HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1926-01-14, Page 7CANADIAN SEAPORTS
If Your Daughter Shows SignsI
An aetee• campaign has recently 11. oT linaeniia a Tonle is Needed. I
been pioslecutee by the Canladiien Mari- i
time Proviancee. having for its.. object' Anaemia bs simply a tack of blood.,
the grealter use of the pests• of that It is one of the most cowman" and at
DIMS atrOlgili the di,vedout'to them oY the same time Mast dangerous trou-1
a Part aC the hTafilc In purely oana+ 'blas from which growing. girls sofa
tbian protases which is leaving. the eon- f'er. it la 'common because/ tile bleo.d'
t`rneut by UniGecl States seaports. A so often beeomtes impoverished dur-
delegation from the Maaritime Pro lug development w^heu: girls often
vine)ersi bas it n thawing the Dominion, overwork and o erst dy, It is clan-(
not only _sealing to' the Federal Gov parous because of the stealthiness. of I
erniment toaction but b¢inging what
its approach and because of its ten
tt believes. to be the rights of: the Mari• den'eY to grew steadily worse. Every
Oates. to impica•tera and expoi teas im I a tont g girl shouldaccasi�on'a14y take
all sections of the oo0ntry. The sitiarte• a 'tonic to ward off this insidious iron -
meat was madethat$269,000,000 j bre. It is because of their powerful
tverth df (*median trade was drone; action in rebuilding the blood that
Dr. Wilidama' Pink Pills have made a
through American pants in the yew`' woad -wide reputation. The cane of j
eroding July last a value equal to more Mies Claire ,Sullivan, Pincher. Creek,
thanfoo^ty' pea . cent,
ent of
the total 'trades j Alda., anility proves the value of this I
oarried oil. by the five principal p medicine, Mise Sullivan says:—'Dual
of the Dominion: 1 ng my sch'eol days I sufeiree a great "
The oampalgn ,has unquestionably •
ideal from thin and watery blood. I
had a marked effect and the ports of eontinua:ily weak .and ,tired;, my
the Maritimes will recebve a measure saves ppetite was poor, my sleep Imre-
of emeriti a& a result. The delegation freaking acid I was troubled with back -
bad a most synlpathet!bc reception ashes: To make matters worse I was
everywhere it went, mune dlemnhte as-, ettaclted with acute appendicitis .and
surances were given by ilneponters' amd•isthe op•erabion left me in a'very weak-
exportei•s of eaten .which will result
in more busyness for their seaports.
The delegation likewise ,discovered
that the .ports manes -ping againeit Sadart
John and Halifax were becomtmg less
flet:mideble in the general• desire ,on
the part of Calnadiase butinees. meat to
utilize Canadian cllaanais s for Cana
di'an produce; but also eatisfled itself
tlsait a good part of the 1cet traffic can-
not. be secured sit pa'esen.t tittle ow-
ing to Miley factors entering into the
situation, nose of the principal of which
is the fact, that vary frequently' there
are n0 d'ivectsteamship eailings from,
-Caner Ulan ports to the destinations for
Caaad'tan llalodarce,.
Increased Steamship .Sailings
The repeat of the delegation more
or lens suggests that their problems
ale generally appreciated and sym-
pathetically regarded ends that a
steady amelioration of the alteration le
to be expected. It err anticipated Ghat
both Mea^itime ports will have en !n -
*teased number of steam:M.1p. sailings
during the present winter, and the
delegation was, brought to realize that
despite the substantial expenditures
at the national ports of Saint John
and Halifax they were yet acarcety
equipped to handle the traffic which
t*i• w'oul'd seek accommodation there thie
Probable Cleats of tale campaign are
already evidencing themselves. ,It is
aounced that an iimportant steam-
ship company willteamster its, freight
service from Portlatixh, Maine, to Saint
John, and for the fleet time in history
operate out of the New Brunswick port
with a fortnightly service of- four
boats. Beghaning with November a
new saerviee commenced• to operate out
of .the 'wane port to Havana and the
West Indies on a weekly or ten-day
run. •
After the agitation from the Mari.
times it 1s gratifying to note that thele
ports are not falling behind but show.
Ing email increases in the volume of
trade handled, lihollgrt perlta,pa these
increments; are not ortio a�
1 op n to to
the et'eady ascendancy of the Cana,
dean expert baste which its so rapidly
developing other Canadian, outlets. A
survey of the bualaness' of Canada's
principal poe't's in recent years, shows
a pant increase in volume handled..
