HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1923-11-29, Page 4PAGE FOUR:
d ,r S- Q ' �Mr.Jaa Curling,
Seaforth, called
Jun Dublin friends,
J. F, SNOWDON, Proprietor.. Golden Wedding, ---Mr. and Mrs..
Jame:: 'Evans, t.\'IeKillop, celebrated
the 50th anniversary of their marri-
age on Sunday. Their five daughters
and Mrs, Frank Nagle of Detroit;
Mrs, Owen Flynn, Clinton; Mrs.
Joseph Atkinson, Hibbert township,
and Miss Ella, at home, Following a
sauuptuous .fowl diluter, hymns, sacred,
songs and speeches were indulged in
until evening. The parents were pre -
seated with tiffany suitable gifts: by
their five daughters, and the celebra-
tion will. long be remembered by those
neighbors and friends who were for-
tunate enough to he present.
were present, ielrs James Moutrase
General S
0 � rvatio �
• Talk of flirting Giddy old Sum-
mer knows what is right with winter,
It is the cud of November and the
gray, still green.
People learned in frog lore say they
must be frozen tip' three ,times ;tt
the Spring before iSummer comes,
These wise people forgot to say how
often they must be thawed out in the
Fall before Wimer comes. The Class
nt 70olo gta) m ghx take ori the matter
this season , t the year. tine ;mi
11 pr,umrnently- brought to view that
,s not the—part of wisdom tei spcmil
en r '.0l1. Sunt, i4 tr myboilding
roads .and allow these to be rune: !ay
ham.} track -vhir t c,tntpe-tt fot- 'n'.t4;
ness with, c;.n-ernnint-i',v nett rat:
iat.>.. The heavy trick at this
season of lb, year doe, 1't ire
t o the t n, ,tt i;01, .,, one ,vii.
than ordinal.; traFlea L•. - to
in a lea \ c1 t -- t> a\.y ahat.
chines r.,ads at the
slight Cost o, their 51101,5'
wunb} ]t1( ase:•.} t alta. . the 1" ,..
try D. i> . c: track- fir Plis
tr than i + • roints ',c
deltaic;et lt. I ,tt noire n ..
aottor. ,1,. ;in. ? •.� - D' !
for private , :..1(.r, , .: . Railway, .. ,
tett_ own i u,. am! ti the thee
truck, inimpete v 'henthey
should also be forced t . build ilnin
ruad, and L-a,e tic ;'clue .eha.tn
,a, ',l:narc tri (i' for which it ha
been htiilt.
St. Patrick's School Report. Senior.
hearth: Catharine k:rausknpI. Clayton
] ooby-, Teresa Delaney, . Drueilla
npbell, Margaret lor,dan. Dorothy
• ipneaus.Michael McCarthy, Fran-
1lills Veronica Dill, Torn Goratn-
• Evelyn Dillon, Margaret e
111) l3
1,01115 Cravat i1d.
fourth ller:lice 'McGrath, 'll
One morning while Mr. R. Davis Maitland river ip the district now
Ways plowing Reeve Beavers' garden,' known as Lower Winghanr, her hus-
bxeter, one of the horses stepped oln' band going into business with his bro.
the covering of an old well, which ther Archi, in the flour and saw m;ll-
gaveway. Mr, Davis was endeavor ing business, which they carried ort
ing to miss the well, but the hind feet' for a few' years. Later he became
of one of the animals went through
the covering and the'animal went
backward. Fortunately the well was
not deep and the horse's head and
postmaster, in which position he re-
mained fc,r 50 years. In religion she
was a staunch Baptist, and one of the
active workers in the church. She
front feet were above ground. A leaves a family of two daughter, Mrs.
crowd was soon on the spot and a George '[canna, ,t\Sargaret, and Peter,
derrick from the marble shop was ( of Toronto, and John of Wingham,
hastily erected. After a couple of
]tours the animal was rescued, little
the worse for its experience.
14.re, John Henderson has sold her
residence on Mill street to Arnold
Messrs. Kenneth Rorke and Leonia ` Mrs. Geo. McIntosh, . Stratford,
1)'Brieu, Clinton, spent a. week in the spent last week with her father, Jno,
north nu a hunting trip.
