HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1926-03-11, Page 5THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1926. SERVE ONE OF OUR ROUND ROASTS. For dinner to -night and make a inngry man happy. }Ie knows that when he gets a generous slice of our least beef, with potatoes and some green vegetables, he won't get up from the 'table dissatisfied. D. H. STEWART Phone 58. • Seaforth. Your Butcher. King of RADIO For Volume. Tone and Sale,tivity KINGEUTRODYN HINNERS Call and hear them at DODDS' GARAGE SEAFORTH. Phone 17. Red & White chain Stores Red Hot Prices for week com- mencing March 12th. Redpath Sugar ,...., bag- $6.55 Dominion Sugar bag $6.45 Spot Cash Only. Corn Flakes, Quaker 3 pkgs. 28c Marmalade, 16 •oz. jars , .. .. 19c Marmalade, 3 pound jars 42c Bovril, 1 oz. bottle 19c Sery-us Coffee, highest grade 67c Boston Brill, fresh frozen fish, 1b. 10c These prices are good in the two Red and Whites only. Better hurry hnd get in on them. They are for one week. We Deliver and Guarantee Every Article We Sell. EGGS WANTED. Ross J, Sproat Phone s W. M. Stewart Phone 77 If it's Groceries, we have them. W. J Walker "& Son UNDERTAKING —and— EMBA?,LvIING Motor or Horse Equipment. W. J. WALKER. holder of GO -1 vernment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. Bulbs, Roses, shrubs For Spring List Ready EARLY ORDERS PAY Low prices tor quantity Niagara Nurseries Ltd. Niagara Falls, Ont. CHURNING CREAM WANTED.:.. Keep the wheels of Industry running in your own community. Send or deliver your.creatn to us and receive the utmost returns. This is your Creamery. Your satisfaction means our success. Highest prices paid for good creatn with accurate and careful weighing and testing. Cash paid for cream to all patrons desiring same. Seaforth Creamery Ca, Seaforth, Ont. D. H1 McInnes chiropractor Masseur Of Wingham, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, Monday and Thursday After- noons in future. Diseases of all all kinds, success- fully treated. Fruits and Vegetables ' At all prices to meet your need* SHELLED ALMONDS 60C a Per ib. TABLE RAISINS • FRESH, OYSTERS • HEAD 'LETTUC'E CELERY CAULf'`11'LOWERS TOMATOES CALIFORNIA P105 PhiIIJps T L -fop EaZE M It Rberhart's Drug Store Seahierth Special Optical Offer. High grade gold-filled spectacles and eye glasses with best flat spheri- cal lenses for only $4.00, All other style of frames and lenses at lowest Prices. Eyes examined by our well known specialist, Mr. Hughson, for- merly optical expert for Kent's, To- ronto, and Henry Morgan & Co., Montreal. You are assured of the best optical work to be obtained and at moderate prices.. Tuesday and Wednesday, March: 23, 24: Beattie's Fair, Seaforth. 12 McKILLOP. The following is the report of S. 5. No. 7, McKillop, for January and February: Sr. IV.—JGrace 'Somerville 88 per cent., Billie Timmer 74. Jr. IV Orval Holmes 75, Dorothy Driscoll 74, Ross Driscoll 68. Sr. III 'George Taylor $8, Eileen McLaughlin 80, Grace Perdue 71, Helen Sommerville 70, Dorothy Somer- ville 69, Cora Mathers 65, Arthur Bel - four 63. Jr. IIT,—Wallace Shannon 78. Jr. II.=Melville Shannon 89, Helen Tomlinson 88, - Everett Perdue 81, Walter Somerville 61. Jr, I,—Boyd Driscoll 75. / Jr. Pr.—Jim Balfour 78. E. M. Little, Teacher. EGMONDVILLE. The Y. P. S. C. E. of Egmondville Church held their weekly meeting on Monday evening b"r Mar. r Sa . 8th. The President, Miss MayWallace, occup- ied the chair and conducted the de 'otiotial exercises. Rev. W. D. Mc- Donald led in prayer. The Scrip. ture lesson was read by Mr. Edwin Chesney. Following this the topic on Japan Missions was taken I by George Holgate. Intermission was spent in solving ,an interesting .Irish contest. When the .meeting ' was called order, missionary a d to a n r ss unary 'offering was taken .up: 'The ininutes were read and adopted after Whicli 'the meeting closed with Mizpah IBenedic- tion, • BORN,' • KRUSE.—In Seafdrth hospital, on gSundey, Mardi 7th, 1926, to Mr. I;:'1 tiM�Mr�YM�- •-..—.. ...t..�a. V--T.