HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1923-12-13, Page 1WHOLE SERIES, VOLUME 45, Special lr Christmas Mixed Creams Caramels 25c 2 J�b. or j bs, �n e k+ Reg, 50c ll, 1 Mixed Bon ba>!is ' rQflees Re. 5('z 'ib.fo r r.Ji V d{i kin ' C ds.R e 5Q g c 5c All Kinds of boxes, fancy and pain, at reasonable prrices, ;h for next: week's ad. The store with the quality stock and e:9S.. 4.41-1,a -cistsa. d a St r ! t• the .i COnieLeer rrwery and Restaurant ,• roti DPI) iympia II UTCIIISOI\t"S for GROCERIES HUTCHISON'S BAKING POWDER contains no alum, is of guar- anteed quality and only, per lb. tin 25c HUTCHISON'S TEA has made a nacre for itself. per ib., 7(k.- In 2 Ib. packages for VICTOR SOAP is average in size, hut extra in quality 10c per cake or LONDON SPECIAL is double size, of good quality. 10c per cake 3 for 25c $1.30 3 for 25c TOILET .SOAP, very special @ per cake Money refunded to those who use it and do not think it- spec- ial in OUArjITY and PRICE. WESTON'S FANCY BISCUITS a ssorted best varieties in fancy gift boxes, .beautifully put up, per box $2.50 BODLEY'S ALMOND ICING in half 1 .pound boxes.......,,25r In one pound boxes • 50c BODLEY'S FRUIT CAKES, one pound 5lk EMPEROR GRAPES are nearly done. They are very choice, 20c CHRISTMAS CHINA. ---We invite inspection P and comparison.. -orf qualities and .prices. We have many pieces at exactly half the price these same pieces were, inelnrling Japanese hand -paint- ed china at from 25e to $3,50, ALUMINUA4 WARE makes a useful and acceptable Chrisima • We have sonic assortment at front 25c''to $1.59 each.s i,lft, Fresh, clean Eggs, First class dairy Butter, Dried Apples, POULTRY alive or dressed, taken in exchange for goods, F. D. HHtChjSOII PHONE 166 Christmas Spec.as See the Ladies' Combination Buts ton and Buckle Overshoe. Very neat in appearance and easy to put on. For Friday and Saturday we will have special bargains in Felt Slip- pers for children. Sizes 3 in In- fants to 2 in Misses. Ladies Felt Slippers 51.00 to 52.50 Ladies Satin Slippers in Black, Brown and Silver. Hockey Shoes for Boys, Girls, - Men and ladies, SHOP AT THE STORE OF PRACTICAL. CHRISTMAS GIFTS, Don't forget Dr, Scholl's Foot • Expert will be at our store Fri- day, Dec. 14th. If you have foot trouble, consult him. FILED. W. WIGG CHURCH CARD. Seaforth a oath Methodist ' dist Ch tyro h, -Sob b ath services, I1 a.m., and 7 p.m. Sun- day school, 2.30 pan. Pastor. Rev: Te. Irwin. Pastor at both services. In the evening the subject 'will be "Who Jesus Christ is; or the fact that would have saved Cer ma nY ," Song servire hymn sheetsavided r p for strap Subject by request, gees MRS, BRIDGET CARTY- 1'lte remains of the late- Mrs, Bridget Carty, a former resident of Seaforth, who died in London. on Thursday last,were brought to Sea - forth following a burial service in London, and 'interred in St. James' cemetery on Saturday morning, Dec, 8th. A brother and a sister survive, Mr, Thos, Givlin, and Sister -Al- phonse of St. Joseph's convent, Sai- nia. LONDESBORO, Mrs. Campbell, of Walton, visited under the parental roof of ''Mr, and Mrs: Robert Young,,a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs, J. Fingland entertain- ed a number of their friends :on Fri- day evening. Mr.. Struck, of Port Arthur, called on friends in the village this week. Mrs, J. D. Melville visited friends. in Clinton last week The, Ladies' 'Aid of Knox church met at:the home of Mrs. John Harvey on Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. David Hoggarth entertained a few of her friends to dinner on Mon- day in honor of Mr. and Mrs. James Collinson, it being their thin ty-second wedding anniversary. Voir many friends hope they Maly be sparest to enjoy many such happy days.,, :J� afl'i slf`l[r O' NTP1R/O, '1-UJR TOWN COUNCIL, 'Phe regular meeting of the Town Council was held in the council chant. ber at 8.15 .p.m. Monday, with all members present, Minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed, The following accounts were order- ed paid: Wm, Gillespie, sal., $70; J, A, Wilson :P5; 5 Andrew Little, .