The Seaforth News, 1923-12-13, Page 8ENSALL NEWS
Mr, Ress Jci eftaatar Goderich'on
Friday inoreing; where he hes secure
ea a position. •
Miss Elva Shaddock has gone to
Chicago 'where she will visit for a
Don't forget the Christmas enter-
tainment to be' held ie the Methodist
church Thorsela.y evening, Dec. 20th.
This entertainment is long -looked
for by the eltildren of the Sunday
school. The programme consists of
readinge-, recitations, drills, dialegues,
etc., and Santa Claus will put in an
appearance towards the ead of the
Mr. Robert Higgins, who has been
in poor health for some time, has sold
a half in terest in his produce busi-
ness to Mr. Roy Wilbur. The new
firm has opened im on Main street,
which will be a great convenience to
the farmers. They are shipping large
quantities of poultry this week.
Mr, Roy Cook has got comfortably
settled in his new home.
Mr. Elliott Bela son of Mr. and
MTS. J3111e'S A. Bell, who is now liv-
ing in Rosenburg, Southern Oregon,
in writhig to friends here in the vil-
lage, says he is greatlyeetaken up with
that country, and has awgooci •position
there. ° -
Wedding belle are ringing in this
village. .
The final meeting of the conned,
for this year will be -held on Satur-
day evening, Dec. 15th. .
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Geiger attended
the funeral of the formeraister in
Detroit, and on their arrival home,
Reeve Geiger left imineaiately to at-
tend the County Council at Goderich
After so much wet weather our citi-
zens appreciate our fine pavement nn
Main street.
The council of 1923 have had to
spend very little money on the roads
this year, the heavy teaming being
done on the pavement. Consequently
the back streets are, nut cot up the
way they used to be, and require very
little repair.
The OM Time Dance held in the
town hall Friday evening was a big
'Fite board of trade are again ar-
ranging for an open-air• skatiug rink
this winter. The boys and girls
around town are wondering whether
they better buy boats or skates.
Mrs. D. Paisley and little daughter,
(..if Montreal are visiting the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Rennie.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Iledden of Brant-
ford, are visiting friends in town.
Mr. Hall, who has been assisting
in the Molson's Bank, left Monday
evening for Aylmer, where he has
been transferred.
Alvin Warrener, son of Mr. and
Mrs. N. P. Warrener, who left here
some time ago for Pontiac, Mich.,
was -serieusly injured at that place
recently. He was riding down street
on his bicycle and was run over by a
motor car. His many friends here
hope for his speedy recovery,
Miss Dorothy Greet' is suffering
from an attack of scarlet fever.
• The Mallard 3.1ission Circle of the
sale on Saturday afternoon of 'fancy
work, cooking and home-made candy.
The girls are to be congratulated on
the interest they take in the mission-
ary moveneent.
The funeral of Mrs. George Hunt,
who died in Halifax on Tuesday, Dec.
4th, was held at Mrs. Huat's on Sat-
urday, Dec. 8th, Interment was in
Hensel' Union Cemetery.
Mrs. Milton Stewart of Seaforth, is
spending the fore part of the week
with her grandmother, Mrs. Consitt,
after which she intends visiting
friends London, St, Thomas,. and
The Gamma Alpha Delta Sunday'
school class took the opportunity al
meeting one of their members, Miss
Laura Johnson, on the threshold of
her wedding day, and presented her
with a beautiful clock. Although the
latter was taken by surprise, she re-
sponded in 2 most .apprepriate man-
A very pleasant evening was spent
at the residence of Mrs. Robert Cam-
eron on Tuesday evening of this
week when the young ladies of the
village gave a shower to Miss Laura
Johnson, a bride of this week.
Ingram -Johnson. — The marriage
took place at the Methodist parson-
age on Wednesday, December 12, a
• Miss Laura Johnson, daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. James Johnson, allay, to
• Mr. George Ingram, of Hay township.
The Rev. Mr. Sinclair performedthe
ceremony, after which the happy
couple left on the, evening train for
London and other points. On their.
return they will reside on the London
road south.
