HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1923-12-13, Page 5ztk THURSDAY DECEIVIBER 13, 1923. T y CHRIST H®VIAS �}'Nl Q/ ,�•7{� tett �T�T tj('1 eyry{p FOR GIVE . • Some people are apt to overlook the Shoe Store when selecting "Christmas things." Yet it's the best place oil earth to select a useful gift for anybody. Just think -- For DAD, we have Dress Shoes, Comfortable Slippers, Overshoes,, Rubbers, Cushion Sole Shoes, For MOTHER, we have Cushion Sole Shoes, Cosy House Slippers, Bedroom Slippers, Overgaiters, Over- shoes, Rubbers. For BROTHER, we have Dress Shoes, Hockey Boots, Overgaiters, Overshoes, Moccasins, House Slip- pers„ For SISTER, we. have Dress Slip - pees, Smart Oxfords, Skating Shoes, Boudoir Slippers, Goloshes, Over - gaiters. Why not select your Christmas Shoes now. Well stake any ex- changes desired after Christmas. EA FO %%A LORA '3'+ RATFofatt-\6NT, Prepares young Men and young women for Business which is now Canada's greatest hr.4e - dun. We assist graduates prac- tical they have a t ns an Positions ;teal tr,iining whicli enables then to meet with success. Ste - dents are registered each week. .Get our free catalogue and learn something about our dif- ferent departments. D. et, rttnents.D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal, tfa ker & Sou UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING Motor or HorseEquipment, W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. STOP!. LOO', LISTEN! CREAM WANTED but we are Also a for you a Cream Market not only We are o Large Dairy Industry in Your Community. We respectfully solicit Your Cream, OUR MOTTO; Guaranteed Accurate Weights and Tests. Courteous and Prompt Service. Highest Market Values, CREAM GRADING: A difference of 3 cents per lb. Butter Fat will be paid between No, 1 and No. 2 Cream., Q2PPiSH FOR eRERM Cash Paid to Any Patron Wishing it When Cream is Delivered. Creamery Open Wednesday and Saturday Evenings. Seaforth Creamery Co. Seaforth, Ont, C. A. BARBER, Mgr, lieszoonamosatecolomeastmgaarmeseisetzmisme NUTS Almonds 17e Filberts 15c Mixed 19c Brazils 29e PEELS Lemon and Orange Citron ...... ,..,d5c lb. CHRISTMAS PUDDINGS 39c. and 65C CALIFORNIA WALNUTS in the shell. Every 4 e Nut'gua;anteed, Lb, tt3r ROLLED OATS S lbs. for terse Mayfield: BACON, ib, �• TEA Special Blend per lb. Richmello 79c per ib 65c PICNIC HAMS 1 Per lb. ,v FRENCH' CHERRIES, lb, D.S.L. BAKING POWDER, per tin,. PASTRY FLOUR 84c 24 -Ib, Sack MINCEMEAT r C per 18, New Canadian 2 CHEESE, 1b, SPEe1111. Sugar, 10 'Ism„. 1.10 ICING SUGARNew Bulk Seedless c 2 lbs. .� C RAISINS, 2 lbs, Recleaned 25 go CURRANTS, 2 lbs 5`C DATES 21bs- 'very article sold with a Money Back Guarantee Have your ehristrn9 order delivered to.da CITOWriToplics I Via•.-..tta...�»n l.. Miss .E oily [Dent. of Toronto, spent_ the week -end at the home of her parents, Mr. end 'Mrs. Wm. Deem, Clinton News -Record We are pleased W report that Mrs. Percy (Cole, who has been quite ill, is re- covering steadily. Her mother, Mrs,! C, If, Holland, of Seaforth, is with goer, , The many friends of Mrs. Thomas McMillan will be pleased to learn that The is recovering nicely from the op- eration which she recently underwent at Mayo Bros.' hospital in Rochester, Minn. Airs, lrwio, Sault Ste, Marie, is visiting relatives in Egmondville, Mr. and "qrs. Stewart McIntosh and daughter. London, spent the 'week- end with their parents. Mr, Thomas I-Iabkirk and family have moved into. Mr, J. L. Grieve's house on George street. The. Presbyterian Sunday school trill hold its Christmas concert on Friday next at 7130 p,ni. Mr, and Mrs. T. Rankin and Mrs. 1•l, ..Polkinghani, Hamilton, are visit- ing- Mrs, J. R. Archibald. Ivir.. and 'lslrs, DeLacey are in To- ronto attending the funeral of the late 11r. I3camis. Ma. and ,,lrs, NV. A. Crich were it. St. Thomas, Iigmondville Sunday school con- cert 00 Tuesday, Dee. 18th, at 8 p.m. t,,dnl programme. The Women's Institute of Clinton have arranged to furnish one room complete in the new Clinton Hospital, The cantata "A Reception at Santa Claus Hall" will be given n in St, , Tht x. , rh hall; Friday, at