HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1923-11-01, Page 6goose
The most delicious ;.;Aerad procurable.'
About the ilouse
- 3y
A POT OF GOLD—PAINT,Using the wrong needle or not set
This is the time of year wheel ting the needle properly.
everything house seems to{ Presser foot or attachments not se-
ng about the curely fastened by thumb screws.
take on a look of shabbiness and n+i
fit, when we housewives wish five' Do you fand tha•
t your machine i
might follow tl•e rainbow's lovely path hard to run? This condition may be
and find the fabled Pot of Go''d. Butdue to any of the following:
ij Dull needle points.
The Hidden Hour
--=�----... BY J. B, HARRIS-BURLAND.
CHAPTER IX. Imy lady, I want to have a nice little
Very rarely, perhaps, in all the an- place. I don't want to start off too
nals'of crime, has a solemn verdict of humbly. Of course, Pd give an undez-
mur'dex given hope attd comfort to any i taking to repay the money."
human being in the world. But when! "Well, I'll think it over, Fletcher,"
Ruth Bradney heard' the result of the. said Ruth after a few moments of
inquest she `felt as" though a great silence. "You've been a very good
burden had been lifted off' her life—as friend to me, and:I should like to help
though once again she could walk you• We both think very" highly of
among 'men and women without the you, Fletcher.. But I want you to
fear' of some finger pointed at her, of think it over, too. You have s very
some voice crying out, "That was the good home here."
woman who drove Paula Merrington7 "Tres, my lady, and you've been a
to commit suicide." ;kind mistress, And I shall never for -
It was the other verdict she' had get your kindness, and if you can
feared. That, for. her, would have been oblige me with this money, my lady,
the real verdict of Murder and she, Ill be exceedingly grateful to you."
i Ruth Bradney, would . have, been the i ' "111 talk to my husband about jt."
murderess, I "Thank you so very much, my, lady,"
She had not been summoned to at- "Good -night, Fletcher—you needn't.
! tend the inquest, and, naturally, site sit up for me; I may be rather late,"
had not gone there' of- her own free! ' Good -night, my lady." '
will, It was Fletcher, her maid, who The servant left' the room and Ruth,
, had told her of the verdict, and Flet- clasping her hands about her knees,
cher had said, "I don't see, my lady, stared at the fire with a puzzled ex
howthe jury could have decided other- pression in her eyes. The intervi
wise-" .Ruth had been dressing for had been absurdly pleasant if it ha
diluter at the time, and she had not been Fletcher's intention to levy black
mall, Why, there had notbeenev
why seek the rainbow's end when '
' Loose bolt.
veritable pot of gold may be perches - dull needle:
ed far a very small sum at the corner Lack of oil:
of paint, and. enamel bolding as little! it and ?int -
as one-fourth pint may now he proeur- Q ovod with oil,
ad -
ed in almost every color and tint. AI , Go over the machine carefully, ecry small outlay of money nr.d lima{ lusting all the conditions that promote
will make dingy rooms take on a' disorder and give it a fair chance to
• bright and checrlhl appearare.e. do good work far you, before you
We recently moved into a large, blame the results of your work to age
countryhouse. The dining -room
and make,
woodwork was painted a muddy) COMBINATION CAKE.
green. We:repainted the woudwork
' and papered the walls with a soft tan' This is a good recipe for dark cake
paper with a touch of rose in it, We which my family is very fond of. I
went over the furniture with an an- use the same recipe with slight varia-
tionstiyne oak varnish, also the flan!. The for layer cake, drop cookies,
room is very cheerful and pleasant fruit cake, or gingerbread made in a
and the whole cost came within five dripper.
dollars. Layer Cake --1-3 cup shortening, 1
We had two deep trays of smooth cup white sugar, 14 cup molasses, 1
wood made. These we fastened one up boiling water, 2% cups flour, 2
above the other to four square posts. egg yolks, 2 tsp. cinnamon, la tsp.
