HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1923-12-06, Page 8910 1,I C:r1.`.:
;2eatifta o S'.,0.1eletattliVe Expert*
flleillS (til ()Marie Farms.
')vee P,i;t;;try Farmers Have Experi-
mented --Rapt; fe' I'e!'enlli'itl Sow
001r ted r a itch t,rass--
Rea(ilcut(ion, ,it' Bladder Campion.
tantf C'iitr-.Bell.
L1i i,Uted U, .At to rto Department of
Agri ;•u It010, Toren to,)
15,111 1'apt vim ents were tleg1l11
,rlth the object of gathering data
rom which definite. statemt dts Might
,1e made regarding the hest methods
,f controlling. the various had weeds
a inr:. In this connection
Cil, farelers have carried on
DAtm.peritnents on their own
rinstructions sent from
About 1.r, et the O. A. C„ Guelph.
aunts of
their b> experimented with were
Sew Thf
bring .etIe,:Twitch Crass,
pe1.p, Campion or Cow Boll, Wild
card, Ox -Eye Daisy, Field Bind-
reed, Wild Oats and ()boas. In
tearly every instance they gleaned
he ileld experimented with, and de-
uonslrated to their awn satisfaction
he effectiveness of the method tried.
As a result of the. data gathered
'rom theseexperiments it is now p0s-'
able to recommend with cooftdenes
4e5nite methods for the eradietion of
Inch weeds its Perennial Sow Thistle,
i'witelt Grass, Bladder Campion and
Vila, Mustard.
1Ibi Rape Metitoii for the Control of
Feremilal Son 'i'Itistle and Twitch
,Grass. •
Cultivate the field until about the
middle of June, running over it fre-
quently with a etiltivator so as to
keep tete tops down and thus weaken
the "roots." A cultivator with bread
Points should be usvil, which will cut
uif the Sow 'Thistle or Twitch Grass
below the surface of the ground and
.lot break up the rootstocks the
inneh. About the middle of June
apply manure at the rate or about
twenty tons per acre (twelve good
loads.) Cultivate the manure in
thoroughly and with a double mould
board plough slightly ridge up the
land, making the ridges about moti-
f tyslx inches apart On the ridges
ti0w pasture rape (Dwarf Essex var-
iety) at the rate of about one and a
half Hounds per dere. It la import-
ant that the right amount of rape
be gown for 1E too little is sown the
etand will not be thick t'itouglt to
smother the weeds; and if, on the
tither, hand, too much is sowa the
rape plants will be too crowded and
now grow vigorously enough to keep
ahead of the twitch grass or sot' finis
11e. Sow the rape when the laud is
eutliciently 1110181 to secure quick
germination of the seed. if the rap
is slow .in starting the twitch grass
or sow thistle may get a hold in the
rows and thus necessitate hand out -
Ovation'. Cultivate the rape every',
week or ten days until it occupies all
the ground andmakes further cultt
ration impossible. If, when the rape
la cut or pastured, any of the weeds
remain, the field should be ridged up
last thing in the fall and p111 11. with
another hoed crop the following
year. This has not been found ne-
°essary when a good stand oic rape
has been secured. e
11'a-ndil7Eittn _t Bladder Campion or
f Cow Bell.
BadiY Life -idea fields should be
ploughed deeply in the fall and then
oeltivated and -cross -cultivated with a
broad -shared cultivator in order to
break up and weaken the under-
ground rootstocks. In the spring t
this cultivation should be repeated C
frequently enough to'prevent the d
plant making any growth above f
ground. until it is time to put in a
Coked crop, which must be kept thin- i-
oughly clean in order to be effective. 1
A, well oared for corn prop planted s
tat hills ao tbat it can be cultivated
. both ways has been found to give t
excellent results. Special attention 11.
must be given to hoeing out any t.
bladder ca.mpion plants which may
appear' in the corn crop and which a
are not destroyed by cultivation. One e
hall and one spring's thorough cul 11
ovation followed by a well eared for
hoed crop has been found to destroy u
practically all the bladder canspiot
in a field except in exceptionally wet .
