The Seaforth News, 1926-04-01, Page 8• r. THE,: SEAFOE "1E. NEWS, HENSALL. Mrs.' AU Taylor. who ;was ^m» Cht the',:'funeral sago; -last week attending of her sister, returned home on Mon- fliy eveninfl.• as fn,Toronto"over 1y1r. •Geo. Petty W tobk' in the Cone ,the week -end ''•and ser ati •$atf uet and convention v Ve q there on Friday. ch- � Kinnon': ,has. purch- asedMr. Uona�ld�Ic. ased a new Ford coupe from Me - Mr, W, Jones is this week moving to Willow Hall on: the London road, We that Mr, David Ger- mattes is movtg_. 'n back to : town' and occupying his own house. many friends of Mrs Wm. I-Ii1- Thc: tiebrandt will be, sorry to' hear that she is not. improving - but grad - 'Pally growing weaker, Next Sunday specialn the Easter services will be held United Church. A special Easter piogram witl be giv- en by the choir at both services, and special Easter addresses will be given. In the Town Hall, Hensel!, on Fri - X, da evening, April 23rd, under the auspices of the Ladies' .Aid of the United church, the Young People of Benmiller will present their new play, entitled, "The Village Lawyer." Miss Marks, of •Bruceiield, is visit - lug friends in town. Miss Lily McEwen returned home Saturday evening after visiting her sister in Kitchener. Mr. Henry Phile visited friends in Clinton 'over the week -end. Mr. Ernest Betes spent' Sunday in •Crediton. - Mr. T. C. Joynt made a business trip to Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Wurm and fancily have got nicely settled in their new home. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Grassick, who have been visiting for some time with 'Mr. and Mrs. Donald Grassick, left Saturday for their home in Rainy River, The Peerless Jubilee Concert Co. of eight members, gave a concert in the town hall on Saturday evening last under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian church. A large crowd turned out. On Sunday afternoon they gave a half hour sacred song service in the Presbyterian church, and after the evening service in the United Church they gave a sacred concert. The sel- ections were well rendered. The num- bers, "Steal Away from Jesus," and "I want to be Christian" were beau- tifuly given. The exhibition of pictures at the echool on Thursday, Friday and Sat- urday last was well attended and qiiite a sum was realized to purchase pic- tures for the school. Some 200 pic- tures were shown, representing a var- ied and interesting range of subjects. The millinery openings of E. Ren- nie's and Mrs Bell's on Friday and THURSDAY, 'APRIL- 1, '2926. Robert Came_ n meds a very iefficient ?'jttld be a very amusing play and it, ; Elliott's 'Sale `Register. oil stove, 1 tea' kettle;'' •r boiler; 2 o d that there 1,� moothin irons o w e 1 i s be e . e t iron of se , .• is.to h a , , o , r and - of e, , hoped b p s g d=tc L a to , t1 13 ococ ma t S tkt s,S tarda April 3 at 0 k cl t n and aa A 'a r Y p for an address. Mr. Geiger responded Mise Idelen Gerrie left on Wednes- Mary st. k s calledon` Reeve Geiger, _� 4C:a nl once, ' '; ' 1 Singer sewing maehttie,: • 1• washing a short address hgnse and lot on corner of North -and Clinton: oho'' Alexander, 'I machine nearly; new, 1; wringer, :.l- er happy mood; bein 'iii his day to spend the, vacation at her'' J ' bookcase and writing desk combined, in a very pl Yproprietor ret^. at .lu �erscll.n da etas • that kind,ysgave 1glass 'cu board, 1 erg tt Y g ele env to a case of Saturday, Aprl1 3,, at 2 .o clock, sale. p n Pollock. is great credit to the hockey boys for bra, -Clarence Pot oc spent a,, couple; and `horse on 16th g e.of choice cows a the splendid successdnext year the last; of hays m 'London last week, con.,'Gdtlerich tp, 3 miles north west they Mrs. J. W, Tinnet returned haul season and hoped cup r of Clinton. Wm. Townshend, prop. would keep the cup at home. On ris-on Tuesday ens a week with htoitday, .April 5th, clearing sale of' ingto his feet, Mr,,' Geigeri1ethe had to sister m Landolt: implements'on lot 32, wait far ». stock and whileahe-whole' -The ice talo river last week crowdesaitg minutes.con 12, Mcl�i,lop, at 1,30 pan. Garnet "For He's `a JollyGood". caused some excitement in thq vii- ,. sang - F Barron, proprietor. - of the even- la c: The. river was' much hig:r+ Fellow" The first toast gbVedtcesday, April 7th, 'clearing sale in "'I{kit and Country," was pro -:an it has been for seine years, but implements n Lit g,... gof. farm stock and p 4 1 P rk n ie 'am gradually o ed out a ' m :McLaren and t 1 g y w gag to' by, Millis as _23, .,con., 3, 1•Iutiett; 2' miles north of es onded tob Claude Biowes, and; now river is quite low:' .proprietor. r PY Clinton, Lorne Tyndall,.,.ti God Save the King was sung. The Miss Jessie Metcalf of Detroit is 2 bureaus, 2' rockers, 2 