School Report—Following are the
results of the examinations for Nov-
ember of the Hermit public sehool,
Sr. 1V.—Honors, Mildred IvIcDon-
ell, jean Stone, Mildred, Scruton, Ir-
ma Higgins, Pass, Avis Lindeefield,
Tommy Simpson, Roy Bell, Milton
Boyle, Stanley Bean, Roy Soldan,
Lloyd Passmore, Ray. Lanunie. •
Jr. IV.—Honors, „jean Bonthron.
Pass, Margaret Drummond, John
Beata Dorothy Little, Lillian Steacy,
Marie Foster.
Sr. Ill.—Honors, Margaret Mc- light and water, at $35, per month be
Pass, Scott Welsh, Beryl Paid.
Pfaff, Gertrude Higgins, Bertha Sol
den, Louise Drutrunond, Pearl Eldet!
Wm. McKay, teacher..
Primer Class A.—Herbert Hedden,
Olive Brock, Bobby Passmore, Jack
Young, Katharine Drysdale, Muriel
Primer Class B.—Helen Gleno,
Raye Paterson, Harold Btadshaw,
Mary Hemphill, Lloyd Lidenfield,
Dorothy Cook.
Jr, I.—Ruth McLaughlin, Viola
Triilddbrancl, John Faruhar, Lorne El-
der, Jean Whiteside, Mabel Fee.
Sr. L—Harvey Hudson, Tommy
Smale, Alclon Appleton, Eleanor Bell,
William Dadson, Roy Brock—Miss
Buchanan, teacher.
Through the kindnees of Mr. Welsh
a good number of the men of St.
Paul's church eut and drew a good
supply of wood for the Church from
• thebush owned by Mr. Walsh, On
Semclay last th Rector expressed
gratitude on 'behalf of the,congrega-
tion to Mr. Walsh for his generous
On Sunday good congregations
intoVcr, aheeservices at St. Paul's
ehtirehaboth 'Morning and evening, At
the nuargiftg., ,sereie'Ca' the Reeter
pqached from Isaiah intro -
(hieing the thought of Advent and
the second.coming of Jesus Christ. At
the evening service the sermon was
from Rev. 20:12, judged by the
Book of Life. \are are judged by the
elook because the Book is Life.
The men of the .Methodist church
arranged a wood bee oa Monday af-
ternoon at Mr. Thos. Welch's timber
lot on 2nd concession of 'Tuckersmith.
Twenty-one atteded the bee and saw-
ed enough weed for a year.
Epworth League. --At the League
'fleeting on Monday night the Missee
Murdock and Miss Greta Lammie de-
lighted the Leaguers with a fine violia
selection. An instrumental by Miss
Frances Pearce and a selection from
a mixed quartette were also much ap-
preciated. Rev. Mr. Lundy, of Kip -
pen, was tillable to address the Lea-
gue, as had been announced, because
of illness. On account of the Christ-
mas practices the tneetings of the
League will be withdrawn for the next
two weeks.
A practice 'shout was held on the
Recreation groom! on Wednesday al -
1 1, prepare the local shooters
tr the big shoot which was held on
Fridae. The scores for the Wednes-
day afternoon shoot resulted as fol-
1st event at 10 birds: J. Hunkm
Passmore 7; W. Sanders 9; R. Bell
8: D. Brintnell 7; P. Boa, 7; S. Deeg-
an 5; T. Rowcliffe 6; P. Passmore 8;
1. Heywood 5; F. Kerr 8.
event at 10 birds—J. Hankie 4;
I. Paesniore 10; W. Sander e 6; R. Bell
r). Brintnell 14; P. Boa 0; S. Doug-
all 7; T. Rowelide It: P. Passmore 8:
C. Heywood 7; 17 Kerr 10.
One cif the inost stieiessful shoots
:lageri here ,vac held on the Recrea-
tion grounds on Friday commencing
at 10 a.m. Favored with irleal weather
there were twenty-three shothers who
;oak part. The results are as follows:
1st vvent at 10 birds—T. Kerr 8; R.
Bell 8; W. Sanders 8; C. Heywood 6;
J. Martell 8; J. Bice 5; Dr. Bice 9; T.
lilirnan 3; P. Passmore 0: P. Zurick
6 : 3. Hunido 6; R. Jordan 8.
