HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1923-10-25, Page 4FQU a 4 �a U iS F, SNO sV,12QN, Proprietor, i0 s ObSEtVaI 91 'eri Ge a 1 d iL On Tuesday night London took from White River the distinguished position of being the coldest place in Canada, London is located too near Seaforth to hope it holds the championship. Emerson says: "Nothing great was 1' 1 without enth otiasm" • Judgment. The appellant, John Hawthorne, was oil the 31st day of October, 1922, founds ui}ty of selling three bottles of liquors 10 Switzer Grealis on the 24th day of September, 1922, between the hours of three and four o'clock in the ever THE HAWTHORNE CASE, •- is a copy • of Judge L. i, �yviu J g The tut Ly Whig s published •nem d • 'till t �)•.l••�u's a • I t tau dl 4 judgment in the iioseirth Signal. The case has caused much discussion in. Seaforth, and though lengthy, should prove in- tereting reading. King vs. John Hawthorne, in the matter of an appeal ,from tllc conviction Made by the Police ;♦Magis- trate of the County of Huron, on the a2 9.. whereby 31st day of October, 1922, John Hawthorne, the appellant, was convicted of au offence against Sec- tion 40 of the Ontario Temperance Act. a c neve( wt c\ t Commercial Hotel, u t the Conunerua >'tl a t The V soul, of t whole t your put \tu words, l t lel' 1\ U , toI P ItSeaforth, the town of contrary to the words - into it,� Don't worry if your w above section of $1,0(10 was im appear a ; little extravagant. Christ posed upon the appellant, and he was' Himself l language that ,Intel ordered to pay the costs of the prose - nose t user at n Id think extravagant as when He eutiun amounting to $37,50. and in de costs I7 11e a111 C. \V -.b said h fault U t is vne Ila f payment said faith would remove mounttiits ,the tunvictiun directs that -appellant he imprisoned in the common goal at ** I t, ,derirlt for a terns of four months Premier Ferguson gave good ad -1 with hard labor, The 24th of Septein- her, '1921 when it is alleged the appel- vice in his speech last week when he 1 uu solea the said liquor to Grealis, told those who could not increase fell upon Sunday. and the evidence is their income, to reduce their expendi- that un that day Grealis with three n meal from Clin- ton 1 u1 t young men tThe t .illi i- apply the same a I e wouldhis re. 3pln(1 to. Grealis Seaforth, that r .eat t r1 c r own mid - would said his not s and a ti n the t•' (lett r h r tttrnr t •tf t vice to ( at 4 C tto THE SEAFORTH NEWS' 'r +'•' e1 int-Seaforth after 6 otelocl very wcl[. 1 haven't seettvery omen nal Hotel •:r serv- of 'hitt 1 cannot say tis 1 do know l p,im, just after supper had been him. 1 have:only seen Mini once," ed lie further states that he fixes Further on in his evidence he states and "that he saw him lots of times," " a specifies one .previous occasion when he had seen him at the hotel. Then again in this evidence he says that when Pellote, the prosecutor, asked him from whom he got the liquor, he told Fellow "that it was at the Com- mercial Hotel at Seaforth from,Haw- thurne, he thought," and that he told Pellow he got the liquor from a tall fellow with black -rimmed glasses, and that Pellow said to hint he dict not think Hawthorne' ware glasses. Again in the evidence in his cross examtna- tdou, he was asked why he was not Sure it was from Hawthorne he got the liquor and that he thought he got it from Hawthorne, etc., and his ans- wer was "Well, l dont know him verywell," and. again• on the same page; referring to the previous een occa- sion when t 1 e said he had a Haw- thorne inthe hotel, he was asked if he paid any attention ars to whether it was Hawthorne or not, and his an- swer was."I never paid any attention 1l evidence C'ra5 Sunday the.24th of Septctnber, 1922, as the Sunday lie, Quinlan and Kruse went to the bush, as it was the Sun- day following Seaforth fair, which Was 'held on the 21st and 22nd days hat oof n 1922,thetway'ctot} bush be remarked to. Quinlan and Kruse that yesterday was his birthday, and his birth certi- ficate is produced showing that he. was born on the 23rd of Septembers and that be said to his compattion that the Seaforth fair day did not fall on his birthday that year as usual. Hawthorne further 'states that while the bosh he left his car at the .grav- el.pit gate near