HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1923-10-11, Page 7termini!' ; Our Place -Names
Before the creation of the Geo-
graphic Board o2 Canada in 1897, no
central authority existed over the
place-names of the Dominica Every
explorer and map -maker adopted au h
names on Spellings as appealed to
him, and often traveldere caused end-
less confusion by changing all pre-
vtous'uames in the accounts of their
travels. Foreign explorers, also, visit-
ing unknown parts of the Dom•Inlon
would bestow names more or less un-
desired by Canadians. One map..ap.
piled the name., "Grand" or "Elk"
perhaps to the river styled "Ottawa"
or "Athabaska" on another. Uni-
formity of nomenclature was one rea-
son for the creation of the Board.
A second reason was to avoid the
confusing duplication of naves es-
pecially within the same province. In
the clays when the Indian, who did not
go far afield, roamed the woods and
plains, if two lakes in a region were
called "Trout Lake" or two streams
"Red River," little confusion was like-
ly, but it le different in these days of
wider travel: Moreover, few people
reflect on the inconvenience occasion-
ed by repetition, even to the twentieth
or thirtieth time, of such names as
Deer, Eagle, Fish, Maple, Red, White,
A third reason was that the gem
>.•aphic nomenclatu' n of Canada
w''`ar should not be left in the hands of :a
foreign body, as for example a board
in another country deciding -through
its publications by what names rivers
and mountains o2 Canada should be
The Geographic Board was lnlorm
ed to regulate the publications of the
)Dominion Government only, but It was
soon recognized that the provinces
had a right to be consulted respecting
names within their own Iimits. Ai:-
cordingly in 1899�pr0y1810n was 'made
for :the appointment of representatives
of the several pravinoes, which at the
same time bound themselves to abide
by the board's decisions.
The function of the board is not the
naming of features, blit the regulation
of. those ' sought to he bestowed by
otb•ers. At the same time, it has striven
to see that Canada's history is iacor-
poeeted, ie her'pdacenanres, , as 'hae
been done, for instance, in the case of
the Thousand Islands in the St, Law-
r••ence, which bear• the names of many
gunboats which sailed these Waters in
the war of 1812-14 and in that of the
mountain peaks et the Realties, which
have been given the names of eminent
Canadian fighting men and et battles in
which Canadians fought in the World
War. Information about names is very
easily lost if not noted. For instance,
the town of Weyburn, Saskatchewan,'
was named. by the late Sir William
Whyte of the Canadian.;S'aciflo Rail-
way in 1891 or 1892, bat the meaning
o2 the name is unknown.
The rules of the board include'the
following three which will give an
idea of its workings: (1) Whenever
possible the local name to be given
preference.(2) When the priority of
a name has been established by publi-
cation particularly in an authoritative
work, that name if possible to be re-
tained.. (8) A name which has been
corrupted or changed if not too firmly
established, to be restored to its or-
iginal form.
During the twenty-five years of its
existence considerable informationhbs
been recorded by the board relative
to geographic names. A start has
been made with the publication of this
in Um shape of pamphlets giving the
meaning of Canadian city names and
a certain number of place-names in
the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
Glass Houses.
When last I went a -walking I. came on.
Glasshouse Street,
And thereh stood. rows of ons es all
built of glass so neat;
Though every door was open I fancied
number nine,
This one, thinks I,, was builded for
your delight and mine.
The walls were made of Waterford,
sharp diamond -cut they ;were;.
'Twas floored with yellow Corkglehe,
a spiral was the stair; •
The hall was all of Bristol; the doors
were bottle -green,
With architraves of crystal—the pret-
tiest ever seen.
)91ach canopy and curtain in fairy glaze
was emus;
And •many -hued Venetians' were drawn
agin' the sun;
The pillars they were silvered; of
moulded glass the beame;
The house was blown of bubbles; my
dear a house of dreams.
—Westminster Gazette.
Hearing Singers.
n le often of the greatest use to
WtetWIMIIIIIIIIIIM.., ;trimmers
c ,.A. ••• t�
'What kind of a story did you tell
your wife when you get In so late?"
"Why a fish story of course!"
eese ease.
Petain Cultivating Roses.
