HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1923-12-20, Page 8IQ DENALf NEW illr. T. P. h,ytit amyl Mr. Donald McKinnon made a visit to l.tandoa Tuesday evening. leer. Ruts \Weller opera Thursday in in London on business. Mr. Toni Essery and Mr. Clifford Selves, of Hamilton, are visiting to and around 13ensall foe e few days: Quite a number from Hensall took in the:surprise party Friday evening at the home of Mr. Alex. Mousse. Mr. John Rogers, C,E. of Mitchell, was in town last week, 'making some Surveys, - , Mrs. Tom Williams, of Goderich, is visiting her sister, Mfrs, Ellis, of town. Don't forget the Christmas enter- tainment to be held in the Methodist church 'Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Uur merchants ere snaking prepara- tions for a large Ch'ristmas trade, and their windows are decorated very nicely. Mr, windows look particularly 414ottve, Rennie and Davis are veryjisiinty. Bonthron & Drysdale, and eict.aren's hardware stoles are right ep-to-date' in their displays, and I)onaldson's end Scott's, groceries are showing handsome dis- plays, and Mr. R. E. Cook's bakery windows would be 'a credit to a larg- er place, The buying public will cer- tainly be well sesveil in Hensall this year. Mr. tee. k this s ece, putting in a new radio at has residence. Mr, Laird Mickle is installinga new bean -cleaner in 1115, elevator here at Hensall,, and will h in better shape than ever to serve the farming public. Ilen.all hes been known fat years as a geod grabu market and is trate one of the lealin,, bean- centres in the province. Afr. R. E. Cook Iva... n, 1 :i;ri,,n busirleti.. ult Toe day. Airs. rollick, wee has beer . 'i,,:r ly ill for some time. is able to 'he out again. 3,tr. ritnen Guyer 11as intetelkd al radio in his home Mr. A. \\'1r teseles was in London niceties: on business. Mr. James Nichol is again assisting in the Sterling Bank here. Our Continuation' and .Public schools close this week for over the Christmas holidays. -Mr, Thomas Mitchell, of Centralia, visited at the par i nntge an Monday,1 Mr, ;And Mee George Ingram re- turned Monday evening after a very pleasant honeymoon trip: Miss Wilson of Wemd,tock. has accepted a position as saleslady in the dee' goods department of Mr. T. C. Joynt's store. The Anglican Christmas entertain- ment will be held Friday- evening at 8 o'clock. Silver collection. -A good programme is bring prepared. Nest Sunday special Christmas services r in+ will beheld the, church. In the Methodist church the pastor will take for his subject in the morn- ing rning ' klad Heroei's plot been sauce - ful, What then ?" and in the evening "The Story the Shepherds Told," 'The choir will provide special Christ- mas numbers. Mr. S. Bugles spent tate wreck -en,] at his home in Hamilton. TH SEAFORTH NEWS esaeseeessm wuww,esse,wgegW xeews err em,,eseee else sm, e,c ,,smeseeeseseseasesesgeeeseeseeagreessess mmi NOMINATION MEETING. A meeting for nominating a Reeve and tourCouncillors for the Ivfunea- pality of the Township of McKillop, for the year 1924. In accordance with the Ontario statutes, 1914, Chapter 193, Sections 9 it 03 to 0. i5 enacted the Council et tc by a d of the 'Township of McKillop: (1) That Candidates fora peeve and four Councillors be nominated on Monday, the 31st day of Deoembeu, 1923, at School House No, 6, McKee lop, at the hour of 1 o'clock p.m. (2) In the event of more persons being nominated than are required to fill the several offices, an election will be held on Monday, the 7th day of January, 1924, at the following named places: Polling Division No• 1--'ee. K. Mel - land's house, Lot 10, 'Concession 5, James Evans, D.R,O., Thomas Moy- lan, P.C. Polling Division No. 2--J'anies Mil- len's house, Lot 25, .'Concession 5, John McDowel, D.R.O., James Mil- len, P.C. Polling Division N. 3 Jos. Smith's house, I•ot 10, 'Concession 12, ,fo'ltn Leeming, D.R,O., John Mur- ray. P.C. Polling Division No. 4 - School House No. 7, Lot 26, Concession 12, John Balfour, D.R.O., Willis Dundas, lee', JOHN efcNAY, (52) Clerk. CHISELHURST Miss Margaret Habkirk, daughter of Afr and Mrs. Robert Habkirk, of Bad Axe, Mich., visited in the neigh- b orhood recently. 