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The Seaforth News, 1923-10-04, Page 5
oes•� . Your; New Fall Shoes are 'here, Sir, Putyourfeet into a pair of our Shoes and You'll be ,pleased with heir •' appearance at once; Our kind of Mn'is Shoes are the productions of the Best Makers. The leathers are choice, the Styles are new and, hanilso,meTl. They look right and are right, in every way and; withal, they are very pleasingly priced, We have a good shoe in Black or Brown calf glade on the new French toe with Goodyear welted soles and rubber heels for $5.50, better qualities for $6.00'. and $6,50. We have the MurrayShoe in Blaek or Brown Calf made; on the English 'last with Goodyear welted soles and rubber heels for 57.00. No matter what price you want to pay, you'll find our Shoes extra good value. SEAPORTH 1 CENTRAL add STRATFORD. ONT. rrepares young men and young a i'grnen for Business, .which is rass5t'" Canada's greatest'profes- stretet'aaon, We assist graduates to positions and they have a prac- ptical training which enables ,them to meet with success. Stu - ;lents are registered each week. Get our free catalogue and learn something about our dif- ferent departments. D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal. W , Walker & Son UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment. W. J. WALKER, Bolder of Go- . vernment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. STOP! LOOK? LISTEN CREAM WAANTE: We are not only a Cream Market for you but we are Also a Large Dairy Industry in Your Community. We respectfully solicit Your Cream. OUR MOTTO: Guaranteed Accurate Weights and Tests. Courteous and Prompt Service. Highest Market Values. CREAM GRADING: A difference of 3 cents per lb. Butter Fat will be paid between No. 1 and No. 2 Cream. eJ1 H 5 FOR E.i4lr'w Cash Paid to Any Patron Wishing it When Cream is Delivered. Creamery Open Wednesday and Saturday Evenings. Seaforth Creamery Co, Seaforth, Ont. C. A. BARBER, Mgr. IJTown j!i rq!p z� kYn••••pn..�ncro..nuete-.+mrnri.Yp Mrs, E. A: Williams and Miss Grace of Brantford, are visiting with Mr, and Mrs_ Sylvester Allen. Mrs, W. Brien, of Detroit, iiia guest at the home of Mr. and .Mrs,' Mr, and Mrs, j, F, Ross, Guelph, Were week-ent guests in Mown. Mr. Carl Sheaban, of . Toronto, is Jvisiting his sister, Mrs. R. {y1urless ones, Mr's, (Dr..) Briggs, Clel-eland, a guest at the home of her mother, • Mrs. J. McDertnid. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. McIntosh mot- ored over from Forest andspent the week -end with relatives -.i n town. Mr, Glendon Colbert, London, spent a few days in 'tgwn, Mr, Wm. Somerville, Toronto, spent' the week -end With his sisters in to wn. Miss Mary Stewart is in Toronto attending the •University. Mrs. Hugh Sproat and cltildrett IeIt on Saturday' for Detroit. They were accompanied by Mrs, John Sproat. Mr. N. Cliff, Goderieh, was a town visitor., Phe Ladies' Aid Society are making some'improvements on the Egnnond-, ville church. Miss Olive Laidlaw, Boston, is visit- ing her another, Mrs, J, C. Laidlaw, Miss Scarlett 'of McKillop, spent the week -end with Mrs, R. G. Parke, • \t, ss 1'hennia Cowan, of the \'Valk- ervflle Collegiate staff, spent the week -end with her • parents, M r. and Mrs, James Cowan. Miss Jean Ford, Clinton, was a visitor at the home