HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1923-10-04, Page 4Ct[ kf tiiATt :tui i ALL rAtlW
NOwoo Sr,:.Proprietor,
General Observations
Stratford and Goderichare Pluming'
themselves because t"wo'Sleeping cars
are to be called after them. Jack
Keefe says some towns are so sleepy
that any one who lived in then for a
few years would never again Beed
sleep, NO doubt this is the reason the
C.N.R. is adopting- the new -names.
Smoke continues to rise from the
still Smouldering ruins of the Horne,
Bank, which demand the attention of
Fire Chief Fielding. The last puff •,f
black has risen from the\ C.N.R.
roundhouse and has kept certain peo-
ple busy, tryingto another•it with
blankets of excuses.. 'What is really
needed is an investigation that will
lay bare the source of the trouble and
protect the public. The sooner the
Minister of Finance realizes this the
better, The public, has a right to
know, whether the losses that wreck-
ed the Horne Bank were caused by
conditions over which the-nnutage-
ment had 00 control, or were the re-
sult of bad bankingpractises.
1 would like to know why a mil-
lion of C.N.R. funds were placed on
deposit for three days in the Home
In some quarters there is a tend-
ency to sneer at the unnecessary pub-
licity that a few Canadian and Eng-
lish newspapers have, with apparent
sycophancy. been giving to the visit
of the Prince of \Vales, who has come
to Canada as ".Lord Renfrew," desir-
ing et quiet, restful visit to his ranch
.in sunny Alberta, But if there is a
divinity that overrules the foolishness
of this world, it may he that good will
• come from the apparent silly public-
ity that persistently told when the
Prince went to bed, got up. what he
had for breakfast, how hard he work-
ed between meals and ttost• mita he
enjoyed his wonderful experience. H
this divinity will only use the •public-
ity to influence the over -population of
England' to came to Canada, it will be
a good thing for England and for
Canada both. h If theEnglishman at
home, reading of the keen enjoyment
that the .Prince finds in the healthy
climate and wholesome life of Can-
ada, feels that it is good enough for.
him and'his fancily, and comes to
make his home here. Canada will have
reason to be thankful not only for the
publicity but to the Prince, :whom all
.fro glad to welcome here. No mem-
ber of royalty has so captured the
heart of Canada since the days of his
grandfather's youth, if even then,
About two hunched friends and nei-,
ghbors gathered at the lune of Mr.1
Thus, •Grieve on Tuesday night to i.
say farewell, as they are leaving here.
Mr. and Mrs. Grieve Sr„ are moving
o Seaforth and their son ami his
'family are movingtoNew Ontario.
Air. and 91ts,. Grieve, Sr„ were pre-
seated with -cots, and a well-filled
• junpurse was presented ented to their son. The
following address was read by Mr.
t , Fs -:art. and a feeling reply was
' ui tt e i1. „NI r. 1 . grieve Jr.
To \1r, and Mrs. Thomas Grieve,
jailor and Senior ---Dear friends it is
.with a feeling of regret that we are
here to -night to say gond-bye, and.' to
wish you Godspeed on the eve.,! your
departure for your new homes after
having enjoyed the pleasure of your
society and good fellowship fir the
better part of a life time, but while we
regret your departure from here, it is
a sotirce of great gratification to us
t. at last Mr. and Mrs. Grieve, Sr.,
• Will make their future !tome not far
distant and that the social intercourse
which has so long existed between us
ran .till be continued: Although Air,
and \Ir,. Grieve, Jr., and family are
leaving for a distant hnnte, our sin
• Gere wish is that health, prosperity
and happiness may- fn1
wthea anti
that rte may have the pleasure of
• meeting theta tnnr to timeand we
hope you may realize the aim,
of your
ambition, We ask you to accept these
slight token of respect. and •gond
wishes: for future remembrance."
The remainder of the evening was
scat iu wales and dancing: p g t ;, until the
wee sma' hours of the morning, when
they left, wishing their host and
•'hostess many happy days. as they
sang "They are all jolly gold fel-
, .lows,"
33r. Al. McLaughlin and Air. Albert
Seaman have left' for New Ohtani,
where they have been engaged as.
teamsters for the winter.
31r, Peter McLaughlin and Nil'. and
Airs. Pat. McLaughlin motored to
London last Sunday to visit Mrs,. Mc-
Laugltlin's brother Jahn Connolly,
Who is receiving treatment in the
hospital and itis mart; friends are glad
to hear he is improving.