John Murphy's +house, and that it remained there all day. He further says that on the way home. they', saw 'earl VanEgmond at his place,, that VanEgntoucl was feeding his chickens and waver! his hand to out to the bush wayo tt he hum: that on t they passed Michael Mueray`who was, driving in the sante direction. Mr.hr•use says that Hawthorne called for Biro about9 or 9:30 a.m, on to him at all." 0 .its - Sunday the 24th of Sep tentb and pick:, a i flat a p �u t e to > lrov S.. The c companions hat rho: t ) -o n 11s says that tw dro are did not know Hawthorne at all, and ed him up and the three of them when the question was asked hint to Barry's bush, parked the car at the "Did Pellow ask hint if he got tlfe gravel pit and that they remained in liquor front Hawthorne?" he replier' the bash until about,5:30 p.m, Kruse that "he (fellow) may have said ..•. .borates in every detail the evi- this" In the face of the evidence of Grea- lis 1 quoted, tilled as it is Why. the 'Magistrate,:preferred to ac' sept the uncorroborated evidence of the four young rowdies wsho oil their own showing were out on ,a drunken spree on the Sunday in question, and who if their evidence' could he believ- ed, were eiders and abettors in the violation of the Act, under which this chargeis laid and accomplices in the commission of the offence for which the appellant has been convicted. A magistrate or judge cannot arbitrar- ily and without limitation accept or reject evidence without giving suffic- ient reaoos for so doing. T had almost overlooked. the evid- ence of Mr. Johnston who deposed that Grealis told 'him that he (Grea- lis) purchased the liquor from some persons -in Stratford and that he had paid $55.00 for it. '.Phis would be about the price he would pay. to a bootlegger for a ease of 12 bottes :of deuce of Hawthorne and remembers the Sunday as the Stulday. following lis which rave qui c , Sea for tit fair 'day, He remembers .t the d. that y Ile borne remarking my t wt •ltu Ha • and uncertainty, t slay 3 ' t nil L .with ti C t - g all birthday • and ren hisb was tion ore written adjudication thea bef in hi t1 1 Magistrate itis cin feeding ' mo nd e g l'anl. seeing g •t in tettcy bus , t arrived e •; that. \ p•11 t\ ar n And cnnyiction say, •e past his place. avootd t I short time balance ent their t t ,. t the ate( in se, drove straight a itis the evidence of SwitzerGrealis thickens as they drove accounts by reducing expense are the said hut,( htc'evidencer01 Grealis w -ho made the actual purchase 01 11 Mr. Quinlan states that Hawthorne not absolutely needed. There are least such i tquor he distinctly state; and without called fur him between )all+ 10 noel I' rout e pions, Connell, Cole and t whatever that it was o'clock the morning of Sunday the vtth- tn do \ that they n most of a c< •t ce is tl a many. things n u cidt t rut g r The c I , bh 1 t. not if only' we so decide, and the at,- 13 1t tt, the card of the rear of the the Sunda} followuit, stinence.will perhaps help the coon- hotel, that Greens and Couuell went try- as well as the indit idvah tit, the noel iu earth of liquor e s- solutely at variance with, and is not Rantholuc te... petting to fund the appellant, John supported by the. evidence of Grealis. that the stay before was his birthday. * * ll.rwthnrne, that not seem slaw" Dealing next with the evidence of Quinlan says that un the day of •Sea- * t't„roc about the botch they returned Clarence Connell the Magistrate says forth fair he arranged with Earl Vatt It is about time that a change w:is t„ their car. and atter a few minutes. that "this witness swore positively to Egntcutd to go to Barry's bush on the c}„ Grealis wept into the hotel alout. seeing John Hawthorne pass their car following Sunday, but that when made iu atpu i,iting, officials h t,:calis states that whet he wens ��v certain +ones and thea allolying them l c• ixrcl a second time he saw Ilat1_ in the rear o the Commercial lintel with Hawthorne called for hint hs went t n at Seaforth on the afternoon of the with hint. He also remembers lyel8 seeing to make reports on their DNn worn• tl,orue and asked him if he could get 2411i of Septetttller," but a reference to \'aiT•:gntonl feeding- chickens as they Haw - while the people who appoint therm anything 1 1 that Haw - the depositions I' Connell driving home. 1 1 \' E any motives 24tht September, 1922..that It wd ho r ]tint the 1 ,rue w h o sold lobo IIa1ytlt,>• 5eafurth fair liquor." [n nay opinion such a liuding is ab- day, and he, .1•too. ,.isemand ed himself alto ' to drink, and ;'tions 1t ttss that unit were and pay their wages, sit and wonder Thorne asked hint (Grealis) s1 •tow• many Iti1 not -wear positively to seeing Ear atimond assistant Post - bow and that he tGreaLk ddawthorpe, His evidetace i5 "1 saw master at Seaforth, was called as a b m "one small hears could hold allhe } he wanted three bottles, and as.