HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1923-12-06, Page 5THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1923,
that Shoes or Slippers make a most
acceptable Christmas Gift ?
Do you know that this store is
fully prepared to solve your Gift
problem with a choice assortment of
Christmas Footwear for every mem-
ber of the family.
The tendency of the times is to give
something useful, And what is more
useful or serviceable than
Your Christmas money may be limited, but it will go a long way at
at this store,
tt, /i' /
epares young hien and young
women for Business, which is
ntiw 1'aeada greatest profes-
sion. We assist graduates to
positions and they have a prac-
tical trainingtivhich enables
them to meet with success. Stu-
dent, arc registered each wee]:.
Get our free catalogue and
learn something about our dif-
ferent departments.
W.J. Walker 86 Soo
—and --
Motor or Horse Equipment,
W. J. WALKER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license,
Flowers Furnished,
Night or day phone 67,
We are not only a Cream Market for you but we are Also a
Large Dairy Industry in Your Community.
We respectfully solicit Your Cream.
OUR MOTTO; Guaranteed Accurate Weights and Tests.
Courteous and Prompt Service,
Highest Market Values,
CREAM GRADING: A difference of 3 cents per lb. Butter Fat
will be paid between No. 1 and No, 2 Cream.
Cash Paid to Any Patron Wishing it When Cream is Delivered,
Creamery Open Wednesday and Saturday Evenings,
Seaforth Creamery Co. Seaforth, Ont.
C. A. BARBER, Mgr.
The Economic Value
of a C evrolet
TN the business, professional and family
I. life of Canadians, the automobile has
proven an important economic factor.
No other means of transportation is so rapid,
so flexible, so economical.
In business the savings effected are readily
counted in actual dollars and cents. In the
professions, money, time `and often human
life are saved. In the family, the benefits, no
less real, come in the form of health -giving
pleasures and relaxation. Your friends are
brought closer—distance is eliminated.
To enjoy these .benefits and effect these sav-
ings, you must have a quality car, low in first
cost and economical in upleeep,.
Chevrolet is the world's lowest -priced, fully -
equipped automobile. .It is strongly built for
Canadian conditions and is .the most econo-
mical car in the world to operate.
Ask About the G. M.A..C, Plan of 7)r:ferred Payialwota
Pin .ruu.�..ail.tla lehA--..nn+
=11 TOW!'
fibatt ..n t ruu•....uu..-..un•..�.ura
Miss Lillian Wankel sang a plea
mg solo in the Methodist. church
Sunday morning,
Mr. Finlay Ross arrived on Mo
clay evening to visit his mother, M
C)avid Ross, Centre street, after beh
at Griffin Sask., the past two yea
binlay likes the West,
Mr, Peter Daley spent a few da
at Walkerton last week.
Air, Earl .VatiEgmond has resum
Itis position for the present SO orga
1st in the Egntosdville`` Presbytery
Miss Evelyn Adams, London, 'is
helm,- at lter:.huine here,
Mr: James .Scott Roxboro, n sang
well -rendered solo in the Presbyterian
dwelt on Sunday morning.
Mrs, J. Derr, of McKillop, is spend-
ing a few weeks. with Mrs, L. L. Me-
Mrs U: 11. Larkin spent -a few
days with r: s
w it talo. t t
a a ae Hamilton t u
i t n n
Awful Asthma Attacks. is then a
s- member of your family who is in the
on power of this distressing trouble ? No
service you can render hien will equal
61- the bringing of his attention of 1)r. J.
es. D. Kellogg's A.sthnta Remedy, 'rills
tg 'rentsrlcable remedy rests its repute -
re, tion upon what it :has done for oth-
ers, ft has a truly wonderful record,
covering years and years of success
in almost every part of this continent,.
and even ,beyond the seas.
n -
At AValkertonpoultr•y show last
week, 11,1r, Peter Daisy woit 8 'firsts,
11 seconds, 5 thirds, seers 1 liftli on Srl
ce r and Golden \Wyaptdottes. kir.
),rley also exhibited a pen of Golden
\'yartdottes at the Royal "Winter
Fair at, Toronto, winning second
\R•, N, R. llIssuunctte spent the
week -end in Toronto.