Preventing Mustard Seeding in '•
Cereal Crops. I
Iron sulphate or Copperas can be
successfully used to destroy mustard u
In standing grain without Injury to
the erop. A 20 per cent, solution '1
should be applied. This can be pre 1.
pared by dissolving- 80 pounds of iron is
uulphate .in forty gallons of water,
iron sulphate is dissolved quite read- 1't
ily in cold water. The solution should ii
be strained through a cheese cloth, 11
As it is put into the splay pump
tank. This will remove dirt and
small' particles that are apt .to clog
the nozzles
Apply on a t 1111 clear day j, of i
the first few plants in the fields show
[lowers It is very important utt to ii1 ly
oarly. If the plants are left too long
the treatment is not .nearly- su effec-
Ilve., If a heavy rain comes within
twenty-four haute after the solution
:a applied, it will be necessary to
spray again.
A iiisease l'hgt 1$ i'hr,:aiening
Many Orchards,
Treatment 1111 0111 baled - 1'ettiting
'Pool) Should ire tlinintel•tied--
C'ontrol lo (halt 1,1 i'1'eveation-.
110011 tint 3,11ease 80 u1' Drapes,
Cantribeto1 ov t .iitrie U pnrilnent of
ell tit etu".)
rear hlii , - r t lord by' micro.
seop,e hae:.,ri., spread by .insect:.
tram 11ts1,.:a a meed u healthy
shoots tilltf. i )Ohls Where 11 gl'o01
i;011 develops lee ,1.a 11'11 r ball:. 1 0)
ale rt•a._un 1111,1, y ifs a control 1,
worthless. 'rho soh ily- Is to ctil
dui the ' inlet ti 1' .L'ts.'
1'I eattirent Rec�irrliut•uih'd.
Div cu; the tviidde,-i it :pruning al;
infected 111(10 ,'pinta !lc vectored
Tu, , ,„maim' ' t tins, dl ease aro;
Mi lie 1.',ia,t 1t a vas 0's a blue:tits',
color of lb, !audit,. 1, 1 trigs disc010i•-
at,uit dad .h 111 111) , also lrobabil
1 u. t ev c ,l1. s1111 .10. attached. Te
la„he 0ll: eel the eh:id:cited creak
:1a t irlult ar r ;lh canned be
,n1. 1 110( a 'r.t'.110 inn cut down
11, bitk. 11 _+.re i 1ttidisi cit
upper! i to bei .itis the sur -
,:tee, file 11'))' is b1.:alit. Unless
L1: st' int L::L 3., :11',' removed rue
11;1.1 er. .0 tel rrpidly and
In It,0 Or t r, „t the111ue1.
Iii lice 21 10. "'let a 11111005. 11
ah 11 `11L IL 1, lab tree is
.':1 \ as a suil10•.' a ildeetln11 t0 all
ittli> peat u0 1.11111: trees in the
t it tui+v.
leetfInd 'foul 'sl mild lie Disinfected.
Mies Ilia Slavin has returnee: Jhome
After spending the la11 three' weeks
with friends in Kincardine.
Mr. and Mrs, George Eyre, Who
have been visiting friends in London,
Ingersoll and Tillsonbnrg, have re-
tuinca It 1111e.
\lexander Stewart attended
the fat stoelt strew 1 Toronto.
Miss Newton, of Strathroy is visit-
i, gat the home of Mr. and Mrs: John
\ pleasant 1118 8005 spent on
Thursday evening last, at the home of
Mr, and Mrs. George Dalrymple,
when a iutmber of Miss Susie Dal-
rynlple's friends gathered and show-
ered her with many useful' gifts, prior
to her marriage.
The many 'friends of Mrs: Nicholas
Horton will be pleased to lears 1101
she 'i's'improving very favorably after
a serious operation in St, Joseph's
hospital, London.
At the time of writing we llearii of
the recent death of Mr. Andrew Mor-
rison, who passed away at the home
of Mr,' and Mrs. • Alexander Swan,
Hensall: He' teas a son of the late
Mr and airs. "Peter Morrison, 'ef this
cc mmunity.
1Vhile spending the evening at the
home of Mr. and airs. Wni, Glenn, el
the t'shorne boundary, Mr. Samuel
Horton suddenly expired.
Bean threshing is the order of the
div '
-Miss l ' Logan, Parr Line, ae
companied by :her niece; Miss Irene
Douglass, of Hensall, left last week
for Nashville Tenn where they in-
1 tend Tending, Christmas with Miss
Logan's scan Mrs left Keyes They
also made a short visit in Detroit en
route for Tennessee.