The five prinoipal sorbs of Canada in
order of importance ae'e Montreal,
Vancouver, Saint John, Halifax, *and
Quebec. Montreal and Quebec, being
situated on the Gulf of. the St. Lawr-
ence, and. reducing the rail haul Irom
the great producing interior, are the
great summer Eastern ports 'whence
the greater part of CamatVtan export
trade leaves between. May aura Novem-
ber enol most of the iinpootant blade ie
received. Saint John and Halifax are
rite winter ports whose greateet ac-
tivity .com.m1ences .when frost has grtp-
ioed the St.. Laverennce Refer, Van-
an couver is the great Pacific alt -year out.
lel and. inlet for Italie large and increas-
1ng trade which'. is' .befog . caa'rled on
a' with the countries of the Orient and
-The,features las thle eavrvey ate the
large imcreesleer d sdloselil in export
trade out of Montreal and Vancouver,
• pamtieulan'ly the great Pacific port.
Mantreeil, .though closed for the. winter
months, ranks now asethe. second most,
important pant on the Ainerlean eon
tlneud, giving -place to New York only.
The trade in gratin :contributes- very
largely 1.0 t111sy the Canaudia•n post, be-
ing, th.e greatest point et grain outlet
in Ani:erica and. 'handling it volume
greater than .that of ael Eastern., Aden -
tic poets ;comibiilgat. The grain traffic
had also eccovesagil largely for the de-
velopment of Vaineouversexport trade,
for though this port in t1t'e last year
handled only one-sdioth of the. grain
volume et lvfoniseal, it has in the p0st-
^arca• .peeled become .the fiast 'gamin -ex-
porting point one the 'Recede coast.
erred state. My mother, learning of
the value of Dr. Williams, Pink Pills,
liked 'mo 'take therm acid after using
them for some bee I can. say the re-
suet was simply wonderful, as they
completely restored my health, and
nosy when opportunity oceans I always.
recommend these p1ids to -, weak ,.pale
girls eufering as I did:"
You can get the pills from your drug-
gist, or by Mail at 50 cerpis a box from
The Dr. Williams.' Medicine Co., Brock-
vale, Ont.
Altogether die 'survey show's Can-
ada's seaports -in a good situation
etLeadily building up their yearly traf-
fic. I4 Is appsysaat'thsh the Maretbnre
Peo ince' poets. are not dpeveloPinig,
their n1sIlt1eas art as rapid' a rate, but
with the eymtmatltotic attitude of
Canadian "•ianp'onters ..andexponterl.•1s
mens to- be due to secure at least a
part of the winter traffic going ellse-
tvIDerp and exhibit a greater e7opaai-
futon in the future.
Winter Rain.
These 'levels, overhung wl'th . sullen
The harsh damp air, the naked iron
That hiss. beneath the wind •their men
Watch, ae'I watch, the sad light fade
And wait, as bitterly as I am waiting,
The rattle of icy rain
Upon this bitten, .scarred, and empty
And these' morose waters, by whose,
Filled' with a dark joy I pace up and
Exalting in Its glopn and. in my own.
The faint light dies, the wind mounts,
awl the flash
0f the keen rain across my face is
• whipped;
The oak groans and the ash
Doubles before the thrust and jerk and
Of the strong gusts;, the last few
leaven are stripped
Ansi toaeesi out on the pocked and pit-
ted lake's
Tormented bosom. And in me there
The spirit of the sterna as I
Gaze on the tumult of the furious sky.
=-oras Theory Fis'st Announced by Kant, Then Laplace.
Marquis Pierre Sinion'De Laplace French astronomer and mathematician,
was born in 1749 and died in 1527. He originated a nebtular theory which.
dominated ectenttific thought for many years:
Secrets of Science
aa By David Dietz
Let urs leave the subject of the whole
universe now and centre our attention
upon that portion of it which con-
cerns us most immediately—the earth
upon which we live.
The first question whlth occurs, of
course, 16': How dill the earth origim-
We have teen that our earth is past
of the sone family of planets. Accord.
ingly, the answer to our question coli-
cerning the origin of the earth is
bound up 1n the origin of the solar
The first theory was advanced in
1754 by the philosopher, Immanuel
leant. Kant imagined that the solar
system had its origin in a great cold.
