HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1923-11-15, Page 5THURSDAY; NOV, 15, 1923: Felt Shoes 'If you are bothered with cold feet at this season of the year, you'll find great comfort in a pair of our -FELT SHOES. We have a complete assortment of Felt Shoes in 'all the best styles for Men, Women and Children at very close prices, A few of our lines in much demand these days are:— Women's Black Felt Shoes, all wool felt uppers, flexible leather soles, sizes 3 to 8, fora „ $3,00 a pair. Women's Felt Shoes with uppers foxed with softkidleather, white fleece lined, sizes 3 to 8, for $3.50 Men's Black Felt Shoes, uppers of pure wool felt and flexible .leather soles, sizes 6 to 11, for $3,50 a pair,, Mena Black Felt Shoes with uppers foxcd with soft td leather, r white fleece lining, per pair ', .. , .... . , .. , , , , , , , $4,50 Felt Slipper for house wear -all styles, many colors, for $1.00 a pair up s Worafr CENTRAL TFORD, ONT. pares young nien and .young women for Business, which is 'now Canada's greatest profes- sion. We assist graduates to positions and they have a prac- tical training which enable, C t with success. them to meet Stu - Jenks are registered each week. Get our free catalogue and learn srinletllwp about oto dif- ferent departments. D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal. issastemsamameacesissistinneemeanzemeactinesema W.J. Walker &, Son UNDERTAKING —and-- EMBALMING and—EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment. W. J. WALKER, holder Go- vernment of G vernment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished, Night or day phone 67. STOP! LOOK! LISTEN', CREAM WANTED We are not only a Cream Market for you but we are Also a Large Dairy Industry in Your Community. We respectfully solicit Your Cream. OUR MOTTO: Guaranteed Accurate Weights and Tests. Courteous and Prompt Service. Highest Market Values, CREAM GRADING: A difference of 3 cents per Ib. Butter Fat will be paid between No. 1 and No. 2 Cream. en.sIl•!i FeR eREAM Cash Paid to Any Patron Wishing it When Cream is Delivered, Creamery Open Wednesday and Saturday Evenings. Seaforth Creamery Co, Seaforth, Ont, C. A. BARBER, Mgr. You Can t ec the Greatest i Economy from a Chevrolet ISE experience of Hundreds of thousands of owners everywhere has proved conclusively that Chevrolet has set a new standard of econo- mical, personal transportation. You too can enjoy the fullest motoring com- fort, coupled with the greatest economy if you. choose Chevrolet for your next automo- bile. Chevrolet is the world's lowest .priced fully. equipped motor car. It is also the lowest of any car in cost of operation and mainten- ance. Ittakes less gasoline, oil and tire wear per mile. See for yourself the sensational values of- fered by Chevrolet in comfortable, reliable, economical motoring by having us give you -a demonstration in the model of your choice, • 511(8 Ask About the G.M.A.C. Plan of Deferred Payments. E SURE AND GET OUR PRICES ON PREST-O.-LTTE BAT- TERIES, TIRES OF: ALL MAKES FROM $7,50- UP. a n : r' sw8 ®Seaforth Ct u.-uii.�.siu.�.-uuam,uur++.nuu� IIITTP lka.®.o�nn�ml.o .nim �urer...•tiCf MY1rs, James Acheson, Sr., is visit- ing her brother, Dr, W. Kerr in Elora. Rev, and Mrs, Melvin Keys of Un- ionville, were guests at the hone of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Keys. Mrs, A. Becton has arrived home from the ,hospital. Mrs.. McAsh, Varna, is a visitor at her home here. Mr. Keating has leasecl Mrs. Mur - die's -house on. Goderich street. Messrs, Garnet Sillery and Clay- ton Martin were home from the Lon- THE,pEAFORTi•I NEW Or. D. H. McInnes Chiropractor Of \1'irtghai, will be at'the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, Thursday Afternoons in future, commencing Nov. 22. Diseases of all kinds success- fully treated. , Mr. V\'.Laing, Milverton spent theholiday as his house, ' Mr. Cecil Smith, Tot lo,, was a visitor at his home here. Miss Meth Barton was 'house from Willow Grove over the week -end, Mr, John Hinehley, of the Galt Collegiate staff, was a holiday visitor stent a fete Colbert, London, 14 r. C.t day's in town. Mr. J. Allen