HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1923-11-29, Page 5THURSDAY, NOV. 29, 1923., Wear y.f -.+>d ;AL LADIES: Dame Fashion says "GOLOSHES"- for the coming Winter, And what is more comfortable for the- cold weather than these high buckled overshoes ? Many ladies are buying their Goloshes NOW, and they are wise, as there may be a shortage again this Winter. We have a complete stock of GOLOSHES—two different makes rand you may have them with four buckles or with five buckles at very reasonable prices. Goloshes for the little folks—Misses sizes 11 to 2, for $3.00. Children's sizes 7 to 10 for $2.50: SEAPORT STRATFORD. ONT. Prepares young men and young women for .Business, which is now Canada's greatest profes- sion. We assist graduates to positions and they have a prac- tical training which enables them to meet with success. Stu- dents are registered each week. Get our free catalogue and learn something about aur dif- ferent departments. D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal. vesiseammestescamexamanwarre W J, Walker & Son UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment. W, J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished, Night or day phone 67. STOP LOOK LISTEN! CREAM WANTED � ■ D We are riot only a Cream Market for you but we are Also a Large Dairy Industry in Your Community. . We respectfully solicit Your Cream. OUR MOTTO: Guaranteed Accurate Weights and Tests. Courteous and Prompt Service. Highest Market Values. CREAM GRADING: A difference of 3 cents per lb, Butter Fat will be paid between No. 1 and No, 2 Cream. erts14 FdiR CREAM Ca Paid toAnyPatron Wishing it When Cream Cash is Delivered, g Creamery Open Wednesday and Saturday Evenings. Seaforth Creamery Co. Seaforth, Ont. C. A. BARBER, Mgr, The Economic Val o a Chevrolet e T N the business, professional and family life of Canadians, the automobile has proven an important economic factor. No other means: of transportation is so rapid, 50' flexible, s0 economical. In business the savings effected are readily counted in actual dollars and cents. In the professions, money, time and often human life are saved.' In the family, the benefits, no less real, come' in the form ofhealth-giving pleasures and relaxation. Your,friends are brought closer—distance is eliminated. To enjoy these benefits and effect these sav- ings, you must have a quality car, low in first cost and economical in upkeep. Chevrolet is the world's lowest -priced, fully - equipped automobile. It is strongly built for Canadian conditions and is the most econo- mical car in the world' to operate. ;tis a' .sk About the G.M.A. C'. Pion ntf 7)'fer e,] BE SURE AND GET OUR PRICES ON PREST-O-LITE BAT- TERIES, TIRES OF ALL MAKES FROM $7.50 UP. Carlin Bros., Seaforth 4 clivR01_,T Il il�+�+n�n�.,-ayntl��.�n11�.-.tin 1111. 1i5 iiUI2!Jf 0".onn -:nli �'tnt--»�un.�.tiu-� act Dr.. Chits. Mackay and Dr. H 1.1. Ross were in Toronto on Monday at- tending the banquet tendered Dr, [3anting, when Toronto lJniversity conferred the degree of doctor of science on; hi'nl in 'recognition of his. discovery of insulin. ) Miss Irene Patterson isrecovering er' oreen tit g front an operation for• appendicitis. Mr, and: Mrs. W, Dougall, Hensel], spent Sunday with their 'daughter, Mrs. Milne Rennie,, lir . W. Hudson, : Stratford, is a visitor at the home, of his' brother, Mr, A. Hudson. Miss Rennie, 'Zurich, spent Sunday with her brother, Ivlr, M. Rennie, Rev. R, 13, Cochrane, Toronto, was a week -end guest al the home of Mr, and Mrs. John Robb. 3drs. 1 Rev.) 13eshg•etoor, ;\Funk, Mich., and Mrs, Glendenning, Orion, 'Mich., are guest_, at the hotiie of their mother, M.rs. S. Wallace, East Gode- rich street. Mrs. A, Scott is visiting friends in Lucknow. Rev. P. 11. Larkin, 1.),1)., 'preached last Sunday in College street Presby- terian church, Toronto, for Rev. 11, 11, Cochrane. 