'1'u safeguard the child from da-
mage that worsts cause use Miller's
Worm Powders, .the medicine par
excellence for children. `These powd-,
c ll
s',.1: li :a , • ii entirely of
rao m,, yviii regulate and stimulate'
the orga[ts injuriously affected by the
worms. and will encourage Healthful'
•operation of the digestive 'processes,
As a vermifuge it can be relied on
Its r t,r e te..jc,. ..
B iyheld's fair tt t; favored with
line weather ou Tuesday and y'Vcd-
nesday of last week. The gate receipts
were satisfactory and those in
charge are very pleased with the suc-
cess of this year's show in every way.
The horse races ' resulted in Hy -
grade, owned by Harry Stowe, win-
ning first money, Greybird -(Sant.
Hay) second and Bayfield Girl
(George Weston) third,
The officers and • director's are as
follows: 5. W. Reid, pres„ D. Mc-
Naughton, hon. pres.; W. J- Stinson,
vice.pres.; John Stewart 2nd vice
pros,; F, A, Edwards, treasurers A.
E. Erwin, secretary.
Board of Dir'ectors.' Thomas
Brownett; T, M. Woods, G. A. Coop-
er, John McKinley, R. McMurray, R.
M, Peck, S. Houston; John McClure,
T. M. Snowden, E. H. Wise, Robert
Penhale W. H. Talbot, John Rath -
well, Ed. Foster, J, A, Ferguson,
Auditors, Thos, Cameron and _John
The prize winners follow:
General Purpose: Brood .mare and
foal, J. A. Manson & Son; foal, J. A.
:Mattson & Son; gelding or filly 3
years, W. N, Keys, J. A. Manson &
Son; gelding or filly 2 years old, H.
H, Neeb, E. H. Wise & Son; gelding
'or filly 1 year old, Don, McKenzie.
Percheron; 3 year old, Miortoo El
liott; 2 year old, Wellington John
Agricultural: Brood marc and foal,
Lloyd Scotsmere; foal, Lloyd Scots -
mere; gelding or filly 3 years old. C.
1'ruenmei • gelding or filly 2 Ye r
old, Dun McKenzie; team, Morton
Elliott. G. I. Theil,
Heavy Draught: Brood 'mare and
foal, \Van. McAllister & Son, J. R.
Stirling; foal, Wm. McAllister &
Sou, 1 and 2; gelding or filly 3 years
old, John Stephenson; gelding or fil-
ly ? years, Wm, McAllister & 'Soh;
team, C. Truemner,
Roadsters: Gelding or fitly 2 years,
'Phos. Brownett; team, Wm. Decker;
single roadster, Geo, Whitely, Lloyd
Carriage: Single carriage horse, H.
H. Neeb, Robt. McCliuchey; best
gentleman's outfit, 'H. H. Neeb, Robt.
MlcCliuchey: lady driver, Iaura Olds
Special, 'Township, 3 heavy, Mor-
ton Elliott, Wm. McAllister.
Grade cattle: Milch cow, E. H.
\Vise & Son, 1'hns. Brownett; heifer
2 years, \i', \V, Mise. E, H. Wise &
Son; heifer 1 year, W. W. Wise, E.
H. •\Vise & Son, Heifer calf, W, J.
Stewart: steer calf, W. \i', Wise,
Harry Steinbach; steer, 2 years, E. H,
Wise & Son, W. \Vise: steer 1 year.
13, F. Klopp 1 and ?; fat cow, heifer
or steer, \Fat. J. Stewart, E. H. \Vise
Durham: Mitch cow, E. H. \Vise do
sun 1 and '; heifer 2 years. E. H
\Vise, \\ \V. Wise: heifer 1 year, E.
H. \Vise 1 mid 2; bull calf, Hy. Stein-
Herefords: Heifer calf, Harold
Polled Angus: Mitch cow, W. J.
Stewart 1 and 2; heifer 2 years, and
heifer 1 year. W. L Stewart, 1 and2;
heifer calf, E. F. Klopp, \V. J. Ste-
Jersey: Mitch cow, Airs, Brandon
'Eaton's Special, E, F. Klopp. \V.