mahogany chai: , 2 lounges, carpets; 12 kitchen irs chairs, _1- extension table, 2 small tables,' 2 bedsteads, 2 set springs, ' 1 mattress, .1 hanging lamp, 3 smaller ia. ps, a number of glass gems, 1 16-foot,ladder, 1 step ladder, 1 wheel- barrow, 1• feed box,;1 milk can, 1 sap ]settle, 1 small sap pan, 1' hand • about ear -of catling boxy b t ,2/a ds y herd split Wood 20' inch; 'forks,' 1. , shovels ,and .otlier,,gmali articles. ill .b ` offeredor sale '' at ....There,w e# the same' time'; and place also, Pt. Lot. N'o. .25 'on, t'he 4th Concession of McKillop • with good comfortable frame' house with .7. ,robnrs and woodshed; .also a. stable, a small orchard of good bearing. apple, cherry a)t"clpear, trees.' This- is a most- de- sirable .property, . being; situated on the North Gravel road 2 miles .from. Seafort,hh Mao, 'convenient to church and school,:.• -- '..Terins of •Bele—On chattels, 'cash. On property, 1;0 percent; cash, bale ante in, 20'days. Posses'sion •';given May, :1st, 1926. Thos. 'Brown, auct,, Estates f Janies Hillen, Calvin Millen, James Kerr, Executors. the a ter vacation with second toast; "The •National• Sport," spending en s . AUGTi?ON ' SALE ro o ed b Dr, Campbell and her parents, Dr: W. F. and Mrs. Met- ` was p p s y The calf I of 'Househol'd •Effeetseeon Saturday; responded to by . Dr. Kktapp, id - third toast,"The; Home Town" was Dr. A. Newton -Brady returned April 17th, at 1 p.m. at the res 0 osed ' Robert Higgins and re- on. Friday after spending a,few days ence of John Cronin,^.y William street, sponded Y Seaforth, the following: ,1 couch,',4 tt to by Win, Consist. The ht 'Lon don,;-. h irs 'six ':octave Bell the, team was proposeii by Mrs. F, H. Paull returned on Satur- rocking chairs, k toast to ea 2 hanging lamps dining table; Thos.: Welsh and responded to by day after a two• weeks'_ vacation at organ,r oro chairs; os. Hudson. Councillors C. Camp Galt and London,' 2 parlor table's; 6 dining roo J btd Ro11 n McArthur w be n were called Ylrs F W Baker, who has been 1 sideboard; 1' cabinet;' 1 writing desk 1 glas'e Cupboard• 2 bedroom an, and gave short addresses during - ci he evening. Mr. Jas. Sangster sang Friday s s d, several Scotch songs in his usual breezy manner and several good"stor- ies were told. During tate evening, a number of ,telegrams were handed' in irons such points as New York, Mon- treal, and Ottawa, inviting different members of the team to become mem- bers of some of the big league hock- ey teams, It looked for a while as if we were going to lose our hockey team completely, but on considering• the matter, the boys decided that the large salaries offered to them by the big league teams would be no induce- ment to them, as they have already made up their minds that they are going to redeem the cup next year -from Zurich, and as most of the boys have girls here; they didn't wish to leave anyway. A very pleasing part of tfle evening was a presentation ity church on Good Friaay evening at Seaforth on Monday, April 12th, 1926, made to Mr. Peppier by the hockey 8 o'clock, no service being held on at 2:30': o'clock p.m. sharp, the fol - team. Mr. Peppier, who is very popu- Wednesday. lowing chattels: 1 Ford touring car, lar. in town and has been greatly in- On Easter Day matins and service with self-starter and in good repair; terested in the team was much sure y prised when Mr. Fleming rose to his feet and said a lot of nice things about Mr. Peppler, amongst others that Mr. Peppier was shortly to leave the ranks of the single men and take a step up higher. Mr. Fleming then. presented Mr. Peppier with a beauti- ful rolling pin. Mr. Peppler made a suitable reply. We might state here, visiting her daughter, Mrs, Victor Burt, . at London, returned on Tuese uites 1 bed tea stand mettress'and springs; ,`3\"toilet sets -:6 kitchen. chairs, 1 Kennedy range, ''1 Quebec heater, 1 Perfection coal oil stove, three burner; 1 coal oil beater; '1 last and an interesting and instructive stepladder; also glassware, dishes, chapter from "Heroes of our Home- pictures, lino••leums and other articles; land' on "Love's Pasteur" was read also rubber tired buggy, 1 cutter, by Miss Mary Elliott. An Easter robe and blanket; set single harness; party was suggested but there were 21 hens. •. All of which will be sold sone differences of opinion on the without reserve. Terms of Sale -- subject of dancing, so the motion was Cash. John Cronin, prop.. T. Brown, withdrawn. After. the busiiiess meet -auctioneer. ing was finished, a few minutes was spent in community singing after , • AUCTION SALE , which the programme committee took Of Ford Automobile and House - charge of a Geography contest, which`• hold., Goods. John Steven'son,- Auth- proved to be interesting. The next orized