HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1923-12-13, Page 411 r; D i 171a c � rixtif( J. F. SNOWDON, Proprietor. number of interesting' "deputations'. were heard, incindiig remarks by Ex- Warden Elliott - N. W. Trewartha; \i P,P 1?. R. •Wigle \t, l , l „ Jas. Forel frii. Clinton, and Gordon Young of Colborne. Ex -Warden Ellir;tL .congratulated he council on the London road which it never sawin better•. condition. He coutplimeuted -lotto county council on its stand on the l)ro,vincial Highway, \Y had come to the time when it Was necessary to ettrtail. The farmers had to do it, As to the Blue WaterHighway he had no advice to give; he thought the Matter seas in com- petent hands. Another yearseas cnm.ing and whoever would be warden he would be a man we could be proud of. He knew al! the aspirants for the \Vardenship: Mr. Trewartha, MEP. for South 1 -Huron, said to -sit atthe county coun- cil hoard was a real education, He referred to the death Of !the clerk and of the Reeve of Goderich town- ship, and said in the new. reeve the township bad elected a reran 'of which all might be proud, ' \Vlteci he first went to vile . county... council he w:r told that t great deal ,was es-pectt•+I Goderich township as it always elected strong sten. Mr. 'Crewartla went into the lois Huron County Council �,I�� �.eft � In his opening retnarks to the noun- tya 1. g council at its December session, Warden I',eavers made reference to the death of the Bite reeve of Gorier- 'ich township since the last meeting of the council and .expressed sync- pithy for the bereaved ones. He evpreused the belief that the peiiod of depression was passing. The fermis: had had a bountiful har- vest with good weather for the gath- ering in of grain, fruit attd roots. 7 cosi witatlnp to work had been able to do so, IIs referred to the, renting and fit- ting up of the new toon'ra for the po- lice magistrate' and for Mr, Elliott, superintendent orf the Children's Aid Society. These :,,"ms had been nett- ed for two years at $25 a month, and the rettnns the counts received from the office' more than paid fon- the. rental, The county property committee had had extra duties to perform 'There was the decoration of these room the re -decoration of the court r,)e>nt, erection the new ttunutt-y, the et, the rtistall a Inn ,; the new boiler and 11u... relit r:. At the 1 hildren ,t. hely rtrandailb;it hien pot Op anal other work done. \t they jail the upper '4 r' and the ul la head been en,off; alt) most tits niirk had been by the temkey, '. oho was a carpenter. The : out y h onto counuit ee hail had a l e c ,t'c tank put le and petit iu;a d n anon c us. ode, able ee• pairs made The onioa frop a the Tarin wvas onts' '7 3tt...os ealiztd off two acres 0,1 Nov. 1 .'i there hail tee-' a rateone of the matte. 1;, e: _).ides- thr ,'shut,. keeper tout metre! ;if the ii 1(14 i•n 'm increase of $200 each in salar, utas, this were given the:, we.u1,1 fire t'ufmnitter decided oh er- rise for a keeper and ou,;-r,u hut bad fl-, power to side( the r'e,t n1 i on. On the aubject of Good Ritaile. there had been a nulidu r .,i changes i'1 patrol men. some being changed aecr tint of inefficiency, lite total ntoottot rat e' by the c•ntnty for the t road riiade w a . SoX '4S. the amount of the 4inteminent gran; received in. \fates ems `•70,315.0 a t,t1' a 8147,1 Fo.).0?. "The amount of .wders signed to date " was $1523100. with several l tht•usand yet to pay'. The r.`,ads i )ts were not in a ygoode,nxirtiottl ea a year ago,' which showed that if we were going to keep upourroads} we must be trepan t to spend more money rather than less. The hat tthe expense of Huron's share r • ', ense of the Provincial Highway wa, $8172.1)1.1 rhe comity of Middlesex bad to pay l $08,000. The Warden raised the qu e-, tion "Are we betterwith Provincial , roads fir with Provincial cnunty 1 roads ? The eltnattoo as to the occupancy 1 of the jail residemee was atoll a puzzle., I'he county officials had been faithful t in the discharge of their duties. which, were done cheerfully and (tett' He hoped the council would give close at -f tetttiom to the work and by devoting less time to enquiries, 11) . e tinsel could be given to reports. The \Varden was applauded as he; resumed h ,,,at. Tile clelk precured 1 tatcmeiit „f i the %luttters .