'Mr. Archie l-Todgert had a success- ful anetion sale en Friday last. "Mr. Robert McLean, who has been for sometime hunting a lost pig, re- cently found it under his straw stack, It is thought that the pig crawled tun- dedr the stack at the time of thresh- ing and the stack settled on it The many friends of Miss Mabel Purdy will be sorry to hear that she isconfined to the house with scarlet. fever. BRUCEFIELD. The: \A'.M.S. held their closing meeting for the year last week. Mian M. Monroe presided in the absence of the president, Mrs. McDonald. -Mrs. (Rev.) W. D. McIntosh conduct- ed the Inkiness part of the meeting., It was carried on notion that the sec- retary be instructed to purchase monthly* envelopes for the women' of he congregation, so that they would have the sante opportunity to give of- ferings .monthly as the members of the Auxiliary. And they, too, will iud that their souls grow rich by {'tang for -: chat we send into the lives ,f others conte; back into our own. It as also decided in response to the ,11 call the members answer with a • llrrent event. on missionary Work or tutaiiitt verse of scripture. The :ot-tl efferhie forhe sear $32D. Two e members were :aided staring the Rer. \A'. 1) Melnt:,:sh aid lieu Mir.., Hoeg, of Clinton eschau~ed rutpi 5 sst Smiles evening. The Kelly Circle ele 'ted 3 heees et' s; i tehtr' a .d fruit, met 2 ba l,et. e.i t St. l t I ieee 1 Cher house , 1 .111 this week. The t hri tunas entertainment ln'd on Friday of ter. week. EGMONDVILLE S.S. Entertainment. -A. eery sae eessfu. Sunday .echto,l rt,tertisiunente eas held in the :Egmondvilie churchl ,1' Tuesday evening. There was a l tial stanas tree with stockings for the Amen,. the e ecial features evae a hos,' drill, "New Climm fortssn,diane,•' ]n which the boys were Ire, ed to repro ent different nation- alities. Also a girls' drill and panto- mime m which the parts were well till en especially the little folks who g,e.e. pleasing motion songs. Council Meeting, --The Council met for its last regular meeting un'Satur- day evening. .All mennhers were present. and the Reeve in the chair. Mr. Ortwein appeared before the Council and asked to be paid for work on the boulevard, and was promisee] consideration. A large number of communications were read and third "reading was given to the Cement Road Debentures by-law. Accounts were passed to the amount of a thous, and dollars, and Constable Priest was asked to have dog and poll taxes col- lected by Dec. 28th. The collector re- ported all taxes paid in except $800. and the ,Collector's roll was extend- ed to December 28th 'T'he Council adjourned to meet on December 28th, on motion of Mc- Donald and Higgins. HILLSGREEN Miss Rena Stevenson, who is tak- ing the domestic science course at Exeter, spent the: week -end at her home here, Mr. William Cochrane has been home from school -a few days on ac- count of illness. Mr. and Mrs. 'Clarence Park pleas- antly entertained a number of their friends on Thursday evening last. all reporting a good time. A number from tins vicinity motor- ed to Clinton on Monday evening and were pleasanter entertdined at the home of Mr. an] Mira. I-lugh Cam- eron. Mrs. John'Cocliranc visited in Lon- don during the past week. Mr. and -Mrs, holland Little. of llensall,'visited Mr. and 'Mrs. E. Troyer on Sunday last. Mr. Wm. McAllister attended the winter fair at Guelph last week. Mr. Samuel Waileer spent the week- end in !'pronto. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Forrest and daughter Pearl, of Moosejaw, Sask., are vie?king friends in this district, rn•ating all the way by motor. The members of the choir of the church met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fuss on Friday evening and presented Mrs. Fuss with a beau - 'fife] flower stand, she being a valued member of the choir prior to her marriage. Miss Gertrude Love, of Hensall,. spent the week -end at the home of her. brother Gordon. KIPPEN ROAD 'Don't forget the. Christmas enter- tainment>in the Kippen road school- house on Thursday. evening, Decem- ber 20th. A good programme of chor- uses, drills and dialogues will be given by the pupils, also a dialogue by nine young people of the section. Every- body welcome. Admission 25c. The many friends of Miss Dora Dalrymple of the 4th concession will be pleased to hear she is recovering nicely from her operation for appen- dicitis in the Seaforth hospital. Mr. Roland Kennedy and Mr. George Strong have returned home' from attending .the jury in Goderich last week. STAFFA Mr. W. Golding anri children. of Se,ifurth visited his parents ie t17e• village eon Sunrtay last. Mr.stint Mra G. Suhr, of Mitchell, were visitors at the iatter•'e parents on Sunday. Everyone eryone i • - busy preparing for Christmas. 1 .Christmas tree will be held m the town ]tall on 'Christmas t t w C stns. night which promises to be a good one Everybody copse and enjoy them Belt ee. HIBBERT. •\ former resident of Hibbert pass- ed in Goderich in the person of Ben. Hoggarth, at the age of 61 years, He had been til for about a week with pneumonia. Ile was the fifth in the family of twelve of the. late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Iloggarth. of Hihhert township, who lived un the 10th con- cession near Cromarty. Thirty-seven years ago he married Miss Maria Precious. who survives. Thos. Ilog- ,sarth, Detroit, and Miss Grace Hog- garth, Goderich, are surviving chil- dren, Four brothers and one sister survive, Messrs. James and Robert Hoggarth, Goderich; Thomas and William in the West. and Mrs. D. Clancey, T.ensall, N. Dakota. Far taker of Victoria ;school, and later was employed by the National Sltip- bttiiding Co. Among 'those who at- tended the funeral' were Messrs. Wm. H., Robert J. and Robert Hoggarth of Hibbert township, and James , Hog -earth, Hensell. BIRTHS, McGILI,.- -in. East \Vawanosh, Nov, 11, 1923, to Mr, and Mrs. Walter McGill, a daughter. BULLARD.-On Wednesday, Dec. 3, 1923, to Aver, and Mrs, .Fergus Bullard, a daughter. T 1 ND:ALL.---In Goderich township, on December 9, 1923, to Mr, and Airs, Roy Temente, a daughter (Lulu Elizabeth), RHODE -In Usborete, oat Dec. 70, to 'Me. and Mrs, Henry Rhode, a daughter. RI'CHARDS-In Stephen, ou Dec, lith,, to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Rich- ards, a daughter. WEBBER-In llsborne on Dec. 10t1t, to Mr, and Mrs. Roy Webber, a son, HENNING-1'n Turnberry, on Dec. 41h, to Mr. and Mrs. Chadwick Henning, a daughter. iIURCHRLL.--In Brussels, on Dec. 11, 1923, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burchell, a daughter.. MARRIED, eleE ';\N-MAIR. - In Clinton on Dec. l2th, Elda Jane Mair, Clinton, to John W. MCEwan, Kincardine. DAVIDSON-WEIR-At Winghant, oil Dec. Sth, Mrs. Barbara Weir of \\'inghant, to Fred Davidson, of hitechurch. DEATHS. N1)11 AVS. --In London, on Tues- day, Dee '15th:. 