ti p.n ii l i. Adults 2ot, children IS. Mr. and i\lrs. A. Wankel and Alt l),chls spent a few days in Gorrie. Messrs U. Turnbull and R. J. 11c - 'Milian are at the G.F.O. convention in 'Toronto this week. Chas. Hart, Toronto. Ints bought John Walker's property at !Roxboro. Mr. C. Rankin, son of Mr, and Mrs. J. Rankin, has a position with the National dank, Detroit. The date of the entertainment ba the pupils of S.S. No. 4 McF.iiloP has been changed to Thursday, De- cember 20th instead of the 19th. Dr. Larkin will discuss the question of Church Union at Seatorin ['ashy tenan church next Sunday evening. Salvation Army Christmas concert Wednesday, December 19th at 8 p.m. G. F. ROGERS INJURED. The many friends of Mr. Rogers , formerly principal of the Collegiate Institute, , will regret to learn that be recently met with a ser- ious accident, AL'. Rogers was in Timmins visiting the Collegiate Insti- tute, and while there risted the mines, He ,picked up what he supposed was apiece like those used for torches, and brought it hack to 'Toronto as 'r souvenir for his son, who lit it on a week ago Sunday evening. A4r Rogers, who was standing by seeing the possibility of an explosion, wrest- ed out of his sons baud, and in do- ing so his left hand was so badly burned that the lnngere had to be am- putated. Mrs. Rogers and son were considerably burned, also BRUCEFIELD. Sin James Mc Donald, s Ito has been confined to his hone for some time, through illness, is improviltg. At the regular monthly meeting of the Kelly Circle, which was held on Thuredae. the 6th, the following of- THE SEAFORTH riEW$ KIPPEN.. We are sorry to hear that Miss Dorothy Green is laid up with scarlet fever, but Vole she will he around again' 50011. • Mr, Wm. Finlayson, of London; speni't over the week -end with his parents, Mr: and Mrs. Jasl Finlay- son. Mr, Sttlk, of Zurich, is ,spending 6. few days at the home of Mfr. and. Mrs. E, Smith, The litany friends of .Rev. R. A. Lundy will_ he pleased to hear he is feeling better, but still is not feeling as well as he would like to be. Don't forget the silver tea at the home of Mr$. \Vin, Ivison:•s on Salm- day afternoon, Dec. 15th. Mr, and Mrs. E. Defweiler and Miss Mac McGregor motored down to London one day last week, The many friends of Mr. A, Finlay- son will he sorry to hear he has been sick, but hope'he will soon be around again,. Mr, Alex. Sinclair has disposed of his show team at Guelph. Mr: Fftigh Gilmore. and his sister Mary, of lirucefield, were visiting at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lowey this week. The malty friends if Mr, Thos. Ilellis, our veteran biacksntith, will be pleased to hear he is hutch im- proved. Mr. Jarrott, i a busy titan these days at the elevator.. ,The farmers are busy drawing out their :grain to get ready for their taxes. Messrs. M, Cooper, R. L'Igie and Joltit Sinclair took in the Guelph fair last week'. anti, report a good time. Annual Meeting W.M.S.--With the largest membership in its history namely forty-two menibs s, the Wo- men's -ll,ssiotlaty Society of St. Ai, drew's church. Lippeu. held their yu- nual meeting and birthday party nn Wednesday afternoon last. 17urtiot tete year two esteemed ivorlcers have been presentd with life memberships t llrs lances Finlayson, the retiring president. and Mfrs. John Henderson. rltt' Atteiliery is sending an In Mein - ...Ham certificate tificate to Mrs, Gault', For- mosa, ' untosa, in memory of her husband, the late Dr. Gauld. As the financial year !s not complete, the report of the t•casurer will he made later. After the business meeting a pleasant time was spent socially. For the coating year the honorary presidents of the \V.M.S. are 31n . R.:\. Lundy and Mrs. James Finlayson; president, Mrs. W. W. Coope[ vice-presidents, Mrs. 1. Jarrote Airs. 1. Mote, Mrs. E. McKay, Mns hos. Kyle, Mis. Junes Powey: secretary, 'Miss Jean McLean treasurer, Mrs. James 3lus- tard stranger secretary, Miss Agnes Sproat; press secretary. Mrs. Elmer Detweiler; library secretary, Miss Jennie Chesney; supply1 3 secre- tary, Mrs. J B Mclean; ILnue Helper? secretary. Nits. A. Monteith; Messenger secretary, llis. Margaret MlcKay 'rhe officers of the Ladies' 'Aid for the coming year will by president, Mrs. Ilugh McMurtrie; vice preside cuts, Miss Sarah Sinclair Mr. Wel- ter McCully, Mrs. R. G. EIgie, Mrs. J. B. McLean, Mrs. W. Fairburn; sec- retary -treasurer. Mrs. Wnt. Sinclair. \\'e are sorry to hear Mr. Wm. 1)eitz has been sick, but hope to solea ce hint around again. 