HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1926-03-04, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEW
HENSALL. eonfiried to the hottsm all winter, was cordially invited.
Mr, Fred. 5mallaeombe, Jr., of DLit an Saturday'•and was, greeted by 1 The Thimble.. JCIab had a very
Guelph; is visiting lits aunt, Miss Mat -,his many friends. (Pleasant and profitable meeting at the:
tie Ellis. M'" lite a- 7 alt ke;t a4 pr1/- !ld• Manse las.) iursflay aftt,}nodn lis ey:
• l! -,j - b ;'Ivflss'G.adYs.`k a , nd is .?tache• ni etSsaajafktaglas ,,.Thuts¢av;'c'iat9t he'.,
Mass Grace,acarlia an,d 14lass �ohn„ y,,,o t�,; .1i " rpt n steiii' still :place. aglrls-sdrom. 5bet en
e k -en ;.. t a l etas e Siis, W, , ,., Bl? F.. u. r ,,,.1 . e - . .
'son Nisifed,:orer .tile w e,; d,...rtf.., .a� ,ref b r ea? u"''':are..eh eligibles fon Membership.
, . ,•. r t : °, Oti r +a till$ Suc61)4,,,; ansa t y P t . g p.
Ntss'6carl> Ets",,�plarea}t5 eta.. e f$ a, j' otX late 3'vin a yip"peert in Seafo'rtli ', A¢ the -;Young P•eop,le's service last
t a :; Messrs " mf `,�q, d, . nd :j,jar, . a- T g a Sunday' ni 'ht MiSs Jean; McLean re-
betli~irit is rem.41;7 els ernd..w9'tli^tela- Presbyterian there!! on Wedncsd y g
't p -S J P
' ' liY'1' and around. Hassall. of` this week., They have two -other sided. Mr. Wilfred ,l'Lellis, led in the
trues . concert engagements for this Week. very interesting literary study from
r. "Allen si d . algid Mr. Donald
M ' A number frons here attended. •the 'George Elfof5 Roinola, "The Fall' of
T o rsda i visited ju '' Landoll O11 sale of Mr, T, G. Shilling, near a Soul," and the president, Miss Mar-
Thursday. Listowel, Seaforth. on Tuesday afternoon. garet, Mollis, led: ill the discussion,
Mrs, Jos: her datl offer, of Hrry time dance will be put on The Young People have tilief :
dais hter Mrs.
An old t f
is visiting g in the Town hall on Friday evening committees. appointed for ,the St. Pao
Price: the of this week by the Hensall Dance ricks social to; be .held under !their
The Church
'People's anothern League of will .be furnish- aus rices on the 17th, A ood time
United Chiireh:held' big meet- Club. Old time. music I g
t ing in the church on Monday eyening, ed for- the occasion. fs assured to all—so mark;the date.,
.nearly 700 being present. This was Council Meeting. — The regular- Miss Grace McG.regar, who' has
the final meeting of the contest for meeting of the Village Council:2was nd. beenvisitisged friends et Detroit, 'has
membership between the Reds and held on Tuesday evening,March
he Blues. , A splendid program- pre- -All the. members were present
it Utes h' Mr r. W a 1 Cols our Chas returned to
pared by Miss Emily Morrison, was the Reeve 'in the chair. The m i
enjoyed. The President of the Lea- of .the last meeting were read on mo- evening. Y.e P. S. was held
on undad
gee;ue presided, The meeting opened tion of Campbell and McA a g. J.P
by singing a hymn, after which Mr. Sanitary Inspector George Hudson and Mr. W. Mellis took the topic.
Sinclair led in prayer. The ,Scripture asked, the Council',to set a fnrateu or visitis. ng V., the home of Mof Seafond this,
lesson was read by Ray Lammie. he fumigating houses after g q g
•to 'c on prayer was given by r. antined. After some discussion a Jas. McClymont.
t $3,I .swan set, , $, number of ,.,Miss McCowan, of Stanley, was
1 y ,Ha. ef l instrument naMc. , , given II,Fa A
{ �qGt tnuitieatio s .wercit lead • a71d fi1ed,„ :acwasstor.a�t.rthe home of Mr. and 'Airs.
