HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1923-12-20, Page 4r c 1 t r 5 fi 'Elmo 'VAR NA _tilete rs. Witt. Logan autl M. Elliott J. F. SNDWT30N, Proprietor. . ti .. m a its FT.eusall,. .,pt tt 5t y Miss Welch, of Ripley, is spending with sister, Miss 'Tarte a few days wtYl , \\Fetch, WINTHROP, Galbraith, p g Miss Mary l , cf Wt'nui c . The: Young Peoples Society are Man., is visiting her -sister, MissMar- ' holding their annual meetingand. so- garet, Who we are sorry •to - say, is ev ciel'enin � this Friday eveingot improving as fast as her friends Mr. Irvin ,: not Trewarthais spending.a would like. We hope- to hear of her few days with his friend; Mr. Kenneth speedy recovery. Allen .of t',oderieh. There is talk. these days of starting While loading pressed. hay at Wal- a choral seeiety for the benefit Of the teng:Mr. .David Mcjiav ane had- the young people, ' misfortune of getting his right leg Mr. Andrew Foote, Michigan, is t of Mr. \\'m. Reid, Parrbrbrokenabove "tete ankle. Both bones the gu est ibeing broken, it will be sone gine be- Line, fore he willbe able to have theuse \1 S . J. E. Ia�ivcp spent t the week - of it. slid in Clinton with her sister; Mrs. Mr, Jake Broom is erecting a neW J. F. Reid. cottage south of the village. Mr. Har- ry Hart doing art isthe work, Fire Risks in Christmas Decorations. Public school No, 10 are holding To the Editor of the News: Following the usual custom at this season of the year, I beg to draw your attention to the danger to life and property from Christmas decora- their Christmas tree and entertain- meat this Friday afternoon. A good progreinme is being •prepared. Come a d enjoy an afternoon with the chil- it'iioai 1 . the country tt it tt t is. r ih native of Bruce Houston, a n tv FIo t , county, but for years prtuuinent in Toronto educational matters, gave an interesting address. Me.,1lei'.aren, re• ferring to the the pleasure he had en- joyed in his conueetion with the As- sociation as its president, (a position he had filled most acceptably to the members) asked to be relieved owing pies Leslie laplestone and Harriet 'Taylor•; sec;, Alberta Richmond; cats sec: d 1 Ida McGowan; treas„ Edea Me - Gowan; tr k:t Yi l uowan; gist, treas., �Annfe Richmond; organist, Jeannette Poplestone; sup- ply sec., Miss Craig and Mrs. Wil- liams; captains, Eliza. Machan and Jean Laidlaw; !lents., Edna Bell and Clete Watson; monitors, Flugh. Cum- mings, J. Sims. to the rens of other matters: Mrs, H. McElroy, while crossing p The .officers for the current year: the street, had the misfortune to slip, Hon. presidents; Gee. \\rut. Otter, Sir Breaking the iufauit's leg. Mr. Bell, John Willison, J. A. McLaren. North Dakota, is visiting his brother, President, W. Proudoot; vice prey.,, Wm, Be1I, Mrs. W. .Ferguson, Mrs. R. C. Richard Scott, Myth, shipped a cur King and 'Mfrs. T. S. Tuntnitts; 555., of ashes to Boston, E. Floody; assisk. sec., Miss NI. S. Clinton. Flynn; fin. sec., J. A. . Cameron; The three farms .belonging to the treas., John Robertson; chaplains, estate'. of the late Reeve Lindsay, have Rev. Jas, Wilson and C. A. Seager; been disposed of, Mr, A. E. Towns - auditors, R. S. Sheppard and B. hand, who recently sold his farm, has Bailey bought the farm on the Bayfield line Executive committee; H. W. Tim- comprising 109 acres, and will con - mins, D. I'S, Wilson, R. Holmes, H, tinue-to reside in the township, the J. Morrish, Maj. 