HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1926-02-04, Page 3Our Crethzation Dependent ANAEMIA SHOWS IN THE STREAMS OF. LAVA POURED FORTH on.1)VoodI�roducts. c From the eery_begruning. foresta:VARYI G ,S M PTO S have piaye : `ear important Hurt in hn ti 'And .;91 a Result Earth 'etas. Divided Into Land and Ses. th ui developmeut. r s The' forest wee our earliest shelter, A, wooden club ,was man's first weapon. The wooden Pains and Aches Disappear fire raised man from tlteaetatus of the beast and started hini on the "road to sleek, not a mere existence, but coin - When the Blood is Built Up. When the blood ie thin every 'organ forte Tdieae 'toneforteR are what we of the body r3ul'Lers. Steariaenela shows' call civilization. Any forestry organ!, In ial,iige„ilon, irervoutniise and head zation believes that :civilization to -day achee as weld se itn lose of color and depends on wood products and that strength. Maly symptom%s, develop the future of our civiljswtion must be. which' to the patient suggest widely provided for 'or else it wilhgo down to 'different diseases -and so cause much oblivon. . Thet this .belief is 'correct needless' e5'5wehenslom The quick-- woiticl;lt'ppeor to be "borne out ".by .the ness with which. its supply of rich red fact, that at no•time in the world's blood will drive away all these pains hislory'^fits the per capita cone:umption and aches is shown by the result of of wood product$ equalled that prevail -'treatment with each a reliable blood- king to -day and this consureptioh is 1lutldimg tonic ae Dr. Williams',Pink apparently increasing, Pills. Time value of thin medicine ase Great Britain, during the pant 76 felly :moved by the experience of Miss Years has increased her per capita con Alice Sandberg, •Ogema, Soaks who snmption fioih time to four, times Bays:—" I can speak^ with the highest her totalconsumption approximately praise of Dr. Wilbiaiiie' Pink Pills, for six times;. Yet Great ^Britain le one to this medicine owe :try present of the nowt coneervative users of tion- good health, Last winter I became ber products and requires tb import rundown, wee pale" and slekly" look - 75 p ,r cent, of the material used, Can- ing, My back ached and I heel severe alae wood requirements are, increas- pains 'in the etoniaclt. At. times my Ing at the ,rate of about 26 million head ached and I would keel dizzy, "2 cubic feet iter year. The railways of tried "varioais inedieinee but they dill America nee about este quarter of the not help me. A friend advised me to total production. These railways are toy Dr, Williams' Pink Pills., and I can anxious' about 'their future supply scarcely say how' glad I am that I which is foa!eing them into the use of 'acted on this advice. I had nit been wood preservatives. According to the taking the pills very long when I felt American Railway Association, in 1909 a change for -the better. Day by day the 'Railways, beer} 75 million, cubic feet I became stronger. The headaches; of preserved timber, in 1914 169 mil- baeleaches, stomach troubles and dizzi- lion; 1919, e1.46 million; 1923'224 reit- Hess disappeared ansl I was again en, lion or: an -average= for the last four }Dying good health. You may be sure years of 185 million cubic feet. I ehall ever have a good word to say, There is however one factor .which for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills:" threatens this future supply and that is FIRE.' Keep firs oat and the stand- ard of civilization attained in this country will not be threatened. An Isle of Ghosts. Iona, the green and grassy island 01 the Inner Hebrides, where the Dow- ager Dltohess of Argyll wee buried re- cently, is an isle of ghosts,.' It is holy ground., Fifty-three kings are buried there=kings of Scotland, Norway, France, and Ireland. It was entitle Ione strip of moor and beach, lying at the foot of the Roes of Mull, that St. Columba 'landed in 563 and founded the monastery the ruins of which beer his name to this day. That monastery was destsined to be- come the heart and centre of Celtic. Christlanita and a place of pilgrimage to which people came by long and painful ways from all over Rueope— ooming that they might die on its holy ground. Their bones ale avai'ywllere. xings. and. prinoee, chieftains of great High- land clans, southuron. barons, and mer- chants of Old London—they all came to this lone island Of the western seas to die, ' It is their ghoete who haunt Iona today --their ghosts and the wraiths of the monke who were slain vrhen the Norse -sea -ewers sailed up the Sound of lona, landed at Bu4'le Mor, and sacked the holy --:laces. That is why no man of Iona will, even to -day, walk of nights by the Reilig Dison. Sit round the peat fire of nights and listen to Ceilidh, and you will hear why these spirits. are -restless•, It Se because of the dark work done in the day of the Retormatton, .when