Rev. ]..'Perrin, Hamilton, is in
Messrs. C. G. the p lou and ll. charge of the work of the Presbyter
antelon attended the provincial Con- fan hurch until the recovery of Rev.
seryative meeting in Toronto last Mr. hergusou: 11 r. t'errin was a. for -
r: cl:. mer pa -Inc ,he, e.
for -
Mr. \\';]friar Pentland has returned 'rhe regular nwuth:y meeting tof
from the A\ r,!.11511• ht ,;lent the Women's Institute will be heldat
t three year,'. then ole .,f \lisp .May Davidson. on'
\Irs 1 cacti ("ulr, Loudittt Road, has Thursday, Nov 29th. .\ ruiner 6n
Met •atli. Fns Crib>t)id, Heh t M Earl
' r \i -, „ ,,:umunplac(' AV"oath
attknpi Betty I)„rrenntt n, \la: 5 \l:. i..trJ t mit ll, lnle,v^lice i\ h , ,t he given by ;,fisc F. J.
a tskop
1 t; taken a [ e trc i w th
po-ttu).1 in
oa1 �- f-1o•y also a report of the con, cotton
Senior 1 Cunt: Mart,,: D`,:, :\nnie ,, •c 1i and 'Dantail
at 1. ol11.>ii by fru. r Stocks.Cttr-
L'retnnan t at}iar;n1( Donnelly, Helen \11( t,. 1 ea tv. rent event+ will he in charge of 1(rs.
I ton is Htll t'Carence I:' let Galt -rich township. have return-
lal la nut' Munro, •
1170:1',a, .\Ictztth, Jam Fera,,. 1
M 9 i fi`Slealn. Belgrave.
k,p. he1intth Dtil, n.to1
1in..•,:• 'Third: Loretta .Delaney.
,) 1.1',1 Benninget. Veronica \lniy-
Ineui\, Patrick McConnell. Harry
Feeti'>, .5ar1 11 r51nna11 Fran 'i:
Wingham. alis \fines' C:an,.,he1', C:;into1.
;peat Smola; with ht.. broths•,
}i: E. isard has :, small lent tree
at his Mone from which he p:eked a H tr +• t atn; le
hr.51 1< .., , Fra):5 . J.�t;,le , 1. 1.18'`ite_ ',.,oat... Witham. John
Nomination do in \\`wghanz WAS and 5 {{.
• : cit arrit hat 4k 1 Robert'.,e ' •ut ♦f oda+ \ Loth. \ Brussels, :peat I
1 1)it+. ,i. i -u•; y : ' . \\',:rel ' a been received ;u \\ ing \
•).u;:. of the death at \Carman. ask da, + Na. 1- lrtni.ni.',
' , ham. ' �
3335 5:114 I ::,I: ri•c„„ill r r c : ( - i.n.Inow.
i a t rt ter Lane. ii,Asatii;d, \Jr . e (vile „eel: with!
1''titi Fes 1.+ Law- Riollard J•:. LauS 511'5105 a week
\a 1. ,eery, N,u-:t'r,>rtt diph.heria
tier mint,Mr D.
Ma -or 1-1. It Elliott received word 11 NI-, t n:,t:
son,: Jas. Anderson, Mrs, Scandrett
and daughter Corinne, Mrs, T. Proc-
tot• and Hanle, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
McCrae and son James, Mr. and Mrs,
J. A. Brandon, Mrs: George Proctor,
Edith and Wilhurn, Mr, and Mrs.
Janes Taylor and two daughter, Mr,
and Mrs, 1\lin. VanCanrp:
Mr, Clarence White, Wroxeter, has
joined Ament Bras, and the new firm
will be known as Ament Bros. &
White. The. company will continue
the cooperage business already es-
tablished and in addition will engage
in the manufacture of children's wag-
ons, sleighs and wheel barrows under
the direction of Mr, White.
\Vm. Harris left last week for the
north. country wvith,a carload of
THURSDAY, NOV, 29, 1923,
blrs. George -Brown, formerly a' 1PROFESSIONAL CARDS
resident of Bru'asels; passed away iu-
Toronto on Nov. 15111at the age of
Oil years, Mrs. J. L. Kerr, Clinton, is'
a daughter; 1
A meeting wits held in the town
hall, Brussels, on Wednesrlay to or-
ganize. a Plowman's Association for
Huron NorthIuron-to include the town-
ships of McKillop, Grey, Morris,
East \Vawanosh, Turnherry 'anti
I to wi e k.
is home froth the west-
ern harvest fields. He spent most of
his time, et Kilfield, Sask,
Reeve Backer attended the Royal
Show at Toronto last week,
James Hunter ;s in poor health at
Miss Anna Hunter was called to
tranto' owing to the illness of her
Flapper, cake Eater
\1” and aMother who w- s
George E. 11 InIt11 111'
couple of lemons this year.