- l to the one I took to be witness. and stated I1 u at l• Mr. Hawthorne } t>d that he rtmembe •r - knew:" fake. for instance, the. County' ed Hawthorne the price and was told him: I know Hawthorne just to see ed Sunday the 24th of September 1922, ' Engineer. appointed by, the County by Hawthorne 45.00 a bottle, that he l Connell) was and that he saw- Hawthorne and Council, brings in at each meeting an went out to the ear and collected elaborate report of the "mighty. work" ,}one, fudging by the speehes trade at a meeting recently held int I•gmonlville over the oiling of the streets. quite a different report might have been compiled by a disinterested ltersott. This is equally true of many other reports brought in by officials. • The government pays out large stun, for reports of men, telling how well they have earned their own salaries• his stook -in -trade, Grealis was asked. if he bad told Johnston that he had bought the liquor in Stratford n, d had pain $55,00 for it, and he would not contradict Johnston. If he did purchase the, liquor in Stratford, the drive to Seaforth with Connell, Cole and Lockhart, may have been a ruse, on his part to get rid of some of the liquor which according to the evidence of these young culprits was very ,poor and inferior sluff. No. person saw Grealis get any liquor from any per- son at the hotel in Seaforth, The evi- dence is that he brought it out to the ear in his pockets after collecting front each of his companions $3,75. It was lie that conducted the party to Seaforth and to the yard in the rear of the hotel. pial Grealis have the -Minor with hint or in the car? Was (Contintaed on )?age 5.) luta) and that to l sitting in the car when he sate the Quinlan pass his place in a car that ratan be took to be Hawthorne, and evening, that ire recognized them and was looking through the mica in the they waved at him. He says that he side of the car and that he only look- was feeding his chickens at the time ed at hint for a moment." Again in the about 6 o'clock pan. This witness depositions Connell states that "Inc says that on Seaforth fair day he and didn't know Hawthorne personally. Quinlan had arranged to go to Barry's that he was never acquainted with bush on the .followif,ig Sunday, that hint" and the most he would say was he went to church to the morning, "that he does not think he could be and about one o'clock he went over to mistaken as to the identity of Haw- Qttinlan's and Quinlan's mother told thortie." The evidence of Connell is him that he (Quinlan) had gone with thus strained and Contorted in the Jack Hawthorne in the forenoon. finding of the Magistrate that he posi- Michael Murray was called as a tively identified Hawthorne. The wit- witness, and stated that he was at tress Connell was asked as to what mass in Seeforthr on Sunday the 24th r riv- 1 incl of liquor the bottles contained, of September, and when hethocneland GENERAL OBSERVATIONS By 11'. H. T. Talk about beim taken down, a sh„rthand writer can do this the best of all. flit the matter •'f Imperial Defence, a Canadian Press cable has the !od- 1 wing:• - "Shottld definite itt')thsals involv- ing action by the Dominions be sub- mitted, it is expected that the atti- turlc of the Canadian Ministers will 1 w e t 1 n l was Inc soba when ducmg he that they have nn authority to bind, ,'3.75 from each „f -in, companions. re- turned to the hotel paid I•Iawthorne 5)5,11 and received from Hawthorne the three bottles, took them back to the ear, got in.and with his cmnpan- ions drove off inti, the country. and while driving drank trona the three bottles. Asked by counsel for the prosecution if he :aye Hawthorne when he went into the hotel the sec- ond time, Inc