'Miss McNair, Myth, visited friends in town, Miss Ethel McKay. Crediton, spent the week -end .at Inc Filmic here. Mrs. J. M. Wilson i, visiting her daughter in (Even Sound. -{'s. and Miss Sinclair, 'fucker - smith, were week -end guest; at the home of Mrs. \V, Broadfoot. '.\1r, ). A. \iacLaren went to To- ronto on Thursday. Mn. Charles Stewart is adding a sleeping porch to his residence on Centre streef. \irs. \. McCrae was a Stratford visitor. Mr. and Mrs. Martin :Thornton, , Henfryn, spent Sunday with the tat- ter's brother, )jr. Robert Ritchie and \[t s. Ritchie, of the Huron. Road. tV'e are pleased to see Viola Ritchie able to be out again after her recent illness with the fin. \lr, and Mrs. henry and son of Mitchell, visited friends i0 town, Mrs. J. Rankiu spent Saturday in Stratford. 0 Rev. Dr. l'erric, \•\Ingham. called on friends in town. Mrs. G.A. Smith Toronto, is the guest of 711s. R. S. Savauge. Mr. J. E. VanEgntond who. has been visiting his mother, Mrs. C. R. VanEgntond, returned to Toronto on. Monday. Rev. R. B. Cochrane conducted service in the afternoon in the Eg- nnoudville church last Sunday Miss Rae Govenlock, ; who under - Went an operation at Seaforth hospi- tal, has returned to St. Catherines, Mr, \V. A•lcDougall and Miss Nell 7 visiting relatives in McDougall all are i t g g Goderich township, Mr, and Mrs, C.A. Barber and chil- dren spent Sunday at her home in. Hickson, Mrs• Barber's mother re- turning with them, - Mr, Thos, Price, ivlcKillop, has bought -Mr. M. McCorick's residence, George street, and gets possession January 15th, -it,-icCormick will remain in Seaforth, , :Miss Gertrude Card 10, Milverton,. was a week -end visito7 at the home of her parent:,. 7lr, and Mrs. G. P. Cardio. Mr, and Mrs. John 3lactavish and •hililren pent Sunday in St. Thoma', Mrs. W. Reid is visiting her son in Goderieh, Mr. R. Joynt has rented the house formerly occupied by Mrs. 11, Livens on Jarvis street, from Mr. Webster, who has had it remodelled Miss Norma Jeffrey and \liss Da- vina Anderson are spending a .few t days in Toronto.. Mr. S. Pyper, Hamilton, is etpres- ent at the hone of 3Ir, W. J. Beattie. Mrs. J..\. 3tacd.aren spent a week cit Stratford Mrs. Win. Henderson, Hamilton, .visited Mrs. L. T. DeLacey last week, Mrs. Everett Jack,- of Lorebturn, 5",sk., was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Wankel this week. Mr. Joseph Eckert spent Wednes day at the lake hunting geese. Mr. Gillean, of London, sprint a few clays at the home of Mrs. J. Rankin. Miss McLaren, of Clinton, 'is visit- ing isit- ing'Mrs. 3M: Kl'ing. Mr. Ross McGonigle `is home on account of his school, in Hibbert be- ing ,closed for scarlet 'fever and dip- theria. Miss Edna 3'i?Z;Kay, of'liaytield, spent -Sunday with Miss. Maria Hills.: Mrs. P. Freeman, of Toronto, is visiting friends, in town. -1:r, and Mrs. Harry Bullard, of Goderi•ch, are visiting' Mr. and -Mrs, W. Bullard. Mr. and Masa T. -McMillan leave this week for Rochester. Mrs. A. Scott is visiting relatives in Lttclatow. Mr. McCormack is moving his fain- ily into Mrs. H. Laidlaw's house. Miss Kathleen Hill, of 'Stratford Normal School, was a week -end vis- itor at the home of \'fr, and Mrs. Hugh McKay. \'ll•. Ross Scott, Miss Elizabeth Scott, Miss Ms.tnle Swan and Alice Ratteubury, of Brncefisl t, were Sun- day visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. 'James Wright. ,\ Mr. and Mrs. George A. Sills have gone to. Alvinston, Ont., to attend the . wedding of 0heir• nephew, 'Mr, I-larry. Pierce, to Miss Bindncr; of that place. Rev, T. H. 