedy,
Neglect will soon have
serious troubles de-
Sold by all druggists. Price $1.26
per bottle. Warner's Safe Remedies
Co., Toronto, Ontario.
13nthe well with Minard's
In warn! water. It quickly
eootbes and draws out the
6 ..:a��s1f newt a,-tT
The Only Reliable
Non -Narcotic Pain Killer of
Gas and Stomach Maladies.
Complete information regarding
this unrivalled East Indian rem-
edy will be promptly mailed YOU
free of charge, on application
St, Toronto, 5, Canada.
Urgent cases should telegraph
five dollars, with name and
'address, to "EDWARDS,
TORONTO." On receipt of such
messages, East India Drops are
instantly mailed per Parcel Post,
insured, to the name and resi-
dence of patient. By this means,
lives are saved and incalculable
suffering quickly relieved.
Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for
Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago
Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism
Accept only. "Bayer" package
which contains proven directions.
Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets
Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists.
Aspirin is the trice ninth (registered In Canada) of Bayer Menntactaro of Monoaeetln-
■sldeetor of Salieylteaotd (Acetyl Saueyue AM, 'A, S. A.").. while it is well knows
that MOM, urbane Bayer manutaetnre, to assist the public against Imitation, the Tablets
of Darer Company villi be. 'damped with their general trade ms2k, see 'Bayer Owes,"
Her Suffering Relieved and
Health Restored by Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Toronto, Ontario.—"I =certainly
very grateful for the benefit I have re-
ceived from Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg-
etable Compound, also the Sanative
Wash nnd the Liver Pills. In the
early spring I was suffering so much
from loss of blood that I thought I
would never be any better as doctor's
medicine relieved me only for the
time being. I saw the Vegetable
Compound advertised in the 'Toronto
Star,' and I find the Vegetable Com-
pound Tablets the best for me. I
have been taking them sines Spring
and I intend keeping them by me all
the time. After reading your Pri-
Text -Book I saw it was neces-
sary to use Lydia E. Pinkham's San- -
ative Wash, and I can safely say 1
feel a different woman. My friends
remark how well I look. I am a very
busy woman, but I am ready at all
times to boost vour medicines."
.Mrs. CHARLES GIFFIN, 949 Lands-
downe Avenue, Toronto, Ontario.
You may he having an experience
similar to Mrs. Giffin's and will be
interested to know what she did.
Every sick woman can feel confident
that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound will help her since we are
told that it does help 98 out of every
100 women who take it.
Sold by druggists everywhere. c
Cuticura Soap. Shampoos
Keep The Scale Healthy
Regular shampoos with a suds
of Cuticura Soap and hot water,
preceded by light applications. of
Cuticura Ointment, are most effec-
tive. They do much to cleanse the
scalp of dandruff, allay irritation,
stimulate circulation and promote
the healthy condition necessary' to
a luxuriant growth of hair.
Sample Foot rrnt by Mea Addreso Comeau
Depot: eteabeaae, Ltd, Montre.L" Prise; Snap
ne,:9lntment 20 and t, Tdeom tie.
i _ Cuticura S),&,mx Sncli 2ae..
ISSUE No. 15-'21,.