. Telt"' it () t .n:.,!'. D:o'.,t., i > , r t, a 1-
,a4t week
y _ I the death I his father,;'' '
1 •
11 1(11:511 '11 .,-t.C3
Roach, 15413 .e Rnne } •i t, d,de<t Jh teats. at
Int;- i
tall 1 'he',c ±; 1) 11 8 (1 F lea: ti lis. utast as + yr n a , . ,tri'
t. ;-:,:- 1 L•1( fuuea ai war held nu
t :arctic,' K"auska.pf, \I„ , l. aur -,Tat to \\inghant eemi•tery. ace utt in \C Dat <.1 111' 51a - ri he,
I,, a, z h nae t mut village one!
5,'r:,''i , t ,. t,h.v 1 itr lame,- 1dz r died in C)ttaw•a
n r ! t \ to I)i NL„, L :vel nit It4t geek ,lieu l e iter a cart
• ,cp t a ',r ^. ,vicei + ,h • age of d q;tp7 rte \\'. 1)1(11)1-' .vhrclt c Ilidetl>
1luutc f t -h 5,1>3(5,105.l(1'. 3 , ear;. 1}1:' r. aid .. ,ane was Jane.
1).1:. , c.c1. \l, t ai tl;c Joseph lac i:crrt-3311 I)e511 . tlau,;itte1 of :1Ir. an,
with hi,Mum; a i \lt. H null
'atic,a. 1'1.,:51 I' 7531'•:. Ague- 'Maim- \}r,. Wiliam Dean,. Tnrnl)erry-.. t,al .a1. and > 1(,..n,; a h>-5.. leg ,
55. i a nlev:, 11115+:,. \;:c1(:: S& -mu.` \tr. a•.d \lrs- Samuel Tindall Race and 1e 515.. al had to be shot. - Th ,
I i 1),Il >n d t the West car was also damaged. i
i \:ire miss.
i He en t n t anal 1 ..ks +tell tis, tt l entralia: t
` turned r T.itts,oc after a'visit with : n tither of the.
ter tattier. \It'. t- son,
retures tram a trip
o e Among those attendinq the Proctor l
. ,u.., F'c,ma:, - t=.gaud Donne s I \\'•1 has
Perry. Bertha •ha D tr nAr-
n + ct,
J +,tis a 11551 i 1. lid::, : l l \C'! \T r. 1 \t, ie s s t l
Gavin ,1 1. bride; Mr. and Mfrs. Oliver Ander.;
:steplet:,1. 4 A. 1 Ross. 11 inghami -t)
. received
Pr•imar;, \Tat,' l . 1)..i•re.ste,:t,
rents from a nasal in Chicat'o, who
1 iterim' henna I )sii" McCarthy,'! had owed. :he n1 ney for many years. -
fila I -}.o:, \\. '1 -::e:,ling attained' D• ort,' hv• 1),.mne 1,• N"""11 11.C'''31...., Mr. Uavld Currie; East'WawannSh.
Ids ntlt 1 it h_t:ty ,,,1Sa'ni ia,. .51,4;t agile;t';+tin lila •rt Donnelly.1 home troth the West
1 ,. 1511 Karns. 12 1 tlta 1)C,. .. France 1-hc e;ghbrt 1(,t \It,. \\'n1.
u, > ,vier 1- :it rta1.lttt1 enter. L.5005(1
]anted h!n, at a 11,((( nt. i.. honor nt• c)n l r day event,(
v euixtg r. tlx: rue atrnttal
rite 5('111. f int• Mo:
„,t1ytaitdntg nen•+c "❑ CLUV! 5313 be lith1 51 the Town Hall.
king o ernment and les triers !lit; \ I 1 i
trail „• ,u, �•n.tv the fact.