'rhe wedding hells were rung in one village las: k. 11r. Field of Harrisburg, is spend- ing a few days with his brother, Mr. Bruce Meld at the station. We are glad to 'tear that Alex. Sin- clair, who had hit team down to Guelph last week, got first for his team, and third and fifth on the halt- er. Sandy likes a good team. Dunt forget the Mission Band can Friday on evening, Dec. 14111, A number from here attended the dance in Hensall last Friday evening. ficers were elected for the coming, terns. Mrs. (Rev.) 'McIntosh, pres,; Miss Edith Bowie, vice pres.; Mrs llttglt :\ilcenitead 2nd rice press; Mrs A. i'hontasJrChaeen, 3rd yr Chapman, secretaice ry; Miss Jessie Aikeuhead, tears.: Miss Mamie Swan, literary y supplies; Miss Beth Forest, Messenger Setytec Nass Jean Niurtlock and Miss Al.r.• Rattetrbury, organists. The nttntbers of the Circle are Some of our young men that statt- patkiitg a C,hrr tinits hos for St, Christopher House Toronto, and any e,l tui tar the 'minim woods, have donations 11, the way of canned fruit, returned home the woods being al- vr,retables, apples, etc,. will be grate -I read} supplied with a. rl rrs. ( hristmas eettrtainments are quite Miss 138211 spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ino. Dalton, What might 'have heett a snore seri- nus wreck occurred about a mile. west of here on Sunday evening, when a Canadian National' freight became derailed. Luckily only ,'a number of freights cars and two coal cars deft the rails. The men, who worked all, night, are to be corgratu]ated 118 they had the tracks cleared ;be:fore, morning, The weather is remarkably fine for this time of year and when we heat it contrasted with some 'December's long past, we are grateful ,for our present extended period of sunshine, 7'he fall work is all completed and all minds are now turned 'to the more, seeious occupation of card -playing. Reeve McQuaid was in, (ioderich last week attending the final meeting of the 1023 county council. CHISELHURST, Mr,- Ltnwond Purdy and \ties Susie Dalrymple eldest daughter of Air. anti, Mrs. George Dalrymple, were united in marriage on Wednes- day, December 5th, by the Rey. Mr. Lundy. at the Man c Kippett Vise 'Newton has returned to her inane in Strathroy, after visiting friends in this Contntmtity. DUBLIN. Is spite of the batt weather a well - 111i d hall greeted the Dublin Con-ihtn- sti ,n school pupils on the evening of their tlnnual concert. This fact en- couraged those taking part to put forth their 'best efforts to make the evening aanost pleasant one. 'f'hat the audience was quite satisfied was evident from the hearty applause that greeted the various numbers. The fust part of the programme consisted of choruses by the school, an instru- mental duet by Annie Delaney and Mary Krauskdpf, boys' chorus -- singing and whistling with violin ap- rnmpaniment; a Japanese drill, a reading by Vary Hastings and a vio- lin solo by Jack Campbell. The cast of characters in the short farce of "The Cooney Relaticm was F-velyn Delaney- as the cnitnt y relation; Marie Alnrray, the 'qt cty woman Marie Benninger. ]ler daughter Th.r- esa Carpenter, the orphan niece and. Joseph Carpenter, the would-be s•+ cirl7 young man. - In the two—act ' it ”. from r :\unt Billie fr t play ,r the .rim v th chaper- one. lIr ( 1 Texas, - the part t f 1 one. was taken by Mary Hastings: Aunt Billie's niece by Elizabeth Min.