1923 William Wal- ter Andrews. aged 77 years. i•.LLISO\ Lt Egntondville, on Dee. 13, 1923. Laurence Ellison, aged 89 years. \IONIEITH,-In Exeter, on Dec. 5th, Elizezeth 1 ydd, widow of the late James Monteith, aged 77 years. r,10\TBIEI -:ln Hay township, on !lee. 6th. Sophia Chapman widow of the late bent r raybeil, Sr., aged vd v care. Mullett. on Dec. 7, 1923, r is ales Cole, aged 94 years. RC M113AI.1.. In Clinton, on Dec. 7th, Albert Rumball, REYNOLDS. -In Hullett, on Dec. 10th, Patrick Reynolds aged 77 years. DUBLIN. The Catholic Women's League will hold a 'social evening in Looby's hall on Dec. 26th, from 9:30 till 2 o'clock. Miss Bolger's orchestra. Gentlemen $1.00, McBee 25c. Lunch served. We are sorry to report the sad. news of the death of Rev- Father Kealey. He was in St. Coiumban as priest for a time and made many friends. Messrs. Joseph and Peter Kenny, of Grand Forks. are visiting their cous- itta,..John and Joseph Kenny. They are the sons of Thomas Kenny, form- erly of this town, but who resides sow in the, West. Darling \it and Mrs. Johnt: s P ent Sunday at tete Rome of the latter's parents, Mr. and airs, Scoins at Brod- hagen. Mr, and Mrs. James Longworth and wife have gone to Detroit to spend Christmas with their daughters. .A meeting was held at the Parish hall of the C.),V.L., and was very suc cessful. Everyone reported an enjoy- able afternoon, and we expect to have a larger attendance at our next meeting. Mks Reale was a visitor in. Mitchell this week. Mr. Dave McConnell was in Strat- ford as a juryman. Misses Annie and Margaret Mc- Connell entertained a few of their friends to a fowl supper. All reported having a good time, Much praise is given to the two young ladies. Patrick: Ryan, Sr., an aged and re- spected resident, met a serious accid- ent an Monday, IIe was standing in his wagon driving to the cattle yards, when he lost his balance and fell to the ground. His back was injured and he is partly paralyzed, but hopes are i held out for his recovery. ST, COLUMBAN. BRUSSELS. Much regret is being expressed Rev, T. E. Kennedy, pastor of the! mere neer the death of Rev. Fr. Kealy, Presbyterian church at Ethel and! who: was well knpwn in St. Columban, t'ranbrook far the past five years,l Fr. Kealy was assistant curate to Rev. Dean Murphy leaving here about twenty-five years ago. Ile was present at tine laying of the corner- stone of the Crew church fourteen has received a unanimous call from ,be Temple Hill charge in Owen Sound presbytery and has accepted eubjeet t., the approval of the pres- byteries interested. Mr. Kennedy hastears ago, and ably upheld his name clone good work in the charge he isi a, an orator of renown. Death came leaving. It is expected he will move very surltienly at his home in Gaines - early in January. villi, Texas, Nov. 29th. Having just Brussels picture theatre has agautpmc in from a walk in tete evening in changed hands. the new proprietor l usual stealth, he was seized with a being William C. King, of town, who suriden attack of angina pectoris and purchased it from Earl Cunningham died slsertly after, He was conscious I the Rev. S. J. ABM, of Toronto, preach to the end. and died fortified by ed anniversary sermons in the Meth -I lass rides of the Church in whose ser- odi t church here. en Sunday -to large!• vice be had worked long and faith - congregations, Mr. A11in is a former tally. well known pastor. Appreciative of Year's Work, Afollowing signed d mesa :Safe Investment. The fo11 r t t ug s g e message is It ie a peculiarity about readers of published in the December issue of that wonderful farm and family jour the Canadian National Railway's nal, The Family Herald and Weekly Magae pjagzsn':I To wish Oyou e s andM Eine Christmas and a Happy New Year. For twelve months we have been en- gaged in a joint enterprise and any success we have stet with has been largely due to the fine spirit and ef- ficient service rendered by officers and employees. I thank you one and all for the way you have re- sponded to the demands upon you and for the excellent, service you have. given the Company. Especially, I