Lu,. i l•
1. wan pr,;rauamr tan ,cru arrang-
e, . consisting of in;trunlenta': ,eke-
.,lin, choruses an. ,tills, The dratna-
\ti l•ie'd a acro it must Navel tui part will ,cels cant much aims e
tin, an empty ceremony wl
ncu 5,. re • 121501, I he• t',,t)( try relation gives her
ealledthc fact that lie n'a, not 0114.11 e,tiety a ptrnng 5ity relative, a aur -
I ,arise in a ,n1( tier farce. In Autt
leader of the (..!acral party n,-tea'l t i l alio frotu Texas tnlless ru1npli `a-
ll:, 15ing, wiv, tv s ar ti ally 1u I (ions ensue. wit i, t 331'' kn.' "1" Naw
1Taa1 fart; exigencies. however,i \ rker bane] ottate. \tuft 11i11ie.
+ >pt away the chances of the real 1 311 1 ha .1 n t rl that 4hr cannot keep
J h us t c'u•n with
hti niece and
reader and led to tic .elcctirm of one i ,.,,ii,..,,,,,, t lumt-. .\ good laugh i, pro-
w•hu t e ul 357 :h1( p •;ti.r', hitt 14 not i wised til wlv, at colli
rapahle ,f filling it. 11111 country." ....... . _
however, t'+411 wish \1r Fielding many t HURON NEWS,
more sears of i,fe and work in its 1113- Goderich,
half. I Nits Thomas Ii lay;,:, who lives }Misers ,lea adnmtnshnt \t" !\\',I:
Win! her .on. H l 'Taylor, Cinder 5isses Jean and Nettie Christie.
l.ettte „f Ea,t i\awanoslt, who'
move-, her family to Goderich. held
a bee to till a car of wood for theta,
.\ good number of people were
present at the3Mills- Memorial Hall
t,; t:itness the drama "How the
Story brew" presented by eight ladies
of St. Paul's church, \\'inghaut. The
r:1411' of characters were Mrs. Bro\vtt.
Mrs. W. F, \•auStr>ne -Mrs. Green,
Mrs. Adam Johnston: Mrs. Taylor,
\fres. '1 Fells. Mrs. White, Mrs. E.
Pettigrew. Mrs. Bean, Mrs. Fred
Johnston; Mrs. Doolittle. Mrs. J.
Haugh; Mrs. 5111133, Mrs. J. F. Mc-
Cracken; Mrs.. Rice, Mrs. W. Lep-
ar,L Others who contributed to the
programme were Mr. JI T. Dick_n-
soit, London; Mrs. W. B Hawkins,
Blyth Mr. A. 5. Forbes, Mrs. R. S.
William;. •. Mis Bessie Abell, i\irs.
Thos. Forbes, Miss Haze! Brandon,
ilrtbdas. She t. ]merle lived at \Vest -
to.. lir, 1 ual3rittc preaching in the field.
Presbyterian rhe rtli W, Sunday last.' The b; -law t I earn„ Sll,Ontt to
ilepi .red he 7')"' ,,1 family life and 't 1;1d t r,cw k n.plt t! hail ling, vvas 14"
worship. The gin Abut open, up rated h} a 038305 ty of Cis
IS, It lint], Go ;t: %clt, ha.
vide ]lett] for .p5, ttiatir,rt. .r)ride.0 pia i n hush .n his garden fro:
17,at: , the , been picking ie
env T ha i �d tioeier ti t ru itr a, i+liai 5tltt, l.h
1oa1, Neb., formerly a merchant i
1 1 1•I' i Y
the p
ur•-c. ▪ Sandal r:t 1 t\ .I. t ,i I t1
1 felt, recently celebrated her ninetieth The feature of the nominations
hell on Monday, was the unusual
'mintier' of names stthntitterl Inc the
council, there luring 20 There are
three ;ti the field for mayor and the
1aute number for the neeveship. 'l'111
Board of Education was returner] b
i1 acclamation, For mayor: Mayor H, B.
Elliott. A. Tipling. \V, H Willis. For
reeve Ex -Mayor J. \\ . 23lt:K;bbon,
W. J. Greer, eer, A. 'rioting. For council:
n G. McDonald S. Bennett, A. Bell.
Councillor A. F Smith, C. Wilkin-
son, Councillor \V, Haney Councillor
- \. Fothergill, 1. iiauna N. Fry, L.
e Yi ant R. King, Dr. Irwin, Council -
IT lir W. J. Greer. A. C 091114, R. Van-
+t(te K.(',. C. E. King, A. 5,
Crawford, 0, Thumps a Councilior
i \'.'. (I. \\lls. J. H. \lcl.ay, E. Pet-
r- igrew, 1)r. Stow, A. E. Lloyd, C.