W. Wise.
Leicester: Rant 2 shears, Wm. Mc-
Allister & Son; ram lamb, \Vnt. Mc-
Allister 1 and 2; shear. ewe. W. \Vise
S, in, McAllister -& Son; ewe lamb, W.
\\ isc, \Ant. McAllister & Solt; wether
lamb, Wm. MfcAilister & Son 1 and 2.
• 1 Ineolns; A1) classes shown, -Thos.
Oxfords: Sltearliug rata. H. J, Tre-
w'artha, Frank Weekes; ram lamb, F.
Weekcs, 1 and 2; ewe 2 shears or
over, and shearliug ewe, Morton El-
liott 1 and 2; ewe lamb, W. Wise,
Morton Elliott; wether lambs Thos.
Shropshtres: Ram two shear or
over, shearling ram, rant lamb. J. A.
Manson & Son: ewe two shears ar
..ver. shearling ewe, ewe lamb. J. A.
Alanson & Son 1 and 2; wether lamb,
i A. Manson; fat sheep, Thos. Snow-
den, J. A. Manson & Son.
Berkshire.: Brood sow, Thos.•
Yorkshire: Brood sow, Roht. Blair;
hoar 1923. Roht. Blair; bow. 1923,
Harold Penhale, •
Red Pigs: Aged boar, Thos. Snow-
Lau ence Forest; brood sow,
Thos. ,s. Snowden: boar 1923, Thos.
Snowden 1 A. Manson & Son; sow
1923, Lawrence purest, Thos. Snow-
den: boar, any breed, Thos. Snowden
1.. Forest sow, any breed Thus
Snowden; pair bacon hogs, Thos,
Plymouth Barred Rocks, cock and
hen R. Scotsmere; cockerel and pul-
let H. J,,Trewartha, Robt, Mc-
Plymouth Rucks white, cock and
hen. Robt. Blair., Garnet Daters;
t : eker el and pullet, Robt, Blair,
Silver \Vyandottes, cock and hen,
Robs. 21cClinchey; cockerel and pul-
let, Garnet Daters.
I;uil Orpington, c & p, G. T)aters.
Silver, Grey Durkings c & p. John
\\'Rite 1 eghorn% c & p, H. J. Tre-
wartha, Chas. Berlour.
Rhode island Reds c & p, Garnet
Other fowl, c & h, W. N. Key's..
Pekin ducks, 1. & R. Snowden, G,
Rotten ducks, Thos, Snowden,
Toulouse geese, Robt. Blair.
Other variety geese, E. & R. Snow-
Pigeons Dr. Mcltinnon.
Special --Rabbits, Chas, Bedour,
Butter: 10 lbs. salt butter, Mrs,
to Stewart. E. & R. Snowden; 5
s. in prints, Mrs John Stewart, R.
cgar; 5 Ilt crack. Mrs.: John Stew -
John Stewart, t, Garnet J teoiri colla
cheese, t\tts: Di \V -hods Mrs, R
Cured ham, 1s. & 13, Snowden, Mrs.
Dr, Woods;' home-eured bacon, E, &
R: Snowden, :Mrs.. Dr. Woods; lard,
Garnet Daters, Mr's, John Stewart;
dressed chicken, Mrs. Dr, Woods,
Robert Turner,
Hen eggs, \vhite, Chas, Bedour, J.
R. Stirling; hen eggs, brown, .Mrs. R.
Geiger, Harold Penhale; display of
bee produots,. Lancelot Beatty, J. E.
Pollock; 'strained honey, Lancelot
Beatty, J,' E. Pollock; maple syrup,
NIrs. John Stewart, F, Keegan; fudge,
Mrs, R. Geiger,'Garnet Jacobi,
Baking,—Homemade 'bread, white,
Mrs. R. 'Geiger, E..& R. Snowden;
graham bread, E. & R,.'Suowden, Don'
McKenzie; Boston brown bread, Mrs..
Dr. Woods, E. & R, Snowden; nut
bread, E. & R. Snowden, Mrs, Dr,
Woods; buns, Mrs. J, Heart, Mrs, A.
E. Erwin; baking 'powder tea bis-
cuits, Don MCKen e, Mics. W, F,
Metcalf; ginger hermits, F. Keegan,.
Garnet Jacobi; cookies, E. '& 12.
