HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1926-03-11, Page 8THE SEAPORT.H NEWS. HENSALL. Mr, Byron Hicks,. of Centittlia visited friends in townon Saturday. Mrs. 'Wni. Peart, acconroani' d ; b'y his sister, 2 iSsClarissa Mitchell, left n T'hursday•foi^+her home 3n, Wis- consin. Miss Mitchell, who has' been, in poor health all winter, will spend some time with her sister put the,,'. Miss Katie,. Scott is visiting rela- tives in Palmerston. Mr. John Mitchell is confined to hist room with a, Severe attack of pnt Clair, Edward ,Little. On Chattels—All sums of $10 and Sr. III. --'May Kenning, Mabel under, cash over that amount48 ve 17a Wo'rIFmen, :Irene Datersi. Willie' Nicol, ' monthcralit, t �joliibe n ive n. o'nix Pyr, rold Fos,tei, Grace J3rock, Howard islii;tg pjf,,,.} Hetnihill, Willie •Drir•r•mnoiada- O a:d s cent per senium alld*ed'6 ashl n •'assmore, "Beryl Drummond, ][ary credit a � ousts. James ;Gillis; Albert Wolfe, Hazel Hodson, rare and Robert Parsons, owners, Edna Wolfe, Florence McDonald, Oscar Klopp, auct. 1: , IIoggarth, Eleanor' Spinner, Ml3RTu' GE SALE Lizzie Bean.' ST. COLUMBAN. Mr. Frank Evans, of Toronto, is visiting at the home of his brother, Mr, James Evans, Mc Ci op. of sale contained in a certain .moat- Mr,- Tom Lane, who has been in e which hill be produced morte Htc this two months attending gage, Willb be offered ered for time of sale,there the Hemphill school,- has returned sale by pubic auction at the Queen's home, of Detroit,` hotel in the Town of Seaforth, on 'Mr. Harold 'Maloney, to his mother, Saturday, the 20th day of March, 1926 is Mrs. present on a visit at the hour of two -thirty o'clock in Mrs. John Maloney, sat pies Lbad t 1, present laid the g comoosedthe ofpthe rWestrhalftof er awing lora bad fall, breaking sev heti n t/tberpeighteen and the east half Mreral ribs. has returned of .lot number nineteen, all in the ran Toronto t Maloney Eleventh concession of the Tower thetractor Toronto where he was attending ship of McKillop, in the County of the tractor school. • Huron, containing one hundred acres more or less. The land is`a rich clay loam and there are erected on the property a good frame house and a good bank barn. There are about four acres of bush on the place. This property is conveniently situated as to Church, School and market. Terms of Sale. -10 per cent. of the purchase money to . be paid on the day of sale and the balance within three weeks thereafter. Arrangements may be ,made for part of the pur- chase money to remain on mortgage, The property will be offered for sale subject. to a reserved bid. ' For further particulars and condi- tions of sale,applyly: & BEST, Seaforth, Ont. Solicitors for the Vendor. Dated March 4th, 1926. Thomas Brown, Auctioneer. Mr. John Passmore is in London this .week on business.. Mr. Henry Phite visited relatives in Zurich on Sunday. The dance held in the Town 'Hall on Friday evening last was largely attended' and all report a good time. A number front Hensel' went to Exeter on Monday evening to enjoy an evening's skating on the Exeter rink with the band in attendance. The meeting of the Youhg People's League, of the United church, }was field on Monday evening. meet- ing was in •charge of Miss E. Mur- dock, with the president, Miss Viola Higgins, presiding. The meeting was opened with the singing of a hymn, after whirti Miss Nellie Boyle led in Drayer. Tile, minutes of•; the last Meeting were' -read by the secretary, Mr. Gerald Farquhar. The Bible les- son was read by Miss 'Grace Pepper. A piano duet by Mildred Smillie and Pearl Elder,reading by Master Billie Glenn, reading by Mr. Peck, violin sold by Mrs. Lee Redden; instru- mental by Miss Gladys Luker and the topic by Miss Johnson were all great- ly'enjoyed. Mr, Israel Lindenfield, of London, visited relatives in town 00 Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Joyat took their' little boy to a. London hospital on :Tuesday evening. The little fel- lo'w took