- ;let; uniray; the college friends by \'ernnic't' ftCr anell; Angela Shea and Madel- ine Crawford; the muse. Gertrude McGrath. The real Aunt 'Julie wit-, Marie Britton, the impersonator of Aunt Billie, Verne 'Britton; 'ttnele Dick, Joseph Feeney; doctors, Rob- ert Byrne and Peter Dill; officers of the law. Wilfred Murray and Joseph Looby; the friend of the make-believe Aunt Billie. Gerald Jordan; the hell - hop, Hugh Benninger, What is Christmas tothe children without I fully receival for thio purpose. The condition of Mfr. John Walker, t who has been quite poorly for some time past, remain; about the same, Air, J. 1). \iclhmitld, of London, visited at the Bunte of 31r. James Swan, .tn Friday of last week Miss Bessie McGregor is at pres- ent visiting her sister in Los Angeles, California, where she will spend the winter tnontlis. At the regular meeting of the Choral Society on Monday evening it was decided to hold a social evening on l\Iouday, titer 1718, which will con- clude the meetings for this season. Practice will he resumed some time in January. HARLOCK, \Ir, A, 141cEwing and Mr, 1R. Ferris attended the winter fair in Guelph this week, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. 'Watt entertained a few guests to a fowl supper Friday evening. The Foretsters held a dance and euchre party Friday evening in Con- stance Hall, anti all report a good time. The friends of Mrs. David Reid are pleased to hear that she is recover- hes ecover-y : from her recent illness. Mr. Leo Watt and Mr. Petr,- Tay- lor are spending a few days this week In Gm elle 1. Misses Irene Ferris and Annie meeting. •e t• arc taking the two yveelas' • Mr, and ivfrs. C. Templeman visit- ed tinder the parental roof last week. plentiful- One in the- IIetli tii.st church and one in S.S. \u. 111,'ltick- crsintth Ifr. \rchie'Iodgcrt havio., sa auction sale on Friday, Dec. 14th. Rev. Air. C.lyesdatc, of Exeter, ter, preached in the Methodist church on Stinday ou Rettcat,:ttt, Mrs, Mary McKaiy and daughter, of Hensall, spent the week -end with friends in this community. Mr, and Mt. . \\'allls, of Forest, visited at the honte of their (laughter, Mrs, Earl Kinsman, recently. The funeral of the late Mr, Samuel Horton. which took place oil Thurs- day of last week, was very largely attended. STAFFA. 'Mrs Smith and .family. sister iif Rev. Mr. Jones also his father. are visitors at the parsonage. Mr. all Mrs. 1. W. Free and fancily visited itt the village on Sunday last. Mr. Routs Sadler has almost com- pleted his new stable to replace the one which w is •burned almost 'a north ago. Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay McKellar has rented the hoose recently occupied by Me. C. Treffry and moved in lass week. The W,ALS, met at the home of Mrs. \V. O'Brien on Tuesday last with a good attendance and e good ORNGF We have them, priced a dozen 19c to 75e. Mixed Nuts, 40c California New Walnuts, 40c All kinds of grapes, fresh lettuce, tomatoes, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, cocoanuts, cranberries, celery T. Phillips Seaforth VARNA• Messrs. Wm. Taylor and J. W. Reid shipped a carload of dive. stock o t 'roto o n Saturtla nt i Y. Miss I l Reid, ofClinton,.spent the week -end with the Misses E. Beatty. The .Anglican church erten had a bee on :Monday and Tuesday shingl- ing the roof, Large quantities of fowl ,are leav- ing here for tate city en route for Christmas_ dinners, The Presbyterian church are just having service every sctlter Sunday evening for the winter months. Recognized as a leading sperilic for the destruction of worms, Mother Graves Worm Exterminator has proved a 'boon to suffering children everywhere.' 1t seldom fails. WEST -END TUCKERSMITH. A number of num and teams have been engaged filling up the cut at the railway track near Alnia''and when finished will he a `nisch safer cress. ing The Sunday school at 'turner's church are havig their Christmas tree and entertaintttent on Wednesday evening, evening, Dec, 19th. (Too late for last week.): 'l'he fall plowing is now completed in this neighborhood. The Sunday' school' of Turner's Phone 63 agcy t s course of. First Aid nursing held by the Inttitute in 131ytli Cdr Thos, Knox motored over to Listowel this week to attend the fun- eral of his cousin, Mr. 