Snowden, Mrs. Dr. Woods; muffins,
Garnet Jacobi, Mrs, R•,Geiger; scones
Doig McKenzie, Robt Scotsntere;
meat Loaf, Mlrs, Ada Halliday; apple
pie, J. R. Stirling., Mrs. R. Geiger;
lemon pie, J. R. Stirling, • Mits. Dr,
Woods; plain baked beans," Airs. Dr.
Woods, Garnet Jacobi; cold lunch for
one person, Mrs. A. E. Erwin, Mrs. R.
Geiger; canned . fruits, P. Keegan,
Mrs. Ada Halliday; canned veg-etables
E. & R. 'Snowden, F. Keegan; pickles,
E, & R. Snowden, F, Keegan; jelly
and marmalade, in glasses, Mrs. Ada
Halliday, F. Keegan; , catsup and
meat sauces, Mrs. W. F. Metcalf, F.
Kee anlayer cake ame Jacobi, i 1:.
Keegan; y
a oh
& R. Snowden.
Wheat: White winter, Thos. Snow-
den, J. R. Stirling; red winter, ;Vlllne
Rader, Mrs, S. Johnston; spring, Ai.
Rader, J. R. Stirling.
Peas, small white, C. Trueman, M.
Barky: fi rowed, Milne Rader, C.
Trueman; 2 -rowed, C. Trueman, M.
Rader; white oats, Robt. Turner, F.
& R. Snowden
Timothy seed, \Vm, S. Johnston, C.
Trueman; red clover seed, Milne Rad-
er. Garnet Daters.
Corn: Yellow, Robt, Blair, A, E.
Erwin; dent, Thos. Snowden; E. &
R. Snowden; sweet, E. & R. Snowden,
A. E. Erwin; other variety, Thos.
Snowden, A. E. Erwin; field beans,
Milne Rader. 3, R. Stirling; coll. of
grains in head, • F. Keegan, Garnet
Butch grapes. GeoLai-hwaite
Don. Galbraith; roll. grapes. Geo
Laithttaite, Airs, (Rev.) McLeod
peaches. Maggie Campbell, Mrs. Ad
Halliday; plums, Thos. Brownett, J
S, PIowrie; prunes, P. Keegan, Thos
Brownett, yellow crabs, Theis.. Brown
ett, Don McKenzie; red crabs, J.
Stirling Thos, Snowden; toll. pears,
Geo. I alt t waitJ. R Stirling; fall
It eS
, g.
pears. \\ nt 3fcDool; J R. Stirling;
winter pears. Ars. R. Geiger, J. R.
Coll,apples, J. R, Stirling, Garnet
Daters, winter apples. J.R.Stirling,
Robt: Turner; fall, ,i. R. Stirling,
Robt, Turner; Baldwins, J. R. Stirl-
ing„ Robt. Turner; Mann, J. R. Stirl-
ing Lloyd Scotsntere; Spitzenburg,
J.R. Stirling; Northern Spies, I. R
Stirling, F. & R. Snowden; Kin
of Thomplcins E. &. R. Snowden,
Lloyd Scotsmere; Greenings, W. N.
Keys, Lloyd Scotsmere; Ribstott
Pippins, Dim McKenzie, J. R Stirl
iug; 20 -ounce Pippin. J. R. Stirling,
Thos, Brownett; \Vagners, Robt, Tur-
ner, Milne Rader, Russets, J, R. Stir-
ling; Blenheim Pippins, J R. Stirling,
t Laithwaite; snows, \V McDool, J.
Stirling; Ontarioti J. R, Stirling, Wm.
\IeDool; \Volfe River. \Vm. McDool,
J• R. Stirling.
Potatoes: Early Cobbler, \f ilne
Rader, D. C. Galbraith; early, Milne
Rader, Thos. Snowden; Green Moun-
tain, Roht. Turner, Milne Rader; late
H, A. Fuss, E. & R. Snowden.
\langoids: Long red, Roth 1'en-
hal.., C Truculent yellow globe, C.
Trueman, E. & R. Snowden; 'inter-
mediate, W. N. Keys, Mfrs. Clark,
Carrots, Robs, Penhale, "rhos..
Snowden; table, \Vnm, M1cDool, Mrs.
R. Geiger.
Table beets, Don McKeircie, Mrs.