"Marshal Petain, rose farmer,"
reads the latest citation, of France's
illustrious figure, who has just re-
ceived a gold medal from a French ag-
ricultural society for cultivating a new
species• of rose.
Visitors to the little farm on the
French Riviera, who expected to find
the military leader ;directing a squad
of trained gardeners, were surprised
to learn that Marshal Petain himself
does all the work. Early in the morn-
ing in till late evening—whenever he is
not assigned to military inspections of
garrisons in the South of France—he
labors in his shirt sleeves•, a broad -
rimmed Panama supplanting bis army
cap. :
When he bought the property just
after the war it was tangled with
weeds and vines and several olive
trees had been allowed to spread wild:
ly.. But the Marshal soon restored or-
der and began .cultivating roses on a
large reale. Now he is engaged' in
grafting and le said to have developed
one variety of blue rose which, unlike
others,, may be kept flowering for•
weeks with a snail quantity -of water
The products of his gardens are
sought by
Riviera per-
fume makers, wlio are proposing to or-
ganize a stock eon -many to market Pe-
tain brandsr• in competition withthe
classic nalnes adopted by Senator
The British Navy possesses 18 bat-
tleships, 4 battle cruisers, 2 cruisers,
48 light cruisers, 186 torpedo -goat de-
stroyers, and 66 submarines.
Something Kept Me.
A business man said recently in an
informal talk to his Bible olaas of
young men:: "My stepfather was un-
kind to me, and. I lett home for good
when I was only eleven Years old. MY
mother was a 'good woman—I loved
her, and she loved me -but she knew
little of the world and could not ad-
vise me he an experienced father
ringlet have done.
"For the text nix years X mingled
with all classes of people except good
people and had every opportunity to
become a tough and criminal. I wasn't
a model boy by any means, but I never
lost my footing. How I kept it I don't
know, As I look beet at those days I
can't remember that I had the instinc-
tive shrinking from wrongdoing that
is the safeguard of some sensitive na-
tures, The things I saw and heard
Postponing 0),d Age.
Old age Wes- inevitable ae death and
taxes. But the term "old age" le elas-
tic; some persons• are old at fifty
years; some erre young -at 'eighty. A
witty Frenchman said once that a man
is as old as his arteries, winch ie
Pertly true, since the condition of the I The outstanding quality of a strong,'
arteries, is a pretty fair indication of , virile personality.
the state of the othertiseues and or- Never associated with a weak, nega-
Many physicians believe that the de-
generative ehanges
e-generative:ehanges that are character-
istic of old age begin in the arter'iee ' gement, an end to wavering, an end
and appear later In' other tissues as I to doubt and uncertainty. When I
a consequence of the diminished sup- take hold there is nothing to do but'
tiro mind, with a peen, who lacks
backbone, but has no 1 -ion in les blopd.
That force which puts an end to me
ply of blood end of impure blood. One' carry out my dictum.
Cheery is that thearterial thickening I Spconstructed that I go only in one.
and hardening Invariably found in the direction—always for erd, never back -
aged (the aged as measured by 4.1-1 ward, When I cast the die;' it is cast
minished function and not by yeaa's) i for good. I silence all suggestions of
are owing to auto -intoxication acting reconsideration, all temptations to go
didn't disgust me. through many years; the poisons in' backward,
"When -I was about seventeen years the blood cause degenerative changes That power which nerves people to
old a, lad from the country came to in the walls of the arteries, • Another i undertake tbe things they are amble
work In the factory where I was em- theory is that senility depends on; tlous to do: I buttrese their ability,
to •ed and he and I became intimate. ,changes in the cells and •tissues caused! enlarge their initiative', strength=Jo n � Wilson—that was his name—told by a . principle in them that leade in " their determination, ailwtraprake them
e a good deal about his home; which early life to growth and in. later life I adamant against" all temptations to
lied been a far different home from to decay. But whatever the theories,
mine, John had had his share of temp- and there are many of them, they all
Mations, but he sold frankly that he be- lead to the eameoonclusio•n; depending
lleved his mother's prayers had helped in the cans of one person on an an -
der whether my mother had ever pray- limited eonatituWM and in the ooseof
ed for me. If she had prayed for me, another on the mode of life he has, fol -
she had done it in secret, lowed, the period at which old age be -
"One evening I went with John to gins varies within wide limits, and,
a religious meeting in a little Metho- barring an inexorable inheritance, the
dist chapel in the suburbs. Some of
the earnest prayers I heard that night
amazed me. What most impressed me
were the petitions for all who were
tempted, helpless, destitute, distressed,
lonely or friendless. That seemed odd
individual can do much to postpone it.