$40; J. Knight, 65 J. A. Case g ,$ ,J acc., $13.50; John Sproat, hay, $1560; C. 14 Rys., 58; Thos. Jarrnan, $5; .Wm, Trott, $36.75; G. Pinkney, $15; John Pink - ilea. $16.25; Northern Elec. Co, $4.62; II Mueller Mfg, Co., $19,21; Kruse Bros., $15,09; E. J, Boa;, eta. and freight, $1.98; Public Utilities Corn„ $1,646,69; Bell Tel. Co, 52.06; N. Cluff & :Sons, 500. $7.14; King Edward Sanatorium, $91,50; Dom. Bk., pay sheet, Nov. 15th, $212.71; do., pay sheet, Nov, 30th, $213,46; H. Edge, $3194; Fos. Mero, $11.25; .Robs. Edgar, $59; M, Broderick. $11.15; Alex, Mc- Donald, $7410; Ivy Henderson, $1; 3. Case, 5124; E. (.hittehden, $8920; Joh.. Abell, 50c J. F. Welsh, div, court, $32; J 1'. Greig, div. court, John 1f tbl uk, $9; Day Bros„ 511; I: i I Box. 1-,-.50,:1 Barton $35.75: Motion, that the late Dr. J. G. Scott est to he paid , 3i 5 v 1 , and Dr. Burrows he paid $1665 salary 71. Medical Health Officer. Moved by Geo, 1', (ardao, second- ed by W. E. Chapman, that the fol- lowing account re water works exten- sion be paid: Messrs. Day faros $2,383.62; Drummond McCaul as Co., 5563,40; National ['roil Co., Ltd., $7.954.05: Dominion Wheel 8r ):coun- dries 5281.86. Motion, that the Solicitor be in- structed to prepare a By-law to cover extra cost re pumping system. The Council then adjourned to 01131 at the call of the Mayor. .. IRELAND AND THE IRISH, The Lecture given by Rev: R. Fui- te,n Irwin in the Methodist church on Friday evening was a rare treat to the. large audience that assembled to hear this versatile speaker. Mr. F. S. Savauge filled the chair with abiljty. Before the lecture began, Afisc Asman gave a 'violin solo. It was Miss Asntan's first appearance in Seaforth and needless to say the public wiL1 welcome her again. Mr- Erwin began by saying he was barn in Ireland, adding that it was not bis fault. But so enthusiastic did he become in his subject, that before t his lecture ended, his audience felt he might have added as another Trish- ; man did"that if he had not been born in Ireland, he would he ashamed of t himself-" The speaker said the, history of 1r,:- p land dated earlier. than any of the p countries of Europe, to 1300 B.C., a which would be about the time 're- t corded in the Bible when Gideon de- n stroyed the Midianites, '.Che sizeof h Ireland was 300 miles long by 170 c miles wide; and 109 Irelands could be e made from the area of Canada. The a climate was moderate and sleighs t were never seen there. There is so e much salt in the atmosphere that a cattle were never salted, it Mr. Irwin gave legends ts, acconut p for the green verdure of the country, fi and in a racy way, described the con s struction of the Giant's Causeway to h enable a Scotch king to reach Ireland d to fight an Irish monarch. C The history of the troubles of the country, and its quarrels were related, in Mr Irwin t5n at atcd that England1• had st oppressed Ireland, n fact, it t had received better terms than the ac English or 'Scotch. Landlordism was to the curse of the country and produc- air ed the Land League agitation, which divided the *populace.. H Irish humor was .described by the as speaker, who said the strange thing was that the Irishman seldom saw his otyn humor and often was humor- acs when angry. The life of St. Pat- w rick was also referred to. 