To this we fastened the rubber -tired ginger, salt, 1qs tsp, soda,
wheels and the well-designed handle Bake in two layers, and ice with
of a discarded baby carriage. We boiled white icing made of one cup of
enameled this to match the other Palm- sugar and half cup of water boiled'
ishings and have a practical and real- together until it hairs. Stir this syrup'
fy good looking'serving table. into the two stiffly beaten egg whites
We found some old, deep picture and beat until creamy.
frames in the attic. These we enema For dark drop cakes I use the same
eled in black with touches of gilt and recipe, adding two whole eggs, two!
• color, We purchased some tray teaspoonfuls cloves, one tablespoon!
handles and fastened one at each end cocoa, and bake in gent pans in mod -1
of frames. We put crocheted doilies erate oven.
under the glass, although cutouts of For gingerbread, make as for drop.
wall paper or cretonne would be rakes, but bake in a dripper.
pretty, These substantial trays have For fruit cake add one-half package
been much admired. of raisins and one cup flour. Bake in
Scarcely anything about the house deep pans. This will make two fair -
escaped the onslaught of our relent sized haves. --Mrs, W. G. S.
less paint brushes. Vases, bowls, bas-
kets and low flowerpots to hold cut A PRETTY DRESS FOR THE
flowers, bulbs and ferns, GROWING GIRL.
Many ideas come to mind as one
gats interested in the work. Do not
acmoan the fact that there is no pot
of gold to spend for new furnishings,
hut get busy with paint and brush.
You will be amazed at the charming
results of a few hours of pleasant!
work, and you will feel more than re-
paid by the compliments of your home
folks and friends,
drug store or hardware? Small pots!
The tension of your sewing machine
is an all-important consideration of
every home dressmaker. It must be
regulated according
to the
weight t 0
material used and a perfect stitch
should be alike on both sides. This
perfect stitch is obtained when the
tension on the upper and under side is
alike. The upper tension is usually
placed on the face of the machine or
else on the arm; the lower tension is
adjusted by a screw in the bobbin
case, In regulating the delivery of
thread both through the upper and fd9g" '` 4. ._.
lower tension, turn the adjusting '""" n""'
screw to the right to tighten, and to 4498. Dotted percale in blue and
the left to loosen. white is here portrayed. It is piped
The length of the stitch is reulated with blue bias binding, This is a
by a screw or a lever on the head at good model for suiting, kasha, andh
the right of the machine; this stitch jersey, also for linen and crepe. The
is, lengthened by turning to the right. sleeve may be in wrist -length or shore! r
IMPROPER woIitINe of DIACN 'R, The Pattern is cut in 4 Sizes: 6„ ge
Does your upper thread break? If 8, 10 and 12 years. It requires 35 e
so, is this the reason? yards of 27 -inch material for an 8-Iw
Imperfect needle (bent or blunt). year size. For vest, and facings of
Machine improperly threaded, contrasting material, la yard 32 finch -'la
Needle too small for the thread. es wide is required. Pattern mailed to any address on l a
Needle improperly set,
receipt of lac in silver or stare r
Dirt or. lint in the shuttle cavity the Wilson $ic in s i Ps, by vv
which stops the bobbin from turning
Publishing Co., 73 Westi
freely, Adelaide Street, Toronto, Allow two
Worn. weeks for receipt of pattern, 1f
]toes year machine skip stitches? tit
if this is the rendition examine it, DRYING DAINTY LINENS. I w
considering the following points: 1 have an old dresser with abroad a
Blunt or crooked needle, marble top and consider myself in`
Needle and thread not correspond- luck, I• find it the most convenient BFF
king in size. i thing on which to dry dainty, flat lin- h
Needle improperly set. I ens, although a porcelain top kitchen,
Wrong needle for the machine. table would answer the purpose, After!
Are you constantly breaking need- washing the linens, 1 lay them perfect
les? Here are some of'the reasons:I ly flat on the smooth marble, patting to
Failure in release the tension be- the edges down well. When dry they!
.ore drawing the work from under the, are lifted up and folded, with a great,.T
pn•esser foot. saving of heat and labor, --G, S. I f
Trying t:' eesi:tt the feed points by "— i
pulling the material as themachine' CARL IN PLANNING. s
is stitching. }I Things to remember when planning s
Tieing a coarse thread in a Pinel meals: 0
rpedle.' I Fried foods should be used sparing- ad
- ly, especially where there are children.
