HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1923-12-06, Page 44,311 ieE1PRATNI DIEM'
J, F. SNOWDON, Proprietor,
General 0bseryvato s
The street committee will receize
the gratitude of the tr'avelliu'g public
for the gravel on Goderich street.
I etetes ;nether has the Chr'istm`ts
pudding' and other baking on her nlind
just neiw does not mean : site is a
"dough -head,'
A Chivainan left Stratford last week
to take his children to China, he said
to educate them. Civilization look,
with pity on the heathen Chinee, Ap-
parently the Chinee returns the, comp-
liment to civilization and take, his
children (tome to teach them what he
calls better ways,
It i. 'l1 prying there should be so
Snaky auto a4el,lenits on that line strip
of Provincial highway between \i'.
chant and 31ratf,;le31. "careely a ,reel
passes without two or three .ie 4.44144_
although fortunately. tui atel Ihtre hate bee t
no fatalities fa' I, t o' 4 , 1 r,A 1
or the c4.4.oessive 3.4.4'.1 the cause .t
s'ttrintent 'n. 4ii. :i••
Canada of ratnet h a
'that titer tl4, .lire at tat t 1 .,
he would nitoo iiini,eli. 1w 11'
.his eount1' . >„1111 1 : much ;14'
Statenten, h
issued ,' ': e mer lint,e
Wilhelm. t i,r, ; .`t ",a ,u ire. 1:
was a 113 141 ae,ert''3. 1431 f 334.3
ter the boat from. 13034 14•4
running 3.11 a reef.
A boy was told 1,, write a rt44131,3
tion and analvac 43 He Aron. a, t='1
}1),t.:: "Teacher 4, a tet', because site:
Miss Baker, who .htts been nursing'
Alts. Duffy for some time, returned
to her home 'last Saturday in 'C'ran
Mr. and Mrs . James Martin
and Mr. Drank Dempsey and his
were in Stratford
day, day, attcudinr the funeral of the late
Mrs, ,iordaa, who died last Friday at
lar nine in Stratford, and was a sis-
ter of Mr. Martin.
Mr. Matt, Murray end William
fattier returned from new On.:
tariu and say the pulp woods are not
very entieing,
Mr, and Mrs; C. h.ekart spent the
week -end itt our burg,
Prayer meeting last week was held
1 g
at the home of ivlr, William Britton.
air. and Mrs. James Mann have
1-eeli visiting frieds anti relatives
around Chiselhul'st.
\tr. and Mrs. l,en, tales returned
Ii'tue last .Afonday 'after spendtug
some time with their daughter, M's.
la 1116; .lttwood, of Blenheim.
Miss Vera i'ok 11 ugh is spending a
month's v ua13011 with friends ru and
around Detroit.
\lr, 1, 1111 r ritn'•ldl,41 ;pent a couple
of .13(34.4i with hi; brother at 43 1)-
\lr. lei 1lan;i a11..1 hi. sister =pe
Suu da,. t, the home of \tr, t hal.: s
REV..steaffl 1)i
311 Reber, tirtin'tdbt ail' :fie.
Iletti. itilry made a trip t, lee •nater
week aml brought the threshing
fight,: belonging to 11.4 i ..' it 441dl' . ,
.„3,3' 'hc .win t, 4 -els lean:14.4 at
eaforth Where \11. Grit 01111,1 n
bJ. ila3 Mg it rebuilt..
&A'. Ed. liar t ()well Sound. 1).l,.
sdiort to•ound the.
1 11134'' t 1)r t e. 13)13. to take no
risk, 1.3114. 441sure their lives.
\les. Arel4' Pelts', who Las been
dC Clilt,n for eetelt Weeks. W'here
she 11111, went 41. operation,..ttn"-
t t.4' 't Sates lb
Little 311 O_l \.3 Grim thibs hal
44,•-1.4•4111. c 1., ftth .,3• a chair las:
S1ti_ei t (1 1..1 break 'ler ristilt ar1114
I t 1. acenleut nine
11.,. :a . as s' t' 1,r0kt. 11e.r lett aril
.art spring. ..
4lr-, loeut His and son JaflIes, ieft
se.rnias f: 'Winnipeg t.. attend .ill•
11.,,4'• ef Mrs. Hay's bother, Mr.
