HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1923-10-04, Page 8II Dublin School Fair; Dub Iii scho0l. fair had a fine; al- , -hough rather warm day for their exhibition. Parents and pupils from the townships of Logan, McKillop and Hibbert, and the village of Dub- lin inspected the exhibits and took a keen interest in the various events of the afternoon, All the classes were well filled. The livestock exhibit had an unusually large number of en- trants for a school fait. • Apparently the Dublin district trains a lot of young speakers, as there was a big list of boys and girls in the public ..peaking .contestr''ho spoke on a wide range of subjects, of st fright. ' .Ile first few signs Reciter - ick, e r was \Mr:" ohs&"` first speaker Sea- of the postponed ick, who told t � Sea - forth fair, He really,... won the ;,first prize, but was disquified lore using. megaphone. school of live stock by boys was Brod- bagel) was a feature this year. a hagen hand supplied music during the afternoon. Among those from out- side points who took a keen interest in the, proceedings were Messrs. S. J3.. Stothers, M. C. Macphail, Inspector J. Smith and Inspector 'I'. Melady. The 'officials deserved the success they met with this' year by their hard work and added attractions. The of- ficers are: President, James DeLaney; Treasurer, Edward Jordan; Secretary, Wm, 'Hills. Directors—For McKillop. James Sullivan, \Vnt. O'Rielly. John Murray, Geo. Benneweis. For Hibbert, Norman Malcolm, Robt. Buchill, Jas. Doyle. For Dublin. Alex. Darling, Tim O'Flynn, Peter Dill, The judges were: Needlework and cooking, Mrs. L. Jeffrey, Mrs. H. } T. DeT.acey and'J S B. Seaforth: stock, roots. etc„ Stothers and M. C. Macphail; drilis and public speaking, Inspector Smith and Inspector Melady. The prize winners are as follows: GRAIN. Sheaf of Oats, Wilfred Krauskopf, Clarence Krauskopf, Donald Benning- er, Mary O'Connor, Lawrence Mal- oney; sheaf of barley, Wilfred Kraus- kopf, Clarence Krauskopf, Louis Coyne, Rose O'Connor; sheaf of buckwheat, Marie Krauskopf, _Tames. Krauskopf, Francis Krauskopf; field peas. Elizabeth Carlin, Martha Sie- mon Jack McIver, John McGrath; garden peas, Elizabeth Carlin, John. O'Reilly, R ose O'Connor. Donald Benninger. James Doyle: sunflower. head. Elizabeth Carlin. Mary O'Con- nor. Edith Krauskopf. Ruse Kraus- kopf. ROOTS ANI) VEGETABLES. s•o k Mangeis, .Albert Krauskopf, Ebner Feeney. Thomas Coyne, Rose Kraus- kopf, Clarence Maloney: carruts, Isa- belle Jordan, Patrick McConnell. Donald Bennisiger. Joseph Delaney; turnips, Rose Krauskupf, Wilfred Krauskopf, Aileen Xelmes, Loretta Delaney, Elmer Feeney; beets, Ger- trude Downey, Chas. Miles. Patrick McConnell. 'Dennis Downey. an name; onions, Anna Benneweis, Edna Benneweis, Jos. O'Rourke, Gertrude Mulligan, Clarence Krauskopf; pota- toes, John Gormley. Arnold. ', John t es nrmle ^ o Elizabeth Carlin.rlin Eugene ere D oucht , ' Clarence Krauskopf; parsnips, Edwin Stapleton, Mildred Murray, Jas. Park- er, Cyril Flannery. Mary O'Connor;_ field corn, Elizabeth Carlin. Francis Krauskopf; ensilage corn, Frank Williams, Michael McCarthy. Rose O'Connor. Jos. O'Connor, Lawrence Maloney; . cucumbers. Frank Wil- liams. Elizabeth Carlin, Rose O'Con- nor (I3ibbert), Rose O'Connor (IvIcK.), John McGrath; cabbage, Robert Murray, Michael Darling, Wil- fred Murray, Kale Holland, Mary Flannigan; pumpkins. Elizabeth Carl- in, Francis Krauskopf, James Kraus- kopf. Jos. Williams, Eileen Nelmes: tomatoes. Nora Kenny. no name, Jos. Morris, Michael Darling, Helen Krauskopf; squash, Clarence Kraus- kopf, Wilfred Krauskopf, Bertha Murray. Albert. Donnelly, Lawrence. Maloney: cauliflower, John Arnold, Thos. Hills, Mildred Murray, Robert Murray, Annie Brennan: citron, Lane, Mary O'Connor, Katherine 1 Frank Moylan, Al- bert eir, Y Edna Ben c w bert Donnelly; muskmelon