S matt y franc h •w z_;, Thos; h e. rF
herritt� "6ta,:'by"'�'Mrs� Agar; The auditors" � report was 'hande'd Deitx • ", , •
! ' rot nd and was given considerable Mrs. Robt, Eigie'has been 'confinedstruei 'Sam Mesa , and an ld astruienttiio by Messrs. Ben. Eid- discussion. A number of accounts tot her room ete attack aipleof bufk5:',
er, Jds. Broadfoot and Donald Hog- I were passed and ordered paid. with a oe grip
gartli, aceotnpanid by Mrs. Elder on matter of the members of the' Board somewhat improved at present.
-"Rhe piano. The president then -an -'of Health was brought up and it was Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hayter gave a
pounced that the attendance of the finally moved by R. Higgins, second- farewell party to their many friends,
-IB•1nesaweres345-and'the Reds 297, the ;ed by Robt. McArthur, that Owen in this community on Monday even-
nBlues•-laeing.59-ahead in the contest -'Geiger, reeve, Alex. Murdoch, clerk, ing last, before moving to their new
Mrs. Robt. Patterson, captain of the 'Sanitary 'Inspector Geo, Hudson •andbottle' in Stanley'towns'hip.
Reds, then came on the platform and Dr. 'Moir be the 'Board of Health for Mrs. John Workman is recovering
warmly congratulated Miss Katie ,1926. Mr, 'Higgins brought up the nicely after her recent accident' and
Scott, captain of the !Blues, and her . matter of the Government taking her many friends are thankful she
army of workers, on their success.' over our cement street, being a con- was net hurt more seriously.
Mrs. Patterson spoke very nicely on , necting link on the ,Government syn- Mrs. Jas. McDonald has returned
the way the campaign was conducted, tem of Highways, and asked the after spending a very pleasant visit
its friendly rivalry,and said that the reeve for any information along these with friends in Windsor and Detroit,
Reds were good sports and would lines. The member for South Huron, Mrs. J. W. McLean and son visit -
take their defeat with the best of Mr. Trewartha, in conversation with ed friends in Exeter one day recently.
spirits. Miss Scott said a few words Mr. Higgins, on Saturday, intimated Miss Margaret Cooper has returned
in reply and said that she was proud that the Government would probably to her home in London after a pleas -
of her Blues. The Blue side will be do more to help pay the cost of the ant visit with 'her many friends in
entertained by the Red side on Mon-tconnecting links, possibly 75 per cent., this vicinity.
day evening, March 15th in the of the cost, instead of 40 p.c. at the Mr. and Mss. D. S. Blair and dau-
church. The big auditorium of the present.. Mr. Geiger said that the ghter, of Lawson, Sask., spent the
church was completely filled, the ush- matter was discussed at the County week -end at the home of Mr. and
ers having to make use of the seats Council with the Government Engin- Mrs. J. W. McLean,
in the aisle; the gallery was packed eer, and it was very probable that
and quite a number took refuge up in something substantial would be done. tHILLSGREEN.
the choir seats. The president said, Mr. Trewartha said that some
in closing, that she hoped we would amendments would likely be made to
have as good attendance in the fu- the Highways Act in -April and that
ture meetings and as numb interest he would send any information .re-
taken as during the contest. The quired. The matter of the rebate of
pastor, Mr, Sincliar, addressed the oil taxes to Levi Rands, which was
audience for a few moments and hop- left over from the last meeting, was
ed he could see the church as well again discussed. The Clerk explain -
filled on Sundays as well as Monday cd the situation. Mr. Rands again ap-
evenings. Next Monday evening will pcared and asked for his rebate, but
be missionary meeting with the syn- as it is the custom in the village for
tematic offering. 'those getting the benefit to pay the
Men's Sunday was held in the Unit- oil tax, no action was taken. The
ed Church on Sunday last, Rev. Mr. Collector handed in the collector's
Sinclair preaching to men at both roll with a few small amounts not
services with a -men's choir. The Paid. He was asked to keep in touch
services were greatly enjoyed by the with those taxpayers, and collect the
Large congregation. The choir gave amounts due as soon as possible. The
a good account of themselves. The meeting then adjourned to meet again
first anthem was "I Need mane the first Tuesday in April.