'Che speaker was not certain that the troubles of Ireland were yet set - tied,. and predicted that England would again have to take control to save .the country, • Mr. Ed. Bright, always a favorite in Seaforth, gave a solo in splendid voice, A vote of thanks was tendered to Mr. • Irwin on motion of Mr, Wrn Bleck, M.P., seconded by Rev. Dr. Larkin. Proceeds were over 550. .Pity, M F.,12EMt�Q.R 12,1923 G.W.V.A, NOTES. The annual meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary was held in the Club rooms Thursday, Dee. 6th. and was well at- tended, The report of the secretary- tteasurer, Mrs. Joseph Keating, show• eel a comfortable •,balance,. Unfortun- ately, Mrs. H. Edge, president for the Past year, could not attend d owing to illness, Mr. Edchas been a faithful friend and worker for the Club, and It is to be hoped there will he a speedy recovery. The officers for the year 1924 are; Pres„ Mrs. John Beattie; 1st vise Ines., MrsJ as. Reid;i • 2n d vice,Mrs,John Finlayson; sec -taeas, Mrs. Joseph Keating; executive com- mittee; Mrs„ Thos. Scott, Mrs, Geo. Sills, Mrs, James Hays, Mrs. I -I. Jeffrey, Mrs. Livingstone and Mrs. A. McLennan. The new orchestra, composed of Bub' Aberhart, Gerald Stewart, James Stewart James Scott and ]Tarry Hinckley, diel -wonderfully well at their first dance last week. These boy,, play just as well as seventy-five per cent. of the orchestras supplying music , dt r alai ,lances, r . 1surely war- rant •int an even better 1nrowd than greet - cd thein on their first appearance. .It.' k the intention in engage a cthe again g g u, the near future. Invitations for our Christmas da will he out this week. If there any special invitations recieired, cretary, lar. l'. P. Sills would deem it a favor if the lists of names are 'handed in at once. The execu- tive committee have decided that paid up members, including ladies of the Auxiliary, should be charged at the rate or ,t couple $2.50, extra la .50c. Non-membera will pay couple $4,00, extra lady one dollar. might he pointed out that we 0 have to pay war tax on each pers nat less than 25 cents per pair. a also it has been the endeavor of t executive to give at all times adya tage e g to those 'who are our menthe :1ny person desiring to become member can do So by applying to t ,ccertary, C. P. Sills, or the tre urea•, Mr. Ross 'Sproat, COLLEGIATE NOTES. During the past few weeks the Lit- erary Society has occupied a proinin- cnt place !rt our news items, but fn the near future either more important brings will completely take posses- sion of the minds a,1 students and exciters alike. Of course during the past few weeks classes have been go- ng on regularly, there :being nil periods each day attended by tl viwle school and also 'a tenth patro zed at irregular intervals by a co aratively small •pereen'tage of th ttpils. This tenth period comment t 4 p,m, sharp. Nothing is allows, o interfere with the regular routin f the school or with the amount once-work';tssigned, The business o ducating goes nit uninterrupted an onsequeetlr tve. come to those a1 bsorbing and inevitable things men loneal above, namely Christina cams, The examinations will star n the upper forms on Tuesday, an 1 the lower forms ,on Wednesday ext week. Keen competition for rst place in the classes and in the objects is anti'cipa'ted; and much arc! work will be done before the ate of the scheduled arrival of Santa taus, The Literary Society is holding a eetin Thursday sda evening, Dec.v 13th arting at 7.30 p.m. The Athletic Association of the hool has decided to place a hockey am in the Western Ontario Second y School Association. The team W1NTH,ROP, The Ladies' Aid and W.JAj.S, of Cavan church held their annual meet- ing in the basement of the church last Wednesday afternoon with a good attendance. The meeting upen- ed with Mrs, C. }Ellen presiding; Scripture reading by Mrs. A. Pat- rick and d Mese s n er prayer byMr g P Y s, John Grieve. A very interesting es- say on "The W.M.S., the Handmaid of the Church," was given by' Mrs, A, Cuthill, followed with voluntary pray- i er by MTS, M. Blanchard. Very good I reports were given by Mrs , J. M. Govenlock, treasurer of the Ladies' Aid and by Mrs. James Simpson, treasurer of the \V.M.S„ and a very interesting paper of the year's work in accordance with the Ladies' Aid and W.M.S. was .given by the secret- ary, 'Mrs. James 5•forrison. 