HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1923-12-13, Page 3Some Christman Good Turns,
Scouts: head this list over to the
members of your Patrol next meeting.
night, check off the Good Turn your
boys may be able to duplicate this
year; and later kindly send to the Edi-
tor a brief account of your success as
a suggestion for other patrols and
troops next year.
Gathered and repaired old toys for
gifts to children of poor families. One
troop last year gathered nearly two
hundred old toys, freshened them up
in their troop work shop, and added
them to Santa Claus' Christmas Toad.
Put on 'Scout demonstration to aid
community Christmas fund,
Gave a Christmas basket to a poor
Made up "Patrol baskets" of good
things for tour needy families.
Troop divided into three groups,
each of which secured food and other
gifts for poor families.
Put up community Christmas tree.
Food, clothing,candies, oranges, etc.,
were left by the town folks under the
tree and these were later divided into
baskets and distributed by the Scouts
n Christmas eve.
Procured Christmas tree for Sun -
ay school, and assisted in decoration
and entertainment.
alavmisted in decoration of church for
Chri,. , " ls.
Orgaix .d a Scout Christman parcel
service 'Sl a the free delivery of all
Christmas''cileer packages,
:Assisted in ,controlling traffic at
busy holiday shouping-earuere.
Furnished singers for Christmas eve
Cleared sidewalks of snow, removed
ashes, cut wood, etc., for invalids and
old people who had no one to look af-
ter then,
Took candies and other good things
to an orphanage and amused the child-
ren for an hour. with Scout games.
Took some poor boys to a Christmas
party and paid their car fares.'
VIsited sick children, especially
boys, in the hospital
One Ontario troop hiked seven miles
during zero weather to visit and pass
as a Tenderfoot Scout au invalid boy
living on a farm.
Provided a big Christmas dinner for
the birds wintering in the town park.
Assisted churches in a census of
needy families, each patrol taking a
The indoors Season.
The time of the year is at hand
when the temperature and the state of
the atmosphere expose us more par-
ticularly to the diseases of the breath-
ing organs; Bronchitis, broncho-pneu-
1 mania, colds, pneumonia,pleurisy, and
all others of the relentless and merci-
less pulmonary troubles. The number
of people affected by these diseases In-
creases considerably during the fall of
the year, and the ravages made con-
tinue to exist until the spring.. These
diseases are often very easily spread
and they are always dangerous. If
they do not kill they cause misery
and loss.
We must not forget that these dis-
eases are due to germs which are
transmitted from one person to an-
other and that therefore they are often
Badly heated homes, lack of ventila-
tion, unsuitable clothing, threaten us
withdecreased powers of resistance,
which render us more liable to colds.
Patients suffering from bronchitis,
coryza (cold in the head), sore throat,
even in a mild form, must at once re-
ceive attention, otherwise they lay
themselves open to complications, as
well as exposing to contagion the
other persons with whom they come
into contact.
Some people have careless manners,
end without consideration for their
neighbors, they cough without cover-
ing their mouths with a handkerchief.
They sneeze in the same manner or
spit on the 'floor.
Such facts are observed daily, either
in public buildings, in the tramcars, or
in any other form of public convey-
ance, not taking into account what
happens on the street.
Avoid these unhealthy practices, and
prod will do your share toward thesafe-
guarding of your own and the public
Not a T ger-Man
Reggie — "I—an -don't think the
brute likes me."
'llgie—"No, dealt boy—you're not of
bis stripe."
There are three million
library of the British Museum,
um, and if
the bookshelves were laid out end to
end they would extend to about thirty-
five miles,
iton 'B British. rivers
Every swan found r
or seas may be seized by the Crown
and become its ` property, unless' it
bears its owner's mark.. The King's
birds are marked on the beak with
the Royal initial.
Fli,E:.t +'n1'
A Sure' Sign the Blood is Watery
and "Impure.' . ...