Every Hour," solo parts being taken Literary Society.—The Literary So-
hy Mr. Samuel Dining and Mr. John ciety of the Hensall Continuation
\McLean, A solo was rendered by School held their meeting on Friday
Mr, iV ". McLean and the second an- afternoon with Miss Grace Manson
them given by the choir "Bring Them Presiding, and Miss Aldythe Eacrett
In," was well rendered. At ^the even- acting as Secretary. The meeting was
ing service, besides anthems, Mr. °Petted by singing "My Bonnie Lies
Thos. Sheritt sang a solo and a gear- Over the Ocean," after which the
tette composed of Messrs. Thos, minutes of the last meeting were read
Palmer, E. Rennie, Geo. Foliick and and adopted. Isobel Alexander then
Geo. 13rown. A Sunday for women gave A very pleasing instrumental
will be held in the church with a which was followed by readings by
lato go Milton Boyce and Mildred McDon-
sc me toes t beatb thut e lmen's ey ticl ol ireof last aid. entitled, "Rip Van Winkle."
Sunday. Louise Drummond gave a very pleas -
Quite a large number of the local trig solo. The pupils then tried their
hockey fans gathered in the sitting hest to win the contest in which some
roam of the hotel on Friday evening of the pupils would come in repre-
last and hoard the hockey match be- senting some city. After the contest,
tweet; London and Galt over the Pearl Elder favore', the audience with
radio, The returns came in fine, each a solo. The meeting closed by sing -
mot's' of the players being reported. ing 0 Canada."
The last match of the series in the I BAYFIELD.
Cyclone League which was to have 1
been played on the Zurich rink onMrs. Harrison, of Brucefield, spent
Thursday evening last, was post-, the week -end with Mrs, F. Baker.
paned on account of wet weather, if
the ice is in good enough shape,. will
be piaycd off Wednesday of this
wed; at Zurich. Zurich is two goals
tap in the series.
'The 11 t jai Feed ,..how of the South
1151,• i ' icnl.t, al Society vas held
it, If..asal 7 11nn Frii ay laet. The lar• e
c ow". ana'n'r of the town huff wa,
well Ilile,1 with different kinds r -
see 'ts at grains. Profe;,or Squirrel
of Glicinh. 0. A. C., tt ti present as
1i •dgt an gave a demonstration in
the jt u; of grain and his reasons.
He a! i discussed the raising of alfal-
fa' the way to harvest it. Mr. W.
D. Saunders, of Exeter gave an ad-
dress on general far,-ing, A number
of questions were asked and a keen
interest was shown by the large
crowd present in the addresses of the
two speakers. The prize list: There was considerable discussion re
lI dro. Air effort is being made to
No. 72 Oats—Wm. Pepper.
Y g
t, er,
White Oats—Robt. McLaren, El -;have a special Act of Parliament
more Klapp; Oscar Moot), W. p, passed so that Bayfield can get Hydro
Dougall. Ion the rural plan. There were two
Barley—Wm, Pepper, J. Manson & applications for the office of Village
Clerk, A Dunn and James H. Reid.
Sons. W. R. Dougall
Field Peas --Win, Pepper, John,E F. Merner and J. Parker favored
Peeper. A. Dunn; J. Pollock and L. Thomp-
Field Beans—W. R. Dougall, ,. Wm,
Ret] Clover Seed—Sam Dougall.
Alfalfa—Henry Keriger.
Alsike-Oscar Klopp, John ,,Pep-
Early Potatoes—Win. Chapman,
Late Potatoes -Wm. Chapman, W.
R. Dougall.
Buckwheat—Oscar Klapp, '
Mr. Robt. Higgins, accompanied
by his son, Harold, made a business
trip to Clinton' on aSturday: and spent
Sunday visiting his brother, Mr, Wm.
Higgins, and mother, Mrs. Thos, El-
ston. Mrs. Elston's many friends will
be sorry to hear that she is in very
poor health, suffering from high
blood pressure and a general.. break-
up of the system.
Mr; Sam. Rennie, who has been
visiting his sister, Mrs. Paisley, in
Montreal for this last three weeks,
has returned home.
The young people of the Chisel -
burst United Church put on their
play inthe town hall on Friday even-
fng,i entitled` "Nothing`, to Do." Every
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Love, of
Hensall, are spending a few days with
their son, Mr. Hugh Love.
Mrs. James Forrest, son and dau-
ghter, James and Annie, who have
been spending the past two months
with her mother, Mrs. J, Cochrane,
have returned to their home in
Moosejaw. Miss Annie, who is a
teacher in the Public school there,
has to start teaching on the 15th.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hart attended
the funeral of her brother Samuel, in
Stephen, on Monday of this week.
Mr. Bruce Walker has returned
home much improved in health.
