HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1923-11-08, Page 4C°/ r'r r u C. VV LEA,G[JE,
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The following report. of the third
J. P. SN:OrvVDON, Proprietor:; annual conveution of the Catholic
Women's League convention 'held in
Chatham on October 17th and lath„
lig were read in St.James' church, Sea-
mural forth, on Sunday evening, The report
made by Mrs.
first wasda•'tract
of the h s }
Observations tt A ti
of t
'cls and Lha
1 the second
Frank Sills
.--..-`•"..-..,�.;. i day by Mrs, Dan Shanahan. .,,1 re-
ports are as follows:
The afternoon of Oct. 17th found
'1Ite appointment of Melee Field at the C.W.L. convention in full swing;
Kitten station :attended byt93 enthusiastic delegates.
Kinp tto is a new nue tar elle Considerable time was taken la the
punsters to worry over. usual proceedings of registration,
This gear..\t-nilstice .Day is on 0
Sunday and nest year, owing to Leap
dear, will be ou a Tuesday. Thus it
will miss "Monday," the, day on
which lilt .\rmi;tice was signed
in 11118
reading of minutes, introductions, fol-
lowed by Airs, .Dawson, of Sarnia,
readhag the Dominion convention re-
port, which was most instructive, Her
reading and subsequent discussion.
made one feel that the work of the
Catholic Women's League was neith-
er local nor diocesan, but national.
:\fter the striking of the different
;trees 11, csuleut M s. 1T, C
1 ' ntnt.
McCann held her audience well .in
x t. ,and by a vigorous address given in a
1 rt'l;ttt'l has he n steed 1 tri(n1 m.u;net
that impressed one with the
1 eag'u< nnpurtance,and the Pt•evd
ly consider her ce monde ooitdlti t 1nt's appreciation of it,
and i-'retnier Baldwin says that he ha, Regardipg the still -division reports
"come to the conclusion that the only that followed there ,was' necessarily
way to fight this subject (uneIlll'i yconsiderable sameness as all were
working for the furtherance of Catho-
mrttt.l is by protecting' the hotuc' !ie endeavor, and while many reports
it Weil originalitY and novelty. the
I meta tone was -;long iinitar linea,
e thing that struck a person fitter'
bly was that lack of har'mony prnduc-
Phe pusitiou ca 11 stntas.< at Sett- t,;t skimpy reports and the best re -
forth is vacant. N. doubt, following sults were obtained where differences
were ttnhntlwn and the women of a .end with her father.
the desire so often t>.pressed when in
Opposition. the present government
will appoint a Conservative es -
soldier simply to ,how that they are
alt've playieg party politics.
To help your ti,vwtt grow, stitttniate
every legitimate enterprise by giving
it all the friendly- encouragement you
eau, and juin intelligence, capital and
industry in a common cense to help
y't,llr town.
1)na't - be Oast d.•\vn by your mis-
fortunes. Look at the earthworm,
for example. When it is cut in tw'1,
it does not curl tip and ,Ire. It grows
it head on one pica• and a tail ,an due
accommodate allthe dtle,gattcs.
191. Lovering• addressed the meet-
ing, in French and was heartily ap-
plauded for the effort.
With the election of the 'officers
0v0r it life membersJtIi, 1.1111'.presetl 1-
ed to airs. McCann, A vote 01 thanks
was extended the Chatham ladies for
their whole -hearted hospitality and all
depat'ted.to visit "The. Pines" con-
ducted by the Ursuline Sisters, Our
reception at this academy' was en-
joyed, also the delicious tea served,
the concert by the children and the
privilege of roaming at will through.
their lovely grounds, the latter a real
treat in itself.
Taking it all in alt one departs front
the convention: with a feeling of
pleasure at being a member of the
C.W.L. with an ambition to further
its interests as seen at the conven-
tion and with a firm conviction that
by employing proper methods as out-
lined, by subjecting ambition to the
general good and by becoming
something more than merely local,
the Catholic Women's league will
tale its propel place in the national,
▪ ;:vial and religious services ti, which
belongs, namely the top.
I'M ladies ,11 the A. 1 biei rutin
C:,\1 1.. ' will hold a deuce in Mr.