Trustee of Joseph Dayman regular meeting will be on Friday, Estate, has instructed Mr, Thomas April 9th. day. Mr. Graham. Elliott l s taken a pos ition at Kitchener. rt The Y.P.S. met oa Y evenin g There will be a service held in Trin- Brown, auctioneer, to offer by public auction, at the Royal -Hotel stables, of Hol Communion will be held in Trinity Church at eleven a.m., and throughout the spring aiid summer months. Sunday school at 10 a. m. There is quite an epidemic of in- fluenza in the village and surrounding country. that if Mr. Peppier wishes to keep the rolling pin as a memo of his bachelor days he had best in married life keep it securely locked up, as it is a dang- erous weapon in the hands of a per- son that knows how to use it, as poor "Jiggs" has found out to his sorrow on more than one occasion. Another feature of the evening was the pres- entation to the team of a loving cup, donated by Dinty Moore. Dinty Saturday were largely attended by the ,thought the team should hold some - ladies of the village and surrounding thing in the nature of a cup, and dor country. Both establishments show- ting a moment of great inspiration, I . Flem- 'tit obu . br. on the kind Y 0 verydecided hats f ' 1 of great display ed aY P t'nn the thepresentation, I,the tasty designs to suit the face and ing again madep , pocket of all wishing to buy. Your address to the team being written on correspondent, in viewing the great a long roll of paper inside the cup. array of hats, could not help but Mr. Fleming read the address to the think of poor old Solomon in all his delighted crowd. The final stipulation glory was never arrayed like one• of was that the cup was to be placed in these. During the opening Mrs. Bell McDonald's show window, and to be served tea and cake to her patrons. So used by any member (.1 the team as with lots of hats and spring coats be- they saw fit, but not to be taken nut ing sold, the fair sex will come out beautifully decorated on Easter morn- ing, but "the old man will most likely have to wear his shabby hat.' Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Case have got nicely settled in their new home. The snow is pretty well gone in this vicinity. Some cars are running on the roads west of Hensel!, includ- ing the Zurich stage. The London road is open from here south, cars being able to get through. The farmers in this vicinity are making maple syrup and report the of the window, A voce of thanks was tendered to Mr Geo. Hudson, care- taker of the rink for the splendid way he kept ttte rink and his 'ua:ty kind- ca,sts :c the boys, also to :[r. sod 31r Ynunit for the opium 1: 1 dinner put on by them. The speakers of the evening all gave the 'boys great credit for their splendid success of the sea- son and for the amount of pleasure and advertising they have given the town; and hoped that the same man- agement would take hold of the sum- mer sports, so that we can have some run is good. fun again this summer in the way of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McLeod, of football, baseball and soft ball The the boundary, arc moving shortly to banquet was the most popular ever the farm they purchased south of Parkhill. The farm that Mr. Mc- Leod is vacating is being taken over by Mr. Wes. Nichol, of Kippen. The meeting of the Young People's League of the United Church was held on Monday evening with the president, Miss Viola Higgins, pre - aiding. The meeting was opened by the singing of a hymn, after which Mr. Sinclair led in prayer. The scripture lesson was read by Miss Flora Higgins, solos by Miss Scarlett and Mr. Sam Rennie; instrumentals by Avis Lindenfieid and Mildred Smillie; violin solo by Johnny Madge accompanied hy Miss Beatrice on the piano; a reading by Miss Elva Shad - dock were all greatly enjoyed. The topic was very ably given by Mr. W. C. Pierce, It was decided to continue the systematic giving once a month as it has been for the last four months. c l'hc Literary Society of the Hen- sall contintiation school held their re- gular meeting on Friday afternoon with T es'er Fisher presiding and Nellie Boyle acting as secretary. The meeting was opened by singing. "I Wonder What's Become of Sally." The minutes of the last meeting were then read and adopted Scott Welsh gave a very pleasing solo on the vio- lin, accompan erl by Nellie Boyle on the mann, Harry Cook gave a very interesting reading on "Pearl Divers." after which the pupils joined in sing- ing n Canada." A play entitled, "A congregation of Sufferers," was then given by Croup 3. The meeting clos- ed hy singing "aft, Bonnie." Hockey Club Banquet—The Hen- sall Hockey team gave a banquet in the New Commercial Hotel on Fri- day evening last• having as guests the hockey club players, the village