The Presbyterian and Anglican
churches of nu village are advocating
uu n tai .tn s tee which c•
�a t tv 11 ve
dunk is a very good idea.
\I _s 11. VV etch spent Saturday in
Owing to the mild weather. the far.
risers are 11)0 tinning to turn over the
A Wonderful Opportunity.
The amazing story entitled, "The
Wonderful Heroine" which appeared
in the Family Herald and Weekly
Star ,f Montreal, has caused wide -
Spread ;peculation as to the identity
o1. this young and beautiful woman,
who by !ler heroism -elf-sacrifice and
0botnl101g trust and faith 1.0 God,
by her 'weer purity ant astuuudiug
courage 1n the fore of unspeakable
hors 1..s, cane to he regarded a5 a
living saint and the wonder woman of
a great Empire.
Readers of the Family herald and
Weekly Star aro ii14161 fortunate, be-
eause it 18 h0ir announced that the
puha hes have secured a beautiful
Painting 110 the "Wonderful Heroine"
and a reproduction in the original col-
or size, 18x24 incl>es, will be sent
free to all subscribers, new ancl re-
newal, who remit in time.
With this beautiful and inspiring
picture added to the extraordinary
value of that great national farm and
home journal, it is the bargain of a
lifetime. The subscription of the
Family Herald and Weekly Star of
Montreal is n111y e2.00 a year.
Hist !
\u .\merican joined a South Amer-
ican army and was finally made a
General. The President was showing
him some designs for new uniforms.
"I understand these two," said the
American. "This blue is for the army,
and the green for the navy, but what's
this thing with the green plume on a
three -cornered hat, yellow swallow
tailed coat trimmed with purple,
"Ali, zatl" exciairned the President
triumphantly: "zat is my masterpiece.
It is for ze Secret Service:"
'the c barnl a 0111111 uv et' at the
+.1l 1 mat n 01tiie Inleelioh, 2Llld
u"lule the trees an Manumit cutscan
•+� tlrly 1)11 Ue twi0 11111)05 below
the diseased part 11-11 11)111I the :trees -
0 )1 01 (lisfv e-a0,'tln 10015, 11 111e
trunk hies hecol a 0110111,1 the -whew
tree 5110111/1 l r i t,v a, once
"1'+)}111) l e n :faits.1 1 illi made
:ix a 1iy'i(: i 1.0i)W ah13' 0111-
wtud signs ut , 1.ry At the time
111E pruning t taunt -t 1'su1,11 ,t.
t(J1 ltegpiy it , .;cn eta with i r-
leel e suotla . 1 1(001. 14ett 1.1111.
• Ontario 1, , .' et ,\grieniturc,)
conditions. lit Spring.
In 110 splint,. u.5"e 8 and anis pin•-
''e,llai'i5 i .1:a et: 1 .:.. e \.(chic 1115.0"1
11, 1,101, ':a .:,i 11:. a carry it to
�llotl rx uu ,.u1 there the ars-
,._ h1 i, 11'0')' seeking I0-
• ets. V :.VDU 4uct•-11s could - dad
r"o,.1 on a ya-head, r +:d e0rn is cup -
:dee 01 melee -elle to a million Jr
there u It, I :r hours. Hhortly
after late110i /ekes place the blots -
spur_ will t til and dreop. ten
1'hale 111 the ere kr ra again atie, tilos-
-:,u1 r,g and i re 11 ol( w!(h the Stands
,1l sacci drooped 1 .r t1 before the dis-
ease can p uetrate 1u the main
Control Is Only by Prevention.
Control therefore is only by are-
-station. t'ut um all infected areas
during the 1101' s::ht period. Again
lltrt• blosson,il ',milt. Off alt droop
gel spur's anti t.',iuie any. later in-
t, ctiuus. Disinfect t he: 1Oois with cor-
' etv sublinn:ll 1-1,900 after each
cul., )burn 1111 iuf,:c:t'+i branches and
;titivate just :.ttic ,et:ily to keep the
vee in movie 1 t - i5Cr - -.h. 1''. Pat -
1 1,,r. Hoyden , 101 Exp. Station,.
Vineland Statism.