P. Clark; parsnips,Mrs. P. Clarlc, 3.
1-1. Reid; turnips,\\ . H, Talbot. F;. &
R. Snowden; sugar beets, W. FI, Tal -
hot, J. R. Stirling; win-terradish, D.
C. Galbraith, Mrs. R. Geiger; salsify,
J. H. Reid, Mrs. Ada Halliday; cab-
bage. Milne Rader, \Vat. :McCoal;
cauliflower, Mrs, P. Clark; celery,
Dr. McKinnon, Garnet Jacobi; musk-
melons, D. C. Galbraith, A. E, Er-
win; watermelon, Thos. Snowden, E.
& R. Snowden; citron, Thos. Snow-
den, E. & R. Snowden; pumpkin for
table use. A. E. Irwin; pungpkiit for
feed. C. Trueman, D. Galbraith; Eng-
lish potato onions, D. C. Galbraith,
Mrs. P. Clark; red onions, Milne Rad-
er, Wm. McCool; yellow onions, Alrs.
P. Clark, Chas. Bedour; red -tomatoes,
Airs. Ada Halliday E. & R. Siuow-
den; yellow tomatoes, E. & R. Siiow-
den; peach tomatoes, Tltos. Snowden,
Mrs. Brandon; head sunflower, Mrs.
R. Geiger, Wnt. McCool; coll. garden
herbs, Mrs, \'\', IT Metcalf, E. & R.
Snowden; peppers, J. E. Pollock, E.
& R, Snowden; cucumbers, Thos.
Snowden, Mfrs Ada Halliday; vege-
table marrow, C. Trueman, Don Mc-
Kenzie; yellow Hubbard squash, 1).
C. Galbraith, Mrs, P. Clark.
Itustoii ctyty"
Sips Garnet Jacobi, 3115. Torus; Ir-
tsit •rochet'laee, Garnet Jacobi, Mrs.
\Vrn. Ferguson; fillet crochet lace,
Mrs. (Dr.) Wooe's, H A Fuss fancy
apron, Mrs. S. Huston Mrs. h' Geig-
er; to'tchen apron, Garnet Jacobi, H,
A. Fuss; eyelet embroidery, J. S.
1-lownie, M.rs, Wta, Ferguson, Ro-
meo cue work, J. S. Howrie, 1-1. A.
Fuss; hardanget-'etnb., Mrs, 8, .Nous-
ton, Mrs. W. F. Metcalf; etching or
outline stitch; Mrs. S. Houston, Mrs.
+Ada Halliday; inpdern cross stitch,
H. A, Fuss; Mrs,, S. 33ouston; braid.
ing, Mrs, S. Houston, Mrs, Brandon;
drawn work, Garnet Jacobi, Irs,- W.
Ferguson; lunch cloth ernb., Mrs, W.
Ferguson, J. S. Howrie, lu'nc'h cloth
crochet, "Garnet Jacobi, J. S. Hosvrie;
lunch cloth, 'lace, Mrs, (Dr.)' Woods,
Mrs, W, F. Mfetea'lf; washable tea
cosey, Mrs. Tom, Ada Galbraith, sofa
cushion emb., Chas, Wise, J, S, How-
rie; sofa cushion ;crochet, Chas, Cain-
eron, Mrs. -Brandon, • hand -made
handkerchiefs Mrs. (Dr.) Woods, A.
Galbraith; tatting, Mrs. (Dr.)
Woods, Garnet Jacobi; curtains, G.
Jacobi, H. A. Fuss; table runner, Es-
ther Talbot, Robt Scotstnere; _ lillet
crochet yoke, Mrs, Writ: Ferguson, J.
H. Reid; Pin cushion,'bit's, Wm, Fer-
guson, Esther Talbot( entb. centre-
piece white, Esther Talbot, Mrs. C:
Wise; centrepiece, colored, Mrs, C.
Wise, ilrs, Tom; dresser scarf, Mrs.
Chas. Wise, Esther Talbot.
Set hand -made bed linen, ML's, C.
Wise Garnet Jacobi; milt, -towels,
Mrs. 1'oms; Ada Galbraith; crochet
towels, J. H. Reid;.Mrs. Ada Halli-
day; bath towel;, J. S, Howrie; 33. A.
Fuss; ladies' 'underwear, Mfrs. (Or.)
Woods, J. S. Howrie; rnan's shirt,
Airs. S. Houston, Mrs: Tom; applique
MIr 5
s S. Houston,
Jacobi; bedspread, spread, crochet, Mrs.