2nil event at 10 birds—T. Kerr 8; J.
8: Dr, Bite 10; D. Jordan 7:
P. Zurick 8; W. Sanders 8; I. Bice 8;
P. Passmere 5; G. Dalrymple 7; T.
'Tillman 8; J. Tretnner 10; W.- 0'-
1:Irian 3: • Y. Sarara. 5; 0. Venne^ 7:
M. Deitz 6; S. Dougall 0.
drd event :it 10 birds -T. Kerr 10;
D. Jordan 8: Dr. • Bice "a T. Tillman
7; P. Zurick W. Sanders 5; J. Mar-
tell 6; P. Paesmore 0: G. Dalrymple
8; R. Bell 8; P. Boa 7; D. Brintnell
8; J. Tremner 8; W. Brian 3; Y.
Sararas 5; M. Russell 6; C. Fritz 4;
W. Bell 7; G. Parker 7: C. Heywood
5; S. Dougall 0:'B. Veinier $; W.
Deitz 7.
Cominned front • Page 4.1
marked your administration of the
affairs of the county as of real ser-
vice in the best interests of the •coun-
ty. and has won our admication as
evil as approval at all times.
Signed on behalf Of the members of
Huron County Council for 1923.
The Warden made a very suitable
reply, thanking the council for this
splendid testimony of the kindness of
heart and generosity of the members
of the eouncil,
4.h1 resuming the chair the Warden
stated that Mr, Griffin had notified
him that he and Mrs. Griffin were
willing to vacate the jail as soon as
euseible and that he wee willing tole-, jail. shelter and court house cost ap-
fund to the county the sum of 8200 to I prnximatelY $2,400, and we think they
pay it portion of the expenses incur- are well worth the money expended.
red through his occupancy of the jail. We visited the registry office and
Ex -Warden R. McKay, Egmondville. foiled everything in good condition,
Ex -Warden Robert McKay, of Eg- except that the window recommended
mondleille, who was present, was ask- has not been supplied, and we recom-
ea to speak and stated that since he mend that this be carried out by the
was warden in 1913; some .12 of those clerk acting with the registrar,
who sat with him had passed away, We visited the police magistrate's
Moved by Messrs. Hanley and Rob-
ertson that the treaeurer be instruct-
ed to issue his pay cheque. For De-
cember session to..thefamily of the
late D. A. Lindsay, in appreciation if
his services, and that the -present reeve
receive the cheque to he given to the
"Finance Committee.
County ,Reports, • At the County Home. 1Jely 1911i and examined 1115 county, 'liable: striving mare 8 years slcL
gounty property cOmmittee' as- 1 Th, Herm.: County Horne commit- I bridges on the Bay,6eld river. a„ cat:de...a:ow 4 yvars old dee to
norte:d.` recoidmendieg tiling the tee reported as aollows: Tae bridge on COM 2, Sfealey, W,Ca" freshen 1st of ,iatitiary; heifer 3 years
er's report; reCommending that a iiew Your committee Met three •times found .10 require repairs' to *the ap- to freshen 2011t -Jane cow 9 years,
policy be taken out on the boiler in since the June session and visited the Proaches, guard fence and stringers, frealten 291h January; mow 4 years to
the Court House, to be at -tended to by Home twice, and the HOme Ts in a and it was left with the chairman of freehen 2911, January; cow, 5 years to
the clerk. very satisfactory condition. • the committee to have these carried freshen 2m1 of February; cow, 6 ?ears
Re ocettpancy of jail residence, we We held a special meeting immedi- oat, which has been done, to freelien 15th of leeb.; eow 4 years
reeorumend that this committee be ately after the close • of the June Glee's bridge was fOUTid to be in to freshen 8th of April; black cow 10
empowered to have Ms. Griffin, the sesmon and decided to have plans good condition and the Varna bridge years, -to freshen 20th of May; heifer,
ex -jailer, removed from the jail real- and specifications 'prepared .by Coon- to be in need of having the ap- 3 years, 10 freshee, ist af Feb 2 11,f.
deuce, and Mrs, Griffin, the matron, ty Engineer Patterson for a new sep- proachcs widened. "" ers, risng 2 years; 3 steers rising' 2
given quarters in the jail proper. tic tank and lateral drain installed The next bridge examined was the years; 6 spring celve.e.
