HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1923-11-15, Page 8VELE EIGI-a • VARNA. r. -,We are sorry toe;t-eport \1t-. Juhin Marshall. Babylon line, had the ,utis- fortnne to fall down stairs recently. Miss Beetty, of London, in com- pany with kir, and Mrs, ,\lc:\ah, spent a hanksgtviitg in our midst. Mr, John Johnston,. of Bannock-. ,burn, has his new housealmost cum- pleted, which is of modern style and very neat and attractive. .A11 that is necessary to make this huhu: com- plete is a to\V lice ornamental trees unto a good singing bird. Mrs. L. Beatty attended the funeral of her aunt, i\'11Ss 3Margaret -Lincoln, whu was ruler to teat on tuesday last. A. of Vit, John's church in- tent celebrating their 2.ath anuivers-. ary by miming a suctal evening on 'inursuay the lath. A lecture ou the Atorth country with lantern suites will ;be given by the pastor, Rev.Jr, Coi- clough, at the cruse of which, lunch. will ue served, 1ne tee will be in ac- cordance twit mite age of tine \\',A, e. Everyone eel unxe. .. ibir. '4V m. Lugant, in company with his sister 1';,•e, motored to tJuugan- non ittesda'motoredlast, Armistice day was observed by the morning service in St. James church. Mr. George Ptlgruu, ut Dungan-' tion spent lnanksgivutb anis his par- ents here, There was a large uumher trout Varna and surrounding Country- who attended the fowl supper ill Bayne„;, which was held Thursday even eg last. After ,partaking „i a wail -pr,,,• pared supper all sat totc0 to ',:;ten to a good programme. Mr. and Mrs. Ligan spent the ;week end in t,oderich, Miss Metcalf, of \iingllain, is the guest of Miss Mabel McLinchey, Bast field ty- field road. Mr. Lloyd Vanstone, Oh ]tis return from Saalatchewan, called on his sis- ter Annie of this place. KIPPEN Mr. \\4n. Doig, from fort Huron;' was home for the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. R. :1. Lundy spent' banksgiviitg at Port Albert. Mr. R. McLean,-ai \\-ingltam. was a week -end guest with his parents, Air. anti Mrs. J. B. McLean. Mr. Wm. Sproat, ;rum London, was a visitor over the week -end at home.' Rev. R. A. Lundy took the services' at Egmondviile on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, P Bywey, who have been spending three weeks with their daughter, Mrs. Jno. Calvert. Ilderton,', have returned home. Mr. Jas. Mustard lust a fine cowl last week. Mr. Allan 1 ishei, of Hanover, was: spending Thanksgiving with his mo -i ther, Mrs. P. Fisher. Mr. Jas. Mclean has got a new Chevrolet coupe. Mr. Jas. Upshall from Flint. Mich is home over the holiday ; Mr. R -ileClyntont, Toronto was visiting his parents aver Thanksgiv-t Mg. Mr. Frank Graham from London! was a visitor in the village over the 1 holiday. 1 Quite a tett "i the sports spent Thanksgiving out shooting. W.M.S. Thankoffering, —Thr W.M, S. held their thankofferiug on Sun- day umday when Miss Rattie of Toronto gave a fine address on home missions and the work they are doing. The women of the society took the ser- vices. .Mrs. Jas. 11. McLean sang a solo, also a duet by Miss Jean Mc- Lean and Mrs. Juo. Henderson. Re- ports were read by Mrs. Jas, Fin- layson. president: Miss Jean McLean, secretary; Mrs. Jas. Mustard, treas- urer; Mrs. Phos, Kyle, strangers' secretary; Miss Jennie Chesney, 11- brary secretary; Mrs. Alex, Monteith, Home Helper; secretary; Mrs. J. A. McGregor, Messenger secretary, and Mrs. Jas. B. McLean, supply secre- tary. The collection amounted to .$110. The W.M.S. meld their November meeting last Wednesday afternoon at the 3uhome of Mr. Andrew hell. bliss Jean hitLean was in London one day last week. Quite a few attended, the fowl sup- per in Hensall last Thursday evening, Mr. nd Mrs. Geo. Forest, London, spent over the week -end at the home of Mt, and :ors. Jas Mustard. The Proven Asthma Remedy. Since asthma existed there has been nr, lack of much heralded remedies, but they have proved short iived and worth- less. The ever-growing reputation of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy has given it a place in the field of medicine which no other can ap- proach. It has never been pushed by sensational methods, but has simply gone on effecting relief and making new converts. Sure! High Heels Cause Corns But Who Cares Now Because style decrees that women crowd and buckle up their tender toes