Unfortunately, the time to begin is the carpenter's purpose or aim, so :a
early adult life, just when old ago heedful of faculties to a'man without:
seems s'o remote as to be -negligible. me is a chest of tools of comparatively
The secret of postponing old age little value,
Iles in observing. temperance in the
to me. I had always thought of broad sense of the word—moderation
prayer—when I had thought of it at in everything; in sating, in coffee
an—as asking God, for something we drinking and tea drinking, in sleeping,
wanted for ourselves. 4 I lied never in exercising, in working and indeed in
thought that Christians the world over. every Phase of human existence.
prayed far people whom they didn't Athletes are not longlived; neither
know but who needed God's protection are those who are too strenuous in
and help, And during those years of business, nor those who worry, The
hardship and temptation such prayers obese aro usually short-lived for the
had been going up to God for mei reason that they are likely to be heavy
Something had kept me all through eaters or to have defective nutritive or -
those perilous days 1 Something was gaps. Breathing fresh airday and
keeping nsnow and would keepaP me
night and walking
to the end! God's people had called missing a day are essential to long
God's attention to me, and Ho had
turn aside from their purpose,
That which makes people self-ree
liant, independent, ,and bids- them not
to look for outside help; but to And
their resources where all strong char-
acters tad them—within themselves.,
The pointer and -director of all of '-
the mental facultieg: Just as a chest
of tools without a trade is of very
little practical use to a man without
been watching over me.
life, as they are essential to health.
"I think I learned the secret of Music is Human Activity
prayer that night. Praying for people The accomplishment cf yesterday is
I don't know has a meaning for me. goingto be one of the most valuable
It isn't a formula; some one needs it educational factors of to -morrow.
Great progress' has already been made
but there is much land yet to be pos-
Who can say where I should be to -day
but for the prayers of strangers?"
Some people who regard animals as
merely "dumb brutes" also aseume
that they are incapable of severely
suffering pain.
A woman recently gave expression
to that heresy to the press. She argued
that animals "dos not' suffer much pain
when injured either accidentally or
bylhe hand of man," and would, I as-
sume, be willing .to have the rising
generartion taught that shameful doe -
reed books and magazine articles on trine,
singing but let us bear in mind thee One would expect one of the gentler
it Is of no use to read without disc sex to see, believe, know, and feel that
crimination. The same truth applies
to the hearing of singers. Do not con -
elude after listening. to a prima donna,
animals suffer terribly from pain as do
humane. Not all do so, however. In-
deed, cruelty to animals is so pre-
valent that we may well say, ,with
By Dr. A. S. Alexander, Veterinary Surgeon.
seem: so, no doubt, to those who, "hay- dose -of morphine, and in a few ruin-
ing eyes, see not," who, "having ears, utes the sweating and rapid breathing
hear not" and the chords of whose cease, the horse gives' a deep sigh of
hearts refuse to vibrate in sympathy
when an animal is evidently suffering
People often are so thoroughly oc-
cupted with their own miseries—many
of them imaginary—that they fain to
nate the sufferings of their "dumb ser-.
Conus with me, .ail ye who believe
that animals do' not acutely suffer
pain! Note the actions o2 the work
horse in this box stall thrown open by
a groom. -The poor beast stands there.
steaming with sweat, olding one foot
off the ground, breathing fast through
whose lower jaw wobbles
she when s apologies to Babble Burns, "Man's do reddened nostrils and manifesting ter -
singe, that the „me
sings well humanity to. beasts, makes countless rible •suffering by his haggard face.
is because her jaw wobbles aucl,that creatures mourn" His pulse, we find, is running like a
you must make, your jaw do as hers
does in ender to make good tones. It
you hear a singer wlio holds high
notes until you forget which ballad he
was singing, do not straightway go
home with the nation that you have Sieved the pain, and appropriate treat -
found in this cheap method of geicting ment afterward banished • the disease.
applause the true key to interpreta-
One morning several menthe later we
tion. were awakened at four o'clock by the
There was once a young:man who mournful howling of a dog that now
ii,ad a very rounds toll volae, He had and then stopped to scratch at the
Yearn ago a St. Bernard dogwas trip-hammer, and the thermometer- r@-
brought to my veterinary hospital sul- gisters three degrees of fever.