sick on Monday afternoon :with a bad vomiting spell which it seemed :impossible to stop. It was considered advisable to take him to London for treatment. Mr. J. J. Merner, of Seaforth, spent a few days in town this week visiting relatives and friends. Messrs. Thos, Welsh, Norman sell by public .auction two and a •half miles north of Dublin on Lot 33, Concession 4, Logan, on Friday, 19th at 12:30 p.m., the following: Horses -1 agricultural gelding, aged; 1 general purpose gelding, aged; 1 agricultural brood mare in foal to Proton Fancy; 1 agricultural ,colt 9 months old, got by Lord Mansfield; 1 driving horse 8 years old, quiet and reliable. Cattle -1 Holstein cow, 4 years old, freshened in Nov.; cow, 6 years old, freshened in June; cow, 6 years old, freshened in Feb.; cow, 5 years old, freshened in Feb.; cow, 3 years old, due time of sale; cow, 5 years old. due in April; cow, 5 years old. doe in May; 3 steers and 1 heifer rising 3 years old; 1 steer and 2 hail= Of Valuable Farre in McKillop ..I Township. Under. and 'by virtue of the powers , THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1926. seeessesseesse AUCTION SALE. Of Household Effects.—Mr. George H. Elliott 'has 'been instructed to sell public •auction in Egmondville, west of.:bridge, on Mill Road, on Saturday, March 13th. at 1:30 pm., the follow- ing household effects .and a few im- plements: Two buggies, '1 horse wagon, one cutter, 1 light sleigh, 1 Oliver walking plow, one 1 -horse plow, Massey -Harris mower, 1 set 2 -section harrows, 1 scuffler, 1 cut- ting box, Standard cream separator, light ,harness, collars and plow har- ness, 1 Bell organ, .two parlor tables, 6 chairs, 1 kitchen cupboard, 1 dress- er,1 hall rack, 1 cook stove, a good cooker, 1 Quebec heater with oven. almost new, forks, shovels and other articles too Humorous to mention. Terms -=Cash. Mrs. Jane Townsend, proprietress; G. IL Elliott, auctioneer, CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, Implements, Feed and Household Effects. Fred W. Ahrens, auctioneer, has received in- trnetions from the undersigned to Cook, A. W. E. Hemphill, Mr. ing and Robe Bell took in the hockey match at London on Tuesday even- ing. Mr. Chas. McDonald is busy this week improving his home, putting in hardwood floor, fireplace and other finproventents• 'The work is being Anne by Mr. las. Sangster. Mr. Hugh McDonald left Iast week for Mitchell where he has secured a position in the printing office there. Inspector Tom, of Goderich, was at the public school on Monday. High Mr. Miller, of Toronto, School Insnector, was here inspecting the .high school on Friday. 'The many friends of Mr. Robt. Morrison will he glad to hear he is 1 ers rising 2 years old; 5 steers an improving slightly from the had ac- ! heifers rising 1 year old; 3 young cident he met with last week when be; calves. These cattle are alt Durham. 'fell from his house while clearing ' flogs.—Yorkshire • sow due time of •snnev off the roof. ! sale: 5 Yorkshire sows, all bred. Reg. Arth"- Sinclair and family. Poultry — About 60 young liens, 2 moved Into their new home on Mon- geese and one ganger Imulements day. The former Manse has been put ,_,.Frost & Wood binder, 6 ft. cut, fntn good condition. papered and; new. Frost & Wood mower, 6 ft. cur, painted throughout, hardwood floors new; Massey -Harris hay loader, put in and bath. new; Massey -Harris fertilizer, disc to The h"ns" Me. Sinclair vacated is drill, new; Cockshutt tnanure spread- loh bels' pet up for sale. er. new; horse rake; hay tedder, new; The bad ice storm of Sunday night spring tooth cultivator, new; disc 1 clay • ' , uo the railway on Monday harrow; land roller; four -section har- 1 as all trains were late. The early row; walking plow; 3-4 wagon; truck pl morning train arrived here about 11 wagon; sliding hay rack; wagon box; ale o'clock and did not get away again till 2 top buggies; cutter; set of bob- to the middle of the afternoon, sleighs, fanning mill, hay fork, hay