lit high heel footwear thoy ander from corns, then they cut' and trim at these painful pests .which merely makes the corn grow hard, This suicidal habit MY cause lockjaw and women are warned t0 stop it. pA few drops of a drug called !retie - one applied directly upon a sore corn -Owes quick relief and soon the entire torn, root and all, lifts out without lain. Ask the drug store man for matter of an ounce of treezono, which: ...oats, very little but is sufficient to re. nova'every hard or soft cora or callus 'Pen one's feet. en This drug is an ether compound and .lsiea In a moment and ,simply shrivele tp the corn without! iinilaanin :or even -`,hating the snrroundiasg . tissue cr. t !tin. Clip We out and pia on your dressmr. LONDES'BORO, Master .Harold Johnston spent Thanksgiving under the parental roof. Has many friends' are pleased to have hitt; their midst again. Miss Jewel Grainger returned home last week after visiting relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hibbert and klrs. Hill, of Auburn, spent the week- end at the 'home of .lir. Fred John- ston. 11is, Alice Voddert reterued home last week from London,, where she has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Rose, and was accompanied- by her sister,' Marjorie,, who has been there since the summer holidays, Mr. and Mrs. David. Bean, of Car- low. spent the week-etid with the lat- ter's parents, Mir, and airs, William ,Addison. Mr. and Mrs, Will ramblyn and daughter, ut l'oronto, arc spending the 'holiday with the fortner's mother, hirs. John 'I'amhiyti, and other rela- tives, Mr. aud Mrs. trooper and see, of Kirkton. spout Thanksgiving with Mrs. Hooper's parents, Jar. and Mrs, James Elsley. air: Benson 1'yetvnan. of Seaforth, called tin his sister. Mrs. Janes Fair service, and ether friends in the vil- lage. Jfr, Harry Riley has had his house raised and a new foundation built. which adds um ch to its appearance. The. fowl supper was, as usual, a grand sur.cess, the )irneeeds amount- ing to ;:465. The programme was cxreedingli good. The Seaforth Male Quartette supplied a goodly part of the musical prograrntne, and the Misses Reil, of Harlock gave a i number of violin selections. which [tete well rendered. Several good le - citations were given. both in the bemorous and the inure serious rein. The ladies of Lundeahorr, and vein- itt- are to be congratulated for the; bountiful tables of good things., Every person enjoyed the whnie evening- to the fullest .extent. 1seelleitt for Croupy Children.— IA hen a child is suffering with croup t4 it is a good plan to use Dr. Thomas' F. lectric Oil. 'It reduces the inflam-' 'nation and loosens the phlegm giv- ing speedy relief to the little sufferer. It is equally reliable for sore throat and chest, earache. rheumatic pains, cuts and sprains, Dr. Thomas Ec- lectrie Oil is regarded by many_ thousands as an indispensable .,.1 the family medicine chest. CROMARTY. The weather has been tine for those enjoying the holidays of the Thanks- gicing time. Several from here attended the soc- ial at Elimville, Mr. Donald McKinnon, who has taken a position in Hensel', called on friends in the village an Thanksgiving Day. Mr. aud Mrs. James Scott spent Monday and Tuesday with relatives in Bright. Mrs. Donald McKellar Sr., return- ed home from a months stay with re- latives near Carlingford, after under- gu!nse another optical operation in Stratford hospital by Dr. Forster, which has been more successful than anticipated, as the sight has been par- tially. restored. Mrs. Donald McKellar, of the vil- lage, .pent the 'Thanksgiving holiday term with friends in Stratford and (=alt. Mrs. Pile hail the pleasure of a visit from several friends who motor- ed from Parkhill on Tuesday. The children's choir at the Sunday morning service and again at the Thanksgiving service on Monday night was a great delight to ail pre- sent at each gathering, They sang two extra selections at each service and the deportment of the children on each occasion was indeed very commendable. Jivs. hicCulIocl'c. of Guelph, was a last week visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John McCulloch. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd and Mr Leem- ing of Walton visited on Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Haughton. Miss Olive Hackney of Thames Road called on friends here on Mon- day eitrnute to Seaforth where she entered as a probationer in the Sea - forth hospital. Mrs. Tufford who was taken ill on Sunday of last week and under the doctor', rare is slowly improving. Mrs. file is able to he about after I ier recent illness. Mrs, Donald McKellar, Sr„ is con- talecing at the home of her daugh- ter. Mre, Geo. Wallace, Carlingford, atter her recent optical operation at Stratforrh. Mr. Donald McKinnon of this vic- inity, a highly respectable young mean, has taken a position in Hensall. We regret that he is leaving the placeas the young people are few enottgb. Ile was treasurer of the C.E..Society and . will be, badly missed. Two sten from the 'Bottthron firm in Hensall have been giving .splendid satisfaction here in altering and re- pairing a few furnaces. Messrs. Ott Walker and Lorne --.Speare arrived home from the West where they have been spending some Mrs. Robertson has returned from St., Thomas where she has been spending a few weeks at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Horton. lfiss Ethel Chittick has returned to her home near Granton after a Iwo weeks' stay with relatives here. Miss Irene Walker spent a few days with relatives in ILondon re- cently. THE SEAFORTH i vIJS BRUCEFIELD. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ham and baby son o1 Hamilton, have returned home after visiting relatives here, The Misses Mabel and Mildred Thomas, of Lott(1'n, spent Thanks- giving .week -end with, bit. and. hirs.. if tt ry Collins. Mr: and Mrs. Andrew Mtitti eek and family, of Detroit, spent Thanksgiv- ing with Mr.. and Mrs. Robert Murdock. The Misses Bele and Alice Beattie, o1 Clinton, spent Monday with Mrs. Scott, Sr., and Miss A. Beattie, The Choral Society,' which meets each Monday evening, continues ,to have a splendid attendance, although several members have withdrawn in anticipation of the coming winter weather. Several new members have already been enrolled and it is ex- pected that in a short tune the meg- Mat number will be reached, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Bozata, of Detroit, are guests at the home of Mr, and ivirs. Robert Murdock. :bir. Bozata, who is the possessor of a splendid voice. sang a mast enjoyable solo at the morning service -nn ,tuulay last, while in the evening' a fate duet was rendered by Miss Jean AMurdoek and Mr. Bozata, aecompan ted by Mus: Pearl Douglas. Miss Fauuy Mac ts.einzie is nursing at the haute of bit..\• shrew Hess, of Zurich, KIPPEN ROAD Mr, Wesley Nichols, of Hensall, who spent the strainer months in the West has returned home and has been assisting Mr, Albert Alexander with his fall work the pa -t week. • There t assrl awa v on the i th con- cession on Nov, 8th, Mr. J. Brewster ' at the home- of his daughter, Mrs, Annie Taylor. bit. Brewster had • been ailing Inc some tie and in spite f loving care, passed away at noon on '1'bursday last His wife prede- ceased him a number of years ago and. the surviving members are Mrs. Peter Dale, bit:. Annie M'aylor, James am Joseph Brewster. The funeral Was held on Saturday, interment being in Lgmondville cemetery. Mss (=rate Ross. school teacher of No,'), spent Thanksgiving visit tag friends in Loudon. Death of William Grummett. -- Al resident ,f Tuckersntitit for the last thirty-four years passed away at nit, home on Friday, November 9th, aged seventy --two years and seven months, in the person of Mr, William Grum- mets Mr. Grummett had been in fail - mg health the past two months from a complication of diseases. Born in the little village of Norton, Hertford- shire, England, he came out to this country when eighteen years of age, to iive in Goderich township at Clin- ton, where he learned the stone mas- 0t1 trade with John 0, Elliott, of that township. He was the only member of his family to come out from the old country, the other members of. which have predeceased him, Irl 1880 he was married to Miss Martha Matilda Izzard, eldest daughter of the late Joseph Izzard, of Goderich township, and they went to live on the -8th concession of Hibbert, nine rears later moving to lot 4, conces- sion 7, Tuckersmith, where they have since lived. Four Children survive,. Shelston, Wesley, Percy and Maude, and two children died in infancy. The funeral was held