three hundred and sixty of the eaofed cross- es of Iona were torn off the graves of the dead and oast into the sea. Then, too, there are the ghostly Marks of a mania giant ribs' left in the sands when the' tide goes out— signs certain of the days when St. Columba fasted so greatly that the resting place of his •emaciated body was iniprin•ted in a stone for all time. The Man. Who Came Back. As a man may do, he had built his world In the sweat of two -score years; And as Fate ordained, in a breath it was hurled 'o rubble about Ms ears. I. watched hint rise, a'bake off dismay lis one might a rusted fetter; • And under his breath l heard him say. "Next time I'll build •1t ')setter!" His eyes were grim and his jaw was set" In a manner that boded trouble; It isn't the easiest sort of bet, To build up your life from rubble. But 110 aslted no favors, 'eought no odde; His grin was the`.best of answers To all.of the littlemalignint gods: "Now beat me again if you can, sirs!" And slowly sett of the dust there came A goodligl' broader plan, Though the old foundation •remained the same— The granite soul of a roan. And somehow the little devils of woe I7arrierl l," g•• heels 110 longer; There's iittla_Lrtri' in a knock -out blow If it leaves"your foe the etronger!. For oak and cypress and pine decay, And iron dissolves in rufst; But e stalwart heart goes on its way Thodgh the world be palms and dust; Anel -wealth more preciousthan lands or cash is the grit ot the ironwilied Who can say: "I'm glad• that my world went smash For it taught res how to build! --Ted Oleon in '=Forbes." Meat that has to be kept for a'day or two before -being cooked wil(rein8in fresh if sprinkled w'th' charcoal. If you need a blood -building tonic begin taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills' Uncial'. Sold by ael medicine deplore or sent by mall et 50 cents a box by The Continents emerge above the sea. Then the formative porioi of the earth drew to a close andthestory of the earth ae we know it began. Secrets of Science By David Dietz. After millions of years, the primeval ram began . to fall direotly upon the molten surface of the earth. At first it would he turned back to steam im-1 mediately. I But at last the molten surface of Wel writing The Dr, Williams' Mesdi,cine; eaitli beggar to cool off. Then sealant Co., Brockville, Ont," The Three -,Graces. I never thought I'd like to be a cook Until I saw lamella Steal tragic from a small red -covered book -- m And store it in the cellar; Until I saw her slim white- fingers charm' '� A -hundred luscious flavors From, all the common things around the farm And pass them out as favors! I never thought the simple urge to sew Would ever seize my fancy Until I watched intriguing stitches grow On garments made by Nanny;" - Till, seated with the sunlight on her hair, I saw her coax dull duty, (Plain fabric that a romping child may wear) (Into a thing of beauty. - I never had the gardening complex Until, observing Polly, I learned how brandishing a trowel wrecks ALI care and melancholy Until I rnarked,,a rainbow at her feet Wherever they descended And guessed how many lives were tirade more sweet By posies. that she tended. "rhe poets. and the painters and he Wads, Who star the skyey places, Perhaps won't miss them, if a few awards Aught on humbler graces; On all the little housewives, if you please, Who esteaciiiy are giving, With that rare smile on which the world agrees Pres lessons in Sine living„ —Ruby Weyburn Tobias in Youth's Compan ion. Those old enemies, sae, acidity, pain and dis- comfort are soon knocked for a fare -thee -well by Seigel's:Syrup. Any drugstore. A Fit Revenge. The French writer Alphonse Karr is the author of an entertaining set of books that the calls: The Wasps. It is full of amusing stories, one of which we .print for the gratiflcatlon of all lovers of cats, especially those whosee pets have been -abused or perhaps killed byunsympathetic neigl'tbore:: Madame D. rejoiced In a magnificent cat.. M. de C. amused himself one day by shooting it, whereupon Madame D. set mouse traps -in her house and in the houses other friends. When site had collected about four hundred mice, alae put them in a .bog and sent it to Madam_ a de C in her chateau.; Madame tie C. opened it 'herself, hoping she Mould find a number of new gowns. At4-lhe bottom of the box was a not& addressed to her: "llfadame, your hus- band killed my cat, I. send you my mice. " Probably the longest guts in the, world isthat situated on Long Island, U.S.A., which is 89 feet in length oation began. Geologists believe that the heavy basic crystals, such as the crystals of metallic sulphides, formed first. These would sink below the surface as they formed. Then tine" lighter remaining mar teriale began to solidify.. Asea result geologists believe that the ,original crust of the earth was formed of the lighter types