'f he topic book for the new year will l e "The Island Beautiful." After some business discussions and new ideas for the work for the"coming year the election of officers took place. All those holding offices the previcnts year were re-elected, The meeting closed byall 1 re satinLord's the - P repealing Prayer. It 's Y n, to be hoped that all I� those helping alon with tt r the gond work which s muck needed, will con nee 110111 to do and that many more are will follow their example. the Mr. and Mrs. Donald ('alder. Thies art i5 Marc Calder. Mrs.. _Jean 51. Neil. anil 91r, ,john Aitnlie n were in Stratford �i last 'Chiu .taws attending the graihta- tion exercises, 5fi s Jennie Calder be- ing among the graduate,. s g g a s,. ,We wish hers success ss i« her •c-' e new profession. I rft.sron. d>' Mr. and 'tars: Sol. Shannon spent per Sunday with Mr, and Mrs Tames 1t Hudson, of F,g:nondville. g ow Miss Florence Bennett is visitiei 00, friends in 10111101 at present, nd Mr, Jester Govenlc.ck of Mitchell he spent Sunday at his home here anti!' n- still has to use a cane' to move around, rs. Ian - rn Tn Mr. c c and Mrs. .f.. F I er al on Wednesday, Dec. 5th, a baby Ftiiri. he . Both doing well, as- to ie con es d Miss Myrtle Trott spent the week- ' end with her cousin, Mrs. Rob t. of 1 rimoldbv. f Hiss Phoebe Wakefield has been d confined to her bed the last few days I- suffering with blood poison it) her - knee. s The At Horne held in the Forrest - yrs' yrs' hall last Friday night was a big d success, about 135 being .present and if all reported a good time. Mr. and Mrs, Tom Riley, of Clin- ton, spent Sunday with his father, Mr. George Riley, Sfr. Arnold Coielough and Mr, Joe Thueil, of Brussels, spent Sunday at Kitchener, The Young People around the are busysil- a e F, practising t , ut for i g the Christmas cantata, Sirs, James Mann has not been in Very- good health at present. ROXBORO. Mr. Beverly Beaton and Mr. John Powell are busy hauling hay - for S. Cudntnre the past week from the Pur- cell farm. Mr, S. (,ulmore's men were press- ing hay the first part of the week at Mr. John H. Storey's, Mr. anal Mrs. A. E Matheson and bliss Marion. of 7lickersinith, spent Sunday with lir, and Mrs. Frank Coleman. Mr. Robert ;Agar and Miss Alma visited with friends - in Hensall on Sunday. this year wf11 be ea ' • WALTON. ptamccl by art, and and Mr, Bissonnettc is acting coach and manager. EPWORTH LEAGUE. Epworth League was held on Tues- day evening in charge of the Mis- sionary Department, Rev, R. Fulton Irwin gave the lesson talk and Mrs, A. L, Porteous the topic in "Mission- ary Giving."' A solo by •Mr, O. C. Elliott, duet by Miss A. Govenlock and Miss D. Robinson, and a mis- sionary reading by Mrs. Andrews were enjoyed immensely by all. , RE -UNION NOTES. Mr. N. W. Murray, Royal Bank, Winnipeg, has written Sec. Suther- land that he will act as Re -union ag- ent for Winnipeg and district, "Send along the names," he says, "and send all of then,, as we have to do taus thing right" Two more agents are to be heard from and the list will he complete, The Decoration and Illum- ination committee are having meas- urements taken to ascertain the amount of wire and lights required, ails.) the amount of decorating mater- ial, which will .run ..into miles. The Finance committee will complete their rounds this week, Any person not at hone when the canvassers called, are invited to call on the Treasurer, Mr. R. M. Jones, who will have the lists, and place their names and the amount of their subscription. on „the, listi•iprovided for that section of the town in which they reside;"'. THE HOCKEY CLUB. The I•iocke; Club annual meeting as held nit tow rwni hall f on Friday evening. Owing t, to an unfavorable season last year, the club finished the season withcleft deficit, cat, but owing to the generosity of Mr. W, J. Duncan, who has ;generously donated an amount to cover the