1,111161 hall It f riday evening. Nov.
tlth Music will be furnished by the
Ii,lgcr orchestra o; Stratford, ud, 1 u tch
▪ ert-ed. Gentlemen SEM, l a lie, 25n.
Mr. and Mrs. Theo Jortlau returned
to "1'orou6, after spending' the week -
parish threw their whole energy into Nit.. and :bits. Yutnag, 111 \Vaud-.
.tuck. :pent a few days a; the guest.
of Mrs. James Redmond •and their
son Stucky-.
\\•r are pleased to learn that Miss
E. 'Llt Deruiand is improving nicely
1 work, membership and application of
Cathode thought. \ delightful dinner
followed at the Hotel garner. The
League's official opening at 8-p m
•1; ;. tuhl St Joseph s hall: after
alter lier seri, us. operation in London
prayer and vatlons greetings ` h „
of wet- Iu
„itte. came Bishop Fallon'., adders.
\!r. and air-. lire Evans spent Sun-
: or rather, plain, blunt words as he .Ln• the guest of Kinkura friends.
1 rtlse'1 e.pre,sr.d it. His Lordship \ir, Will McDermand called on
1 it 1111, a mistaken idea on the-Ltmdou friends on Friday,
,art ..t the laity t., he grateful to 'a
hishn t :. priest for attending convert- ERei', and Mrs.. Roberts and daughter
tions and meetings. I1 was their duty village onth, Sailed on friends in the
to be present, although a pleasure and to lj i tttfurgettthe concert in the Uuh
1 nor, too. The speaker made a lits public se•houl "n Friday Nov.16th
u ;q 1 al 1" the beat stili -
Continuation School Report of
tis;. n keep Up the work of the tete hi -monthly examinations of the
League, stressing the fact that the Dublin cnntivaat'ion school. The sub-
suLcest of the national organization J4tts in brackets indicate failures---
t depended entirely upon individual ef- that i, below 50 per cent
member, were t• 1 •a'i wood and w ut sC Helen t Flanmery• Angle M Contte11
• fort- \f •niters who were not active l•'t,rnt 111:\, -- _John Mcf.onneli,
than 11 , member The act; • t
we les of Veronica McConnell, Verne Britton,
the Lague could he social relief, edu-
other and there are two worms in- .1 L
stead of one. Misfortunes often
dmtble your strength.
1 he 0d1tor ti 111 \V'iugbalu '!'nuc_
' ,ubieet tc' stent t oil* '11L
This coming Sunday, Nov. 11th, an-
niversary rs ary' services will be. held ill. the
Methodist church, Morning 'and even-
ing services will be conducted by
Ret. Mr. Irwin, of Sea furtb, The fol-
lowing Monday a fowl supper ler will h
t a n t at e
I, ) pl
served from (1 to 8 pan. after which a
good programme will be given. •
The friends of air. and Mrs. W.
Stevens met at their home last Tues-
day evening to show their regret and
sorrow for their removal from our
midst. The gathering was a real. sur-
prise to the worthy host and hostess.
The evening was spent in the old-
time .friendly chat, afterwhich Lunch
was served, and before the party
broke up, an address was read and
with it a well filled purse was pre-
sented Mrs. Stevens and
setrted t< Mr, tett i
fancily as a slight tokeni of reipeet
:end kindly feeling towards, such good
citizens. We are sorry to lose them
and uur. hest wishes go with them to.
their new home in Seaforth,
Mr. John Cartwright and sun Alvin
if Clinton. called on friends in our
burg last week.
Miss \tine \J,ery lett last Wednes-
day on a.... two Weeks vacation 111
\\alkerville and Detroit.
Thefootball team known as the
Kinhuru bids hell an id time tante
in the t,nurtnnity hal•. last 'Friday
Hallowe'en passed off with a few
r;tttes misplace cl. ".Phe aged were
turned into youth and a good time
1!..: 1, I't. 111sley 'ha- been on the
sick list for some time but we hope
she will soon be restored to her usual.
good health,
Miss V. Lyon returned home last
a.ntday after pending a felt le)s
with friends in Stratford,
Sits. Bean, of Carlow. is visiting
her sisters, Mrs. Melville and Mrs.
hiuggartit, itt the village,.
Miss .\lice Fin gland retttrnetl to
farimtt last week after spending a
month with her parents, Mr. and Sirs.