Mr. Fred Parsons went to London
on Wednesday to undergo an opera-
tion for appendicitis.
Quite a number in and around our
burg are laid up with bad colds.
March' has come in like a lion and
if the okl saying is true, it will go out
like a lamb, which means an early
spring, and no doubt the farmers will
welcome it as the barns are getting
lean of feed,
Mrs. Harry Bennewies is still con-
valescing in the Seaforth hospital and
her many friends are pleased that site
and her baby boy arc in the best of
Want and For Sala Ads, 3 times, 50c.
Of Valuable Farm in
Under and by virtue of the powers
of sale contained in a certain mort-
gage, which will be produced at the
Miss M. T, Taylor is visiting her time of sale, there will be offered ,,for
sister, Miss Rachael Taylor. sale by public auction at the Queeh's
air. ani Mrs. Dixie Barber, who hotel in the Town of Seaforth; on
have been spending the past couple of Saturday, the 20th day of March, 19211
., emits with relatives here and at at the hour of two -thirty o'clock in
Clinton, left for their home • at the afternoon the following property;
TTawkesclale, .Alberta, this wecic. They Being composed of the West half of
will visit at Toronto and Prince Al- lot nember eighteen and the east half
f art on the way hone. - of lot number nineteen, all in the
Sir. and Mrs, \V, A. Mustard enter- Eleventh cntaceesiott of the Town-
mintt t large number of friends on'sl'ip .of i,icFitbop, in the County' of
Teestlav evening in honor of Mr, and Huron, containing one hundred acres
Mrs. Baitey. 'more or less,
The regular meeting of the Council The land is a rich clay loam and
vas held at the Town Hall Monday there' are 'erected on the Property a
evrninn. March 1st. All Members gond frame house and a good bank
were present and Reeve in the chair. barn. There are about four acres of
A request was made by the Chair- bush on the place. This property is
man of the Library Bard asking for conveniently Situated as to Church,
an increaser) grant. This was tonsil- School and market.'
Bred advisable and $20 was granted, Terms of Stile. -10 per cent. of the
purchase money to be paid on the
day of sale and the balance within
three weeks thereafter: Arrangements
May be mass for part of the pur-
chase money' to remain on mortgage.
The property will be offeredfor sale
subject to a reserved bid.
For farther particulars and condi-
tions of sale, apply to:=
Seaforth, Ont.
Solicitors for She' Vendor.
Dated March 4th, 1926.
Thomas Brown, Auctioneer.
son favored J. Reid, so it was left
with the Reeve to decide and he de-
clared J. Reid appointed,
Mr. Alfred Scotchmer, Sr„ who is
et his daughter's, Mrs. Butler, near
Clinton, had the misfortune to fall on
the ice and fracture his thigh. It' -was
his 86th birthday. His many friends
here hope for a speedy recovery. •
Mrs. Walker W-stlake had a birth-
day party 'Monday evening when a
large mmnber of her friends were
present and had a most enjoyable
time and wish her many happy
Mr, Wm. J. Elder is holding 'a
clearing sale of farm stock and imple-
ments on Tuesday next, March 9th.
Mr, Elder is retiring from the farm.
Mr. James Grassick, 2nd of Stan-
ley, is holding an auction sale on
March 15th,
The Friendship Bible Class of St,
Andrew's United Church is planning
to hold a class banquet in the base-
ment of the church on Tuesday even-
part in the' play was 'well taken andInge March 9th, All the members of
greatly enjoyed - by the large crowd the class and all those " who would
present. The proceeds were $105,00, like to join the class in their regular.
htr, John Mitchell, who has been Sunday morning Bible. study are
Of Farm Stock and, Lmpletnents,
and a quantity of Household Effects.
Geo, H, Elliott has been.. instructed
by William J. Elder to sell on 1,.ot
made of open hearth steel and: copper bear ng wire
—it will -stand a greater stra n than any other fence
on the market and is more rust resisting..
t Reduced Prices
6 wire fence, 40 inches high ..........:.....,..36c cash
7 wire fence, 40 inches high............ ..,.......40c'cash
8 wire fence, 42 inches high, even spaced 45c cash
Poultry 'try Fence
18 wire fent,, 48 inches high 744?t4hp
BE;D ,VPI; "�'in.:Eiglity�Rodr Spools
20 Wire. fence, 60 inches high, ...
2 -point
4 -point
U -Bar posts 87 inches long
per roll' $4.25, cash
per roll $4.60 cash
each 45c cash
For convenience in cartage we will allow a customer to
take his wire home now and take advantage of the cash
price up till •April the fifteenth, Draw it on the sleigh.