deficit, the clnh begins the ,new Sear' without debt. The officers elected are President, W. J, Duncan Att. Dick sec.; execu- tive committee,' Dalton Reul, Rosa Sproat, Chris ("earns, Jos. McMillan, Charles Holmes, with the trustees of the Duncan clap, C. Stewart and Mr. Bissonette,. Two teams are being en- tered in group 14 of the O.L A. and it was left to the executive to decide whether two teams world play or not, An effort'will be made to form -a town league to compete for the Dun- can cup, 0,H.A. Intermediate group 14-- Goderich, Mitchell, Seaforth, Conven- er, A. Dick, •Seaforth, Junior group 14-Seaforth, Clinton, Milverton, Convener, A. Dick, BOWLERS' ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting of the Seaforth Lawn Bowling Club was held on Monday night in the Carnegie Lib- rary hall. This year the Club has the largest membership on record. Extensive 'improvements have been made to the .green and club ,house, and further work is contemplated for 1924. Next year's officers will be Pres- ident, Dr, H. H. Ross; vice-presid- ent, J. Mactavish; secretary, Charles Holmes; treasurer, J. M. 'McMillan; chaplain, Rev. T. H. ',Brown; execu- tive committee, R. E. Bright,' W. T. Thompson, Russel. Sproat, Robert Boyd, John 'Beattie; official referees, J. M. Best and T. H. Johnston; auditors, R. M. Jones and K. M. McLean. After the business of the evening was concluded a euchre washeld, in which for games,. W. J. Dittman won first .prize; for lone hands, L. T Deu- Rev. Mr, Robinson returned to take charge of the Methodist church Sundservices here and a: Bethel last. ay. A social evening was held in the lectur,.l room of Duff's church last w• c ce k• an talo tr ated lecture enti , tled "Mark Twain's Innocent's Abroad," a humorous i tt acs account of a trip amend t d the Mediterranean, which was much enjoyed by all present Proceeds amounted to $16.50. i The Grey township council held I meeting on Monday, Dec, 10th, The Walton and Hanna drain irn- prove merit by-laws were y dealt with and other business transacted Mrs and Mrs, Geo, Walker, Grims- by spent a few days during the past' week with the latter's sister and bro- ther, Mrs. Ramsay and John Williams of this locality. Mrs. Enoch Clark was visiting friends at Wingharn and Bluevale during the week, Mr. A. McEwan and Mr. M, Roller have returned home ,from the Guelph Stock Show whirl, they attended last week, Apublic auction sale will be held of the farm. and farm stock' and imple- ments of the late Alden McGavin, nit 19th of December on 12th con, of McKillop. What some auto -trivets know about driving a car would fill a book, but it is what they don't know that fills the hospitals, BRODS-JAGEN', Mr, Norman Rock made a business trip to Toronto on Monday. Mr, Fred Scherbarth' has returned home from the West. Everybody is doing their Christmas shopping now. On Wednesday evening, Dec. 5th, a crowd gathered at the 'home of Henne Rock to ` celebrate Miss T-T.ilda's •birthday. Among the many presents received, was a berry spoon in Adams patern from her friends here, The evening was spent 3u games and dancing. A dance will he hold in Benneweis hall on ;Dec, 26th-. Ney's orchestra; Lacey; consolation, Jno. •Mactavish,'' Eve'rybody'welcome, • ISSUE 1rU5O1h3141's 50. RggrMdBi6'RIiR .,,.a %oa.�tT Ti. vel tae, iT'.,r1,Y:•[Ty 'k4L',o �i v'T$TSS W,RaA[r,i.,Pii,tu QST .�'e Only Nine "Days. ilei ehristmas And knowing n 1 nowin that all the Chr! 1> stmasFa i S 4 n must be doe ' PP g n in just those few, days we would in all sincerity urge early shopping. Yon will receive better service and stocks are larger, of course. We would draw your attention to the fact that our stock of Christmas Gifts was never before so large or so well assorted, and then again, the g prices have dropped considerably during tate year, sa that you will find great economy in making your Christmas purchases; at this store. The dependable and durable character of Christmas Gifts That Last will appeal to you very strongly, and alsothe fact that we guarantee every: article we sell. We suggest: Ladies Wrist Watch, gold filled 512,00 up Ladies' Signet Ring, solid gold $2.00 up LadiesDiamond Ring $15.00 up Ladies' Onyx Rini$. 