Me A. iI. Close has rented Alio '1
I)ay s store and intends fitting it tip
for at pool room,
\Liss Margaret .\ikenhead, t3ru•ee
field, spent the week -cud with Sirs
James 1\'right,
Ur. and Mrs. Alaleolnt Alacprrntid
left on, Wednesday to attend the fun
et al of Mrs, \Iael)ermdd's aunt, in
Air, and Al rs, 1,', Richards Stratford,
and .Ants. 1c t i •et, Clinton, were week-
end visitors at the home of bar. and
Mrs. Isaac M:odeland,
Mr. McDonald, London, was a
week -end guest at the home of his
mother, Al rs, I). Al cDoiiald, luint.
\its, Keating and little daughter
ha e arrived f; rn eot out,
.11r. Hector Hays, Stratford, was a
visitor at the home of his parents, iblr.
,tuck Mrs. R. S. Hays.
Airs, McNichol, Brussels, is visit-
ing her daughter, Mrs, John Rankin.
Rev, 12. W. Dickie, D.I„ of \ton
treal, and Mr. W. b'. McConnell, To-
ronto, are in town this week repro
senting the Presbyterian 1, hunch As-
Airs, Anderson, Mrs. Steep, Ivies
l iibhings and 1ii,s Johns, Caititon,
were guests at the home of Mrs. S.
Air, and 1lrs. 1.3 le \\'oaten, Stail,t
visited friends in town.
Miss Mary McCowan spent the
week -end with Miss Amy Love,
,Mr, Day, wlto has completed the
water -mains contract, returns this
'week to tiuell,h.
Mr. R. W. Hastings, from Engle-
hart, Northern Ontario, arrived an
11>nday evening to spend the winter
with his sister, .\Irs le'ssie Brown.
Miss Guerra Brown and Miss Verde
I est ,pent a few days in Guelph, the
pone. t s of Air. and Mrs. J. I•". Ross.
Miss Mabel Stafford, Walton, was
a guest last week at the home of Mr.
41114 JI Y,, j10. Sl.u•titt,
The Seaforth News is indebted •10
Mrs, Jantes Campbell for a splendid
picee of that Walton Methodist church
jubilee cake;
tV. la. bm'llli,, son of sirs, soh.
ert Willis. of Seaforth, was elected
mayor of Wingham on Monday, de-
feating Slayer 11. 13. Elliott and Autos
"Religion and'l!tswess" will be tile
subject at the Seaforth Presbyterian
church next Sunday evening.
Mr. Fred Neelin, 1.oronti, is vistt-
ing his father, Air, F. G. Nechit.
Mrs. Hagerman, ut rormito is the
,guest o£ her daughter, Mrs, Keating.
Capt. Ferguson,,llay solei is t visit-
or at the home of Mt -f. Cloveiticrek.
Egm tntiwille,
\lrs. Dyson has returned front
spending a month with her niece in
Rev. I. tee Gordon Mitchell, was
the gttest of Rev. R'. D, McDonald
at the Egtnondvtlle manse:
Mr. T. Grieve, bode ich, spent tau
week -end at his home in Egnr;ndtt'te,
Reeves Grieve. of Seafott' At'
C)uaul, of McKillop, .ieNaughtoi,, of
l'uckersmi1It, and Armstrong, of Hut -
lett, are iu Cioderich this week attend-
ing the final 1923 session .,f tate:
county council.
\fisc Kate 13roadfoot has returned
i front visiting her niece in Guelph..
Mr, and Airs. Milne Rennie and
children were 111 7ltd eh visiting rela-
Rev. \V. D McDonald occupied the
pulpit of the Egtnondville church on
Sunday morning and Rev, J.:\, Fer-
guson, of bicKIltop, conducted the
evening service.
Miss M'at;v Flays, of Wellesley,
spent the week -end at the )tome of
her parents, Air, and Airs. .\darn
ivir, Burnett, who has been Here for
several months in connection with
laying the water mains, returned this
week to Guelph. While here AMr, Bur-
nett took an active paret in the work
of :the Methodist church, where he
will be missed, ee
Mrs, J, G. Mullen is visiting gher
brother, T)r, J. FI;=.:Meru], tan Tor-,
Miss McDonald. of Sta1(1, is the
guest df her grandmother, Mrs, E. T.
