The Seaforth News, 1926-04-08, Page 5THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1926.
it an appetizing dish, even for"
those who are not hungry., There
is one essential, :however, in
snaking an ideal dish of it. The
pork tnust give - it the right
Savor and we pride ourselves
that we know how to supply
Net the right cut for the purpose,
Try . ft once., You'll want It
Phone 5E: Seaforth.
Your netteher.
Watches and
Clocks Repaired
Any style or size of watchglass
Alarm clocks, wrist watch
straps and ribbons:
Opposite W. A. Crich's.
Corns disappear when treated with
.Holloway's Corn Remover without
leaving a,,scar.
Red & White'
.hail Stores
Our Priem) for week commencing
April 9th
Servua Sal Soda 3 pkgs2fle
'ere us Bird Seed elenary, Hemp,
Rape, MiIlett, Cottle Bone 18e
atm Aiimonia 2 pkgs. 15c
Liquid Ven?er.4 oa bottle 19c
Liquid Veneer 12 oz. bottle 39c
White Enamel Sauce
1 pkg. Chip,", large
9 Cakes Gold or
P. & G. Naphtha soap
2 cakes Guest Ivory
1 cake Ivory soap 6 as
Reg.` Value $2 85
Ross J. Sproat Phone 8
W. M. Stewart Phone 77
W. 1, Walker & Son
Motor or Horse Equipment,
W, 3, WALKER; holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license,.
Flowers Furnished.
Night or day phone 67.
Having taken over the agency of the
late James Cowan for the
Farmers' Farnham. Co., Wingham,
I will be pleased to fill all orders of
both old and new customers and give
any information within my knowledge
Box 232, Seaforth.
Ph.,ae 44W.
Also Agricultural Lime
Want and For Sale ads, 1 week 25c,
Keep the wheels of,. Industry running in your own
Send or deliver your cream to us and receive the utmost
returns. This is your Creameryc
Your satisfaction means our success.
Highest price's paid for good cream with accurate
and careful weighing and testing.
Cash paid for creamtoall patrons desiring same.
Seaforth �
'reamer 'Co, Seaforth, Ont.
rw..-„w.--er.--fern ,.yeeseero
p...raM®.nx•.�xn �*x a�..r,...+., to
Easter 'holtday'visitors in town in-
clude:. Mr; -Percy Hoag, Hagersvilfe;
Miss Mary Stewart, Toronto Univer-
sity; Messrs. Howard Kerr, Galt, and
Leslie Kerr, Queen's University; Dr.
Harxey Burrows; St. Catharines; Mr,
Ted Merrier, Toronto University;
Miss Dorothy Wilson, Warkworth;
Miss Mary Bell, illow Grove; Miss
Gwen Snowdon,' Blyth; Mr, Reid Ed-
monds, St. George; Messrs. Fred Ar-
chibald, Jarvis, and Edward. Archi-
bald, Toronto. University; Mr. W. IL
Little, Toronto Normal; Mr. Arthur
Ament, Toronto University; Miss
Annie Strong, London Normal;
Messrs, Geo, Eberhart, London, and
Hugh Murray, Woodstock; Miss Jan-
et Govenlock, Weston; Messrs. Jim
Jackson and Ted Downs, of Ridley
College, St. Catharines; Mr,
Armstrong, Lucknow;
Jessie McMillan, Toronto, Miss Eva
Fee, Stratford; Miss Marjorie Bickel!,
Stratford; Miss Isabel Lowery, Strat-
ford; Miss Bertha Beattie, Toronto
Normal; Miss Frances Houston,
Brantford; Miss Grace Scarlett, Hen -
salt; Miss Gladys Shillinglaw, To-
ronto; Miss Grace Kneehtel, Sebring-
ville; Miss Eva Love, Toronto; Miss
Ruth Tiiontposn, Bridgeburg, Miss
Dorothy Hutchison, St. Catharines,
and Mr. Geo. Hutchison,•: London;
Miss Ethel 1bfcKay, Crediton; Miss
Evelyn Adams, London; Miss Dor-
othy. Reinke, Detroit,
Miss Elizabeth Nigh returned to
Tottenham on Thursday last after
spending a month at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nigh,
of Seaforth, and other relatives in this
Mrs. N. T. Cluff was in Goderich
owing to the illness of her daughter,
Miss Rosabelle Cluff, for a few days
this week.