o snowplow was off the track between fork rope; sat of slings and chain: Exeter and Centralia. Isca'e 2000 lb. capacity; wheelbarrow, se The many friends here of the late work bench; Renfrew cream separa- ar Dr. Hyndman were shocked to hear tor, quantity of one inch lumber; ro of his sudden death at his home in' unantlty of maple flooring; 18 grain ho Exeter on Saturday morning. A num-bags; stone boat; ladder; forks; 10 he- fermi here attended the funeral shovels; hoes; 2 sets double harness; Tuesday afternoon. set single harness; 4 horse collars; ca A boy's hockey team came up from sweat pads: horse blankets; robes and br Eveter on Fridac 'evening for a game other articles too numerous to men with our local Junior and were defeat- tion. 'Grain and Feed -40 bushels of le ed 12 to 2. Another game was put on barley; 10 bus. of oats; 20 bus. of Monday night between local teams. peas; about 6 tons of mixed hay, a a One team from Tinkertown (west quantity of potatoes. Miscellaneous side of the ,railway track) and the 9 Glass cupboard; 2 bedsteads: sonic 10 other from Plugtown (east side of small tables and stands; stove, heater, g the track). Tinkertown'beat Plug- with pipes: kitchen table; collie dog, town 8 to 5. and a number of other articles. Posi e On Monday evening next the Red lively no reserve as the farm is c Side of the United Church League .rented. "Terms.—Heay, grain, potatoes will entertain the Blue Side. A good and all sums of $10 and under, cash. Over that amount o months` credit b approved will be :given on furnishing Pp joint notes with bona fide property le owners as security. A discount of 4i$ CLEARING SALE Of Farm Stock, Implements and Household Effects. --George H. El- liott has been instructed to sell by public auction on Lot 22, Concession 7. McKillop, on Thursday, March 18th, at one o'clock, the following: Horses—One gelding 10 years old, 1 gelding 9 years old, 1 filly 3 years old, 1 driver 10 years old. Cattle -1 cow to freshen April 16, 1 cow to freshen April 12th, 1 cow to freshen April 21st, 1 cow to freshen April 26th, 1 heifer freshened about January 1st. 1 heifer. freshened about February 1st, 2 heifers rising 2 years old, 2 young calves. Pigs-2'sows with litters, 1 sow due about June 7th, 1 sow due about May 7th. 1 sow due about April 10th 2 sows due about June 1st, 1 els boa Chia Ro ough set era gre the bin fo 1 egistered Berkshire sow due about rch 27th, 1 registered Tamworth r, Roughill Victor -19340-, 6 nks. Hens—About. 100 Plymouth ck hens, bred -to -lay strain, 3 thor- bred Plymouth. Rock roosters, 2 s nests for setting hens, 1 feeding to for Iplements geese, of Geo. Elliott's Auction Sale Register, Y gander. m nearly new: 1 Massey -Harris Thursday, March 11 —Clearing sale der 7 -foot cut, 1 Deering` mower, 6- of farm stock and implements, 5 miles of cut, 1 Massey -Harris hay loader; north of'Beech!'cohd3T Sale of ,prop. Massey -Harris 13 disc drill, 1 Ice Saturday, re- trational side rake, 1 dump rake, 1 hold effects, west of bridge,;.on Mill n Deere cultivator, 1 spade disc, Road, Egmond'ville. Mrs. Jane Town - Clover Leaf manure spreader, 1 set send, proprietress. vel harrows, 1 riding corn 'scuffle-, salMonday,of amMarch ck and th. -plernenn land roller, 1 Hamilton walking ow, 1 riding plow, 1 set sloop 114 miles northwest of Clinton. Fred ighs, 1 flat rack for sleighs, 1 In- Leonard, proprietor. -national wagon, 1 rolling hay racic, Tuesday, March un len rin g al e truck wagon, 1 gravel box, 1 wag- of farm •stock p n box, 1 stock rack, 1 set of weigh miles west, and Grassi miles proprietor.rhof ales 4,000 lbs. capacity, 1 set Stew- Kippen. J March k, ock t power clippers, 1 inch hay fork Wednesday, pe 165 feet long, 3 new pulleys, new and implemdnts 2% miles soutneast ay car, Workman & Ward; 1 hay of Thursday,intoMason C18rich, ,p ongetor. rk, 1 set slings and chain, 2 fanning sale ills, 1 Smalley's cutting box and of farm stock and implements, 3 miles Friers, 1• Delaval cream separator, north of Seaforth, Gordon Webster, root pulper, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 set proprietor. March 19.