'Brown took -the service at Walton on 'Sunday last, owing to a vacancy in that parish. THE SEAFORTH NEws em, Mr. William 'Chapman has move his monumental works into the build- ing next door, recently vacated by Brundson & Campbell. The ne building will give Mr. Chapman in creased room for Inc business. Th Chinese laundry is moving into th building vacated by Mr. Chapman. Mr. Andrew Coleman has returned froum"the West and is visiting friends iu town, • Don't Submit to Asthma, if you suffer without hope of breaking the chains which bind you do not put off another day the purchase of Dr. J. 1). [Kellogg's Remedy. A trial will drive away all doubt as to Its efficeucy. The sure relief that comes °oil con- vince you more than anything.that can be written. When help;i$; no sure, why suffer 7 This matohlcss remedy is sold, by dealers: every- where. ALMA :1r, D. Dale has been cutting wood with Inc circular saw for Messrs. Wm. Ross and J. J. Hugill this week. ,Messrs J. Jamieson and N. Carter were Toronto visitors last week, tak- ing in the fair and report a good fair and a fate time. d While \1r, Lester Goveulock Was riding horsehack one day. last week in Mitchell, the horse slipped on the v paved rnad, falling on Mr. Goven- lock's foot and crushed it badly. He i e was taken to Dr. Smi'th's office, but e i no hones had been broken. After be - mg confined to his bed for few days, he was able to get about ,on crutches, l and spent a few days at his home here, and has returned to 'Mitchell to resume his duties in Ferguson's drug BRODHAGEN 7Iiss Martha Bennewcis, nurse of Listowel hospital, hasreturned to her work after spending a few weeks with relatives and friends. Miss ;Kruger, nurse 11 Seaforth hospital, underwent an operation for appendicitis. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. Carl Riegel and Miss Pearl Hillnhrecht, of Central Business ('i.1 leek;, Stratford, spent the week -end with their patent- in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Smith. 71r. and Mrs, J. 14. Querengesscr spent a few days with Mr. and firs. 1 1.. Querengesser at Toronto. 1\frs- Ford Mueller is visiting in Toronto with her sister, Mrs. Ern, \Vesenberg, Messrs. Ruck Bros. are busily en• gaged erecting a new chopping and planing mill to replace the one which was destroyed by lire Saturday, Nov- ember 17th. Farmers of the vicinity and citizens arc assisting with the work, which is all being done gratis. The building will he a roucrete struc- ture, WINTHROP The anniversary service, held do Cavae church last Sunday were very largely attended. Rev. J 1'. McLeod, B.A., of Brussels, occupying the pul- pit and delivering two interesting ser- neons. The choir did wonderfully well, and a solo by Mr, Janes Scott WAS well rendered. The fowl supper the following evening was a great success, the church being filled to capacity. Rev. J. A. Fer- guson w•as chairinati and the Hurouic Mule gttartette and Miss Ola Cool:, reader, put on the pro gramme, with addresses by Rev. 71r. Lundy, of Kipper. and Rev. - R. Ful- ton Irwin, of 'Sea forth, which were notch appreciated. ted There being a' quantity of fowl end • other eatables left on hand, it was decided to hold an entertautnnut the following even- ing for the children, The auto of $210.00 was taken at the door Mon- day evening. besides a• large collec- tion at the Sunday .services. Mrs. -Hanna and Miss Annie spent Sunday with \1 r. Reuben Hart, The Ladies' Aid and W.M.S.- their annual meeting in the base- ment of the church,'\Veditesday, Dec, 5th, All the members are invited to attend, as it will 'be a very important meeting. \Ve are sorry to learnt that \1r. John Pethick is chinned to Inc bed, suffering tvitlt erysipelas. We 1000 he will be able to be oat again. soon. Mr, and Mrs. Orval Hablark.. of \Vingbam, spent Sunday with,Mr,'and -Mrs. Clarence. Burnett. Miss Ament. of Brussels, spent Sun- day with the Misses Marion and Grace Scarlett. Mr. Kenneth Allen, of Golborue, spent the week -end With Mr, ft -win Crewartha. Mr. 5. Ai . tiovenlock visitt'd friends in Ottawa last week. Miss Vina Rogerson visited \Lss Bessie Blanchard over the auuiver sary and fowl `upper: With much