'Beek, R. C. King, old Perdue farene between the Bay - 5. R. Lyon, G. A. Newton, F. H. field line and Bayfieldconcession, Hodgens, N. B..., Cabblsdtck, R. containing forty acres, has been par - Crocker, S. L. Scott, W. W. Sloan, chased by Mr. Alex. Elliott, and that an .d • liana, such. as draperies, scenery, cot- T. 5., Soole, 1 5, \Vatsh, W. B. on the 4th concession, Goderich town - Mr. over a Lou, resent snow. Displays of Phillips; H. B. Stowe, C. C. Ross, ship, also containing 40 acres, has $1 r. C.d [nett roe tots nature, ,asp of dressed fowl on Saturday and' this stature, and the lighting arrange- H. Martie; and the following ladies, been bought by R. Porter, it was shipped to Kitchener Sir Mutt- uients in connection therewith, add Mrs. McLaren, Mrs, Holmes, Mrs• Charles Cole passed away on. Fri- day vcry'e• stisiderahty to the ordinary Scott Mrs. 1'loody, Mrs. Beck, Mrs. day, Dec. 7th at the home of his soli, Mr, and Mrs. John Amtrong and risks of fire. Cohbledid9., Mrs, Morrish, Mrs. Mar -W. II.. Cole, north of Clinton, at the Miss Noreen, .of T:;lyth, spent Sunday 1 to nld also point out that should tin, Mrs. Johnston, Mrs. Irwin, Mrs. great age of ninety-four years. He with Mrand Mrs. -Fergus Bullard. an se:eh:itt of the 1;1100 occur in a Stowe and Miss Irene Freeman. was born in Peel county.. He came to Mr. Walter Eaton has been visiting crowded store or meeting, the rapid The annual At Hpme will be held Huron county while quite young and friends in Craubrook for a few days. spread of fire in such inflammable in January. spent his life in and around Clinton, Rendered First Aid ----While ilr, and material la ahni at terrain to occasion Ile felt very keenly the loss oif itis field. weNrlei eaisidtotMs vast LtretatoToa1stof CNrd, rlcou tt Nits. Louis Kraft. Mr,. J, '1iireeter was ill for few days list week with lagrippe, • Albert Eley, of Drumheller, Alta,; is visiting with his father, Mr. Chris, Hey, Babylon Line. Miss'2.rtniaia Brenner, has returned I1011)5 from a two weeks' visit toLon- don, Dr. A. J. McKinnon spet the peek few days at his former house in Cale - don East, where his "sister is serious- ly 111, Jacob Brown has returned :hone from an extended visit at IK.iteltener and Tavistock.. The main. streets in the business section of the village have undergone improvements. The mud was scrap- ed off and hauled away mid replaced with lake gravel. • Mr. C. Bartlbi,h, accompanied by his friend, Mr. Webster, Goderich, were in the village.. Mr, Hartcib is not enjoying the best, of health owing to r•ehuniatistts and is contemplating ek- ing treatment at the hot mineral bath Mrs. C, Bennett stere suotonug home ;, panic w ith atten+larit risks to 1115 Ou}t the uninformed endure the wife with whom he had lived for near- •re s Thursday evening, -limb.The National Fite Pro- tgeny of corn,. The kuouing ones ly sixty-seven, and who died three when T. t oto. last j 1551 n when near - Freston they had a sad' , > � iivt `ls.,ociati5>u told the Ontario 5 apply :Nohow ay's Corn Remover and:. years ago. Mr. Cole is survived by 2Llt encounter: Theycame across a ear i Fire Marshall 16/on-Intend that all' get relief. one sun, W. H. Cole. three daughters, upside down that had gone over an fahrice for rlcc cation purposes should Mrs. 1'. 0. Johnson. Cbippawa Mrs. embankment a few minutes before.' he immersed in .t solution of Com - Killed AtBrantord, A. Cole, Wayne, 'lien., and Mfrs, Guy and several children were iai untium Phosphate ins Struck by .an auto driven by Hicks of Clinton, and a number of pi 0 men ei\7t II V merge! t t .rr Col- , • c i- pinned beneath the car, Nig Bennett the proportion of our potuul of plies-, lht ttr Circuttvoodr a I7 u. t,rtnde.hilditu an etre g of them a}1 removed frau the Wreck- to ane gallon of water. If then 1i•giat, student, as he was alighting dren.The funeral \vas held 1t 001 tis 1't ed car: one boy beeng dead and sit- slightly wrung and dried they will from a street car on Brant 5VCtU ,i sons resurgence, on the gravel road. eral of the other children seriously offconsiderable resistat,Ce to fire wounded, He took the most serious- until again washed. iy injured to -a doctor in Galt and the If thia is not practicable, a few sitn- rest_ae .1 nearby farmhouse, where pie precautions utay.recluse the Bang :qrs. L'eneett and the