on Sunday afternoon from his late residence to Maitland - bank cemetery, the services being conducted by Rev. T. H. Brown, of St. Thomas' Anglican church, Sea- forth, to which faith Mr. Grummett- held rummettheld all his life. The pall -,bearers were Messrs, Peter McKay, Geo. -Bell, Wil- liam Wright, Robt, C. Doig, Wm. Archibald, Montgomery Patrick, all of Tuckersmith. Worms, however generated, are found in the digestive tracts, where they set up •disturbances detrimental to the. ,health of the child, There can be no comfort Inc the little notes until the hurtful intruders have been expelled, An excellent preparation for thispurpose can be had in Mill- er's Worm Powders, They will im- mediately destroy the worms and correct the conditions that were fav- orable to their existence. BAYFIELD. Messrs- JM. Davison and 12. Me - Hoot have returned front Milestone; Sask. Messrs. Jno, and Clarence Pollock hae'e returned after spending the sunnier in Manitoba. Mr. Chas. Parker has returned from. the West, where he spent the sum- mer months. The funeral of the late Mrs, Wil- son, a former resident of Bayfield, but latterly of Clinton, was held at the Bayfield cemetery on Tuesday. Rev, J. H. McLeod is a Landoll visitor. Miss lzzetta Merner, of New Dun- dee, spent Thanksgiving with her parents, Mir, and Mrs, Ed, Merner. Mrs. !Dc-.) Wright has returned to her home in Tottenham. btr, and Mrs. Wm. Sturgeon and fancily spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Sturgeon's parents in Alliston, Airs. G. W. Wands and Miss Nan motored to Courtright for Thanks - Mr. Jim, Davison spent the week- end with his family. Dr. and Airs. Metcalf left on Mon- day morning for their home in De- troit, :Messrs. P. Weston and John Cam- eron left on Saturday for Los An- geles, Calif. - MMr, and Mrs. R. Elliott were Gade- rich visitors. The Proven Asthma Remedy. Since asthma existed there has been no lack of much heralded remedies, but th-y have proved short lived and worthless. The ever-growing reputa- tion of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy has given it a place in the field of medicine which no other can approach. It has never been pushed by sensational methods, but has simp- ly gone on effecting relief and mak- ing new converts. Miller's Worm Powders will clear the stomach and bowels of worms, so that the child will no more be troubl- ed by theit ravages. The powders are sweet to the, taste and no childwill okjesp to taking them,, They are non- injurious in ;their composi'tion,and while in some cases they may cause vomiting, that must not .be taken as a sign that they are nauseating, but as an indication' of their effective BORN. 1Iel.ti01), At ltaylieicl on Tuesday, Nov. nth, 1923, `.10 Mr. end Mrs, Louis McLeod, 'a son. MARRIED. CHAPMAN-PETTIGRE\Y. -- On Saturday; Nov. 10th, 1923, by Rev, Mr. Foreman, ddfildred Pettigrew, youngest daughter of Mrs, Petti- grew, and the late Mr, 'Pettigrew;. Bridgebtirg, to Alonzo D. Chapman, Bridgeburg, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E, Chapman, Seaforth. DIED. GRlib1METT,--Itis .1'uckersnnith, on .Friday, November 9th, 1923, \Vil- 7 m lianl.oGnths,rumnnett, aged 72 years and HARLOCK. Ret. Mr, Abrey intends holding a meeting in the school house on Thursday evening, when he will show by lantern slides and speak on "The Buffaloes of Canada." bir.' and NB's, David Bean, of Au- burn. spent Simday with her mother, Mfrs. Wm. Addison.. Mrs, J. Dyson, of Egmundville, is spending some time 'with her niece, Mrs. Geo. lZnox, Jr, Miss Ann Hamilton, of Toronto Normal, is spending Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hamilton. blaster Arthur ( ,t!lisun is sporting a Shetland pony and buggy to match, aliases Hilda and Florence 'Wil- liams, of Toronto, are visiting their mother, bir, Albert Trewin, over the week -end. Aiiss Ella Aemstt tng. of Constance, spent the week -end with Miss Flor- ence Knox. McKILLOP. Doti"; Young People's Society met art the evening of Nov, 9th at 8 p.m., with the first vice-president, Scott ua account Ferguson, in the chair, on t of gut the absence of the president. Follow- ' the opening Byron, the Scripture was read by 5, Ferguson. The topic, "Thanksgiving Spirit" was given by Helen McKercher with reading on the topic by Tilly Storey, Questions were answered by James Hogg, Frank Hogg. and Mr, Ferguson. The meet - ung was closed by repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison. The following is the report of S.S. No. 7, McKillop, for October, Sr, 1V. -Geo. Lute (hon.). Alex. t'lark, Jr. ll --diva Scariest thou,}, Effie Balfour. Sr, [il.