regret we beard of the of the death of Mr, Alden •McGaviu, who passed away at his residence on Monday looming, after several weeks of illness with typhoid fever. Our deepest sympathy goes to his young widow and children, and to his par- ents and brothers, WALTON, Late William Alden McGavin. Death removed one of McKillop's lir )rising young men ITt the person of \1 01.:'!den McCiaviu;'who died at his home on lot 32, concession 13 of Mc— Killop, on -•fonday,. November 2fith, leaving his sorrowing 'family to regret his loss. Four weeks ago last Sunday, after reaching home from church he was taken i11 with typhoid fever, from which he never recovered, passing away on Monday- morning. The late Mr. \McGavin was `born on Feb.'Gth, 1893, on lot 27, concession 12, McKil- lop, the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. William H. McGavin, of Learl•bury. fie spent Itis boyhood days on this farm. Eight years ago be married Miss Lena Harris, daughter of Mr. 1 and Mrs. Harris, Walton, and bought the Muldoon farm un the 13th conces-' skin, vvhcre they have since lived. Two 1 young, children -also survive, Jack aged I years and Leona ona aged 2 years. The late \ir, 71eGavitt tools ain ai• rind butt -est in the Walton Farther,: Club. being secretary at the time .of his death. fast June he was Return- ing, Officer for Centre Huron at the Provincial election. a position which he filled very satisfactorily, The funeral took place on \Vcdttes- day from his late hone, interment be- ing in Maitland Bank cemetery. Arrangements have been made f. ,' Rev. Mi. Brown, of St. '['hontas' church. Seaforth, to take the services in St. George's church, Walton. Mr. Brown took the service. last Sunrlty afternoon. Joe Ryan 1-ltlt concession of Mt- 17illop, received injury by a fall on the barn floor from tiff a load of bay. \1'e hope he will soon be o.k. Mr. and Mrs. 1 -Tarry Jackson and fancily arrived here from the west for an extended visit They are brother and sister to lir. and Mrs. George Our "PEDOGRAPH" lets one see whether or not one's foot is in a normal condition: We equipped our store with a "PEDOGRAPH" just recently, and already it has proved of great interest to the public.. Many people come in to see and to use it, as they have never had the chance to do so before. We cordially invite all to come in and have a free trial -it will prove abnormalties, Of course we carry a full line of Dr. Scholl's Appliances to aid nature in getting the feet back to natural form. Bring your foot troubles to the MODERN SHOE STORE and secure relief. JH.Smith o The Modern Shoe Store. opp. Bank of Canimerce Phone 51 Seaforth iertrical Gifts For All The F:amiiiy You need look no further for thoughtful, . useful, appreciated Christmas Gifts ---remembrances that will give daily service, Hotpoint Iron Famous for its hot point, cool handle and attached stand. Hotpoint Grill An electric grill and stove that boils, broils, fries and toasts. Any two operations at the same time. Hotpoint Reversible 'roastr Toasts two slices of bread at one time. Coffee or tea may bekept hot at same time bread is toasting. Hotpoint beating Pad Unequalled as a bed warmer, 'Hotpoint l#edlite Heater For the office,' bathroom, bedroom or the sick room, a needed comfort for chilly or severe weather. Matte this an Electrical Christmas. Buy your gifts here, and they will be well looked after. PHONE 19 Ely "THE HOTPOINT STORE" Jackson in the village. Tltey have rented their fine property, for two years at Bateman, Sask., in •the Moose Jaw district. tMr. Jackson has been 15 yeas in the :West. Rev. \V ff. Grant, missionary,frpm 1:loI n China, [a, preached 11 Duff's church tnrl 'Matteniefl recently, He had a message of interest to all and of great itnpottauce. 