Geo. A. Sills & Sons
box, Clinton fanning mill; 6 h. p.
Wilte engine, grain crusher, 30 ft,
6 -inch belt; 10 ft. 4 -in. belt; emery
grinder, 2,500 lbs. stock scales, buggy,
cutter, gravel box, 125 ft. inch piping,
pair of pine gravel box sides, cedar
ladder pole, quantity of oak plank,
stock rack, DeLaval cream separator,
sugar kettle, oak barrel, 9 -ft. cedar
anchor posts, team harness, 'brass
mounted; set single harness, horse
collars, pair horse blankets, goat
robe, wheelbarrow, 25 gallon coal oil
drum, grass seed box, fence slats, 2
logging chains, work bench, 20
bunches shingles, quantity of oats I
and' barley suitable for seed. A few
tons of hay, and other articles too
numerous to mention. Positively no
reserve as the proprietor is giving up
farming. Furniture — Extension
table, 6 dining chairs, oak sideboard,
rocking chair, 2 bedroom suites with
springs and mattress, hanging lamp,
parlor Lamp, Daisy churn, butter
bowl, 3 -burner coal oil stove with
oven, Sterroria range, 2 lamps, wash-
ing machine. Terms.—All sums of
ten dollars and under, cash; over that
amount, 12 months' credit will be
given on furnishing approved John
notes; 5 per cent off for cash; fat
cattle, cash. \Vm. J. Elder, prop ie
tor; G. H. Elliott, auctioneer.
Of Farm Stock, Implements and
Household Effects.—George H. El-
liott has been instructed to sell by
public auction on, Lot 22, Concession
7. McKillop, on Thursday, March
18th, at one o'clock, the following:
Horses—One gelding 10 years old, 1
gelding 9 years olcl, 1 filly 3 years old,
1 driver 10 years old. Cattle -1 cow
to freshen April 16, 1 cow to freshen
April 121h, 1 cow. to freshen April
21st, 1 cow to freshen April 26th, 1
Heifer freshened about January 1st
1 heifer freshened about February 1st,
2 heifers rising 2 years old, 2 young
calves. Pigs -2 sows with litters, 1
sow doe about June 7th, 1 soot due
about May 7th, 1 sow clue ab
April 10th, 2 sows clue about June lett,
1 Registered Berkshire sow due about
March 27th, 1 registered Tamworth
!hoar, Ronghill Victor -19310-, r,
chunks. Hens—About 100 Plymouth
Rock hens, hred-tn-lav.strain, 3 thnr-
oughbrecl Plymouth Rock roosters, 2
sets nests for setting hens, 1 f-edin
crate for chickens, 2 grey geese, 1
grey gander. Implements -14 ,st of
them nearly. new,. 1 Massey -Harris
binder 7 -foot cut, 1 Deering mower, 6 -
foot cut, 1 Massey=T-Iai•fis hay loader,
1 Massey -Harris 13 disc drill, 1 In-
ternational side rake, 1 dump rake, 1
John Deere, cultivator, 1 spade 'disc,
1 Clover Leaf manure spreader, 1 set
level harrows, 1 riding corn scuffler,
1 land roller, 1 Hamilton walking
plow, 1 riding plovb, 1 set sloop
sleighs, 1 flat 'rack for sleighs, 1 In-
ternational wagon, 1 rolling hay rack,
1 truck; wagon, 1 gravel box, 1 wag-
on box, 1 stock rack, 1 set of weigh
scales 4,000 lbs. capacity, 1 set Stew-.
art power clippers, 1, inch hay fork
rope 165 feet•,long, .3new puileys, new
hay car, 'Workman , Ward; I hay
fork, 1 set slings and chain; 2 fanning
mills, 1 Smalley's : cutting box and
carriers, 1 DeLaval cream separator,
1 root putper, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 set
brass mounted breeching ,harness
nearly new, 1 Dore rubber tire buggy,
9, Con. 12, 31,4 miles 1 Portland cotter, I- 'work bench.