Clarence Krauskopf, Wilfred Krauskopf Eliza- beth Carlin, FRUITS, Apples: Spies, Patrick McConnell,. Irene. Donnelly. Elizabeth Carling Clarence Krauskopf, Mary Dillon; Snows, Catherine Donnelly, Eliza- beth Carlin, Dennis Downey, Frank Moylan, Rose McQuaid; Russets. Fergus Melady, Rose O'Connor, John Arnold, Rose Melady, Elizabeth Car- lin; coll.of .apples, Elizabeth Carlin, Albert Donnelly, John McQuaid, Eve- lyn Dillon, John Morris: pears, Al- bert Gormley, John Gormley: Lay'- rence Siemon, Jos Williams; plums. Carrie O'Connor, Jos. O'Connit.t, Rose O'Connor. NEEDLEWORK. (lap and scarf, Helen Krauskopf, Rose O'Connor, Carrie O'Connor knitted mitts, Catherine Krauskopf, Annie Ryan, Rose OCitnor bed, bed- room slippers, Drucilla CaFrances Hills, Marie Krauskopf, Mar- garet Dillon; child's plain dress, ' Helen Krauskopf, Catherine Kraus- kopf, Evelyn Dillon, Agnes'ltaloney, Evelyn Melady; apron, Helen Kra s kopf, Frances Hills, Drucilla ,Camp- bell, A- •bell, Catherine Donnelly, Nora Mc- Grath; button holes, Elva Crawford, Annie Ryan, Carrie O'Connor, Helen i<rauskopf, Rose O'Connor; dressed doll, 'Frances Hills, Mary Hart, Bet- ty Campbell, Catherine Donnelly, Alice Flannery; check gingham, Cath- erine Krauskopf,Ruth O'Reilly. Mar- garet Dillon, Dorothy Molyneaux, Margaret Jordan darning, 'Veronica Dill. Frances Hills, Loretta Delaney, Leola Ryan, Elva Crawford; bootees, Betty Doi'resteyn; cushion, Mary De- laney, Evelyn Dillon, Bertha Murray, Loretta Delaney,Mildred Murray; table' runner, Mary Flannigan, ,Or- delia Rapien, Annie Brennan, Bridget Delaney. Maty Lane; end). guest towel,' Rose O'Connor, Ordelia Rap - ion, Catherine Donnelly, Drucilla Campbell, Mary Brennan; crab, cgn trepiece, Eileen Burns; Ordena Rap - len, Loretta Delaney; pillow cases, gal at Flannery, Alice Siemon. dila Benneweis braitees Bills, .Pr is- 1 g wG�A�Ote,if�lu"'��®� Fair Annie Ryari, Acinic Brea- m� nau, Gertrude Downey, Evelyn Dil- lon, Mary Lane; hairpin lace, Ger- trude Downey;; Marie Krauskopf, Irene Koehler; tatting, Verouica Dill, Elva Crawfordds,r Mary Flannigan, Rose McConnell; tatted yoke, Rose McConnell, Marie Kranskopf; centre- piece'with tatted edge, • Marie Kraus- kopf, Frances Hills, Bernice Mc- Grath; baby's bonnet (tatting), Eileeu Eckert; baby's bonnet (crochet) Frances Hials,, Rose O'Connor, Harry O'Connor; laundry bag (girls funder 10), Clara 'Gormley, Eleanor Gormley; pot holder (girls under 9), Bridget Delaney; hemmed handkerchief (un- cher 9), Marion Dill, Eleanor Gormley, Carrie Krauslcopf, Annie Siemon; clothespin bag (under 10), Veronica Molyneaux, Clara Gormley, Marion Dill, Eleanor 'Gormley; crochet lace' (girls under 9), Anna Benneweis, Eleanor Gormley, Clara - Gormley; wash cloth (girls under 9), Carrie O'Connor, Marion :Dill, Carrie Kraus- kopf, Mary Brennan, Viola Feeney. cilia Campbell, Catherine ath erime ICrausko p ;f• COOKING. Light cake, Edna Benneweis, Annie. Brennan, Marie Krauskopf, Rose Krauskopf; Martha Flannery; bis- cuyts, Evelyn Dillon, Kathleen Burns, Rase O'Connor, Mary O'Reilly, Annie Brennan; bread, Mary Hastings, Mary Flannigan, Angela Burke, Or- delia Rapien; dirk cake, Evelyn Dil- 100,•Cecelia Feeney. Kathleen Burns, Helen Krauskopf, Mary Lane;. apple pie, Irene _Koehler, Annie Brennan, Mary Lane. Annie Ryan, Marie Kratiskopf. POULTRY. White Leghorns, Michael Walsh, Teresa Delaney, John Shea, Carl EI- ligsen; Brown Leghorns, Lorne Sie- mon; Rhode Island Reds, Michael Darling, Evelyn Dillon; Barred Rocks, James Parker, Fergus Feeney; \Vhite Wyandottes, all disqualified turkeys, Frances Ryan, •Jas. O'Con- nor. Rose O'Connor, Carrie 'O'Con- nor; geese, Lillian Sullivan. Frank Maloney, Jos. Hart, Albert Donnelly, James Dillon; rabbits, Joseph Ryan, Jos. Hart; Buff Leghorns, Genevieve 'McCarthy; -ducks, Harry McIver; John Moylan, Albert Donnelly,, Lorne Siemon. Hubert Feeney. LIVESTOCK. Colt. 