1 l,ne. 1.43,411.o n lied : Went)
a ie tet 14';1 for ia,•t week.i
\\ ;la r ,gas hay,- 3(43Ifr,vc43 a seri.la'
a, i„ \i r. ltigu, \la 4'y. 1. :114'
lem,te, a r ,t '•11.,'' ti b„1 ;ht.:tvs .a 43,1. Week' ocetu'red
pap' nal a; c'„'. .;:r1.. Switch is a
e,.: 30•'1 ,U3 .. t:4, ,
the verb teacher With the r ll b ,y
This gives- 14 eomp.,nnl1 sentence, ..
which bee i< the suldeet :oil
ls the"ll ect. Ilo.4 is n;. pet, 4
singular and is, au a ,tel;
'134" : grammarian 4'."9'47'1 744.
lht oi' bei 1 eel W 311.1 t.,111141a31
,jet .4-14•3•414a.i.4 43 the 41,.x4 11lultye.:
114 314
t 1t.3>n .a 11;t k .1,4',1the tan;;'
1344 4t
n chief it 011 74,d :It ,in' i,' csi'en1 and
manager ,41 the Imperial flank,
.i<.-. idllee li 'rt
when speaking of lite. 1 i 'rrt'-ta.
Flank 1113 .411414. I'nc' .4431,11433.
require Foote batt•.:' la'gr0nll1' than,
all rig l:afnc.3. 'It ,, hetlef for the
Provincial l 1"v.emmN.11 . ;lay fc,14”
per cent to the people ':f 4),Statto .+r
their money ,lcp,+,.tui. than ,)!ae'•e:
heavy loan. In Nev A ,ri4 „i t ' .,
one -!:alt ;'"r ,-
it heti .1 teams ,. el to
13 1, 1' ' ,4' e r r FrigIttentel
learnt theit3 i u 3 the
.e414-e.len i t t, f y r 1 ,r e were
111, .1,3.113344. ..ta} and ;to
'111;1 1)r
N 4'r -i ickersiltitil..
st .t4414.4.! ilea41.4 non, Air. 1. Hu-
Seaf1..1its,e 114e 11ri
i [ l,' - l . 14 11l tt•aelt
' and ;meets ,., to 111311...t e
cees :
1\ e toe : est tMr . Joen
A e. ai,le •e be .11.40nd
3.414 atter net' .ete>e 1.41,1.
The weather the past week iat-
+cet' ter! ch,a.z;lat se in.'l the recent
fall of silow ina144, one thud( of ',41
long e'Yid winter.
41143.1l t :1 itself, :Mother (craves'.
4 1, Ester -444434(4,r dor, 11:.3 require
1)t' alter medicine
t4': 'lilt iui.
problem before Ettglarn.1 at the pt. -
ent 4',4cti 3 ,.1 t t'a 1 3
no wish to interfere ,.. I
t l 3 1' tar
tat .orki* L , tr.
.If a in efe••epee 4v•'`, ..
3311434'. !
a l diet:1,2
try 11(1'' ;•tri 111x4 ,)
England ;rill have t.' tl..
themselves: but 41 3•
work out that way,
"To lift at; lee 31„
e' Ila.! wee!, 8 t. 1)331 1 e t 31 Y
Originally 10 lift” meant t;:, i,i ,e,
pick up. When thieves drove a,var
stock which dill not belong to them.
it W1WaS cir'led fin and deatl,
penally W t3. often 1111114'ted
guilty. In Inore recent tine, 1434
teen ri 117714311 to lite actitm of nuc.,
who 1141441, and lies as its °telt tont.
01 nets published by another pap. ,
Thc Seaforth News is at least tltanlc-
ful that the new Varma bridge pub-
lished last week is too heave to lift,",
being built of solid concrete.
• Mcl(ILLOP,
fie meeting of Duff's Youttg Peo-
ple'sSociety held on Sunday. evening
was conducted by the president, F
Hunt. Following prayer by Jame.;
Hogg, the topic "The Spirit of 1)e-'
peudence on God,' ‘vas taken by Tilly.'
Storey. S. Ferguson rguson gave a reading l
on the topic Questions ' were answet'-
ed by Frank Rugg and Jaynes Hogg,
after which the closing exercises were
011 1 ileal3i afternoon. 3N1r, 1 rank
1)1134 4'3x4 a telephone il_perl from the'
Ontario Municipalane[ Railway
Board, -conducted at the town hall,
Seaforth, a hearing of the petition. of
the McK'illop. Munieipal Telephone .1
Co., for permission to issue, debe1i-1
tures to the extent of $2,500 Che'
mane' will he 143erl for making ex -1
.!!...H41... and i1}inrovt mettS in the
company's lines. Mr. Daggers velli
place the rooter be.fore the Board.
and a decision will be given by the
Board in the 414,111 'futtir e, Mr. 3. \1.