coun- cil and others who subscribed funds or licher! in other ways to crake the club the success it was during the last season The large dining room of the New Commercial was nicely decorated. the colo -s of the local hockey ,team pre- domtnatine, The hangnet' cotnniencert. at`9 o'clock. some fifty being present. All sat down to the places assigned to them and all enjoyed the solendia dinner furnished by the nopu!ar hoar end hostess of the hotel, Mr. and Mrs. a;peite :.. After; the. first neat pf.,the programme was over the tables were cleared and the fun started fast and fnrioue for the next two hours. Mr, put on in Hensall and to say that it was greatly enjoyed would be patting it mildly and the committte in charge is to be congratulated on its success. BAYFIELD, On Wednesday, April 7th, the Zurich Junior Dramatic Society will present the "Little Clodhopper" in the town hall, tinder the auspices of the Bayfield public library. This HILLSGREEN. Miss Emma Love who has been spending the past week visiting with friends in Hensall has returned home. Miss Annie Cochrane is spending a few days in Clinton visiting iter sis- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cameron. Mr and Mrs. W. Carlile attended the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. John Crawford, of Kippen, on Monday of this week. Mr, Geo. Coleman returned home Monday from Toronto where he was down with a load of cattle. Miss Edna Cochrane is home from Exeter high school for a couple of weeks, The school is closed because of measles. Mr. Keith Love of London Univer- sity, is home spending his Easter holidays with Isis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Love. ALMA. (Intended for last week,) Mrs, G. C. Dale spent a few days last week with her mother in Sea - forth, Mr. J. E. and Mrs. Abram Hugill were visitors at Hensall one day last week. Mr. John Nott, of Egmondville,` called on friends here last week. Mr. and Mrs, John Dale and Mrs. Graham, of Stanley, were guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Ross one day recently. Mr. G. W. Nott left on a trip to the West on Saturday last. Mr, and Mrs. Simmons entertained quite a number • of their friends on Tuesday. The evening was pleasantly spnt in music and dancing. Mr, and Mrs, Garfield McMichael, of Goderich, visited friends here on Sunday. 1 Bell piano and bench, 1 leather davenport, 2 small oak rockers, 2 oak dressers, 1 oak commode, 1 kitchen table, 1 kitchen cupboard, 3 kitchen chairs„ 2 stoves, wood heaters. Terms —Cash. J. F. DALY, - " GEO. A. SILLS, Inspectors. Thos. Brown, Auctioneer. R. S. Hays, Vendors' $olicitor. CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Implement and house- hold effects. )W E. Nairn, auctioneer, has received instructions from the undersigned to sell by public auction on Lot 11, Con. 5, Tp. McKillop (vil- lage of Beechwood) on Monday, Ap- ril 5, at one o'clock: Horses -1 regis- tered Clyde mare S years old, weigh- ing about 1,800 lbs; brown horse ris- ing 7 years old, weighing about 1,400 lbs.; driver 11 years old, Cattle—Cow 2; with calf at fo t s - freshened, March cow due time of sale, cow clue last of April, cow due May 10th, 3 heifers 1 year old, 2 spring calves. Hogs—Sow with 10 pigs 5 weeks old, sow due to litter time of sale, 5 pigs about 160 lbs.; 9 pigs shout' 125 lbs. each. Poul- try—About 100 good young hens. Im- plements — Massey -Harris -"binder, Deering mower, set harrows, waking plow, pair sleighs with rack, wagon box and rack, cutter, buggy, set work harness, set single harness, Melotte cream separator, Daisy churn, cook stove, dozen grain bags, box stove with pipes, grind stone, 50 bus. bar- ley, quantity of household furniture, hoes, forks, barrels and other articles too numerous to n.ention. No reserve. Terms,—Grain, poultry and all sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 8 months' credit, will be given on furnishing approved joint notes with bona fide security. 4 per cent. per annum off for cash in lieu of notes. Jas. Kennedy. Proprietor; J. Holland, Clerk; W. E. Nairn, Auc- tioneer. ` SEA.FORTO MARKETS . •. PROFESSIONAL CA PS.: +Wednesday,', March 29th. Wheat met, u• $1,25Medica l. • Barley, per bus, Buckwheat, per but. $harts, per cwt. . ' Bran, per cwt: . Eggs, per doz....,. Butter, per Ili: . Potatoes, per, lag Hogs, per cwt, 5 1c.a1s5 e and Surgeon. urtecid 'Late laLondon H o - lDotR, Hlo,nHAoUnGH, P,hybspiccicsia-: 1.6a �26c 3Ue ant' tae entiaonnd to2hFdoisaeta. sesU.fofii trthean'yer, eeat dr, .i,',,:'40a, acxe behind Donau ion Bank. Office2.21 Phone Noe 5; Residence Phone 1116 • $12"5°' DR. F. BURR ' ,,J. O W S. Seaforth. POULTRY FOR SALE. 25 Barred Rock hens, all last year's' pullets _of ,high laying strain; also a well-bred male bird. Apply to A. L. PORTEOUS, West st. 15 AUCTION SALE ''s' Of House and Lot. and Household' Effects. There will he sold hy public auction at Pt. Lot 25, 4th C'on Mc - As a vermicide an excellent prepare Killnp at one o'clock, on Wednesday. ation is Mother Graves' Worm Ex- April 7th, 1926 the following: 1 conk It has saved the lie ofn 1 drum 7 inch.1 terminator. v v s stove and pipes, countless children, heater and pipes, 1 three burner coal w HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT 7 -room house, good cellar, hard and soft water inside. On East William street, near High School. Possession first of May.'Apply to ADAM HAYS, Seaforth.