'under 1 yr. (heavy). Clarence Rapien, Elizabeth Carlin, Lewis Mor- ris, Michael McCarthy, Ed. O'Hearn; colt. under 2 yrs. (heavy), Jack Mor- ris, Clarence Rapien; colt, tfarnr chunk), Emnit Malone: colt. halter broken, M. McCarthy, Eliza Carlin, John O'Rourke, Ed. O'Hearn; pail - fed calf (beef type) Hugh McGrath, Finer Feeney; cow -fed calf tbeef type). Matt. Coyne. Lewis Crawford, Carl Benneweis, Tom Coyne. Harry Robert calf lair • type). Feeney; c Crawford, John Crawford, Donald Benninger, Michael Darling: pigs un• der 6 months, T. Coyne, Elizabeth Carlin. John McGrath; pigs under 2 months, T. Ryan, Elizabeth Carlin, Joe Sullivan, Leo Sullivan: best lamb. I, Melver, Carl Benneweis, )'earl Benneweis. William Dantzer. ELO \V'ERS. Asters. Ordelia Rapien, Mildred Murray, e1ary Hastings, Camilla Coyne, Harold Elligsen: dahlias, Or - della Rapien, Bertha to Murray, Michael Darling. Sie- mon; Gordon Miller, r Alice . ie - hg• r linin: gladioli, Marion Hunter. Dru- cilla - u cilla Campbell, Pearl Rapien; cut flowers, Pearl Rapien, Mary Hast- ings. Marion Dill, Michael Darling, Dennis Feeney; potted geranium, Evelyn Dillon, Nora McQuaid, Mary Hastings, Dorothy Molyneaux, Helen Krauskopf; potted coleus. Elva Craw- ford,' Retty Campbell, Gordon Dill. Veronica Dill; fern, Frances Hills, Mary )-Tart, Mation Dill, Helen Krauskopf, Kenneth Dili; potted be- gonia, Elva Crawford, Evelyn Dillon, Veronica Dill, Mary Suihivan,'Marioti Dill. MANUAL TRAINING. - Milk stool, Frank Stapleton, Dennis Downey, Joseph Krauskopf. Jos. Lane, Louis Crawford; -gate, ou hinges. tninature, Frank Maloney, Francis Donnelly, Eugene Donnell}, John Miles, John Siemon; flower stand, Eugene Donnelly, Charles D ire teyn Donald Benninger, •Cohn Siemon; rte ladder. Norman Miles, P Donald Benninger: lamp shade, Elva Crawford, Margaret Jordan, Drucilla Campbell; sled, Frank McQuaid; bird- house, John Holland, Kenneth Dill, Donald Benninger, Kale Holland, Frank Hart. COLLECTI ONS. Pressed weeds, Teresa Delaney, E. Carlin, Helen Atkinson, Thomas Coyne, Betty Campbell Mounted Insects, Bertha Murray, Annie Molyneaux, Bernice McGrath, Drucilla Campbell, Mildred Murray. Leaves, ' Veronica Dill. Mary Sul- livan, Michael Darling, Dorothy Molyneaux, Matt. Coyne. \Veer) seeds, Michael Darling, E. Carlin, Rose McConnell. • I.iVESTOCK JUDGING. `Phomas Coyne, Charles Dorre- teyn, John :McGrath .Joseph.:' Hast - hies. WRITING. Fourth class, Mildred .Murray, Ber- tha':Murray, Teresa Delaney, Frances Hills Angela ela e Burk . g Third class, Helen Kenny, Alice Siemon, Helen Krauskopf, -_Marion Dill. Second class, Loretta Delaney, Nora Kenny. First class, Edith Krauskopf, Bridget Delaney, Mary Hart 4th. M. Dillon 5th. Primary, 'Kathleen Burns, Harry \)elver, Anna Dillon, Marion Hunter, no name, ART. \lap of North America. Gordon Ililier, Rose McConnell, James Park- er, ingela Burke, Tont Coyne, Scene in lead pencil. Veronica Dill, trances Trills, Evelyn Dillon, Louis Crawford, John O'Rourke, Paster, Louis Crawford, Veronica li Dill, Frances }Tills. James Parker. foltn O'Rourke. lfap of County, Nora Kenny Lor- etta Delaney, Lawrence :Maloney, John O'Riley, Frances Ryan, Poster (classes '1'and 2), Jos. Hart, Rose McQuaid, Dennis Downey,` Mar - Walton had fine weather and a 1 very large crowd for its school fair, when the school children from the several townships in the vicinity ga- thered �thered for the- schaoi drills, sports and to show their exhibits, In some classes the exhibits were not quite as large as last year, The school) chills were good, No, 6 Mullett taking first place. The girls around Walton must be good talkers for, although Harvey Bryans carried 'off first prize, the t rest of 'the prizes were won by girls, There was a competition for judging; poultry among the girls, and judging Iambs among the boys. The sports caused a Mat of •fun and competition. Altogether the fair this year was iit- cleed a succes. The officials are: Pres., Ed, Bryan; secretary, Miss Gertrude Miller; treas., 1W, G. Neal; directors, Mrs.. Chandler, Miss Rose Simpson; Mr. Done Simpson, Andrew Mc - Nicholl, Jas. Shortreed, Mrs. 