answered yes. and then asked if Hawthorne, the appellant, who was pointed out to him was the person he saw', he answered, "1 don't • •ec what When asked i I utl. s \'v l l.t n nv. 1 tt ••d "I the bottle 4ontained, he answered, just don't know what it was. And again asked what effect it +sari on hint he answered' very much." and again asked if he got what Inc expect- ed. he .answered, "No, not exactly.: ['here was not very much kick to tt.' \n,d again being pressed for a more definite statement as to the kind of liquor the bottles contained he states that he "did not know what it was, Mit thought they call it moonshine." It is significant that the counsel for the prosecution did not press Grealis further is re. the effect o the liquor hint. nor dirt he ask Commit, act, t'.,de. ler Lockhart how the liquor had a riveted them, ,,r if it had any intoxi- cating ,t exhilarating effect. Grealis y. t. 1, tcic to Clinton after he had -procured t'u• iqu;rr, and he said Inc lens, There I h that t attach one tray or the other, la f le vin menu: by the Canadian Parliament." of 1 Tis expected attitude of the Canadthough they say they drank from the bottles. If the puTsecutimt had evid- the question is essentially one or r v. e Ii nee whatever that any one the party became intoxicated rt resumed at Seaforth. If h. had eyes c maniac+ m-� to see, why would he not recogniz an Ministers is 1>y no menus the at ence that the hnttle. eo in - Hawthorne in court at Seaforth tirade 'of the nyerwheBuin majority: to tinting liquor, if it conics h5 proved• Cole was not asked if the liquor had an intoxicating effect upon hits, and there was no evidence that its became iutokicatetl from drinking it, There was the other witness. Alex, and his reply was "It was moonshine, itg home front- church T-1 v, he guessed." Ire slid not say that it Quinlan, driving in a car in the same ,wade hint drunk or that it land an in- direction, passed him, He remembers tnxicating effect upon stint. At one the day as Sunday the 24th of Sep - time he swore that Hawthorne put a tember, as he was late getting home bottle into the car and at another time that Sunday and that it was Holy that Grealis had the bottles in hes Name Sunday in his church, pockets and brought them into th John Murphy was called as a wtt- car Hess, and stated that •he lives quite 'Che witness Cole was asked if he close to the gravel pit, near the Barry could identify, Hawthorne in court as hush. Murphy says that he saw a the man he saw passing the car when I car Standing at thegravel pit when n Was in the hotel, and he paint- 3 Inc returned front church Grealis wa. d to Tfawthorne, saying that td tier 1 of September, 1922, that he saw the c beat of his knowledge Hawthorne i car several 510155 dtu ulg the looked like the fellow At that time noon, that it remained there until 5:30 ae would no doubt know Hawthorne 1001. He says that he remembers that Terson. He would see particular Sunday because he had hi the accused } I s be - him at Seaforth on the day of the I been ata sale a couple of day trial, and he had seen him a week he- fire, that the sale was on the saute fore at Goderich when Hawthorne anti ,ray, as Seaforth fair (22nd of Septetn- t}tis witness with others attended and ber), and that on the Sunday he saw when the trial was postponer) to b;' the car parked at the gravel pit, they were discussing some things that had been sold at the sale. Mr. Dungey, the pr'opr'ietor' of the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, and his wife, gave evidence, and both depose that they were at home in the hotel f the Canadian people, Should tit emergency arise. the Canadian: people would be as hrc11ily in favor of ue'p- iug to defend he Empire as they ceh were in 1914. ed and punished for their flagrant vto- On this matter, at least. the 1Io.r dation; of the Ontario Temperance this nd \1 owr Vehicles Acts? Is this not Mackenzie King does not truly repre- another case of granting immunity to offenders and employing then( as wit - that these young men had in t L. p -es.sitm three bottles of intoxicating liquor, if they were intoxicated, and nere drunk while driving a motor isle• w'hy were they not prosecut- sent Canada. He represents only 1115 own disloyalty to the British Em- pire, What a sorry figure Inc