Mrs. T. Henderson had tete oris-
fortune to fall down stairs on Thurs-
day and get bruised. No hones were
Mr. W. Hogg, of Stratford, was a
town visitor,
Mr. R. Dodds, who has been laid
no for several ,nonths as the result
of Fracturing his leg. is able to be out
,. again.
Y.P.S. Organized. •- On Friday
evening there was a 'well -attended
meeting in the basement of St An-
drew's church to Organize a Young
Peoples Society. This society will
he interdenominational and will be
for both young and old, It will meet
in St. Andrew's church basement
every two weeks, thefirstmeeting to
he held on Friday, December beth, To
defray expenses it was arranged that
a membership fee of fifty cents for
those over eighteen years and tweirty-
live cents for under eighteen yarn of
age. The following officers were
elected. President, Donald McKenzie:
vice-president, Lucy Woods; secret-
ary, Elva Dewar: treasurer, ,Tack
Watson; committer, Lloyd Alaluts.
Florence Pollock, Esther Talbot,
Russel Taylors The committee to ar-
range the programme of the first
meeting to Harold Tayloe. Elva De-
war, AS, Ferguson, lean Woods: ,u
aeisi, ploy Edwards.
\t iliddteton s church, Rev. B. P.
lrinugh Inc organized an AY. f ,\.
tt'ith a tuenlhcrship of over ,alt)
members—young people of all de-
nominations joining. and which pro-
mises t to
he a great success.
11r, and Mrs. John PinglanidJeitte"-
ttined the counciltuen and their wives
Last Friday afternoon.
Sirs. Robert Young spent the -Week-
end with London friends,
Al aster Owen Watt. of Toronto is
spending a few weeks with his grand-
parents, Rev, Air. and Mrs. Ahery.
Mrs. \l. Ross visited Clinton
fiends last Thursday.
(Juste a
number from this 0111-
0111111)' are attending the church,
'mho' meeting- in Willis church which
was held on Wednesday this week
The monthly meeting of the \lo-
uten's institute will he held in the
Community -it all oe Thursday, De-
cember 6th. .\ report of the London
convention will be given by the dele-
gates, Mn,. jus., Manning and Mr,
Bell, after which a display of fancy
works will be shown Suitable for
('hristinas gifts, by Mrs, 'William
Lyon and Mrs. Stanley Carter, Host-
esses, Mrs. H. Little; Jars, F.
Johnston and Mrs. Alex, A'clis, :\
na'nt weleonne awake all larliee of
the community.
Mr. and ('Inc. Tom Purcell, of \Ic-
Killop, spent Sunday the gttest of his
parents, air. and lits, Martin Purcell,
\!r, and \drs.'Pen 1eMRS, t, of 'I'ttck-
crsmith, were guests of Mrs. James
Shea on Sunday.
Miss Melly- O'Connell returned
home from Loudon' after . a two
weeks', visit with her friends, Misses
Rev. Father Gaffney, of Clinton,
wa-s the guest of Rev. Father. White
n Iftirlav
Irs, 1,Dr.1 Simpkins has returned
(10011' from London hospital very
much improved.
:Mr. Joe McConnell i, confined 1:1
his bed for a week. We hope to see
him around soon.
\Irs, Joe Klinkhaniner, of Detroit,
is visiting at the hone of her father,
Mr. Clark.
Mr. Lester McCurdy spent the
week -end the guest of Loudon
The nigh School conceit in the
hall on Friday evening was a success,
Every y C,ne acted their parts well.
1\e are pleased to hear that Mr.l
James Al utev d improving nicely
under the doctor's care.