'Scarlett, Mrs. G. 'Hood, Mr, Ritchie, Mrs. Turnbull, Miss Keith, Wm. Kearney, Jas. McDonald. The prize winners are: Pair calves, Jim 'Turnbull. Baby beef, Jim Turnbull, Harold Bolger. Spring Lamb.—Cordon Murray. Speeches—Harvey Bryans, Mildred. Pollard, Jean Drager, Margaret Bolg- er, Isabel Hoy. Poultry Judging—Margaret Bois" er, Winnifred Drager, Mildred Pol- lard, Norma Murray, Edith Hillen. Lamb Judging -Walter Oster, Or - vine Holmes, Jim )'urnbnll, Gordon Murray, Cliff Alcock, School Parade—No: 6 Hulled No, 7 McKillop: No. 11 Morris, No, 9 1) cKillop, No. 9 bl orris,No. 12 Grey. Special drill—No. 9 McKillop. W. Yearling cult, agricultural, 'Y\ . Thames, Spring colt, draft. Jim Ritchie, Mangolds, Jim Ritchie, Thos. Stev- ens, Blairntore Shaw. Purebred turnips, Ethel Shaw, Flora Harris, Orville Holmes. Swede turnips, Blairmore Shaw. Parsnips, Geo, Taylor, Ainy Par- sons, Lawson Kearney. Carrots. Jessie Dennis. Harvey', Bryans, Mildred Pollard, Ethel Shaw, Isabel Reith. Win, McPherson.'. Onions, 1\'nn. McPherson, Eva' Scarlett. Chas, Munn; Haleyon Chandler, Ida \l. Dundas, \ era Gardiner. Irish Cobblers, Thos. Stevens. Dooley, Flora Harris, Muriel Far- quharson, Jno. Taylor, Gordon Mur- ray. \Vsn, Dundas, Leslie Beattie, Leslie s Mangolds, Thos. Stevens, Reid, Arthur Bewly, Alvin Farqu- harson, Jim Turnbull, Orval Lind- say. Turnips. .11vin Stevens, Stewart Bryans, Alvin McDonald. Beets, Marjorie McEwing, Tennie Dennis, \Melvin. Scott, Mabel Bewley, Alvin Stevens, Thos. Stevens. FLOWERS, Asters, Helen Steiss, Jean Stevens, Stewart Bryans, Nora Hoegy. e wen Mil- dred Helen \I E Sweet peas, p Pollard. li Phlox. Eileen McLaughlin, Alex. Clark. Zinnia, Alex. Clark, Laura Hoy, Marguerite Bolger. French Marigolds, Isabel Reid, Al- bert Lydiatt: Colendule, Hattie McCall, Noi•nia Murray. Salpiglosis..Leslie Beattie. Verbena, Lewis McDonald. Harvey i'.ryans, Cosmos, Eileen McLaughlin, Alex, Clark, Alberta Carter, .Isabella Hoy. Bouquet of asters, Albert Lydiatt, Isabella Hoy. Muriel Dundas; bunch of asters, Albert Lydiatt; gladioli,. Chas. McDonald, Alex, Clark, Bea- trice Reamy; pansies, Muriel Dun- das; snapdragon, Eileen hfci„augh- lin; home garden bouquet, no uante, John McDonald. Vera Gardiner; Al- bert Lydiatt. GRAIN. Wheat, Helen McEwing, Marjorie arjorie McEwing. Oats: Quart. Thos. Stevens, Wal- lace, Shannon. Archie Somerville; oats, sheaf, Wallace Shannon, Archie Somerville, Leslie Reid. Halley, George Taylor. Field corn, i,awson Kearney. Sweet corn, Alvin Stevens, Chas. McDonald, Oral Lindsay, John Tay- lor. Oats, Albert Lydiatt. Potatoes: Irish Cobbler, Muriel Farquarharson, Andrew McNichol, Thos, Stevens, Wayne Scott, Isabella Hoy; Green Mountain, George Love, Isabel Reid, ,Bary Addison, Jean Stevens, ')'hos Stevens, Beatrice i<earney. SEWING, Patch on cotton, Dorothy Driscoll, Evelyn 11 cPherson, AVinnifred D"a3- er, Isabel Farquharson. Darning .on woolen, Winnifred Drager, Laura Hoy, Evelyn Mc- Pherson, Crocheted insertion and lace, Vida McPherson. Knitted wash cloth, Evelyn Mc- Pherson, Grace Somerville, Dressed doll, Eileen McLaughlin, Florence Alderson, Myrtle McCal- lum, Elda McPherson, Vera Gardin- er, Jean Stevens, Sewing on 4 buttons, Muriel Dun - (las, Isabel Hoy, Dorothy Driscoll,, Isabel Farquharson, Olive William- son, Jean 'Stevens. . Pair socks, Elda McPherson, Beat- rice' Kearney, Table runner, Ethel Dennis, Mrs. S. McPherson. Collection fancy 'work ,1 teachers), DUBLIN SCHOOL FAIR. PUBLIC SPEAKING. Pat, Feeney, James Parker, Marg- aret