Tom,Mrs. Ada Halliday; child's
dress, Mrs, R Geiger, Mrs, Metcalf;
'woman's dress, Mrs. (Dr.) Woods.
Mrs, Metcalf; sample cfarising, Mrs.
Tota; patch hemmed, Sherlock Keys,
Mrs. Tont; darning worts sock, Mrs..
Tom, Milne 'Rader; patched cotton
quilt, Mrs, R. Geiger, Mrs. S. Hous-
ton; patched cloth quilt, Mrs. Robt,
'furrier, Mfrs. Brandon; goosedown
comforter, Chas, Rathwell, Garnet'
Jacobi; braided mat, Alts. J. Stewart,
F. [Keegan; hooked mat, F. Keegan,
Mrs. A. E. Erwin; fancy bag, Acta
Galbraith, Mrs. Ada Halliday.
Bouquet, large, E. & R. Snowden,
Harold Penhale, bouquet small, Mrs,
(Dr.) Woods, E. & R. Snowden; toll.
dahlias, Mrs. Mletcalf, Airs. (Rev.)
McLeod; fuschias, F. Keegan, Mfrs.
(Rev.) McLeod; pansies, Maggie.
Campbell, J. S. Howrie; tuberous be-
gonias, F. Keegan; geraniums. F,
Keegan, Ars. (Rev.) McLeod; asters,
Geo. Laithwaite, Mrs. A. E. Erwin;
petunias, Don McKenzie, 33'. N.
a Keys; coleus, Mrs. Ada Halliday;
gloxana. F. 'Keegan, Mrs.' (Dr.)
Woods;annuals, E. & R. Snowden.
_ Mrs A. E. Erwin; cosmos, Don Mc-
• .Kenzie, E. & R. Snowden; zinnias.
Ada Galbraith, Airs. (Dr.) Woods,
Ladies knitted sweater, Mrs. Chas.
\\'ise, Mrs. Ada Halliday; ladies'.cn'o-
chet sweater, Airs. Aria Halliday; F.
liecgan; knitted cap -and scarf, C.
Trueman H. A. Fuss; crochet cap
and scarf, J. S. Howrie, H A. Fuss;
men's coarse sox,_J. S, Howrie, Mrs.
,L Stewart; men's fine sox, 1 S, How-
rie, Mfrs. J. Stewart; -woollen mitts, 3.
S. %cowrie, Mrs. Tom; ladies' mitts,.
-Mrs: John Stewart, Mrs. S Houston;
bedroom slippers, Mrs, W, F. Met-
calf, J. S. Howrie; knitted jacket and
bonnet, Mrs. S. Houston, J. S. T -low
rie;haliy's crochet bootees, Mrs.'S.
Houston, Jo S. Howrie: baby's knit
led bootees, Mrs. S. Houston, J. S.
TTowrie; embroidered collar and, cuff.
Landscape, oil Mrs.- Metcalf; stilt
life, oil, J. S. Howrie: landscape. wat-
er color, • Mrs. Metcalf, F. A. Ed-
wards; fruit, water color, ..Mrs, Met-
calf, J. S. Hnwne; 'flowers, water col-
or, Mrs. Metcalf Sherlock Keys; pert
and ink drawing, J. S. Howrie, Mrs.
S. Houston; crayon drawing, Airs.
John Stewart, Mrs, Metcalf; painting
on silk or satin, J. 8. Howrie; hand -
painted china, Mrs. Metcalf, J S.
Howrie; stenciling on fabric, Mrs.
Single harness, Thos. Cameron, 3.
W. Tippet; double harness, Thos.
Cameron, J. 31'. Tippet' twisted yarn,
J. Gtr, Tippet, Milne ;Rader; . woollen
warn Milne Rader; soft soap, Thos.
Bronnett, E. & R. Snowden; hard
soap, Airs, (Dr.) Woods, Mrs. P.
Clark; corn husk door mat, Milne
Rader, Thos. Brownett; home -trade
furniture, John Pease,
Yellow tasters, 1-1.. & R. Snowden;
coll. gladioli, Geo. Laithwaite.
Coll, mounted weeds, Marie Grain-
ger, Stewart Keys.