- • 15. . ANNOUNCEMENT. Hairdresser.—Miss Alice Harrison, of STRATFORD, will be at Robin- son's Barber Shop, Tuesday, Apr 6th. Phone now for appointment for Cut, Mar- cel, Shampoo, Massage, Manicure, etc. Robinson's, The Bet- ter Barber Shop, just 'round the corner. PHONE 125. (Note the change in name.) Miss Harrison is- one of West. Ont.'s fore- most Marcelers. 13 U.F.O. MEETING. Open meeting of Seaforth U. F. O. Club, first Wednesday of April. Re- solved that if a young man has the one ambition in life to be of service to humanity, Agriculture .-offers the widest field. Captains, Russell Dor- ranee, affirmative; negative, Walter McCully. Music and readings by members of club. See R. J. McMillan for shorts, bran, oats, corn and cedar posts. JOS. FORREST 13 1 Have Your Spring Suit Tailored to Measure AT Hobberlin's Experience the satisfaction of an individual cut, individually fitted suit that costs you the same or little more than a ready-made—a Hobberlin's. SNAPPY STYLES FOR ,ALL TYPES. WONDERFUL CLOTHS FOR EVERY TASTE THE FINEST TAILORING TO SATISFY THE MOST PARTICULAR And with every garment turned out by the Hobbcrlin establish- ment a wide-open guarantee- Complete satisfaction or your money, back. JOHN HOOPER Seaforth. • P.O. box 350. Phone 259.J Representing— The House of HOBBERLIN Limited. Tailors to Canadian gentlemen for 40 years. Office and residence, Goderich siresr SEED BARLEY FOR SALE. east of the• Methodisthurct. Cor. c h A tiaiitity of Manchuria six -rowed ;over for the'County of Huron. Tote- q home No.40. torte guarairfeed ,pCean for seed. R. ¢' y ll ,hone143r4,-. E g ` IL: NiOUEL.AN , pb moudville: " ff .„ - STOVE FOR'SALE. Good cook' stove, first-classbaker,. for sale cheap; Apply to The'News. 14 •IOUSEKEEPER: WANTED., Young woman ' wanted • for house- keeper for farmer with one child'. Ap- ply to The -News Office. 13 aimeeemearisieseuseemeA Ont. ,NOTICE Al1`'outstanding accounts at the St. Columban Store .must be, settled by cash or, bankable paper on or, before April 10th. J. - J. HOLLAND. - 14 GARAGE FOR YtENT. A private, garage to rent. Close to Main street.' Apply .to the NEWS OFFICE. :. 14. BABY CHICKS F®R SALE. Laying strain, White Leghorns, Ilc each; Barred Rocks, 12c each. Your own eggs incubated at 8c each, mini- mum 100 at above prices. Get your order in early` for April and May delivery. Cash with order. Prices F.O.B. Dublin. JOHN A. ECKART, R. R. 1, Dublin. Phone 23 r 2.3 Dublin. 16. MARES FOR SALE. Right good young mare, six years old, quiet single or double, weighs around 1,250 pounds. Also one mare, 9 years old, quiet single or double. Terms --cash. • Apply to ROBERT BETTS, lot 25, eon 8, McKillop, 14 FOR RENT. Six acres in Egmondville. Good brick' house, lights, phone, - good water. Barn and fruit trees. Will .rent house and garden only, if de- sired. Apply to MRS. JANE TOWN - SEND, Seafotth, R..R 3, or phone 33 on 143. 13. HOGS FOR SALE. We have 2 young York hogs fit to head good herds. They are from good breeding and priced to sell at $30.00 for immediate sale. Also we will hold for service both a Tam and York boars at $1.50, withh privelege of returning if necessary. F or particul- ars see 'JONATHAN E. HUGILL, 3 miles west of Seaforth. - 14 FARM FOR SALE. Farm for sale, being Lot 7, Con 15, Township of Grey. For particulars apply to W.M. J. WOODS, Walton, Ont. 13 FAM FOR SALE. 100 acre farm for sale, being Lot 7. on the 14th Concession of Grey township. 7 -roomed frame house. bank barn, driving shed, hen house and hog pen. 4 acres of fall wheat. 14 acres of timber, running creek, never -failing well .t house, good bearing young orchard with all win- ter fruit but one tree; well fenced Fall plowing nearly all done. For rurther particulars apply to ROBT. COCHRANE, r.r . 2, , Brussels. 