People with thin blood are more sub
ject to headaches than full-blooded
persons and the form of anaemia that
afflicts growing girls is nimoat always.
accompanied' by headaches, together
withdisturbances of the digestive or-
Whenever you have constant or re
curring headaches and pallor of the
face, they'show that the bloodis thin
and, your eSiorts should be directed
toward building up, your blood. A fair
treatment with Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills will do' this, and the rich, red
blood made by these pills banishes the
Mire disturbances to the health are
caused by their bleed than most peo-
ple have any idea of. When. your
blood is impoverished; the nerves suf-
fer from lack of nourishment, and you
may be troubled with insomnia, neur-
itis, neuralgia or sciatica. Muscles
subject to strain are undernourished
and you may have muscular rheuma-
tism or lumbago. If your blood fa thin
and yon begin to show symptoms of
any of these disorders, try building up
the blood with Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills, and as the blood is restored to
its normal condition the trouble will
disappear. There are many people
who owe their present state of good
health to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and
most of them do not hesitate to -say so.
If you are suffering from any condi
tion due to poor, watery blood, or
weak nerves, begin taking Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills now, and note how
your strength and health will im-
prove. You can get these pills through
any dealer in medicine, or by mail, at
50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co„ Brookville, Ont.
- The Hill of the Winds.
We went to the Hill of the Winds
On an amber afternoon '
From Its crest we looked between ce-
dar Isles
Where a river ran for winding miles
By shelving banks and sedgy isles
Like a placid long lagoon.
There was never a cloud in the vault:
The vast blue vault of the sky,
For a winnowing wind swept cease-
Out of the west where the free winds
And it sang sweet songs to us, and we
Were glad as the wind went by.
We were glad of the wind and sun,
Of the heights and the depths below—
Of the ox -eyed daisies with beck and
Of the glint and the toss of the golden-
Of the sheen of the moss and the scent
of the sod,
With the joy that lovers know.
Now is the age of the year
When the heavens are blurred with
When the airs are chill and the mists
are gray,
Sweet, let us take the upward way,
Let us go back to that perfect.day
And the Hill of the Winds again!
—Clinton Scoilard.
No. til
Magnetic Silver
Two matches and a half dollar
are used In this trick which can
best be performed while you are
seated at tae table.
-One .match is placed across the
other 50 that it is balanced, with
neither end touching the table The
Performer explains that a pelf del -
lar acte toward a match as a magnet
acts toward a steel ueedle and pro-
ceeds to prove, by demonstrating,
that there is sense in that nonsense.
The Halt dollar le held near the
end of the upper match. The per-
erformer slowly draws it toward him-
self—and the match swings 'round
toward him. The spectators sus-
pect threads but they can examine
the matches and the coin all they
The corn has nothing to do with
the trick—except to provide an ex-
cuse for the foolishness about'mag-
netisin. A real magnet or another
match would do just as well. While.
the performer is holding the coin
near one end of the upper: match,
he is breathing gently toward the
other end. That, of course, makes
the match swing around on its axis
-and that's the trick.
((Nip this out and paste it, with
other of the series, in a seraybopled
Mrs. Alfred Tranchemontagne, St.
Michel des. Saints, Que., writes: --
"Baby's Own Tablets are an excellent
medicine. They saved my baby's life
and 1 can highly recommend them to
all mothers." Mrs. Tranchemontagne's
experience is that of thousands of
other mothers who have tested the
worth of Baby's Own Tablets. The
Tablets are a sure and safe medicine
for little ones and never fail to regu-
late the bowels and stomach, thus re-
lieving all the miner ills from which
children suffer. They are sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co, Brockville, Ont.
The Deciding Factor
"An expert says gas will be the de-
ciding factor in the wars to come."
"Doubtless he has, noted 'how effec-
tive it is in the political battles of the
Ask for Mlnard's and take no other.
Provincial Board of Health, Ontario
Dr, Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Public Health mat-
ters through this column. Address him at Spadina House, Spadina
Crescent, Toronto.
High blood pressure is a condition
we hear much about these days. It
may be due in part to the strenuous
life one leads in these hectic times, but
over -indulgence of one'kindor another
makes the condition worse. High blood
pressure means several things: (1)
That the heart is beating too strong-
ly; (2) that the blood vessel walls are
thickened and inelastic; (8) that the
person is obese or overweight, It may vent -constipation, and live temperate -
be caused by any or all of these con- ly in eating, drinking and in all other
dations. ways, avoid over -excitement or stimu-
Nature provides blood vessels that lation and take ,plenty, of restand
are large enough and smooth enough sleep:
for blood to flow through without '.!'hero is 00 medicine that can hope
much friction. Every time the heart to effect a cure of this disease. It da-
beats, the vessels being elastic, stretch peltcls on the patient's habits and the
like a rubber tube. As age advances, way he lives from day to day,
the elasticity diminishes, the wal s
thicken and the inside width of the
tube gets less. In consequence, the
blood flow in the tubes is under too
much pressure. There is an instru-
ment for measuring blood pressure.