There was a good crowd at the Old
Times Dance held on Tuesday night.
The fiddsrs' competition was cancel-
led owing to lack of entries.
Mrs. Nora Carlin, who has been
seriously ill for`the past week, is im
Mrs. Jane Freeman received the
congratulations of her many friends
on Monday, it being the occasion of
her 87th birthday.
The Misses Betty and Dell Walker
of Wingham, are visiting this week
with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. E. Chapman, and their cousin,
Miss Aileen Chapman.
Mrs. Con. Eckert leaves Thursday
to spend three weeks in Detrpit. --
Rev. T. H. Brown is visiting in To-
ronto this week.
Mr. and. Mrs. J. 'Pollard and son,
of Blyth, are . visiting Mr, and Mrs,.
Wm. Dickson, James Street; Mr. Pol-
lard has purchased Mrs. Amelia
Kerr's residence on North Main st•,
and will :occupy it shortlg.
Messrs. John 'Dennison and Sidney
Pullman have purchased Mr. W. W.
Robinson's barber shop, and will get
possession May 1st. The many friends
of both young men wish- them abun-
dant success in their enterprise.
Miss Pearl Reeves underwent an
operation for appendicitis on Wed-
nesday at the hospital.
• Miss Icla Love, daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. John Love, underwent an
operation for appendicitis on Satur-
day at the hospital and is doing
Misses, Merle and Vera Hulley, of
Hamilton, spent Easter with their
mother, Mrs. J. Hulley.
Miss Alma Dalton, of Toronto,
was an Easter visitor at her home.
Jarvis street.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Dawson, of De-
troit, visited at the 'home of Mrs. J.
F. Reid.
Miss Mary Dillon;, of Dublin, has
taken a position in the Commercial
Miss Daisy Spain, of Galt, is visit-
ing her grandmother, Mrs. J. Nixon.
Mes. 'Beattie, of Bridgeburg, is
D. H. McInnes
Chiropractor Masseur
0f Wingham, will be at the
Canunercial Hotel, Seaforth,
Monday and Thursday After-
noons in future.
Dioceses of all all kinds succees-
fully treated
At all prices to meet yoxr, steeds
60 C
Par ib,
Rt Aberhart's Drug Store
have a fine selection of New
Sun S
for your inspection
Larger Savin
Buy Yew. Shoes in Egmondville
Our Prices are Positively the Lowest
W. J. Finnigan
PHONE 257.
visiting her sister, Mrs. W. B. Mc-
LIONS DONATE BOOKS. Lean, of Egmondville, who fractured
The following is a list of books do- her wrist recently.
Hated to the Carnegie.Iibrary,.as the Miss Ashton visited her home in
result of an appeal fo the Lions Club Gorrie' over the week -end,
to •its members for contributions of Mr. Jos. Eckert, of Detroit, visited
books for this purpose: his parents over the week -end.
'Brass Commandments, Seltzer; ' Miss 'Hazel Bristow visited the
Blennerhasset, Pidgeon; Desert Val- home of her parents in Stratford.
ley,' Jackson Gregol)y; Firebrand Tre- Mr. and Mrs. ;Thos.. Grieve were
vision, Seltzer; The Gauntlet of Al- visitors at the home of their daughter,
ceste, Moorehouse; -Afterwards, . Al- Mrs. Baxter, in Stratford.
len; Sadie, Harriman; i . Lady Balli- Miss Ruth Pinktiey, of Stratford,
more, Owen Wister; The. Madigans, is visiting Mr. and Mrs, R. L. Clark.
Michaelson; The Admirable Davis, Mr. Suddoth and Mr, Moffatt, of
Legge; The Old Man in the Corner, Port ffuron, Mich., are visiting Mr.
Orczy; Yellow House, Oppenheim E• 3.. Box.
