HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1923-11-15, Page 1WHOLE SERIES, VOLUME 45,
Dinners and Suppers
The I.k1.ympia
Confectionery and Restaurant
CHRISTMAS CHINA.- -Exclusive designs, to be had in Seaforth
only at this store, hand painted. exquisite artistry, . and at
wonderful prices, comprising fruit bowls, nappies, cake plates,
cream pitchers and sugar bowls, syrup pitchers, honey jars,
etc,; at prices from 35c to $1.50. This is an offering we cannot
duplicate as the supply was quickly exhausted.
ALUMINUM WARE:-- \Ve have put in a stock of the celebrated
Lion Brand of Duro Aluminum Ware, comprising coffee-pots,
Yea -pots. tea kettles, roasters, fry pans, kettles, etc.
Values up to $2.50.
Your choice
GINGER SNAPS, regular 30c for
per lb.
Another one (at less
than price of plain soda biscuits)
First-class Dairy Butter, clean fresh Eggs. Poultry alive or dressed,
and dried apples taken in'exchange for goods.
F. 11, llutchisoii
Don't fail. to visit our store when
you want Shoes for the Children.
A Splendid Vici-Kid Shoe 4-754,
at $1.45
Patented Leather, Dull ' Calf
Top, 4.7/2 $1.85
Misses Box Calf
11 to 2, at,...'... 3a25
Misses Tan Calf $3t.3v
to 2, at
A Good, Sturdy Box KipipgShoe 11
to 2, Solid
A Growing Girl's Shoe, 3 to 7,
Black Calf Leather ,�
at ,.
Are a few of the Shoes suitable
for school wear we are offering,
Seaforth Methodist Church. -Sab-
bath services, 11 a.m., and 7 p.m. Sun-
day school, 2.30 p.m. Pastor, Rev, R.
Fulton Irwin,
Rev, R
Copeland wilt
morning. and evening.
Miss Haskett, teacher in S.S. No,
10 Tncicersinith, ]las resigned her po-
sition, duties ending at Christmas,
Mr. Truman Brintnell has moved
to his farm in Hibbert, which was
lately vacated by Mr, M. Douglas.
Mr. and Mrs, Geo. T. Wren visited
at Afonkton on Sunday,
Mr:Cecil Harris has returned'hoitte
after visiting his uncle in New York.
Mr. Percy Harris is visiting friends'
•n Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. George Chambers
have returner] from visiting friends in
Mr and Mrs. James McEwen, of
Ailsa Craig, have been visiting Mr.
McEweit's sistdr, Mrs. Robertson,
Mr, and Mrs. A Hodgert spent
Sunday with friends at Russcldale,
Mrs. McNichol,. of Farquhar, is
visiting her daughter, Mfrs. Archie
Miss Grace McLean spent Thanks-
giving with friends in Strathroy.
Among the Thanksgiving visitors,
we noticed Miss Tessie Westlake of
London at the home of h'',s;,,oarents,
Mr. and Mrs. James \Vestla'ic1; AMiss
ton and
ronto at the Ihome t�of Miss. Wren's
parents, Mr. and ML•s, G. T. Wren,
Miss Bella 13riutnell of Stratford at
the home of her parents, 'Mr. and
Mrs. D. Brintuell.
MIr, and Mrs. Flowers, of London;
visited friends in this community over
Miss M, Newton. of • Strathroy,
+visited at"tfie borne of Mr, •and Mfrs..
John McLean over Thanksgiving,
Last week examination report cards For some time there has been much
were issued to every pupil in the complaint that Snelling was not re -
school. Below are given the stand- ceiving sufficient: attention in the
Ings taken by the :.pupils in the diff- Public schools, add pupils were pus
erent forms. tiibly through the Public and second-
' FORM IA. -Above 75 per cent„ N. ary schools, and yet their spelling
Cook 81 9, A. Edmunds, E. Leather- was fanny and left much to be desir-
land, A. Archibald. ed, Yet there is hope that this state
Between 66 and 75 p,c.: I -L Chand- of affairs is passing away. In a test
ler, S: Beattie, I. 'Bolton, E. Lowery, made sin the fourth class in the Sea -
:AL Hays, M. Eaton, , M. Armstrong, forth Publicschool last week, the
W. Faulkner, M. -Dickson, C. Low- pupils wrote 2,32:5 words in spelling
cry, \V, Hoegy. ' tests; and there were only two• er-
Betweeu 50 and 66 p.c.: D. Holton, rors. This is stare,ly a remarkable re -
E. Hurley;• M, 1andsborough; S. stilt, in fact, .'a record. In five days
Dungey, D. Frost, W. Dale,; 1. Fer- there were only two pupils that did
guson, S E3roadfnot, C. Knight, 1'. not receive perfect out of a class of
Knox, C.