—Sale of 2 car ass mounted breeching harness Friday; arly new, 1 Dore rubber tire buggy, loads of Clyde and Percheron horses Portland cutter, 1 work bench, 1 at Wallis Sale Barn, Clinton. Chas. nvil, 1 bellows, quantity of iumber Wallis, y proprietor. 26th.—Sale of'fount rad plank, white ash,o elm and hem- lots numbers 53, 54, 65 and 66, Malt - ng 34 -foot extension ladder, log- , ing chains, new sets of whiffle- land concession, ^Goderich. township, ees, a large number of miscellan. at Graham House, Clinton. ous articles, shovels forks, etc. Cer- in quantity of household effects, in- uding steel range, 2 heeters,•3 pieces nolcum, 1 bedroom suite, 1 dining cont suite tables and chairs, cup - We' handle the INVINCIDLE WOVEN FENCE, made of open hearth steel and copper bear, ng wire —it will stand a greater stra n than any other fence on the market and is more rust. resisting.; At educ�cl Price 6 wire fence, 40 inches high 36c cash 7 wire. fence, 40 inches high 40c cash 8 wire fence, 42 inclees high, even spaced 45c cash Heavy Poultry 'Fence 18 wire fence, 48 inches high .. . , . .. 72c cash 20 wire fence, 60 inches high 78c cash • BARBED WIRE in Eighty.Soors Rod , p 2 -point .. .• ••per roll $4.25 cash 4 -point. per roll $4.60 cash U -Bar posts 87 inches, long each 45c case SPECIAL',: For convenience in cartage we will allow actistomer to take his wire home now and take advantage of the cash - price up till Aprihthe fifteenth. Drew it on the sleigh.' Geo. A. Sills SI Sons Hardware 1EAFORTH MARKETS. ' Wednesday; Mat'ch'.l0th. Wheat, per bus .,........••• ..$1,20 ,20. Oats. per bus. .45 i'a-'ey, per bushel' ,'60c Buckwheat, per bushel ........,'60c '^ports, per cwt. Bran, per 'cwt, $1 65 Eggs, .perdoz. 20c to 31c Butter, per' lb, 40c ' Potatoes, per bag $175 Hay per cwt. $13.00 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Medical. DR. H, HUG} ROSS,„ Physicfa[' and. Surgeon.- Late of London Hos- pita!, London, : England.,,,., Special `•- attention .to diseases of the eye; eat, nose and throat. Office and reside Fence behind Dominion, Bank. Office'. Phone No. 5; Residence Phone 106. BABY CHICKS FOR SALE. Laying strain, White Leghorns 11c each; Barred Rocks, 12c each, Your. own eggs incubated at 8c each, mini- Get 100 ataboveprices,your in , mu order in early for April and May delivery. Cash with 'order. Prices F.O.B. 'Dublin. JOHN A..ECI{ART, R. R. 1, Dublin. Phone 23 r 23 Dublin. 16, DR. F, J. BURROWS, Seaforth: Office and residence, Goderich street, east of the Methodist church. 'Cor ower for the County of Huron. Tele- phone No. 40. WATCHES AND CLOCKS REPAIRED. I will be prepared to repair Watches, Clockes, etc., after March 10th, in: the store;for.tn- erly occupied by the Dominion Stores, one dpor north of - Haigh's grocery. Moderate Prices, Work Guar- anteed. J: A. WESTCOTT. N1cKILLOP. Dillon Drain. Ratepayers desiring to pay their assessments in cash on said- drain can do so up to Mar. 20th, 1926, to the Treasurer, G. K. Holland. After said date, debentures will be issued and soldfor the balance unpaid: The Treasurer willbe at the Queen's Hotel, Seaforth, on March 20th. F. J. McQUAID, ,' 10 Reeve. CARD OF THANKS. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Barwick and. son wish to express their heartfelt thanks to the neighbors and friends for kindness and sympathy shown in their recent bereavement. SEED PEAS. Large seed peas,; good sample. $L50 a bushel. Also a number of purebred S.C. R.I..Red cockerels, $2.00 apiece. Apply to H. A. BENNE- WIES, No. 2, Walton. Phone Dub- lin 24-10. 12. NOTICE. Applications for Secretary -Treas- urer of the Seaforth Collegiate 'Insti- tute will be received until Monday; Mar, 15th. Salary $100 per annum. JOHN FINLAYSON, Acting Secretary. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE! 6 -roomed" frame house, hard and soft water, lights, with stable and garden, pn John ,street. Apply at The News Office. 