.nebula, whish in some way began to
contract and gained a rotary motion.
)3e assumed that there wouid'.be
denser 'spots here and there in the
nebula slid that condensation would
take place around these centres due
to the action of gravity.
This contraction would develop heat
and the central portion would -in time
farm our great flaming sun- The parte
of the nebula which condensed around
the smaller nuclei would foams the
plllnets and their steditee.
In 1790, the French astronomer La-
place, evidently unaware of the work
of Kant, advanced mealier theot'y, Ac-
cording to this theor-v,tho original ne-
bula was ,tot and rotating with a uni-
form movement.
1n time It began to contract, Laplace
thought, forming the central sun. But
lieai't! Heart! " though all things
Know many it group of friends. ,viii
These glades when April shall have
made them gold;
And final the joy you found of old;
And laugh, as yea have laughed, be-
neath the moon
In a warm night in Awe.
And you may live to see
The `url.'d Howells on the grease teed on
the tree
The tender yellow leaves unfold.
Look! even now the torrents cease,
The wind has. dropped aeleeP the s
, kY
grove clear,
And all the world is wrapped is gentle
Was it so lovely when you lest were
. here?
-Theodore Maynard.
Her Own Master.
She was a widow aneiasvery pretty
one, whilst he was a bluff, good-heart-
ed sailor, nnueed to the ways of folk
who lived on'leesl. All the same, he
decided to propose to the lady of his
dreaine-ln leis' own way.
"Katie, 'dear," he said, "your boat le
drifting down the stream of life with
no strong hand to Made it safely past
the racks that lime the way. Perhaps
Kath, I'd nialrb a decent captain 'ane?
sail it for you?"
"I nail sorry, Ja.ck," she anewered,
withan engaging blush, but in a very
firm tone of voice,'"that you earl% be.
But you can be second -in -command 4141
you like,"
Moose the Largest Deer.
The . mopes, the largest speeies of
the .deer faintly,- reaohee a hefgiht of
nine feat, The overhanging nose,
high-lhumped shouldens,•and huge Sat'
antlers of.. the male distinguish it from
tion other deer. It is found in' North-
ern UnitedStates, Canada and Alaska.
Detailed termination concerning
plandiing, betiding, financing, doe.
orating, furnishing and; garden'ing.-
is contained in the MacLean Build.
ere', Guide. Profusely iUuertrated.
Fifty-two pages. Send 20o for A
copy or 51.00 for taro years' aub-
acription (8 issues).,` Questioas
ane werdd. MacLam a Building Rea
poets;l,rtd., 849 Adelaide St. West,
Laplace imagined that this original
sun would be unstable and would
Waver off a ring of, nebulous material
from its equatorial regione.
This nebulous material then went
through the same process whichthe
central sun hely condensing and in its
turn throwing off a ring of ebuloue
matter. This process, Laplace thought,
sotinued until all the .planets. .and their
satellites had been formed.
Tennp'son,, the poet, summed up the
theory of evolution as advanced by
Laplace, when lie wrote: •
"This world• was. once a fluid haze of
Till toward the centre set tihe starry
And eddied into vane,' that wheeling
The planate; . then alto' mongol', then'
the man."
The theory of Laplace was accepted
without question during the first half
of the nineteenth century and domin-
ated the thinking of most scientists
of that period.
But since then, new facts brought
to light by the scientieta of the world
have neceseitated modifications untie
to -day very little of Laplace's theory
is left. In fact, the theory generally
held by scientists to -clay resembles
that of Kant very much more than it
does Laplace's.
For examples scientists agree with
Kant that the great heat of the sun
dev'elop'ed as a result of nebular con-
The theory most generally held to-
dtty is known as the planetesimal
By. IKeePing Baby's Own Tablets
hl the House at All Times.
To g'onad :the baby against colas
railing can equal Baby's Own Tablets.
3710 Tablets are a anile, laxative that
will keep the little one's stamach anti
bowels working regularly, It es a re-
cognized fact that where the stomach
and bowels ane in good order that.
eo1':le will not_eris•t; that the health of
the little one will be good and that he
wall thrive and be happY,
Thousands of mothers have become
convinced through the actual use of
the Tablets that there is nothing to
equal them in banishing constipation
and indigestion; breaking up colds and
simple fevers; expelling weans and
making teething time easy. Among
the thousands who praise Baby's Own.