Improvements at the jail and said work has been done at a bridge at the corner of the county ad- Pigs --Brood arm due to litter at
A second report of the county pro- "st 01 $1596.45 by day labor. joiniag Lambton and Middlesex, time of isle.
The several accounts of the in- This bridge appears to be used but inv,ements---M.-H. ' 7 foot
perty conunittee was as follows:
Acting under instructionn
s a cowl- mates having money to their credit very little, The approve:ties have cut; M. -H. mower 6 .
cil, we undertook several improve-
were carefullyn
looked over ad coin- been so washed that an automobile hay •-eke; M, -H. corn
ments and repairs during the past 'hm, •
pared with. bank 't.ioolc and found could not pass in safety. It was pro- tooth cultivator; 2 set
year to county property, particularly correc t • posed to ascertain the wishes of roller .7 Diamond h'err,
wth reference to the jail, the shelter
Re a Miss McIntosh sent to the Lambton and Middleaex, with it view M. -U- seed drill 12
and the court house. House of Refuge from Goderich your to having the bridge made passable.
The matter of conserving heat in
committee asked the town of Gode- The bridges on the Middlesex -
the jail, as suggested by a former rich to have her committed to the Stephen boundary were examined and
committee, was carried out by closing Asylum (as she was not a fit subject it was found that the approaches to
off the upper story and eepele, the to remain a inmate of the County the mud creek bridge and the Aux
work being done by the late turnkey, Home, and this lady has been remov- Sauble bridge required to .be widened.
Mr. Tufford, and we believe this will ed front the Home. Small repairs were found necessary
result in mech saving in the coal
'The tender of Mr. Rivers for bread to some bridges on the Ushorue-
was accepted, at $4 per hundred. Hibbert boundary and on the Us -
Mr. Hawlans was givea the con- borne-Tuckersmith .boundary, The
The cedar hedge, which was coin-
plained about as obstructing the view tract of Metalling a new up-to-date approaches to 131ack's bridge on the
sink in the basemeut at a cost of McKillop-Hullett boundary should be
at the corner to vehicles approaching
8140. This work is not fully com- widened and Ball's bridge will re -
from either way, has been removed
ae ordered,: pleted yet and is being done under quire a new floor in 1924.
the inspection of -Mr. Torrance and The flolmesville bridge and the
We visited the jail during this
'Aft% Miller. Summerhill bridge were examined
meeting and report thee there are
three inmates and everything is in Resignation of Keeper and Matron, and found to good repair.
satisfactory condition, all the cells
, The Warden called a special meet- On July 27t1i the committee met at
ete., being kept neat and tidy,. ing of eoatmittee on Nov, 13th to Wingham and eaamined the county
We visited the Shelter under tts consider a communication from Mr, bridges in the town. It was decided
new matron, Mre. Wilson, and foiled Roberton asking for an -increase of to have certain repairs made to the
/2 children in the Shelter and found salary Inc himself and Mrs. Robert- south ;Wreath to. MacKenzie's
everything in good order, tin and enclosing his resignation to lri,l ge, which have been carried nut
We regret that Miss Bentley, the take effect Jan. 1st, 1924, .if said in- by Mr. Tipling.
former matron, had to resign owing erea.e wa.i not granted, the increase We examined county bridges on the
to illnessbut we are pleased to know aeke.1 Inc being $400. 1 our commit- Bruee-Turnberry and the Bruce -How -
that her euccessor is giving gond sat- tee recommended that lo increase be ick boundary but found them to. be
iefamion, everything being neat, tidy geanted. We also recummend that in good condition,
and the children apparently satisfied Mr. mid elre Roherton's resignation Michel bridge nn the Howick-Turn-
and happy. be accepted to take effect tht Dec. berry 'boundary required a new floor
,31st, 1023. and Mr. Spotton was authorized to
During the -summer. while i
ments were being made to the Court Your ennimittee deemed it wise to have this done.