I The iron requirement of children
LEARN B}� TRADI and "men is greater than for men.
la 0w treeka, lealslana guaranteed. Steady tui -1 —`�"'�'"-----
k oyment,: Write forf ran t4at,L,ee,. Moldy system A.,yiraffe's tongue- is about two feet
of College., IDS eutea at. S.. Toronto. 1 in length..
ISSUE No. 44—'21. 'Amerces Liniment 1412103 Cute.
"Change and decay in all nrouid I
see," The law of life le the law of
constant alteration, The world you
behold to -day Is not the one that you
saw yesterday. The house where yen
lived when you were a boy was rased
years ago. The tree you planted
dwindled because the roots of it were
starved, and it was cut down. The
street was invaded by stores, and the
old residents were pushed out into
strange outskirts of the town. The
market' square has filled with alien
fames and unfamiliar names. {creat in-
dustries, Whose windows shine like
gold against the , sundown, line the
hanks of the stream where you fished
and swain. When: you were' little, ani.
mate and inanimate alike were im-
mortal. Nothing could die. Nothing
would grow up. Your mother's' cheek
would never fade, nor your father's
hand and foot grow less decisive, You
night turn the key on all your trea-
sures in Time's cabinet, and Dome
v- back when you would, and find them
aw there intact. You have learned' bet-
li ter now: You have seen that there Is
a difference between a day and a day.
eared to discuss the. Matter with her
maid. She had simply answered "It a note of menace in the woman's vote
want to talk about it." one could have taken exception to
And then she had dined alone, and
Even the request itself was not u
she had been very glad that her hus-reasonable, Tlie loan, the legacy, the
band' had not returned for dinner, old aunt of eighty-three, the undertak-
ingSooner or later he was certain to die- to repay the money! It all sound -
cuss the inquest with her, or, rather, ed most business -like. If it had not
she would sit and listen to his com-
ments been for the tear in the fur coat and
on the evidence. But now, as the missing hat, Fletcher could not
she sat alone in her boudoir after din -possibly have been suspected of at-
nor, she was only conscious of a cer-
tain gratitude for the peace that had pounds for nothing but the holding of
come upon her tortured brain after I her tongue.
the agony of the last three days, Dan-; "Perhaps I've made a mistake,
gets and difficulties lay ahead of her, I thought Ruth. Some instinct had'
butwarned her that Fletcher was not a
shenow,l even if the truth were known,"faithful friend," but an enemy. Still,
she would not be utterly destroyed. It 'it was quite possible to bo mistaken.
seemed as though all the powers of In any case it would be wise to let
heaven and earth were fighting to Fletcher have the moue
save her from destruction
e You have learned that the world of
le all too terrible Fletcher I don't and she ],tad not said a cold that any
sense is forever mutable, and that
even what seems solid ground under
rt- your feet dissolves like the cloud over-
head when met by the pulse of the
What Is Enduring?
What is there that remains? The
friends that we cherished, on'whom
we leaned for judgment and for sym-
pathy, have passed on into rho world
that is "a wonder still." We rear a
memorial in a public place, or in the
unforgetting grateful heart, and our
lives are fed by the expectation of
meeting theta once more and giving
an account of our stewardship for bet-
ter or for worse. But they are not
here. What precious thing have we'
that we can keep secure against all
that would "creep and intrude and I
climb into the fold?"
The only things we can keep with
ue surely to the end of days are the
things that never had a market value,
It Is not the wood and atone of the
houses made with hands or of the
monoliths and pyramids that. endure.
We can kelp and hand dolvn to those
who come after ue a creed of kindlf.
nese and charity, a sense of honor, a
delicate regard for the lndividuality
of others, an affectionate loyalty In
friendship, a serene and modest self-
reliance. These are not to die when
at last the frame that holds thein shall
mingle with the dust. These shall out-
live the evanescent phenomena that
filled our little day on earth between
the morning star and eventide. These
shall bring true the dreams whose ful-
fillment was denied us, and these shall
be the heritage on which time has no
So calm had she become that shot Five hundred pounds Not a very
f if it WaS not fol.