northeast of Hensall, : on - Tuesday, anvil, 1 bellows, quantity :of lumber
March 9th, at 1 o'clock sharp, the and plank, white ash, elm and hem -
following property, namely: Horses•
-1 good Agricultural mare, 5 years
old; 1 good third ligrse or driver, 9
years old. .Cattle. -3 cows clue to
freshen in March, 1 cow milking, 2
farrow cows, fit; 6 fat steers rising
3 'years; 5 fat steers rising 2 years;
3 heifers, rising 2 years; 2 baby beef
calves. 4 calves, rising 1 year; 1 calf,
2 months old. Also 50 hens. Im-
pierncnts.—McCormic'c binder, 6 -ft.
cut; mower, hay rake, cultivator,
Massey -Harris 14 -hoe drill, 4 -section
diamond harrows, Acme harrow,
Oliver corn cultivator, plow, scuffler,
set of sleighs, Brown & Clark's, make,
new; wagon,'. grain and stock rack,`16
ft,; 19=ft, hay rack, new; .Bell cutting'
lock, 34 -foot extension ladder, log-
ging chains, new sets of whiffle-
trees, a large number of Miscellan-
eous articles, shovels forks, etc. Cer-
tain quantity of household effects, in-
cluding steel range, 2 heaters, 3 pieces'
linoleum, 1 bedroom suite, 1 dining
room suite, tables and -chairs, cup-
board .and barrel churn. About 12
cords mixed wood, quantity of hay
and grain. Terms.—All amounts of
$10 and under, cash; over that am-
ount 11 months' credit given on bank-
able notes. Five per cent• per annum
allowed for cash on credit amounts.
Wood, hay, grain, household effects,
cash. Gordon E. Webster, proprie-
tor; G. IL Elliott, 'auctioneer.
Wednesday.; March 3rd.
Wheat per buss ..$1,25
Ott' ler Bus s.- 4
garev ;bei li'usltel" ' 60c
Buctewheat, per bushel Choc
Shorts, pes,cwt, $lfaa
Bran, per cwt $1.60
Butter, per lb 38-40c
Eggs, per dozen 28e -33 -
Potatoes, per, bag ... $1.75
Hamper. cwt. $13.00
House -keeping rooms and cellar
Or two; also garden if desired. Ap-
ply MRS. F. D. HUTCHISON, cors,
nor Market and Jarvis sts, 9
6 -roomed frame Nouse, hard and
1 soft .water, lights, with -stable and
garden, on John street. Apply at
I The News Office. 10.
Farm for sale, being Lot 7, Con..
15, Township of Grey: Foe pattaculara
app') to W , rJ WO Dr5,t `>r?alion,
McCLURE.—In McKillop, on Satur-
day, Feb. 27th, 1926, to Mr. and
Mrs. Robt, McClure, a daughter.
CLUFF. In Detroit, Mich., on Feb.
. ,, Mr. lVLluam Cluff.
M:,ler's Worm Powders destroy
worms without any inconvenience to
the child, and so effectually that they
pass from the body unperceive'',
They thoroughly cleanse the stomach
and bowels and leave them in ,a' con-
dition not favorable to worsts, and
there will be no revival of the pests.
Beef by the quarter or by the cut.
First-class beef. Call Gus Hicknell.
phone 64r9 Dublin: or James J
Murray, phone 17r23 Dublin. tf
Having taken over the agency of the
late James Cowan for the
Farmers' FertilLer Co., V,ringham,
I will '•e pleased to fill all orders Jf
both old and new customers and give
any information within ntv I:nntvledgo
Box 282. Seaforth.
Ph ..e 44W.
Also Agricultural Lime
100 acre farm for sale, being Lot
7, on the 14th Concession of Grey
township. 7 -roomed frame house,
bank barn, driving shed, hen house
and hog pen. 4 acres of fall wheat,
14 acres of timber, running creek,
never -failing well at house, good
bearing young orchard with all win-
ter fruitbut -one' tree; -well, fenced:
Fall plowing nearly all done. For
further particulars apply to ROBT.
COCHRANE, r.r . 2, Brussels,
Here's Your
Spring Suit
Tailored to Measure
andH. HUGH ROSS, Physic
Urgeon. Late.,, oil London, Hos-
pital, 'London, • Englandc i $pi%tat.
attention to diseases of the a eirnear,:
nose and throat. 'Office an'r reg
cute behind Dominion Rank. ()the...,
Phone No. 5; Residence Phone 10
DR. F. J. BURROWS, Seafaetk.
Office and residence, Goderich street,
east of the Methodist church. Crp`
over for ;the County of Baron. Tab.•
phone No. 40.