of 'Mr. and Mrs. 5. J. Merger. Mr. and Mrs John Sproat and Mrs. Mandell, who have been spending several weeks. with relatives in totvu and vicinity, have returned to their homes in Virden, Man., and Oko- tocks, Sask. Mrs. T. McQuade, Goderich street, is confined to herhome through ill- ness. , Mr. John l:ckart and Mr Finley McKercher made a busness trip to Hamilton this week, Vlrs. Duncan who has been staying with her niece, M rs. R. E. Coates, has returned to Woodstock. Captain Johnston of Stratford,will conduct 'ibe meeting at the S.A. hall on Saturday and Sunday, October 0 and 7, \Ir, and \'lrs, George ':Guymcr, of London, spent the week -end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John McLen- nan. Miss Thompson, Miss Ringlcr, Mr. John Jefferson and Mr. Jch11 Thomp- son, of Auburn, visited at the home of Mr, and \Mrs. J. 1. Johnston, George street, 011 Sunday. A scholarship valued at $100, given by the University of Detroit to third year students of finance and com- merce, was won by Mr. Warren Ament. Rev. D.Rogers, of Toronto, was the guest of M, and \irs, Arnold Case dining his stay in town. Misses Belle Jackson and Nell Ido- Dougall , o -ere Sarnia visitors this week, • r, Bemis came up from 'I'oronto on Tuesday and accompanied Mrs. Beaus, tvlto has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Henderson for some weeks, home on Wednesday. \•I r. lack Van Egmont', of Toronto, i, at the home of his mother in Eg- mondville and is oil the sick list. Mr. Chas. Mitchell, who has been employed in Robinson's barker ship for over a year, left on Tuesday for Beantsville to take charge of a shop. The Misses Gemmell, of Egmond- vill c, have returned after•a delightful three months' visit in British Colum- bia. • 1)r, and 'Nit's. F, H. Larkin enter- tained the choir at the manse on EC - day evening at the close of the prac- tise, when a most enjoyable time was spent. Mr, and \11s, R. H, Best, of Brace - bridge, are guests at the home •of his father, Mr. 1. ii\l, Best, Mr I R. Beattie, of Toronto, spent the ween end at the home of Mr. 5, I Holmes. Dr. and.Miss. 1t.clialt have moved into the upper flat of M 0, D. C I-Ialn's residence on James street, Mrs J. 3, McLaren, of. Toronto, spent Tuesday with Mrs J H. Broad - foot, Mr. and Mrs. harry Jeffrey enter- tained the choir of the Presbyterian church at their home on Wednesday evening of this week, when, during. The New Superior Chevrolet Chassis The Final Achievement in Economical Transportation $5 R0.WA 6 O a'55 TTRn. A Quality Chassis which can be used with any Standard Body ('rHEVROLET ' Economical Transportation N..0 is now available to the light truck user at a lower price than ever before. It is no longer necessary for the buyer of a Chevrolet olet Chassis to have a special body prepared. The construction of this new Chevrolet Superior Chassis permits any standard body to be built on to it. Two popular types of body are shown in the illustra- tion above. Many others are available, at moderate cost, to the buyer of a Chhvrolef Superior Chassis. Accompanying this new measure of economy are the usual Chevrolet qualities of power and endurance, and the many improvements recently completed in the Chevrolet Superior. line. Combined, these render the new Chevrolet Superior, Chassis the greatest value of its kind in Canada. Every ;prospective light truck owner should inspect it'at"our showrooms. 