Tablets is Mrs. Apex. J. Perry, Atlantic,
N.S., who says:—"I always keep
Baby's Own Tablets in the house, as
I know el' no other medi•cfne for little
ones to equal them."
Baby's Own Tablets are _sold by
medicine' dealers or by snail at 25
cents a box from The Dr. Wjlliamts'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Oat.
The Cause of Cancer.
A'luchpublic interest has recently
beeit manifest ars to the cause of this
deadly scourge, bet few people realize
that to primitive races leading 1.rimid-
live lives i'aneer 1s unknown. If On-
terto people would grasp the eta that
their present diet of refined foods and
reckless' meat consumption le depriv-
ing them of the piicelcss organic salts
whiult furnish immunity to savage
races, they could save themselves. in-
calculable suffering end expense by
exercising the same 'common sense
they devote to their live stock and
cars, Improper feed to your "stook
aiicl domestic pets' calls for financial
lose and expensive veterinary. advice.
Wrong Mel for your car means loss of
no mileage—and
expensive overhauling at your particu-
lar garage, to say nothing of your own
lose of temper, etc., for your own care-
lessness. knowing this to be so, and
mon sense dictation of self=preserva-
tbon should, result In adoption of a na-
turally beneltcial diet that will auto-
matically repair mitcit of tate damage
already unoanscioually inflicted, and
rapidly tlitninish the growing annual
mortality created by this self-inflicted
blood disease. To enable any, reader
to thus ruin hack normal health and
strength, the writer will freely maid
shnple directions fur useful guidance
thereto if request is sent to Charles
Walter, 61 Drueswlcls Avenue, Tomato
4, Ontario.
Oh Mother What Can I Do?
How many times a day do your
babies alk you that question? And
how often are you able • to suggest
some them Interesting game forh
o to
play, some amueing occupation for a
rainy day? If you'd like always to
hive a practical, helpful suggestion
for them, read this snappy new Yea
being usually careful' to avoid it, why tura.
don't you take better care of your own
There never was a case of cancer T'
which was not proceeded by tate new
almost universal complaint of consti-
pation caused by unproper fond, but
if white bread, white sugar, boiled
vegetables and other "foodless, fends"
are persisted in, cons'tipation mast-
"centimes to be "the Coreru'nner of can
ter," which now is recognized ae the
most frequent cause of death through-
out civilization.
The letter - of Profeaeor Barton Scani-
m.eta, M,S,C,L., published in "Truth,"
oonbaine foots, 'which profound .expert
once has proved of a vital rmportsnce
to many cancer Sufferers :—`"ahe radio-
active alkali, potash, ie the great oxy-
gen etta•acting element In the body. It
forms. over. 70 per cent: -.of the mineral
ash of the red corpuscles in the bleed.
Owing to certain defects in diet said
the-prepa'ratiour ,o•t toed, the modern
civilized human being suffers front
'potasa4uni starvation," and the in -
.01`011M0 of;oaucer• 149 a corollary of this
.state of affairs," 'Phousends' of canter
Patients have been brought back to
normal health and untold numbers
have avented attack by the dread
m,iady by restoring to their systems
these assimilable potash salts, of
watch they had for years 'been de-
prived by their regales' diet. And since
that eitndne'Wt sua'geon,Die ,Robert Belli,
of London, eabandtomed the knife for the
dfetebio and It'ygbeniotreatmeult of can-
cer, 1115 plvenomina4 success' has in
spired justified hope ared. confidence.
lin the helbrb0 0f'suiferers throughout
the world. Once, it is generally known
that cancer •,and a nermalry healthy
blood stream are ineowpattbie, sem-
Jenny Lind, the Imposing.
A song -writer, in her memoirs, tells
how she first meet Jenny Lind, and
how imposing she fount] her. "She
was an old lady in poke bonnet. Fancy
the Swedish nightingale in a poke
bonnet! While ate vas speaking to
me 1thought I' was being whipped. I
longed to say eainething Yrivo1ous, or
Things taste so good we can't help eating too
much, now and then. Don't suffer for it. Take
Seigel's Syrup. Any drug store.
An Important Plant.
With a view to experianenting, a
farmer had grown a orop of flax and
hail made a linen tablecloth teem the
results. Some time later he was en-
tertaining a friend from the arty, and
. "I grew this tablecloth nnyslL."
"Did you,really?" exclaimed the
visitor, surprised, "How did you Man-
age it?"