How long has
tering terribly from inflammatory • he been acting in this
rheumatism. Anodynes quickly re- way?" I ask,
The attendant answers, "A little
MOTS than two days, Doo."
Two long: days of - torture, which
could have been quickly alleviated by
treatment. But the owner of this poor
suffering creature, like thousands of
others, has not read the symptoms
aright; has made only crude attempts
to lessen the lanrenese, and no doubt
looked to nature to repair the damage,
so altthese
had something that he lacked, the place where prevlausly he had Examination disoioses that pus from
so after watching several of and found- relief,. and with appealta, .eyes a corn. in the heel of the'. hoof has all
noting an 'occasional toss of the head and tortured crctes tried, as best, he the time been burrowing upward un -
and gesture of the eye he decided to couldto say:: der the wall, and seeking vent at the
incorporate these tactics , into his junoture of the horn and flesh. The
method, : But alas, it was invariably "Here I am again, Doctor! The resultant pain is excruciating. In-
unstressed syllable or unimpontant pain's' as bad as ever. or pity's sake, stantly I administer a hypodermic
all the mind and technic necessary to
please unthinking folk, but he was not
satisdied. He realized that many other
back door of the house. On going
down I; formed the St. Bernard again
afflicted with ,the Inflammatory trou-
ble. He had returned seven miles to
word onwhich he elected to brandish hurry up and give me another dose of
or ogle, and pa the last state of the that helpful dope!''
singer was worse than the first. Another time when going' to visit a
An opinionated young soprano once' patient, a Great Dane came hopping
fell unto the Brands of a new teacher. towards us holding up one foot, and
After she had perpetrated several of whimpering in distress, He stopped
the "best sellers" in the operatic re- at once when I' called, "What's the
pertoire of all divas she gave the teach- matter, 'odd fellow?" and let me Look'
er an opportunity to speak, and he at his, foot. The cause of his suffering
criticized her tone, whereupon she re- was apparent, A big pin was buried
torted, "Well, my tortes are good, and to the tread in his paw. Seizing it with
I know they are, because I went and ,forceps' 1 plucked it out—then you
heard Melba sing all those songs, and . should have seen drat dogs Away he
I made my tenesjust the way she did." went with a "Wouf! Wouf!" of joy,
(running in a wideeircle, returning .to
A dKeeps Plants Moist. -1 my feet, waufing again with happiness,
ouble walled jardiniere to keep! until he had make three trips expree-
growing plants moist by capillary an -1 sive of thankfulness, and then went
lion through small siphons has been on his way rejoicing.
invented in France. Pain has been defined as undue press.
sure upon eenory nerves Animals
possess these nerves just as do people,
and also tile -Cerebral centres to which
they transmit their messages of
misery. - Some: animals, b.owever, are
lens "high strung" in nervous sensi•
bility than others: Tire' horse, for ex-
ample, smflerif more acutely than the
COW or 'sheep, and' gives plainer ex-
pression to pain than do the rumba
ants. Yet I have seem mute quite ?lain -
1y evinced by many a supposedly
stupid, senseless' oow. To the trained
and appreciative observer symptoms
of pain are as noticeablly expressed
by other "dumb" animals,
But are animals duinb? They may
Only Shifted' Her Ground
"Well, what difference has the com-
ing into great wealth made iii Mrs,
121abb ?„
"Very little guseles on the treat
porch now instead of over the back
relief, and the foot comes to rest on
the ground. Then, when the pus has
been liberated the hungry "patient"
thankfully starts eating feed.
What plalner evidence of pain and
suffering couldthere have been than
that shown by this afflicted horse?
And was not blessed relief as plainly
manifested when the narcotic was ad-
ministered. To' me the evidence was
conclusive, es I am oertain it would
bave'been to every sympathetic read-
er, and I thank God for the means He
has, given me of assuaging pain.