\llowance hoard fc.tt' the past six months. In' May the county pant 8527, in lime $539 50, ,it 3 101 8.37, in \ng. w r7, iu September tuber toe, iu th'1 cher Sa14.50, a tote. r,1 $3,26' for the siv mouths. .And the Province paid a like amouet. The, overage number of beneficiaries s '1 5 1 'rhe al othei s \ a tt, Here thus costing the ,otttr'34 by i -en Steatite alt) S7,f)0(1 a rear `i:rtelne.i' t{•i,n'. the T1 1.1E ,ca "+ .1 ed the alt a e- t'te t •„m ,ate. ',ot sty „r. 11. e,,.,r- ft, 1922 e•1l tl iterserni " 1 ea 84,372.40 a- alooil,A !hi Li;.• int e ,, 0t' i'ture c '1 -'t t. ilea! to I)neuio, h, uu i>, :t,'' tory of the Provincial highway. To January and lune the council pa" i eaoluii l!14 against its whirr.- d ,-e had. been considerable diihsulty „plant 'the work of widening, but r about h `1 t e t Ma Y,' t t utt e it eta'- S rl Early in Judy 'h widening started again itt.ire the new cabinet was '101 ie.He sent a telegram -to-the ife,artment and the contractor was told to stop the work, :Then the resid- ent e sid e tt engineer came along and ordered the •wort to he t titimted 'Mr. Tre- e. t ) lie went 1,1 town and sett another to raat'tl -('141 the. - at 't w t1 ,•,?' 'h•fn e 12 !,!clock noon. When he members 01 the l t. is1t 1 r wa tde t t ivies there ys t 11,- , e ')Pe Tei• t h.' t than the county „tt i the members of the town - p a ouncils, \, t:' the ,rail =uuatton, lie had talon the matter up with the Premier 1,111 had -a letter froze, the Preinie• which stated that tote authority rest ed with the couity council. so that r ,nncil was in a posi1101 to dea ,eitlt the situation ($ the matt'on of the, jail and 'the es -jailer occupying. 1 lie fader Teenlenee. Mr. 1a5. Ford spoke briefly, com- Hientinge the council o11 their xtte e.sin' handling. ,f the. county bus, ire45., Mr. E. 1i. \\: )e. 5!.1.1'., said he `rad reit the .ante experience' in coca- ty matters as Mr. Trewartha, who had made a study of county affairs t I speaker) ;lad devoted him- self f t t to ,,r.sice r { t! ,. f ntrtre to the own, hut itt the hands of Mr. 'Prey, a tha and himself the:county would 1, well looked after The Government vas. not planning u1y radical legislation at present,; ,ranted to get its bearings first, 01 the question 11 Good Roads -the Gov- rnment was anxious to improve the. rstem and would welcorne . sugges stns from county councils. \i . Gordon Young said every yeas 11 scented to hint the problems the county councils had to dial with weft bigger than ever. He looked hack with pleasure to his term at the coon - and considered a terns of a fen years only fitted a man te, 115• in a position 1.1 give Itis 'hest. - 1p important motion by D lfiltte rid \tr. Douglas was that the council 1.rut it l.ze the Ontario Legislature to assume alt other 20 per cent. of the cost ,f Provincial Highways. as the I t r r license fees are sufficient to m 1 whole )st if ,hr roads.. Sent ne' 1a) ,. rrintrttet... 11'. e, nn, the frets recce of -Gods:- (.11 township, was planed on the sante tau i. thelate. reeve was lust \ 50!) 19 the Children's! 4,11, eye :made in a motion 0r l 4t . 1,1 a:,! Knight. r. `io�i ' Construction t Main- tenance 1',.teaty line liih- bert anti Me Ki flop ,..,. .,$ 1332.60 $ 521;,71 McKillop and Tucicersuti'th , .. 3.38 398.74 Bullet and Tuck- ersmith . 4138,11 485.20 town tot Clinton.. 73.00 nil Towia of Seaforth nil 227,50 Town of Gode'ch 2824.26 58.41 Tp• of Goderich., '25469,81 ' 1833.41 Howick. 5611.14 77,63 $39,452.37 $3409.66. Thejailer reported 51 prisoners, 48 females, admitted to the males and 3 £e na ad a jail' during the year and 3 prisoners at present incarcerated, Moved by Messrs. Erwin and Man- nings that this council express . its sorrow at the death of our esteemed colleague, the late Mr, '11,.A. Lindsay, Reeve of Goderich township, and that the warden and clerk draft a, suitable letter' of coneol1•nce tr, the .bereaved iamfly.