of rocks known ash graitlttes% As the crust of the earth formed and cooled, a permanent ocean of acid waters began to collect upon its sue.' face. But for along time, probably mil- lions of years, there was 'a great ! struggle between the rain and the cool - leg materiels .at the surface' of the' earth and the hotter materials below.' Noiv and then ]rot lavas would break 'through the forming crust upon the surface, pouring their boiling fiery syeams over it. But at last the crust was formed and the acid waters gathered upon it form- ing an poem reveres thousand feet -deep which coveredthe entire earth. Now, probably fpr the first time, the sunlight found its way through the 0. atmosphere and .shone ueon the actual surface of the earth. The atrvggie between the earth's crust and the hotter material below it was not ended yet, however, Many geologists believe that there were great amounts of radio -active inaterial below the crust at this period. Radio -activity is a- source of heat and aocordengly the temperature be- gan to rise untlerneaeth the crust. Again great streams of lava broke through the crust of the earth, Many geologists believe that this accounted for the divisions of the earth's surface into oentineets and "oceans. The hot lava bursting over the me face of the earth would have oonsieted of denser materials than those com- posing the cruet. do it solidified it would have made great areas .of tock Which were heavier and denser than the rest of the earth's crust. Geolo- gists have named these denser rocks balasts. ; These eruptions are believed to have taken place on a gigantic scale' until great areas were weighted down with this heavier material, These areas would have began to euk of their own -weight. This Banking d ing was the cause of s the great beds into which the waters on the face of ,the earth collected, divid- ing it into continents and aoeans•. With the emergence of continents, the period .in the'earth's history known as the formative: period ended. Geo- iogists agree that the formative period took millions of year, maybe billions, Next Article:—Tho Printery Rocks Christian Science: The Fulfil - 'anent of Scriptural Promises. The Christian Science lecture last Sunday afternoon'radiocaat from Tor- onto, wan advertised in many Ontario nawsgapees to enable" radio fans to learn something"of• healing by prayer, as contained in a spiritual uirderstande ing of the Bible. The lecturer, Salem A. Hart, Jr., C.S., of Cleveland, Ohio,. is a member of the Mother Church the First Church of Christ, Scientist, Bos- ton, Mass., and the lecture was given ends! " the auspices of the Third chi**. of Christ, Scientist, Toronto. Tho lecturer said hi part: When, the seventydisciples, whom Jesus•had sent forth on a mission of healing, returned with rejoicing, the Bible tellsus that he said, to them: "Beliold, I give untoeyoupower to- tread otread on serpents Mid scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you" (Luke 10: 19). This promiee, or as- surance, of spiritual power to steal is beautifully set forth in the following correlative passage on page 55 of the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip- tures," by Mary Baker Eddy, the Dis- coverer and Founder . of Christian Science: "The, protases will be fel- _filiecd, The tlrite for the reappearing of hits divine healing ie throughout all ! time; and whosoever layet1i Isis earth- ly all on the altar o1 divine Science, ds'lnketh of Christ's cup now, and is ' endued with the spirit and power of Christian heading." It Le generally conceded that the ap- peal of Chrisstian. Soiensoe to the world is mostly responded to by those who I are suffering from despair, sickness, and sin, without 'hope or expectation In the world, and the question is awe - times, asked, Why is this so? It is be- cause they have searched for and tried ever'y'u%aterial healing agency known, baye embrace -el different systems of elfgious beliefs, but without amY last - Edge-Holdiflg Saws Fast -Easy. -Cutting SIMONDS SAWS SIMONDS CANADA Mg 50. LTD. foto OUNDA0 a' . LY . Ton0NTo \ MONTREAL VANrouven . Or, JOigo. N.B. r lug results or success. Turning • to Christian Science, they have found that it. is the fulfillment" of Bible pre muses;. that the truth preached aivd pmaetleed by Jesusle as efficacious to- day as it was desmturieis 5ge: Christian Solenos stands to -day: a -practical, demoneti+able Science,' proved to be so by thousands within its ranks who bear living teseirdeuy to what it has done and is doing fol• all mankind. You frequently hear the remark: I would like to know about, OhriStian Science, but it seems to be, so hard to understand. I just cannot geese it. Why, bt-4s so simple that the little children in the Sunday School grasp the import of its teachings readily and make rapid strides in its application with many happy results, The Bible records brat when