cats in cotnparis,iu with Canada's representa- tive, at former lnu,erial ('onferetres. The present Conference is watched' with eager eyes by all the great la - tions of the world, and what a ,toy 1' are it would be to those nation that unfriendly- to Britain tr, sur that her great colonies are not whole-heartasl in the matter of Empire defence: while, oat the other hand a pledge from each Colony to defend the Em- pire to the limit of its resources, would warn those nations that they had better thins; twice before at- tacking such a mighty aggregation We repeat that Canada is not rep- resented at this Conference. She is misrepresented. (lore's the pity. *** Could not some budding humorist - some coating Stephen Leacock - work up sotuethtug clever `about .the lumber of leaves on the ground from the trees i• Something to the eff •et that the volume of Nature ha, more leaves than an unabridged dictionary. We give it tip; ,t is beyond our ability. Tliis 1 e n -to run, when L can.. to when 1 cannot t-ni; and go to creep svhen 1 eainit gn. -john Bunyan. The matt ivlI is determined to keep other.; fast and Urn', moist .have e o • t. at;, his 11111 Tteast, ,Ieeping ani wak'nc.. 11':' S. Len t-1 hr. One of the coin,n•lrtest cn lit}Tlai:ttt of infants 15 'Wallis, and the most ef- fective tupi'cation Lr thcnt is Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator, • messes to secure a conytctron, ,n- stanees of which are becoming so rommon in this sonny'? While there i, to, evidence to prove .that Grealis was promised immunity if gave evi- dence against the appellant, the question was asked Grealis, and was objected to by counsel for the prose- cution. • u oler tier proper cotton. It was an eminently of ie h moms 1t r such 1 and if a t 1'ntlU ll qts immunity was given Grealis evidence of such promise should have been be- fore the Magistrate as it might have changed his finding as to there beeitg UU motive for Grealis saying Iie ob- tained the liquor from Hawthorne. 'I'I+c very fact that the prosecuting counsel objected to the evidence gong on the record give color to the cott- tention of the appellant's counsel that (,roasts and his companions wore granted immunity to induce them to give evidence against Hawthorne. The appellant who gave evidence in his own behalf denies that he sold or supplied any liquo to Grealis or W an 3" of his companions and says that he ',AILS not at the Commercial i-Iotel nor in the town of Seaforth on Sun- day the 24th of September, at the time Grealis, Connell, Cole and Lockhart were there: Appellant say's that ire left the hotel and went away fro'nl Seaforth at 9 or 9:30 in the foreno to of that clay, and did not return to the hotel until about 6 :o'clock p.m,. and his evidence is supported by many re- spectable and reputable witnesses, but 1 will deal with the evidence for rhe ;appellant later, (,resits '; the only witness who says t. that the ligltor was proctored front Hawthorne Or that 1•Tawthurile solid liquor to hint or to any of his Harty, anis 1 have already referred to his e,n- rirnee a; to how he procured the cyan' from 11awt lio'r•te and a$ to his ident- ity of. Hawthorne as the person who supplied with the liquor. in hither reference to his identity of Haw- thorne, he is asked by counsel for the prosecution if he knew Hawthorne, and his answer is "I don't (glow hint oil Stitld•<ty' the 24th of Septettlher, 1932 that they were there all day: Lockhart, who was with Grealt,, Lon- that they chef, Elmer Real, was away hell and Cole in the car, but he does that Sunrday. Both of thele say that Tlaw-thoruc was away from the hotel not say that he saw Hawthorne. He agrees with Connell and Cole that it was Grealis who brought the bottles into the car. He is pot asked what the bottles contained nor what effect the liquor had upon hint. Theta the only other evidence for the prosecution is that of Inspectors fellow and Constables Welsh and Gillespie, and there is nothing in the evidence of these three witttesse: which assists in any way- in the adjud- o w kation except to show that Pellow 'fiat c 1 for the Commercial searched liquor and failed to find any which supports the evidence of the appellant and the proprietor of the hotel, Mr. Dungey, that no liquor was permitted in the hotel and that none was sold by either of tlaent. The Magistrate states that there is no evidence do show that any other •than Hawthorne, who was the bar- tender, was seen at the Commercial Hotel on the afternoon of the 24t1t of September, 1922: Is lie not again straining the evidence to stake out a case against Hawthorne? A number of witnesses testified that Hawthorne was not in the Hotel. on the 24th of September. 