1(inveniciek and "Nlr, 3IcGre>or §'epee-',
.;.(tiled (1'e 14'4'',114' eoutpalty, 1 ea
-alike elect c4', tt 41'.e. 11..1 fail
. 'i., its
fteu, 14.t1s,ar.1 has 1>t•ougilt a very
•>gh t,., 227 ; tl
., l
, tit
Inspector Field, vi'itvt 1;rossels
tl 'at.: 11k
'f,$)ratl 111,e1L,11 r als. e 3
,4't 1 , t. 1 31111 hree ,ther 1
'rabbit,„ wits tile 4: jj
.?413.)44-e :4.e'43 dent Kill I
• 1 . arrie t e 444 h: 43 1l;a 1
,41,4 l) t0'7 i. 1 :t4' shot 1
..., ;;i.'.' '.1,,1.41 his tire.
It ,1 4,1 cr f 1 le [i e
.. 4.3,4it -:q' th • , ..'1•;'r
Jahn and Markel: streets, Brussels, to
J. T. Ross, Mi', Rutledge has entered
th en3pl'oy of Wnt. Cudmore-
Walter Sharpe, Brussels, has receiv-
ed word of the death in Manitoba of
his father, Andrew :Sharpe, aged 89
301Ballantyne, son of Mr. ad Mrs,
Ballantyne, Brussels has ta
ken a l
ttot Oshawa. "
Mrs. S, Carter and Mrs. Ilendereuu,
13i•assets, underwent operations to
have their tonsils removed, and are
',4r, and Mors, 'Williamson have roost-
ed 'to .d'irs. Keys residence, anti Mr.
and Mrs, Frank Woods, Grey town-
ship, have moved into the ,fabee
,Jermyn property.
A. E. Dixon, the well known man-
ager of the Bank of Nova `Soctia,.
Brussels, has tendered his resignation
to take effect 11141443 neat future. .Iie
has been with the bank for the (cast
fifteen ,ears. Mr, 1:)ixo,i's plans are
Slut definitely made but may go to
California. It is ;dated that I Sank
Oliver.teller 1)e the 1,an1,, is al.;,, giv-
ing tut hi. pest,
Sometime'. during the biglet of No,
ember 22nd. Hayne Bros.' place near
Zien 10 t sboine township Was visit -
el and a set of harness t t' removed
rel eeettel.box was tal.,n en a wg
.in. The) were taken 1,ack •t. the
lane near the hu -h, where the dearness
and collar were 43411'it1 Intoe, ahintt a
fool lung and the gravel h,vz was' all
in 1.5v , in the middle The neck yoke
w'a• also, taken. A nitnlher ,.I dastard -
1,..• act, have ace;, c,nlu ittell in this.
oonimunity and ;he municipal. eouttell
being urged to offer a reward for'
the capture of the nl•,creant<,
3. foie( ;e cd 11444 t r..k plate in Cen-
tralia 241et11 'i t ptl,nnt e ,11 Satui
lay eteli : ,theeitss ',•ace
was i',ilttd in t:an•;age t • 31r. \\ i,
''ate Hooper.F.xeter. The :error ,n,
was 'perforilled. by 'Ree \\. I\itele)
\i r.
and Mrs. 11 e.per Pace take,' up
-ur t,''!ettce t t EXoter. Tht nIttay
_end will i ..i, ..i ,41euelin4 e „t:-
24!" 3134' Nies. Charles .1n,;4'r.-, r 1
bave returned h.,nie atter
u,Iut 1:le .411lu111er in 311e \\'r t
\111 \\ .1. Heanla't 1)a. •.nn1)1.3 Il
f•:', 13,11 ,:- pia t,nat
l inr, n t eglnlen4 •
I'h me, 1+11)1) Wh, 131- been 11 tete.
''4444314') of 11. I Ro,e 1 15 mmnh r;
,t et ,Li ti .rf a business of r,.