55.00 up Ladies' Crystal a C taI O nYx 7.0,00u P Ladies' Pear 1e N clttets 149. k 10.00 UP Ladies' Pearl Beads . 86.00 up Ladies' Diamond Bar Pins .. 520.00 up Ladies' Silver Stone Set Bar Pins .. .....• $1.00 up Gents' Gold Filled Watch . ...' 512.00 up Gents' Signet Ring solid gold 55.00 up Gents' Tie Pin, solid gold $2 up Gent's Waldinuir Chains $2 up Emblem Rings, solid gold $6,00 up Fountain Pens, Water an' m s2.5D Waterman's Writing Sets 54 up Evcrsharp Pencils 51.00 up Gold Pocket Knives $2.50 u n CuffLin L ks 50c up e G nts' Full Dress ess Sets 52.50 up Knife and Fork sets , 58.00 up Silver Tea Sets .. , $15.00 up! Carvin e Carving Sets, cased .. $5,00 up Mantel Clock $8.00 up And a host of other things too numerous to advertise. And every one sold under our personal Guarantee, OPEN EVENINGS TILL CHRISTMAS. Again we urge early shopping and purchasing Gifts That Last "'F+l Savai Jeweler and Optician 194. res, 10 ,c tr•n.r-ave t nvmPTITPI'm.*c;1"1"r.-tg i Fre Seaforth 0 j r.'ti1,':.n mr""'"'=et rm.m+ ar, . NORTH MCKILLOP, rite nice mild weather continues at time of writing. It is welcome to re- main. Municipal matter are very quiet. Aspirants for council are not being heard from. The children are in joyful anticipa- tion of the Christmas tree entertain- ment to be held at Bethel church on the evening of Friday, Dec, 21st. Mr, Robinson, the pastor, preached an im- pressive sermon there last Sunday, and the offertory by the choir was sung in a pleasing manner. Joseph Thornton and George Ste- wart have -a job of cutting stovewood for Alex. Ross. There is quite an industry in prog- ress down in the old pine swamp in the manufacture of turpentine and charcoal, Pine stumps are utilized. The turpentine is first extracted, and then the stumps are converted into charcoal, Some of the young men who went to the new Ontario woods, have re- turned home. The weather was cold back there a and the work 0 sever e.us M t of . those who went to the United States recently are also back. work MANLEY. Mr. John Murray, son of Mr. Mar- tin Murray, had the misfortune to get kicked by a horse, and was minus two teeth, and had to get several stitches in his face. His friends are pleased to learn that it is not more serious. Mr, Peter Eckart shipped a carload of cattle from the. C.P.R. station last Saturday. Mr. Fred Eckert left last Tuesday to attend the U.F.O, convention in Toronto, Mrs, Jerry O'Hara is atrc e visiting friends in' Guelph. P s nt Mrs. C. Eckart and her son Joc, and herdaughter Lucy, made a 'busi- nees trip to our burg this week, KIPPEN ROAD, Mr. George Strong left on Tuesday morning to attend the Peace Confer- ence in •Goderich, Mrs, Emily Ross, of the 8th conces- sion, nn is visiting friends ds ' t Stratford. a rd. There will be a Christman enter- tainment held in No. 9 Tuckersmitlt school house on Thursday evening. Dee. 20th, at 8 o'clock. Admission 256, "Mother, Have Yocs Bought the TMAS • ".l saw in Marshall Stewart's Grocery, window such good things for the Christmas cake" NEW CLEANED CURRANTS 1b, VALENCIA 1 Ib lBc RAISINS 2 lbs, , . , , NEW SEEDED RAISINS 1 18, 18c 2 lbs. 35e NEW SEEDLESS RAISINS 1 lb, 18c 2 lbs. 35c DATES 1' ib,• 13c 2 lbs; NEW MIXEDV�� PEELS Ib. "• SHELLED ALMONDS 1. b. SHELLED WALNUTS 1b SPFeiT1L FOR STITURDP1111 ONLY Matches, at lOc package Sometimes you don't need enough from g the Grocery to make a respectable delivery --so you don't order at all; . It is just orders we want. They retake re ' c those little gulag customers of occasional pusa chasers, because we give them such careful atteotfoza. For your groceries Phone 77 Corngr Johl'a,;and Maul Sts,: Seaforth