52915 (Ask About the fJ. M. El. C. Plan of Deferred .Payments) BE SURE AND GET OUR PRICES ON PREST-O-LITE BAT- TERIES, TIRES OF ALL MAKES FROM $730 UP. earn Seaforth, eo�,t. %CHEVROLET the course of the evening Mrs J. G. Mullen and Mr, Harry Livens were presented with a sewing table and club bag respectively in remembrance of their pleasant associations with thel '• c l lol Mr. and Mrs. David < Scott, from 'Massachusetts, are guests at the home of Ylr, and Mrs. H. R, Scott. Nfr. a 11d MrsB, Williams and,rr. and Mrs, Wh1tesides and chtldr.el and Mr. Size of Stratford, spent Sunday at the lilime of \Irs: S. Boyd. :1Vtrs.' Duclley and Miss Mulholland intend moving into the apartments re centlyoccupied by Mr. John 3[ac- Leocf, upon the sale of their residence 011 John street. Mrs, John MacLeod is visiting Mrs, 1Vebster McKillop. Mr. and Mrs. I -lo e-m.0i, of Londes koro, spent Sunday with hits. S. Neeley, 11 r. Ross Savaugc returned on \Verinesday evening from '1'orotito. MMr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Gr'leve in- tend leaving shortly for Nipissitig where they, have purchased a farm, Mr. and Mrs. '1' (leve, -Sr, intend Annie McLeod, 'Martha. Carlisle, r, aane"�tt nl Ep TTtstifri5 tr been'ttansfei<hed to IEbe Ban o Corntueree taking the; place of M xtarold DsDf i wito;'reeves for; Ca 1. gory., Mr, and Mrs, Keene, ,London; •are guests of ,Lr, and Mrs. Sydne Gemmell, ' Mr. D. McKay underwent an oper atio 1 last Saturday in the Stratford hospital. Mr, Jas, Carnochan, Tuckerstnith, received word this week of the death of his son-in-law, Mr. A. F. Kirby, of Prockton,' Mass. Mr, G. Stodgill, Toronto, spent the \week-encl in 'town. St. "James' •'church, Seaforth, 'Altar Society, is holding a •progressive euchre ou Tuesday evening, October 91h, in the parish' hall. Fottr rinks 'of bowlers were in Woodstock; on Wednesday: Joe Mc- Millan; Dr.'Bechely, W, l.'Thomp- son, -Ra'ss Sproat, W. G. Willis, JJim.Beattie, Dr,. Burrows, Dr, Ross, Fred Robinson, Allen Close, A. D. Suther- land, Frank Sills, Ed. Bright, Chas, Barber. Jno. Mactavish, Jas. Dick. y Varna School Fair 'Wheat: Quart; Edgar Smith, Irene Knight; sheaf, Edgar Smith, ',Inter Turner, Irene Knight; Reg. Williams, Oats; Quart, A, Reichert, 13, Keyes, Wnt. Caldwe'll,Irene Knight; sheaf, B. Keyes, A, Reichert,:•\\T, Caldwell, Irene Knight, Barley: Quart S. Keyes, Lloyd Picot, Elmer McBride, Shirley Daw- son; sheaf, Lloyd Picot, Ralph Turn- er, Elmer McBride, Stewart Keyes, S. Dawsou, Corn: Field corp, Albert McClinch- ey, Beth McBride, Harvey Keyes, Harvey Taylor, 5. Baird, Douglas Genlenhardt; sweet corn, A. McBride, VEGETABLES, Potatoes: Irish Cobblers, B. Adapts, C. Stephenson, M. McKinley, J. Scotchmer, A. Elliott, H. Keyes; Green Mountain, L. Reichert, R. Tay- lor, S. Keyes, G, Colclough, G. Steph- enson, Jno, Armstrong; Dooley, It. McKenzie, M. Armstrong, R. Ketch - en, 0. Dawson, H. McLeod, A, Daw- aon. Maugolds, R. Williamson, W. Clarke, E. Hayter, B, McClinchey,' E. Chuter, J. Ketches, Turnips, R. Hayter, I. Scotchmer, H. Hohner, W. McKenzie, R, Hohner Beets, h Mustard, M, Chuter, M. Hohner, H. McLeod, G. Addison, M. Scotchmer. Carrots, M. Carlisle, A. Addison, M. Chute,, V. Taylor, 