It was plain that the lady hadn't, the
faintest ideda of how tablecloths came
leo being, so he farmer lowered his
voice mys'ter'iously as lie replied:
"If you`ll' promise not to, give the
secret away I'll tell you."
The lady promised.
"Well," proceeded the fanner, "f
planted a table -napkin."
f ow would you like to stake Ycau'
own deaeert for dinner to -day? Take
thas- chocolate peppermint.: Use these
fortes' small game :es foe legs, sticking
them on with toothpicks. Scratch the
chocolate off on top to loots like a face.
A`caeldy turtle to eat. Won't that be
Good Business.:
A baby was being weighed before an
admiring group.
"I will give a dollar an ounce for
him," said a sporting uncle.
The babe's small,sestet. pondered
deeply over this, and :pt•esentie offerer,
some advice to 1tar,mother.
"1 w cul-dn t mall ba.hy till he's big;
ger, site .said. "He'll fetch more
,'Why, are-yon;iate, Tom?" "Please
teacher, the road was so -slippery that
every step I took 1 slipper, back two."
"Then how did you get here at all?"
"I--er-started to walla back 'home;"
Mlnard's Liniment for Grippe.
MInard's Liniment for frost -bites.
Deaf as an Adder.
• elf tis anadde" is a saying that
has come into use from the fact that
adders are practicably without the
power of hearing. As they rte along.
the ground, however, they are ex-
trelnely sensitive to earth tremors
teed this sensitiveness nialses up for
their lack of hearing.
leant, as ®„®„®„_„4iresse®Qe„o
Self e PoisoningII
Takes Huge Toll
Many Fail. in Life Through
Sheer Neglect of Funda•
mental Rule of Health
Thousands of men and women are
to -day victims of their own neglect.
Grouchy, •listless, quickly tiring, suffer-
ing from headaches and biliousness,
they spend enormous sums in medi-
cines without avail. They would give
much to regain their old vitality.
Can it be done? Yes! How?
Simply by recognizing the importance
of one fundamental tial rule of health—the
proper elimination of the bowel con-
tents. Poisons that are allowed to
remain in the system quickly lower the
stamina, weaken the nerves and thus
pave the way to ill -health. Stop this.
self-poisoning, by taking Nuj'ol—the
scientific lubricant that completer the
work of Nature's lubricant when,
through modern living conditions, the
natural supply fails.
Nujol can be taken indefinitely with•
out injury to the system. Try Nujol
to -day. Ask,}'or it at your nearest drug
store, but remember there is only one
Nujol; Watch for the name "Nujol”
in red on the label and package.
Egg On A Bottle
There are two ways of balancing
an egg on a bottle—not taking Into
consideration the method made fa-
mous by Columbus: An egg, 1f
shaken vigorously so es to break
the yolk, can be balanced on its
larger end. If there is a cork In
the bottle, the egg, so treated, can
be placed on the cork and It will
stay there.
Here is a neater version, because
the cork need not be in the mouth
Of the bottle.
Hollow a depression in one end
of the cork so that it will fit the
smaller end of the egg. ' Into the
cork stick two forks. The egg,
when the weight of the forks is
properly distributed, can ,be bal-
anced on the edge of the mouth of
the bottle.
The balance is rather precarious,
bowever, so be prepared to catch
the egg when it decides to fall.
(Clip this out and paste it, with
other o9 the series, in a scrapbook.)
A Song.
All that we need' to do,
Be we loan or high,
is to see that we grow
Nearer the sky.
—Lizette Woodsm•orth Reese.,
The potassium treatment which, first pre-
sented by the lata Dr. F. W. Forbes sons"
In England In 1912, has been. soientlfioaily
perfeoted, has won the gratitude ofwannest
Canadian. and American sufferers Who have
experienced its- unrivalled success. By Qom -
dining the two words "Cancer". and "Pot-
anlum,".'ih1s home treatment for all dis-
eases o■usod by the universal poteeslum
starvation Is levelly - prctooted- by patent
under the name of
of many thoneand, confirms the
great Endlle1, authority', etatemont:—"OAN-
dca,lenoy is. remedied, :even far advanced
and npparontly bcaoloee oases will retrograde
without surolonl operation, radium cr X-roy
tortures and needless expanec. Medical man
In all parts are recommending or adopting
Oantenlum Treatment en behalf of their
patients, and hundreds of thankful lettere
from restored comer victims speak of AUTH-
ENTICATED RESULTS which bring testified
hapo to ereant sufferers.