St. Patrick's School Report,—Senior
Fourth:Teresa Delaney, Catherine
Krauskopf, Clayton Lo-oby, prances
Hills, Michael McCarthy, Dorothy
Molyneaux, Drucilla Campbell, Ver-
onica Dill, Evelyn Dillon, Margaret
Jordan, Thomas Gormley. -
Junior Fourth: Elva Crawford, Ber-
nice McGrath, Betty Dorrenstein, Al-
liert Gormley, Hugh McGrath.
Senior Third: Helen Kenny, Marion
Dill, Annie Brennan, Thos: McCarthy,
Edmund O'I•Ie;rn, Thos, Hills, Chu.
ence Looby, fames Krauskopf,
Junior Thirds Loretta Delaney, Pat-
rick McConnell, eConnell, Donald Benninger,.
Eugene Donnelly, Veronica Mo'ly-
neaux, Nora Kenny, Francis Staple-
ton, Robert Crawford, Jas. Krauskopf,
k Your
The rule of the road
Is "Keep to the Right,"
The rule of the maid,,
"Keep yourself bright."
If you want to keep young
And Time's ravages stop,
Talk it over with us
At the
Central t al Barber Shop
Our BoncillaMassage ,will keep your
face young. Does :wonders; for the
skin. Men who shave themselves es-
pecially need these massages.
Come in and have one today,
T R231,L
Barber Shop
!.ran, t\lcCntthy, "
Senior Second: Elmer 1 ceuey,
Mary i)i11on, Laurence ' Maloney,
Nota McGrath, [sabot Jordan II -lithel-
y -at O'Hearn Clare Gormley, Carrie
O'Connor, Eleanor Gormley, Betty
Campbell, Monica Roach, Jos, O'Con-
nor, Francis, Donnelly, Irene Dounel
lyko, pTNorval Parker, Clarence i raus-
. .
Part 11 Class: Dorothy Brennan,
Mary Dorrenstein, Marion Hunter,
Jack iMolyneaitx., Joseph 'Delaney,
Annie Dillon, Agnes Maloney, Helen
Dillon, Kathleen Burns,'Genevjpve
McCarthy:Gordon Dill, Cecelia Feen-
ey, James Dillon, Aileen Nelmes. .
Senior Primary; :Bertha Dillon, Al-
phonse Perry, Gerald Donnelly, John
Crawford, Arthur Looby, John Arn-
old, Edwin Stapleton.
Primary: M'a'tilda Dorrenstein,
Agnes O'Connor, Dorothy Donnelly,
Katherine !fenny, Norman O'Connor,
Lloyd McCarthy,' Joseph Bursts, Al-
bert Donnelly, Roselle Dillon,
Frances Brennan, Andrew' Maloney.
Threshing is completed in this nei-
ghborhood for another 'season, This
weeks ttcill complete the silo -filling
also, and the farmers will get behind
:the Plow, as the land is in right shape
for ploughing .
Mr. Thos, Grieve's autstion sale was
well attended considering the busy
time, but the prices were not as large
as some expected.
Chicken thieves are again- on their
rounds. If they, are caught, the "peer",
for 6 'months would do them good.
"Ready?" Click! And,the_
Picture is yours to le-eep,
KODAKS 0.50 up
2.00. u
Brownies .� ;'
We do our own finish-;-
ing—we know i is right.
Bring. us your, our, -films,
. � . �DALY
"The Pride of Palomar"
Picturized by: Paramount in 8 Parts.
See Panchito, the super -horse, with the burrs of the range still in
his mane, bring the crowds on the grandstands at Ventura track to
their feet when outfoots the pick'of their racing stables.
You wlio love stories of the great open spaces, of bold, clean-cut
manhood—who thrill at gorgeous romance and high adventure ----
this is YOUR picture.
Evenings, 15c and 20c.
AFTERNOON, FAIR DAY, 10c and 15c.
Best Imported Holland Bulbs
HYACINTHS . . . . . ........ . ....50c to $1.50 per doz.
TULIPS (Mixed) 40c per doz.
CROCUS (Mixed)
50c per doz.
15c per doz.
$1.00 per doz.
Send for Complete List including Roses and Shrubs.
449 River Road
Canada's Largest Retail Grocers.
"We Sell To Satisfy."