lady of the er to a minimum, and these about,' he House attended them until the arrival e.,,,,, ,lered essential where large mem- of a.doctor, The driver of the car hers .,f people, and particularly chit- has been arrested and willcome up ,Iron. are to be gathered. for trial the last of the week on a See that inflammable materia; is charge of manslaughter. Mr. Bennett clear of and not hong neer heating has teen summoned to testify on the and lighting devices, sleampipts, ease. Mr. Bennett's ciethee. as telt-tovepepes, electric light bulbs, etc. as the ear, was saturtts-1 with Mood. tee that your electrical circuits are properly fused and not overloaded by The following 55500111 of the ae- the addition of temporary lights. cident near I're: ton is from Fridays Examine your: fire extinguishing ap- papers. dunces and see that they are suffic- 'Preston Iyer 13.Paul Nlarchutl-, aged 13. son 51 Nick \Iarcliuck. tent, in good order and readily asses - Vs t 1 t 1 dead d two a er t t }Jail, it ,, I. teat an•w little cousins, raughters of Peter Stadnick,. Kitchener, are probably fatally injured as the result of an automobile crash which occurred autt to a almut twomiles nt t hall le• fro Preston -n the 1 re :t. n Kitchener highway early this et ening• The fath- er and lnotlier of the deceased, as well as four brothers and sisters and the }driver of the car. were all injured its the accident and could not give a clear account of the tragedy. The accident is made doubly tragte by the fact that the party was re- turning to Preston after burying the mother of the two little girls, whose injuries may prove fatal, and who were going to the home of the \lar- cbuck's their aunt and uncle, after :he funeral. Front the ace nate of the accident. the car skidded near a culvert and toppled over an embankment .even to 10 feet in height. Patti died while being brought 10 Preston. Three others were taken to the office of Coroner I)r. C)alcs. who • sound the two Starintelts were ,tille ing from fractured skulls and the Cher, a sister of the deceased, fr t i ;sere eats and 1, n e-. Ile ordered them to be taker to Cie 1 : pitai at i'alt, where the condition itt.,t. ,. the two most se. vtnwI' 1n'itlred rep .sited serious. Coroner Dr. 1 talts has ise i - I that n im:t'tc "t „ necessary a 1,1 has ord erre a nit rt+a re'rd. 1 i,e jury wili i10h1 a predIll'tlary and -1 11 adjourn t5, a (501-1: 1 ,nn theft cher rev l n,zc adl 7„' hc.a_! :v'•• 'an -t ,/7,1 tinct Bible St ed and not obstructed. Rememberthat nothing can render these displays absolutely safe, and that n accidents are not to mar the festive season, constant vigilance and. care mist be exercised. --R, G. PARKE. Chief.. Seaforth, December, 1923. Toronto Huron Old Boys. The 24th annual meeting of the Huron 010 Boys' Association of To- ronto was held In one of the parlors of the 1.M.C.A. on December 7th, and was the largest attended annual. meeting that had been held for years. T 1 \leLaren, president, occupied c that all exits are plainly mark - the chair. A report of the year's transactions showed the association to be its a good condition, the report If Treasurer John Robertson show- ing a hank balance, Mr. Thomas McGillicuddy. well- known as a, former Huronian, and moss- holding a position in the Depart- ment of Agriculture, gave an interest - ng address on "Rough °'Diamonds in Heron," , which was both retrospecti55 1.11,1 introspective,- and humorous. A sae -cation was made that in some tray a memorial or testimoutal, should be made that would at all theme commemorate the memory of .nose whose pioneer life had made neat his house. Dr. 0. \i"ttsnn }lent - Rev, Mr. Nloorchou.:e conducted the i0t, 215 Brant .avenue, Brantford, on; service, The pallbearers were �,ix December "111111, received :nett severer grandsns: Harvey and Stewart Do- -` injuries that death ensued within