Symptoms which suggest the need of
this examination are dizziness, cold
extremities, albumin in the urine, ir-
ritable heart, The treatment is to pre -
Come to the Lectures, Demonstrations and Practices
at the
MareIgracllt -nal Cik ge
1924 - SHORT COURSES - 1924..
Stock and Seed Judging — Two and accounts ---grab, 4 - Feb, 16.
weeks) -January 815 • lath.' Market Milk, including Mechanical
Poultry Raising -- (Four Weeks -•-- Refrigeration—Feb. 18 - March 1..
Jati.tary 815 - February 2ncl. Condensed and Powdered Milk--
iik—Horticulture Coarses: March 3rd -,Mas -Ch 1501,
I suit and Vegetable Growing—Jan- Ice -Cream, including Mechanical
uary 21st - February and.: Refrigeration'—March 17 - Mar. 28
Floriculture and Landscape Garden- Creamery and C5eesemakiug
ing--Fell. 4t11 - Feb. 10th. Course, including Mechanical Re -
Dairy Courses: fr'igeration--Mar. 24 • Mar, 28.
Course for Factory Cheese and Bee Keeping (Two Weeks)—Jan-
Buttermakei's January and -- uary 8th January 1915.
Marob 14111. Drainage and Drainage Surveying
Cow-Testing—San. 7th -Jan. 1915,(Two Weeks) Jan 8Jan
. 10.
Farm Dalry—Jan.21st Feb.
2ndFarm Power, including
Factory Milk and Cream Testing, Gasoline Engines, etc, (Two
including Factory Management Weeks) -Jan. 22 - Feb. 2.
These courses are planned to meet the ranulr Mont, of farmers, farmers' sons, dairymen ..poultry-
men,: bee-beoPer•s and horticulturists who mus' ba unto t0 leavehome for but a short' uertod during
rhohinter anonths.
Alt t;0u0000 aro free, with the' exception of the : dairy 000rse, for which a small registration
00 fa ,As, -ped, -
". A. change. front the home surroundings, meet ng Other wool, Interested 1h the things in which
you [eo tntorested,.,oxehange Of experience and he acquirement of knowledge, will do sou- gond.
Plan to 'attend a00» 005,000 that appeals .50 Ybil,,: naduacdrota on railways, Write ter book.
let describing the courses andask for raihvay-.e 0(1110 te,
Director of Extension Registrar
Boys of the Messenger Service Department of the Canadian National
Telegraphs have been placed in uniform. The .uniforms are of grey wool
serge, black leather leggings and grey uniform caps. The crest of the Com
Pant' adorns the left sleeve between the elbow and shoulder and is attached
to the front of the cap together .with the boy's -number. In wet weather the
boys will wear oilskin capes and hats of olive color over their uniforms.' No
other Canadian owned telegraph service has uniformed messengers. The
photograph shows one of the boys' in his new uniform delivering a telegram.
Select Your Hens for Breeding
By Sam W. Knife.
Too many poultry breeders leave the
selection of their breeding hens till
January or February, instead of se-
lecting them in the Fail, when they
go into their winter quarters. Of
course it is not suggested that they
should be mated upthen, but by pick-
.ing out the most desirable birds for
next year's breeders they can be
separated,allowed free range, if it's
available, until real severe weather
sets in. Eggs from these birds during
the winter months should be a'second-
ary consideration only. The main
point is to have them healthy and in
good vitality when eggs are required
for hatching. Therefore mash and
other egg producing feeds should be
limited, supplemented by a body and
muscle building ration. Care must be
taken -not to over feed, or by spring
the liens will be too fat to lay.
If you have any hens which have
layed right up to October or Novem-
ber, hang right onto them; also if you
havo trap -nested keep your 150 -egg
birds and over. If you have a surplus
of hatching eggs from such stock they
are readily disposed of, and even if
they only lay a couple of settings of
eggs you know you may have chicks
well worth while from their eggs.