was a holiday guest at the home of Din James Sproa 1. i\h, and itits . Beckett and Miss Fieryl Beckett -,f Strathr'oy, spent the holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Box. 11r Malcolm ,Armstrong, l.ucknow, was a visitor at hisat home here. 21r Edward Archibald and Mr. Fred Archibald, Toronto 1'niversity,. spent Thanksgiving .with 21r. and Mrs. Andrew Archibald Misses Grieve and 111 try, of the Collegiate staff, spent the week end ie Toronto. Mr. J. -\Weir, Buffalo, is visiting friends in town , Ml. I issanuette spent a few day with Ins sister in Aylmer, Mrs. J 1I, Hudgins and children Toronto. are guests at the honer of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. 1lendersnn. 11 r. Harvey Bristow. Windsor, spent the holiday al his home. Mr. Gordon Willis, Brampton, spent a sew' days With his parents, .\1r. and Mrs. W. G. Willis. 11r. ,. A Patton. Toronto, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. P. S. S a\aul,d 1 1)1., and Mrs. Fred C I ark tau and, daughter Doris, Toronto, were the guests of the Misses Stephens. Miss Plett. Grimsby, was a week-' end visitor at the home of lir, and, Mrs. J. R. Habkirk. 21iss Johnstone spent Thanksgiving at her home in Exeter. Mr. L. Static 'Toronto spent Thanksgiving with Mrs, A. Stark. i \lis Mary Morleland, of Che. It t, spent the week -end at her house hear Mrs. Cameron, Goderich, wan a guest at the home of A1rs. 1 Patterson. a don Normal for Thanksgiving. at his home Here, Miss Ann Prewer, of St. 'Flilda's College, Toronto, was the guest of Miss Gwen Snowdon over Thaiiiks Mr. Edgar Allen is recovering from anoperation for appendicitis, Miss Beatrice Larkin, of Toronto, and Miss Helen Larkin, of Windsor, are holiday .guests at the iilaiise. Mrs. \but. Hopper is in Wing -ham visiting her sister who is ill. Mr. William Sproat, of Tucker- sntith, is erecting a new barn nit the sight of the one destroyed by lire in September. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph. 'Icl3ride, of Toronto were Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Archibald, Mr. William Greig, of Toronto, Me- dical School, was home for the holidays• Miss Olive Scott, who has been spending' a month with her Miele, Mr, Andrew Scott, returns tins •week to 1 luevale. Miss Mary Stewart, of Toronto U11- iversity, was a holiday guest at the home of her patents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewe rt. Mr, Jas, Kerr is spending Thanks- giving 1'hanks r ul with his family in Toronto. 6 v ,g \ Miss Mart Beil, of London Normal spent the week earl with her parents. Mr, and Mrs. R. 1'. Bell, Dr. Aubrey Ci1eb, Caledonia. was home for the holiday. Hiss Foreman was a visitor at tier home in Granton. ton. Mr. C. R. \leers, 'Waterloo. was a visitor 111 town. Miss Odell spent the week -end at her home in Ingersoll. Miss Erma Brown, Kitchener, is a guest of Mr. and Airs, D. H. Stewart. Mr, and Mrs. W. 11. Willis. Wings. ham. spent the week -end with Mrs. Robert 'Willis. 21r. Lorne [lutchison Was a holiday visitor at the home of attend the funeral.of a cousin. Jus patents, ,lit. and Mrs. I'. D. Hutchison. Miss Mary 'Webster visited friends Miss Madge Stewart, Stratford, was in "mlerich. -o d Miss Ha/•1 Thompson,Brantford. h a week -end guest at the'honte of her p e M d M J A. Stewart. VMS the guest of Miss Hazel Reid. Miss Fran ccs '1ioust.o5, Brantford, was a week e d visitor at the home of her parents M1 and Mrs, S. Houston. -Alrss Lloyd Stratford and lir. Go- ds]) McCormack, Buffalo, were guests of Mrs. C. McCormack. Mr. and Mts. Dunn and Miss Stella Horton, London, were week -end gnests of ?'ir. and Alts I:: L. Box. \Jr. S. Jackson. Chesley, was :a visitor al. his home in Egrnottdville. Air. and Mrs, Tudor Jackson and children, Ripley, were guests of Miss Belle Jackson. Mrs. j: Whaling' and Miss Hahkirk, Stratford, are guests' at the home of Mr. and Airs. E. L. Box. Mr. Leslie Watson, Windsor, was a holiday visitor at the hr,me of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, James Watson, :Bliss Gladys Shillinglaw, Toronto, :\'Ir, Walter Zeigler, of Clifford, was a visitor at the home' AIr. Robert Porterfield. Don't forget the bazaar hi St; Thomas' church on November' 28th. Airs. John A, Wilsonnr is visiting friends in Plattsville. \lr. L. D. Chapman and hisbride spent Thanksgiving at hisJtiitne here, 'T no pct left 7`uenda morning �' sic motor r > r, for a visit 11, \gingham Goderich and. St, Thomas. returning_ cm Saturday lay to their home in Bridgeburg. ST. COLUMBAN. :\ ter:. c successful meeting of the Literary Society was held c n last Friday evening, the first meeting of 1 the year , the officers of which are t follow.: Honorary pies- ! idem Ret. Father l)antzer; press l cut, James ILOUuaid: vice-pres., Tholna: Morris: treasurer, Miss C. Eckart: editor, Louis t>'It'illy: assist, editor, Iosepi, Meladv t committee, \fis Lucy Burke, Mi Hyde, \'in- cent Lane. Gerald Doyle. Mt r Byers and Doyle. are very bt1., it, the Cnlllmtln lt)' sawing d wood and threshing clover. I' , ,McGrath 11r nchu :,est the r n id, h i t at her home here. aaeunl- panni by \fis lhapntail of Strat- ford. \\ e are very pleased to hear that hiss Mildred McGrath, of 'Bamberg. is improving rapidly and hope that it may continue. inybody interested in any k ori o salt should buy now as the market is in a glutted condition in our burg. The fall plowing done and the crops. harvested, the farmers turned out last week and made a few bees in the cemetery and greatly improved its appearance. Misses Mary McQuaid. of Amherst,- Mr. m to i st, Mr. F. I), Hutchison was in I i i towel on Wednesday of this week to I mots t t, an Mrs, .was- a Jessie. \\rtlson, \VaYcrloo, was Mr . -Ernest oust McIntosh,.London, wa. a visitor at her home here. d its A1•:, T • Il• i f•tlily. Strat- a holiday guest at his h tnu, here. Mrs. want y and a t A Thatlksghing dance. s'as gel ford, were guests of Mrs. A. the G \\ \ :A, club rooms on Monday - Westcort with ,t good attendance. Music was Mr, Reid Edmumde, west Lorne, furnished by the Woodstock nr- was a visitor at his hone here. chestra. Mr. George McGavin has leased Miss Swanson, Stratford, visa • I lir. Janes Cowanhouse, formerly friend in town occupied by the late Miss Margam, Mrs. \\ ills. London, "is the guest 'it Miss Eva Love spent the holiday with her parents, -lir. and Mrs. John Love. Mr. and Mrs, Langford Chapman, Goderich, were visitors at his hone here. Miss Gertrude Crich was hone from Port Dalhousie. Mr. Wm. Somerville, Toronto, spent the week -end with his sisters intown. 'ilfr,. P. C. Calder, Toronto, was 8 town visitor. Mr. John Dobie, Loudon, was a nark -end guest at the home of his aunts, the Misses McLennan. Miss Purcell has disposers of her property in Egntoudville to Mr. \Arne, Sinclair. Mr. and .A!l's. T. Healey, spent rhanksgrvi tg with her mother, Mrs. C. AIcColntaok, Mr, George -Rourke, Al,. and Mrs. 1•d. Daley, Margaret and Emerson, cif 1. Walkerton, and Mrs. S. Cudtmtre and • sons, of Usbornc were 'Thanksgiving visitors at the huhu. of Mr, and Mrs. Peter f )alcy. Miss Maty Gillespie• of the Har- 'Ishii) at' Ishii) Collegiate staff, visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Janes Gillespie. Miss Ruth Hamilton, Goderich, was a guest at the Manse, Miss Vera I)ortance, Exeter, spent a few claws at her home in MekCillop. her aunt, Mrs, James McIntosh, Misses Dorothy :mil Florence Welsh, Id eltsall, were in town int Monday. Mr. Ryerson Ilartry, Guelph Col -1 legiate staff, was a holiday visitor atl 1 ,s Hoon - Air. E. llechely. Chicago, is visiting in town. Miss May Pollock, L'aylield, spent the week -end with Miss Mary Laing. Mr. Leslie Bristow, 1)uttdas, Wag a visitor at his home. Mr, and AM's George Stewart spent a few days in Clinton. Miss Reynolds, Waterloo school staff, visited her parents in tigmnnd- ville. Miss Jessie McMillan, Toronto, spent the week -end with her parent,, \Ir, and Mrs. W. McMillan. Miss Grace Kneclttel, Benntiller, was a visitor at her home. Miss Thelma Johnstone Was in Woodstock visiting friends. ;Mr. and Mrs. R.S. IIays and family spent Thanksgiving in Toronto. Mr. 14. Watson, Goderich, was a town visitor. Air, and Mrs. E. ('mbaeh are in Kitchener. Mr. Walker Hart, Stratford, visited his home here. Miss Hazel lilcoat. of t'obourg L : c - Miss tic Stewart, Waterloo, spent legiate Institute staff, and Dr. and 1 the holiday in town. Mrs, Glaticld, \\allacetowu, spent the week -end atthe hone of their father, Mr. Wto L lcaat. Mrs. Wm. Henderson, 1latniiton, is a guest of Mrs. Geo. E. Henderson. Miss Leila Best, Meaford, spent the holiday at her hoose here. Messes. Emmett and Joseph Kelly. \Valkerville, visit'd in town. 1r. and Mrs. 1. K. Davis and ellii- dren, Goderich, spent the week -end J8tSmth a with Mr. and MrsFred Robinson. Miss Jowett, Pott Huron, visitedMiss Vlore -ere 1wier. Mr. Arnold Turnbull, .'itironto Uni- versity, and Miss Ella Turnbull, of the Toronto public school staff, spent Thanksgiving with Mr, and Mrs. G. T. Turnbull Mrs. joint McLeod and family leave this week for Windsor, where McLeod has secured a position. Dr, and DM's. Hartry, of St. Thomas, spent Thanksgiving at the home of itis father, Mr. W. Hartry. Miss Belle Ballantyne. Waterloo, was a visitor at her home 'here. Mr. and firs. Robert Smith, 'Chu - ley, were week -end visitors et the home of llirs, J, Patterson: Miss Lulu Docherty, Toronto, spent the week -end at her home in Egntwuly isle, Mr, and Mrs, R. G. Parke and chil- dren, spent the week -cod with friends in Orangeville. Miss Hazel Winters, Toronto, spent the weer end with her mother, Airs, Robert Winters, Mr. VW Sproat, Western University, London, spent the week -end at his horde here, Miss 'Kate Connolly, Stratford, was a holiday visitor. Miss Ruth Thompson was 'home from Eden over the week end, Miss Beulah Scott, St, Catherines, spent the week -end with her parents in McKillop, Miss Florence Thompson was home. from Toronto. Miss Frances Crich, Alma College, St. Thomas, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Alts. W. A. Crich. 'Mr, Fred Larkin, Wiiadsor, yvas a week -end visitor at the, Manse. � lin L"houtpsin, ileKillop, has leas- ed apartments iii the Edge block sod intends moving into toWn shortly. Dresses! reser! and Children's Wear We were lucky to secure a big lot of samples in Ladies' Dresses and Children's Wear at 50 per cent fess than the actual price and it will be all to your benefit. Ladies „ ,'resses Children'syear A GREAT SALE a In d Thai means that every dress you buy from us in this Sale will be at half' the price it is really worth. The Dresses ar , glade of Tricotine, Gabardine, Serge, Chiffon Silk and Canton Crepe Silk, There are 36 different styles and every one of them is beautifully made anMetzd of latest models. •It. C t e '. i m t i' Seaforth burg„ and Leona Holland. of \Word- C1ij'1sfflaJ) +t gimes north of tiit village, if i ,. Win. Dorsey has been secur- ed ae substitute to teach in Mr. 1!oylan's place, who has been ill with Greetirig pneumonia, and who, w,e are. pleased to note, is progressing rapidly. I g F. P We are sorry to pea that sites r h e Miss Flannery is 111 with scarlet fever, ! k Il but hope to hear of a speedy recut er.•. 1 MANLEY 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Coyne front 1)e -,I trust are visiting lvlrs. C. oyne's Inotlt. `f er,,\lis. Duffy, who is still in a crib -1 cal canditinu. Messrs. Ma.lt.-Murray and Stephen Eckart left last.Monday for New Ontario where they intend to spend the \tauter in the woods. Miss Mary Murray from Windsor spent Thanksgiving with her sister, Mrs. Thomas Purcell. fff i A'Ir. Joe Eckart and Tunt Holland! ea led on friends here during the 1 week. I i The nceapuess of Mother Graves' i Worm Externtinetor puts it within l reach of ash and it can be got at any t druggist's. Want and For Sale Ails, 3 times. 50,.- JUST 0c JUST A • • The `eaforth News has again a stock of fine Christmas Greeting Cards, in this year's new designs, on which your name can be printed, Envelopes to match are su,.plied. Come and see these simple, but pretty designs ---they are not expensive. The Seaforth News 4 TI /mid Me Weld with ONE WINO 100,000 Miles Without Stopping for 011 rr. dt'llii► �' An inventor who could develop an automobile,a railroad car or any Young men now is the blow t., a Id woodier touch of dress to your ap- pearance. Have yourself fitted with a pair of our dressy spats. They are so 3eviccable that once you wear a pair you will Never he without them. \V' have several lines of satin slip- pors the ideal slippers for dress or social functions. Yhtr Women's i'ointex Satin Slippers are quite ex- quisite. • liVe appreciate your call. Mrs.. John Spain, Miss Daisy Spain and Miss \Myrtle Sharkey were in 'Myth attending 'the funeral of Mrs Spain's brother, the lata, Afr. john Nixon. other conveyance on wheels which would perform such a feat would be considered a wonder. But such is the record of regular accomplishment by the Auto -oiled Aermotor during the past eight years in pumping water. Did you ever stop to think how many revolutions the wheel of a windmill makes? if the wheel of an Aermotor should rollalong the surface. of the ground at the same speed that it ma,es when pumping' water it would encircle the world in 90 days, or would go four times around in a year. It would travel on an average 275 miles per day or about 30 mites perhourfor9 hourseach day. An automobile which keeps up that pace day after day heeds a thorough oiling at least once a week. Isn't it marvelous, then, that a }� iadmill_ has been made which will go 50 times as long as the best automobile one oiling? 1 1 e .rAsato•otied A,erenatar after 8 full years of service inevtfry part of the world has proven its ability to run and give the most reliable service with one oiling a year. The double gears, and all moving parts, are entirely enclosed and flooded with oil all the tone. It givesmore service with less attention than any other piece of machinery onthe farm. To get everlasting windmill satisfaction buy the Auto -oiled Aermotor, 7t�he �m,�gost efficient windmill that bas ever been made. Porfullinfor- AERM®I.@tOR Citieago Dallas Oars mann write COVr • Kansas City Minneapolis Oakinttd FOR SATE BY The Modern Shoe Store. ERT IRWIN Dealer in Gas Engines, Cream Separators, Stable Fittings, Pumps, Pipe and Water Supply Fixtures, Wind and Car Insurance. LEMONS S WHITEN AND t .,,.,.....,,., .,„..,.....,..,ro ... „pp. Bank of CommerceBEAUTIFYTHE SKIN 1 Phone 5 % Seaforthft �` Make this beauty lotion cheaply for 'l ...Tells how to loosen a nor your face, neck, arms and hands. I } ` tender corn so it lifts At the cost of a small jar of ordinary out without pain. cold cream one eon .prepare a full' quer- e„4�...:... ,a,e,..,,.w.,,o,.„aa...............1 ter pint of the most wonderful lemon skin softener and complexion beautifier, i Good news spreads rapidly and drug by squeezing the juice of two fresh len- gists here are kept busy dispensing ono into a bottle containing titres ounces ,freezone, the ether discovery of..a Cin - of orchard white Care should be ; einuati man, which is said to loosen to strain the juice through a fine cloth any corn so it lifts out with the fingers. so no lemon pulp gets in, then this 10 Ask at any pharmacy for a quarter tion will keep fresh' for months Every* ounce of freezone, which will cost very be s little; but is said t woman knows that lepton juice is useditsufficient to rid to bleach and remove such blemishes as one's feet of every hard or soft earn or freckles, sallowness and tan- and is oallus.' to the ideal akin softener, whitoner and you apply just a Yew drops on the lx autifier. tender, aching corn and instantly the Jost try it! Get three ounces of soreness is relieved, and soon the corn orchard white at any drug store and is so snrivelod that it lifts out with- soreness lemons from the groeer and mato upp out pain, . It is a sticky substance a quarter pint of this sweetly fragrant inHlacthnes d lesor 'when irrat#pates thelied dadj in never lemon lotion said massage It daily into ing tissue. tho fano, neck, arms and hands. It 18 mar M1elous to emoothen rough, red hands, lhls , discovery will pt event Chota �sands of deaths annually from lockjaw• and infection heretofore resulting front 4\-hit1t and For Sale Ads, :1 times, 50e. the suicidal habit of uutt!ng coma.* c upping and Crushiug The Rob Roy Mills re -opened for Chopping and Crushing on Monday, November 12th We will be glad to see all our old customers again. OY ILLS 5ecforth,. Ontario