1.3 IMPR6VED FARM FOR SALE, Improved farm for sale, containing 100 acres, less one acre on which is a school house, in the Township of Usborne, .being Lot 6, Concession 3. The farm is in a good state of culti- vation, well drained and fenced and d acres in fall wheat; plenty of water at all seasons with windmill at house over a splendid well; also water in stable. The buildings are practically new and up-to-date, a large bank barn with stabling complete, also good brick house, drive shed, hens house, etc.; 334 miles from Exeter, 1 good market town, also a canning factory in the town. A quantity of straw in barn to be.sold with farm. If not sold soon, the farm -will be rented. Apply to ANDREW & WIL- LIAM DOIG, Jr., 'r.r, No. 3, Kippen, 19 DR. C. MACKAY. C. Mackay, honor graduade of Trinity Univers- ity and gold medallist of 'Trinity Medical College; member of`^"the Col- lege of Physicians:•and 'Surgeons of Ontario. DR. F. J. R. FORSTkR.-Eye, .Eat, Nose and Throat. Graduate. in Medi- cine University'of Toronto, 18970 Late Assistant New York Ophthal mic and Aural .Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Satiate Throat -Hos- pitals, London. England: As Commercial Hotel, ' Sear or tb third Monday in each mon& from/1l a.m, to 3 p.m. 53:Wateltloo street south, Stratford. Phone 261, Stratford, Dental. DR. J. A. MUNN Successor to Dr. R. It. Ross, Grade- ate of N rthwestern University, Chi- cago. III. Licentiate Royal College of Dental Surgeons, 'Toronto. Office over Silks' hardware, Main street, Sea - forth. Phone 151. INGLES` HOLIDAY .ATTRACTION HERE THURS., FRI., and SAT. The t'1aivellously IntelligentPoliceDog • RIN=TlN=T•IN in -Tricked in the Snow Country A `lioy of the Great North West and of a Dog that cleared himself of a had name' JUNE MARLOWE - ,DAVID BUTLER and MITCHELL LEWIS appear'in the picture, MATINEE( GOOt7. - FRIDAY 'NON. .'CUES. wED. The Trouble With Wives leaturing TON1 MOORE FLORENGE ViDOR :"" ESTHER RALSTON FORD STERLING liow do they get that way? when they promise to have and obey? e. Musical Instruction. CHAS. A: HOWEY, o:ganist and choir director, North Side 'United Church, Seaforth. lastructiwt given" in piano, organ and theory. Studio over the Dominion Bank. Auctioneer. GEORGE ELLIOTT, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Arrangements can -be made for Sale Date at The Seaforth News. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. General Fire, Lire, Accident & Automobile INSURANCE AGENT and Dealer in Singer Sewing Machines James Watson. North Matt St. SEAMUK1ti. uhl DIE McKILLOP Maul ul Fire Insurance Co, FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY, INSURED • Officers Janes Connolly, Goderich; Alen. James Evans, Beechwood, Vice Pres- ident; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer. ' ' Directors. Wm. Rion, No. 2. Seaforth; John Benneweis, Brodhagen; James Evans, Beechwood; M. Mc"wen, Clinton; James Conolly, Goderich ; ;Ales.. Broadfoot, No. 3, Seaforth; J G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferrisi Harlock; George McCartney, No 3, Seaforth; Merray Gibson, Brucefield, Agents. Alex. Leitch, R.R. 1, Clinton; E. Hinckley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray, R. R. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V. Yeo, Holmesvillc; R. G. Jarmouth, Born. holm. -James Kerr and John Goven- loc;:. Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous to effect insurance or tranacst other 1 usiness will be promptly attended to by a.phcatron to any of the above officers addressed to their, respective postnliices • awaits you. Just say "Bon. cilia Facial" to your bar- ber and get the surprise of yourlife—a feeling of re- newed vigor and the knowledge that at last you look the part. Be one of the "million a week." ROB1NS,ON'S The Better Barber `hop For Your Easter Hair Cut Just 'Round the Corner Miller's Worm Powders not only make the infantile, system untenable for worms, but by their action oil m the stoach, liver and bowels, they correct such troubles as lack of ep-; petite, b liod'5nces and other ynterna1 disorders that the worms create, Chit dren thrive upon them and no mat- ter what condition their -warm,infest- ed stomach may be'in, they will show' improvement as soon as the treat- ment begins. set me Varnish NEVER TURNS WHITE Neptunite Varnishes have the distinction of being the only Varnish made that can withstand the heat of a hot iron on its surface. They will not turn white, crack under the hammer test or show heel marks. They produce a beautifu}' nish and cost less than most good varnishes. aslill5ii .T t,A ST 10&0 �LIQUID•PAii±il - 1"� i 'f itEza9e - --,F,...:•?-.-:.:...-:-:---- „„ i ---' is Pai t N. w 9 And paint w i t h L o be s Brothers' "High Standard" Liquid Paint. It costs ap- proximately V2 cent per square foot. That is another way of sayingthat per job cost, which should always be the measure of your Paint and Painting costs, ;High Standard is the most eco- nomieal paint you can buy. The reason is found in its exceptionally high quality. '" "High Standard" Paint is a pure lead and oil paint. It dries to a beautiful high- gloss finish that lasts from two to four years longer than any so-called cheap paint. MELLOTONE For a liquid use. ;l ,-. 