---Grace :Somerville, Hilda Stewart, Billie Thamer. Jr. III -- Ross Driscoll, Orval Holmes Arthur Balfour, Sr. 11. --- Dorothy Driscoll (hon), Helen Somerville, Dorothy. Somer- ville. Sr 1. Geo. Taylor thon.). Grace Perdue t hon.) 1'r, -Wallace - Shannon thou,), Vtra1- ter Somerville, ---E. M. Little, 'teacher, NORTH McKILLOP. Nearly all ,nu' young teachers and students from the Normal schools attd colleges were home for Thanks- giving. The last ninthly meeting of the Ladies' Aid of Bethel church was held at the home of Mrs. Thomas Leeming, Jr. There was a good at- tendance, John Holder has bought the acre of land formerly owned by George Roe and latterly by Wm. Kistner, There is a small dwelling house, well and heti house on 'the premises. William Toll, of Harlock, paid George Munn a visit on Sunday last. Five years ago last Sunday, I was in Toronto. At 3 o'clock in the morning I ryas awakened by a great commotion. Factory whistles were screaming, the siren at the City Hall was making lots of noise, the chimes in St. James' cathedral were ringing prettily, besides other noises too nu- merous to mention. Shortly after daylight I went over to Yonge street, which was full of people. Along came auto trucks loaded with 'boys shout- ing as loud as they could, and after thein carryalls packed with girls, singing. laughing and waving Union Jacks. Hundreds of salvationists, then and women, paraded the streets singing "Keep the Homes Fires Burning." People from upstairs win- dows showered down talcum and confetti on people passing. It was a happy throng that day. WALTON, The Red Cross Society sent a Thanksgiving treat to the wounded apitand l disabled soldiers in Toronto hos- Joseph Carter, and family have moved into their house which was placed on his premises last spring. Mrs. W. Dennison has gone to Preston to spend the winter with her son, James, Mrs, A. Gardiner is having a few holidays with relatives in Usborne. The Indiandoctor is doing quite a business in the village and surround- ing country. Dr. McIntyre, dentist of Blyth, ex- pects to visit our village the 1st and 3rd, Tuesdays of each month as soon as he can make further arrangements. We are sorry to hear that Mr. Ald- en McGavin, of Leadbury, is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. A. Welts, of Landes - bora, spent last Sunday in our burg. Mr. W, G. Clark had two Ameri- can oil -burners placed in his range and furnace lately, which will help to solve the fuel problem. Thanksgiving and Armistice Day passed off quietly in our village. A few sports w=ent hunting wild game and automobile touring the surround- ing districts. Mr. T. Scarlett and Mr. Noble, of Toronto, •spent the week -end with Mr. FredScarlett, of Leadbury. Powerful Medicine, ---The healing properties in six essential oils are concentrated in every bottle of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, forming one of the most 'beneficial liniments ever of- fered io the use of man, Many can testify as to its power inallaying pain, and many morecancertifythat they owe their health to it, Its won- derful power is not expressed by the small price at which it sells. DUBLIN, 'air, Horn aud son of Mitchell, call- ed on friends in town on Monday. Mrs. Lawrence Beale and two chil- dren spent Th.utksgiving the guest of Mrs, ('. Beale, bit, Harry Beale, of ;Montreal, spent the week -end the guest of his mother and sister, Miss Maty McConnell, of ' 1.,ottdoi1, spent' Thank;'giving at the home of her parents, Air. and :bars, I). McCou- nell• Mrs. \tint, Evans, of (;alt; is visit- ing her sister, Lisa 'Maggie Hot an, for a few clays Dunt forget the concert to be held in the Dublin public sschoolthis. Fri- day evening, \L•. Lew, Evans returned to To- ronto after a pleasant visit with his mother, Mrs. P. Evans. Miss Ruth •Hilts spent the holiday at her home here. The dance in the opera hall on Friday evening was .a grand success. All reported a good time.. BLYTH. :A sudden death 'took place this week when Mrs. Franklin Baintoi passed away from the effects of a stroke. She had not been in in good health for some considerable time, but her death carte as quite a shock to the community in which has been a general favorite. bb's. Bainton was horn iu Cltesley 40 years ago and spent must of her life that village up to the time she married bit. Rainton in 1907, since which time she has been a resident of L'lyth. Since coating ]fere she endeared herself to her friends by her amiable disposition. She leaves her husband, her mother, Mrs. Edward Hope of Chesley, two sisters, and four brothers Service was held at the house H.B. u.e 'b Rev. Hawkins, assisted by Rev, George Telford, after which the remains or. in- terment. C s �• 1 sore re,l t ht..hv were conveyed Police Magistrate Reid, Goderich, held court here on last Wednesday. Robert Powell was driving his car on the boundary 'between Morris and East Wawauoeh recently. Albert \\'hitesides, county constable, was corning behind and blew Itis horn for Powell to let him pass. Mr. Powell claimed he didnot bear the horn. The magistrate assessed Powell $6. Miss Ethel Robinson left for Kirk ton, where she has taken a position with the telephone company. Before her departure she was presented with an address and some pieces of ivory by the young people of Trinity church showing that they appreciate her in their work, HURON NEWS Hensall, Mr. D. A. Cantelon Made a trip to London 'on Tuesday. Miss A. Moore and Miss C. Mitch- ell spent Wednesday in London. Miss Emma Dickson has accepted a position in the postoflice. Mrs. J. Keyes is visiting her daugh- ter at Streetsville. Mr. E, Shaddock and Mr. 11. Hog- garth have returned from the West, Miss Gladys Petty visited friends in Toronto. Mr, Andrew'Lamntie, of Detroit, Mich., was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Case. Miss N. Carmichael and Miss 13. Ashton visited friends in Stratford. Mr. Clarence Munn, of Toronto, visited with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. Munn. Mr. Chas. Shaddock has returned from a trip to the West. Mr. Wm. Fairbairn is out again af- ter suffering an attack of scarlet fever, Miss Eva Stone who has been for the past few months in . London. is visiting' at her Bonn. ifr, J, Passmore and Mr, R. Bell have gone an a deer hunting trip. Mrs, J. Zeufle and Master Clare, who have been visiting in Windsor, have returned home. The conundrum tea in the basement Mr, Hugh McEwen has returned. from a trip to the Canadian West, and from Vancouver and Seattle to San Francisco and Los Angeles where he visited for a short time. He came through the United States, touching at Salt Lake City, Denver and Chi- cago and then up into Canada. Mr. McEwen enjoyed the trip very much and the change of climate agreed with him. The death occurred in London on Monday last, of Cecil Robert, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Munn, lot 16. concession 3, Hay. The young chap was only eight years of age and took lockjaw as the result of an in- jury received while playing at school, He was taken to the, hospital in Lon- don on Sunday where medical aid was given but he died early Monday morn- ing. The remains were brought home on Tuesday and the funeral held on Wednesday, interment being made 'u Hensall '[Ini rt centetery. Whether the corn be of old or neve Corn Remover. YORKSHIRES . 6666666.616.11."11661•661116 - '',,,SEAFORTH MARKETS, Wednesday, :Novenher•14111,*' Wheat, per bushel ori Oats, per bushel S5c-40c Batley; per bushel 50c Peas, per bushel `1.45 Shorts, per ton 532,50 Bran, per ton $31,50 Flour, per bag `;3.,i5 to $375 Butter, per lb. 32c to 35c Eggs, per dozen 40c to 42c Potatoes, per bag 75c Hogs, per cwt. $7,75 FOR SALE. Six S.P. Rock cockerels, and 1 year old cock _J. \\r: Pants best bred -to - lay stock. These are from trap -nest- ed imported stock. W. 'J, •WIL- LI McIS Box 357Seaforth. f t (47) WANTED. Keeper and matron (man utd wife) to take charge of ;the Huron County Home and farm connected therewith, near Clinton, Applications, personal preferred, to he made to' the undersigned. up to 1Jec. 3rd, 1923. No application neces- sarily accepted, JOHN TORRANCE, Inspector County Home. ;Clinton, Ont, (48) AUCTION SALE. Of Farm, Stock. The undersigned will offer for sale by public auction the following at Lot 7, Con. 1, Hullett, on Friday, Nor. 16th, 1923, at 1.30 o'clock. Horses --1 bay mare rising 4 years; 1 bay horse rising 7 years; 1 Chest- nut horse rising 9 e<r • 1 barhorse rising 6 years; 1 bay horse rising 7 years; 1 bay horse rising 7 years; 1 black driving horse 9 years, quiet and reliable. Cattle. -1 Durham cow 5 years old, due to freshen at time of sale; 1 niilch cow, 4 years old; 1 cow 4 years old, newly freshened; 1 cow 3 years old due in March; 1 cove 4 years old with calf by side, due in May; 1 far- row cow; 4steers 1 year old; 3 heif- fers 1 year old; 4 spring calves. Hogs -2 young sows, 4 chunks, Hens -50 Barred Rock hens year old; 40 Barred Rock pullets; 25 cedar corner posts: 1 bean harvester with attachments. Terms of Sale ----All sums of $10 and under, cash. Over that amount 12 months' credit on approved joint notes with a discount of six per cent. for cash. Auctioneer's decision shall be final in all disputes. Positively no reserve. ROBERT MCFARLANE, ORVAL i'IIILLIPS, Proprietors. John M. Stalker, Auburn, auct. I have for sale some young boars of the improved bacon type and they should make grand sires for anyone wanting something .in this line, and I am pricing them much less than the big breeders, for quick sale. Get on the phone, or better still, come and see them. Also I have a young hog which was purchased at Toronto Exhibition. His sire took 2nd. Prize in 14 mos, old class in heavy competition there this year. A limited number of young sows up to 300 lbs. in weight will he taken. this fall, at $1.50' each, payable at time of 'service with privilege of returning if .necessary. Any one leaving sows will be charged extra for feed. Apply to „ JONATHAN HUGILL Lot 23, Con. 1, H.R.S. Tuckersmith 3 miles west of Seafotit Phone. 13-616. Want and For Sale Ads, 3 times, 50c THURSDAY, NOV, 1,5, 192 • /Lc "Ready?" Click! And the picture is yours to keep. KODAKS $6.50 up Brownies $z,00 up We do our own finish- in—weknowiisri ht. g t'sright. us your films, J. DAJ F. Jeweler Look Your Best 'Che rule of the road Is "Keep to the Right." 'The rule of the maid, "Keep yourself bright." If you want to keep young And Time's ravages stop, Talk it over with us At the Central ,Barber Shop Our Bonilla Massage will keep your face young. Does wonders for the skin. Men who shave themselves es- pecially need these massages. Come in and have one today. `fir E A vi. T ei i L Barber Shop W. W. ROBINSON, Prop. VelanaliallIENZIOMISMINIZMINIUMMINEEMBIANSW Ladles' Overcoats CLOTHES OF QUALITY, FEATURING "MISS CANADA" and "MISS CHADWICK". MAN -TAILORED ULSTER OVER- COATS FOR LADIES. Made to Order Only. "MISS CANADA." A two -button single breasted model, with all round belt and all round strap on sleeves. Both belt and straps are finished with eyelets and leather buckles. Sleeves are "set in" and the box pleat feature in centre of back is repeated on pockets, which are finished with fancy flap and three leather buttons. This coat is three-eighths lined with Marquis de Luxe in shades to match. "MISS CHADWICK." A two -button double breasted style, fea- turing Raglan sleeves with all round cuffs, and inverted pleated back with inverted pleat patch pockets. The all round belt is finished with eyelet holes and leather buckle. while pockets have fancy flap fasten- ing with one leather button. Like "Miss Canada" this coat is three- eighths lined with Marquis de Luxe, PRICES •$32 UP. MY WARDRO E EN=MUR The Special Milverton Flour We Have it --Give it a Trial. Also. Ground Screenings ehojs of Ail Kinds CG. T MSt GRAN DEALER PHONE 25 Reaeseeelasteersistraussemereeleese Seaforth Gana e Auto Tires and Tubes We have on hand a Complete Linc of Tires and Tubes, all sixes, Best on the Market. Let us supply your, needs on Auto Cylinder Lubricating Oils: and Greases.. We handle nothing but the best and can supply you with oils of proper viscosity to suit your motor, Also stock a complete line of most -called .for parts ,of various autos. If you are in need of a new Battery, or if you have a Battery to be repaired, give us a call. BATTERY CHARGING OXY-ACETYLINE WELDING EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING A SPECIALTY, Get into the, habit of patronizing us. We want to servoy uo, and serve you well JOHN REGIER MAXWELL AND CHALMERS DEALER. PHONE 167W WelHave Installed a telephone for night calls -167J 9;