1•tekson. I. Hogg,R. Du- 31. If the schoolL generally are do-
rm, 13. heimedy• Ing even nearly as well, the future
FORM 113, -Above 75 p.c.: E. Nott should 'Ce a vast improvement ;n
83.8. D Robinson, L. Rising, spelling.
Between 66 and 75 plc.: M. Rolph.,
M. Sills L, McMillan, F, McMann, TOWN COUNCIL,
M. McMillan, M. Turnbull, G. Mc- ;The regular meeting of the council
Gonigle, r. d eterson, A Ryan.was held in the council chamber on
Between 50 and 611 P.c.: 12. Mc- 'rttestlay evening at 8:15 mm. The
Kinnon, 11. Patrick, F. Oliver, B. ; members present were Mayor Gold -
Simpson. ll. Young, C. Strong, E. iug, Reeve Grieve, Councillors Geo.
Shanty, 5
a C.
Nicholls. a S
1 J. Strong. r 1:• >
• f C
orlon \\'. E. 'h, t'
C 1 m 11 F.7
\'hr t1 S. Scott.
a et
12, Willis, r1• llutchisnn, Rf, A Crich J. W. Beat -
Somerville, C. Trott, L. Richardson. tie' and (leo. D. Haigh. The minutes
Below 50 plc•• N. Stewart, R. of the last regular and special meet -
Sproat, E. Nigh, N. Sennas. Ings weir read and confirmed.
FORM I f A. :Above 75 P.c.: R. The following accounts wereass-
C'I: \1'ut. Gillespie, salary, jarrott 92 .1, M. Jackson 91.6, L. Web- pP
lary, $70; Jtin A.
eters 1-, Archibald. I . \le iauder, \'t ' \C';Ism, salary, :175; Andrew Litt'e,..
Hart. C. Sherwood. 1. Archibald atary. $40: John Knight, salary, $65;
Chas, Sherwood. Lancs Dalis. '10.75; Bell Tel. Co.,
Between 66 and 75 p.c,: G. Reyn $6.36; Geo. A. Sills & Sons, $697411,
olds, E. Bateman, 1. Medd, A. ']'hump- Robt. Edgar, wages, $72,50; \V. E.
son L. Brown, lint. Barber, ;tiL Kerslake, acc., $21.80: W. E. Kers-
M. 4 y MeNay, LJ t11 r•
lake, ace wtv„ $6.90: Can Nat. Rys.
EIaiigh, J Toward l Frost, V. Tye- crossing pro.. $3.49; Rcbt Bell E••&
dall. \Win Chesuev, I'. Beaton. 1'. Co,, ww., 60c; E. J, Box. $13.39:
Between •n S .0ltd h(
a t p.c.: It Reinke. King Edward Sanatorium, acc,. $dS,
D. Webster, M. Johnston, A. Silvery. R. Frost R Sana 52.50; Dom: Bk„ P-ty
K Livingston, B Grieve, R. Weil- shire, Oct. 15th, $411.74 Dom, Bk„
and, E. Charters, A. Jeffrey. W. Scott pay. sheet Oct 31st, $31746: Thome-
D. Aberhart. M. Rands. still's Book store eec., 52.80: E. C.
FORM IlIl :]hove 75 p.c.: A. Pat- ('hutenden. $46,40; E. C'. Chittenden,
rack, E. Jefferson, \V. Brownlee. E• arc„ 87.20; W. E. Chapman, acc., $3,
Turner. W. A. Crich, ace„ $1.50: Sylvester
Between en and 75 p.c.: G. 'Rolph, :Men. acr. ww., $20.71.