wish to thank those employees who conte in contact with the travelling public for the courtesy they have dis- played. They have, indeed, treated every passenger an our railway as a guest of the Company, with the re- sult that not only have our men found satisfaction in their work but they have materially added to the good opinion. of our ttndertakig existing in the mind's of the public. We will face the iecltnting year ' with enthusiasm, courage and a determination to es- tablish still higher our standard of service. With your coss4inued . so- operation and support, I am confid- ent the day is not far distant when we shall justify , the wisdom of those who were responsible for our Nation- al Railway System and made that system a source of profit„ and pride to the people of our Dominion. (Signed) RR. W. 'Thornton, pros. Star of Montreal, that they do not look upon the $2.00 subscription as an expense, but as a safe investment that yields them huge dividends each year. 'They will tell you, and we do not doubt it, that each issue contains money -saving and money -making Mos which woud pay the subscrip- tion price over and over. Consider- ing the value and the remarkable qualities of that great national jour- nal, it should be a difficult matter to find a single home where it is not known and read regularly. And now, heaped upon the-phenom- enal hephenom-enal value already contained in the journal itself, the publishers of the Family herald and Weekly Stat are giving free ti each new subscriber who remits in time, and to present soh -scribers who renew their sub- scription for another year, a• most beautiful picture entitled, "The Won- derful Heroine." The reproduction: if the original- masterpiece in colors has been done to perfection. In size the picture is 18 x 24 inches, on rich, heavy paper. • The life story of lbe . Wonderful Heroine has been printed in booklet. foram and a copy can be obtained cost free by any of our subscribers who send a postal card to the Family Herald and Weekly Star, Montreal. AUCTION SALE, Of Farm Stock and Implements.- :)scar Klopp has been instructed to sell by .public auction at Soldan's ui Willow Hall Farm, London road, near Hensall, on Thursday, Decem- ber 27th, at one o'clock sharp, the following: Stock --1 horse 11 years old, weight 1550 pounds; '1 horse 12 years old, weight 11,50 pounds; 1 driver 10 years ,ire weight 1100 pounds; 1 driver 10 years old, also weighing 1100 pounds: 1 heifer calf year old, 1 steer calf 7 months old, Implements, -:- One waggon com- plete with oon-plete.with 3 -inlet tire, 1 waggon gear 2 -inch tire. one waggon gear 2f inch the, Massey Harris binder 7 foot cut, one Deering disc, 1 Deeriug seed drill 13 hoe nearly new, Massy- Ilarris riding gang plow, John Deere mower 5 '.foot cut, Frost es Wood mower 5 foot cut, John Deere hay rake, 10 foot, 1 buggy, 1 set 2e4 inch sleighs, 1 improved Chatham ' fanning mill, 2 double set work harness, 1 set double driving harness, 2 sets single driving harness, one saddle, 1 stove, base burner. Terms -Five mootIns' ,credit on suints' over $10. Five per cent per an- num off for cash on credit amounts. William McLaughlin : and . Arthur Coxworth, ,proprietors; Oscar Knopp, auctioneer, AUCTION SALE. Of Farm Stock, including 50 Head of cattle and Implements. T. M, Kelly, auctioneer, has received' instructions from Thorns Trice to sell -by public auction on Lot 15, Concession 8, Township of ,McKillop; on Friday, January, 4th, at 12 o'clock' sharp the following: Horses ---Gelding seven . years old; stare : five years old. Cattle -Cow due time of sale, cow due Janiary 10, cow Clue to calve Jan. 15th, 3 Here- ford cows due to calve in Feb., 2 Three-year-old heifers due in June, 3 tows due in Feb. 3 cows due in March, 3 farrow