.}tet 4 3)ash,•...1;1,
kta.,,Le Tleavers,, Esete•' declares
el:' W.,;A, 4.4 4-tt:,e from - iimnilipal'
children, eight of whom survive: John, Miss Beacom estate, 1 A, Plaskett
Turnberry; Mrs, J, V, Brown, has taken the Raihwoll house on' Prin-
Brantford; Mrs, Bloomfield, Detroit;
Mrs. Harvey, Detroit1 Mrs. John Mc-
Kay, Wiarton; James, of Turnbefry
Mrs, John Pattison, Port Elgin, and
Miss Ellen, of Toronto. -Mr,. Ponce
was a t 'i
An li
an in
religion b
servative in politics. The funeral was
held on Sa-turday to Wingham ceme-
Mrs, James Clarke, who suffered a
stroke a short time ago, is recovering
1:, Jolutston shipped 105 hogs from
Gtuevalc last Saturday
Mrs. Thorns has renovated' the
!muse she, bought from Miss iTle-
Cormick and is 34104311)34• into it this
Retlan has bought George
Haney'.s house. Mr. Haney expects to
stove to AS'ingham :11111;resicle-with `rix
.nn 1\'illiam. '
3 bent Walker has moved to 'fees.
tearer for the whiter.
lit following is the report of
Myth continuation sekJl. The
tire, are percentage.
Form 111. 1[agry Baker' 46.7; 1)0r-
othv i;ryant, e t., ; )ane' Cowan, 436,1;
1)a,.td Cram 59; Robert Craig, 48.8;
;Monica Crontu, 79; \texander El-
liott, 1,11.3, \ motion Ttl i dy, 64.2: John
Fraser, 52,•1 Annie 4ttrrett, 04.4;
tlr,tc Geddes, 72.4; llany Healy 40,5;
11.1', Ell Jenkins, 03,4 Ward I aundy,
41: Robert Leiper, 60,7; 3fekla McE1-
ruy, 93.3; Ida McGowan, 30.5; Jean
Pate. 85,6;Hazel Petts, 80.5; Will
1'allard 63.4; Janet Pop[estone, 78.8;
Ross Robinson, 69.7; Edward Rogers,
77: Alice Rogerson, 08; l-lar,ld Tay-
: , 74: Mal c \\'.,ni1, 87.1,,
Forel 11 13eatuc . l' I' 4'r ice.
55.1 1..,retta 111ah•, 74.8; Fergus
Kelly. 03.8; Finlay \1431. ,trap 48.1;
'Zelda Se ,tt 32,,3; Florence Slater.,
117.1 Stewart Young, o/.b: Ruth \rin-'�
cent 85,5.
Form 1 -31111( 1k'nholul, 6u; Gladys,
1'airservice, 75,5: Nellie .Feat 81;
3phriarn Gray. 75.4; Bert Gray, 804;!
: Gordon.Jenkins. 74,4: Mary Kelly, 71:'
Armand ltericick, 73: Kathleen McE1-
ro3S7 1: \'1cian McElroy, 70.5 Jack;
Ne ble, 1)4; .Nitric Parker, 75,.3; •
A'l,e-;,. Ito tllu )ni, . 82.8; 1• rencc'
Ruse, 71.3: lianet Taylor, 85.5.1
II. S. Steveus, ,if (;ranom. has pur-
chased 31r. J. 1,ink'., lakery 1111 \fast
Harold fit -tiles. had the 11
ill his left arae hr.,ken When some ap-
paratus in the gymnasium fell on it.
\t a recent sale of horses in To-
ronto 1' M. Durkin has purchased
\aney, a saddle horse, Robert Mc-
Lean bought Mischief Boy and T.
Gundry bought Victor .\been.
\\ rk has begun on the 1,8013 foot
,en,.on \ictlrta street, Goderich.
J D. Farri h, of Let:beim, is unw
the father or seven sort,4, the seventh
b, v having arrived last week.
:Miss 'Myrtle Ftilf,,rfh at J.eehurn,
has taken a position to Buffalo.
haired 2loore and Mus 31azie 14Vat-
ter, of [leuntiiler, while driving to
ti,tderich in a buggy 011 a pitch dark
night, failed to see a waggon au
the road and ran into it. Thc buggy
was upset and somewhat damaged but
the occupants escaped without seri
''4)43 injury.
rens street recently vacated by J.
\1, Jordan, of Eelgravc, has bought
J. 1'. Reld's grocery; Clinton,
Dr. Shaw, .1 Stevenson, Nelson
',Ball, a Elton 1
Elton I ozell F. cks u
, J J
Ford, T3. J. Gibbings, A. J'. Morrish
and Col, Cotnbe are mentioned as
possible aspirants for civic 'honors in
Clinton neat year.