--C'arrieil. Want Alberta Coal. 51-4e i i„ 4), Woe and Mr. A. i _council memorialize 1'tpl ug, that the the Local and Federal Governments to use their best intlueuce to secure \lher•ta , .11 ,n a unpetitive oasis est,' 51, .can , I 'n1e tarried. 1love 1 r. 11 user,. \lunitnlgs and Erwin that the \Barnett appoint "a committee to draft a resolution mtutat alt ing the 1 r,vincial and Do - Government, - r r'against :urs fur- ther i t fou tt yu•n ue ll <' s rt ng ,t bike water through t.hica 1)<ur,x„e. cane!. Carried. The" \\'ardor !wool D, Millie ,0.1 \Et Mantling,. anti Robertson ,is ,ho committee. An ry tatiou from theClinton I1 :pital lloarcl t , the council to be present a their ,penia(, ‘5 as tiled. Ill anda-er 1„ au engtnry it eves t•ue•d that the \Warden attended" she. a month 1 Goderich for the 1,-trpo'e of signing ,,orders, etc. 'Stored •br 5-)e s •rs. Robertson and t .t11bt that the Good Roads Commis - „Lei and the town of Goderich he a..ak= et! to get together itt an effort to get the hill leading from the G.T.R. bridge to the ricer bridge at Salttord put in 'a ;tile e:)tulitiee ,if trace!. - t"arried, Provincial Engineer's Address, THE S 'FOR'8 H ' NEWS -edfa' (, tatvia top'Slto'litd' eo$t' 80 to 90c per square yard,' this not including' tits removing of top already ort: It'� would not be profitable to" crush the old hlocks to put on back streets. A good grade of sharp quarte sand was better than chips, which too often contained too ntucli dust, No grants are made ,for shovetliog snow. Moved by Messrs. McQuaid and Grieve that this, council .has listened with mach pleasure and profit to the address of Mr, H, LevittI1,A,Sc„C,E,, and wish to show the appreciation in which his services have been !held by this emuttreouneii We wish to call the "attention of the Provincial Gov- ernment to the untiring efforts of,ivti Irwin aid would ask them to consider favorably the advancement of fir. Irwin in the Department of highways and that a copy of this resolgtion -be seat to the Premier and to the Minis- ter of Highways. -Carried: Mr, Stothera Tells of Work of His Department; \t the 'Thursday afternoon session \1r: S. II. Stothers was present and 1 l)It'ssed the council dealing- particu- laxly eith the success attending the judging' team from the county, which tools good standing: -Mr, Stothers also referred to"the work of the school fair, agricultural classes, etc., all of ((11 :I ad be et Successful. 1.1.,1er the heading of enquiries Mr. .lir. McN'aughtun asked if it was not the regulation that: all Mail boxes' should be ou the right hand side of 1 c t >- t e road. •• r h t I t i l the con,et,us of opiti- ion Alas that all boxes should be on tlfe right hand side of -the road a$ the courier is on ' i as point- ed 5 ,:v p tined to near tate 'road 'i11 any" 'case and r• (3) hi' nt+ovc') hack, Low Lake Level a National Question, The committee appointed re draft a re .,intron with reference to the los eriug of the seater level in the lake,;weltered the following resolu- tion, wltie%5 was unanimously passed: In view of the fact that large grain carriers and other vessels are cora stant;y. finding difficulty in entering Godcrich Harbor, in common with ,alter harbors en the Great Lakes, dolt to the low level of the water in the , said lakes and harbors, be it hereby resooed That this council n1 the County of Huron in session assenabl. ed memorialize both the Provincial and Federal Governments, protesting against the excessive amount of water being removed from the lakes by the Chicago Sanitary District through the Chicago Drainage Canal_ and request that immediate action lie taken to remedy this evil, which is rapidly becoming not only of local and Provincial, but + i ) national i Wm tortat c. d t e That copies of this re.,u'•u- tion be forwarded to the Dominion and Provincial premier', federal and Provincial Departments of Public Works, Department of Marine and Fisheries and Ontario Hydro -Electric Commission, Account for Jailer's House Rent. The account of 7210.00 