aa, he+rty. T.ondon; Charlie Cole, Haunt- hour. -hxuul hour. The motorist grove !Jr. Vt at -1 tett and \\ , L. Johnson, Robert Fish- son to the hospital, after which he er and 011e Welsh, Clinton. proceeded to the police station. Dr. The C.C.T. girls' basketball team Watson had been in practice for many .has won the Scott trophy for two years, and was highly esteemed. He: years in succession, allowing them to was li popular tnentbl}r of the Duffer-: retain it perminently. The trophy in Bowling Club and an official of was iliinated by Mr. Scott, Seaforth, Brant Avenue Methodist church. - A Thos, Venner has Nought the Eagle - widow and a grown-up fancily survive. son property on Ratteubury street, Clinton. Dr. Watson was a former resident of Seaforth from Brussels in 18$0. Flis wife is a daughter of John Btxsadfoat, Misses I earl and Ruby Churchill, daughters of NA'. and Mrs. D. ssgee A number of .the villagers enjoyed the Evangelistic meetings cotttlucted by Rev. A. Jordan in Credit= Evan- gelical church, and received great in- spiration. Rev, Mr Jordan will can - duct similar meetings in the Zurich e.hureh in the latter part of 'larch, "P • le terrier dog be- longing the Litt longing to Mr, Geo, Thiel, met with a rather unexpected death one morel- ing, orn ing, when one of our prominent busi- ness men unintentionally rats over the animal with his car. Mr. Thiel had only a short time ago refused the Sum of $25 for it. Elizabeth Goetz, youngest:' daughter Dr of "Nue and -Elizabeth Schultz was bora'. March 16, 1838 in leleklettburg Schwerin, Germany, and in 1565 s'he cattle to t1ay tovvnahep,. arid' after spending a year on the farm of her brother-in-la,v, Ohris, Schroeder, in 1866 she married Jacob Goetz, who passed away many years ago. She lived in Zurich until 1916, when she went to live at the County Home at Clinton, where she died on December 8th,' at the age of 86 years. Holiday Specials For the Christxri.as season we have booked four big attractions, . ce first release. Each of these have beeli.scoring ' wonderful success stn HERE THURS., FRI., and SAT. (this week) 5urefiue Flint with Johnny Hines supported by AY •. �a &1 l Doris Kenyon O mos., I l'ES and WED , t:'hlistmtin 13ookist m in MyBoy Jackie eoaga `I'illile. FRI, SAT. (Dec. 27-28-29) Homeward <:: ound Thomas Meighan life H from Peter B. Kyne's story, "The Light to Leeward." N EW YEARS BOOKING McLean in the great racing Douglas ��C1L eoredy=Dran.a The Hottentot of Brussels district, Churchill, Goderich township, have ADULTS 20c — CHILDREN 15c HURON NEWS. Blyth. \Lr,, laizaheth MillsNlells has. received a 1 ronee •medal from the London (Jing.) College of Music for haring passed with honors itt pianoforte playing. . y bing Messrs. Johnston & Armstrong arc ehipping large quantities of hay to the States. They pressed 28 tons its 7;ei hours one dayrecently. which is quite a record. Mrs..'.. M. Babb and Miss Jean Babb, of Teeswater, visited Mrs. H. \lcQnarric. Mrs, C. Spafford spent a few days in Toronto with her daughters and 5011. Win. Burling has been notified by the Pension Board that his applica- tion for a pension has been accepted, and the pension will be paid up from April, 1922. Mrs. (Judge) Jackson has returned front a visit with her son and daugh- ter in Toronto, Mrs. Jackson will spend the winter with her father. J. G. Jackson. The following, officers have been elected for the I[cLeatn Mission Band for the Granting year: I•ion. prestdeuts, Mrs, Telford Mrs. Popleatone and Miss Rai'rett advwt,ry committee Misa 3-Iond Mrs. Williams, ., Mrs. flcdle Miss Craig, Mr.. Scott and Mee. I;tdtr: pies., Grate Geddes; vice LONDESBORO. II dlzd ,01•10.. 7L , t err t lea s t, Mrs :\best Mr. and \1,-. 