HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1926-01-14, Page 4"hE SEAPORTH NEWS f7li" req',, et' ed,?; Bir ,tt,2:_.., 'en.'. cy+ idd ste, . n,. an( ori, lou •otr• V0 M; all ith ,is 3aT 1.1.r} rea ar ash nv, nr i a: Run ou1 ,int Lied ade ne ll TI opt tat, Ith. not »n M otc Lg tok the irk . aes. ,un tss SOL tat' ting Lit 't .11 tur rex "I nha Lust' .a15 �r . �ntr 7- ipe e 1 nh ror d‘Q eI le( g: w. Ai ,stn !ti ,e 1 • it an- mk as iod Is+(I P/ t/J2 EXTRA SPECIALS Men's Overalls One lot of Men's extra quality heavy weight full -cut overalls. Every garment guaranteed. All sizes. Regular $1.85. SALE PRICE $1.4'9 Men's Sweaters One lot of Men's Heavy Hea- ther Sweater Coats. All well made and full cut. $2.50 values. SALE PRICE $195 Involving every garment and every article contained in our store at the most sensational Price Reductions in the history of Seaforth. The enure stock of R. J. ribb's,consisti'ng of Men's, Young Men's, Boys and Children's Suits, Overcoats, Top Boats, Raincoats. Sweaters, Hats, eaps. Hosiery, Underwear, Shirts for dressand work, Neckwear, Belts, Gloves, Ladies' Ready•to• wear. etc.. in fact every garment and article contained in our store will be put on sale at prices that will cause real sensation among the clothing buyers of this coma munity. Prices that will pack every nook and corner in our store with eager and enthusiastic buyers. This is your Golden Opportunity. The time is here when we niust make room for our Spring. merchandise. Come expecting to buy the greatest bargains of your lifetime. A EXTRA SPECIALS Boys' Sweaters One lot of Boys' Heavy Sweater Coats in Heather mix- tures. All sizes. $1.50 values. SALE PRICE 89c Boys' Suits 36 Only Boys' Bloomer Suits, in Brown, Grey and Heather mixtures. Every suit is an all - wool tweed and guaranteed. Va- lues $12.00. SALE PRICE $6.95 Sale Begins Friday, Jan. 15, at 8.30a.mL • LOOK! OV 1Ay ev ilT 1/, Of Superb British Fabrics, Rich eolora ings and Faultless Style Here are wonderful Coats, finely tailored of superb English Woolens, correctly styled. Coats you'll need for two long months of the coldest part of winter yet to -come. Rich colorings and plain shades for every taste; sizes to fit men of every build. And, at these low prices, they offer an opportunity to buy at a saving you won't equal again until this time next winter, All Overcoats 25 Per Cent. Off MEN'S HOSE 25 Dozen Men's Heavy All - wool Work Sox. This is a won- der. Reg. 50c. Sale Price 3 PAIRS FOR $1.®O annomonessmssavanar MEN'S HOSE 8 Dozen Men's English All - wool fine rib Hose. Black and Heather. Reg. 75c. Sale Price 49c MEN'S PANTS One lot of Men's Heavy Dress Pants in tweeds, plain and fancy striped worsteds and serges in all sizes. Values up to $8.00. Sale Price $2.95 MEN'S HOSE 12 Dozen Men's Heavy All Work Sox in Grey and Black shades. Reg. 65c. Sale Price 49c MEN'S PANTS One lot of Men's Good Heavy Cotton Work Pants. Big "B" make.. All sizes. Sale Price $1.79 MEN'S SWEATERS. One lot of Men's All -Wool Sweater Coats in sand, grey and brown heather. Reg. $2.95. . , . . Sale Price $2.39 Stop at GIBB'S MEN'S WORK MITTS. One lot of genuine Horsehide Mitts with and without elastic. cuffs. Values to $1.50. Sale Price 98e MEN'S UNDERWEAR One lot of Men's Heavy Rib Underwear, all sizes. _ This has been a wonderful seller at $1.50. Sale Price " $1.29 So That rill May -Rave a New Afternoon or Evening Dress. it Great Sale of Dresses for Every Type of Woman Priced at savings and a scale range to gratify every means of expenditure. In styles for every type of women. Flat Crepe, Crepe back -Satins, fancy Faille, plain Georgette models. Long and short sleeves. High and low collars. All the newest shades and colorings. All dresses less 20 Per CenL MEN'S WORK SHIRTS One lot of Work Shirts that will make you wonder, All colors, Values to $1.50. Sale price 99c MEN'S CAPS One lot of Men's Caps with ear- lugs. Seldom do you find such caps as these at such a low price, Sale Price $1.39 MEN'S MUFFLERS. One lot of Men's Woolen Muff- lers in all shades. A splendid assortment to choose from. Sale , Price 79c Stanfield's Underwear for Men Thousands of Men are insisting on Stanfield's because they know from experience that it never fails to give satisfaction and long wear. Note these prices: STANFIELD'S RED LABEL $1.98 Shirts and Drawer's, Reg. $2.50 for.... STANFIELD'S BLUE LABEL $��� Shirts and Drawers, Reg. $3.00 for.... STANFIELD'S 8800, $2.95 Shirts and Drawers, Reg. $3.50 for . 20 Per Cent. Off Men's Suits This gives you a wonderful buy in Brand New Clothes, We believe they are the best value in Seaforth, even at regular prices. We Guarantee Every Article we sell to give Perfect Satisfaction, or we will refund your money. No goods sent out on approbation during sale, (Formerly Thos. Ferguson,.) Phone 118 Seaforth 1 1 1 LADIES' HOSE.` One lot Ladies Heavy Rib Silk Hose, Mercury make, in -all shades and sizes. Regular $1.75,'' Sale Price $1.29 LADIES' HOSE. One lot of Ladies'. Pure Lama Wool Cashmere Hose. All sizes.. Regular $1.00. Sale Price 79c LADIES' HOSE. One lot Ladies' Pure Silk Hose. All shades and sizes. Values to $1.50. Sale Price 79c LADIES' SCARFS In / Crepe, and Silk Knitted. All shades. LESS 20 PER CENT: 25 Per eent. Off X111 Women's and Misses' eoats Your chance ! This sale your best opportunity to buy that Winter. Coat and save many dollars. No other one will approach it in value 1 You Will See do other Coats more stylish than these, for every coat is a gent of the mode." In the finest soft -textured fabrics, including' Maryellas, Velours, Flamingos beautifully tailored, fur collars and trimmings.