Fells, \V. R Hamilton and R. A.
Currie. Board of education: Ward 1,
a \V. H. Rintottt: ward 2, R. S. Wil.
in Hams: ward 3, R. II. 1,1t''yd. ward 4,
Rev. H. \V. Snell
1)1n Thursday night I ouisa 1?.
Wright, relict of the late 1'. Fisher, in
Wright, relict of the late P. fisher,
died in her 85th year the funeral being
deceased was one of the first or sec-
n;peg. Interment to.wk place at St.1 „mid settlers coming to the \Vingham
ea,•e ;t entirely to her. Joseph's cetntery, district in 1862 with her husband,
Zurich. when the country was a w;ldernesg,
Mr. .and Mrs. Jas, Green. Parr lune, They live{! upon the ,banks of the
instituted tatirrty 31f,and r e 1 '1 which fill' t n p •1•iny hr t r•t• Inc•
responsibility for .Teat life '1 the pat v '1` i ,-, me. 4118
i'r it. ,r \\
t'Ci t ❑.' n - .+ : •, 1.. tla 1 >1, >1(15 rt rtt •al, , the
.ir .r - t,. - n c: •. t 1:.. l' ,. \[ utlan I evtuetery
: of r n rcc„ccriu
tea, :cc:. ,t1( t,m tali 1(.y r nu the ,.•erre u1i ny he r
rell'e•1 ,Vlr1t 1t( left arm 43135 ant 1
iii inte•.15t1 .,r. ▪ 1, }e, nal. ''tr ur a 1,3013 t: machine,
i,a0trate' place •! .t tris to ,,lace the i)u `, l,r,isc. Nov. 17th. 111515. pt'
cart of tile _+a ;. tit en -v ,1' thirty ' n aw it ti \;11t t:iai oldest re,
ur ttc,> lee t•, , t oargr t, t tip 1.31•1•50n of
Margaret garet Hu
t rretta. n+ntsir lrela'tl, tater
to tui- (nuttry ;u
1 ur."1, may hr argiiad girl, with her paretus, an settled r
_- - i .V, al the
tgC r1 si ,ill ,sit yCtr
ane tra,i,,ol •sn-;c 51.1 .rl'a t a +.h., 555' ht to in Kerrc,
rate) , t0 , g
d 1 d
ace -4t n ,£ .4;181151kt Th, e
•at tun he live.] nfttil the nt 0156. lnnntltz
parent, btu that s forgetting hnnttn 1,'' 1+111111 ,he 5331. Non.,vrd to Gude
naturae "1 he part•n14 say- the tra;ned rich hospital, where. she was treated
in'r,c 1311,1 i,,, dnq thin ell. ] for cancer. She leaves to mourn her
los,., twi,gi•and,,hild`ren In int; iii
and perhaps knows more shout it,
ST. COLUMBAN moving to I ter.
\lis, Emily Downey, of Stratford] Mr. Oman D homy has sola] lis
.petit the week -curl tinder the parental 1,enl'4 furnishing store and goer to
roof. Detroit.
1•l i-. Vint -tan' Lithe recently plowed i 31rs. Win. Stelclt has sold her
a field of sod for Mr, \V. Cleary with
his tractor. Mr. Lane is a hustler,
plowing lb .ares in the remarkable
time of 15 hours and 45 minutes.
The dance. held friday evening un-
der the auspices of the C'.\\,1., w'as a
remarkable encase.
The meeting of the Literary :Society
which was postponer) from last Fri-
day everting on account ofthe dance,
15115 held last night (Wednesday) and
wie.-e marked by a large attendance t>f
members and a good progranmc,
Miss "5. O'Hara spent the weelr-end
at her benne in Mt, C'arme6
We are pleased to hear that 'tltc
sick' peple of the hurl{ are all pro-
gressing rapidly. ..
Mise; Emily Kennedy:; of Tucker
smith, spent the week -curl the guest
of her 'i to Ale,. \ugust 1)ucharme,
Miss Geraldine O'Connor visited
with her uncle, \ir, P. F.hltarte of
11,3145111)13 good; and will reside with
two daughters, 'Mrs. A, Koehler and
\free IC. Brinell.