1922, from 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., and there is no evidence beyond that of Grealis and his companions to support the finding of the Magistrate that 110 other person was seen at the Commercial Hotel On the afternoon in question. Did it not occur to the Magistrate that the prosecution had failed 0, produce one reputable wit- ness e sl • `o show thatTiawthurnt was at the hotel that afternoon? Tdtw•thm-ne testified on his own be- half. 1-T'e states that on Sunday the 24th •day •of Septeniher 1922, which. ts tine day following his birthday, he left the hotel at 9 o'clock inthe tnorn- itig and motored' out into the country five Hailes to Ilarry's bush. taking his niO tS with hien to exercise them, that on his •way to the bush he called for two friends,'Dan Quinlan :and Harry Kruse who aceompanied him to the hit h that, they remained its the busts eaterci,ing, their dogs until 530 p.m., and then returned to their homes, Hawthorne arriving at the ' Commer- all that day, leaving about 9 a,ol. an returning to the hotel after they had supper. They had supper about 5:30 p.m, Elmer Reid, the chef, gave evidence and deposed that he was in Stratford on Sunday the 24th of September 1922. Norman Dupre, the 'hostler at the Commercial Hotel, and Miss Bell Spears, a waitress, 'both testify, that Hawthorne was not at the hotel on Sunday the 24th of September, 1922, 9 t 'Ino id du ft about ami., ar ' he le chat h return till about 6 pan. Miss Spears says that the chef was absent the same Sunday. The Magistrate arbitrarily brushes all this evidence aside with the single tonuucnt that "the ease is entirely founded on a matter of memory and memory at the best is defectivs.es- pecially as to what actually Rapp un a certain date as against positive evidence for the _prosecution.' 'lie does not point to any discrepancy In tate evidence of any of the numerous witnesses called for the defence all apparently respectable and reputable persons. 1:14 gives no reason for "e- jecting the evidence of any one of then, 1 venture to say, that ninety per courtstlis t. cf the fottnded evidence p011 memoriven y our Ile does not point out wherein the men,- :ory of any of the w itn.esses is defect- ive. l have examined their evidence with the greatest care, and have failed to ling a single discrepancy or contra- diction itl'tinny part of it, It is incom- prehensible that these eleven wit- nesses, against whose character and credibility not a reflection has beeit cast, are all perjtfi'ers. Counsel for the prosecution very frankly stated that he had nothing to say, against the witnesses called to prove the alibi. Why then does the Magistrate ignore the very positive evidence given by a ll of thein. Surely, not because of any (l erect in the memory of any one of them because their statements in every casewhere they speak from memory or recollection, are, on their face, truthful, and are corroborated •beyond any possibility of mistake. PrinceSS fR1AxV�5S1ANSON IN American "My SUPPORTED BY ANTONIO MORINO Buenos Aires the Paris of South America, is the scene of this story of a Kentucky belle who took her favorite race horse down to match the pride of Argentina. and w'lto was draayn into the more exciting game of politics, A lavishly produced PARAMOUNT SPECIAL that we are showing at regular prices. Be sure to conte, MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY VIOLA DANA IN IRVIN S. COBBS SATURDAY EVENING POST STORY "THE FIVE DOLLAR BABY" INES 1 RSDAY dCTOJE12 25 923• PROFESSIONAL RDS M'edioal` DR. H. HUGH ROSS, Physician Late of London, and Surgeon. Hospital, London England. Special attention to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Office and resid- ence behind Dominion Bank. OtlBe Phone No, 5, Residence Phone 106, DR. F. J. BURROWS, Seaforth,. Of - and residence, Goderich Street, Ecce east 'of the Methodist Church, Cor- oner for the County of