4 -ib. SUPERBA
Raspberry or
Strawberry JA1'.►! 73c
The Tea That
Satisfies lb, 'VC ,ss
1 lb. tin
1 Ib. tin
. 55c
Red, 11b tin
1b tin ... 13c
Eagle Brand Con-
densed MILK a�
Pure Bulk COCOA 3 c
2 lbs. ... ...._. Qe�d
5 lb. Pail
Pure Clover
Ind. Size
No. 1 size
No, 2 size
No. 3 size
Quarts $1.19
2 for 23c
' BULK DATES 3lbs,
Good Strong 5 String
Cowan's Instant
COCOA • c c
H. Horne's
POWDER 2 tins
BARS, 6 for.... , ,
HAMS per lb, �t6g
Dominion Store Quality.
New Valencia, 4
RAISINS • ib, a
Choice Seedless in
SEEDLESS 44�� �+s
Sulk per lb. fy pSP c
lb. 35c
DR. H. "HUGH ROSS, Physician
and Surgeon. .. Late of London
Hospital, London England. S»eciyl
attention to diseases of the eye', ear,
nose and throat, Office and resid-
ence behind Dominion Bank. Offize
['hone No, 5, Residence Phone 106.
DR. F. J. BURROWS; i eafocth.,Of-
flee and residence, Goderich Street,
east of the Methodist Church. Cor--.
ones for the County of Huron: Tel-
ephone No. 40.
icians and Surgeons, Goderich St.
opposite Methodist church, Seaforth.
SCOTT, Graduate Victoria and Ann
Arbor, and member of Ontario Col-
lege of Physicians, and Surgeou,.
Coroner for County of Huron.
MACKAY, honor graduate: Trinity
University, Gold medallist, Trinity
Medical College, Member of Col-
lege of Physicians and .Surgeons,
DR, .F, J. R. FORSTER=Eye, Ear,
Nose and 'Throat.' Graduate in
Medicine University of Toronto, 1897.
Late Assistant New York Ophthal-
mic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's
Eye, and Golden Square Throat Ho.
pitals, London, England,
Commercial 1
Hotel, Se: '
third- Wednesday in each
from 11 a,m., to 3 p.m. 5
street, South, Stratford.
Licensed in Iowa' and Michigan, Spe-
cial attention to diseases of women
and children. Consultation free. Of-
fice over Umbach's drug store, Suc-
cessor to Dr. Geo, J. Heitemenn.
Tuesday, 9 a.nt. to 6 p.m.
Chiropractic Specialist.
Office—Royal Apartments, SeaforU,. •
Hours -10-11 a,m., 2-5 p.m., 7-8 p.m,
Consultation free.
General Fire, Life,
Accident & Automobile
and Dealer in Singer Sewing Machines
James Watson
North a th Mla'
m St.
E ,
Mutual Fire Insurance
Jas. Connolly, Goderich, President;
James Evans, Beechwood, Vice Pres-
ident; Thomas Hays, Seaforth, Sec.-
D. F. McGregor, R. 14. 3, Seaforth]
John G. Grieve, R. 14. 4, Walton; W.
Rion, R. R. 2, Seaforth; John Ben
newels, Brodhagen; Robert Ferris,
R. R. No. 1, Blyth; Malcolm McKeon,
Clinton; G. McCartney, R, R. No. 3,
Seaforth; James Connolly, Goderich;
Jas. Evans, Beechwood.
Alex. Leitch, R. R, No, 1, Clinton; E.
Ilinchley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray, R
R. No. 3, Seaforth- 3. V. Yeo,
Hohnesvifle; R. G. Jai mouth, Born-
holm, James Kerr and John Goven-
lock, Seaforth, auditors, -
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or transact other business will be
Pcomplty attended to by application:
to any of the above officers addressed
to their respective postofflcea.
To the person seeking a comfort..
able home close to stores, churches,
and schools, and still be in the
country, o ntry, this residence" is splendidly.'_
located, being less than a toile from
Seaforth postoffice. The property
consists of eight acres of land, a good
frame house with seven rooms and
woodshed, hard and soft water; good
stable with cement flooring; fine or-
chard. Possession can be 'given im-
mediately, Further information may
be obtained at THE NEWS OFFICE.
don't Throw
Four Old.
earpets Away
sible,"Veivetex" Rugs,`
:'tend for Velcetex Molderg 2
Highest prices paid, Max Wolsh,
phone 178, Seaforth.