The New Tenant, Oppenheim; Mas Mrs. S. Gottschalk is visiting her
terman and bon, Dawson; The Wall daughter, Mrs. Stadia, at Dashwood.
of Partition, Barclay, The River's Mr,. Herman Dayman is visiting in
End, Curwood; The .Branding Iran, Exeter for a few days,
,Bunt; Skinner's Dress Suit, Dodge;Mr,. and' Mrs.. Arthur Archibald and
Parrott' & Co., Macgrath; The Lady little daughter, of Cayuga, are visit-
and the Pirate, Emerson Hough; bra- ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
tal Secret, • Southworth; Sic 1vfortim- Archibald.
er, • MaryJohnston; Two men of .Men- Misses L. Desjardine, L. FitzGib-
di, Walter Raymond; The Mystery bons annd Helen McMann, Detroit,
of the Blue Villa, Post; The Ver.mrl- arc guests of Mrs. J. F. McMann.
Box, Lucas Beatrice .of Venice, Mr, and Mrs. N. Siegel, Stratford,
Lienwere week -end guests `l'hcSca Wolf, Jack Lou• g esus of Mr, and
don; Kindred of the Dust, Peter B. Mrs. Deem.
that Lead Home, Mr. Leslte McKay, Kitchener, was
Dyne; The Road a holiday guest at his' home.
odestar, Pemberton; North- rMrs. G Seip is v'isiting'friend's:in
poole;New Hambut;
ern ights, ` Gilbert -Parker; The 6r •soil' o -Hamilton,
Night Slue of London,'Machray; The
Mts. R C Ander E
Hollow of Her Hand, McCutcheon; ns visiting Iter:;parcnts,,Mr.• and iMtt:
1'he Broken Road, A. E. W. Mason,;
My Demon Motor Boat, Fitch; The
Lnttle Lady ' f the 13ig, House, Jack
London; Mr. Standfast, John
Thaddeus of Warsaw, John_ Buchan;
History of the19th Century
(3 vol-
umes) Emerson; Olt,Doctor, Hatry
Leon Wilsofi; Valley'of 'Silent Men
. .d
Wiar Books, -General Sketch -. „
the Euroean War, Hilaire , Selloc;
ueneral. Sketch of the European War
(-second phase), Hilaire Belloc;, My
:of the War, Frederick,l`?ahnet
_My Second Year of the War, Fred
erick Palmer; 'Germany's Great, Lie,
•biaden; I Accuse! By a German,
Mr. a.
nd Mrs. W. Finlayson, of Zur-
ich, are visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs, H. Weiland.
Robert Bela's"'
Mr. and Mrs Richards Stratfodr,:
spent Good Friday :with her. 'parents;
Mr. and Mrs. 3. A. Stewart'. "
Mrs. E Unibach Toront o i is visit:,
i, Parents, s M•r. andMrs. D. Ii.
i her a ent.
g P r
Mr, Robt, Gemmell, London, is vis-
iting his
isiting.his paren'ts,,,Mr. and Mrs, 3. P.
Gemmel],. - •
Miss Beulah Sandrick, of In
visitidg her aunt, Mrs, John Mac
i- Miss. Lillian Knox, Meaford is
isiting her.grantnot'her, Mrs W. D.
Wilson, Tuckersmith,
Miss Daisy Spain, Galt, is visiting
Miss Agnes Smith.
Miss Mae Hudson spent the week-
'nd in Mitchell.
Miss Teats Smith has taken a posi
t,ion in Mr. J. Clearyls store.
Get Your Share
Of These Shoe
In another month you'll pay
double our price for the
same grade of footwear. -
We're going out of business.
Seaforth Economy
Shoe Store
Opposite Public Library ,
,Mr. John Currie, Toronto, was a
guest of Mr. and Mrs, P. M. Chesney.
Mrs. J. A. Allen, of Kinntount,
was a guest of Mr. and Mrs, Earl Bell.
Mr: Joseph. Dayntan has moved to
Mr. McDonald's house in McKillop.
Mrs, J. D. Gemmell was in London
visiting her daughter , Mrs. G.
Mr. and Mrs, G. P. Dobson, Guelph,
visited friends in town,
Mr.'Paul Freeman, Toronto, spent
Easter with relatives in town.
Miss Emily Deem is visiting friends
in Toronto.
Mihs Annie McNay spent Easter
with relatives in Toronto.
Mrs. G. D. Haigh and Mary are
spending the Easter vacation with re-
latives in Lucknow,
Mrs. Kenneth Ferguson, London, is - Mr, W. Landsborough is home
a guest of' her parents, Mr. and Mrs. from Normal and is. spending the
J. J. Merner, holiday at his hvtne here..
,jlfiss Marjorie Brown, of Toronto,
is- the guest of her parents, Rev. and
IvMrs, T. H. Brown, at the rectory.