+r�•. !ti own Topics * Inspector Field visited the public school on Wednesday. Mrs. Jake Wurm and. little daugh ter were Stratford visitors. Messrs. Carl Aberhart and Fred Crich are 'Toronto visitors. Miss Bessie Murdie, of Stratford is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Jeffery Miss Elsie Lowery has returned from a visit to Fordwich. Mr• Chris. Cheoros has rented Mrs. Patterson's house on North Main street and will occupy it for the present. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Welsh and son George were in London this week. Mrs, A. P. Joynt entertained the choir of Egmondville' Church last Thursday evening when an enjoyab.e time was spent. Miss Jean Muir, of Brantford, visit- ed at the home of her uncle, Mr, John Muir, over the week -end. Miss Sadie Baxter, of Mitchell, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Frank 'Baxter. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott 'Walters, of Tuckersnaith, entertained a number of their friends and neighbors on Friday night and a pleasant time was spent in cards and dancing. ' Mrs. David Papple, 'Tuckerstnith, is ill at present with ,bronchitis. Mr. Isaac Hudson was in London on Monday on business in connection with cream grading. Mr. Kenneth Arent has returned to the West, after spending the win- ter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Ament. Mr. Emerson Daley, of Kingsville, was in town last week renewing old acquaintances. Miss Ida McTaggart had the mis- fortune to slip and break her chip one day recently. Mrs. Geo. Sparks has returned from spending several months in De- troit. 'Miss Bessie Lane, of Stratford. Normal and Miss Jean Lane, of Km- loe, were week -end guests of Mrs. W. D. McDonald, at the Egmondviile manse. Mrs. J. Cuthill, who has been con- valescing at the home cif her sister, Mrs, J. C. Laing, has returned to her 'home in McKillop. Rev. Father 'Goetz was a Detroit visitor. Rev. Fa't'her Veninger, of Kitchen- er, conducted the services in St. James' Church last Sunday. Lieut. Stanley Williams, of Strat- ford, who was here two weeks ago assisting Capt. 'Tidman, of the Salva- tion Army, and who is well known in Seaforth, has left with a party of five other to do missionary work in India. 'Mrs. Zap1e, of London, was a week -end guett at the home of her mother, Mra. James Stewart, Eg- mondville. Mr. Dan. Matthews, of Hibbert, has leased this 100 -acre farm to Gus Bicknell, of McKillop, for the com- ing year. • Mrs. Thos. Coulter, of Egmond- ville, is visiting in Detroit. Mr. John Beattie was a Stratford visitor on Monday. Mrs. John R. Archibald is spend- ing a few days in Burlington and Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Will Pinkney and children, of Hamnilton, have been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pinkney. Mrs. Wm, Southgate underwent an operation at the hospital ori Wednesday. 'The London - I?eterboro hockey match broadcast from London on Tuesday evening caused nearly as much interest in town as if the game were here, So much for radio. An excellent missionary pro- gramme was provided by the primary class of the Presbyterian Church last Sunday 'afternoon, including splendid choruses and an interesting talk on in- cidents in the lives of Dr. George Leslie McKay and Dr. John G. Paton, s in Dr. Larkin was t Chatham Rev, on 'Wednesday, March 10th, 'where he addressed the Rotary Club, and spoke at a luncheon •of the Presbyterian men of the city. Mrs. W. Hogg, .who for some weeks at the mother, Mrs. Grieve, week to Stratford. Jimmie Flanagan, son of Mr. J. F1'airagan, jumped off the roof of the Devereaux blacksmith shop Saturday, and broke his leg. Miss Bertha Chesney is visiting friends in Toronto. The weekly meeting of the Mo- hawk Club was held on Wednesday ni.g,ht. March 10th. at the 'home of S. Katherine Doig, ,when a most enjoy- able time was spent. Peter, the little two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jordan, of Hibbert, who has been suffering for the last week -from an attack of pneu- monia, we are pleased to say, is re - 'covering and is considered out of clanger. . 