1 `ice., Aliria Melville .f Seats, Ili, ea21- t ..1 ,in' heir #wire+ls , ate ,lay 11s1 neck. Knox l'res.esttr:art church are pre- vtring. for theirs etc Otristina.. trce which is beim; hell this Friday even. ng. A gond programme is being pre- pared by the Sunday school. .A good time is 'expected. The Method-. ists also are having their Christmas t tree un Christmas eight, and a good 1 programme is being,prepared The Women's ntlnsionary society will meet i5 11111'fl, church on Tluu•,- 1 lay. This being the annual business t meeting all the ladies are cordially invited to attend, Mrs. Barry Riley, who has been I ,aid up with blood poisoning in her hand, hs not improving as well as het many.friends would like to see her, i Miss Ann :\berg has gone to To- ronto to spend the Christmas poli- t lays with friends, Mrs. ilex, Wells, who has been ,isitilig her sister in Centralia, re- turned home last week,' ROXBORO Roxboro school are `having their Christmas tree Friday afternoon: Messrs. John Eckart and F. Cole- man were busy hauling pressed hay from +the T. E. Hays' farm. A few Roxboro farmers drew their fall wheat to Clinton last week and claim they made good wages, from seven to eight cents per bushel. A few .sleighs were on the move a clay or two hauling manure. as the snow was too nice to, let go by with- out trying the old bobsleigh once again: Mfr. John Hart and eons have been cutting down shade trees in town the " past week. Mrs. Milton Stewart has returned. home after having a week's holidays visiting friends in Hensel! and Lon- don. ola3 eloci ts Sone THE BIG HARDWARE STORE prides itself on being in a unique position during the Christmas Holiday, because every article it features as a possible !Christmas Gift is a practical one. FOR THE LADIES AND GIRLS Select Silverware and Cutlery, Guaranteed Electric Irons Choice Aluminum Ware, Superior Granite Ware Nickel -plated Kettles and Teapots FOR THE GENTLEMEN A nice line of Superior Tools, Mitts, Gloves and Pocket Knives FOR THE BOYS Sleighs, Skates, Hockey Sticks, Mitts Gloves and Jack Knives FOR THE SMALL TOTS We are clearing out all toys at special prices Seaforth, Ont. returned home after spending the. sutlt111ct• in Detroit. Chas. -Middleton is to be a candi- date for reeve of Clinton. Mrs. J. J. Johnston was elected president of the W.A. of St. Paul's church, Clinton. The marriage took place in Clinton. on Wednesday, Dec, 13th, at the hone "of the bride's parents, of Elda Jane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Walter Mair, to John \10; McEwen, Kiucard it\e, foraner•ly of Clinton, Miss Nora Statham, of Brantford, vvas bride's - maid and Mr. Lynn Mair, brother of the bride, was best man. Master Douglas glair acted a s ringbearer. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. E. Hogg in the presence of sixty guests. The happy cottple will reside in Kincardine. Zurich. / Ibm. and Mrs. A. Melidc were visit- ors at Crediton, Miss Minnie Utley was in London last week. Misa Margaret Fuss has taken a position at the \';'alper house. Mr. M. C'. -Milliken motored to Stratford: Mr, mid Mrs. 7'. L. \\rurnt and Mr,• Nesbitt Woods spent a clay in Bay - MATINEES SAT.. MON., and TUES., 15 and 10 cents, i Es S Best Imported Holland Bulbs HYACINTHS TULIPS (Mixed) • NARCISSUS (Mixed) CROCUS (Mixed) doz, TUBEROUS BEGONIAS (Mixed) $1.00 per Send for Complete List including Roses and Shrubs. HOLLAND eAN. IMPORT eo. 449 River Road NIAGARA FALLS, ONT. 50c to $1.50 per doz: 40cp50 doz, 505 per doz. 15c per doz. Medical D. II. HUGH ROSS, Physician and Surgeon. Late of London Hospital, London England. Special attention to diseases of the eye, ear, nosethroat,resift- r' .inti Office and as d } mice behind Doniiniot�t Banlc. Office Phone No. 5, Residence Phone 106. D1 . F. J. BURROWS, Beaforth..01-. Tice and residence, Goderich Street, east of the Methodist Church. Cora , osier for the County of Huron. Tel- ephone •No. 40, . monamosarritausellialet IIIIataiNWSWIliatelialarilintantaMeSIOSSIMSOUISOIO '•• e u Music makes every home happy. If