3f is G '» a , iu" s _K , Interior Decoration, is oil paint ready for Mellotone combines all durable ele- stents of a lead and oil paint with the delicate - _ beauty of a + paint. It J 1u water y i3 is washable with soap and water. HARD DRYING Dries overnight' to gloss enamel finish. smooth that it requires scrubbing — light will keep it always: and clean. . Anyone a p p 1 y it. Is v e r y durable, retaining its fin- ish for an ex- ceptionally long ,.e...1 time, FLOOR a high - It is so. no washing bright c a n iia 2(17..„t. ea Td ✓ u}�% a 4' -- NEPTUNITE Stain Woodwork Varnishes r'r .i Is a for age'' O fs'n4 VARNISH STAIN high grade Varnish- Floors, Trim and of all kinds. and Stains in one e a s y operation. The stain colors are non -fading. It has splendid l' e n d i d wearing qualities and is very easy to apply. AUTO GLOSS: Any amateur can renew the finish of his sax with Auto -Gloss. It only takes a few hours to do it, It is an easy flowing enamel of ex - ceedingly high seer gloss and dor- a hili t y. It >' � ;St t flows out ` evenly,leavingl r no rush a; .; marks or over -f la. 'n s. ` Geo. Aa Sills & Sons, Hardware HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT 7 -room house, good cellar, hard and soft water inside. On East William street, near High School. Possession first of May.'Apply to ADAM HAYS, Seaforth.- • 15. . ANNOUNCEMENT. Hairdresser.—Miss Alice Harrison, of STRATFORD, will be at Robin- son's Barber Shop, Tuesday, Apr 6th. Phone now for appointment for Cut, Mar- cel, Shampoo, Massage, Manicure, etc. Robinson's, The Bet- ter Barber Shop, just 'round the corner. PHONE 125. (Note the change in name.) Miss Harrison is- one of West. Ont.'s fore- most Marcelers. 13 U.F.O. MEETING. Open meeting of Seaforth U. F. O. Club, first Wednesday of April. Re- solved that if a young man has the one ambition in life to be of service to humanity, Agriculture .-offers the widest field. Captains, Russell Dor- ranee, affirmative; negative, Walter McCully. Music and readings by members of club. See R. J. McMillan for shorts, bran, oats, corn and cedar posts. JOS. FORREST 13 1 Have Your Spring Suit Tailored to Measure AT Hobberlin's Experience the satisfaction of an individual cut, individually fitted suit that costs you the same or little more than a ready-made—a Hobberlin's. SNAPPY STYLES FOR ,ALL TYPES. WONDERFUL CLOTHS FOR EVERY TASTE THE FINEST TAILORING TO SATISFY THE MOST PARTICULAR And with every garment turned out by the Hobbcrlin establish- ment a wide-open guarantee- Complete satisfaction or your money, back. JOHN HOOPER Seaforth. • P.O. box 350. Phone 259.J Representing— The House of HOBBERLIN Limited. Tailors to Canadian gentlemen for 40 years. Office and residence, Goderich siresr SEED BARLEY FOR SALE. east of the• Methodisthurct. Cor. c h A tiaiitity of Manchuria six -rowed ;over for the'County of Huron. Tote- q home No.40. torte guarairfeed ,pCean for seed. R. ¢' y ll ,hone143r4,-. E g ` IL: NiOUEL.AN , pb moudville: " ff .„ - STOVE FOR'SALE. Good cook' stove, first-classbaker,. for sale cheap; Apply to The'News. 14 •IOUSEKEEPER: WANTED., Young woman ' wanted • for house- keeper for farmer with one child'. Ap- ply to The -News Office. 13 aimeeemearisieseuseemeA Ont. ,NOTICE Al1`'outstanding accounts at the St. Columban Store .must be, settled by cash or, bankable paper on or, before April 10th. J. - J. HOLLAND. - 14 GARAGE FOR YtENT. A private, garage to rent. Close to Main street.' Apply .to the NEWS OFFICE. :. 14. BABY CHICKS F®R SALE. Laying strain, White Leghorns, Ilc each; Barred Rocks, 12c each. Your own eggs incubated at 8c each, mini- mum 100 at above prices. Get your order in early` for April and May delivery. Cash with order. Prices F.O.B. Dublin. JOHN A. ECKART, R. R. 1, Dublin. Phone 23 r 2.3 Dublin. 16. MARES FOR SALE. Right good young mare, six years old, quiet single or double, weighs around 1,250 pounds. Also one mare, 9 years old, quiet single or double. Terms --cash. • Apply to ROBERT BETTS, lot 25, eon 8, McKillop, 14 FOR RENT. Six acres in Egmondville. Good brick' house, lights, phone, - good water. Barn and fruit trees. Will .rent house and garden only, if de- sired. Apply to MRS. JANE TOWN - SEND, Seafotth, R..R 3, or phone 33 on 143. 13. HOGS FOR SALE. We have 2 young York hogs fit to head good herds. They are from good breeding and priced to sell at $30.00 for immediate sale. Also we will hold for service both a Tam and York boars at $1.50, withh privelege of returning if necessary. F or particul- ars see 'JONATHAN E. HUGILL, 3 miles west of Seaforth. - 14 FARM FOR SALE. Farm for sale, being Lot 7, Con 15, Township of Grey. For particulars apply to W.M. J. WOODS, Walton, Ont. 13 FAM FOR SALE. 100 acre farm for sale, being Lot 7. on the 14th Concession of Grey township. 