John Fingland.
411. and Mrs. Juhtt Radford mot•tr-
ed to London one day last week,
Miss Jewel Granger left last Wed
nt•sda) b, visit friends in Toronto.
A number attended the Sutitlay
school convention in Stratford last
Mr, Peter Cameron, who has been
in the West for a couple of months,
has returned home and reports good
catianal progress and charitable work I.;or nie Coyne, hazel Hills, Aileen, 11I Mtltt!ttitlll!Milo',18nu1111111!!!!lilldil!11k1•uiIi ll111lldtllllllll(1IP01
n etc t 11i1 :, no matter how small •lordut, 1,A -els!! Delaney, Robert
he to r.t: r L \ion with this Local By Byrne lgcom^, Lat. comp, Fr. comp,).
;c i ,11:d 1,,` t<n le'tal:ert the big
Hastings. Ioseph Feeney
work of assisting diocesan move- 1g`;tnt Eng,.let int. hl t,l
nt. such as cm,nar'y ndowments• Form 1111 Llizabeth Murray,
110u ' t r• • 1suggested.y e a •Ass e Aletit•ath (Eng. it.), Thomas
• t. L hnr .'til •r '
u t ,e. 1t v..
' or the T.cague to \Leu tsd !Pr. comp,), 'Theresa et'ar-
L,-cels-ago hi• '.,int, 1. t cd oy pub 1,11.11g, o tac•talte: �r'rtte propagation of the hentet (Fr. comp..alb., chem.)„ Joseph
an attack nn l loyd George as too faith should he the special work rof
Shea t Br. hist., Eng, lit.), Wilfred
eery menthcr •.t1 the League, His \1u:•ray tT•r. tamp., tar lust,; alg,),
ti r (Lok au for 'Toronto. and
bast week Lnrdshtp quoted a noted cardinal ,t i int' I eeney Mary \tet tach, :Angela
a<--+•ik another ,amt an<I ic" t , d tit Cmitteceioh who Marl said that elm -13ea ting. lit Bt , Fiat., t• r, comp•).
fend the loyalty Prem)<1 Kin Pietist Bible Setciety In the year 1813 \fice O'Reilly (Fug comp,, geom..):
The Tiute 1- in t class by 1t -si. No alone. gave more money for the Ralph Dill lI t comp.). Mary -Eckert
:,titer paper has yet attempted the propagation of Protestant faith 1i Eng.
4elute ,Ptak t,r:d ( Eng. lit.), Gerald
among pagans than did the
impossible Jordan (Fr. comp., it atnh., int.
C.reifait< itt y for the redpro'leans. ;1's1. cheat,), 1)a u. Williams 1Ettg,
;trout ti three hundred years t., 1 r. comp. Fr. auth atg., cheat.).
That was an appalling statement anti
Catherine 'tJuuttlev tF,ug. lit., ,n,..
wt. t
the iiree•Isit, for work and hist„ al
:Apparently the heavy vote in :it almsgiving. ile also expressed a wish g') , r
uerta on Monday •v•auld indicate that r tat ,nth -111 irts1 11 should help horn TT: -\lar e d tuuw errs Httgii
• ltiut \etlh a bazaar to he given, in aid l' ` _ ..
`cite. right method .'t scttliuk, this ;titer- \
hr hr t nus 11100'1 nnu who arc Nellie O'Rourke. \Matic. Britton, Jos -
rate probleut has not yet been tacit 1. {,,,r at Iii to '.% earn-' eplt Carpenter, \Mary Hill,, Jack
ed, The heavy votes secured i.n t .ea t• t antpbeli. Esther Byatt. 1Tarie lfitr•
prohibition seven yearn age prove `•• tat intelligence Lva required 01*,
tiro krarttho al(lattlti \lacy
et' that hr 1 a' greatly interested
J. ' e r „ t a•S-
ltat petipit want pt,hl0 rtli :of the 1'Cctm101 ti int log., Sit 1 Flora. Hills
right kind. '1 hart s n.� racstiot at ere' v l rt uu the - 1 JuscpJ,
i t ' t' ,1 C\, 0110: League'sexisted e aritlt av-t. Indent 1);11,
all that n •,e yL.-sold like a return r t (,e t \\ ,.. ntrant t, w rk t T lg.,
ln'Jv p tying., ..atilt a
the bar ,)stent. \t the sortie time it l-<r,•:.1t n.i t:.• vest activity. and it was
L t!ccrt 1lultigan 1ptt lour.. arith..