'Herber[ Foreman,. Nit.. and ivIrs. Leo Watt entertained a few of theyoung folks to a dance last week, Mr. Jas, Leiper is improving the 13th concession by grading the road. bliss Mae Watson, of Waltutt, is seeedutg a few clays with her cousin, Mr». Peter McDonald: i?!f du"Irs 1r 1it Isiving pU4t`t a ls�yt y� �* iltsMaeters of .VbterR._c� t/t§tti1/ t S !/ ll LS. t tr,e a box of "His it asiel's Voie.,." Victor 1 ecord:.i Slst;.h'1 a gift, reflecting rave good taste, is appi'O-• p. i t:t on aiay occasion --at an,„' ince---AAd Ii1ie alis true gifts, of irinn of t'traUd in- trinsic value yet of a modest cost that can be limited as circumstances dictate. We have many record combinations all in attrac- tive gift boxes. Solve your gift problem in this splendid mauler. sty - ST. COLUMBAN. Messrs: IvIaurice and Frank Melady spent Saturday with friends in Strat- ford ' The Literary Society held a very ,steccessful: ]see nn Monday int l plow- ed Fr. ]`Jail r c geel t and pasture Foe hon The nee; veil at the s.l .,; i, tyro- gressing favorably under the able di-, rrection of Mr. R. French, o€ Scalorth. J. F. ALY Jeweler Seaforth r5 aIL McInnes Chiropractor 1)f Nringhant. will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, Monday and Thursday After- noons in future. r Ili eases of all kinds st t ccess- fully treated. veatrietemserssisemetamtelettetesametatteeeersiessent PAGE FIVE churelt ai'e prrlparitig for the l,'hrint- teas tree and eittertaint'ntitit. 1,1t. Harold ',Corner returned to 'To ronto last week, Mr. ;l'ercy Price returned boom iro the West last week. \fry Johu Ashton, when lea • been iu the Clinton hospital for the last two weeks, expects 4o return home this week, Santa Poor? Many people predict that Santa will be quite poor this Christmas; He need not be well-to-do to offer gifts of Cheer, and gifts that last an are of good'use, when he offers gifts from our store. What are more practical and useful gifts for every member of the family than HOUSE SLIPPERS or SHOES, Our shoes are those, only of the best makers, and sell at quite reasonable prices. Of course, the same is true of our slippers. We have lain away many gifts for those who do not care to leave them at home. Let us do the same for you. Come in and look us over while our stock is complete. Son The MODERN SIIOE STORE; Opp. Bank of Commerce PHONE, 51 SEA FORTH Give Soethirgwe,# Electrical "Are yo :x giving Edison's little servants of the horse ?" What a tremendous difference they make in the efficiency of the upkeep of the home as well as in the comfort and accomplishment of the home -maker, And the "lightning juice Edison put into harness does all the work without any fuss. Consider her comfort — Save her strength,! Give a HOTPOINT Electric Iron Comfort gifts are thoughtful --' Hotpoint electric heaters, turn- over toasters, grills, percolators, heating pads, make some of the nicest kinds of gifts. OHIO VACUUM CLEANERS, EASY WASHERS HOTPOINT RANGES With the indestructible elements Say MERRY CHRISTMAS Electrically PHONE 19 "THE HOTPOINT STORE" The Talk is the Tabernacle al the Home \ tttceiy tlecoiated ani ,,'Ii'i alt l table 011 t'hustn,as,e(e re- mains in the mein try • 1 every member of ,he fancily forever. \\'!'y corer the table with au 0111, shabby -looking piece of cloth when for only :r little money you can get from us a NICE PURE WHITE LINEN CLOTH t'iat will surely brighten up tile room. and the heart and smug as well. 11 e have made an extra reduction of prices at this ',evasion uo all our linens and damask. y; PURE LINEN TABLE CLOTH, t yards wide. Worth $2.75, for , TABLE DAMASK, 58 inches wide. Worth $1.75, for PURE LINEN TABLE CLOTH, ready to use, 00xfifr t ,af .2 inches, worth $0.50, for a °i and 72x58 inehes with blue or pink border Worth $4.55, for LADIES' and GENTS' SILK and WOOL SCARFS from S1.LK CREPE -DE - worth $11,50 t ! TIES, of an descriptions front 9c to $1.25 �$ S e.: t°$1.49 11149 9Sc $3.25 79cto $2.75 CHINE WAISTS $3.95 LADIES' GLOVES From, Our tables and shelves are filled with lots of articles, too numer- ous to mention, that suggest, a nice Christmas gift, end as with everything, that we sell they are of the best Quality and sell at a very low price., We are cordially inviting everybody to visi our store and; inspect our goods g Sea fort l