for six mouths' rent, eta for Jailer Reynolds was, ort motion, referred to the Crim- inal audit hoard. Owing to Mrs. Griffin still being' matron of the jail, Mr. and Mrs. Griffin have continued to occupy the jail residence and Jail- er Reynolds has rented another hoose. The county has to provide house rent, water, light, etc., but, of course, does so at the jail residence, and the situa- tion which :has developed has caused tlte. council some worrying. Moved, by Messrs. McQuaid and l'ollins that the county engineer fur- nis11 to the reeves of the several 1 eat night The 11>pe1 ,rn',krr at c lit lrord hotel, rtditure on Provincial Highway. t tont the Highway t.i:,.)' I1 5111 the expennitnree to 1)i h vacs in Hoo -o ... .. , ,t fold ;We. 40)1,4 t[,1 -1. G. , n, (i' o l Reads et stem. antatitoilee 8.17.1 2-1, ay -ere 1,1escats'.1. etc r\ explained that the v.,il11)3 041, seine; anti b,c i ne t1111 t to do btu pas toe; ;u, ru t,. i h shit nl o{ w•o r rn e's instiran4e was raised. hitt t1, \Varlet, 1 stated that the host null 1,e - creat that A11..c r, ,.;;e,'mete,t11. it. "The account etas t': ic'rcd 411allre committee. 1h tn- from Clifford and lateltnote Nigh Schools for Comity of 11 urem . pupils attending ling ante n e. 11 S1/.1: , I 1 6l 17; pe ively, against 8530 a, i pr),1 th n ty sun yt,tr. the,n051) being doe the abolition o1 fees The Village of Lllck,l 51 had a com- plaint 10 make of the condition orf the roast 1'arlitug front L1eltast and eel: - ed that it he made a ;;,4114 as other roads. A letter it in alt, and airs. Robert - on tbert- m keeper and ntatrnn of the County 1-I„tau, asked for an Increase of 7200 ;alt .,eaetb, or if the eon ucii was not agreeable to ;toy, to accept their reer aatlotts. Notice from the I)cpartmem of Eduiatinn of the Government grant to the various t'oliegiate Institutes and Bich School in the county: ("nitwit, $1,533.30; God erieh, 8 434,30 Sea• forth, 72,482„30; \\Ingham, $1,57.4.67; Fleeter, $1,29868; total 88x23.25. Flour elaima for damages received rnr county roasts were received. 1r, account. of $210 foe rent tight and water at It ones for Jailer 14t n )ids, was r r.eivcd. 1)1. Field sttbutitted report of his expenses for the yeee 'Ia1j.,11ittittg to $781,55, The school ins•pectere 'have. been allowed 7525 for trai'cllittg 'ex- penses each. 'rhea asked for a larger allowance and were requested for a Statement of then .expenses„ and it 10ae te teaaaie eu t1 ,nest that Ih. 1 iel1 s)1t,mi tted- (h, stat The Ohildren's :Aid made applica- tion for a grant to cover their over- draft and Pay current accounts. 'Under the heading of "presenting' Iit1Ot,ons. a•.11 hearitos r, .11t•,ilx," a \t the Thursday morning session l ; Erwin. Provincial Engineer, was , writ aro! a,1 , -tressed rased the council on 1 ,he importance of the nets Highway 1 raffle. Act, and the treed• of Indent- nt,e familiar with its provisions, as `this was very important in the effort to secure sane traffic and proper pro- tection o1 emr roads. He spoke with- praise itlrp aise .,t the ''condition of the roads throughout the Mr. lirsvin confined notch of his ad+lreis to the work of the townships which he found doing good work. Only 19 townships in his district were .till continuing statute labor, nine of which were in Huron. The average price per yard mile of gravel 'by 'statute labor was 771.05; in Hurci. it was 96,2 cents a )Wile: average prase by contract for the district 35 1-3 stets; in Merge 35.8c per yard mile. Dumping gravel in large .quantities was strongly condemned; it should be tort on itt thin coats. a loose skin of gravel to protect the l;nnd bed we al- ready have provided. Hauling gravel by truck was by_far the better and cheaper method of putting on gravel, It was the cost of labor that made road work expensive.