utl.:udtvndual .tut see t,n„ t,eonn,. Lattu). \ era t'eeorc
t t yi,lent t t, ,r( r ti„u a \:beret; , tt .hc i a;'te progrt sed along (triitt., alg., Latfn, French pity tog.).
h,uJ it. d t t. ,t al,3 t t. t:, the publi. ! e H r i i Peter Di1J 1'arttlt.; alga, L,tt,n, Fret:; h, l
13 ata, p11y-i(t*1
• • no
\\ ha' is uee,le.i is a law that w i I roo .luno
11c -
the abuse&qn at:•! I:.,•; r.^rate a The address of the National Pre..
Form 1,'--Jatnes Shea, Annie \1c-
tui. \t 1: ,vert •was •.t •gent •In rt Quaid. Rose McConnell, Dorothy •
w ,rse intuit • f cringe' (1 Rourke, Eileen tkert, hernia
n mt, an insight. in.-, immigra- Fr
>r+ 1 •art tl •s, Big Sister movements. \lurray. Bridget O'Loughlin, Macy
per 11100 efforts t, with Protestant \tlr,nsoti , Anna \tolyueaux t but.), i
11 is refreshing to Mel Hon. George
Henry tell the menu rut, of the Engin-
eering 1tt.tatute ,_ a, dist taut ;lc„
attempt :” _it.:l a ..:,Leat, tt, thetui
.'.elves,iu , t t v ;c it Le say:
Ile also tit.
not '. tt,leat , r,,., , - it11 .f 4:1aJ
time..,,,c., :nay
V../111.d. ' 1,112.:1;.11I,1C .•: 1.1.11•!1%,.".}t',•
ter .ire
tt Lt v wurlciu� t,tvtrd the Citartes Dorrenstein, Theresa EckertI
entry', t .,al atilt t-,t•1a1 welfare f lg.t hetet Roche (0001), Helen!
err am in the pi.,tert-on, edttca F./amour i('att. hist,. grog.), Rose
tion. and guarding of otherwise t.) t •:.'nt nr t Can hist., gent;•. Lat.),
„"t ng' 1.-aettu Hastings idiot.. Can. hist.).;
ltd•- 1 C M. -N a ,n„1 ,rt hehatf \t !tae; -Darling lEng, lit., alp„ bot. r i
the t °r t "Hoene., tltt •—.— .-- - ,
\ nt t r t Both House analStable
}r 1 tl
and t (;tl 1 r. e F t good .teal tL :.<In171aT
1 - ,•• 1 r:t"it r lta•-tilt ! airy speaking, between htitn.t'l
- r' , , and the lower n anoa' 1 +Ir I
tsubject to many aliment' arising 1
h• r. t o e rt ifianunatl•,a :Pill t8.11,11.1111101.1
u, nn -.11.4•,.1014..r . ;;, :,mt heti iTr. 1 n utas I: • 1
n:• g: a ty. nth -able rent -1
t a s and tna ural in
qtr + .011'
• en
11 ,
•1111'1. 1,.
11 111 '..10.i1;11' 1. .
1 ,1
;rade. •l1 : i- .ere earl -led. :gnrl, ;)i
the line for nlaitn tt '1r•- , 1 ':°• nu: 1 - ID
f..41,1, ., 1 Tat each Stub-divis , t c.• • i ,
the fat e andu10a of delegates. Tit 6 i - •
w n I tttlf ini 011, fro ti , latter in ,tion wad tltttt t
{ anarla of paptr that 111;1,11. 1places mght be ytsited ht'
and the furnitilittg f t r , ,I the I tttvr turr,.and curler the pre tp
thousands of men wilt, have tr 'sty • ,, t sIt 1 w , 1' me 1 h rel_ • 6it
crops, has taken over the station here, We
obit. au(1 Mrs, Peter Hotfoot of. Lcelenanc Mr, a"II". Field to uur
Dashwood visited at ttta home of Mo. village, Medical
and ;Mrs J' Boivey bite d'ty tills week
Mr. ',Inn. lfottston and hu:r, Albert
\V, •rc ,lens d sec Nlrs T z
t t c to T
Alexander wele in Godericit last
as jurors for the fall assizes,
Tutt borne again after being ill SA
Joseph's hospital; London, far three
Airs, Wm, Hay, of Niagara, who.
has been visiting her mother, Mrs; 3,
C. McLean, has returned home.
Mr, E. Detweiler has bought a car,
Mr. Jas. Ailcenhead had a good sale
on Tuesday last. They intend going
to New York on Monday. ` We are
sorry to see iltem go as they have
been fine residents here.