Samuel Horton, --:The death occur --
red very suddenly on Monday night,
December 3rd, while attending a
U.F.O. Meeting at the hone of Mr.
and Mrs. W. 116, Glenn, of
Ali . Samuel Horton, whose sister,
Ivfiss Ellen Horton, died about
two months ago. Trite programme had
ju.;t concluded and Mr. Touton, who
was 0 talented musician and well-
known for his playing at public. func-
tions, picicetl up a violin and remark-
ed: "Now let us have a little music of
our own." After playing a short time
he stepped out into the ha'llway,
where it was cooler and -died almost
instantly. Deceased was a son of
the late Samuel Horton and was
born at Lobkport, New York state,
sixty -bine '_year's ago, coming' to this
part of the country as a young boy.
He was unmarried 'aur] farmed for
many years at Lumley, retiring to
FTensall six years ago. He is surviv-
ed by three brothers and three sisters,
Messrs. James Horton of Hibbert,
Nicholas of Hensall, j envy of Tuck-
nrsmith, Mrs, Bullard and Mrs,'Dick-
snn, I-Iensath and Sirs, James Broad -
foot, Tuckersmith. with whom lie had
been living since the death of his sis-
ter, Ellen, who had always kept house
for hint. The funeral will take place
on Thursday afternoon front Mrs.
tiroadfoot's residence, Rev; Mr, Mt: -
Chinn el1,
ole-Chinnet1, of Hensall Presbyterian
church randuetittg the service.
.\ most successful Young People's
1,eagne meeting was held \lon-
rlay night in the 1lethodist church,
The "whole of the programme was giv-
en by mets. The S. S. orchestra, tvitli
stir. Laird to ynt presiding atthe
piano, led in the cervices of ,ung. Air.
Ferris Camelot' and Mr, R. E.
1'anlce delighted the audience with in-
strumental and vocal selections. .1
splendid recitation was given by Air.
( eo •c 'rollick. 'ilwo addresses were
given one by Dr. 1. \\ : Peck i,n the
evil influence of tobacco on the hu
"nail system, and on the cnminvnity.
:Cite other address was delivered by
Rev, \\ 1::, Dannelly, pastor of dunes
street church, Exeter, on "Arousing
the Giants Within Us." Dr. Peck's ad -
dr ee 10115 instructive, interesting and
valuable. The large audience whist'
completely filled the basement was
delighted with the address of Afr.
Donnelly, this being his first appear-
ance in Hensall.
'Che children of the Methodist Sun-
day school are practising for the
Christmas entertainment which will
he given ori Thursday, Dec. 20th.
Next Sunday [Horning, Rev, F. 16, .i
]-lye dale pastor uY the Main street
church Exeter, will preach in the
\lethodist church in the interests of
education. in the evening the pastor
will conclude the series of sermons,
taking as his subject "The 1Werld's
\1'onde r of Wonders."
Santa Poor?
Many people predict that
Santa will be quite poor this
Christmas.' He need not be
well-to-do to offer gifts of
Cheer, and gifts that last and
are of good use, when he offers
gifts from our store.
What are more practical and
useful gifts for every member of
the family than
Our shoes are those, only of
the best makers, and sell at
quite reasonable prices. Of
course, the same is true of our
slippers. We have lain away
many gifts for those who do not
care to leave them at home. Let
us do the same for you. Come
in and look us over while our
stock is complete,'
Ji Ha Smith $6' Soil
Opp, Bank of Cctniv,.re
Lor AH The 1Fanti l y
You need look no further for thoughtful, useful, appt'eciaLed
Christmas Gifts—remembrances that: will give daily service.
Hotpoint Iron
Fatuous for its hot point, cool handle„and attached stand.
Hotpoint Grill )}
An electric grill and stove that boils, broils, fries and toasts. )d
Any two operations at the same time.
Hotpoint Reversible Toaster
Toasts two slices of bread at one time. Coffee or tea may be kept
hot at same time bread' is toasting, „ a
Hotpoint Heating Fad
Unequalled as a bed warmer.
Hotpoint Hedlite Heater
For the office, bathroom, bedroom or the sick room, a needed
comfort for chilly or severe weather.
Make this an Electrical Christmas,
gifts here, and theywill be well looked
()idle a number front this vicinity
attended tite Winter Fair in Toronto,
Among -thein' are Messrs. Stanley
Love, James McAllister, Wim, Love
and ‘'Nemo C onsitt. All report an ex-
cellent show of stock and a good
Mr, and Mrs, John Turner and
family, of Clinton, visited relatives in
this vicinity last Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Walker were
visited by Hamilton friends during
the week.
Miss Agnes Cochrane is spending a
fete days in Hensel!, the guest of
Mrs, James Bonthron,'
Mr. Orville Taylor entertained a
number of his friends on Friday even-
ing. All report an enjoyable time.
It Testifies, for Itself,—.17r. 1"honiae'
I.dlectric Oil needs no testimonial of
its powers Other than itself,. Who-
ever tries it for, coughs or colds, for
cuts or 'contusions, for sprains or
Burns, for pains in the limbs or body,
well know that the Medicine proves it-
self and :needs no guarantee.- This
shows whythis Oil is in general use.
ST, COI U141'•BAN,
Mrs, Devereaux, of. Huron `Ro,vi
west spentfew.
aft s recently with
her daughter, sibs. William Dorsey.
Air. William Radio has made smite
improvements on his house reccnti;t,
Mr, William Cleary has decided to
discontinue his furniture busiest; and
diecotitinue itis furniture business and
tits week at 'Itis storein Duplin.
The Literary Society have decider!
to hold an old time dance here, Dee.
2$th,having engaged Nes ()rrlicst,t
for the oecas.ion: t\ good time i, a,•
A large number from here attendee]
the. high school concert in Dublin, on
Friday evening, and congratulated'
the pupils on their excellent showing.
Or. D. 1 PI/clones
Of \Vingham, will be at the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth,
Thursday Afternoons
in future, commencing Nov,22.
Diseases of all kinds success-.
fully treated.
resses! caws!
and Children's Wear
We were lucky to secure a big lot of samples in Ladies'
Dresses and Children's Wear at 50 per cent less than the
actualrice and it
P will be all to your benefit.
That means that every dress you buy from us in this Sale
will be at half the price it is really worth,
The Dresses are made of
0 Tricotine,
Gabardine, Serge, Chiffon Silk and
Canton Crepe Silk. '
There are 36 different styles and
everyone of them is beautifully
made and of latest models.
Cheifetz ros.
Groeting �Car
The - eaforth News has again a stock
of fine Christmas Greeting Cards, in this
year's new designs, on which your naive
can be printed Envelopes to match are
supplied. Come and see these simple, but
pretty designs ---they are not expensive.
The Seaford) News
4 TIMES Around the World with ONE taiLlila
100,000 Miles Without Stopping for 0
An inventor who could develop an automobile, a raiiroadcarorany
other conveyance on wheels which would perform such a feat would
be considered a wonder. But such is the record of regular
u..: accomplishment by the Auto•oiled Aermotor during the past
eight years in pumping water. -
Did you ever stop to think how many revolutions the wheel
of a windmill makes? If the wheel of an Aermotor should roll along the surface
of the ground at the same speed that it makes when pumping water it would
y encircle the world in 90 days, or would go four tones around in a year. It would
travel on an average 215 miles per day or about Wm iles per hourtor9 hours each
dey. An automobile which keeps up that pace day after day reeds a thorough
oiling at least oncea week. Isn't it marvelous, then, that a windmill has been
1. t made whiclt will go 60 times as long as the best automobile With one offing?
The Auto -oiled Aea'in for after 8 full years of service in evens .
part of the world has proven its ability to run and give the most reliable service
with one oiling a year. The double gears, and all moving parts, are entirely
enclosed andflooded with oil all the tune. It gives more service.. with ,lees .attention than
any ether piece of machinery on the farm.. To get everlasting windmill satisfaction buy the
Auto•oiled Aermotor, the most efficient windmill that has ever been made.
Farhtll fnjor• .E�. l .l � O CO.R.J'a.b'hlal e
Fwf d raster S rigs BUM?" ' Mnnsas City 141iunaapelln Oatala.eti FOR SALE BY »"
Dealer in Gas Engines, Cream Separators, ' Stable Fittings,
Pipe and Water Supply Fixtures, Wind and Car Insurance,