Mrs. 'T, C. Farquhar, who has
:hent most of her life in Clinton, diced
last week, She was the daughter of
the late 'William Pinker,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mair announce
the eugageilteut of their daughter
Elda Jane, to John 1.117 McEwait, Kin
cardine, the marriage to take place
early in December,
Miss Helen Robertson has taken- a
position in the Royal bank.
31c i \1344 n Reitz. ,1 %trial. and
243,4311111 Elsie. t l,r4nd Bend. hold a
ta•e.stal t,r.11tuttnl3 -geese. having 4343,)-.
mete! seven of these eta ere bard. hi-
tter, !lours. -
Mrs. Harry 1;01'1m4n is visiting rel.' •
t r(4, in Petrone...,
Ms, ,1o1114 1741, f and daughter, alis.
Florence, of Toronto. who were t t
'attz here, have left t,,r Arizona, where
he) 143331 reside 1 , •futttrc.
I''3111 3,1'4'1,1,, t, around again. look
1)f„ well tiler ha.3311 undergone two
:l rgil t, operations in London,.
111 e. 1:. Westlake. echo has been
,31111 her daughter on the { r )'1-
tt Fee. has been in Amor health
lite• 1id,,,v and three children of
1)13vi'1 Goldstein who met his death
et it level rt'o,s'n;; neat' \\'[nc;hurn,
•:!tile driving a truck, have received
31.4,3111 ir,>m. fie railway ro11pally.
Last week \tr. \\'iliianl Fife
.t1111 011. tis1fed 4131:1 David Polo_1c„
,f llowie3. and. was in the house only
1 111311nte4 when lie discovered that
oar .vas Missing, The next it'1e�rtl-
:he car Was .,1a14d near tlitfoed'
rued te ashes
Rielt u d Porter die': on Thursday
4,1 t. \ voitib4r 20th, in his $6t1,
year He 43114' horn 134 I. ,nd,ntdert'v,
I viand, corning to 1.11114 la ellen five,
l age. 1 t tf-eight year, ago
'tem ,43.,! 'to Terttbcrl3 toemship,
-;ten t -e .,sultry teas all bush. where
tv I anti! 28 7111:. •r4, when he
••t.irr.1 to \\Inr,huti He had eleven
August 2 to 6, 192
The Committee are already at work in earnest. They de -
:ore t , ebtaill at tot early date the Nacres and Addresses of
every former resident of Seaforth and. vicinity. 11dl this connection,
the public can give valuable assistance.
tun are earnestly requested to fill in the Coupon below with
the names of nunther, of your family, or of friends,- that are
.;ting away from Mase. and mail sante t3 or otherwise advise, the
41'retarn.:\, I). Sutheriaml, Seaforth, Ontario.
E. I.. Mittel[ has bought the chicken
bn,011 of es -Chief Wheatley.
David (Elliott has bought the cot-
tage _,n ]ruit'xl street belonging to the
Alford. has been received of the
death in '1 Calgary hospital of William
D. 1M:eBrieu, son of the late Jonathan
\Ir. and Mrs. Topham have moved
to ingcrsoll, where -Mr, 'Popham had
gone into the dairy business He was
lair while
• ht
r1) Y
with the l
it 1
4011 )
in Clinton.
Mr. anti Mitac Laurie Greig and
Master George of London, visited re-
latives in Clinton last week.
Miss iss l tta \\Heatley has been visit-
ing relatives in 1'Vaodstocle.
1)r, Fowler, Clinton, has returned
from a hunting trip, bringing” with
hint a fine deer.
hockey club has appointed
Clinton h >.
the following 3)1ht4,3' for ibis'year:
\tanager, Mir Elliott; hairier, H. Man-
attI ing; tetUsurer, F. Mutely, committee,
O'Neil, 11. 1,15Vsdn, J. /,apfe, N:
DR, 1'I, HUGH - ROSS, Physician
and Surgeon, Late of London
Hospital, London England. Speciij
Attention 10 diseases of the eye,
nose and throat. Office and resid-
ence : behind Dominion 'Bank. 0113 to
Phone No. 5, Residenca Phone 106,
DR, F. 3, BURROWS,Seaforth.,0f-
flee and residence, Goderich Street,
east of the Methodist Church, Gor•
otter for the County of Huron. Tel.
ephone No: 40.
icians; and Surgeons, Goderich St.
opposite Methodist church,' Seaforth,
:'OTT, Graduate Victoria and Ann
.':Thor, and member of Ontario. Col,
!age of Physicians and Surgeol,s.