'Mrs, Orval Weston of Detroit, is visiting her mother, . Mrs. Janes Graves. Miss Nellie. Williams, of Stratford, iswisiting friends in town. Mi•. Cargill, from the West, is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. . James Grieve. Mr. Ernest Chittenden was home from Toronto for the week -end.. Miss Irene Patterson has taken a position in London. Mrs.Jahn Pryce, 'McKillop, is s tsiting Mrs. T. Pryce, Market street. Mrs Donald, of Toronto; Mr, and Mrs. E. F. Davis, 'Tillsonburg, Mr. W. Davidson, Carlingford, Mrs, Pat- erson and 'Mrs. 'Gregory, of 'Strat- ord, were here attending .the funeral of thei 5 o. ate Mr. TeP b Davidson, Mrs. Eric lyfcKav, of Hensall, is visiting Mrs. ;C. Simpson. .r. 'Mrs. Wm, Nigh, and her brother. DIt. Dennis Barry, of Tuckerstnith. fisited on Friday last at the home of e former's daughter, Mrs. John ktalsh, McTCillop. ' has been ill home of her returned this Send us the names of your visitors. and Mrs. R. J. Kruse; of Esmond- l Want and For Sale ads, 3 tittles 50c ante,: i.a daughter. THE SEAFORTH NEWS. W. Bateman Tailor Main Street Seaforth We have a fine selection of New Spring uitings for your inspection KINDLY GIVE US A CALL. den! Let Us Save You $2,00 to $2.50 on Your Spring Shoes Men's High Grade Shoes, $7.50 and $7.50 vol.$t495 We were fortunate in securing these shoes from one of the lead- ing man ulama ters of Canada at a price which enables us to of- fer them to our trade at the above'low price Genuine calf Leathers Goodyear Welt Soles Hall Rubner Heels Comfortable fitting lasts Blucher and Straight Lace St)les, Gaeta and Oxfords, Absolutely New You'll need n new pair of alines for spring wear, come on down and save money. Economy. Shoe Store Opposite Public Library yS1 TRiMMIR VALL PAPtR' sAyFvrtmr, Here's the Happy Paperhanger! He's tappin.+off the selvage from a roll of STAUNTON SEMI. TRIMMED WALLPAPER and the reason he's happy is that he will do his work in far less time and his customer will be completely satisfied with the room when it is finished. The patterns of these papers are all in the newest ew st vog ue and the colourings are superb. Whether your lights na wallpaper that Is the very self of an embroidered brocade, a hand -wrought tapestry, or a gay chintz, across the room, you will not be able to tell if it is really wallpapers so perfect, so veritable Is the likeness to the fabric it simulates. Let us show you our New Samples. , Tli�nipson's BOOKSTORE •- Seaforth PHONE 257. DANCE AT waLroN in the Workmen's Hall FRIDAY EVENING. MARCH 12t h HOGG'S ORCHESTRA. The best Dance of the season. HAYFIELD. Mr. Frank Cameron, who spent the week -end with his father, Mr. A. Cameron, was unable to return to his home in Detroit until Tuesday morn- ing owing to the 'Huron and ;Bruce railroad being blocked. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm McLeod, of Fort Francis, arrived on . Friday last to visit Mrs..McLeod's mother, Mrs. Jas: Thomson. Mrs. \V. Parkinson, of Detroit, ar- rived on Tuesday to visit her brother, Wm. Osmond. Mrs. 'Margaret Green returned from Harriston last' week after visiting her sister for several months. Mrs. Ernest Vodden left on Thurs- daylast for her home in Alberta af- ter spending the winter with her par- ents, 'Mr. and Mrs: W. H. Talbot, of the Sauble Line. A' St. Patrick Social will be held on Wednesday evening, March 17th, in the basement of St. Andrew's United church under the auspices of the United Ladies' Aid •Society. An ex- cellent program will be given, con- sisting .of songs, readings, addresses and •instrumental music by the Y. P. S. Orchestra. One of the leading features of the evening will be a de- bate, "Resolved that the Irish make better Canadian citizens than the Scotch," The proponents of the af- firmative are Donald McKenzie, Wm. Stewart and Miss Gerrie. The nega- tive will be upheld by Colin Camp- beli, Harold Scotchmer and Mrs. Robt. Scotchmer. This debate prom- ises to be of great interest and should he a great drawing card. The ladies of the congregation will provide refreshments and some time will be allowed for Irish games, stunts, etc. The concert will cont- inence onninence sharp at eight o'clock. The Y. P. S. snot on Friday last. Miss Grace Jowett gave a very inter- esting address on "John Huss" from the study book, "Heroes of Our 'Iomelands," after which there was lommunity singing and games. The ,ext meeting will be on Friday of this Beek. A quiet wedding was solemnized at Trinity Church on Saturday last at 'calf past four o'clock by Rev. F. H. 