Mrs. W. Charters :has returned
from visiting her daughter, Mrs.
Peckelder in Grand Rapids, Mich.
Mrs. R. 5. Hays is spending a feta
days in Toronto. trustees of S. S. No. 10, Stanley.
Mr. S. Carnochan, of Lucknow, vis- Miss Grace Ross, of Stanley, was in
ited his mother, Mrs. S. Carnochan. London this week
Mr. Lance Norris entertained a
number of his friends to a dance last
Thursday evening.
Miss Ada Reid has returned to To-
ronto, where she will continue her
studies in the University there.
The many friends of Mrs. J. Ad-
dison will be sorry to hear that she is
suffering from an attack of pleurisy.
The Neil Shaw Young • Women's McBride- McBeath, - A quiet but
Auxiliary held their annual and husi- pretty wedding was soleinnized at
Hess meeting in the church on Mon- the home of Mr. Alex, McBeath on
day afternoon. Miss Bertha Chesney Wednesday, March 31st, ,at 2 -p.m.
presided. The following officers wore when their ` daughter, Alexandrena
elected: ' Tres,, Miss Sadie Howatt; Mae, became the bride of Mr. Alvin
Vice Presidents, 'Misses Billie Ches. McBride, of Stanley. Rev. Mr. Lundy,
ney, Mae Wallace, Alice Thompson; of Kippen, officiated, The bride, who
Sec„ Miss Cora Sherwood; Treas., was given in marriage 'by'her father,
Miss .Ross Patrick; Press Sec., Miss was charmingly gowned in white
Dorothy Reinke; convener fin. com„ crepe de chene over satin and wore
Miss Bertha Chesney; convener a bridal veil of embroidered net. Her
strangers' cont., Miss Jean Smith. The attendants were her two small nieces,
auxiliary has had a very successful Miss Gladys Jarrott as ring bearer
year.,wearing a two tone taffeta of nits and
. silver, and Miss Audrey Cochrane as
STANLEY. flower girl gowned in two toned taf-
"Phe death occurred in Toronto, on feta •boueydew and gold. Both oar-
Wednesday, March 31st, of Mr: Ed- ried silver baskets filled with piiik
mind L. Elliott, in . his fifty-ninth and white carnations. The bride's
year. Mr. Elliott, who was teaching bouquet was of Ophelia roses, ,white
in the Fairbanks Memorial School, carnations and maiden hair fern,
had beepin failing health since before from which fell streamers of, white
:Christman. He was born in -Stanley satin. The ecretnony was performed
Township;soil of Mr. and Mrs. Wit- under an arch of greens, banked with
1`iatn Efl'iptt, and spent ;his boyhood carnations androses in the presence
days leve -later•. teach•ing in Bayfield, of about 35 guests. The wedding
Goderich township, Dashwood and 'rarch was played by Mrs. Lundy;
other places before going, to Toronto, After a delightful wedding dinner
rived in the linin room 'beautiful!
Besides. his Widow,whowas ,formerly -served Y
Miss AmyNeil, of Windsor, he is
�ec rated i pink and whits,
by two .daughters and Iwo happy couple left on a tvveddiylg trip
sons Mrs. G. Van Buren, •of.Detroit; as Toronto, Niagara -and points east.
Mrs Si. Alvin, Battle Creek, Mich; The bridle travelled in F. • navy 'trico-
•Erie, i -of Oshawa,; and .Neil; who is `ileeeinc: iiit, ,brown fox fltr'and rose-
Cirirta 'nn',: conncctign with;;•'ta,dio'lvgod, hat:. The-'gt'oom's•'gift to,.the
work; also` two brothers and bride ohs a Cabinet of Adams silve'.
to the rill attendants; , and aid to the
pianist, coffee spoon'.
Churcha s:-= i'
N w and weath•
er permitting.' the
e postponed Easter
services will be held next Sunday in
the United Church„.The special Eas-
ter music to be rendered by the choir
is, of a high aider and, judging by the
practices which have been •taield twice
weekly for some time, It should
Miss Isabel! Souter, of near St.
Mary's, is spending Easter holidays
with her mother, Mrs, Alex. Souter,
of Mill Road,
Miss Mary McNaughton is attend-
ing the- O. E..A. ,at Toronto this.