House, we got the same contractoa's wlvertise for application' for tile Posi- Day'a bridge at Wroxeter and Bay-
ee re -decorate two of the bed rooms, tins of manager and matron of the let's on the Howiek-Wallace bound.
mid a new verandah and eavetroughe home in the event of the county ary' were found to be in good condi-
have replaced the old and thi$ adds council approving of our recommend- tion.
much to the ,ippearance and neatness ations regarding increase of salary On the Elma-Grey boundary some
repairs were found necessary to the
of the Shelter, as well as the comfort ,e1 re,ign a tirms,
of the inmates. "The cost of the ver- Your committee instructed the in- approaches of two bridges and the
anclah. painting and eave troughing. spector and manager to dispose of Breese s ric ge was in nee o a new
I b ' 1 ' cl f
wee in all $328.60. the driving mere, as she had become floor. ,
Improveznente at the Court House. „ . i 1 . 1 . b . , qua immediately although it is ex -
unmanageable am No netv bridges were found neces-
i to procure a suit -
At the Court House it was decided adooineo (iilitieatictusirofp$ag, t le same eine -
pected that a small bridge Will be ace
new one in its place and to re -decor- We have examined and audited or- 0
bert boundary.
uired in 1924 on the Usborne-Hib-
to remove the old boiler and get a •
ate the council chamber. This work der Item 84 to 129 and find them cor-
was done by contract. A Taylor- rect, according to vouchers and the Good Roads Commission.
entries of the ,manse in the books of The Goud Roads Commission re-
Folbes boiler was installed under con -L. Ni :
Imspertor of the Home. We also ported: •
tract made by Mr. Fred Hunt, for the examined banks as to receipts and Re motion of Dr, W. J. Milne.and
sum of $1,425. The papering anti
painting of the ecnmcil chamber were find the same correct. Mr. B. Naylor, re dangerous point on
We looked over the full set of books Road No. 1, we recommend that ne-
done by Messrs. Williamson & were cessa
Co. of kept by
Brussels, under contract, for $ P.S the inspector and they.
ei--, found satisfactory and full informs- ry repairs be made.
with extras for re -decorating I Re motion of Messrs. Spotton and
the tion of all inmates is kept for refer- Inglis re road at the Blind Lake we
Shariff'.5 l'ili" and PahltIng the cell" ence and are open for inspection. recommend that the road be improv-
ing, the total paid Williamson & Co.
being $390. There is at the present time to the ed at once, and that the road be dos -
credit of the paying inmates of the
rt ed in the meantime whenever it is in a
was found neeessara' to make a county Home the sum of $4,545.65, dangerous condition
larger opening than the door of the also the sum of $600, which is to be Re motion of Messrs. Miller and
basement afforded to install theitew paid on an order of the county judge, Hanley for a grant of $1165.67 to the
boiler. This was done and new ce- also a house and lot in Exeter, which town of Clinton for the completion
/neat steps and new entry way doors lias not been sold, the proceeds af of the connecting link we recommend
added, making a very much improved sale to be turned over to the county. that the grant be made and that a
entrance. It was also found neces-
vary to put new support in the boiler seemcm
e-iteyr to omittee Metructed Mr. by-law be passed
make some alteration. under the Highway
room, and six iron ones were put in in lenproveinent Act to that effect.
at a cost of $25, and these will add the pumping outfit at the Home, Re motion of Messrs. Baker and
materially to the safety of this room Exeter COuple Get County Home Ap- McQuaid that a supplementary grant
and reduce the probability of fire,pointment,
as be made to the village of Brussels,
wooden ones were in place before. There were seven pairs of appaca.. we recommend that the grant be made
It was found necessary to rebuild tions for the position of keeper and under an agreement to be entered into
the chimney to comply with the sped -matron at the Huron County Home, between the corporation of the village
tie the county. .
ficatione of the contract for putting in as follows; Mr. and- Mrs. John a ,_ . , Messrs.
Re motion . o Grieve and
boiler. This was done and it was Jacobs, Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. John I( . 1
• „ . end Mee, McQuaid that it grant of $6,000 be
fiiiind a very difficult job, and the cost Januason, Lucknow, Mr.
made to the town of Seaforth for iin-
wae ea,143.35 for the work, sand and John W, McKay, Brussels; Mr. and em.ut 0, e000e0t.0 ..0. we ram -
and $39.50 for brick. , '
airs. W. u. Wilson, Goderich; Mr. Pro.), t g ii k
All these different itnprovements to and Mrs. Win, 0.1'111141am. Brus- on . ,
imend that as this work is to be
sets; Mr.,and airs. W111 . Lindsay, done next yeaa tha matter be left
Minnising, and Mr. and Mrs. John over for the January session.