While your breeders should have
good care and attention, abundant ex-
ercise is absolutely necessary, with-
out which you cannot expect the
muscles and functional organs to have
the energy needed for subsequent'
utilization or the power to resist ad-
verse influences.
Do not contemplate using pullets
and hens which you have "forced" for
eggs, under artificial lights, as the re-
sults in fertility are usually disap-
pointing, Keep an eye on your cock-
refs, pick out the quick maturing,
large framed and good typed birds to
head your pens. If two or more males
are to be used in one pen, get them
accustomed to each other before breed-
ing season; this will insure peace and
contentment in your breeding quarters.
Breed only from good males, for re-
member, the male bird is 50% of your
breeding pen.
Wood -Fold.
Those who have lived ' near forests
aver Iteep.
Something within them kin to every,
Something of wind and rain and sun-
shine free; °
Their vagrant thoughts roam far afield
to deep
And woodsy places where Pan's -goat-
hoofs leap
And dryads peer through houghs of
ash and oak;
Strange rustic memories their
dreams invoke
And stray leaves rustle always through
their sleep.
They never lose their love of wander-
Though Fate should stay dor years
their town -bound feet;
They never fail to hear birds caroling,
Although no wings sweep through
the street;
And, grid within their inmost souls
They hold the magic of'the forest's
—Charlotte Becker.
It is estimated that the United
States holds 45 per cent. of the world's
total of gold money. 0'f the remainder
the British Empire holds about 12%
per cent; France, 11. per cent.;`Japan,
ta per cent.; - Spain, .5 per cent.; and
Germany and 'Holland about 2% per
cent. each.
Keep Minard's Liniment In the house.
Left It Unnamed, Perhaps
"Yes, we've been married for ten
years and have never had what I'd
call a quarrel
'What do you call it then?"
Violin -Value.
How do you value your musical in-
strument; by its market value or by
1 the effect you get out of it? At a con-
! cart, threeyoung ladies were awaiting
in breathless expectation the appear-
ance of a well-known violinist, and fll-
1 ing in the time with excited converse-
, tion as to their own experiences. They
were evidently violinists themselves
and had learnt to play the principal
Pieces in the programme, besides play-
ing in professional or ,amateur orches-
tras. But some of their ideas were
not quite what they should be. "Do
you know," said one of them, "I played
ion a £4,000 Strad the other day. Some
{ friends of nslne had this and an Amati
as well, The Amati only cost £700;
but wasn't it comic, the people them-
selves preferred to .play on the £700
one!" She had not realized that mar-
ket value is fixed by many things be-
sides intrinsic value and artistic ef-
Got » COL f* ?
Take a small pan of boiling water
and put half a teaspoon of MEN-
THOLATUM in the hot water, then
breathe the steam. It's the best
and also the quickest way to get
For .ala at nil Brue Storer
Writs far Froa 50111010.
Brldgebhrg. 001. - - Box FS
Say ".Sayer" and Insist!
alb tin
if you
roll your
(boort label) )'
...ro N......r.lri"G.%L.'7'. t t O'
A Study in Fitness.
Light, I love thee
When Day is here;
And, Twilight, thou
When Love is near.
Como softly Twilight,
I hear Love's coming;
Get thea gone, Day,
With your whirring wings and your
—R. IC. Dekky,
Remit by Dominion Express Money
Order. 'If lost or stolen you get your
money back.
The ideal world would be a world
in which everyman continued to go to
school till the day :of his death.—Mr.
Robert Lynd, the well-known author.
URIs 'f
Y hoIasome Cleansing Refreshing
Amery:e'a pioneer Dog Remedies
Hook on
and Herr to Food
Yelled Fra to Dur ASgrc„
try the Author.
05 Wed 240 street
Naw York, U.S.A.
"Pape's Diapepsin" is the quickest,
surest relief for indigestion, gases,
flatulence, heartburn, sourness- or
stomach distress caused by acidity,
A few tablets give almost immediate
stomach relief. Correct your =mach
and digestion now for a few cents.
Druggists sell millions of packages of
Pape's .Diapepsin.
Thin People
nervous,underweight people
Thin, g P p
take on healthy flesh and grow sturdy
and ambitious. when Bltro-Phosphate
as guaranteed by druggists is taken a
few weeks. Prlee $1 per pkge. Arrow
Chemical Co., 25 'Front St. East,
Toronto, Ont,
Rub the feet well with Mlnard'e..