'aull. when Ada T. Galbraith became 'he bride of John W. Reid, of Stan- 'ey Township. The bride was given 40 marriage b7, her brother, Mr. D. A. Galbraith. She wore a becoming 7rown of old coral chiffon over white silk crepe and trimmed with silver and white chiffon gathered at the side with white and old coral oriental pop- pies. Her hat was of silver metallic ^lath with flowers to match her mown and she ,wore the groom's gift, a handsome green gold wrist watch After the ceremony the bride donned a handsome henna bolivia cloth coat trini.nted with opossum fur and they left for Mr, D. Galbraith's home near Varna, where a sumptuous wed- ding diluter was served at which the toast to the bride was given by Mr, Frank Cameron in a silver loving cup which has been an heirloom of the Cameron family .for over two htmdred years. After a most enjoyable even- ing the happy couple left for their home amid showers of good wishes confetti and snow. Both the bride and groom are very well known and the good wishes of the community go to them for a very happy future. Mr. and Mrs. Reid will be at home to 'their I friends after the fifteenth of Diae h. Borar.�In Bayfield, on Friday, Mar. 5th, 1926, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Os- mond, a daughter. Miller's Worm Powders can do no nin rY to the most delicate child, Any child, or infant in the state of adoles- cence : who is ' infested .—with worms ran take this preoaration withnnt a rycalm of the stomaoh, 'and willfindn ik a sure telief;,apd a full protec- tion- from •these destructive pews. which are resoon ble for mach sick- ness and great suffering to 'legionsof little ones, We carry the Westii ghouse Radiola IIIA with Music Master Loud Speaker The mast satisfactory`set'at thelmost reasonable prices. Call and see them, J. J. Broderick Electrical Supplies An Oil without Alcohol.—Some mingling of six essential oils compose oils and many medicines have alcohol Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, and there as a prominent ingredient. A judicious I is no alcohol in it, so that its, effects are lasting. COO .. 7 BUYING CASH AND CARRY NORTH STAR FLOUR, per cwt. BEN HUR FLOUR, per cwt• FINE JEWELL FLOUR, per cwt, RED PATH SUGAR, per cwt. $4.25 $4.65 $4.55 $6.75 1 lb. Fresh ARROWROOT BISCUITS .. 25c 1 lb. Fresh FIG BAR BISCUITS 25c 5 Bars P. & G. SOAP 25c SCHNEIDER'S PURE LARD, per pound 20c SALADA TEA, per pound 65c 90 POUND ROLLED OATS $3.35 IT PAYS TO BUY AT OUR PRICES W. J. Finnioan SAVE THE BABY CHICKS Make them strong, sturdy, productive, EGG -LAYING Pullets, with Pratts Baby Chick Food. It costs a trifle more but is CHEAPEST in the end, judged by results. The extra chicks you save and raise, more than pay for all the 40 Pratts Baby Chick Food you use. Ask your dealer—there's one near you. r aby Chick Food Write for Pr.Etn Poultry Rook—FREE PRATT FOOD CO., OF CANADA, LTD. 328 Carlow Ave.., Toronto enessisenneennevionniner A SECOND CHANCE. If you found yourself handicapped in 1925 by lack of specialised training you can remedy it in 1926. A Business Course secured at THE CENTRAL will give you a start, lifting you out of the ranks of the low paid—the laid off. Classes now in session. Students may enter at air> time. Free Employment Service. Central Business College, Stratford, Ont. Priac•tiel, R, 1'. Lumsden,15.74 BN4IU The Special Milverton Flour We Have it—Give it a Trial. Also. Ground Screenings Chop of Till Kinds C. G. THOMSON GRAIN DEALER PHONE 25 Your Auto Needs Winter Storage, Charging and Repairing for all snakes of Batteries. A complete line of most called parts c d for ar is of various cars. • Now is the time to have your car overhauled Give us a call and see how reasonably it can be repaired, greased and cleaned. Dealer in New and Used Cars, Agent for Chrysler Four and Six, Cylinder Cars. iqegier's •r PHONE 1