Dead .trio Disease of C>rupee,
'rills disease is apparently become
lig mere serious rear in Ou-
ario yineyalde 1 ; pee,aiiy on 111e
oncord variety, and grouters wcald
0 well t0 eatl.itni their tint's care-
erlly for any Shalt 01 11.
Coneerning its pt',alance, control,
tee L. P. Hedrick, of the l}eneta
?ape riment Station, ays: A trouble -
nine disease of recent appearance is
ow doing consRi table deutage in
he Chautauqua 6vp bei t, being
lost common net l1, t' uem•d. Fr011l
he fact that it Ls u aa11y 10011d 011
ne arta of t11_t,ue.-.1 is called "dead
rat disease" tt':ygirlaporeila tIf1-
ola). The dietiee dietis caused by a
1115us lylii011 h t the winter in
1,481 1Mack it ration bridles it: the
d parts ut the vine. 111131 18 the
Ili it.g the fungi '.pre- da by means
51>0r15 to the y.,uuk shoots and
o.a in tee - season ell aeke mature
atrhe. pa:during small, black, ob-
, 11015 of black -rut. Sooner or
i,e: 1f the disc need shoot 18 not cut
11, the fungus spreatts to the arms
✓ trunk of Ole\ inc, pt'oducing a
ow dry rut witteL eventually kills
1- tit el ed p 11 I atant:Hely, the
Lichee of 1110 ( lint, is gttickiy
coed by email yellowish leaves,
;dll crimped eeeet the margin, The
'stens is easily .')lll oiled by mark -
1g the diseeee) tams when the
tint sy11151)ne 1i,pea1' and Cutting
tnese oil' et pr L l ing time,. 12 the
tine is much mutilated by eueli prun-
ing, usually 50.11(1) eau be brought
p lloni beneath the surface of the
•ouud to renew the bite The ap
!e'a)11100 u1 br r nea00 m10111(e, re-
outtuendF d for black -rot, are raw -
Ile in preventing the dead -arm 'dis-
ase, The disc ass is largely prevented
y renewing 1.110 old wood of the vine
such as the trunk begins to show
gnarled apptataace,"
For control We are advising the
ulnediate cutting out of diseased
rms, rather than marking them and
titling out at pruning Buie. Cat rite
armwell beluty n1 011111)1.1 Showing
evidence of tl,t' 11111use. -- Horticul-
turalkixp. Station, Vineland Station.
Uluising Cattle,
oliow to Apply 'the Solution, 11
An ordinary hand pump barrel
sprayer, such es is employed to :spray
fruit trees, may be used, or a potato
sprayer can be;rigged up to do ibl.<
vo17t. Many of the up-to-date spray-
'rs have a special broadcast witch-
rneut for spraying weeds: 'fifes- arc
txe1:tle1t for large -areas, 18 they
over a wide strip at meet mond.
'arc must be tilktn to sea il11r , v1 t
dilstard plant is 1105511-2 'withi- ti(
'ahition in the lorm 01 a 15''spray.
--J. 1C. Howitt, 0..A 1!., Uut.'Ip11:
The sluggard will not 1,100-411 1 o
reason of the 0014; thele lot 'r.hall
1e ,beg In harvest 11011 facet; 11)11 115.
-Prov: 20-4.
Farming to a 1111.811 1C86; le is cull tire
s a science. The tiller of tae soil
0110 blends these two is tete roan to
whom the future offers success,
.1 Wile ' u1,;: c v pt,,ee d in fencing'.
may ti iva Seine i 1. 1. 11)1. Alan), sal-
ter die every year 1')011 going through
weak Spots in the cord acid fence
and gorging 111 ,d11c't•. Much time
is lost in `drip hie crate teem 'fields
Where they shon1d 15(11 range. One
holly nt chasing Nitta? ,, harder on
the logs and the, trouper than half a
day of hard work in the field,
Let the sow and pigs have access
all of the time to a' good mineral
A Little Surprise.
The patter of tiny feet was heard
upstairs. \fro. Tiinderby raised her
hand. "Hush," she said. "The chil-
dren are going to deliver their good
night message. It always gives me a
feeling reverence to hear them --they
are sr much nearer the Creator than
we area Listen l"
There was a itionlent of tense sil-
ence. Then --"Mama I" came the
message in a shrill whisper, "Willie
found a -bedbug !"