- To Eight 20 and 21 cents per yard mule by trucks `, the coat and sonde townships. ill Kent use thin with great advantage. The gravel should be put on very thinly arid evenly. The work on Victoria tteet, Gnde- aich. and in Brussel:, and fn Clinton :were particularly commended as je- t., very wise expendittn•ti.. Laying good foundations for a pavement in ettu'e was a good policy. Advice,for Seaforth. lit speaking of the asphalt bride parernen1 on a etent:,tt base as pro- vided for in Seaforth, he said the !test plan was to remove all the blocks or h.1ir,to endeavor to put on a tarvia .:n lie font 'is ti,tt already prnvid- �v� EtNi GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY and PROVINCIAL VOLUNTEER I+IREMEN'S TOURNAMENT ust to 6 I 2 n municipalities of the county, a state- ment of the total disbursements on county roads in their respective muni- cipalitles for 1923, said statement to be sent before nomination meeting -• - Movetl by Messrs. Neeb and Hays that a committee composed of the cleric, ilte treasurer, and malty road. superiutenttettt be hereby appointed to equalizethe expenditure 00 our designated road for the years 1921, 2 and 3, inclusive,- and report at the January cleating of 1924,= -Carried. Moved by Messrs. Geiger and Tip - ling that owing to the extra cost of cement road in liensall, costing $36s- 146, the by-law passed - for $30,000 in 1922, not being sufficient for the county's share, that a grant of $G,- 146 he made to make up the Balance of this expenditure. ----Referred 10 tho Good Roads Commission. At;. the Thursday evening session Mr, i'..M, Govenlock who was present, sviis asked to speak. ITe congratulat- ed the VVai'•deu on his election to the position and noticed that all were looking pleasant, and that some who. had been e1eeteil for 1924 looked re- Bowel. eBove 1. A pleasant event of the evening g session, was the presentation of a gold Beaded 'carie, "to the Wardell. Mr. Hanley occupied the chair, The fol - THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1923. PROFESSIONAL CARDS lowiitg address was react by 41r. Arm- strong, the council standing,. and the presentation wax made by Mr. Erwin. Presentation to the 'Warden. Council Chambers, Goderich, Dec, 6th, 1923, 15'. 'F. 13eavers, Esq:, Warden County Huron, Sir, --We, the members of Huron County Council, for the year 1923, in session assembled, feel that this, the Closing meeting for the year, is the opportune time to make known' to you in some tangible manner our esteem for you personally and our apprecia• Lion of your services: as our warden during the year now closing. During your term'of office as war- den, den, aril in your many years of ser- vice at the council board, you have al- ways shown courtesy and kindness,to your fellow councillors that has won for you an abiding place -in our es- teem, and you carry with you, as you relinquish your office our very hest wishes for your future'prosper- ity and happiness, s had its h 'The year just tie sm(~ a ldhiculiies to be overcome, but in dealing with all the matters coming before you and us, yott have always shoe n a tact and judgment ,that has Medical 13R. H. f3UGI•I ROSS, Physician and Surgeon, Late of London Hospital, London England. Special atentiot-i to, diseases of the eye; ear, :1055 and throat. Office and resid- ence behind Dominion Bank.' Offise Phone No. 5, Residenec Phone 106, DR. F. J, BURROWS, leaforth,,Ofs fico and residence, Goderich Street, east of the Methodist. Church. Cor- oner for the County of Huron, Tel- ephone No. 40. DRS. SCOTT & 1VIACKAY. Phys- icians and Surgeons, Goderich St, opposite Methodist church, Seaforth, :SCOTT," Graduate Victoria and A 'Arbor, and member of Ontario Co). Icge of Physicians and Surgeons. Coroner for County of Huron, 11tICKAY, honor graduate Trinity -L4liversity, Gold medallist, Trinity \Ieclical College, Member of Col- (l-watilined nn -I ages 8,1 THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY Walter Heirs in �aBillings m a. Spends 1= 0 s Dim .\ PAR 5111(11261' COMEDY. MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY 'Id :la Dana 1N `the and Romance Best Imported Holland Bulbs HYACINTHS 50c to $1:50 per doz. TULIPS .