A most Interesting book, which will bo
manse YOU Iron of charge, explains the
CAUSE and the most rat1mnni metbode of
avoiding the diocese or treating it where
1t .,toady. exists, The co-operation of me
nada of tide paper 13 earnestly requested
in flouting the Canons Scourge by etadYlno
n, Cause nod Treatment and spreading the
knowledge aegsir,d.
Cancer claimed 160.000 victims on this..
continent.. last year.
Canon strikes rich and poor alike with
out warning. Protect p0000lf and dear
ones without delay by mending for tits FREE
61 Brunswlok Avenue, • Toronto 4.
Sole representRJve tar The Cantasdum
Treatment In Canada and U.S.A.
rClassified Adveltiaennellb
13 and If t Of used ovens,iiobbard Oran Coors
. 782 I,.na West. roeaat0.
FITB—I'ie'II.EI'ar ri:ttilIANENrx.Y eTOri'ap.
by Trennh'p Remedy; Si udi, home treatment.
Years, euceone, thousand, toatlrnau141e, Write 4t
rosea for trap: bout. Trent's Resa:dleg itmited, root.
T. 78 Adelelds1ast. Terumo. Oeeada. ' (OutOdaout:).
Formerly used In front of Tobacconist)
Store. Must bo In good condition.
State price and where oan be scan.
73 W. Adelaide St. Toronto .
• - The Gifts Desired.
For easy life I do net pray,
Dear Lord, but that my strength may
measure .
Equal to work of every day.
For wealth, Dear Father, I'11 not ask,
Only for suet necessities
As I meed for my sdanille task.
Give rhe geed cheer, dile power deo neo
The best in everything, and honer—
These are the gifts I crave of Thee.
—George Elllston,
SIN Failing
Rub the scalp four times a week
with Minard's. it removes dandruff
and promotes the growth of hair.
Proved safe by millions and press -ibed by physicians for
Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago
Pain Neuralgia ' Toothache Rheumatism
Accent only, "Bayer"' package.
which. contains proven directions.
Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets
Also bottles of 24 and 100 : Druggisto.
• Aeplria 15 the trade mark. (rogintrred In. Canada) of Bayer Rfanutactatvs of kfononcetic-
aoidcater-of Sanoyncadd (Acetyl Salicylic Acid, A. S. A.") While it to Well known
that Mullin means Bayermanufacture, to nsnlst the public against Battalions, the 'labiate
Ft Bayer 'Company Wilt be stavrped With their .generaltrade..5ar8, thb "Bayer Croon.".
Keeps EYES
Cleav, Bright and Beautifu
WriteMurine Co„Chkaso, forEyeCateBook
For every purpose in the
orchard, cutting limbs up
to 4111, inches. Handles -
4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 feet,
Tour asrdw■res Defier knows plasma
Our descriptive circular sent
to any address on request
Mother of Eleven Children
Praises Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Her Interesting Experience
Buckingham, Quebec.="I am the
mother of eleven living children,
and my baby is
five months old.
I am only 38 years.
old and I have
taken Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vege-
table Compound
for weakness and
my nervea.I knew
of it from my
sister, Dame Ed-
ouard Bellefeuilie
of Ramsayville.
For five years I
was in misery and was always ready
to cry. Now I am to happy to have
good health. My daughter,
who is
18 earl old,has also'takeit and
will be happy to recommend it to all
young girla. '—Dame WILLIAM PAR-
ENT,Box 414, Buckingham, Quebec.
Why suffer for years with back-
7nervousness and other ailments
common to women from early life to
middle age, when Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound will give you
In a recent country -wide canvass
of purchasers of Lydia E. 1'inkham's
Vegetable Compound, over 250,000
replies were received, and 98 out of
every 100 reported they were bene-
fited by its use. c
or Tender Faces
The creamy lather of the Cuticura
Shaving Stick, with its delicate med-
ication and soothing properties,
enables men with tender, easily ir-
tritated skins to shave in comfort,
even , twice a dayand „leaves the
skin smooth and. fresh.
Semple -.ash Free by M0U. Addrose Cann/Han
Depot'Steelman, ate, Montreal” Price, Snap
26c. Ointment 20 and the, 'talcum 26e.
515 ' Ceticura Shaving Stich 25c.
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