N. Montgomery, R. Voting, J. Me- The account of Day Bros..
Mann, M. Stewart. L. Smith anri 1. amounting to .$2,6.}D fortcaterwora;s
('lull (equal)• extension was ordered paid.
Between 50 and hh p.c.: G. Snow By-law Nt 252 to borrow money
don, 5). Knight, I, Talbot, 1 Ate tar wate.r services was put through
Lean, 1-I. McMillan. 5, f)evereaux its several readings and passed.
E. Cameron, Scott, os I ,rot M. Britton. t n c
Yt n, -•1 The Oid Bays Rcrnnidrr committee
Crich, J. Daly, M, Wallace. E. Lane was given a grant ,+f $25 Inc otitis]
Below 50 p.c.: ), Morrison M. Ril- expenses,
Cy. E. Rankin, I.. Chapman. E. Hick- The council then ad uurncd t1, meet
Hick -
nen, J. Walker, M. Matthews at the caul of the ttdjor,
1 Ii,A.- -Above p.c.: F.
Willis 88.3, 1.Viu, White, J. Ritchie, C. ANNIVERSARX SERVICES.
ment E. Godkin R AlcKercher C
Haugh, M. Black.
Between 61, and 75 p.c.: I.. Work
. man, F3. Millen, H. Heffernan, L
\Wankel, F Daley, AI, sevauge, A
Sutherland. R. Norris, I). Moore, E
Govenlock, M. McGrath. A. Dale, C'
Morrison Al. Tremeer anti D. Kers
lake and M. Finlayson (equal),
Between 50 and 66 p.c.: Al, .Aber
hart, G. Merner, T. Storey. f.. Mc
Dougall, F. 'MeClinchey, M. Bell, J.
Brodie, F. Peterson, J. Stewart, J.
Smith, H. Dinsdale, J. Lowery. P.
Carnahan, M. Smith, \Vm. Suther-
land. Below 50 p.c.: H. Dalton, J.
Carbert, Al..Thompson, D. Hamilton.
FORM 1I1:I1,-Above 75 p.c.: L.
Reid 77.9, M. Reynolds.
Between 66 and 75 p.c.: F. Cook, A.
Grainger, J. Hogg, A. Burrows, S.
Ha+bkirk, M. McCowan, Al. Grieve, 1I,
Webster. -
Between 50 and 66 p.c,: E. Peter-
son, C. Campbell. L. Eckert, A.
Snaith, H. Smiley, M. Thompson, A.
Cameron, M. McCuaig, D, Kent and
E. Hyde (equal),, 1. Purcell, M. Case,
A. Love, A. Brodie, M. Webster.
Below 50 p.c.: H. Peterson, AM. Mc-
Millan, N. Ran, E. Cudnlore, M.
UPPER SCHOOL. -Above 75 p.c.:
M. Stewart 85.4, 13. Beattie: R. Mc-
Naughton, G. Hutchison, E. Fee, W.
McNaughton, R. Moore.
Between 66 and 75 p.c.: C. Clarke,
R. McGregor, R. Mackay, M. Bickel!,
A. McCrae,D, Reinke, J, it'
Brt on D
Kerslake Hoist M. V.Hills, Il F:
Crich, C. Talbot and T. Johnson
Between 50 and 66 p.c.: J. Cluff. R.
Rankin, C. Aberhart, R. Simpson, G.
Livingston, 13 Klein), .Iva R. McRae,h
g nn,
Lowery, A. Strong, J. Archibald, E,,
Chesney, G. Carnahan, Wm, Patrick,
D. Spayne, S. Cluff, C. M[erner, G.
Aberhart, S. Ferguson, IVm. Lands -
borough, F. Jackson. - -
Below 50 p.c.: A. Arent, K. La-
mont, E. Flannery, V. Bolton, G.
Snowdon, O. Medd, J. Lane, A.
Dodds, M. Sharkey (absent).
Large congregations and 'bright
ervices (narked the anniversary held
m Sunday in the Methodist church.