Mrs. 11. Ayres and family have
moved to Detroit.
Mn \\'m. Lieblld, Babylon line,
raised a large crop of celery this
The members of the Ladies' :',id
and \ oung •Ladies 13ible Class are
handing a bazaar on Dec. 8th,
\ir, Harry. Yengblut has purchased
21 head of pure bred Shropshire sheep
to 11.41' for breeding purposes.
Mrs. Geo. Coward received word of
the death of her sister. Miss dfartha
Fulton, of Midland,' aged 75 yea's.
Miss Fulton resided 111 E.seter until
late year, ago.
Word has heel, received of the
death of Clifford Treble, 17 years of
age, son of \I;', and Mrs. John "Treble,
formerly of Exeter, rn Nov.21st, }Tc
ems thrown from his horse while help -
DUBLIN, ;ug to round up cattle.
Mrs, Ro harts and Misees Jean rind 2lr. John Parsons has put a founrbt-
\9tu'iel ]Ticks, of :Mitchell, spent Son- tine finder his, house and otherwise
day the guests of Mrs, A: Darling.' improved It,
Stanley \, uu1tr hpttcrntaker, \]ensu. Harry Coates—Earl Mit-
has retul'•ncd to hls 110rnc in Wood-
stock, -where itc. has secured a good
Mrs. T JJprns 51)11114 a week with,
her rlaughtcr, A,frs. Flanagan, in Mc-
l il! 713
515]1 anti Stanley :lfitchell have re-
turned from thit \\.c.41u'n harvest
Jas, Robertson, Clinton, has pur-
chased S. Flyun's barber businiess in
Centralia., .. -
i t.
9,11 i h
II!mlmmllil m,ia�u c ni llfll III Illiilml (mltllm5fitil
Save her many
fatiguing miles
What more welcome
Xinas Gift for your wife
or mother than an ex-
tension telephone?
The time and strength
used in running up and
down stairs to answer
or make telephone calls
can be better employed.
Extension telephones
cost only $1.24 a month!
The charge for install-
ing is only $1.00'. They
are a wonderful con-
If you order now, we
can install an Extension
telephone for Christmas.
ByatyBallTatephoncis 1
Lon` L1I fanee Slalion
Under the auspices of
The Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary
Fri ay, Nov. 30.
In the vacant store in the Daly Block
Useful articles, homemade candy and
cooking for sale
Afternoon tea served from 3:30 Doors open at 3 p.m.
Only 38
—Two immatures who knew just what mother should do—
If yo;i re young and want to stay young::
If you're old and want to b'e young—
If you're young, but don't feel young --
Be sure to see this delightful College Town comedy.
"May MacAvoy and Robert Agnew are the twins (aged 18). Lois
Wilson is the widow (only 38), Elliott Dexter is the College Prof.
and George Fawcett is Grandpa.
A Picture that carries a message for parents and children alike
and does 0 in a deliciously humorous way.
DR; H. HUGH ROSS, Physician
and Surgeon. Late of London
Hospital, Landon England. Special
attention to diseases
of the eye,car,
nose and throat. Office and resid-
ence behind Dominion Bank. 001.,:c
P11une No. 5, Residency Phone 106,
D. F. J.. BURROWS, ileaforth..Of.
fice and residence, Goderich Street,
east of the Methodist Church, Cor-
' oner for the County of Huron. Tel.
5911001( No. 40,
Best Imported Holland Bulbs
HYACINTHS 50e to $1.50 per doz.
TULIPS (Mixed)
CROCUS (Mixed)
TUBEROUS BEGONIAS (Mixed) $1.00 per doz,
Send for Complete List including Roses and Shrubs.
449 River Road
40c per doz.
50c per doz.
15c per doz,
Canada's Largest Retail Grocers,
"We Sell To Satisfy."
We are regularly receiving fresh
supplies of Christmas goods and
we would advise you to put in a
supply. Our prices are right and
we can save you money.
Only 4 more weeps before
Christmas. Get Your Supplies in
FLAKES 3 Pkts. 5 C
Nearly 3,000 stores in Ontario
and Quebec.
Why not give a box of Groc-
eries for a Christmas present --
Ask the Manager.
CITRON PEEL - - 65c lb.