Jordan, Mary Flannigan, Helen Atkinson. PHYSICAL DRILL. St. Colutnban, Dublin, Manley, No. 4 Hibbert, Beechwood, THE SEAFORTH NEWS"`' E. M. Little, BAKING.. Brawn bread, Marguerite Bolger. School lunch, Eva Scarlett, Isabel Eloy, Beatrice Kearney, Tea biscuits, Grace Somerville. Chocolate cake, 'Dorothy Driscoll, 13eatrice Kearney, Elda McPherson, Pumplcin pie, Marguerite Bolger, BeatriceKearney, Elda :MePherstrn. Pie, Vera Gardiner, Marguerite Bolger, Beatrice Kearney. Varieties baking, " No name,' Elda' 11 cPherson, Ewa Scarlett, Marguerite Bolger, • Mounted Leaves•-•Johi} Taylor,' Al- bert Lydiatt, Eva, Scarlett, Any andel in wood—Leslie Reid, Archie Somerville, Carl Hoy, Model in plasticine, Wallace Shan non, Walter Somerville,, Handsleigh, Gordon McKay, Chicken coop, Albert Lydiatt. Ontario weeds, Isabel Hogg, Jessie Dennis, Tennie Dennis, I -I. Bryans, F. Kirkley,.Effie Balfour. • Weed 'seeds, Jas. Somerville; Laura Hoy, Q3.:Bryan, Melvin Scott, Melvin Somerville, Jiro. Taylor. Woods, Geo; Lowe, Leslie Beat- tie, Jno Taylor, Gordon Murray.. Injurious insects, Alvin McDonald, Alex. Clark. Bird house, B.lairntbre Shaw, Stuart Bryans. Apples: Spies, Ross Driscoll, Walt. er Somerville; coll. apples, George Taylor, Lawson Kearney; S.tuart Bvrans. Andrew "McMichael, POULTRY. •' Cockerel, B.P.R„ Vera 'Gardiner,. \Melvin Scott, Albert Lydiatt. Pullet, B.P,R., Albert Lydiatt, Mel- vin Scott. Pen B.P.R. Melvin Scott, Albert: Lydiatt. Pr. Reseed Rucks Wayne Scott, Lorne Steiss, Ross. Driscoll, Beatrice Kearney, Amy Parsons, Lawson Kearney. 3 pre, B.R. chickens, Geo: Love. Geese, Earl Gillespie. Cat, Jas. Turnbull, Best pet, Earl Gillespie, Jack Drag- er, Clarence Steiss, Ray Carter, Helen Farquharson. Lorne Steiss. MISCELLANEOUS, Map of North America, Jean Stev- ens, Eva Scarlett, Effie Balfour, Grace Somerville, Alethea Carter. Hilda Stewart. Map of Canada. lessie Dennis, Bert Johnston, Bob Holland, Tessie Den- nis. Albert Lydiatt, Russel Sholdice, Map of Huron, Arthur Balfour, Orval Holmes, Ross Driscoll. J, Ald- erson, \Vinnie Drager, Duncan Mc- Nichol. Product map of Canada, Grace Somerville, Eva Scarlett. Howard Os- ter. WRITING. "White Sheep," Arthurur Bewle 1, Evelyn 11cPherson, Stewart Bryans, Jean Murray, Norman Williamson, Jimmie Murray. "National An thein," ' Winn ifred Drager. Clara McCall, Ross Driscoll, Ethel Shaw, Isabel Farquharson, Dorothy Driscoll "Crossing' the Bar," Eva Scartt, Isabella Hoy, Hilda Stewart, Vera Gardiner, Norman Murray, Grace Somerville. "Recession;" Jessie Dennis, Ida Dundas, Tennie Dennis, Muriel Far- quharson, Hattie McCool, Marguerite Bolger. Penmanship. Jean Hood nn Rit- chie, Della Thornton, Ross ,Driscoll. Class notes, Muriel Farquharson, Marguerite Bolger.; Mildred Pollard, Jean Drager, Crayon drawing, Dorothy Driscoll, Ross Driscoll, \Wiumie Drager, Rus- sel Sholdice. Water .color work. Jessie Dennis, Eva Scarlett, Russel Sholdice, Hilda Stewart, Vera Gardiner, Ida Dundas. Art collection, Alex. Clark and George Love 1st, Tennie Dennis, Bert Johnston, Flora Harris, Jessie Den- nis, Mary Addison. SEAFORTH MARKETS. Wednesday, October 3rd. Wheat, per bushel 90c Oats, per bushel 35c Barley, per bushel 50c Peas, per bushel .. , . , .... $1.20-$1.40. Shorts, er ton $32.00 Bran, per ton 30.00 Flour, per bag ...... ....