Adventures in Shopping.
The Victim IA lady with a mouse-
trap) -This trap is no good. I've bait-
ed it every night for a week, now, and
the mice simply ignore it, The cheese
doesn't .holy signs of a nibble.
The Clerk- -Well, lady, all I can say
is that you must buy a pretty poor
grade of cheese,-N,Y, Sun.
Mothers Value this Oi1.` Mothers
who know how suddenly croup nlay
seize their children and how neces-
sary prompt action is in applying re-
lief, always keep at hand a supply of
Dr, Thomas' Eclectric Oil, because
experience has taught them that this
is an excellent preparation for the
treatment of this ailment And they
are wise, for its various uses render
it a valuable medicine.
Mother Had to Be
Parted From Baby Boy
Little Jack is in a'distent city. Eris°
mother le many miles away, and true
to the old saying about distance mak-
ing the heart grow fonder, Jackie's
mother longs and.Longs -fora sight of
her little. man. Now if It were only a
case of miles and dollars she might
somehow or other come home occa-
sionally, but it's more than that. She
has conaumptlon.
When she thinks- of the ones happy'
triangle --mother, father and child -
its mighty hard to heap frons tears.
She won't let Daddy bring Jack down
tosee her, despite- the tug at the
heart strings. "No," she says, "JaCkte
must not come, he Might get con-
sumption, - too." So Jack ]lyes with
his grandmother; -Daddy works in a
machine shop, and mother is :faith
fully obeying+ doctor's and nurse's or-
ders at- the Muskoka. hospital- for
Consumptives. She hopes to be home
for Christmas -healthy and happy.
Contributions to aid Muskoka Hos-
pital 1n its work may be sent to tion.
W. A. Charlton, 228 College Street,
1 1111.. - In Tee erstnith, on Satur-
day, Dec, 1, 1923, to Mr, and Mrs,
Robert Elgie, a daughter.
SI -II PHERD.--In Clinton hospital,.
on November 27, 1923, to Mr. and
Mrs, Clarence P. Shepherd, ardattgh-'
D1XON,;-In Stanley . township, on
November 17, 1923, to Mr, and Mrs,
1V. H. Dixon, a son.
ARMSTRONG, -In Stanley township
on November 18, -1923, to Mr, and
Mrs, A. Armstrong, a son.
FOR.RESTER,-In Clinton, on Tues-
day, Nov. 27, 1923; to Mr, and Mrs,
Ross Forrester (nee Agnes Mc-
Donald') a daughter,
\IcCONNELL-K1;RR,-On Nov. •19,
1923, Miss Mary Luella Kerr, of
Wawanosh, to William R. McCon-
nell, of Kincardine,
FARQUJ-'LAR..---In Clinton, on Nov,
28, 1923, Isabel Bell $'hiker, wife, of
Wilfred C. Farquhar, aged 32 years.
BEAVERS. -'Iii Goderiob, on Mon-
day, Nov. 26, 1923, Ada Josephine,
beloved wife.. of Samuel .Beavers,
aged 58 years.
1•IOGGARTH, -- !n Goderich, on.
Wednesday-, Nov. 28, 1923, Benjamin
Hoggat'th, aged 01 years.
The Chinese Latin dry has been
moved to the east side of Main street,
to the building formerly occupied by
),lr,'Chapman, near Beattiels store,
All books must be returned to the
Public Library on or before Saturday.
December twe,i ty-S'econci, GRE TA
'1'HOId PSON, Librarian. (50)
Christmas entertainment at S.S. No,
4, McKillop, on 1\>eiinesclay,•Deoem-
her, 19th, at 8 p.m. (501.
A number of early Rock Pullets for
sale.. Apply to ANDREW IILKIRK,
Phone 3-150, Seaforth. (50)
Miller's 'dorm Powders attack
worms in the stomach and intestines
at once, and 1.10 worm Can come in
contact with 1110111 anti live. They
also correct the unhealthy conditions
in the digestive organs that invite and
encoragc worms, setting up reactions
that are most beneficial to the
growth of the child, They have at-
tested their power ie hundred of
cases and at all time, are thoroughly
t rustworthy.