Mr, Bert McKay, who has been liv-
ing in the. village for a couple of
years, has moved onto Mr. Aiken -
head's fat'in:
Mr: Bruce Field, of Harrisburg,
Mr \\' \0.' Cooper• is shipping a
carload of turnips this week to. De-
Mr,s, (Rev.) R, A. Lundy, who was
in Toronto last week, has returned
For Rheumatic Pains. ---The pains
and aches of . Sciatica and Rheu-
matism should be treated with De.
Thomas' Ectectric Oil " The sooth-
ing -anis -healing properties of. this
famous remedy have been demon-
strated for fifty years, Use It also
for inflammatory pains, cuts,
scratches, bruises and sprains, either
in 'human beings or the tower ani-
ri ce
Dor th f •
Dark Secrets
Staged in Lavish Splendor with Locale divided between Cairo, Egypt,
and the fashionable homes of Long Island.
Rhubarb Vaseline
Mud and Sand
A three-part trayesty on Valentino's "Blood and Sand,"
Norma Talmadge
4lnilan' Through
Not an Expense
"For every .cent I spend
on Long Distance, to sell
goods, I expect to re-
ceive one dollar in re-
turn, and I am rarely
disappointed" says an
Ontario merchant.
The telephone has made
success democratic. It is
the creative force that
enables business to rise
superior to circum-
stances and competition
by creating opportuni-
Station -to -Station rates
save about 20% and
often give perfect satis-
Every $al Tel&phone to a
Long Dtslonae Station
'.d -.,.tea --»rt>,:•, „s. ,.��.. „1,;-� i
tf 9x��spfif 4 •t Lt l= l
`)Styivt"y• •±; .q. 3t_.taid^.
tt*ti •
highest 'cash p l cit, De,
!' pp S :nt�)-Jr'C tore .. ii1':. }1C8tttt' b1c1CI{ ?ti 1.};..91t)rc'
fot'ii eriy occupied by Mr. A. ll' cOttarg.
GEO. LILLY, Phone J92
Best Imported holland Bulbs
HYACINTHS 500 to $1:50 per doz,
TULIPS (Mixed) 40c per doz.
NARCISSUS (Mixed) 50c per doz.
CROCUS (Mixed) 15c per doz,
TUBEROUS BEGONIAS (Mixed) 81,00 per doz.
Send for Complete List including Roses and Shrubs.
HOLLAND ea,1\i. IMPORT eo.
449 River Road
aaama C':b.fasn••"•'-'^ `'T-i�L4'f&G:-"1YK •L-• sza
Canada's Largest Retail Grocers,
"We Sell To Satisfy."
We have received Large Quan-
tities of NEW FRUITS,
PEELS, and it is worth your
while to buy early,
Griffin's Seedless 9 e c
lb,. od a- 9a
15 -oz. Pkt, Seeded or 4 7 c
Seedless Raisins
CITRON PEEL lb. )� r? t n
WALNUTS Ws ib. •'-»
G T`liC-S
lb. 61L, to
ft':L H\L-
�, itttTE: ti'•.
7:.),.',.,1 1
i,.J few'
b •
id. t . �t ...
O _ ..,.
1TS 113 ,,it.
r _.tali 2' lit r . tees
OJT!T'ER OATS 11a47 <O
Rotmd fi TLa
(with Premium)
(Farina) , 4 ib.'e •'
3 Ib. %."
lit ib+
Gntelli's MACARONi or
2 pt.t,,. tt`r c,
Clark's Tomato 311 t
Lz l'(„t'UP 12 oz.-
_; -t, ate^tt
Tod ITunter's
111 c=Lot
C .t lc Brut;;
'1't ....