cows,w 2 three year old steers, 12 steers two years old weighing about 850 or 900 lbs. 10 two year old heifers weighing about 900 lbs., bull about sixteen months old, 4 yearling heifers, 2 spring calves, 2 fall calves. Hogs --Sow due to far- row last of January. Implements. -Deering bay loader, , side delivery rake, 13 hoe drill good as new, Farmers Friend riding plow nearly new, 2 furrow plow, walking plow, set four section harrows, Clov- er Leaf manure spreader, piano box GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY and PROVINCIAL VOLUNTEER FIREMEN'S TOURNAMENT August 2 to 6, 1924 The Committee are already at work in earnest, They de- sire to obtain at an early date rhe Names and Addresses of every former resident of Seaforth and vicinity, In -this connection, the public can give valuable assistance. You are earnestly requested to fill in the Coupon below with the.names of members of your family, or of friends, that are living away from here, and mail same to or otherwise advise, the Secretary, A. D. Sutherland, Seaforth, Ontario. NAME ADDRESS, TitaEs Around the World with ONE OILING 100,000 Miles Without Stopping for Oil An inventor who could develop an automobile, a raiiroadcar or any other conveyance on wheels which would perform such a feat would be considered a wonder. But such is the record of regular r=a accomplishment by the Auto -oiled Aermotor during the past eight years in pumping water. Did you ever stop to think bow many revolutions the wheel of a windmill makes? If the wheel of an Aermotor should roll along the surface of thegreund at the same speed that it makes when pumping water it would encircle the world in 90 days, or wouldgo four tines aroued in a year. It would travel on an average 275 miles per day or about 30 miles perhourfor9 hours each day. An automobile which keeps up that pace day. after day needs a thorough oilmg at least once a week. Isn't it marvelous, then, that a windmill has been made which wilt go 50 times as long as the best automobile with one oiling? The Mato -oiled Aerntiotor after 8 full years of service in every part of the world has proven ita ability to run and give the most reliable service with one oiling a year. The double sears, and all moving parts, are entirely enclosed and flooded with ori all the time. It gives more service with less attentionthan any other piece of machinery on the farm. To get everlasting windmill satisfaction buy the Autrveiled Aermotor, themost efficient windmill that has ever been made.. Forluil enfor•AEt, MOTOR Chicago Dallas Des Moines motion Write " ay.�'a.V .0� i{,IYA6al.CO. liansas City : Minneapolis Oakland' FOR SALE BYti� ERT .: IN Dealer ho Gas Engines, Cream Separators, Stable Fittings, Pumps, Pipe and Water Supply Fixtures, Wind and Car Insurance. Ladies' everc ars CLOTHES OF QUALITY, FEATURING "MISS CANADA" and "MISS CHADWICK". MAN -TAILORED ULSTER OVER- COATS FOR LADIES, Made to Order Only, "MISS CANADA." A two -button single breasted model, with all round belt and all round strap on sleeves.Both belt and ,straps are finished with eyelets and leather buckles. Sleeves are "set in" and the box pleat -feature in centre of back is repeated on pockets, which are finished' with fancy flap and three leather buttons. This coat is three-eighths lined with Marquis de Luxe in shades to match. "MISS C2-IADWICIC." A two -button double breasted style, tea tturing Raglan sleeves with all round cuffsand inverted pleated back with inverted pleat patch pockets. The all round belt is finished with eyelet holes and leather buckle, while pockets have fancy flap fasten- ing with one leather button. Like "Miss Canada" this coat is three- eighths lined with Marquis de Luxe. PRICES $32 UP. MY WIARDRE)BE s, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1923. aww,yaww . __. �wsw«.