'oming Here
At considerable expense and trouble, we have ar-
ranged for a foot expert to be at this store
for the convenience of foot sufferers,
Examination and Advice Free
I c nd f.0. the construction of the
Krutsla,egf \lunieipal Drain will be re-
ed by 11w wulersigucrlttntil Friday,
1 11111 14111, 1923, when tnders 1,ei1! he
opened at tits Carnegiet
Library T-iail,
titafortli, at 2 p.m.
Excavation 5(107 cab, yds. g t
45 miles. Marked cheque for 10 p.c,
of contract price to a11101npatty tender.
Lowest or any leader' not net 115551
ily accepted. Pians, etc., may • he
seen 'd.t Lot 35. Coo, 3, McKillop Tp.
(49' Ju.;:•; ahlr 11' Clerk,'
411 IMF
f .
Save her many
fatiguing wiles
What more. welcome
Xmas Gift for your wife
or mother than an ex-
tension telephone?
.The tune andstrength
used 111 dinning up and
down stairs to answer
or make telephone calls
can be better employed.
Extension telephones
cost only $1.24 a month!
The charge for install-
ing is only $1.00! They
a r e a wonderful con-
If you order now, we
can install an Extension
telephone for Christmas.
No More
Hurting Feet
Let Your Foot
Come Forth and Crain
Complete Comfort
This expert, who is one of the Staff of Dr. Wm. M. Scholl,
the noted specialist and recognized foot authority is able
to tell at once what the real cause of your foot trouble is.
He knows feet as a dentist does teeth or as an architect
does houses.
Nen 18
Appliance orkme jij.TlrEve. yZoe Tim %e
No matter how semdpple or how serious your foot trouble
is he can tell
eyou fanshow
you) how to gain
Immediate Relief
and a rapid correction of the difficulty. Remember the
dates. 13e sure to come in. Everybody welcome
h Aar Reef
Buyer of
11 kinds of Produce
All kinds of wproduce and live and
dressed poultry in any quantity,
bought at highest cash prices. De-
livery any day but Saturday.
New Produce Store in the Beattie block in the store
formerly occupied by Mr. A. McQuaig.
6E00, LILLEY, Phone 192
1r1,4117 Boll aelrphans ie.
Zang Anchor Station
"Ready?" Click! And the
picture is you�rrs to keep.
We do our own finish-
ing --we knots i is right.
Bring us your films.
J. F. • DALY
ok Your
The rule of the road
Is "Keep to the Right."
The rule of the. maid,
"Keep y=ourself bright."
If you want to keep young
And Time's ravages stop,
Talk it over with us
At, the
Central Barber Shop
Our Boncilia Massage will keep your
face young. Does wonders for the
skin. Men who shave themselves es-
pecially need these massages.
Comein and have one today.
Barber Shop
Ladies' Overcoats
COATS FOR LADIES. Made to Order Only.
",MISS CANADA." A two -button single breasted model, with .til
round belt and all round strap on sleeves. Both belt and straps are
finished with eyelets and leather buckles. 'Sleeves are "set in".and
the box pleat feature in centre of back is repeated on pockets, which
are finished with fancy flap and three leather buttons. This coat is
three-eighths 1111811 with Marquis de Luxe in shades to match.
"MISS CIIA1)1WICK." A two -button double breasted style, fea-
turing Raglan sleeves with all round cuffs, and inverted pleated back
with inyerte'1 pleat patch pockets. The all round belt is finished with
ey elet holes and leather buckle, while pockets have fancy flap fasten-
ing with one leather button. Like "Miss Canada" this coat is three-
eighths lined with Marquis de Luxe,
he Special Milverton
We Have it -Give it a Trial. Also.
�Sti'otlnd Screenings Chop of Ali Kinds
C.G. � S N
S �#i. .
Seaforth Garage
Auto Tires and Tubes
We have on hand a Complete Line of Tires and Tubes. all saute
Best on the Market.
Let us supply your needs on Auto Cylinder Lubricating Oils and
Greases.. We handle nothing but the best and can supply you with
oils of proper viscosity to suit your motor,'
Also stock a complete line of most -called ,for parts .of various
autos, ..
If you are in need of a new Battery,, or if you have a Battery to
be repaired, give us a call.
Get into the habit of patronizing us. We, want to serveou and
serve you well. '
We Have Installed a telephone for night calls --167,