' Rec. J. 5, Holmes, Goderich, took
both services, The special music pre- •
vided by the choir, was much appreci-
ated by the congregation,. especially
the quartette in tate morning by Miss
Lillian Wankel, Ctrs. A. C\'estootl. -
Circ. (Tuff and \Miss Sarabel Daley, {
and the solo in the evening "Abide
With Me," by Mr. W. H. Willis, of p
\\inghant, attd son of Mrs. Robert
Willis, of town,
Two exceedingly interesting set k
mons were preached by Mr. Holmes, t
whose personality is inspirational. t
Though nota young man, he .has all h
the physique and mental vigor of ra
yotitlt and his optimistic view of life
appeals to the young as well as car- t
ries force with the old. His sermon in 3
the evening was on "What has God a
Wrought:" and his treatment of t111 ;1
subject was original. The speaker T
dealt with the by-products of religion !a
to illustrate -the text. He showed that
music was a by-product of religion. la
The great oratorios were the outcome I
of the life the composer. In passing he to
said it was a reflection on the mater- ,v
ialistic present age that it had given K
no great musical compositions to the h
world. Men were too busy making of
money to provide music. Architect- to
ore was another by-product. In bean- s
tiful language the elevating nature of w•
the Gothic t
o c s iof
Style archil
clue was •
yc r va
portrayed. Itspointed spire , re ere(
p td
high over surrounding buildings was io
a finger pointing upward to heaven. S
Man was distinguished from the beast ri
by the ease with which he could look B
u an the h mana
e at who kept his s N e. A
P, y t 110
the ground was degenerating to the T
lover animals, Literature was an- to
other by-product of religion. The he
mushy style of the literature of to -day tis
wascondemnedas a type of the rens K
Bion -prevalent. In this respect, the \,
speaker paid a high tribute to the an
newspapers of the age. They were
steadily improving and in every place h
the newspaper was on the right side G
upholding what was good. These'by-
products God had wrought en the L
world through the life of Christ, an
The fowl supper served by tate
ladies on Monday night attracted a Gr
large crowd. The proceeds of the an- H
niversary were over $560.
The euchre and old times dance
given in St. Janes' parish hall Tues-
day evening was a decided success,
both young and old enjoying them-
selves to the utmost. Mrs. Dan.
Shanahan WW1 first prize -Inc the,
ladies and Mr, Albert Riley formen
for the most games. For done hands
the winners were MIiss Agnes Hughes
and Mr, O'Rourke. Consolation
prizes went to Miss Lane and Mr,
George Holland, Jr„- while the prize
for the oldest couple on the floor
went to Mr. and Mrs. P. Welsh.
Y.P.S held their -
meeting on
Sunday evening after service, instead
of Monday, Miss 'Grace Eigie °ccttp-
isd :the chair, and the Scripture lesson
was read 'by Master' Wm. McNay, An
address on "The
g g
Spirit" was given by Mr. John Mc-
Nay.An article -on the "Problem of
Chut1''s Illiteracy" was read by Miss
H. 1-. Graham. Prayers were offered
by. Messrs, James Brown and John
Henderson,' :its?)
Mr. John Landsborough died in
Winnipeg oe 5atttrday, November.
10th, following a thirdstrokeof para.
lysis within the past two years. Born
in the. township of Tnckersntith
seventy-four years ago on the farm
now owned by his cousin, Mr, Wil-
liam Landsborough, he lived there
for years, later coming 'to Seaforth,
where-. he was •in the furniture 'busi-
ness: in -the firm "Leatherdale &
Landshorough" where the G.VV,V.A,
rooms are now located, and over fif-
teen years ago went to Winnipeg t-.
live and has been engaged in real es.
tate. 1-Iis wife, who has been confined
to bed the past two -years 'was former-
ly Miss Elizabeth Leatherdale. 21 u
children survive and 11 r, - Landsbnr-
ough was the last of a fancily of sev-
eral brothers and sisters. Iuterine':t
took place ill Winnipeg on Monday
;1 quiet wedding was solemnized on
Monday afternoon, Nov, 12th, 1923, at
the Anglican glean recurry, Seaforth. taken
Miss Caroline Davis, (laughter of \Ir.
and Mrs.Frank Davis Centralia, was
united n marriage to Afr. George Mr -
Gavin, son t 11r. John A45Gavin, of
Seaforth. The Many friends of the
yalntg c•nnp'r join in best wishes.