Hanser, West Lorne. Re Motion of Dr, Millie El 11 d Mr.
The voting in committee was by Douglas, that this council memorial -
ballot and the lowest was dropped ize the provincial govermnent to es -
each time. Filthily the ballot went to smile the whole cost of Provincial
Mr. and Mrs. John Jacobs, of Exeter, Highways, we recommend no action,
who were therefore appointed by reso- Re 1110t1011 Of Messrs. Coates and
teflon of thecouacil, confirmed by McQuaid that the position of road on
by-law. the 8th concession of Ushorne, north
of „the Thames Road to the north
Statistics of the County Home.
boundary of the township ,be assumed
as a county road, we recommend that
this road be assumed as a county road
and that a by-law be passed in Janu-
ary confirming this action.
Re motion of Messrs. . Neeb tied
Hayes that the road from Centralia
station easterly to the London road
be assamed as a county road, we rec-
ommend .that the road be assumed as
a county road and that it be included
in the January by-lew
Re account from Hay township of
$9.74, being county road assessment,
on a municipal drain, we recommend
that the same he paid.
Re claim of Mr. MeEtven for $8 for
damages sustained at byeroad, we rec-
ommend that the same be paid,
Re claim of P. J. LTnaworth for
damages to car we recommend
Re claim of Chas. W. Milligan for,
damages to car on the Bayfield road,
we recomineed no action.
Re claim of John Dempsey for
damagee we recommend no action.
Re claim of Stephen Foley foe da-
mages to buggy on Dunlop Hill we
recommend no action. ,
Re communication from the Village
of Lucknow re road ,south of the vil-
lage, we 1.econiinend that the engineer
attend to same.
Re claim of Mr. McTaggart, of Us -
borne township, regarclipg damages
.to car,' we recommend no action.
Re motion .of Messrs. Geiger and
Tipling for a grant, of $6,146 we rec-
commend that no action be taken un-
til the Highways Department has
been consulted.
Your committee recommend some
improVement on road No, 12, McKil-
lop, at Grieve's bridge.
The finance committee reported on
a number of accounts and recom-
mended that any expenditures in the
form of repairs ;to county property,
eche, should not' be made without the
sanction uf the county property com-
mittee. The committee also recom-
mended that the sum of $233.74 be
paid D. Kennedy for his expenses in
couneetion with his injuries, as Per
the -request of the Workmen's Com-
pensation Board, ,and that the bill of
the Whigharn hospital for 8117.50 for
attention to Mr. Kepnedy be paid;
that the sum of $8,572.40, the county's
share of expenditures on the Provinc-
ial Highway be paid; and that the ace
count 01 3'. 13. Reynolds, jailer, for six
months' expenses for house rent, fuel,
Favor Local Magistrates.
The special committee reported as
Re motion oi Messrs. Neeb and
Tipling, asking to have the Ontario
Legislature memorialized to have
magistrates appointed in the several
centres of the county as •fortrterly, in
place of the present system, we rec-
ommend that this be done.
Re motion of Messrs. Hays and
Hanley to memorialize the Legiela-
ture to repeal section 12, chapter 20,
10-12, Geo. V. of the Highway Im-
provement Act, pertaining to the con-
struction of small bridges, we recom-
mend that this he done. The object
of the motion was to have these small
bridges in the control of the town-
ships, without having to have plans
to conform to a standard set by the
We would also Ask this council to
memorialize the Ontario Legislature
to have the statutes 'so amended that
all county officials paid by the county
shall be appointed by the county.
office and felted that the police mams-
eit•ate was well satisfied with his neye
retarters, foend everything The report of the Inspector of the
good order, all the improvements ne-
. , in Huron County Home, Mr. John Toe-
ing satisfactory.