$3,35 to $3.75 Butter, per Ib. • 30c -32c Eggs, per dozen Potatoes, per bag Hogs, per cwt, 33 to 35c $1,10 $8.75 AUCTION SALE. On Tuesday, October 9th, at the re- sidence of the late Dr. Scott, at the hour of one o'clock, the -'following: 1 sewing machine, 4 bedroom suites, 1 parlor suite, 1 writing desk and book case, 1 hall rack. Kitchen chairs, rocking chairs, car- pet and rugs, 5 toilet sets, small tables, dishes, cushions, pillows, fea- ther beds, stretchers, oil heater, elec- tric lamp, music cabinet, bureau, chest and trunk, electric fixtures, medical boolcs, 2 sots single harness, 1 set double harness, 2 buggies, 1 cut- ter, 1 buggy tongue, other articles too numerous to mention Terms cash. J. \V. T3EA'I'TY and R. S. HAYS, Executors. )'HOS. BROWN, auctioneer. AUCTION SALE Cows 60head of C ws and Cattle. The undersigned auctioneer has re- ceived instructions to sell by public auction at the owner's farm, Holmes - On Tuesday, Oct. 9th, commenc- ing at 1 o'clock sharp, the following:. Cow, 5 years old with by side; cow, 7 years old with calf by side; cow, 3 years' old with calf by side; cow, 5 years old due this month;•cow, 5 years old due in December cow, 4 years old due in December; cow, 7 years old with veal calf by side; heifer, 3 years old, due hi December; heifer, 3 years old, due in January; 9heifers, 2 years old, fat; 5 heifers, 2 years old this fall; 13 steers; 2 years old, Polled Angus grade; 10 steers, 2 years old, Durham grade; 5 steers, 2 years old,. Hereford grade; 7 steers,' 1 year old; 3 heifers',1 year old. All above cattle were raised in Hur- on county. TERMS—Seven months' credit on approved joint notes, Four per cent. straight off Inc cash. N. W. TRIEWARTHA, proprietor; GEO. H. ELLIOTT, auctioneer, CIDER AND APPLE BUTTER • MILL. Our dace and apple butter mill will he open on Tuesday and \Wedhesjay, next Sept, 25th and .26th, and will continueopen during the season on these days. 40p MERNER & FEE, Seafrth, McKILLOP VOTEIIS'•LIST. o First Posting By. Clerk. Notice f have Notice is hereby given that I transmittedor delivered to the per- sons mentioned in Section 9 of the Ontario Voters' List Act the copies of the List made pursuant to the said Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the Municipality of, the Township of Mc- Killop, to be entitled to vote in the said municipality at elections to the Legislative Assembly and at Munici- pal Elections and the said list was first posted in my ' office in McKillop, on the 17th day -of September, 1923, and remains theere for inspection. I hereby call upon all voters to examine the said list and if any errors or omis- sions are found therein to take im- mediate proceeding to have yaante cor- rected according to law. Dated at McKillop, this 17th day of September, 1923. JOHN McNAY, Clerk of Me- Killop. BY-LAW No, 1 For Year 3, Unil Section No192, 1, McKilloponSepaandrate LoganSchoo, A By -Law to authorize the issue of. Debentures of said Union Separate School Section to the amount' of $10,- 613,40, 'for the purpose of .raising the amount required by the Board of Trustees of Union Separate School Section No. 1, McKillop and Logan, to erect a new School .House for said Union School Section WHEREAS the Board of Trustees of Union Separate School Section No. 1, McKillop and Logan, have made ap-', plication "to the ratepayers of said Section to issue -Debentures for the purpose of raising $8,000.00, the amount regttired for the erection of a new School House in said School Sec- tion, AND WHEREAS the proposal to make the said application for the issue of said debentures was on the 5th day of June, 1923, subnti'tted`by the said Trustees to, and the same was duly sanctioned at a Special Meeting of the ratepayers of the said Union Separate School' Section duly andproperly call- ed for said purpose., AND WHEREAS It is advisable for the ratepayers of Union Separate School 'Section No. 1, McKillop and Logan, should grant the said applica- tion. AND WHEREAS in order thereto it will be necessary to issue deben- tures of the said Union Separate School Section for the said sum of $10,613.40, as hereinbefore provided (which is the amount of the debt in: tended to he created by this By -Law'` the proceeds of the said debentures to be applied to the purpose aforesaid and to no other,- AND WHEREAS it is desirable to issue the said debentures at one time, and to