Are hogs dumb on -killing day? Do
the eriee that came from the slaughter
place denote pleasure or pain? Do
they not' loudly proclaim the cruelty
of a man who has neglected humanely
to stun or shoot the poor beasts be-
fore cutting their throats? Aro those
calves thatbeing branded enjoying
themselves? And does net: that
cringing, sweating horse, supposedly
balg!ng on a siteep hill, up which he
has. failed to pull a heavy load, suffer
from the rain of angry blows' shower-
ed upon him by his brutal boss? As-
suredly be does, and all because his
ignorant driver does• not know enough'
to grease the dry, heated axles of the
wagon wheels.
Note haw that work horse thrusts.
out one aching foot as hs" stands
"resting" at the curb. Watch how
that other suffering horse constantly
shifts. weight from one foot' to an-
other.' Perhaps a corn is hurting; a
nail has been driven too close; the
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hoof hes contraoted by reason of per-
sistent mutilation in the shoeing shop,
and squeezes the sensitive tissues and
organs enclosed; or a tight shoe is
pinching; or a picked-upstone bruin
ing the sole. The "pointing" of the
sore foot calls for help. For :goodness
sake, let's remove that shoe and stop
the squeezer What blessed relief
would result!
But day after day the neglected
horse has' to go to bed with his boats
on. He cannot kick: them off and soak.
his feet in hot water, as does a person
whose No. 5 feet have been.forced into
No. 3 shoes. The woman writer of
We hear much talk at prize distri-
butions., public 'dinners', and the like-
of the humanizing influence of music
—but one often wonders whether
those who use thisexpression really
know what they mean. What is very
clear le that the humanizing influence
of music is to be found in te different
way from that of which these worthy
speakers dream. Music Is a human
aotivity and it is not to be approached
in a spirit of mental idlenessas a
soporific;'it le not a species of vapor
bath in which our senses may wallow,
but it 4s an art to be understood and
appreciated by the alert use of our
mind and the exercise of our intelli-
gence. Let us see to it that the foun-
dations of this true appreciation are
laid seausely at the time of all others
when mind and heart are responsible
to pure and healthy impressions,--
that unjust amtiule hosperhaps, on namely in childhood..
more than one occasion after hours of Thus and only thus shall we be on=
dancing, limped painfully, expressed abied to create a mare serious' regard
anguish, and then thankfully pried or for the ant of music as a force be our
her pinching shoes and consigned her national life, worthy of the exercise of
aching feet to the soothing tub. One
the best oP, our mental powers, and
would expect, therefore, that this Per also as a means by which those powers
stinal experience would have taught may in turn be developed, strengthen -
her to notice the sufferings of the i11- ed, and enriched:
shod work horse that doily, for weeks, -
has been pounding his. aching feet up-
on hard pavements and can render. Just Be the Best.
himself no assistance. The horse If. you can't be a pine on the top of
driven with a torturing tight overhead : the hill,
check rein or harsh bit suffers less, Be a shrub in the valley but be
for the harness is removed after work, The best little shrub at the side of the
but the sgeezing of the contracted rill;
hoof 'knows no relief. Be a bush if you can't be a tree.
Would the lady, I wonder, deny that If you can't be a: bush, be a bit of the
a cow suffers agony while her horns grass,
ane being cut off with a biulit saw or Some higbiway to happier make;
dull.dehorning shears; or that Sin ani- If you can't be a muskie, then just be.
mal is uncomfortable, to say the least,. , a bass—
when hog nose -rings have been insert- But the liveliestbase inthe lake!
ed in its lips or tongue 'fro prevent self-
sucking? I scarcely think she would
deny that aerate pain was endured by
the bleeding bulls a humane agent
found in a .railroad truck theother day
with their nose -rings torn out by a
thief who had done that fiendish aot
to obtain the paltry 45 cents that each
ring w rs worth! •
But animals do not always loudly
proclaim presence of pain or show it
by readily recognized symptoms. Of-
ten they suffer silently, and thus fail
to . attr•ate 'attention. Temperament
largely : regulates this, as it does in
man. Never shall I forget the stoicism
exhibited by a Chinese student I once
• knew. The delicate little chap re-
turned after en absence from class for
ten days. At the close of the lecture
I greeted him and gave him a friendly
handshake. He closed his eyes, but
said never a word until I asked him
the meson for his absence..