We wish to express our apprecia-
tion of the efforts of the clerk in car-
rying out the various instructions of
the committee in getting these im-
provements merle. We reconuneed
tied desk for the clerk's office.
Grant to Children's Aid and Mothers'
Allowance Board, But No Increase
to Expense Allowance to School In.
The executive committee reported
as follows:
Re motion of alessrs. Knight arid
Erm.itithat the insurance on the
Court House be increased from $10,-
000 to $25,000 and a new policy be
taken out, we recommend that this be
doee, and we further recommend .that
the clerk communicate with the sec-
retaries of the several mutual com-
panies in the county with a view of
getting insurance at a lower rate,
and if found possible, to have this in-
surance so placed, as we think that
this property is sufficiently isolated
to get such insurance. •
Re motion of Messrs. Erwin and
Knight that a grant of $500 be made
to the Children's Shelter, to defray
the expenses incurred for this year,
we recommend that this grant be
Re motion of Messrs. McQuaid and
Coates, that this column grant an al-
lowance of $100 to the Mothers' Al-
lowance Board of Huron County to
be divided as follows: Chairman, $30;
secretary, $25; three members, $15
each, we recommend that the warden
and clerk draft a memorial asking
the Provincial Legislature to amend
the act so that hereafter such remun-
eration will be borne by the Provincial
Re request of Queen Mare, hospital
for consumptives, Toronto, for grant,
we recommend no action.
-Re statements of expenstt accounts,_
such as travelling expenses, etc., for
which information the committee and
council asked at the January sessions,
we recommend that the amounts paid
our school inspectors, viz., $525, be
not increased.
rance, for the year ending Nov. 30th,
1923, showed 586 inmates admitted
since the opening of the home, 11 ad-
mitted Inc the first time during the
past year (1 from Turnberay, 1 from
Hay, 1 from Stanley, 1 from Hullett,
I from Stephen, 3 from Goderich, 1
from Hensall, 1 from Brussels and
1 from Exeter); 79 inmates in the
Home Dee. 1St, 1923, (39 males and
40 females); received from paying in-
mates. $2,097.64; Government grant,
8246.70; amount expended for sup-
port of inmates, $8,548.02; average
weekly expenditmat per inmate, $2,05;
expenditure on House and Farm ac-
count, $13,648.85. During the year
the sum of $2,223.50 was collected for
tuaietenan`ce nf inmates, of which no
account was given of the figures
above. , •
The report of are keeper, Mr. II, A.
Roberton. show, ed 500 bushels of
mangolda, 500 'bushels of potatoes;
1100 head of cabbage, 40 baskets o
tomatoes, 325 boxes of raspberries,
baskets of cucuinbei-s, 40 bushels of
beets, 35 of carrots, 420 of oats, 2130
of mixed grain, 450 of turhips, 36 of
celery, 4 of table beans, 40 tons of
hay, and 25 head of cauliflower rais-
ed, and $661,30 worth of live hogs and
$91.61 worth of onions sold.
The medical officer of the Home,
Dr. j. W. Shaw, reported that the
reeves of townshipe did not provide
themselves with the proper applica-
tion forms for inmates with the re-
sult that misunderstandings followed.
The reeves ehould also ascertain all
the facts of -the case before signing
the commitments, for, once wrongly
admitted, the inmates were difficult to
be removed to the proper place. Much
discontent on arrival of the applicants
• could 13e avoided if conditions and
quarters were previously explained to
them a.nd they were not promised
comforte and rooms only oleta,ined at
a .palatial Note!. The number of deaths
-daring the past year was six, ages
averaging 75 years.
Roads and Bridges.