Aunt Dinah MOLASSES lie
EXTRACTS (Lemon, Almond
SINGAPORE PINE- •fit and Vanilla) 2 oz. 9c 1.1 25c
APPLE No, 2 tin +tom
Shelled Walnuts (halves) 49c lb
CROWN; SYRUP/, <ry Broken - - - - 39c Ib
5 lb; tin "'ii°•e�
Maraschino CHERRIES 19c
Mountain Crest
1(g.Tins A PEAS y
CHEF SAUCE, Imported 25e
SHORTENING per lb, 22c
CHOCOLATE 54 1b, 14c
zA Ib. 23c
It Well Deserves 1b, d! 'to
a trial. You'll come again.
D.S.L. Baking Powder 1 lb 19c
Choice Valencia 15 c�
New BRAZIL NUTS 30c lb.
Cowan's Instant s�
COCOA 34 Ib. tin 23c
Just Add Boiling Water,
Special Blend COFFEE 39c Th.
CRISCO for Frying, for Short-
ening, for Cake making,.
1 lb. 29c ' . 3 lbs. 83c
For ' Breakfast try CREAM yof
4 lbs, 25 C
Mayfield Machine Sliced
Its Delicious d lb5 �+ 4 16; Ttn RASPBERRY OR
CURRANTS (Choice) 20c Ib JAM C+
15 -oz Pkt. Seeded or -''_' - — —.. :_
Seedless Raisins We have a: good assortment c f
— _... ... .. CANDY
Kisses, Jelly Beans,Humbugs,
LEMON andAruit Strings -
ORANGE PEEL Ib, , � Champion Creams, ib, 25 C N
icians and Surgeons, Goderich St. •
opposite Methodist church, Seaforth,
SCOTT, Graduate Victoria and Ann
rbor, and member of Ontario Col.
'lege of Physicians and Surgeons,
Coroner for County of Huron.
MACI23AY, honor graduate Trinity
('niversity, Gold medallist, Trinity
Medical College, Member of Col.
lege of Physicians and Surgeons,
Nose and Throat, Grad
Medicine University of Toront,
Late Assistant New' York Op
nth:. and Aural Institute, Moorefet
Eye. and GoldenSquareThroat.Hos-
pitals, London, England. At
Commercial Hotel, 'Seaforth,
third Wednesday in each month.
from 11 a.m. to 3 pan. 53 Waterloo
street, South, Stratford. Phone 267,
, Licensed in Iowa and Michigan. Spe-
cial attention todiseases of women.
and children. Consultation free, Of-
fice over lintbaclt's drug store. Suc-
cessor to Dr. Geo. J. Heileman:
Tuesday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
General Fire, Life,
Piccident & Automobile
vnd Dealer in Singer Sewing Machina
James Watson
North Main St. SEAFORTH, ONT
Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
Jas. Connolly, Goderich, President;
James Evans, Beechwood, Vice Pres-
ident; Phomas Hays, Seaforth, Sec:
D, F. McGregor, R. R. 3, Seaforth;
John G. Grieve, R. R. 4, Walton; W.
Rion, R. R. 2, Seaforth; John Ben -
newels, Brodhagen; Robert Ferris,
R. R. No. 1, Blyth; ;Malcolm McKeon.
Clinton; G. McCartney, R. R. No, 3.
Seaforth; James Connolly, Goderich;
Jas. Evans, Beechwood.
\let. -Leitch, h R. No. 1, Clinton; E.
Tlinehlcl Seaforth; J. A. Murray, R..
R. No3, Seaforth; J. V, Yeo.
Holnlesville; It G. latmoutlt, Born-
holm. James Kerr and Jahn (lover-.
lock, Seaforth, auditors.
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or transact other business will be
proutplty- attended to by application
to any of the above officers addressed
to their respective postolFcea.
Desirable Douse
To the person seeking a comfort-
able home close to stores, churches,
and schools, and still be in the
country, this residence is splendidly
located, being less than a mile front
Seaforth postoffice. The property
consists of eight acres of land, a good
frame house with seven rooms and
woodshed, hard and soft water; good
stable' with cement flooring; fine or-'
chard. Possession can be given im-
mediately. Further information may
be obtained' at THE NEWS OFFICE.
Your O 1 cI
Carpets Away
They make new rever-'
sible"Velvetex" Rugs,
Send for Velvetec Folder 2
li155113013, 01'i',
Highest prices paid, Max \\'olsh,
phone 178, Seaforth,