Coroner for County of Huron,
`" as 'el AC KA Y, honor graduate Trinity
University, Gold medallist, Trinity
,Medical College, Member of Col-
lege of Physicians and Surgeons,
Y , Eat,
Nose and Throat. Graduate
Medicine University of Toronto,
cracking Safes and eracki;<lg
Late Assistant New York Oph
I3 laic and Aural Institute, Moorefie
d 9 Eye, and Golden Square Throat Ho,
o 0 Nioney pituls, London, England. g At
Cpnimercial Hotel, Seaforth,
third Wednesday in each month,
1:'on, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. 53 Waterloo
street, South. (111th " Stratford. atford. ,Phone 267,
A run on your Bank of Laughs with Jack as the bold bad
counterfeit and Wanda as the one girl in a million.
Marion Davies in
Adam and Eva
Here's Two Big Stage Hits reproduced by Paramount Pictures
Best Imported Holland Bulbs
HYACINTI-1S 50c to $1,50 per doz.
TULIPS (Mixed) 40c per doz.
NARCISSUS (Mixed) 50c per doz.
CROCUS (Mixed) 15c per doz.
TUBEROUS BEGONIAS (Mixed) .......$1,00 per doz.
Send for Complete List including Roses and Shrubs.
449 River Road
aeo?remaer=1, Vtitia .t -arllmoe l.Yaro
[Accused in Iowa and Michigan, Spe-
cial attention to diseases of women
mei children. Consultation free. Of -
tine over Limbach's drug store. Suc-
eesor to Dr, Geo, J. Heilemenn
lelesday, 9 amt. to 6 p.m.
General Fire, Life,
/Accident & Ilutomobile
end Dealer in Singer; Sewing Machines,
James Watson
North Main St. SEAFORTH, ONT.
Mutual Fire Insurance Co,
rax. Connolly, Goderich, President;
James Evans, Beechwood, Vice Pres-
ident; Thomas Hays, Seaforth, Sec.-
i D. F. McGregor, R. R. 3, Seaforth;
John G. Grieve, R. 14, 4, Walton; W.
Rinn, R. R. 2, Seaforth; J01111 Ben-
neweia, Brodhagen; Robert Ferris,
R, R. No, 1, Blyth; Malcolm McKeon,
Clinton G. McCarl.liey, R. R. No, 3.
Seaforth' Jatnes Connolly, Goderich;
Jas. Evans, Beechwood,
Vex. Leitch, R. h. No, 1, Clinton; E,
I-Iitichlev Seaforth; J, :\.MurV. Yray, R.,
( R, No, 3, Seaforth; J, Veo,
Holmesville; R. G. Jatnmutll, Born-
; holm. James Herr and John Goren.
Jock, Seaforth, auditors.
Parties desirous to effect iesurance
1 ar transact other business will be
etenlpity attended t1, by application
to any l.f the above officers addressed
'heir respective postoffues.
Rcarx dmA.stetersattaaell
Music makes every home happy. If you want to make
yours one of the happy ones, let us install a nice
PayerPiano ooflograph
for Christmas . Nothing nicer, everyone can
buy, no tires to buy, no danger of smash..ups,
in the year.
- It helps to keep your home together instead
look at it, it is a real necessity, if you want .to do
Our Teri
Just pay a SMALL INSTALMENT and bal-
ance to suit your convenience.
enjoy it and it lasts a lifetime. No gasoline to
small depreciation and useful every day
of taking you away from home. In every way yott
what is right with those in your care,
s Are Easv
See me at once as Late Orders are dis-
To those giving their order before DEC. 21st
for Piano, we.will include a certificate for $25 00
worthof music lessons on any music teacher you
may choose.
• Remember this is good only to the above
date, and is given with any make of Piano you
PIANOS RENTED by the evening for Christ tun's Entertainments end Dances, Et
PHONE 13-616,' 12. R. No, 2, SEAFORTH P,O,
Desirable liouse
To the person seeking a comfort-
able home close to stores,' churches,
and schools, and still be in the
country, this residence is splendidly
located, being less than a anile from
Seaforth postoffice, The property
consists of eight acres of land, a good
frame house with seven rooms arid
woodshed, hard and soft water; good
stable with cement flooring; fine or-
chard. Possession can be given im-
he at information
� -7477. -� s Your !d
ti ,: t 's Carpets 7Away
..' Sella for Velvetex Folder '2
v ;
They make new raver:
„.s`., y;{3 siblel'Velvetex"Rugs,
Highest prices ,.t, paid, Max \?Vo
..lone 178, Seaforth.; Is£1,