A few applications and the sore-
ness is gone.
linlese- you see the name "Bayer" on
package or on tablets you are not get.
Ung the genuino Baye • product -proved
safe by mllliana and prescribed by
physicians over twenty-three years for
Colds headache
Toothache Lumbago
Earache Rheumatism
Neuralgia Pain, Pain
Accept "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin"irin"
only. Bach unbroken package con-
tains proper directions.y boxes
of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug•
gists also sell bottles; of 24 rand 100.
Aspirin b the trade mark (registered.
in, Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of
Monoaceticacideetcr of Sa11cy11caciti.
While it is well known that Aspirin
means Bayer 141anufacture, to assist
the public against imitations, the Tab
lets as Bayer Company Will 10.3 stamp-
ed' with their geuerel.trade mark, the
"Ala7Ug Cross," -
Mother! Give Sick Child
"California Fig Syrup"
Harmless Laxative for a Bilious,
Constipated Baby or Child.
Constipated, 5h1
bus, feverish, or
sick, ca)jc. Babies
and Cl{ 1dreu love
to take genuino
Syrup No other
laxative regulat:es.�.
the tender little
a,; bowels so nicely;.
It sweetens the stomach and stouts
the liver and Lowele acting without
griping. Contains no narcotics . or
soothing drugs. Say "California" to
your druggist and avoid coitnterfeltsl
About 500 species of plants are
carnivorous. Through modified lgavee
they imprison their prey, which is
subsequently digested and absorbed.
Sundew, flytraps, pitcher -plants,
bladderworts, and butterworts are
among the chief animal -eating plants.
- Self starter. Saves transferring
stitches. Price P. Agents wanted.
They are easy to sell after demonstra-
tion. Circular on request. Booklet
(40 cents) telling how to speed up
knitting and toe -closing, how long it
takes to knit a pair how much can bo
earned hints on selling sox, etc. Jar-
man, Woodland Park, Hespeler,Ont.
ings, Kings, Baldwins. Special
prices to farmers' clubs in car lots,
Beaver Valley Fruit Growers, Camp-
erdown, Ontario.
• slab wood stove length. Reid
Bros., Bothwell, Ontario.
0es=oe0000at=e4DCy00C>00004" eOQ
Bad Breath
"Bad breath is a sign of decayed
f teeth, foul stomach or unclean
bowels." If your teeth are good,
look to your digestive organs at
once. Get Seigel's Curative Syrup
at druggists. 15 to 30 drops after
meals clean a ou f od
B and stop theAr o bad breath odor.
Sic. and $1.00 Bottles. Do not
buy substitutes. Get the genuine.
u o 000670
0000. �oaoec .0 a
35 -Cent "Denderine ' Does
Wonders for Lifeless,
Neglected Hair.
A gleamy mast
of luxuriant hair
full of gloss, lus-
tre and life short-
ly follows a genu-
ine toning up' of
neglected scalps;•
with dependable
Falling h a i r,
itching scalp and
the dandruff Is
corrected immediately. Thin, dry,
wispy' or fading hair is quickly invig-
orated, taking on new strength, color
and youthful beauty. "Danderine" is
delightful on the hair; a refreshing,
stimulating tonic — not sticky or
greasy! Any drugstore.
Spread To Neck and Arms, Itched
and Burned, Lasted 3 Months.
"My trouble began with a rash
breaking out on my back. My cloth-
ing aggravated it, and it keokspie d..
Mg to my neck and arms. It itched
and burned so that I, spent many, a
sleepless night. The trouble lasted
about three months. I tried different
remedies without success. I read an
advertisement for Cuticura Soap and
Ointment and sent for a free sample
which helped me. I bought more
in three weeks
was healed."
Hertel Buffalo, T., Jan. 24,
Cuticura Soap to cleanse and pu
rify, Cuticura Ointment to soothe
and heal and Cuticula Talcum to
powder and perfume are ideal for
dally toilet purposes.
,:rreakQ Sono shaven without mus
insist upon genuine "Claliaornia Fig', _ _...:.
Syrup" which contains directions, 1 ISSUE' No 60—'is.