Huron. Tel- ephone No. 40. DRS. SCOTT' & MACKAY. Phys- icians and Surgeons, Goderich• St. opposite Methodist church, Seaforth, SCOTT, Graduate Victoria and Ann Arbor, and member of Ontario Cods lege of Physicians and Stirgeous, Coroner for County of Huron, MACKAY, honor graduate Trinity University, t Trinity edalhs Gold m rsit o , urve G L Y, Medical College, Member of Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. " Best Imported Holland Bulbs HYACINTHS 50c to $1.50 per doz, TULIPS (Mixed) 40c per doz, NARCISSUS (Mixed) 50c per doz. CROCUS (Mixed) 15c per doz. TUBEROUS BEGONIAS (Mixed) $1,00 per doz. Send for Complete List including Roses and Shrubs. HOLLAND LAN. IMPORT O. 449 River Road NIAGARA FALLS, ONT. DR. F. J. R. FORSTER-Eye, Ea Nose, and Throat, Graduate] Medicine University Y '> r it of Toronto nto ' ' i • YorkI ate Assistant New otic and Aural Institute, M Eye, ,and Golden Square Th pitals, London, Engtauo. (Ci mercial Hotel, Seat third Wednesday in each month, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.in. 53 Waterloo street, South, Stratford. Phone 267, Stratford, DR. A. M. HEIST, OSTEOPATH - Licensed in Iowa and Michigan. Spe- cial attention to diseases of women and children. Consultation free. Of- fice over Unlbach's drug store. Suc- cessor to Dr. Geo. J. HeileMantt. Tuesday, 9 a,m, to 6 p.m. MI ORE ION LIMITED, Canada's Largest Retail Grocers, "We Sell To Satisfy." If it is "Riverside" Brand it is Good PEAS No. 4 Standard A SWEET C CORN 3 lb. Sealer Raspberry, Straw- befry, Black Currant 15c 73c or Cherry JAM . • • , 5 1b, Pail .EdwardsburS 39 c+ CORN' SYRUP o*.w w`v Eagle Brand Con - MILK c (lensed Choice California Seedless RAISINS lb 16c Tier or Eagle (Cohoe) S tALMON lb. Tins :05,5 C QUAKER OATS Small 2 pkgs. 25c .Large Round 27c HALLOWE'EN REMEMBER 1'15 Gold Ribbon Pumpkin .__ti New Large Washed c BRAZIL NUTS lb . -22c Try Our Picnic HAIVIS lb. CANDY Assorted Fudge 29c 1b Nibs bulk 39c lb Todhunter's Kissesa m ion Creams,Cut Rock, Cha elly Beans, Fruit Rings, lb 25 c and Humbugs OVER A MILLION customers buy their Groceries in our stores each weelt. You would do well to join the throngs that deal at the Dominion Stores: We can save you money, COOKING FIGS 3 lbs. 25 c SHREDDED COCOANUT lb, Cowan's Instant or Perfection COCOA d9 c ys lb, Tin Speen! Blend {i COFFEE lb: As.1a•.., C Try s Date Pudding Ha}1owt. DATES ib 10 Jc Clark's SOUPS Tomato , , • , , , . , 10c Chicken , , ... .. , . 19c 11/1 ivfield Machine Sliced Breakfast ` ...BACON : Ib General Fire, Life, Accident & Automobile INSURANCE AGENT and Dealer in Singer Sewing Machinery James Watson North Main St. SEAFORTH, ONT, THE McKILLOP Mutual Fire Insurance Co, FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY, INSURED Officers Jas. Connolly, Goderich, President; j James Evans, Beeehwood, Vice Pres- , ident; Thomas Hays, Seaforth, Sec.- 'rreastarer, Directors. D. F. McGregor, 12. R. 3, Seaforth; John G. Grieve, R, R. 4, Walton; W. Rion, R. R. 2, Seaforth; John Ben - newels, I3rodhagen; Robert Ferris, R. R. No, 1, Blyth; Malcolm McKeon, Clinton; G. McCartney, R. R. No. 3, Seaforth; James Connolly, Goderich; Jas. Evans, Beechwood, Agents. Alex. Leitch, R. R. No, 1, Clinton;, E, Ilinchley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray, R. R. No, 3, Seaforth; J. V. Yeo, Holntesville; R. G. Jaimoattlt, Born- holm. James Kerr and John Goven- lock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business will be nromplty attended to by application to any of the above officers addressed tet their respective posto0 ees, Desirable House AOR SALE To the person seeking a comfort- able home -close to stores, churches, and schools, and still be itt the country, this residence is splendidly, located, being less than a mile from Seaforth postotfice: The, property consists of eight acres of land, a good frame house with seven rooms and woodshed, hard and soft water; good' stable with cement flooring; fine or- chard. Possession can be given im- mediately. Farther information may be obtained at THE NEWS OFFICE. .A Don't 'C'h'ow 'Your VIA `carpets 7waay Theysnalce:new rever- sible "Velvetex." Rugs, Send :for \'elvetexl: Folder's CANADA RUG COMPANY 1,Q \ pt'TN,, ori. FEATHERS' T WANTED I(lD t-)!ighest-, prices paid. Max Walsh; phone 175, Seaforth.., 777 ''f