the ddsciples asked Jesus, "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven, that he set a lit- tle 01115 in their midst and replied, "Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little child- ren; ye shall not elites• into the king- dom of heaven" (Matthew 18: 3). In other words, as we rolinquist all be- liefs 'of e1iefs'of self, and become humble and meek, do We become receptive (do we open the door of the human 'under- standing) to the light that shinetis un- to a perfect day. Let us ponder the words of Mrs., Eddy on page 13 of the Chrdstlan Science textbook: "Love is- impartial and universal in its adaptation rand bestowals. It is the open -fount which Dries, 'I -lo, every one that thiesteth,. come ye to the waters',' How Long Do You Sleep? Reader's often ask me how many hours should be spent• in sleep. Per- sonally, I have never been able to for- mulate a definite rule. I know one marl who has not, slept more than three hours a night for over ten years and he is strong and healthy; -I also know a lady who, as she puts it her- self, ,"is no good to anybody" unless she has ten hours. • But Sir James-Crichton-Browtre, 1 and, has drawn up a:scale which attempts to solve the problem. It runs as fol- lows: At birth, 24 hours. Three months, 20 hours. . Six months, .18 hones,. One to five years, 14 hours. Ten to thirteen years, 11 hours. Thieteen to thirty years, ii hours. In adult life; 8 hours. The rule seems to be "Less and less". As the bears grow shorter, so do the sleeping 110ursl 8 Sojourn. but of the earth, the air, .the sea, All that I have was given to rte: A body, and a dreamy brain, Pain, and a language for my pain. These are iinluortal, Only I` - Live for a little while and die. Andy when I die it Is designed That I leave all I have behind: In earth my body dwells at last; Aly words upon the wind are east; My' sorrow surges in the sea. Nothing will be lost but Inc. • Minard's Liniment for frost -bites. Handel's Rebuke. "Your Majesty, I did not intend to mimeo or afford pleasure, but to; make the world better," said Handel, when the King of England :. told 'him how greatly the performance of "The Messiah' had pleased him. It is a truism, therefore, to state that the statue of rheic has changed with the changing motives that con- trol education, The. trulSon expands with the statement that music i19., first of all, en appeal to the emotional nee tune, and thio leads many to regard it as being merely recreational, 'and in- capable of possessing - any influence, bat the production of Pleasant sensa- tion. But nude is much bigger than that; hewlio seeiee an_emotional ap- peal will Surely find: It, but -be who seeks discipline for both mind •end A PERFECT MEMCINE FOR LITTLE ONES Baby's Own Tablets Should be in Every Haste Where There Axe Children. The perfect medicine for little ones le found in Baby's, Own Tablets•" They are a gentle' but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels, sweeten the stomach; delve out con's'tipation and indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers and promote healthful refreshing sleep. It is impossible for Baby's Own Tablets to harm even the new -horn babe, as they are absolutely guaranteed free from opiates or any other injurious drug. Concerning the Tablets, Mrs, Apex: J. Perry, Atlantic, N.S., whites:—"I allway,s keep Baby's Own Tablets in the house for the children, as, I have found them a perfect medicine for lit- tle ones," Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Tree Lace. Vire trees upon the hilltops Are - lace against the sky— Black lace or orange sanseta When golden clohds go by. Green lace on silver mornings Gray lace 9n moonlit night— . I think tree -lace on hilltops. A very lovely sight! --Eleanor .Hammond. Swans have become so numerous' on. the Hythe Canal, England, cut as part of a defence scheme against an inva- sion by Napoleon, that they are being netted and sent to other places. The longest railway station in the world is that made by joining the Exchange and Victoria stations at Manchester. Altogether it measures 2,175 feet—approaching half a mile. It Stopped Her mi; sigh and Brought Peace, Comfort "do Rea' td .. Night Oh Mother! Waaat Can I Do? " How rnany times a day do your babies .ask you 'that question? And how often lire you able to 'suggest soma"interesting -game for them to play, sorno amusing occupation for a rainy day? If you'd like always to have a practical, .helpful suggestion for them, read this snappy new fea- ture. Would Mo. and Ms -s. Paper Doll Like to dress up to -day? I think these old Hallow'e'en paper napkins would make lovely party dresses for patterns and. cut the new encs so the pumpkins and witches, shoal Minard's Liniment for Csrippe. 