was even able to read a novel and !could lot ed by furthere sum in ' dmands! Yet she
take an interest int the joys and sor-
rows and adventures of fictitious not and five hundred pounds
characters. Then, as the clock on the unless she asked her he husband wouldr e -
mantelpiece struck ten, there was a • She was doubtfuldvhow he re -
knock on the door, and Fletcher en -'ward this adventure of Fetdhern He
tered. en -! was a lawyer and he would want to
"Might I have a few words with' know all abous t the aunt and the
at there was
your ladyship?" said the maid.' no au t' aIt ndnoegacy.ossible thAnd in any
humbl yes,
es Fletcher,of course " i case, even old women of eighty-three
Wli •, altered their wills.
dtRuth with a smile, "Wltat'a the i • Ruth, thinking over the matter
matfrom her husband's point of view, be -
"1 have been thinkiug of leaving gan to see that there was no real se -
your ladyship's service," was the as-Icurity fortheloan. Fletcher's "note
closed her book and said, • p l of hand," as the money -lenders put it,
hou h t you were so comfortable hre, it
Alexandereuposstbleht wthatell ehe emight
"So I am, my lady. And I n
!wonder why his wife, naturally annoy -
erred at the loss of a ver able servant
hope to be in a nicer house than this ! should wish to make very
—nor to deal with any lady as I like' easy for her.
better than your ladyship, But I feel I won't mention it to Aloe," she
that I want a change." . thou ht. "I can raise the money some -
"Oh, nonsense, Fletcher—you've ; how."
talked like that before, What is it that I Still, aoart frofn the raising of the
you really want -the last time you :money, there were other dangers to
had quarrelled with one of the foot- be considered, She remembered that
men and I had to get rid of him in once her husband, speaking to Iter of
order to keep you. What is it now? i a famous trial, had said,"In black -
Are you going to get married? Are !mail it is the first pyment that
you in love?" I counts. The others follow as a mat -
"No, my lady. I hope as I'll never' ter of course,"
do anything so foolish. But I've been I It was an obvious truth. But in
thinking over the future, my lady, and this particular case, could the pay -
it seems to me that I could better my- I Ment—the loan of this five hundred
self. I don't like to look forward to l pounds—be set against her as an evi-
tny old age, my lady. Service isn tl deuce of guilt? She had consented to
what it used to be—I moan we dont a not unreasonable request on the part
Iook at it quite as we used to. Not! of an old servant.
that I have anything to say against it, But the answer to this plea came
my lady, for I think there's no bet- swiftly on its heels. "If it was a
ter training for a girl or a young•] reasonable request," she could hear
woman. But I think all of us look, her husband saying to her, "why did
forward to marriage or else setting you not ask me for the money,"
up some little business of our own. I Ruth could not come to a decision.
thought I d sat
ga dress
�� .maker •She realized that she would have to
in a small way. I think the natter over very carefully.
"Oh, Fletcher, how foolish of you. She almost wished Fletcher had not
Why, most dressmakers in a small been so gentle and pleasant. She
way would bo glad to be in your po-' wanted to know exactly what was hi
!wanted to know exactly what was in
"Very likely, my lady, but I have Fletcher'a mind,
ideas of my own. I want to be in- (To be continued,)
Measuring Bridge Strains.
"Ah, independence!" said Ruth with
a smile. "I m afraid, Fletcher, that is
rather a will-o'-the-wisp, Well, I shall,
pe yery sorry to lase you," Measuring the strains of bridges,
Thf3 statement Was not strict'ylskyserapers, airelms and structural
true. A short time previously Ruth material accurately and quickly is lie•
would have been very sorry to part ing done by a little machine Just per -
with so excellent a servant. But since fected by the Bureau of standards in
t -e disappearance of the hat with the Washington. The gauge can be placed
two red feathers Ruth had begun to anywhere on the structure being test-
egard Fletcher as a source of dan- cd and is almost uncanny in its find.
r. For three days now it had seem- Ings. It measures only ten inches long
d to Ruth that the servant had been and about five inches wide, and is so
etching her—that Fletcher was not ronsit!ve that its recorder returns to
the some old reliable Fletcher, but—
well not exactly a .spy, of course. Per- normal in Due one -thousandth of a1
aps Merely a suspicious and observ- second.