(Mixed) 40c per doz. NARCISSUS (Mixed) 50c per doz. CROCUS (Mixed) 15c per doz, TUBEROUS BEGONIAS (Mixed) $1.00 per doz. Send for Complete List including Roses and Shrubs. HOLLAND e1'bN, IMPORT eo. 449 River Road NIAGARA FALLS, ONT. ' 9ttP�Ati AYIm�RL1h)a[WSIOubivaiSi�l o 'mai The Committee arc already' at work in earnest. They rot•. ,Ire t, obtain at an early date the Names ausl Addresses of *tcry loaner r5 ident of Seaforth and vicinity. )u this connection, the public can give valuable assistance, Yon are earnestly requested to fill in the Coupon below with the names of members of your family, or of friends, that are living away from here, and mail sante to or otherwvlse advise, the Secretary, .:\.. 1). Sutherland, Seaforth, Ontario. NAME ADDRESS. Music makes every home happy. If you want to make yours one of the happy ones, let us install a nice iano-ota./.Phollograph for Christmas, Nothing nicer, everyone can enjoy it and it lass a lifetime. No gasoline to buy, no tires to buy, no danger of smash-ups, small depreciation and useful every day in the year. It helps to keep your home together instead of taking you away from home; In every 1vay you look at it, it is a real necessity, if you want to do what is rightwith those inyour care. ur Ternis Are easy Just pay a SMALL INSTALMENT and bel- See me at once as Late Orders are die- ance to suit your convenience, appointing. To those giving their order before DEC. 21st for Piano, we 'wil include a certificate for $25.00 worth of music lessons on any music teacher you may choose. JONAT !IUO!LL Etc. Remember this is good only to the above date, and is given with any make of Piano you choose. PIANOS RENTED by the evening for Christmas Entertainments and Dances, PHONE 13.-616 12. R. No. 2,, SEAFORTI•I DR. F. J. R. r ORSTE - J R E e Nose y, Nose ani! Throat, "Gtadu Medicine University of Toronto Late Assistant New York Oph mic and Aural Institute, 2Viclnrdfie Eye. and Golden Square Throat Hos pitals, London, England, • At Conunerciai Hotel, • Seaforth, third Wednesday :`n each ' month, from 1.1 a.ns to 3 p.m. 53, Waterloo street, South, Stratford. Phone 267, Stratford. DR. A. M. HEIST, OSTEOPATH- ., Licensed in Iowa and Michigan. Spe- cial attention to diseases of women and children. "Consultation free. Of- fice ''ver limbach's drug store. Sue- tessor to 1Or, Geo. J. Heiltmann, Tuesday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m, General Fire, Lite, 'Accident tideutomobile INSURANCE AGENT end Dealer in Singer Sewing Machine* Ja�'1a�p�v .uJ.Cin7 Watson North Main Sr. S1iAFORTH„ONT, THE MCKILLOP Mutual Fire Insurance Coa b'ARIVr AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY, INSURED Officers Jas. Connolly, Goderich, President; James )Evans, Beechwood, Vice Pres- ident; Thomas Hays, Seaforth, Sec.- Treasurer. ec:Treasurer. Directors, D. P. ''vfcGrcgor, 1t. R. ,i, Seaforth; John G. Grieve, R. R. 4, Walton; W. Rina, R. R. 2, Seaforth; John Ban. uct\'eirt, Brodhageit1 Robert Ferrir, R. R. No. 1, Blyth: Malcolm McKeon, Clinton G. 'McCartney. 1y. R. No, 3, Seaforth; Jaynes Connolly, Goderich; Jas. Evans, I',eechwood, Agents. .11ex, Leitch, R. R. I' y 1, Clinton; E. Hiichley. Seaforth; J. A. Murray, R.. R. No, .3, Seaforth: J. V. Yeo, Tiolinesville: R. G. Jai u,s,nth, Born- holm. James Near and Joint Goven- '„ck, Seaforth. auditors, Parties desirous to 01TCct ;entrance 1 or transact other business will be ltrumplty attended to by application to any e,f the above officers addressed to '31011' respective postofiS es. Desirable House F RAtE c �i To the person seeking a comfort- able home close to stores, churches, and schools, and still be in the couotry, this residence is splendidly located, being less than a mile from Seaforth postoffice. The property consists of eight acres of land, a good frame' house with seven roams and • woodshed, hard and soft water; good stable with cement flooring; fine or- chard, Possession can be given im- mediately. Further information may 1 be obtained at THE N1DVs OTnt11(E,' Do;f.31't , f1row Your .ltd. carpets Plway They make iiew 1'evelt- slble "Velvetex"Rags; send for ('elt!i,tex Nolder 2 t� CANADA BUS, COMPANY ),f>\Ito,NriVI.. FEATHERS :WANTED I3igbest prices paid, Mae( Walsh, phone 178, Seaforth,