Mr; iRobt, McNaughton, of the
London Normal school,• is spending,
his vacation with his parents.-
' Many in the neighborhood are suf-
fering with the,_grippe.
+!'Rev, Mr. Armour, owing to a bad
cold, was unable •to preach on Sun-
day. 'A short service was held by the
elders after Sunday school. In the
evening the Young People held their
monthly devotional, service,
School Report of S. S. No. 3, based
on the, regular work of the month and
the Easter tests. Those marked (*)
were absent. Sr. IV, (Pass 450), Eva
Stackhouse 637, Dorothy Wilson 617,
Gordon Papple 471, Mary Papple 468,
Charlie Halstead 452, `Mayme Chap-
man 406, Austin Zapfe*. Jr. IV. (Pass
300). Margaret 'Watson 435, Greeta
Broad•foot 420, Orrin Zapfe 350,
Helen Munroe 322, Marie Elliot 288*,
John 23roadfoot 248, Ella M. Scott
195*. Murray Walter*„Erma Walter*.
Sr. III (Pass 700). Elizabeth Broad -
foot 867, Beth Elliot 817*, 'Bob Mc-
Cartney 744*, Carrie Oke 729* Clar-
ence Taylor 385*. Jr. III. (Pass 450).
Tenet 'Watson 616, Billy Calwill 522,
Evelyn Wilson 484*, Gordon Wright
457, Robert Papple 432*, Bruce Arm-
strong 336*. Jr. II (Pass 390). Jean
Watson 472, 'Willie Papple 411,
Howard Walter*. 1st Class, (Pass
350). Arthur Wright 423, Delbert
Taylor 260*, Jr. Primer -W. D. Wil-
son 541, Bobby Dalrymple 528, Earl
Papple 487*, Beatrice Armstrong 469,
Eleanor Armour 198*, Pr, A. -,Mil-
ton Taylor 66*. Perfect Spelling -Or-
rin Zapfe, Eva Stackhouse, Arthur
Wright. `Perfect attendance -Mary
Papple, Elizabeth Broadfoot, Jean
\Matson, Willie Papple, Beatrice
Armstrong, .W. D: Wilson, No. on
Roll, 38. Th.e average attendance is
30, which I hope will improve after
the vacation,
Teacher, Ruby I. Taylor.
Miss Helen Yellowlees from Bow-
manvilte, spent Easter with her aunt,
Jlrs. A, T. Scott,
Miss Vera Pepper, who teaches
school in Mt. Forrest, is spending the
holidays at the home of her father,
Mr, John E. Pepper.
Mr. Hugh Ailcenhead is attending
the O. E. A. convention in Toronto
this week as a delegate from the
Miss Bertha Forest, of Tucker.
smith, and Mrs. Cochrane, of Hills-
green, are spending Easter in 'Gode-
Rev.eFather Goetz •recently under-
went an operation in Ford's hospital,
Make them strong, sturdy, productive, EGG -LAYING
Pullets, with Psatts Baby Chiek'Food. It costs a trifle more
but h CHEAPEST in the end, judged by results, The
extra chicks you save and raise, .more than pay for all the
Prates Baby Chick Food you use. Ask
4 your dealer -there's one near you.
Write for Pre5te Poultry Book -PRE'
PRATT HOOD CO., OF CANADA, LTD. 328 Carlow Ave., Toronto
The Suecial Milverton
We Have it -Give it a Trial. A1s0.
Ground Screenings ehop of All Kinds
a sist'er,` Mr. Ralph 'Elliott, Seaforth,
;Indo Robert and Evelyn, of Stanley.
Then r
f ne al t obklac
p e on Friday af-
ternoon from the.•funeral parlor of
W. T. Box & Co., Seaforth, to the
place of interment in Bayfield cemet
'ry, the service being conducted by
Rev. F. H Paull, of 23ayfield. '
Want and For Sale ads, 3 times 50c
Your Auto Needs'
Winter Storage, Charging and Repairing for all makes
of Batteries.
A complete line of most called for parts of various
Now is the time to have your car overhauled
Give us a call and see how reasonably it can be repaired, greased
and cleaned
Dealer in New and Used Cars.