nt woman. Neither of then' had said The principle involved is the vary-
nything about the hat. Ruth had ing electrical resistnneb of many close•
ealized that she could easily:explain ly adjacent thin carbon plates. It has
by site had said nothing about it, been known long, but never applied
I've been thinking of this change with success commercially until the
or some iimc, my lady. I have put Burma of Standards' engineers built
by a bit of money, but I don't know if
be enough. I was wondering tine present machine. A special volt -
Nether your ladyship or Sir Alex- meter gives the readings of the
nder would help nue at all." ; strains developed, A practical test is
Ah, so that was it! The faithful new going on in Iowa, where impact
letcher had come to the point at last. strains of highway bridges are being
lackntail! Ruth laughed to conceal found., Prof. Almon Fuller of the
er tltoughts—laughed out loud. !Iowa State Agricultural College and
Oli, Fletcher, Ruth exclaimed, "I' 0. S. Peters, one of the inventors, are
don't want to lose you: Ilow can you 1 in charge of Ilia tests.
expect me to make it easier for you'
"I know it seems an impertinence,
y lady. But I should be very grate-
ul if you could see your way to help -
lig me, I shall be able to repay you An Irishman was seated in a 'train
ery shortly. T have an old aunt who beside a pompous individual who w•RS
M1nard's Liniment fp. . Oandrull,
A Study in Heredity.
eighty-three. She has left tie all accompanied by a deg.
he's got, and that's about two thou "Foine clog ye leave,'• said the Irish -
and pounds. 7f your ladyship could
vanee me five hundred.. You see,
Radio Price List
,Pine for NEW 1.n11.0 ITP of I10,, tlt•ts uud
0epih4. 11.1 ,.a,... I••r; laity,
man, " 'Fwhal kind is it?"
"A cross between: an Iris'hnman and
nn ape," the titan replied.
"Shure an it's related to batty of
us," the Irishman rejoined.
The plainest people can be made
beautiful by modern facial surgery,
, which is, however, a costly process. ;
Have a packet in voer
packet for hoer -ready
Aids digestion.
Allays thirst.
Soothes the throat.
Tor Quality, Flavor and
lire Sealed Paokas,.
Which Way?
Teacher (opening second object -les-
son on the cat),—"Can you tell me to
what family the cat belongs, Jones?"
Jones (after a little hesitation)—"I
think It belongs to the family next
Ire pay weakly and offer steady. employment Belling
our eomplefe and ex/Icahn linea of whole•root, (melt-
dug -to -order 'trees and phone. 1gast stock and serried,
.w'e tench' and equip f•oi, free. A money -making
outwear t others
Q'whi a
'444' I
reel the perfect balance and the
hand comfort of The Smart made
Axe.—Iiardened:toufihened and
tempered "wawa selto knowhow'
to build double life and double
value into every axe they make
Sing'/eB/t-Oot,6/e Bit
,J AyShape Any Weight
OGY.V t4
f3R I E ONT.
Platinum might well be called the
"Cinderella" of metals, es It was for
many centuries sobrnod and :map
preciated. Now, however, it has conic
into its own and Is regarded as cue of
the most valuable and useful' of ahem
Its story is as long and es fascinat-
ing as that of gold, although it has :.
never caused such wild excitement,.
strife and misery. It was known ib•
the Ancients, as is proved by dis-
coveries of olds ruins at Thebes, in
Egypt, and elsewhere; but they by no
moans, appreciated the wonderful
qualities of the metal, ancl it was lit-
tle need.
Later on it Was employed by coun-
terfeiters to niakc false coins, and
some hundreds of people have been
hanged for using platinum for this pur-
pose. Yet, :strangely enough, to -day
sunk- "base metal" would be worth
more than gold coins of the same
The modern appreciation or plat'-`
num really dates from 1731, when An-
tonio de Moe, a Spanish naval offi-
cer, led an expedition into South
America, There he found deposits of
an extremely, tough and durable metal,
which he named "leaden.," from
"plata," thee Spanish word for silver
Later, large quantities • were ship_
over to Europe, where the stip
of the day began to excoriate
it and to discover its marvel'
Essential to Science.