DR.. C. MACKAY.—C Maclean
honor graduade of Trinity Wren.
ity and sold medallist Thalia
Medical College; member of the Gs&
lege of. Physician's and Surgeotta M
_DR. F 1, R, FORSTER, Ey fare
atit-ThilbalsV. c,�radu,te-"sa�Mi . T
citfe'CJnieersity ofTwonto'1$97
Late .Assistant New York OphthslL..
mic and Aural Institute,'Mooredaid'`
Eye, and Golden Square Throat MM '
Otitis, London. England. AO
Commercial Hotel, Seat' o r t h,•
third Monday in each to eat*,
from 11 a.nt. to 3 p.m. 53 Waterls
street south, Stratford. Phone VA
You'll get the high grade imported
cloths you prefer—
You'll get the up-to-the-minute, dis-
tinctive styles you are looking for—
You'll get an excellence of fit and
finish you'd hardly hope for—
The new Spring models and the new
Spring Clothes are the finest ever.
And Don't Forget the Guarantee
If you're not completely satisfied--
atisfied—ask for your ntmiey back. You'll get
it without question.
P,O. box 350. s Phone 259-J.
Representing The House of
Tailors to Canadian gentlemen for
40 years,
How c..4 n a Letter coreati.
pete with y r v
Din .d". 9t, s sad a alb ear—
n a eau's 'or
`tet," Our Long Distance bill averages over
$20o a ynonth. We use it constantly."
Writes a Seed Merchant
Johnny Hines
The boy with the Million Dollar Grin in the Comedy Thriller
The Speed Spook
Racing scenes photographed on the Altoona board speedway with
America's famous drives appearing.
Also showing First Episode of Pathe`s' Crook. Serial
written by COMMISSIONER ENWRIGHT, Police Chief of New.
York City, featuring
Richard Dix
Shock bun
The Sh k ch
and Second Episode of '"INTO THE NET"'
DR. 3. A. MUNN
Successor to Dr. -R. R. Ross, Grads -
ate of N rthweetern University, Chi-
cago. II1. Licentiate Royal College ftp
Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Offer
over Sills' hardware, Main street, Sea -
forth. Phone 151.
Musical Instruction.
CHAS. A. HOWEY, organist and
choir director, North Side ' United: .
Church, Seaforth. Instruction given
in piano, organ and theory. ,Studio
over the Dominion Bank.
Auctioneer for the County of Huron.
Arrangements can be made for Sale:
Date at The Seaforth News. Charge.
moderate and satisfaction guaranteed,
General Fire, Lite,
Accident & Automobile
and Deafer in Singer Sewing Machine.
James Watson
North Main St. ' SEA1•Uktl•H, ONT.
Mutual Fire Insurance Coo
James Connolly. Goderieh; Ales.
James Evans. Beechwood, Vice Pres-
ident; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth,
Sec. -Treasurer.
\Vm. Rinn, No. 2. Seaforth; Jobe
Benneweis, Brodhagen; James Evans,
13eechwoocl; M. McEwen, Clinton!
James Conolly, Goderieh • ;Alex.
Broadfoot, No. 3, Seaforth; J. G.
Grieve. No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris;
Harlock; George McCartney, No. 3;
Seaforth; Murray Gibson, Brucefield, -, --
Alex. Leitch, R.R. 1, Clinton; It
llinchley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray, R-
R. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V. Yeo,
l-lolntesville; R. G. Jarmouth, Born-
hnitn. James Kerr and John Goven-•_
o ;,, Settforth, auditors.
Parties desirous to effect insurance.'
or tranacst other -i usiness will be'
promptly attended to by applieatioirt
'o any of the above officers addressed"
.11r, respective postoffiCea.
s ted"'
fi is
that tired look and "ragged"
feeling otit of rant*
Say "Boucilla Facial" to,
your , barber .and coma ftp
smiling with a new alipear-
ance of 'vim and fitness Be
one of the "million a week."
(Just Around the Corner)
Having purchased the Laundry
business on Main street, Seaforth,
from W. H. Lee, I am prepared
to make a good job of your
Laundry work.
The .Oil of Power, It isnot claim-
ed for Dr: Thomas' Eclectrie,-Oil .that
it will remedy, every ill, 'but its- uses
itre so various that it may be looked
upon a general pain killer. It has.
achieved that greatness for itself and.
its excellence is known to all .who
have tested its virtues and learhed by + '