0. Greer, R. Elliott.' Parsnips, W. McClinchey, S. Baird, Onions, D. Ester, D. Scotchmer, P. Brock; V. Wheeler, A. Keyes, V. Adapts, FLOWERS, Asters, Marion Davison, Verna Picot, Jean Campbell, Doris Gemen- hardt, Eleanor Scotchmer, Margaret McDonald. Sweet Peas, Stuart Keyes, Phlox, \Vill, McLachlan, \Vill. Mc- Kenzie, Zinnia, Ellwood Epps, Dorothy Grassick, Orval Greer, Alpert Mc- Clinchey, Lottie Higgins, Bernard Keyes. African Marigolds, Orville Work- man, Hazel Steep, Harvey Keyes. Coreopsi., Edgar Smith. Calendula Viola Wheeler, Robbie 1 \McKenzie, Merl,. Carlisle, French Marigolds. Jean Foster, 1 Lloyd Picot, Edith Merger, B. Stur- geon, Philip McKenzie: Willie Mc- Clinchey, Salpiglosis, Dorothy Scotchmer. Verbena, Mabel Scotchmer, Marg- aret Clutter, Shirley Dawson, Casinos, jack McLachlan, Marion Davison, Arthur Finlayson, Marie McClinchey, Vlary Clatter, Walter McBride. POULTRY, Cockerel, R.P.R„ David Hodge, MabelSeatchmer, Walter McBride, Clarence Stephenson, Harvey Camel. - son, Phil, McKenzie, Pullet, B.R P,, Clarence Stephen- son, Dorothy Scotchmer, David Hodge, W'ttlt NIcBrde, Phil. Mc- Kenzie, Pen of three B.P.13„ Clarence Mc- Cowan, Jno. Armstrong, 1)avid Hodge. Clarence Stephenson. Pen of B.P.R. (Monte flock), Allen Armstrong, Tom Chester, Bruce McClinchey, Meryn Keys, W. Cald- well, Clarence Reichert White Leghorns, Allen Armstrong, Marie Granger, Stuart Keys, Jean Foster, Vf, Granger, Phil, McKenzie, Any pet, MI. Robertson, Mabel S hi user, Clarence Hohner, Doug- las Genlenhardt, Anna Aikenhead, Jean Johnson, Pet (additional class), Jean Foster, Geo. Stephenson Bert \lcBride, El- mer Stephenson, Fred Heard, Glen Colclough. LIVE STOCK Spring lamb Jack McLaughlin, \, Elliott, Jean Foster, Gordon Ray -I mond, Phil. McKenzie, C. Elliott, Pair Bacon Flogs, CI cncc Steph- 5115011, 'v\'.McLaughlin. Pail fed calf, \\T.McBride, .11. Keyes, R, Hohner, 0. Raymond, D, H. Hodge. ;,\KTNG, T -tome -glade bread, Jean Foster, \Muriel Carlisle, 1l•ene Knight, Mabel Pilgrim, 'Graham or bran muffins, .lean Fost- er, Kathleen Mustard, Emma his - Bride, Dorothy Elgie, Dorothy Estes, Ada Steep. Ginger cookies, Vera Forsythe, Margaret Johnston, Grace Robinson, Mary \\'ill, Marie Grainger, 1-lazel. Steep, Tea biscuits, Gertrude 3,4cClinchey, \Margaret McKinley, GladysStephen- sonn,, Francis Mossop, Margaret John- ston, Grace ,Love. \\'lute cake, Francis Mossop, Ent na :rfc13ridc, Edna C'ochran e, moving Into town and q, mal•intheir Mary.3,1orley... honte with the 'Misses Grieve., Air. Wan, Gibson, T.ondon, spent a Few days with Rev,' R. 31111011 Erwin, \'Gs. \A'ebb, Toronto, is spending a week with Mrs. G. Sillery. • Th Misses Y[cLetitia n, l.>;molld vtl1E-have rented part of Mrs. G. 13ro0'lilecls house on James street, Mrs. R. J: Beattie, Egnnondville, had 'the misfortune to slip while cal- ryling a pail of boiling water, down• -to the cellar, , and scald' her face and a11)15,. Apple pie, Mary Wild Margaret McKinley, Gladys Stephenson ,;Verna Picot, Jean Foster,:' Gertrude ' Mc- Clinchey. - T -Monte -Blade candv,'Ireue`Johtistmn, gyp. Patch on? o4to., ,Mary WO0111t3Y, D.' Scatc.hrer, Mabel'., Scotchtner JAdaean Catnp'belll, Lettie Love, Beatrice ms. `Three -corner •tear;"Ada Steep, Mar- tha Carlisle, Mary Chuter, Helen Up- silon, Hazel Steep, Margaret Robin - G^Robinson, on. Darning on stocking, Dorothy Woolley, Margaret McKinley, Helena >;Ipshall, 'Martha Carlisle, Dorene Robinson - Tea apron, Gladys Stephenson, Edna- Cochrane, Retns'titched handkerchief,. Jean Poster, Edna Cochrane, T, Bell, Crocheted insertion, S. Dowson, 'Emma McBride, Mary McDonald, Margaret McKinley. • Dressed doll, Eleanor Scotchmer, Margaret Jolittston, Norcne Robin- son.