7 -roomed frame house. bank barn, driving shed, hen house and hog pen. 4 acres of fall wheat. 14 acres of timber, running creek, never -failing well .t house, good bearing young orchard with all win- ter fruit but one tree; well fenced Fall plowing nearly all done. For rurther particulars apply to ROBT. COCHRANE, r.r . 2, , Brussels. 1.3 IMPR6VED FARM FOR SALE, Improved farm for sale, containing 100 acres, less one acre on which is a school house, in the Township of Usborne, .being Lot 6, Concession 3. The farm is in a good state of culti- vation, well drained and fenced and d acres in fall wheat; plenty of water at all seasons with windmill at house over a splendid well; also water in stable. The buildings are practically new and up-to-date, a large bank barn with stabling complete, also good brick house, drive shed, hens house, etc.; 334 miles from Exeter, 1 good market town, also a canning factory in the town. A quantity of straw in barn to be.sold with farm. If not sold soon, the farm -will be rented. Apply to ANDREW & WIL- LIAM DOIG, Jr., 'r.r, No. 3, Kippen, 19 DR. C. MACKAY. C. Mackay, honor graduade of Trinity Univers- ity and gold medallist of 'Trinity Medical College; member of`^"the Col- lege of Physicians:•and 'Surgeons of Ontario. DR. F. J. R. FORSTkR.-Eye, .Eat, Nose and Throat. Graduate. in Medi- cine University'of Toronto, 18970 Late Assistant New York Ophthal mic and Aural .Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Satiate Throat -Hos- pitals, London. England: As Commercial Hotel, ' Sear or tb third Monday in each mon& from/1l a.m, to 3 p.m. 53:Wateltloo street south, Stratford. Phone 261, Stratford, Dental. DR. J. A. MUNN Successor to Dr. R. It. Ross, Grade- ate of N rthwestern University, Chi- cago. III. Licentiate Royal College of Dental Surgeons, 'Toronto. Office over Silks' hardware, Main street, Sea - forth. Phone 151. INGLES` HOLIDAY .ATTRACTION HERE THURS., FRI., and SAT. The t'1aivellously IntelligentPoliceDog • RIN=TlN=T•IN in -Tricked in the Snow Country A `lioy of the Great North West and of a Dog that cleared himself of a had name' JUNE MARLOWE - ,DAVID BUTLER and MITCHELL LEWIS appear'in the picture, MATINEE( GOOt7. - FRIDAY 'NON. .'CUES. wED. The Trouble With Wives leaturing TON1 MOORE FLORENGE ViDOR :"" ESTHER RALSTON FORD STERLING liow do they get that way? when they promise to have and obey? e. Musical Instruction. CHAS. A: HOWEY, o:ganist and choir director, North Side 'United Church, Seaforth. lastructiwt given" in piano, organ and theory. Studio over the Dominion Bank. Auctioneer. GEORGE ELLIOTT, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Arrangements can -be made for Sale Date at The Seaforth News. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. General Fire, Lire, Accident & Automobile INSURANCE AGENT and Dealer in Singer Sewing Machines James Watson. North Matt St. SEAMUK1ti. uhl DIE McKILLOP Maul ul Fire Insurance Co, FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY, INSURED • Officers Janes Connolly, Goderich; Alen. James Evans, Beechwood, Vice Pres- ident; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer. ' ' Directors. Wm. Rion, No. 2. Seaforth; John Benneweis, Brodhagen; James Evans, Beechwood; M. Mc"wen, Clinton; James Conolly, Goderich ; ;Ales.. Broadfoot, No. 3, Seaforth; J G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferrisi Harlock; George McCartney, No 3, Seaforth; Merray Gibson, Brucefield, Agents. Alex. Leitch, R.R. 1, Clinton; E. Hinckley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray, R. R. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V. Yeo, Holmesvillc; R. G. Jarmouth, Born. holm. -James Kerr and John Goven- loc;:. Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous to effect insurance or tranacst other 1 usiness will be promptly attended to by a.phcatron to any of the above officers addressed to their, respective postnliices • awaits you. Just say "Bon. cilia Facial" to your bar- ber and get the surprise of yourlife—a feeling of re- newed vigor and the knowledge that at last you look the part. Be one of the "million a week." ROB1NS,ON'S The Better Barber `hop For Your Easter Hair Cut Just 'Round the Corner Miller's Worm Powders not only make the infantile, system untenable for worms, but by their action oil m the stoach, liver and bowels, they correct such troubles as lack of ep-; petite, b liod'5nces and other ynterna1 disorders that the worms create, Chit dren thrive upon them and no mat- ter what condition their -warm,infest- ed stomach may be'in, they will show' improvement as soon as the treat- ment begins.