\i Charles Querengesser and
1 visited It the 1r
t home mt o[ oho H.
urr c S
r1 CS -cr to n '
g t tda last.
1Ir. Ed: Giese manager of the
Standard Bank Lradhagen, motored
o Kitchener nuSaturday
c r
.to spend
p i
'f inksgiv
h r. mt with his parents,
Mr, and M1 Chris. Lehr hardt, of
Fiensbure, were the guests of Harry
Beuerman on Sunday. -
Henry Scherbarth and sister, Mary
have returned home from Alberta
having given up farming. Ile reputt.
good crops.
Afr. and \lr- Irvin Tr, mbiy wen
t„ Detroit to visit his brother, who i.
very ill.
Mr, and Mrs, Benj. Riley' left n1
'Tuesday to spend a few days with
their daughter, Mrs. Tames Atwood.
of Blenheim, 11 '
Instead of Thanksgiving Day
around'thevillage oft Monday, it was
Starvation days,. as the bread rations
were short Saturday night, which
made it bad for the village peSp1 , but
they managed to weather the st6rin.
Quite a crowd from around here at-
tended the anniversary services at
I r. nticsbnrr n Sunday. Rev, 5, Ful-
ton It win f S .11inrth, taking the
pulpit. The `r,iugre ation were very
much pleased with ''vL Irwin.-
\lr. and Mrs. 'roan Riley, of (lin-
'ton, spent Thanksgiving with his
father, 1fr. George' Riley, of Kiuhuru,
1Ir. and Mrs. Robert Grimnld'by re-
turned home this week from Tees -
water: where Mir. Grimoldby has been
helping his brother for the last three
months' threshing. Mr. t;rimold'by in-
tends going up again ;this week to
help his brother bring the outfit down
to Seaford], where he intends leaving
it at Dell's foundry for repairs.•This
will be the longest more of the season
ae it will be an all -day trip.
The farmers here are busy getting'
the root crop under clover.
Messrs, Fletcher Townsend. Har-
old Turner and Cecil Matheson -01.,1-
ored up'from -Toronto on Saturday.
and spent I
p nt clanks '
g at
homes ere.
Miss - Math spent Thanksgiving
with relatives in Stratltroy.
Mr. Fred Nott, of the Lnndou road.
visited relatives in .Algoma n"- the
past few weeks.
Ur. D. 1j. McInnes, chiropractor
t,t \Vinghm, will be at the Col -tuner.
s. cin hotel, Seaforth. "Thursday after-
noons in future. commencing Nov-
ember 22nd.
The Ladies' �1iif and W.M.S. held
at the home of Mrs. 11 m. Johnston
last week was largely attended, about
.35 ladiesbeing present. The meeting
opened with Mrs, Ferguson presid-
ing, 4cripture reading was by Airs.
George Pryce and Messenger prayer
by Mrs. H. Blanchard. Two very in-
teresting papers were given on "'The
Call of the Church through Her Mes-
sengers." by :Miss Mary McKee, and
Through 1 -ler activities" by Miss
Bessie 13lanchard, followed with vol-
untary prayer by :Mrs. Allen Ross.
The business part of the meeting was
aket tip with making arrangements
or the fowl supper, November 26th.
Every one was willing to do their
art, especially in providing fowl,
which promises to be plentiful. The
ashes also decided on buying new
nixes, forks and spoons. We hope
he weather, man provides ideal w•ea-
her for the occasion as everything 19
eing done to provide a good supper
ncl programme.
The Late James Brewster.
sere :sorry to hear of the death
Ir. James Brewster, who passe:1
way •at the home. of his daughter,
Mrs. Taylor, of t'uckersmith, ',st
hursday, after a lengthy illness. The
to Mr, Brewster was born - in ReI-
arrah, Macosquin, 'Co. Derry,' tre-
nd, 67 years ago. He was' married at
reland to Miss Hutchison and came
Canada when 23 years of age as,d
as .employed for some time in Me-
nton with Mr. John S. Brown, Later
e and his son Joseph, took up part
the farm now occupied -by the 'at -
r, afterwards buying the remainder,
ome time after the death of his first
ife, he married Miss Mary Taylor.,
hree children U the marriage
rvive,Mrs. Taylor Tucker
k smith;
sep'h of McKillop; 'Mrs. Bates of
askatchewan and by the second mar
age. James of Ivloosejaw, Sask. Mc.
rewster had been operated on at the
s ita] and never seemrecover,
P ed to
lie funeral took place on Saturday
Egmondvilie cemetery, the service
ing conducted by Rev. J. A. Ferg-
on, The pall -bearers were Roland
ennedy. Chas. Riley, Wm. Kerr,
Wilson Campbell, Matthew. Casket'
d James Simpson.