�raid RoLove,' o Grace Loe, Martha Carlisle., ''Patting, Olive Erratt, Ka•thleert S,ildet Viola Wheeler, Jean Foster, • U MANAL WORK. Any model in wood, D. Gemen hardt,M. Robertson G. Westlake, M, Lloyd Picot, S. Keyes, Milking Stool, E. Stephenson, M Grainger, E. Smith, 13, Keyes, M Merner, W. McBride. Wren house, R. Welch, E, Chuter. Patch sewn on grain bag, R. Up - shall, S. Keyes, R. Woolley, F. Heard, R. -Williamson, 1, Scotchmer. E MISCELLANOUS, Coll. noxious seeds, Irene John - stotl, S. Dawson, R. Elliott, B. Keyes, Dorothy Ester, W. Caldwell. Coll, noxious weeds, J. Foster, V. Picot, N, Patterson, M. Armstrong, Lloyd Picot, S. Keyes. Coll, native woods, J, Foster, Lloyd Picot, 0, Greer, S. Keyes, H. Hohner, A, Johnston. Coll. injurious insects, B. Adams, F. Heard, • DRAWING. Map of Huron, Verna' Picot, Walt- er Baird, Jessie Lindsay, Agues Herr, Margaret Elliott, Robbie McKenzie, Map of North America, Hazel Mc - Lade, Martha Carlisle, Frances Mos - sop, Mary Armstrong, Cecil Dowson•; John Durant. Map of British Isles, Wide! Car- lisle, Gladys Stephenson, Agnes Adams, Mabel Pilgrim, Lettie Love, Clarence Stephenson. WRITING. "Evening Prayer," Gordon Vigers, Doris Acheimhard, Margaret Bray, Stewart Baird, Eva Sturgeon, Gladys Coleman. Indian Summer," Jean Foster, Marie McClinchey, Agnes Kerr, Har- vey Cameron, Verna Picot, John Frown. "Lead Kindly Light," Ada Steep, Mary Chuter, Francis Mossop, Jean Camphell, Nellie Paterson, Lettie Higgins, Monogram, Irene Chuter. Irene Johnston, Mabel Pilgrim, Marie Grainger, Fred Heard, Mary Chuter. PUBLIC SPEAKING. S. Keyes, D. Ester, M. Grainger, 0. 0 Dominion of Canada Refunding Loan, 1923 5% Bolds Dated and bearing Interest from 15th October, 1923, and of- fered in two maturities as fol- lows: 20 year bonds due 15 Oct., 1943. year bonds due 15 Oct., 1928 20 year Bonds, 598,25 and In- terest, yielding 5,14 p,c. 5 year Bonds 5e9 and Interest, yielding 5.23 p.c. Orders or instructions for ex- change solicited, F, H. Aankin SEAFORTH,. ONTARIO ow Shoes Now that it isplowing n time again, p g g m, the essential thing to carry on with the good work is a gobd sturdy pair of Plow Shoes, Foolish is he who tries to;make his old shoes do when he knows they are not fit. Being in the damp and wet if not properly prepared, will without a doubt cause ill' health, and what if the men of the •farm are laid up ? How is, the work carried on ? No one wishes for such, Provide against this by fitting yourself with a pair of the following: Men's Urus Calf Bluchers with full leather outside counters. These shoes are as near waterproof as it is possible to make leather, and sold at a. very reasonable price. Men's Urus Calf Bluchers, wide -fitting Last, just the salve as. the preceding, only of a heavier leather. Also Men's Black and Brown Bluch- ers, making real good farm shoes. GET YOUR NEXT PAIR AT Dorothy Woolley Adart' \rtnstrong, Jean Johnston, Gertrude McClinchey, Francis Mossop. School lunch, Olive Eeratt, Marg- The Modern Shoe .Store. aret Robinson, Grace Robinson, Edna - , C:ac"-arc, , Enn ,i \1' P , I:. .'