"Inflammatory rheumatism in my
hands," he, answered, 'and I.. felt sad
over the texture that hand grip must.
have caused..
"Does it hurt to put a frozen bit in'
a horse's mouth?" a man asked me one
winter morning.
"Try it in your own mouth," I' an-
swered, andho turned' angrily away.
That is the anewer, folks. When
you doubt that an animal acutely sue
ars pain, put yourselfin its shoes!
Tay }t an yotueelfl .
We can't all be captains, we've got to
be crew,
There's something far all of us here;
There's big work to do and there's
lesser to do,
And the task we must do is the near.
If you can't be a highway, then just
be a trail;
If you can't be a sun, be a star.
It isn't by size that you win or you
Be the best of whatever you are.
Just the Man
Fair Stenog (in newspaper office
"I believe my ,heart is weak—always
have cold hands and feet,. Whom
should I consult?'
Editor'•-' "The circulation teenager, I
The leading factor in .all victories.
Coupled -"with sublime audacity, I have
won many a doubtful battle against
great odds, and have carried many a
successful man over perilous crises,
where hesitation or long deliberation
would have been ruin.
Never mulish or obstinate, but al-
ways firm, positive, because I think
before acting. I know what I want
and am never en the fence. I do not
waste time shilly-shallying, seeking
advice, balancing opinions, 0r splitting
action, and
plan my
hairs. I
course of
then pursue it without hesitation or
A dynamic power. The man who is
not polarized by me is bike driftwood
on the surface of a river, whirled
about by every little eddy, blocked by
every tiny obstruction. Pie is always
at the mercy of the stronger current
of other people's opinions, beliefs, rind.
influence. He belongs far the time to
whoever talks with him; he is the
echo of the man who had the last word
with him. He is neve: captain of his
soul, never owns himself, because he
is continuaIly swayed by outside iw
That which stiffens a man's back•
bone and makes him a force wherever' '
he geesNo one can be a leader with-
out me, for I am one of the moat im
portant . elements of leadership. I
never hesitate .in an emergency; am
never rattled in a crisis, but seize in-
stantly what seems to be the wisest
course, and sacrifice all others; put
out of consideration everything else
which would conflict with it.
An irresistible force. ' The steel
tools driven by the great cams In our
shipbuilding yards go through solid
steel plates with as much ease, seem-
ingly, as the lingers of a cook .go
though yielding dough, because of the
huge balance' wheels whose mighty
momentum, without jarring or strain-
ing, overcomes all obstacles. I am the
balance wheel of life, that which gives'
momentum to a man's energy and car,'
ries him past all obstaoles to iris goal,
—Success Magazine.
The Printer's Devil.
A printer's devil was the name fornv"
erly given to the boy who took the
.printed sheets from the tympan•of tbe
press. They got themselves, so _ bet
daubed with black that the working
jokingly called them devils.
Printing used to be called the Blac
Art, and the boys who assisted the
pressmen were called imps.
According to a legend, Aldus Maure
taus, a printer of Venice, had a little
Negro boy, who was left behind by a
merchant vessel, to assist him In hie
It soon got about that Atdus had a
black imp to assist him, and•to ddape-p
the rumor he showed theboy to tali"
assemb-led crowd, and said, "Be 1'k
known in Venice that I, „Aldus Atlantis
this, printer to the Holy Church an
the doges, have this they -lca"de'a
lie exposure of 'the printer's devil
All who think he is not flesh and blood;
may come and pinch him. `
The people were satisfied, and n
longer molested the Negro lad.
Their Secret,
A minister of al rural parish, motor-
rng hone Bene day after a round et.
visits, overtook a girl plodding alo,
e country road, carrying a heavy bas
ket of provisions'..
Recognizing her as a`servant, en
ployed• by a farmer living near his pa
sonage, be pulled up and offered her.
lift. When. he came to the lane lead',
ing to the farm, he stopped to let he;
get down, and she said: "Oh, the
you, sir;"
"Don't mention it," replied the m
The g186 blushed prettily,' hung h
]read, then looked up ai ^ehly,
right," she said; "mum's the word,"
Spray g Outfit,
A spraying outfit has been invent
for cleaning automobile engines e
a mixture o2 air, oil tad water lrpd