11,1r. and Mrs. \\ T. Grieve motored to Prestoit for a few days during the week on a business trip,, Mrs, .A, Gardiner, accompanied by. 11rs, Ino, Berry, are spending the w-eucl with the formcr's ••sister, Mrs, James Aitcheson, Sr„ of. Rox bora,eak 'Levi Whitfield, who has sold his farm on the 12th'uoncession of Grey, will hold an auction sale of farm` stock, impletnents, etc, on Friday, Nov, 30th,. with I). M. Scott as auc- tioneer. The new Whitfield school house, on the, 12th concession of Grey, is ready for occupation: Its comforts and con- veniences will excel its predecessors, but whether the record of the pupils will beat that of the years long sped.l remains to be seen. 'AGE FX VE' \Vlth the pr)posect retirement 't Reeve HarryFear, who has filled the hill very well in Morris township, the question arises who will he the next nrcuptutt of the chief chair. Probahlli- • ties are that two of the present Board may • have ambitions t et� �tr 1 1to t and perchance 1924 will see some p new faces or sonic' of the firmer hues at the board. Change' of farms are on the . com- munity bill or fare. ,. Bible Society collectors will call on you shortly. No more deserving cause. Tt is the handmaiden of mis- sions. fir. f C+. 3illt , cIt! HeS. Chiropractor. Of Wingham, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, Thursday Afternoons in future, commencing Nov. 22. Diseases of all kinds sucress- folly treated. es ! Dresses. and Children's Wear We were lucky to secure a big lot of samples in Ladies' Dresses and Children's Wear at 50P er cent less than the _ actual price and it will be all to your benefit, rf L o Dresses a rl d UHdren's ,�°1t,A A GREAT SALE That means that every dress you buy from us sn this Sale will be at half the price it is really worth. The Dresses are made of Tricotilie, Gabardine, Serge, Chiffon Silk' and Canton Crepe Silk. There are 36 different styles and every one of them is beautifully made and of latest models. Cheifetz Br Seaforth s Christ las retie: : ards The eaforth News has again a stock of fine Christmas Greeting Cards, in this year's new designs, on which your name can be printed. Envelopes to match are su?plied. Come and see these simple, but pretty designs ---they are not expensive. The Seaforth News 4 TI: E Armed the World with ONE OiLINE1 100,000 Midler Without Stopping for Oil An inventor who could develop an automobile, a railroad car or any other conveyance on wheels which would perform such afeat would be considered a wonder. But such is the record of regular accomplishment by the Auto -oiled Aermotor during the past eight years in pumping water. Did you ever stop to think how many revolutions the wheel of a windmill makes? If the wheel of an Aermotor should roll along the surface of the ground at the same speed that it makes when pumping water it would encircle the world in. 90 days, or would go four tinges around in a year. It would travel on an average 275 miles per day or about s07miles perhourfor 9 bouts each . day. An automobile which keeps up that pace day after day needs a thorough oiltng at least once a week. Isn't itluarvelens, then, that a windmill has been made which will go 50 times as long as the best automobile with one oiling? The .roto-olIeal Aerataotor after 8 full years of service in every part of the world has proven its ability to run and give the most reliable service with one oiling a year., The double gears, and all moving parts, are entirely enclosed, and eooded with' oil allthe time. It gives more service with less attention than - any other piece of machinery on the. farm. To get everlasting wind -mill satisfaction buy the Autcoiled Aen�n,aototr;,,�tphqe. Most ef�aadqi�enjt windmill tftathas ever been made, • Tonic i iirfnr-, AIERMO OR CO. Chico a bee Nelms malleo write K lenens Kansas city 11Y3�aieaieito,$ia OaklOila • FOR SALE 13Y • BERT IRWIN Dealer in Gas Engines,Cream Separators, Stable Fittings, Pumps, Pipe and Water Supply Fixtures, Wind and Car Inaurauee: