HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1923-11-15, Page 4..;
.... t..f,..(4 ig.A.,,, t,...,, the ground fl,•iot• ao.d otv. into 'lie
laltig 5,1r
3. 1 SNOWDON, Proprietor. !1:5?...g.11"f\.,f,,',',"1
..In the iriti'lti'llug li, titit1,1e4tin,raItt2k1.-.6,,,t;';:
t .sther .4.itrake cane: abmg and every ,
ag--------- _ _ -- 0, time the building shook to ias os Itta-
k,,,,„,..41.‘,,,,,. 'i ; ROnry iaitIlliii fall away froiri the
1 GeoBral 01321Di Ydlitlilb i girders on to tlie street, Mat of the '
„re and ca»acrele -troth oti tilt, flrt 4
0,-;•::::,,ts.:,,,,,,-,---„,--,a4:::::;___:..4„,e;s„,-....,....4-as....,;-,-...„.„..e.,,.:-.,-;;;„_.;-....,..„.., ; atid secod nit I
; street 4n41 several „ittoili4,4 on tht.4 tya-lt
•1 4,,,,,,,,, i.,, ., ,,,,,.,.. ,,y,.. „., 4..,,,,,, ,,.„n, ; tlad been klIled by falliegmaece,.
b4,, ",,' 't,•.! -",,,,,,H,,,11. I•53e eife,,t, oi tile i 1174° a97''I:IV ti"I'' c''' tl''' ';''''47'''' ''''''"
vy;;•,•:,,,: , ,,,;,,,;;;, ,,., .:;,,
,,, ,,,,,,,,I,),., i; ';!.1,a;:,,aa17)4'n11.1.1 t*fit.1 *11i71-1.111*.ii; 1:111'C'' :;;;',It-
king g t1 1 :flit Slni Vt'Vr.i. I.!II.1." ;,
ila,,,,, uh,t,ku„,, r, .,, , ,,,,,i.; al:other quake W IJI1M tt tt11.1.t. t
but t.t..,,'14t, ,,,, ,, ,, ,-5,..0., ., :: ...“,,, .,.-..: as •4;44. ;,-,i ,f
filo: ae;,t'ort "st,-:s ;,•••• tey • e . 'A • . : "..1;..7 L': ' t'';'...,77, '11.1'1'•:17.1:tflit:‘;Rt.ti \:;.;:;1111417td.te; ;C-1:1'1111 ;
1 1,71 t1 ;a, , 1.11 1 4,r,,,,. H
it 4, .::i.:h had ,t04,1, s 1,)1,,,,, .111,, ,,,o,7
eir are,41, ,,
4',„: ..,,,,,.,„ ,, . ,,.
,,, .. ; , .1.,;.,. l -,,,;l"
talo noare /eon.- „., ' ' -1;;;', •:',.'
,,,,,, „ , .., „, ,. ,,,, ..,,, :Ian a
b,, - ,,,,t rn• ,.!.' r , 1., ...;',, ': - ' , . ' ' ' ." , ..1•. ' ..: i hl .:', i -t i ';.-X' l'-, ,.1",.i. 'I A.. -
17: • - • '
lion bel' agmg the mondani Oil
(.:lantmatty. 'This was Ituring very bad-
ly and the heat from it, eveu wit"
we were WA* intense. .A.t daybreak
we came down from the hill and start-
ed our weary way through %vile: IIIs
once okohama 1ut wath.II a heat
of smouldering wt.:et:huge, towards
Ile ship in the harbor. ;None uf the
faud ver'y 121111
14 ater ; w Rue w• tt was 1112QratI1e
tl•at use tea") sosit4, b4•44at. 1-.4 get this.
tr.r •Jittt city ws.42e ap-
pa'hn. farwiyt:Mag was down and
were littered with dead
:t ual vs s who must haVe
; ,taate: ,ahou laey were trying
flet f -un the flarne,-. The strests
oete full Of rte4lpit.• iteadittg
t.settittey ail 4•114,1 11.V1,, co 4 e'r.
t bri141±444 fl';,fl' tire 444
:r,tn au:A:tags
:14t41, of
:lee Wert, of
• es 1 14, -al R
l• -•-,,"4,t ever Fraotwn We reach-
; e :be -emain- ",:at 't
, !
• .71, C17". 7'. •• ..t t. • ' att., a: ;;,!*<L:
- ' ” •—• '"' • '- • "
- • ••••-•' •'
' • '
(4": 14?n,da?' evnbiij. WaS have a 1.„),,,,t see at . t4,as gonig rtac•Its hav11 bought since PROR4SSIONAI1 CARDS:
1""1 •'“). a PlaCv t6 melte carbon copies 51)ut if yon came out. 921'house Went down in
life and never hope to feel the same' pais this oi't it will he alr'igairt. • t'u4 first shake and caught fire 'almost I Medical
again,- -titer. i For the time being vou miight ad- Inmediatelv• Ot t:-Elnr.sts We were all',
"here were several wings that dres* my mail to me care ot the Lan- ...,way Onlce •,e, -.bee was ,1 ;
stood out from the catastrophe which
eFeott....d by e'Very0,14.„ dusk.- One
Was the wonderful rescue work car- 1
"jail out by the various foreign shius
in the harbor at the time the thing
bappentad including the : Australia,
Steel Navigator, Andre, Lebou, Glen
Boa, West Prospect, Lyacon, Don -
la and one or two others which j
4..annot 'remember. (Jo the other
hand„ there 'Was the glaring neglect of
the Japanese ships, of which there!
!mist have. been fully thirty in the'
harbor. none of them even putting a
!,,,,at down to help anyone,. The Ans.,
neer four thousand souls on
m Saturday night and the Nit-
. got,: ab..ett a thousand, while
l4e 1...ebt,44 nrbhably had a
thousand. Mind yuc thcit,C.
14412at0-s,44 and,
ttet, (-I'mpal'e 11 -,4 votn
444.411 tltn• 111, 11 .4-e, \Tarn was
- • - '", ' " • ' •
, • . "
, • , " .17 t•t. • tit
• ; " r • • 1-'p K4,1),4 04 AC." •1.•tst!" 7' 1 1i.tt
. la:, fur s ;me reason 44- 4,-,,•eryone • eg:st; • .•:
18111t 1112•'", `444ack-,-4. ••.;
. ' 111'4'4 Tia,'-' were 4111440 ,11 t"P
. , •-• ••••• a .4:- .trt• : Let me see.1 th'nkn T got as Mg if. who usyd t•-• ll..4•
.4 4••- 'a-, .• •:144 '44
7 3 :
44 1111:
0 e- 4
114. t.1.11"1%,1114%., 71 .1",„
ton %ape!, 9!4,••• 4; !lir P.m.
1,11 1,, 11, %, ,4 - 421, :44;
eney. ,43 Clinton.
• .". th,1" . ▪ 214,,away fli'•13: 7 - in k: haunt TI:, tiiree
S /
/R. '1. `h.^ 12114111,4411 ;i went to with -.ore fr,er. 14
; ":•al l;AU' an -I sit•q:pe I arc/132 a
• • -+•• +a- •'+++.• .Nat•inat e. ',Yen. we •.ei"- t'a, 4,1g ,;1 a:1"t!V:i
••• t , . ; • • • • •' - tut c-)1"42, s. 1
'•4 -4.- • - t•• 1 ..„„t . .1 \V61114- 1.1. 114,11
494 (44141132 0)11 1" :1 . 11! •••.-1, a* we!' a*, 1,51
,+leeeied 10 come ',II down t°
- • -•at 41. •tte 41e g t1+, e-- ;41 14 2441211 alo=t1 tw en; the Enit;ress ;of t'anada
.•-; a. e ^1. 1/.•."." :11.2•1; IttVR.1. 'ruin the pier ...as to leave there li'etinesalay.
4. a: ttett 11.1 . tat' SP- ,S1f•riay 1r; ,rni!if; a:)+,111 I 1of thi,, leavittg Kobe ab.int
•‘• !+•• +++. •'. 1 • +.+- 11 Lo clock. 'J'h' ‘u-tal,a Ittattaged: 4,4n 4421',Tiltirsflaand a4411164,12
,• • e • a . • nt, A
• *3, m
'ai-. a .•t..t. 4n,a,..1,11 anon. noun, on Saturday.
• ;
'ij;•ti,C1' 31441
11,14, 1:1W ;; 1".1 ,
1 am aial ddi ;1 t'Re I •,-;
l'n, tn S12:1144..4.14414; '4! -el, tne :*••22,
1.12: 444,1 22.4.••t;.: ... • ,
2,, „i.e...., 11;1 tt1;t .7%; e4p10..,7,.
14:2,4-1 .41 • 4-144.4., ," 4• .•,
• I
,L! t
1 .t 1 ••11 7::,7
t• 4; these
,-; Coe- 4i4,14,ter. toit
•r: all 4344t
re !On. tiet•aeet• r>ky.,!
antit. ,kv14 altel 1141-14
matt> re144.r1- al, 14 Ito torr 4;41-1'. . tlad
Taal:, in Ititsn. ft 41. ' .„''"a',!osxtra,k.„ and
and 314 ,t,ticl t. ..7.. ; 11,,* •
14 t
'01, 43; air ..":".1 n
,en Dutc.:: e -week atter the quake, but it se.e.11-
,:: id at t,.v.ed her 12:ittle further . 3 The [1.'.R. accepted
We staved on b.aarai the Navigator: r 0,1'.', fur the passag.es from Kobe
all that lay that night ate .ithe next Shanghai a, tume t.ef u, had any
day14 44131(1! era. ,Mon,lay, told', about money I arr'ved here Saturday noon
$ tin pm VI the time t.“: ',Sere Alt a 7.1,1 immediately grabbed by Tessler.
in the bay ne c+9114 feel earthquakes, 4. 11111! agent ;.f the C.T".R.. who
the le: Mg transmitted 313 , .4-11461 me 2'''10111 44 out to hi, huttse
•:ze 91:4 imagine h tv1r1e. I was in town. Needless
1' nit,
• - andii.1 f.und tartt :oar !• . ; -ay, the offer ,vas !pure thancwei-
/e.t/.wit;ve re 1„,t 2 WSV.oes
44.1 :me,- I wa- LI., tlrit the quakes were • ir ,n, Ot,awa. He came out here near -
i4;‘, '.,;... foe., ,•14, 4. that ; Sauglay, 4.f flVe Year., ago with A,cfly Burn al.
;.;; -a 4.4..4. Ct.: .; ;•-• ;,••• .;
11:4.• :,41; 14 , ! .4 .1. , f,4,4
itael; ,141 en 1 444. • ,; osmte :444ta41ee in -miter
1 .„ , •-•-;,,...bber --; 4. 1,11 12»' a'.41g ar.:1 ')II :4•••
1441 • ' ; 4'. o ” ' ; .. • ,1 :roe
"'“; -`tt • 't a' • : •a,14++,2 7.11,•
' +-+ • ,+-: „a•z, , ,
I 4, • • +++. • • a , • 442 '144 '16'1,`.44*11! 1121''
'1124•14" '' 1 " •4' ' ' r• '. .• ".2. • 2,
144.• • • • • row; 111,144e
'1,4 • ,
• 4,•-••- oi !Pile Tho
, - • . 41441•• 4a2+,114
• 4 4•rr,34•1g., yea. fit -t.
111, a• .711
4' in " 4• 4%4 • ,
••• 1' •4
ti: 41,4 , ,, ". . • ' • •
" • •a*, r • * • '1 4
a • *,
• •
, • ' • -tart,44 acros,
••• e -t 114'1 •.say ariott,er
. t' • , 41.4'444,4, .1 1 Wa.. .11
• 014 A ti ,lue fur A -'1i111
14 ";74 1,,•31,,, '17
1;1, `-'• .7 A' V"
•141'.• ; Kavva,17.
4 • f tlet
I , 4:, t 1,, ts. en 1411 tte.t.y
1414i4'- •,,art 4ttie
',71 tt' .7- ; 77,. t. 1,, Waite that
.11% .1.441 wt: 11441 12'on'"
:P.', 7%1; .hohama a dfstanee
;an rt,gly ,• ..!n+• miles the d•r•
.•.;.44'.-2- 31! the time.
;lite all the were down
• r: •,i,,,e ,,,tailding had a drunken
them There Iftre 511 flr$>
n several places but the. -e could not
checked due to the shortage
1 wator and also the fact that water
aud lorrie, could 110i
1.4",;! Wa,e/ fri'111 the river
; •!: ;; 4:1; r4,44- 1,44i414
14'' 44(1444,3 and 14,41.4- rraslitol :tents,
On the 1.411,.... 4611 met several
lapantse who told te, that Yokohama
',no! been absolutely destroyed and
as then burning fiercely. We didn't
believe them because such a thing
seemed impossible to us. We found
out to our sorrow upon arrival at the
outskirts of the city that what Ilte'y
had 20111 was :In 100 true. 'We
rived there abont 9;00 pan., having
14'llh',''l. Mt -hiding, detours-, about
twenty -live utiles. We managed to
get through about half a mile of road
with lutriun warehouses and oil dumps
ete„ both ',ides. as far a$
(594144 114511,941 hit !here We Were St031-
1.oed by the flame, that swept entirely
acro‘!, the 14,34. we SaW that it was
improisible to get through the town
that night Y., we returned to a big
hill near a small town, 144441144444 W14,
just out-tirte oF Yokohanta, and slept
out on top of that all the night. Alt
;luring the time we were walking to
Yokohama and the night we spent
on the hill as well ai up to Monday
aftertmon when we left for Kobe, the
ground was quaking. Every now and
then a big shake would Collie along.
The only danger of the gronnd
opening and then ctosing as all the
tmildintv, werr down and consequent-
ly there 011,, tmtliin2 fall on too of
II during the night from the tam
of this:hill we could 4119! CitY
31113, 31111,10, 115 and about a quar-
ter of a mile ilWity a big
ail, •11. '
gc, It
,e* the 4,, ,,-
not been feeling ',el! f4,14 C•444,
43144 t44.• t4a,t ,4',4
11111443l4 4: .4 wiL• 141 4'4. 1! .30 a....1 !
44 tit,' 41C 4, 4.'44-1 ntea idd 1,2
lenti,h,tt, 12,4; Jerry anti 1.4
1(•1111. 1', tiftitt. 3 netn
',ye- to otfi e -at around for a
,,lort time '.4aiting far a ietter that
- wan! hot, :,, take
4'01c(diano, and 44, Were .111,' leaving
ab;mt ca' thrVe 111:11111e, vcct• c
0.111111 1 11 1. quake tante.
'11211411,,c1c was terni..:e and it 1-
pruetica.113 plam rity
feeling/. 141 hen. it happened, ferry',
14 office aa, on the 44414131 fl,,' 1,1141 it
14255 litelcy for it, thiit the
14 141191 1,ve11 hilishe'l a .110441 tint,
told vit., built of heavy steel girder,
ami --trine. TM- first -hake Was op
ilow.a. 'lite,: say it wa, almtit
four Melly,. I -lien it sho,,Ic from side
to side moil finally before the quake
was 1113,11114 the whole building ,ttetti
ed to be goin.garounri in a circle with
it, foundation acting, as an. axi'•;.
IteliNlintt 'eta- eight -,toreys high 41193
;aft,. 211,1 nrst 128114 shalt.- when it
quitened dors n Sufricii^n fly I hat
we 8,4)111(1 ,441111, •411 the Hon. 4414it1t, 4112
being throvii +1+!. ++ heat it to 1311;
Canit 111141'..itaIl1l 10 this iitt)
why 111 51101.1111 haVi g)/Ile to the eat
Ion I 4-.104,1 :2 14 it •; b.trtIlt,' 'I•7
only tivo floor, above while 44 L' +.1 we
fliior front the ,rr,ond, and 14,
,.r,• , al! :Ve
nallted to he Oil ton 'Alter,' a'. 'Iva 1
rufthing would fall oil us. \\lc got to
the roof while the was ;21,11'
shaking and st;tfe(i there finr a sit;of
iinIe 1111 ihr14;.111114ke had More or les,
Ti,eu .:1•1na• ,.1;• ran 1
21391 42- dagger 4hat-1 so uf (tttawa. vtin, is here n.-tw. I
'5 it1l)'t11:114 115114:414 ott 2,13 ,von 2 have staying with Tcs,ler and
14 "t7tcat44e the wivale town was fla.t witit 1411 ''00,' %if the since
hi, 1'44; was tlw ',ave. beet: drawing some money from •
ot tgening 14l4- 1 or agent, invre. Wah Chang'
'42' l•••11' f.lel al,'/ 014121 10 '9'.114 'AP I 1''*'334129!t,,rporatiort. 4:14 have been
again w14111i3 it 445- 1)311441611.the tim•:. as a bird dog, huyir.i. -tone,
1 E''ry 131111124' 11/13 quake •lothe- 3 12 .7,1a,! I came d1,4211 !ler('
appoar 111 !,arious Ten stock- tap beeau-e everything is at,
adieu Pacitie ,Afice in Shanghal and if ly of sa;,:ing anything.; DR. H. HUGH ROSS, Physician
'.1,6 Yok,,%aitia laren here, two saveks 14.1411.I
ten and limn ullse least one-third less than tilt same ;
i4 2 l'here 2,4 111ea,e, the fir - iv. Japan. I ant 1u.,1 21411,
911, '141 tt,teL 014442,4 -!ti the big quake! ar,,nid nor.- -waiting for wio.+1 from',
the itronnd ,,,peced and 1.1..e bidding! Ton, 'aloin.taii +who is sqtne place l'1;
+.•.-ent a,: far 11' t+he ,e++.,m1 31,, "1 !wpm,, lie e,•as boss yon will 111.-
111 11,,'2 11 /." 1111 ih.,,,,',1;tpt:111,-1.. I don't know 'whether the'
alowt intmealiately will keep the office opeu
On Monday ma-mutt:a the Pee,i+lapt :`,Apan oi• not, but even if they .1') I!
ififer+iou arri44-4••1 frnm Koh, aidi think -tav there- for any,
..1 I shall probably bave
Rontote, Tlyzy ihiCk to Kobe at leas, the
s41, -ti• TheY 4:tot•39et! al,eit'tr in the ',et* things traight,±2ied
• riNd inutted;ately ,,arted +tram,- j :,ly -that '474411J probably take.;
I leave 1 can give them my next ad- 1t sme ieels ituu,} 14, be 41122 0122 a and Surgeon. La.te of London
4.9 they forward it an to rite tilMe..•
Oh, 1 almost forgot. 1 want to give ' caloed Mite time, one w‘re"'
you a list the clothes 1 had Dv lass; from the President .leffersonone
when the thin4 happened so von will cable from i;,,,be and one from Shun-
know how murh I saved (44' ,.‘f 12,,, that I was sate. 1 stilt it on
•A reek
Ferrir,g the ,vorst from the] back,1,and tit
'1,traLa.‘'111," a:tchane of me
a11 ; 1:eit-I 11t
al !.ine ...Lur,ied the 41,rson around 200 1111.1211 251211. Nfothen dear, that Is!
.4:4-1 sent her ilro'k iii0he, ;lb >lit aiI 3 .•an think :41 11444 noW,!
Voaf,,,,,!lat,:a about 5:00 p ni on Mon- here, ami I've still !!, my twol
+las,- The Empre-,- of Canada storm! ,..ro',,1 hand, Ind feet to: a hich 1 atn;
more than thankful. I don't under -1
stand exact13. li',w 1 11,1 away with-,
out getting hurt, but the fact remains'
that 1 4114;1 4414 31121 that's en :ugh. You
might pas- this letter, T should,
say book, on to the girls so they eau
.14 41' ?melt and lett for Kobe 4421
Tue-day mmiing. I transferred
front the Navigator to the Jefferson
and Went di/Wit to Kobe. The 111052
WI:1601110 Sight Of my life was when I
SaW the entrance to •tokyo Bay hull
Buyer of all kinds of Produce
MI kinds of produce and live and
dressed poultry in any quantity,
bought at highest cash prices. De-
livery any day but Saturday,
New Produce Store in the Beattie block in the store
formerly occupied by Mr. A. McQuaig.
GEO. LILLY, Phone 192
Inn:ante I thought it might h'* de- ,
4me white duck" 'suit tvery old, it "ivered -a little qtrietter. 1 hope yowl
Hospital, London England. Special
attention to diseases of the eye, ear,
,aose and throat,. Office and resid-
ence behind Dominion ank. 0.1E.te
Phone No. 5, Residenca Phone 106.
,n.ling the th:rd season had rv,:krn it) Aot at least one of them because Pro
suit underwear, one shirt, one tie, not sure about the wireless nor the{
one callar. otte pair of shoes and one message I filed in Japan because they
1)411 . .,t sus :until garters), one cap ' were all upside don won account of
and ne 2441)1110441, ,
rhat is the whole the quake.
\\..,rks '4\ 6) for a -couple of paelt- Must run along 11 ‚21 Will write
os 1
DR.. F. J. BURROWS, Seaforth- Of.
and residence, Goderich Street,
!•ast of the Methodist Church. Cor -
mer for the CountY ',of Huron. Tel-
o 40
re f c:id a iv:Ng:yen •arette14,,214401 many 1. 12 i'; tteket .14 attain an 3 ou knowlost the;1,4 ati .a•Ita-t 414r1. Heap, 01 love ' •
a Y
'11111'11111 1114e 110.1]1 144' clothes arid r a few , • As ever,
! 13und, f 11-1 h.t unt It "41 1 1s
t 4,41
°rata Talmadge
Ir her greatest triumph
SmHin Through
8 Reels of t.,_,-torin and Sunshine
•Bring your friends t.,1 see this great photodrama.
it's universal popularity has already been acclaimed
in thousands of theatres.
Admission 12Cs..c and 15c
Best imported Holland Bulbs
HYACINTHS 5. t: dog.
TULIPS OVIixed.) -*c ter doz.
NARCISSUS (Mixed, 50e per doz.
CROCUS (Mixed) . .15c per doz.
TUBEROUS BEGONIAS i 'Mined) SI 00 per doz.
Send for Complete List including Roses andsShrubs.
449 River Road
Canada's Largest Retail Grocer,,
"We Sell To Satisfy."
to the person guessing the clos-
est number of bars in the win-
dow, Every purchase entitles
you to a guess,
In Chili Sauce
No. 1 2 tins 23c
No. 3 23c
12 -oz, Bottle 25c
Washing Powder pkt. SC
Fresh, CrispBulk
Riverside Canned Vegetables
are the Best.
Sweet CORN 15c
PEAS 15c
Choice TOMATOES , 18c
Bayside Canned Fruits are
Lombard PLUMS 16c
Yellow PEACHES 23c
Bartlett PEARS 23c
Sold only by Dominion Stores.
This week only.
1 Mayfield Machine Slic,,12,- l,,. ,,,. DomtsTic
ed BACON lb, 404 %,... SHORTENING lb. 2c
A delightful lb I
blend of Ceylon and Assam.
SNAPS 2 25c
Choice Dried 20c
Heinz Cooked SPAGHETTI
1 SC and 23c.
COCOA. lb, 1
Harry Horne's
CustarrrPowder 2 tins 5 C
Baker's Rubicon Pure
Pure Gold Quick 25 in
Pudding i 2 for —
Kkovah Health Salts 411,
2 tins 'of& 4.07
KLIM Powdered
Milk 25c and 42c
oRsISTANT 44,0c. and
Lynn Valley ASPAR-401***
. _
Griffin's Seedless 414#111%
RAISINS 2 lbs, PtretUlf.,..•
CatliPbeirsIOMATO SOUP 2 25
clans and Surgeons. Goderich St.
!,,posite Methodist church, Seaforth,
Graduate Victoria afid Ann
' Thor, and member of Ontario Col-
'fge of Physicians and Surgeohs.
Coroner for County of Hun,
MACKAY. honor graduate Trinity
nciviecraslit)C.,olGleogled rnmerob
eda iliesrofc
t. Trinity'o
o.egneoof. Physicians and Surgeons,
DR. F. J. R. FORSTER—Eye, Ear,
Nose and Throat, Graduate
.Medicine University of Toronto, 19'
Late Assistant New York Op'
nue and Aural Institute, Moor
12ve, and Golden Square Throat
-111s, London. England. .
annercial Hotel. Seaforth,
'11124 Wednesday in each trwath,
" -)ra 11 a.m. to 3 p.tn. 53 Waterloo
st-cet, South. Stratford.. Phone 2,7,
' .epse; Iowa and Michigan. Spe-
- attention to diseases of women
▪ -hii.irert. Consultation free. Of-
• U—bach's drug store. Suc-
,-- r 14.t Dr. Geo. J. Heilemsna.
to 6 p.m,
General Fire, Life,
Accident & Automobile
Dealer in Singer Sewing machine
..• .•
James Watson
Mutual Fire lesurance Co,
• Jas. Connolly, Goderich, President;
James Evans, Beechwood, Vice Pres-
ident; Thomas Hays, Seaforth, Sec. -
D. F. McGregor, R. It 3, Seaforth
John G. Grieve, 11. R. 4, Walton; W.
Rion, R. R. 2, Seaforth; John Ben.
newels, Brodbagen: Robert Ferris,
R. R. No, 1, Blyth; Malcolm IvIcKeott,
Clinton; G. McCartney. R. R. No. 3,
Seaforth; James Connolly, Goderich;
Jas, Evans, 13eecbwood.
Alex. Leitch, R. 11. No. 1, Clinton; E.
Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray, IL
R. No. 3, Senforth; J, V, Yeo,
14 Hohnesville; 11. G. Jaiinouth, Born-
holm, James Kerr and John Cloven-
, lock, Seaforth, auditors,
14 Parties desirous to effect hmurance
or transact other business will be
promplty attended to by application
to any the above officers addressed
, to their respective postoffces.
Desirable flouse
To the person seeking a comfort-
able home eftise to stores, churches,
and schools, and still be in the
country, this residence is splendidly
located, being less than a mile from
Seaforth postoffice. The property,
eonsists of eight acres of land, a good
frame house with, seven rooms and
woodshed, hard and soft water; good
stable with cement flooring; fine or-
chard. Possession can be given im-
mediately. Further information inav
be obtained at THE NEWS OFFICE.
Don't Throw
Your Old
Carpets Away
They make new rover-
s ib te "Veivetw Rugs,
Send for Volretes Folder 2
Losnox, 044'r.
nheat prices paid, Max Wot.it
phone 178, Seafortlx,