Mrs, Dorrance and family spent the
oliday with Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Davidson, of
ondon, spent the week -end with :Mr,
d Mrs. Joseph Bennett. - -
Mr, and Mrs. Angus Carmicheal, of
ey, speer Svmday with Miss Elsie
Mr. Willis Barwick, Goderich; visit
illi. anti Mrs, George McSpadden
Mr. Jolrn Bullard nd Jvfr, and Mrs.
rgus Bullard spent the week -end at
Cranbrook with Mr. and Mrs. Har-
d Smalldon,
Mr. -and Mrs, Chas, Lowery att'd
r, and Miss Roc spent Sunday with
r. .and Mrs, .Holland.
Mr, Robert Sheridan, Toronto,
ent a few days with Mr, and Mrs,
orge Eaton. -
Mr. Lester Govenlock, Mitchell,
sited friends in the village on Sun -
Mr. and Mrs, S. Shannon and little
ughter Kathleen spent Sunday with
r. and Mrs. James Hudson, of Eg-
Quite a ;lumber spent, the holiday
Ming, a number of'rabbits 'and.
rtriclges being bagged.
Miss Jean Hoiland •visited . Miss
Bic Roe of 'Walton last week.
St, Thomas' church observed Aro-.1
istice Day by meeting at 10:30 a.m„
and when 11 o'clock struck during the
singing of a hymn, a break of two
minutes was made and complete sil-
ence held with the congregation
kneeling, after which the service was
resumed. The Rev, T. H. Brown
preached two impressive sermons
suitable to the day, that in the even-
ing being commemorative. Large,
congregations were present and spec-
ial music was provided] by the choir,
The Guild decorated the altar with
beautiful flowers, wile iter
h a the
evening servicewere taken to the
sick members of the church.
Rev, R. Fulton Irwin is to preach
anniversary sermons in Kirkton next
Sunday' and lecture there on Monday
evening on "Ireland and the Irish.
+.♦: ^i-:tT'Crt.Tz "�fetr .GS:`S:!C
Je eler and Optician
Phone 194.
Seaforth Presbyterian Church
2U 1I a. m. and 7 p.j'n.
ev..B.0 Cochrane, M. A.
Of Toronto, the officiating Minister of the
occasion, has a eanadian=wide reputation,
He is the man who faces a packed house every Sunday.
He is the man who was recently offered $6,000 a year to go to
He is thelgaryman whom about 2,000 church members asked by
petition not to go West,
He is the man who declined the bigger salary tostaywhere he
thinks he can render the largest service.
Alive in mind and body and soul, ' Mr, Cochrane's presence in
a Seaforth pulpit will mean services on the highest plane
of inspirational value.
Special Music by the choir. Liberal Collections
a ked at
both services -$500 suggested.
A Welcome To All Who May Come!
Dn Account V
t of the .1
eeting at Winthrop mining on Nov, 26th,
the Seaforth Presbyterian tea meeting will he held on Monday
evening, December 3rd., Fuller: announcement litter•
Cavan Church, Winthrop
November .,�
air 11 a,rn. and 7.511 p,nt.
ear. J. 1P. McLeod, 6.74 of Brussels
will preach q
Monday evening, November 2 nh, a
-4ow su er
and entertainment will be held in the aura, Supper served frorn'
6 to 8 p,m. EnEeriiafnmslot will begin at 8 p m,
programme will be given by the affronio Male Quartette, Afise
Cook, Baader and addresses by nefghborfng irnfnisteye. Ola
Admiesou 76c and 60c
7 A. FERGUSON, Minister 1Vm TILE\ iART13,4 0