75 P.C. Eyesight is Bad. That not one-fourth of the popula- tion In Canada had normal vision, and that there are 14,000 who areblind in either one or both eyes, was the state- ment Made by Dr. C. A. Taylor, Oph.D:, Toronto, at the'flret annual convention of the Canadian Optometric Associa- tion, at Toronto. London contains 5,593 public houses. This works out at one for approxi- mately every 800 of its inhabitants, Self Poisoning Increasingly Common Modern Living Habits Pro- rnote. Self . Poisoning —' Thousands are Victims ._ The average man or woman does not enjoy consistent good health. Loss of appetite, headaches biliousness and a lack of enthusiasm for either work or play are constant complaints. Scientists have ascertained that such a condition is usually caused by self- poisoning resulting from constipatioh. Due to rnodern'iivieg habits, the natural secretion which promotes regu- lar elimination by softening the bowel contents, is often deficient—especially among middle-aged people. The poison from waste matter remaining in the systems of people thus affected is the insidious enemy of good health. Such people need Nujol, because Nujol softens the waste matter and permits thorough and regular bowel elimination without overtaxing the intestinal' muscles. It helps Nature help you. Ask your druggist for Nujol to-day— and remember, look for the name "Nujol" in red on, both bottle label and package. FOR, Proved safe by millions and prescr•bed by physicians for Rheumatism Colds Neuritis Neuralgia Headache Pain Toothache Lumbago DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART • Accept o "Sayer" package which contains proven directions. Handy `Mayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottlaa of 24 rand 1:00—Druggists. Aspirin le the trade mark (reeietered to Canada) or Bayer Manafectare et.Moaoacetls• eolileslcr of Salicylicaeld (Acetyl Salicylic Acid, "A. S. A."). While it is well known that Aspirin means. Beyermanufacture, to aeslet the public 'cainat lmltatloae, the:Tablets or Bayer ;Company will, be stamped with their ,general trade Melt, the "Wirer Cross." • Classified Advertisements 13 "4". OVENS. WRLT3C YOU oATar ons e Old diet of used oraos 6uhberd Oven Caw - rear, no miee west. Tomato. WANTED CIGAR STORE INDIAN Formerly used In front of Tobacconist Store, Must be M good condition: State price add where can be seen. H. WATKINS 73 W. Adelaide St. Toronto Fools Immortal? Times change, but people don't. Men who used to let their horses, staled in the cold unblanketed, now let their radiators freeze up. Happiness never comes from envy- ing the good fortune .of others. TOR YOUR EYES Refreshes Tired Eyes Write Murine Co„Chrcnea,forEyeCareB.ok A I N Yields quickly to a few applications of M !nerd's. Equally good for internal or external use, CARRIED , WIFE TO BED Suffered So She Could Not Walk. 'Restored to Health by. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Minesing, Ontario.—"I am a prac- tical nurse and I recommend Lydia E. Pinkham sVegetabla Compound to suffering women. Porthree months I was almost helpless and could not sit at the table long enough to drink a cup of tea. Many a time my hus- band carried me to bed,.I would be so weak. Then he read m the paper of a woman suffering as I did who got better after taking the Vegetable Compound, so he went and got it for me. WhenI had taken three bottles I was just like a new woman and have had splendid health ever since. When I feel any bearing :down pains I always take it; sometimes a half bottleor whatever I need. It is my only medicine and I have told many a one about it. Any one wanting to know more about Lydia E. Pi kham's Vegetable Compound, I will gladly write to her. I do all I can to rec- ommend it for I feel I owe my life and strength to it." - Mrs. NISAL BOwssns R.R. 1,-Minesing,Ontario. Do you feel broken-down, nervous, and weak sometimes? Do you have this horrid feeling of fear which some- times comes to women when they are not well? Lydia 13. Pinkham's veg- etable Compound is excellent to take at such a time. It always helps, and if taken regularly and persistently ,will relieve this condition. C AS Alt. THE TIME On Facer Skin Sore and Healed . Red byuti Cuticura. "I.was troubled with a raeh on my face and the skin was sore and red. It -itched ; and burned all the time causing: me to scratch, and the scratching caused eruptions. My face looked terrible, and the trouble lasted about four months. 'I used other remedies but did not get results. I begar-L.sing Cuti- cure Soap and Ointm . N and got relief in a abort time. I continued the treatmentand in stout , six weeks I was. completely healed.” (Signed) Miss Doris White,R.F,D. 1 Fruitiend, Idaho, Oct. 2,1924. Outicura Soap, Ointment. and Talcum promote and maintain akin purity, skin comfort and b k i n bealth often when all elselalle. e mple nseh Por, D. M111L Addreaa t?gr isn repot: atonhaoo, [01 ,Talcum^ 5118.; Sodg. 11, Ointment 1, amine, Talcum sea, s'td, Cu5cura Shaving 341.1. 25c. 15-211,8 No. 0-26.