� e,..r�,umeWamws..wou,+. uy� cotter, mower, set sleighs with log SEAFORTH MARKETS. bunks, sculfler, Chatham incubator, Wednesday, I)ec, lith. C.:hntou farming still, root' pulper, \Wheat, par bushel' sec whlfl:let res and neck akes and Oats,per bushel 35c -4S• host of other articles usually found on l3ariey ti'Se a farm: Iday anti Lumber'' -10 tons Ei- Buckwheat 60c to 65c utothy hay, quantity of clover hay, I''eas $125 to 1;4t uantil y basswood and elfin lumber. Shorts, ts' cwt:,., .... 1 y t t 1 7l. C, 3 Terms --All stunts of $10 and tender, 13t'an; pet• cwt Y•a5 71 cash; over that amount 10 months' Flour, per bag,;,,,.,.,; 3,35 to 3.7.1 credit will be given onefurnished ap- Butter 35c to 2s7e Ale proved joitit notes. 5 per cent Eggs9c straight off for cash op credit Potatoes amounts, Positively no reserve as the proprietor has sold his farm and is moving to town, T, M. Kelly, auction- eMiter, Schell, ebringvill"Pesos, e, PR,riceR., 1; phoneprop. $28.23, TEACHER' WANTED-. `- . For Seaforth Public' • school for Boole I., duties to cernnience. after Christmas holidays, Initial salary $750. Applications received up to the 28th inst. M, McKELLAR, sects. ($2) V The verythin =--W rownie Y. This easily -worked, Eastman -made camera is just what your youngster wants. And if you aren't quite sure, bring him in and see if his eyes don't glisten at the very sight of these splendid picture -makers,. You both can enjoy photography. Brosvnie prices start at $2.00. We have the complete n p e line , of course. J. P. DALY Jeweler Seaforth CARD OF THANKS. Lorne Ellison and sisters, wish to express appreciation of the kindness of friends and neighbors in their sad. bereavement and ;for floral tributes. HOUSE FOR RENT. On North Main street, a frame house, 7 rooms, with garden attach- ed, Good water,. Apply to R. 5, RAYS,' Seaforth; or THOSr k&e ILROY, Winthrop. -- ..Inif'I- -.,a FINE FAIIJM7T.•d'"OIR SALE, A fine -{!•cult` of 100 acres within a. mile oL,tleafoftla Good house and. barn„ fwell fenced, anti in good seeks of e.4sltivation. This farm is a res,' bargains to anyone looking for an op - :to -date hone. For particulars apply to SEAFORTH NEWS, Seaforth, ok our est The rule of the road Is "ICeep to the Right." The rule of the maid, "Keep yourself bright" If yoti want to keep young And Time's ravages stop, Talk it over with us At the Central Barber Shop Our Boncilla Massage will keep your face young. Does wonders for the skin. Men who shave themselves es- pecially need these massages. Come in and have one today. eENTRAL rber Shop W. W. ROBINSON, Prop. LILLEY Buyer of all kinds of Produce All kinds of trproduce and live aiid dressed poultry in any quantity, bought at highest cash prices. De- livery any day but Saturday. New Produce Store in the Beattie block in the store formerly occupied. by Mr. A. McQuaig. GEO. LILLEY, Phone 192 Si he Special Milverton F 1to <Ls ,r We Have it -Give it a Trial. Also. Ground Screenings ehop of T-tii Kinds Csik t; TlltMSI\ "dt GRAIN DEALER ?DONE 25. eth Garag Auto `fires and Tribes We have on hand a Complete Line of Tires and Tubes.' all sines, Best on the Market. ,. Let us supply your needs on Auto Cylhider Lubricating Oils and Greases,. We handle nothing but the best and can supply you with oils of proper viscosity to suit your motor. Also stock a complete line of most -called .for parts .of various: autos. If you are in need of a new Battery, or if > sou have a Battery e try to,, be repaired, give us a call. BATTERY CHARGING OXY-ACETYLINE WELDING EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Get into the habit of patronizing us. We want to serve you, and serve you well, MAXWELL AND CHALMERS DEALER. PHONE 167W We Have Installed a telephone for night calla -160J