10. programme isbeing prepared, red after g p which lunch will be served and a soc- iai time spent. An executive mect- ing of the League was held an Mon- day evening last after the regular per cent, straight off for cash in lieu meeting of the Leagete. It was .lend- of notes. Mrs, Annie Mulligan, prop.; 'ed to give 5100 to Missions, $50 to the Fred W. Ahrens, auct Mr. Smith, caretaker of the church for the extra work and kindness dor- upkeep of the Church and $10 to ue of l nc 'n a baa e t wi thecont, leaving g ang $70 in the bank Mrs. Louis Simpson is visiting relatives in Barrie. Miss Marks, who has been visiting friends in town for the past month, 'returned to her home in Brucefield on Tuesday. Little Laurie Price, who under- went an operation in Seaforth Hospi- tal a couple of weeks ago, was brought home on Monday. A large crowd of hockey fans were listening -in to thehockey match be- tween London and Pcterboro 011 Tuesday evening.. The returns came fine at Hensall. 'The Bell Telephone Co. have a number of men Here at present doing repair and other work. . Miss Eleanor Fisher, who some time ago was appointed organist for the United Church, took over her duties on Sunday morning •last. Something went wrong with the pipe organ, so she had to use the piano for the Sunday services. Mr. Dant Beggs, of Toronto, is here this week looking over the onion warehouses of Steele Briggs & Co. Quite a number frotn here attended Mr. Wm. Elder's sale in Tucker - smith, on Tuesday. February Report—Names in order of merit—Sr. I—Bitty Joynt, Dor- othy Little, Bertha Soldan, 'Marie Foster, ,.: Dorothy ; Hoskins, Albert ''-Passmore, Roy Sneak, Lillian 'Steacy, Russell BJ,ackwell, Harold Munn, Mildred Smillie. fr. IV. — Clare Zuefle, Eldred Smith, Royce 'Welsh, Lulu Linden. field, Joyce Scruton, Marion Sin- AUCTION SALE Of Farm, 'Farm Stock, Etc.—Mr. Oscar I{IcpP has been instructed to sell by public auction on Lot 8, N.B., Hay township, on Thursday,March 18th, at 1:30 p.m. the following: The Farm—The farm contains 80 acres •of choke land; 10 acres hardwood bush, 7 aeres fail wheat, 22 :acres fall plow- ed, balance seeded to grass; orchard, plenty of water, comforable frame house and kitchen; moden hen 'house, barn 48xd0 on stone wall, stabling underneath; straw shed 24 x 36 on stonewall and steel roof. Vehicles, att.—Set bob sleigh, 1• open buggy, top buggy, democrat, cutter, 2,000 lb. scales, single harness, several forks. root pulper, wheelbarrow, several pieces square timber, 4 large elm logs 10 feet long, 50 sap pails, large sugar kettle, small sugar kettle, Doherty organ, scythe, -chains and other articles. Live Stock -2 turkey hens, 1 gobbler, about 2 dozen White Rock pullets, 2 dozen one -year-old hens. At the same time and place the following will also be sold, being the stock of R. Parsons, whose lease has expired and consequently is overstocked: Horses—Grey Percheron mare rising 6, black Percheron Mare rising 4, bay Percheron mare rising 4, black Per- cheron horse rising 2, bay Percheron mare rising 13, supposed to be in foal. Cattle -2 cows due April 1st, 1 cow with calf at foot, 4 heifers rising 4, all milking; 2 steers rising two, 1 heifer. rising 2, 26 pigs 6 and 8 weeks old. Terms on Farm --Ten per cent. on day of sate, balance on April st, tvhen possession will be given, except $3,000, which may rennin on..mo,rt- gage at 5% per cent Dayablc yearly. oard and barrel churn. About 12 ords mixed wood, quantity of hay nd grain. Terms.—All amounts of 10 and under, cash; over that 'am- unt 11 months' credit given on bank- ble notes. Five per tent. per annum 'lowed for cash on Wood, hay, grain, household effects, Sash. Gordon E. Webster, proprie- or; G. H. Elliott, auctioneer. 