The Road and Bridge Committee
reported as follows:
The iornmittee met at Clinton on
Of Farm Stock, Implements and
Household Effects, the property of
the late Reeve Lindsay, will take
piece at lot 60, Bayfielcl line, Goder-
ich township, 5 miles southwest of
Clinton, on Wednesday, December
19th, at 12 o'clock noon, sharp, as
follows: • '
Horses—Draft mare al years, iup-
posed to be in foal; Percheron mare
rising four years; gray Pereheron
.horse, rising 3 years; Percheron horse
rising 2; driving horse vitt and ee-
piniv; 2 walkin.7. :‘,itt plow;
M. -H. bean se••.• e: and puller (com-
plete); ho'e.cutfler, waggon; hay
rack; set of bob ilighs; truek wag-
gon; gravel box; rubber tired buggy;
steel tired buggy; Portland cutter;
hay rake, Frost & Wood; Chatham
fanning mill; DeLaval No. 15 cream
separator, lime well windlass and
bucleet; .2 act double harness; 'et
single harness; 6 horse collars; about
.50 toils clover and timothy hay; hay
fork, car tope and slings; grinding
stone; quantity of lumber; root pule
per; quantity of root -s; about 100 Leg-
horn hens; a member of geese and
clucks and a collie dog; wheel barrow;
quantity of potatoes.
Houaehold Effects—Horne Comfort
steel range; washing machine, Red
Star, with wringer; Deisy churn; 2
small tables; extension table; kitchen
tabIe; glass cupboard; Naw Home
sewing machine; linoleum 12 by 18; 2
rugs, 0 by 12 and 11 by 8; organ; par-
lor suite; sideboard; 2 rocking chairs;
kitchen chairs; pictures; two bed-
room suites; 3 beds; 2 carpets; lounge
and other articles too numerous to
Terms—Roots, fowl and all stuns of
$10 and under, cash. Over that
amount' 10 months credit allowed on
bankable paper or discount of 5 per
cent. straight for caah. Everything lo
be sold and satisfactorily settled for
on day of sale and before being re-
moved from premises. Lew Ander-
son, John F. Beacom, Administrators.
G..1.1. Elliott, auctioneer.
It Bids Pain Begone,—When neur-
algia racks the -nerves or lumbago
cripples the back is the time to test
the virtues of Dr, Thomas' Eclectrie
Oil. Well rubbed in it will still the
pain -and produce a sensation of ease
and rest. A trial of it will establish
faith in it. •
Wednesday, December 12th.
Wheat, per bushel
, •
Oats, per bushel...... .35c -4(t
Barley, per shel_ „ , • ....55'
Buckwheat, per bushel 65c -70e
Peas, per bushel
Shorts, per cwt
Bran, per Mt
Flour, per bag $3.35 to $3.75
Butter, per lb. 33c -35c
Eggs, per dozen 60c
Potatoes, per bag 75c
[foga, per cwt. 57.50
• ;:, ILL 1151 In, returned to tin
Library on or before Saturday,
December twenty-second. GRETA
Ht )mpsoN, Librarian. (50)
$1,25 to 51.50
Christmas entertainment at :is le,,
4, AlcKillop, on Thur,sdm-Th.O.G.s •
ber 2015, at 8 Pan. (50)
.a number of early Rock Pullets fe
Phone 3-150, Seaforth. (51
ok Vol
The rule o the road('
Is "Keep to the Right."
The rule o the maid,
"Keep youreeli bright."
Jf you wet t to keep young
And Times ravages 5169,
Talk it over with us
At the •
Central Barber Shop
Our Boncilla Massage will keep youa
face young. Does wonders for Ms
skin, Men who shave themselves es-
pecially need these massages,
Come in and hive one today.
Barber Shop
6 4 HUEY
Buyer of all kinds of Produce
MI kinds of, produce and live and
dressed poultry in any quantity,
bought at highest cash prices. De-
livery any day but Saturday.
New Produce Store in the Beattie block in tile store
formerly occupied by Mr. A. McQuaig.
GEO. L1LLEY, Phone 192
E =14 LI
[he Special Milverton
We Have it ---Give it a Trial. Also.
Ground Screenings Chop of Ail Kinds
C. Tit NIS N
Seaforth Garage
auto Tires and Tubes
We have on hand a Complete Line of Tires and Tubes. all sizes,
Best on the Market.
"Let us supply your needs on Auto Cylinder Lubricating Oils and
Greases.. We handle nothing bat the best and can supply you with
oils of proper *nosily to suit your motor.
Also stock a complete line of most -called .for parts .of various
autos.* ,
If you are in need of a new Battery, or if you have a Battery to
be repaired, give us a call.
Get into the habit of patronizing us. We want to serve you, and
serve you well.
We Have Installed a telephone for.night calls -167J