you want to make yours one of the happy ones, let us install a nice Player y�;�' � ,. t to a ��! a' � �t i e' 1�e�11�y, hHr 15. - ti ':Vr c Y. onogr a .:' �� h, for Christmas . Nothing nicer, everyone can enjoy it and it lasts a lifetime. No gasoline to buy, no tires to buy, no danger of smash-ups, small depreciation and useful every -day in the year. It helps to keep your home together instead of taking you away from home, In every way you look at it, it is a real necessity, if you want to do whatis right with those in your care, OurAre Easy Terrns- Just pay a SMALL INSTALMENT and bal- See me at once as Late Orders are dis- ance to suit your convenience, appointing. sPERi - L To those giving their order before DEC, 21st for Piano, we will include a certificate for $25.00 worth of music lessons on any music teacher you may choose. Remember this is good only to the above date, and is given with any make of Piano you choose, JO.NATUAN E. UGIL' PIANOS RENTED by the evening for Christ ryas Entertainments and Dances, Etc. PHONE 13.616 R. R. No. 2, SEAFORTH P.O. DRS.' SCOTT & MACKAY. Phys iciahs` and Surgeons, Goderich St. opposite Methodist church, Seaforth, SCOTT, Graduate Victoria and Ann Arbor, and member of Ontario Col. lege of Physicians and Surgeot.e. Coroner for County of Huron. MACKAY, honor graduate Trinity University, Gold medallist, Trinity Medical College, Member of 'o",,k lege of Physicians and Surgeons,''" Ontario. DR, F. J. R. FORSTER—Eye, Earl Nose and Throat, Graduate Medicine University of Toronto, 1 Late Assistant New York'Ophlr tnic and Aural Institute, Mooreft Eye, and Golden Square Throe pitals, : London, Eaglet) Commercial t slag Hotel, third d \heclne 1 sc a in Y 55511 from 11 a.tn, to 3 pan. 53 Wt street, South, Stratford. Phalle Stratford. - DR, A, M. • HEIST, OSTEOPATH-- N. Licensed in Iowa and Michigan. Slie- cial attention to diseases of women and children. Consultation fret. Of- fice over Uutbach's drug store. Suc- cessor to Dr. Geo, J, Heilemann. Tuesday, 9 a.m, to 6 p.m. General Fire, Life, Accident & Automobile INSURANCE AGENT and Dealer in Singer Sewing Machined James Watson North Main St. SEAFORTH, ONT, THE McKILLOP Mutual Fire Insurance Co. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN ' PROPERTY ONLY, INSURED Officers Jas. Connolly, Goderich, Presidents. James Evans, Beechwood, Vice Pres- ident; Thomas . Hays, Seaforth, Sec, - Treasurer. Directors. D. F. McGregor, R. R. 3, •Seaforth] John G. Grieve, R. R. 4, Walton; W. Rtnn, R. R. 2, Seaforth; John Ben- newes,• I3rodhagen; Robert Fervid, R. R. No, 1, Blyth; Malcolm McKeon, Clinton; G. McCartney, R. R. No.53, Seaforth; James Connolly, Goderich; Jas. Evans, Beechwood, Agents, Alex. Leitch. R. R. Nn. 1, Clinton; E. Flinchley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray, R.' R. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V, Yeo, Iloltnesville; R. G. Jaltnoutil, Born- holm. James Kerr and John Goren - lock, Seaforth,1d_itors. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business wilt be 1 nc'omplty attended ttby application to any sf the above officers addressed to ;heir respective postodises, Desirable House FOR SALE To the person seeking a comfort- able house close tostores, churches, and schools, and still be in the country, this residence is splendidly located, being less .than a mile from Seaforth postoffice,. The property consists of eight acres of land, a good frame house with seven 'roosns and woodshed, hard and soft water; good stable with ;cement flooring; fine or- chard. Possession can be given im- mediately. Further information may be obtained at THE NEWS OFFICE: Liggsgesagessee Don't iTha•Ow Your Old Carpets Away They make new rever- sible "Velvetex" Rugs, send for"'Velretex Folder II CANADA RU6 COMPANY • LONDON, UHT, FEATHERS WANTED Highest prices paid, Max Wolah, phone 178, Seaforth,