.!"1.'.7: ,T.LCi
."".11.1.,:e 11r'.,,1;ina
tltyalt ";•.d
r, iMttchiat• T
iii °red Ps
Ct O\,EP.
av r
H. P. SAIICE. 29:1
C12I0'CO for Shorterit'g,
r. o-. M tleinh-
1Ib �C 3lb. )
DR. 14. HUGH ROSS, `P' hysician'
and Surgeon. Late of London
Hospital, LondonEngland,Spccix
attentionto diseases of the eye,ear,.
nose and throat, Office and resid-
ence behind Dominion Bank. Ofil.e
Phone No, 5, Resident: Phone 106.
DR, F. J. BURROWS, l3eafortlt,,0f.
fice and residence, Goderich Street,
east of the Methodist Church, Cor.
oner for the County of Huron. Tel-
ephone No, 40.
icians and . Surgeons,. Goderich St,
opposite Methodist .church, Seaforth,
SCOTT, Graduate Victoria and Ann
Arbor, and member of Ontario Col,
lege of Physicians and Surgeo.s,
Coroner: for County of Huron,
.\{ACKAY, honor graduate Trinity
University, Gold medallist, Trinity
I.fedical College, Member •of Col-
lege of Physicians and Surgeons,
On tario,
DR. F. J. R. FORSTER—Eye, Ear,
Nose and Throaty Graduate in
Medicine University of Toronto, 1897,
Late Assistant New York Ophthal-
mic and Aural Institute, a'Ioorefield's
Eye, and Golden Square Throat Ho'
pitals, London, England,
Commercial Hotel, Sea
third Wednesday in each mo
from 11 a.m,. to 3 p,ut. 53 Waterlo
street, South, Stratford. Phone 291,
Licensed in Iowa and Michigan. Spe-
cial attention to diseases of women
and children, Consultation free. Of
lice over Lttnbach's drug store, Suc-
cessor to Dr, Geo, J. Heilemenn.
Tuesday, 9 RAIL to 6 p.m.
General Fire, Life,
Accident & Automobile
and Dealer in Singer Sewing Machines
James Watson
North main St. SI(AFORTH, ONT.
Mutual Fire insurance, Con
, Jas. Connolly, Goderich, President,
James Evans, Beechwood. Vice Pres-
ident; Thomas Hays. Seaforth, Sec:
D. F. McGregor, R. R. 3, Seaforth;
John G. Grieve, R. R. 4, Walton; W.
Rina, R. R. 2, Seaforth; John Ben -
newels, Brodhagett; Robert Ferris,
R. R. No. 1, Blyth; Malcolm McKeon,
Clinton; G. McCartney, R. R. No. 3,
Seaforth; James Connolly, Goderich;
Jas, Evans, Beechwood.
Agents. 1
Alex. Leitch. R. R. No, I, Clinton; E.
tiinchley, Seaforth; J. A, Murray, IL
R. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V. Yeo,
Holmesville; R. G. Jai mouth, Born-
holm. James herr and John t;oven-
lock, Seaforth, auditors.
Parties desirous to effect insurance'
or transact other 'business will be
pronapity attended to by application
to any of the above officers addressed.
to 'heir respective postoIPPt:es,
Desirable House
+To the person seeking a ct'tji ort-
rile It el se t) stot'es. ehnrc'ltes,
tti schools. and still be in the
r t,nlry tltts rey lertce is st,bt-to idly
11 411"i, haute; less titan a toilefrom
stoic .e. The property
: f eight •t •ors c,f land. a good
n C t i +Int S'r^'1 1-r1i1MS and
It I l a and soft t t ;;cod
tert-.011,1.11t 110,11i110:tine or -
elm -1. Possessim can be given lan-
etel :c li'dt-ther ,s'n t -,•n May
Ii ,,,1,:,,.Med at PTTs_ .d'\\,._ r)F1:10E..
'rJ 3i7ft•i-0I
zp •1'•j iii 41 .4 ,
t e r : •'3 7,1,WaY
They make new revep-.
stbfe "Velvetttx" Rots,
send r • • \'(,lt^rlet. Fnlrn,r 2
LONbox, t)\9,,
Highest, prices paid: Max Walsh
Phone 17S, Seaforth,,
ti'77,-7"7701,1111M_, 111