snake the principal of the said debt repayable in yearly stuns during the period of (10) years, being the currency of the said debentures, said yearly stuns being of such respective amounts that the aggregate amountt payable in each year for the principal and interest in respect of said debt, shall as nearly as possible equal the amount so payable in each of the oth- er nine years of said period. AND WHEREAS the total amount required to be raised annually by spe- cial rate for paying the said debt and interest as hereinbefore provided is $1061.34. ' AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property of the said Union Separate School Section No. 1, McKillop and Logan, according to the last revised Assessment Rolls of McKillop and Logan. is $322,900.00, AND WHEREAS the amount of the existing debt of said Union Sep- arate School Section No. 1, McKillop and Logan, is none. NOW, THEREFORE the ratepay- ers'of Union Separate School Section No. 1, McKillop and Logan, sanction the Board of Trugtees to enact as fol- lows: 1. That the application of the said Board of Trustees of Union Separate School Section No 1, McKillop and Logan, be granted, and' for the pur- pose of raising the stun of $8,000.00, debentures of said Union Separate School Section to the amount of $10,- 613.40 (being the amount required to repay said principal stim with interest thereon at the rate of 5% per cent. per annum), shall be issued in ten (10) debentures of $1061.34 each, all of said debentures to be dated on the day of , 1923, and one of said debentures to be pay - ,able on the 15th day of December, 1923, and one on the same date of each succeeding year until all are paid, and payment to be made at the Office of the Standard Band, Dublin. 2.' Each of said debentures shall be signed by the Chairman and Secre- tary -Treasurer of said Union Separate School Section and the Secretary of said Union Separate School Section shall attach the Corporate Seal of said Union Separate School Section thereto, 3. During the currency g r ency of the said debentures there shall be raised an- nually by special rate over and above all other rates and taxes on all the property in the said ,Union Separate School Section No, 3, McKillop and Logan the sum of $1061.34, for the purpose of paying the amount clue in each of the years as, . the debentures become due. 4: That this By -Law shall 'come into operation and take effect on the day of the final 'passing thereof. Done and passed by the Board: of Trustees of Union Separate.. School Section No, 1, IvIcI(illop and Logan, this 30th day of July, 1923. FINALLY PASSED on the Twe,l ty-second clay of August., 1923, by the School ''Board of Union Separate School' Section No. 1, McKillop and Logan, a ALBERT KRAUSKOPF, [ SEAL j Chairman. EDWARD HORAN Sec,-Treas. ry T 1URSDA'?', OCTOBER 4, 1923 F"E' CIA.[ "REE We have just received a quantity of fine graduated Me- dicine Glasses. ' Every family uses medicine of some kind. Either medicine from the Doctor, patentor proprietary medi- cines, cines, cough medicines, tonics. Some maketheir own medicine. In any case a medicine article in the home. yclue glass is a handy Spoons are of various sizes and never accurate and should not be used, We are pP you offering Y ' an opportunity ortunity of owning a Medicine Glass. One Free on Friday and Saturday with an bottle of medicine retailingfor $1 or over y - MEDICINE. GLASS FREE with any one of these. GUAIASOTE For these heavy, deep-seated colds and conghs.1A really won- derful cough eine, .Large bottle . $1.50' :Medicine Glass FREE, SPECIALS Aspirin Tabs. reg. 25c for `.19c A.B.S. & C. Tabs, reg. 25c forl9c Palmolive Soap, reg. 10c 4 for 29c Castile Soap, large bar 23c "King Coco" :Coconut Oil Soap 3 cakes 25c Pumice Soap 3 cakes 25c Boric Acid and Cold Cream Lge bath soap, reg. 25c for 19c SEL -KA -TON REMEDIES '[`hese we are selling at advet•.tis- ing prices. -. Sel-ka-ton Oil , , 50e "Sel-k'a ton Salve 50c Set-ka-ton Indian Herb ,Tonic $1.00 or 6 bottles, $5.00 Medicine Glass FREE Wampole's Cod Liver Oil. The tideal'a'll year round ,tonic for Children' as well as grown- ups $1.00 Medicine Glass FREE. STARR-GENNETT Records We have a large selection of these Records, All the very lat- est and best. Selling regularly at 65c each, For Friday and Sat- urday they will be put up 3 in a package for $1.00 We will be busy on these days so please do not ask us to play them over. Take your pick, 3 records for $1.00 "SUPRA" Self -filling Fountain pen, heavily Gold-plated nib. The mechanism of this pen is equal to that ofthe ,most expen- sive pen. Don't miss this chance of owning a good. Fountain Pen. SPECIAL at SOc each Pinkham s Vegetable Co, $1.35 Pierce's Favorite Prescript.$1.25 Pierce's Golden Medical Discov.•$1,25 Rexall Syr, Hypophosites $1.00 Rexall Blood Purifier $1,00 Rexall Peptonizcd iron Tonic $1.00 Rexall Beef Wine & Iron $1,25 Peptones, our best Tonic $1,25 Russian Oil or Liquid Petrolatum P.D. & Co. the natural bowel lubricant $1 Rexall Kidpey Remedy $1,00 Rexall Sarsaparilla $1.00 Rexall Celery & Iron tonic $1.00 A Real Nerve' Tonic, Buckley's Bronchitis Mixture Laxative Cold Tablets Prepare for the worst by Navin these in the house. B'oth for $ -Medicine Glass FREE, SPECIALS .\{edallion Cold Cream, reg, 50c for37c Violet Dutce Cold Cream, Reg. 60c for 37c Violet Dufce Vanishing Cream reg, 60c for 37c Paradais Cold Cream reg, 60c. for 37c Paradais Vanishing Cream reg, 60c for 37c Mary Garden Vanishing Cream reg. $1,00 for 59c Cocoanut Oil Shampoo reg. 40c for 23c Annie Laurie Cold Cream reg. 50c for37c Annie Laurie Peroxide Almond Cr. reg. 50c for ' 37c Annie Laurie Shaving Lotion reg. 50c for 37c Annie Laurie Lilac Lotion reg. $1.00 for 79c :Annie Laurie Dandruff Lotion reg. 75c for 59c .MBS [J sesamimmisainarireaumasimannumor Ladies' Overcoats CLOTHES OF QUALITY, FEATITRING "MISS CANADA" and "MISS CHADWICK". MAN -TAILORED ULSTER OVER- . COATS FOR LADIES. Made to Order Only, "biItwo-button CANADA."Asillg le breasted s d mode1with all t F 1 round belt and d a l roue sirsleeves. d a on Both belt strapsare P finished with eyelets and r leather buckles. Sleeves are "set in" and the box pleat feature in oent're of back is repeated on pockets, which are finished with''fancy flap and three leather buttons,. This coat is three-eighths lined with Marquis de Luxe in shades to match. "MISS CHADWICI{" A two -button double breasted style, 'fea- turing Raglan sleeves with all round cuffs, and inverted pleated back with inverted pleat patch pockets. The all round belt is finished with eyelet holes and leather buckle, while pockets have fancy flap fasten- ing with one leather button. Like "Miss Canada" this coat is three- eighths lined with Marquis•de Luxor PRICES 532 UP, 16161 EN=I4UR The Special Milverton Flour We Have it—Give it a Trial. Also. Ground Screenings C. Ga TH GRAIN DEALER r,esna.,...,. Seo. th r arage �arlli e AUt Tires an ' i>7 li'ubQs We have on hand a Complete Line of Tires and Tubes Best on the'Market, all sues, Let us supply your needs on Auto Cylinder Lubricating Oils and Greases:. We handle nothing but the best and can supply you ywitk oils of proper viscosity to suit your motor, ^ Also stock a complete line of most -called ,for parts .of various autos. If you are in need of a new Battery, or if. you have ve a Battery to be repaired, give us a call. BATTERY, CHARGING OXY-ACETYLINE V17EZDIRGr EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Get into the habitof patronizing us, We want to serve you, and serve you well. C'?hop of All Kinds MSON PHONE 25 J EGIER MAXWELL AND CHALMERS DEALER, PRONE 167W, We Have Installed a telephone for .night calls -467J .