Agent for Chrysler Four and Six Cylinder Cars,
Re lens Garage
make a very real contribution to the
beauty and helpfulness of the sere
ices. At the morning service Barn-
by's "Awake Up, My Glory," and
Varley Robert's "Seek Ye the Lord,"
with tenor obligato, will be the an-
thems, and in the evening "Still, Still
With Thee" (Fletcher), and "How
Long Wilt Thou Forget Me, 0 Lord"
(Pfleuger), will be sung. The choir
is up 10 full strength now, and there
is a small waiting list of those desir-
ing a place in the choir. The prac-
tices are being largely attended and
greatly enjoyed by all. It is planned
that in the near future the choir will
give a sacred concert of choral sing-
ing. NextSunday the members will
wear their new gowns for the first
time, thus falling in line with the
great majority of church chairs
throughout the land. An array of
dresses of every color in the rainbow
(especially, when the colors do not
blend) facing the congregation, is al
ways distracting and is not conduca
ive to reverent worship, especially in
these days when fashion decrees
sleeveless gowns, low necks and knee
length skirts. Consequently many
who desire to nurture the true spirit
of worship have long felt that a quiet
and ,dignified uniform of black, with
simple white collars, harmonize more
truly ...with the appropriate atmos-
phere of •the pulpit. It is therefore a
distinct advance' towards uplifting the
service of worship in the church, to
do away with distracting influences
and to have the leaders of praise and
worship attired alike 'in the regula-
tion choir and pulpit gowns,
W. M. S.- The regular 'monthly
meeting will be held on Wednesday,
the 14th.
Horticultural Society. -Mr. Hartry
of Seaforth has consented to address
the meetingnext Thursday evening.
the 15th on the annual conventi of
'lie Ontario 'Horticultural Society
held in Toronto and on the paper
which he gave there on "How to
Conduct a, Flower Show: Mr, Arm-
nnr has offered a prize 'of a good
-book on birds for the ,most original
rollecti.on 'of bird -houses - shown'; at
,he September flower_shew in Bruce-'
field. Open to anyone -'young or old.
Great preparations are being made
for the big Horticultural Society
meeting to be held in Kippen United
Church on the evening of Apr. 28th.
This is to be a joint meeting of Kip -
pen and Brucefield Societies and al-
ready word `has been received of
People froth surrounding societies.
The great attraction is Mr. H. J.
Moore, of Toronto, lecturer for the
Ontario Horticultural Society. He
will give an illustrated address on
"Beautification of Home Surround-
ings," Brucefield `will provide a very
fine mesicel program as their share
of the meeting.
The death of Mr. Thomas Oke oc-
curred on Tuesday, March 23rd at
the home of his' -daughter, Mrs. Ruth
Thompson, Goderich twp where he
had made his. home for some., time
previous'to his death. He had ach-
ecthe age of four score years and
nine. For the past ten years he had
been an invalid, but through all his
affliction he never complained and
was cheery and bright to the last and
waiting patiently for the call, when he
would meet the loved ones who had
gone on before, The funeral 'was held
on Thursday, the 25th. The pall-
bearers were his four nephews, John
and Robert Oke, of Goderich; Gus
and Ambrose Vanstone, of I3enmitl-
er, The, interment was made in Mait-
land cemetery ,Goderich, The late
Mr. Oke was born in England in 1837
mi•d when quite a young man, he
came to Canada and settled near Dar-
lington, Ont. He was married in
1865 to Ellen Dovell, who predeceas-
ed him fourteen years ago, He bought
the farm near Benmiller known as
the old Martin farm ,and lived there
until 33 years ago, when he retired.
He .leaves to mourn his loss three
daughters arid ' one son, Mrs.. Harry
Schulf, Detroit; Mrs. Ruth Thomp-
son, Goderich twp.; Mrs. Alva Way,
Kiripen and Mr. E. Oke, Goderich
two.; also one sister, Mrs. Wm, Van -
stones B niniller.
It will Relieve- a Cold: -Cold's are
the commonest- ailments of ntankattd
and if neglected may lead to set'ious
conditions, Dr. Thomas' Eclectric
Oil wtll•retieve the bronchial,passages'
of inflammation speedily eedil and thor-
ouglily and : will strengthen them
against subsequent attack. And, as
it eases the inflammatio tt it will
neualty stop the cough because it
allays the irritation in the throat,
y rat.
Try and prove it.