?.I cr't opp. Bank of Commerce Grainger. Lennon pie, Eunice Reid,.. Marie Phone 5l1 Seafort Welsh, V. J. Musselman, Miss Petty.' 0 sm 0Son1t 1, v r.71 JOl GT NT, Judging, bcehf Calves, Edna:Coch vane, Doratlty 1Atelsh, Gladys Stepp ensoft, O1tv`e'.Erratt,. Wro, .Caldwell,'. Mi*nray Grainger. • '3udg'tngPoultry,' Muriel Carlisle,,' 11.PA b:b, 6 Stanley, NO. 10 Stsiiley, 1 -afro. 13 Staule'. , 1-1Vo, 9 Tu'cicersmith,• LYR] THURS., FRI. and SAT, Another Big Special now showing "TILI1 1d.0 Starring HARRY MOREY and MARY ASTOR A 100 per cent. Canadian picture, produced at Sault Ste. Marie, ,Ont., by Ernest Shipman and taken from the novel written by Allan Sullivan, Every Canadian citizen should see this picture. A continuous performance will be shown on Fair Day, Oct. 6th, commencing at 2 p.m. We strongly advise you to come early, MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Herbert Rawlmson in "Fools and Riches" LO VE—THRILLS—SURPRISES—ACTION—SUSPENSE All combine to make this one of the most absorbing pictures ever. Watch for our dates on "GLENGARRY SCHOOL DAYS. Shows commence at 8.15 sharp. ' Selling Cut House oroishillis Lines We have decided to give up our Douse Furnish= ings Department and will sell all ETS and LJGS Large and Small, also LIN©,Ll [JM5 fit eost and Less Fall and `' inter Coats for Ladies and Children We have now in Beautiful Lines of Fall and Winter Coats for ladies and children, and we are selling them at very low prices;- CHEIFEiZ BROS. Campbell Block, Seaforth 4 TIMES- Around theore with t��th OILING 100,000 Miles Without Stopping for 0110 An inventor who could develop an automobile, a railroad car or any other conveyance on wheels which would perform such a feat would be considered a wonder. But such is the record of regular accomplishment by the Auto -oiled Aermotor during the past eight years in pumping water. Did you ever stop to think how many revolutions the of a windmill makes?' I1 the wheel of an Aernfotor should roll along wheel o: the ground at the same speed tt at it makes when pumping watrhit9 Would encircle the world in 90 days, or wdutd go four tines around in year. Itwouldtravel on an average 275 miles per day or about 30 miles per hourfor9 hours each day. An automobile which keeps up that pace day after day needs a thorou oiling at least once a week. Isn't it marvelous, then, that a windmill has been made which will go 50 times as long as the best automobile with one oiling? The Auto -oiled ,Aeessaotor after 8 full years of service • part of the World has proven its abilityto runis e vice and give theimost reliable, entirelyly with one oiling a year. The double. gears, and. all moving enclosed and flooded with oil all the time. It wing parts, are any other piece' of machinery en the farm. To g teeverlasting windmill less e u than Auto•oiled Aermotor, the most efficient windmill that has ever been made, buy the Forftrlt "rfan ,p EARS/ � ��pp� l nation write, ��.Y'L1V.9.�ra, _l ' CO Kanas y Minneapolis Des Moines ° Kansas city ririuneapolis oatttanu FOR SALE BY BERT IRWIN Dealer in Gas Engines, Cream Separators, Stable Fittings Pumps Pipe and WaterSupplyFixtures, Wind and Car'Insurance, PHONE: 19-613 CLTNTON. -y