The metal soon became more wider
used and appreciated, although It did
not then attain the great commercial'
and artistic value it enjoys to -day.
Piatinum is found in small grey par-
ticles along with other metals, includ-
nclud ing gold and chrome -iron. Occasional-
ly It is discovered in the form of nug-
gets, which are naturally extremely
valuable. A 25 -pound nugget of plati
num would at the present time be
worth aver $30,000. It is found gener-
ally in river deposits in Russia and in
the republics of Columbia and Brazil,
M South America, Borneo, the West
Indies, Australia, and the United
States also contain smaller deposits of
the valuable metal,
Previous to the rule of the Bolshe-
viks, Russia supplied ninety per cent.
of the world's platinum, but to -day the
mala supply comes from Colombia..
The uses to which platinum is put
are almost countless, It is essential
to science and chemistry, as It is' em-
ployed to make crucibles, being the
only metal that will stand really .in-
tense heat without melting, Neither
Is it affected in any way by the action
of chemicals that would eat away
other metals, In the manufacture of
most electrical and telescopic instru•
ments it is also indispensable, as if
can be drawn out into .the thinnest
wire without snapping.
Platinum is used in the making of
sulphuric acid, and consequently it is
absolutely necessary for the manufac-
ture of high explosives.
Dentists owe a great debt to plati-
num, as it enables then to fit
flcfal teeth with plates and rivets
which do not tarnish or oxidise. Thin
platinum plates have been used within
recent years for makng artificial roofs
for the mouths of soldiers and others
ffering from facial injuries. It is
the only metal over which wounds will
Lake That Sharpens Razors.
One of the most curious lakes In the
orld is to be found in Ireland.
This lake has the power of petrdfy-
The earth is 92,800,000 miles from
the sun.
This Weather:
automatically Core-
y x p, ,.Id is_.e casts weather O to 2•f
..33yy''"' hour. ahead. Children
5"< t'•4,j i. ; come out for fair wrath•
4'ati; '•� it , ,�ii. er.. Witch cornea out in
advance of rain br enow,
Christmas Clit
Former price'
Scicntioceirymode of hard. $1.50 Now
wood, Swiss cottage style sent postpaid
with thermometer, elk's on receipt of
head, etc. Order tedn
Y•• 6uarant:e3 ;tenable,
K EYD EL 00„ Dept L Walkerville. Ontario,
Ing any substance that niay fall into
it. Of course, the petrifaction is not
absolute, but the substance is coated
with a layer of stone, which is found
dissolved Jn the lake, and the stone
then hardens .and forms a shell over
the substance.
A well-known cutlery firm in Eng-
land heard of this, and sent a man
over to inspect it, He selected sever-
al pieces of hard wood, which he sank
with weights and then marked the
place with small buoys.
A fortnight later he returned and
took up two pieces of the Wood, which
he found to be partly petrified, Two
weeks after he drew up the other
i pieces, and found each piece to be as
I hard as flint.
The firm then made several experl-
menus w•itli the 350011, and found that
i at a certain stage of petriffeatlon an
e eolieat reaor hone could be menu-
Metered from it.
What Is Your Favorite
Haven't you often wished that you
could play a Saxophone, a Violin, Mando-
lin or Cornet?
1;!1. ILLIAnis `lag"Ten
a. S
Toronto, Ont.
Established 1849
Bend for our new catalog. It shows exact
reproductions of all the popular home instru-
ments. It explains how easily you can own
the Instrument you like best through our
plan of
Then Easy Payments
which enabler you to enjoy the use of your
Instrument while paying for It.
With each of our complete outfits we
give a certlfioate entitling you to a coufseof
You are taught to play right In your own
home under the 'direction of cerpetent •
This book Is free' to those who send In
the coupon at once,
Do it now,
R, 6.
Send me your neW book, "Allusion'
Instruments of Quality," entirely
without obligation or expanse to me,
A Great Invitation,
i -
...rd ---"My, but these aerial rest
st:.,0ns are.ceavenieni"
There ere 40,000 lakes in New-
Flowers for sick rooms should, be
carefully chosen, as red blooms'aggrae
vote fever, while blue blossoms tree'