0 a a CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, Implements and Pure Bred and Grade .Durhams,-•Mr. George H. Elliott has been instructed to ••sell by public auction on Lot 6, Concession 2, Stanley, 1;4 miles west and 1% miles north of Kippen, , on Tuesday, March 16th, at 1 o'clock sharp, the following Horses—One, draught team 6 and 7 years old, weighing 3,300 lbs.; 'brood mare 10 years old, driving mare 10 years old. Cattle—One cow 9 years •old due in April, 1 cow 9 years old 'with calf at foot, -1 cow 7 years old with calf at foot, 1 cow 5 years old •due in April, 1 ears4 years old due in April, 1 cow 6 cears old due in August with calf at foot, 1 cow 9 years old with calf at foot and due in September, 2 cows 4 years old dtte in September with calves at foot, I heifer 3 years old due in March; 1 heifer 2 years •old, 2 steers one year old, 3 fat heifers one year old, 2 spring calves; the choicely bred stock bull "Lovely Augustine" -162169-, he is 3 years old and a grandson of " Gainsford Marquis." Pigs.—Eight pigs ,waging 100 lbs., 1 sow with litter at foot 5 •weeks old, 1 sow due to litter in April. Hens - 100 Rock hens and one O,A,C. bred - to -lay cockerel. Implements - Massey -Harris binder 7 -foot cut, Frost & Wood mower 6 -foot cut, Massey -Harris side, delivery rake, 10 - foot steel 'rake,, Dane hay loader, Frost & Wood cultivator,Massey- Harris 12 -hoe seed drill, 5 -section harrows, (harrow e.trt, roller, Frost' & NOTICE Here's Your DR, C. •MACKAY.—C. Mackay4 honor graduade,of Trinity Univers- ity and gold medallist ge Trinity Medical College; member of the .Co Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons tat Ontario. - DR. F. J. R. FORSTER.—Eye; Ear; Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medi- cine University of Toronto; 3897. Late Assistant New York Ophthalk mic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye. and Golden Square Throat 1io►. and. At Commercial London.,......Hotl, nSeaf o n t a third Monday in each month, from 11 a.m,'to 3 p.m. 53 Waterloo street south. Stratford. Phone 2671 Stratford DentaL Spring 'Suit Having taken over the agency of the late James Cowan for the Farmers' Fertili..er Co., Wingham, I will ':e pleased to fill all orders 3i both old and new customers and give any information within my knowledge ANDREW ARCHIBALD Box 282, Seaforth._ Ph ..e 44W. Also Agricultural Lime Wood bean cultivator and harvester, one-horse scuffler, farm wagon, road wagon, set sleighs, stoneboat, flat rack, with carriage for hay loader, gravel box, stock rack, Cockshutt double ridinging plow, Premier riding plow, walking plow, iron plow, Fair - bans -Morse 6 h.p, "Z" engine on, truck, Beli No. 50 cutting box, 10eineh Toronto grinder, 45 feet 6 -inch Good- year belt; 20 feet two-ply heavy leath- er .belt 5 inches wide; half -horse gas engine for washing machine, l4 -inch pulley 6 -inch face, hay fork, 120 feet 1 -inch rope, sling ropes, top buggy, open buggy, cutter, Clinton fanning mill, granary +truck land bag •holder. set 2,000 lb, scales, Renfrew cream separator nearly new, turning lathe, emery, grindstone, 2 oak barrels. meat barrel, piano box, chop box,. rock elm plank, hemlock plank and some lumber, 'two-way litter carrier switch and ' 15 feet of track and hangers, 2 sets whiffletrees, three heavy doubletrees, neckyokes, ox yoke,'fence machine, wire reel, sleigh tongue, binder tongue, pig troughs,, spring seat, window sashes, pruning hook,crosscut saw, set breeching harness. 2 sets backbend harness, set single harness, -collars, windcollar, light Names, Pandora range with '20-' inch oven. and warming closet, Oak Treasure coal heater, wood 'heater, a auanti•ty of stove pipes, four burner Perfection coal oil stove with oven, parlor lamp, hanging lamp, • 2 bed- steads, springs and mattress, bed- room set. set Sad irons, carpet sweeper, flour barrel, meat grinder, dozen one-half gallon gems, 20 yards of linoleum, work bench "and 'vise. '5- gallon coal oil can, some White Blossom sweet clover seed, 'alsohoes, shwrls, forks. cltains and other articles too numerous to mention: No reserve as the proprietor has sold his farm. Terms. --Clover seed and poul- try and all sums of $11) and under, cash; over that amount 8 months' credit will be given on furnishing ap- proved joint notes. Four per cent. will be allowed off for cash on credit amounts. Jas. Grassick, prop,,; George H, Elliott, auctioneer. Tailored to Measure at HOBBERLIN'S DR. 3. A.MUNN Successor to Dr. R. R. Ross, Grade - ate of N rthwestern University, Chi- cago. I11. Licentiate Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Officer over Sills' hardware; Main street, Sea - forth.' Phone 151. You'll get the high grade imported cloths you prefer You'll get the up-to-the-minute, dis- tinctive styles you are looking for— You71 get an excellence of fit and finish you'd hardly hope for— ALL AT THE MOST MODERATE PRICES IN THE WHOLE i41ARI{ET The new Spring m"dels and the new Spring Clothes are the finest ever. - And Don't Forget. the Guarantee If you're not completely satisfied— ask for your money back. You'll get it without question. JOHN HOOPER Musical ria InSt CHAS. A. HOWEY, o:ganiat.and' choir director, . North Side United Church, Seaforth. Instruction given . in piano, organ and theory. Studio over the Dominion Bank. Auctioneer. SEAFORTH. F.O. box 350. • Phone 259-J. Representing The House of HOBBERLIN Limited. Tailors to Cenadian gentlemen for 40 years. DO YOU SELL FARM :PRODUCTS? How do you know he won't buy? Have you called him by' Long D istance? cI sell entirely by LonDistance— It's quicker and cheaper." --8ay and Grain Deafer P thteE HERE THURS., FRI., and SAT. THE HIGH HAT COMEDIAN Raymond Griffith JM 71 Regular Fellow They wanted to give the heir the throne, but the Prince wanted to give the throne the "air." After Raymond's •last picture, "Paths to Paradise," we bet you'll want to see this gay tale of it Prince who wante : to quit his job and couldn't. Never a comedy so lavish, laughish, clever and colorful. MON..TTUES., WE, b rt ,loin i IN The Snob GEORGE ELLIOTT, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Arrangements can be made for S'.le Date at The Seaforth News. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. General l=ire. Life,. Accident & Automobile INSURANCE AGENT and Dealer in Singer Sewing Machines James' Watson North ,Mala at. SEAIiOKY'H. ONT. THE McKULLOP Mutual Fire Insurance Cc. -at FA12M AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY, INSURED Officers James Connolly. Goderich; Alen James Evans, Beechwood. Vice Pres ident; D. F. McGregor, SeaforriW Sec: Treasyy5r. Directors. Win. Rinn, No. 2. Seaforth; John Bcnneweis. Brodhagen; James Evans+ Beechwood; M. McEwen, Clinton; lames Conolly, Goderich';Alex, Broadfoot, No. 3. Seaforth; J. Cr'. t- Greve. No. 4, Valton; Robert Ferrier >J Harlock; George McCartney. No. 3; Seaforth; Murray Gibson, Brucefield, Agents. Alex. Leitch, R.R. 1, Clinton; 11, Hinchley. Scafortih; J. A. Murray. R R, No._3, Seaforth; J. Holmesvillet R. G. Jarmouth, Born•-"" ,olm. James Kerr -and John Govan 'ock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous to effect insurance nr tranacsr other l usiness will be promptly attended to by at.plicettoa 'o any of the above officers addressed to their respective postoffmes, that tined honk: apd 'ssgged" letting orf df yo*r tact. Say . "Boneilta Feesale to your barber and donut ap sanding with a new appear- ance of vita and fitnean Ile (reof the "million a week.'' (Just Around the Corner) Seaforth FARM FOR SALE. ' Con. Farm for .sale, being Lot 7, 15, Township of Grey, For particulars apply to WM, J. WOODS, Walton. Ont. 13 FARM FOR SALE. 100 acre faun for sale, being Loh 7. on the 14th Concession of Greytitr- township. 7 -roomed frame hnu,e, bank barn, driving shed, hen hcnc.ue and hog pen, .4 acres of fall wheat, 14` acres of timher, running, -creek, never -failing well .it house. - good hearing young orchard with •: all• win- ter fruit- but one tree:well fenced. Fall plowing nearly , all done. For further particulars apply to RORT. COCHRANE,. r-. 2, • Brussels. 1: