HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1923-09-27, Page 8k rFAIR. (Co'litittnedtoqut Page 1,) al"olm;; Snow of 1 ani' ase i. E, to it 1 s. Colvert, At .3,Carter, Id; IL , Battu, Wm, Charters it. Crich Maid- d'i i3htsh, ,N Carter, EI. Crich; red rah J 31. Hugill, G. C. Dale; Green - :g, H. Crich, Wm. Charters; Fella tet. 1-I. Crich, Mrs.Terrebcry; 'a nod' aan'Red H , H. Crich, Mal - ohm; McIntosh Red, H. T. �d. Crich, Tal ran Sweet J. E. Hugill, H Crich; Pears: Clap's Favorite, '0. Lowrey; ;}t ']don, AV. 1lartry; Berme d'.lnjou; :I Crich, Peaches: Early Crawford A. Has; rawford Oscar Neil,.A. a; \.0.V. 0, Neil. Hays; Plums: Lombards, Miss -Winters; .3ratlshaw, Wm: I'l,artry; A.O,V., A. 'days, Niagara, richNeil; Z\ agars, H. Crich, 0. \ 1, Concord, H. Crich, J. A. Murray; Rogers No, 9 (L3dley) W. Hartry; Coll, grapes, Wm, Hartry; Sugar Owns, A, Hays. Judge, J. 14.. Cardno. ROOTS AND VEGETABLES. Potatoes: Irish Cobbler, James Cameron, Mrs. R. Wright; other var, early; J. Cameron, Mrs, R, \Vright; Green Mountain, 3t .s Carter, G,: C. Dale; other var. tat Ipotatoes, 1V, f, Fotheringham, JasS Cameron, Cabbage: Winter, \Vnt. Hartry, 3. A. Murray; red, J. T. Malcolm; fall, J. A. Murray; other var., R. A. Camp- bell. Parsnips, J. :'t Murray, 3, T. Mal- . coins: carrots stump rooted, \V. T. f+otheringhant 3. T. Malcolm, car- rots long, J. T. Malcolm, N. Carter; other var, table carrot. 3. T. Malcolm, C. Routledge; long blood beets, J. T. Malcolm, J. AMurray; turnip blood beets, J. '1'. Malcolm, N. Carter; red tomatoes, Miss Winters, E. , & R. Snowden; roll. tomatoes, E. & R. Snowden; table corn, T, M. Snowden, Wm. Hartry; field corn. \Vin, Ilartry, E. & R. Snowden; coli. corn, Geis. Turnbull, E. & R. Snowden; fodder corn, T, 31. ,Snowden, N. Carter; onions from seed, Geo. Tiiirnbull, \V. T. Fotheringham; 'onions from Dutch sets, Geo. Turnbull, Jas. Cameron; red onions, Geo. Turnbull, Jas. Cameron; white or yellow onions, Geo, Turn- bnil;top onions, Geo. Turnbull; pick- ling onions, Geo, Turnbull; musk- melons, J. J. T. \Malcolm; W. T. Foth- eringham; watermelons, T. M. Snow- den, W. T. Fotheringham; citrons, T, M. Snowden, Jas. Cameron; Hubbard squash, W. T. Fotheringham: pu•mp,- kins for peas. Jas. Cameron, N. Carter; winter-„ 'lash, J. T. Malcolm, 3. A. '^'st`Ltir ay; cucumbers, Duncan Bros., T. M. Snowden; butter beans. Mrs. A. M. Kirk, Geo. Turnbull; white beans, Thos. Kay, Jas. Chesney; sugar man - golds, C. H. Holland, J. E. Hugill; Swede turnips, W. T. Fotheringham, 'W. Beatty; white or yellow carrots, Jas. Cameron; largest pumpkin. N. Carter, J. A. Murray; coll. garden pro- ducts, W. T. Fotheringham, J. T. Malcolm. Jefige, Joseph Atkinson. DAIRY PRODUCTS, SECTION M, Butter: Crock, R. A: Caimpbell, W. Jamieson, N. Carter; prints, W. Jamieson, Mrs: J. L. Kerr, R. A. -Campbell; doz.'pats,<Jas . Chesney. W. Jamieson; best butter shown, Mrs. 3. L. Kerr, Hutchison's Special, W. Jamieson. Wigg's Special, W, Jamieson. Honey in comb. Wm. Hartry, W. D. Hoag; honey extracted, and dis- play honey, Wm, Hartry, W. D. Hoag; hen's eggs white, Miss Winter, Mrs. R.. Wright; hen's eggs brown, W. Jamieson, Mrs. 16, Wright: dress- ed chicken, N. Carter, 1 and 2. Judges, Mrs. J. F. Reid; Mrs. H. Charter, DOMESTIC SCIENCE, SEC. N. Bread: White, \V. Jamieson. \\-m, Charters, R, B. Scott; graham, J. T. Malcolm, Mrs. G. Brownlee, Jr.; nut, (quick), Mrs. R. Wright , Mrs. G. Brownlee. Raised buns, Mrs, G. Brownlee, E. & R. Snowden; baking powder bis- cuits, R. B. Scott; 3. T. Malcolm; oat- meal cookies, J. T. Malcolm, Mrs, G. Brownlee: fried cakes, N. Carter. \V. Jamieson; jahnny cake W. Jamieson, N. Carter; loaf cake, L. & R. Snow- den Mrs. G. Brownlee; ginger bread Mrs. R. Wright, \V. Jamieson; layer cake, J. T. Malcolm, \V, Jamieson; apple pie. 31 Carter, W. Nicholls pumpkin pie, Mrs": A. M. Kirk, Mrs, • It. Wright; meat loaf, N. Carter, W. Jamieson; maple cream candy, Belle Smith, W. Nicholls; canned rasp- berries, \V. Jamieson. Mrs. R. Wright: cherries, N. Carter, Mrs. R, Wright; pears, W. Jamieson, N. Carter; pre- served strawberries, Mrs. J. L. Kerr, Mrs. R. Wright; plums, Mrs. A. M. Kirk, Clare Merrier; citron, Mts. A. M. Kirk; peaches, Mrs. A. M. Kirk; black, currant jam, N. Carter, .lits, A. M. Kirke; other native fruit jam. Mrs. Kirk, W. Jamieson; apple jelly, Mrs. Terrebery, Jamieson; berry jelly, J. T. Malcolm; currant jelly, Anna 'Bell; other native -fruit jelly, i Geo. Turnbull; canned tomatoes, Mrs. Kirk, B. Smith; corn, Geo. Turnbull, Mrs. Kik; beans, E.&R. Snowden, C, Rutledge; mixed vinegar pickles; E. & R. Snowden, W. Jamieson: Mustard 5 pickles, E. & R. Snowden, Mrs, Terre-. - barq; tomato catsup, \V. Nicholls, Mrs Kir • green relish: Anna Bell, Mrs. 1`, Kirk; red sauce, Mrs. Kirk•best variety of baking, N. Carter, W. Jamieson; colLbottled fruits, Mrs. Kirk, W. Jamieson. Judges, Mrs. 3. F. Reid, Mrs. H. Charters. DOMESTIC NEEDLECRAFT, Quilt, Mrs. Terrebery; comforter, -Anna Bell, Miss Symington; bed 'spread, Miss Symington, Clare Mern- er; apron, *Miss Symington, Miss M. Livingstone; house' dress Mrs s How-. rie; men's sleeping. garment, Belle Smith; knitted sweater, Mrs, Howrie; underskirt, Miss Symington; socks, Mrs, 13owrie, Miss Livingstone; mitts iMise Symington, Miss Livingstone; loor mat, :Miss Livingstone,' Miss ymington. LADIES' WORK, SECTION P. Lace: Irish crochet, Miss Living - tone; Mrs. Howrie; cotton fillet, Mrs. owrie, Miss Livingstone; cotton knitted,; :MissSymington; Ml i, Li , gstatt e'; , r, - Drawn Work; Miss Symington; la lu suet'; centrepiece k, tSth-;9niaii- deu \Jrs Ilow,rie, Embroidery; cross stitch,'2Ylr s, Jas, Archibald, Miss Liv- Ilgstoine, hardanger, Miss Symington, \Irs. Howrie; outwork display, Mrs. Howrie; :Bulgarian, Mrs. Howrie, Miss Symington; modern convention- al, onventionaI Mrs, Howrie, e, Miss L ryi gstone. Dining-roonmfurnishings; Luncheon Set, emb, , Miss Livingstone, Mrs. lIoyyrie; :luncheon set other handwork Miss Livingstone, Mrs. Howrie; tea cloth. Miss Livingstone, Mrs. Howrie; table mats, Miss Livingstone, Jas, Chesney; table doilies, Miss Living- stone, Miss Symington; tray cloth, Miss Livingstone, Mrs. Howrie; cen- tre piece, Mrs. Howrie, 'Ars, Gibson; serviettes, Jas. Chesney, Geo, Turn- bull; table napkins, Mrs. Howrie; cen- trepiece holder, Mrs, Howrie; . buffet set, Mrs. Gibson, Mrs, Howrie, Bedroom Furnishings: Day slips, Mrs. Howrie;. pillow slips,=emb 'rias. Livingstone, Miss Howrie; pillow ,lips, other handwork; Belle Smith, (leo, Turnbull; towels, emb., Miss Livingstone,' Jas. Chesney; towels, other handwork, Miss Livingstone, Jas, Chesney; fancy sheet and pillow slips . Jas. Chesney, Miss Livingstone;. dresser- set alis; Livingstone; dress- er runner, E. & R. Snowden, Mrs, Howrie. • Ladies Wear; Night robe. emb., Miss Livingstone, Mrs. Howrie; night robe, other handwork, Miss Violet 1 iper, Mrs. Howrie; camisole, Miss Violet Piper, Miss Livingstone; fancy handkerchief, Geo. Turnbull, Mrs, Howrie; bedroom slippers, Miss Synm- ington, Miss Livingstone, Infants' Wear, Miss Livingstone, belle Snaith; bonnet Miss Symington Misr. Livingstone; wool jacket, Miss. Livingstone, Miss Symington; set of undergarments, Miss Livingstone. Miss Symington. Living Room .Furnishings: Table runner, Miss Symington. Mrs, How- l -le: centrepiece, airs, Howrie: sofa pillow, emb.. Miss V. Pipet, Mrs. Howrie: sofa pillow, other hand- work. Miss Symington Mrs. Howrie. Fancy needlework, Miss Symington, Jas. Chesney; colt of 6 pieces, Miss Livingstone, Miss Symington Special, centrepiece, Miss Livingstone, Miss Piper. Judge, Mrs. \V. F. Clark. DINE AND DECORATIVE ARTS. vs eu,nutlt; dressed doll, ;\: Avrrgltf, Nos 3 tuckersmith; dressed. fowl, J. s. Ca mer ,u Isalael Eaton,. . • i'•he totluyv�n`, n u4t1iii ��Skci><.S roalprize5 in the children s department.) Roses. E, Rankin; gladioli;, Jessie Finlayson; snapdragon, S.S. No. :1 Tuckersmith; pot plant, M. Turnbull, long red mangels, F. Reid; yellow mangels, C, Lowrey; pumpkin, T Cameron, C. Dale; corn, J, .Cameron; sunflower, J. Cameron; apple, C. Dale, eggs, C. Dale, W. Reeves; bird house, Thos. Nolan, 3, E. McMann; lamp stanch, A, McLean; rpjye halter, . A. Dale; sweater coat, M. Turnbull, Eve- lyn Campbell, towels, M. Turnbull; centrepiece, 0, Nicholls, A. Wright, jean Frost; cut cross-stitch, 0. Nich- olls; cushion cover, A. Wright; patch- work, E. Dale; crochet work, H, Free- man; wash cloth knitted, G. Freeman, H. Freeman; sewing buttons, M. Wright. 1)11 paintings: ail Masses. Miss Liv- ingstone. Mrs, Howrie.' Water Colors: Landscape Clare Mlerner, Miss Livingstone; marine view, Mrs: Howrie, Clare Merrier; ani- mals or figure work, Geo. Turnbull, Mrs. Howrie; vegetables, Miss Liv- ingstone: flowers, Mrs, Howrie, Miss Livingstone; inanimate object, Mrs. Hourie, Miss Livingstone. Crayon drawing, Miss Livingstone, Urs. Howriel. pastel. .Hiss Living- stone; sepia, Geo, Turnbull, Miss Liv- ingstone; pencil drawing, Miss Liv- ingstone; art work not listed, Mrs. Howrie. Hanel Painted China. all classes, Mrs. Howrie. Judge, Mrs. I2, F. Irwin. FLORAL EKH.IBIT, SECTION S. Cut Blooms: Pink asters..Miss 'Win- ters, W. D. Hoag; white asters, Geo," Turnbull. C. Routledge; mauve ast- ers, C. Routledge, Anna Bell; coll. asters. C. Routledge, W. T. Pother- ingliam: cosmos. R. B. Scott, W. T. Fotheringham; dahlias, J. A, Murray. E. & R.. Snowden, cell. nastur- tiums. Miss 'Winters; dianthus, R. 13. Scott; gladioli, Wm. Hartry; colla gladioli, \\'m. Hartry; petunias, single Belle Smith, Wm. Hartry; petunias, double, Mrs. J. L. Kerr; pansies, R. B. Scott; roses, Wm. Hartry; coll, roses, Wm, Hartry; zinnias, Geo. Turnbull, \Vm. Hartry; colt annuals, R. 13. Scott, E. & R. Snowden; mixed blooms. Wm, Hartry, Geo. Turnbull, Pot Plants:73egoinias, Wm. Hart- ry; Rex begonias, Geo. Turnbull; geraniums, Geo, Turnbull; house plant in bloom, J. T. Malcolm, Geo. Turnbull; coll. house planta Geo. Turnbull; tttberotts begonias, \Vrn. Hartry. CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT. Vegetables: Swede Turnips, S.S. No. 3 Tuckersmith, J. Cameron; gar- den carrots C. Dale, Isabel Eaton, Bary Walters; mangolds, S.S. No. 3 Tuckersmith, Clarence Hugill; pars- nips, 3. Cameron, Mary Walters; garden beets, Isabel Eaton, Clarence. Hugill, C. Dale; anions, M. Turnbull, 1. Cameron S.S. No. 3 Tuckersmith; ripe tomatoes, C. Dale, 3. Cameron, Murray Walters; citron, S.S. No, 3 Tuckersmith; Murray Walters, cab- bage. M. Turnbull, Clarence Hugill, 3. Cameron; potatoes, Murray Walters, S.S. No. 3 Tuckersmith; toll. garden vegetables, A. Broome, Flowers: Nasturtiums, Leonard Brown, E. Rankin; asters, S.S. No, 3 Tuckersmith, E. Rankin; sweet peas, Leonard Brown; bouquet. M. Turn- bull. urnbu 1 C, Dale. Cooking: Light cake, 3', Cameron, nrnc Bell: apple pie, Jim Webster, Reeves." Pencil Drawings:' Third class, cease, Elva Little. 1 and 2; 4th class, ailroad scene, \V. Dale, A, Wright; =t class, a flower, Elva Little, C. Cud- more; 2nd class, an apple, Margaret Ross, M. Wright: 3rd class,. E. Ross, I1. Freeman; 4th class Elva Little, \\'m, Hart. Maps: Map of Township, 31. Mont- gomery, Elva Little; map of Huron, W. Freeman, J. Montgomery;map of Ontario. G. Freeman, Wm, Hart, Writing: 1st book, Helen Upshall, L. Freeman; 2nd book, Andrew Mc- Lean, S.S. No. 3 Tuckersmith, M. Wright; 3rd book, E. Ross, H. Ament, J. Montgomery; 4jh book, I -I. Free- man, R. Storey, S.S. No. 3 Tucker- smith, Coll: noxious weeds, M. Hughes; coli. injurious insects, Elva Little, S.S. No. 10, McKillop; .colt. leaves, S.S. No. 10 McKillop, Elva Little; colt native woods, S.S. No. 3 Tucker- smith; coll. weed seeds, S.S. No. 12 McKillop, H. Freeman. Sutton holes, S.S. No. 3 Tucker - smith, E. Dale, A. Wright; apron, A. Wright, Elva Little; darning, Elva Little S.S. No. 3 'Tucke smith Jean Webster; handkerchief, liematitshed, A. !Wright; plain handkerchief, A. Wright, Elva Little, S.S. No, 3 Tuck - Your Asthma Too. The efficacy Dr. 5. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remec is not something that is merely to hoped for; it is to be expected, seldom fails to bring relief, and your own individual case it willd the same. So universal has been th success of this far-famed remedy th every one afflicted with this diseas owes, it to himselfto try it. HURON NEWS. Blyth, Mrs. Berry, of Walton, was tl guest of Mfrs, Wm. Jacksea durin the week. Mr. 'D. D. Crittenden ha, taken position with a flour mill ian S Thomas. His family will leave' in. :Mort time, 31r. Arthur Steinhoff has returned. from an extenders Visit 10 Manitoba, mid his health is much improved. St. Andrew ,•church will hold .An- niversary services on Sunday, Oct. 14 ,\ public meeting was held in the Memorial Hall, when the question of Hydro power was discussed. The Brussels council was present, as they are interested 0 the matter also. The cost of installing the plant would be $18,000, and the power would cost 6105 a horsepower. Mr. Hinds, Exet- er, who owns a mill. toll how he lead saved money by using electric power instead of steam. It was pointed out that if Blyth wanted, to get its share of the power, immediate action was necessary, as by the end of 1924 all the available power would be can- tracted for. The Blyth steam plant is in need of costly repairs. and the pumping plant is in had shape. By. introducing Hydro, water could be pumped by an automatic electric pump, which would require no atten- tion. A resolution was passed by the meeting calling upon the Council to subunit a by-law to the ratepayers. The vote will probably be on Oct. 17. Brussels. Miss Hazel Lowry, formerly or the staff of the Standard Bank, has been helpiiig in the bank. before returning to Brantford, where she is a teacher in the Blind Institute. Last weelc, C. S. VanNorman, a well known resident of town, bought the Family Theatre from D. Prent- ice, and will re -decorate it, Mr. Pren- tice is at present working with the dredge. The work of pavine• Main street is through, and the new pavement looks well. It cost a very large sum of money, and everyone hopes it will last a long tints Wordwas received last week that Fred,. son, of Mr. and Mrs. Angus Campbell had passed away in a Lon- don hospital. He had been in poor health for some time. There is talk of building a Hydro line frons Seaforth to Brussels and Blyth. The protest of the Brussels W.F.A. Juniors was not allowed, and Galt Juniors were declared champions. The fine 100 acre farm on lot 18, can, 15, Grey. belonging to Frank Woods. has been sold to Andrew Tackling of the same township for $7,- 500.Mr. Woods has not decided what he will do in the future. The contract for cleaning out the Turnbull drain was let to Richard Jacklin at 38c a cubic yard. The old Whitfield school in Grey was put sip'for'auctiot on Saturday. A tine new building has been erected, Miss Maude Bryans attended the wedding of her cousin, Miss Ferne Francis, Hamilton, 11'. C. McKinnon, of the Bank of Nota Scotia, Port Arthur. spent a few days renewingZurichacquaintances, , The 1011 Acme Glove factory has re:milted operations and is giving em- ployment to a number of youngladies. The Zurich school fairwas held last week, Ma Louis Prang is spending a few day in Detroit. visiting her sister, Miss s Elizabeth Truemner, who had the m(sfortune to fracture. her leg when an auto struck. Word t has been received from Corn- ell r n Cniu- all Holtzman. son of Mr. G. Holtz- man,. Zurich, who writes that he has 135 acres of grain crop at D'Arcy, Sask. He has done all the cutting and stooking himself, as he says that hir- ed help would cost as much as the' whole crop would bring. Exeter. The Trivitt Memorial church was the scene of a pretty wedding. on Sept. 13th, when Miss M. Victoria Johnston, laugher of Mr. and Mrs. James M. Johnston, of Toronto, was united in marriage to Dr. H. 'K, T3yudman. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. A. A. Trumper. The bride is a graduate of Victoria hospi- tal, London. The entire grain and 'hay crop of the 100 acre farm of Earl Evans, Blan- shard township, near Prospect Hill, was destroyed by fire an Sunday night last, together with a new trac- tor, implements and some pigs. It is only two years ago -since the barn. was burned before. Mr, and Mrs. Braun(' left last week for a' few week's visit with friends in Des ..Moines, Iowa,' Bruce, the three-year-old sot of Mr. and Mrs, W. D. Burke, was knocked down by a bicycle and badly bruised. Mr. Albert Etherington, while driv- ing along: Main street, was 'blinded by the lights of another car coming tow- ard him,' and did not see the members of the Salvation Artny who were hold- ang a service on the street,. Two ladies,Mrs. Frank ' Mallett and Mrs, Dearing,M were knocked' do W11, 3111 nor ;eriuusly inyin•e(1, A quiet it'edchng' tookplace in the. \lethodist parsonage on Sept, 14th, ,dile! Miss s Cor siva 0, .Parsons, sec- uncl daughter of Mr„ and Mrs. Samuel 1 a, son , was married to William Gar- diner, son of 31r. and Mrs: M. E. Gardiner, all of Exeter. They will reside in Exeter. • Goderich, Bayfield" road is in the worst con- dition it has been in for years, Alberta' coal was sold in Goderich at $13 a ton, Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. tic )uoid Ashfield, announce the engagement of their eldest daughter. Mabel Irene, to Mr. Janes D. Little, of Ashfield, the wedding to take place the latter part of September, Mr. Alex, Young, of Sheppardton, celebrated his 80th birthday on Sept. of 9th. He is still hale and hearty, and Is. follows the plow on the same farm be on which he was born eighty, years It ago. Miss Ethel Stokes is the newateno- o graplier in the town clerks office. e Mis Dorothy Dancey has returned at to Macdonald Hall, Guelph; for the e second year of her course, CONSTANCE. MIr. and Mrs: Robe. Dayntan and to daughter,; and Miss .Daynaae, of Kip - g peri spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Pollard. a Afr. and Mrs, Robt, Beattie and t, daughter spent Sunday with Mr. and a ;\frs, Joe Riley: M Rally services will be held in the Methodist church on Sunday :next. Special music will be given by the children's choir, Everybody runuc., Mr. and Mrs, Geo: Riley and Miss Edith spent` Sunday with Mr. joe Freeman, The young people of the Methodist church presented Mr, Long,' Who lies been in charge of the pulpit during the absence of the former pastor, Mr. Osborne, with a pair of ebony brushes on Friday evening at the home of Mr. George Wheatley, Al- though the weather was not at its best, an enjoyable time was spent. 'We are indeed very sorry to lose Mr. Long, and hope it will not be long until we have the privilege of hear- ing him again. He intends returning to college, where Ise is a brilliant student, Worms, by: the irritation that they cause in the stomach and intestines, deprive infants of the nourishment that they should derive from food, and ural -nutrition is the result. Mill- er's Worm Powders destroy worms and correct the morbid conditions 0 the stomach and bowels that are fav- orable to worms, so that the full nu- 'triment of the child is assured and development in every way encour- aged, BIRTHS. CARVER, -In Bayfield, on Septem- ber 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Carver, a daughter. \VATSON,-In Tuckersmith, on Sep- tember 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Watson, a daughter. BLAKE, -In Grey township, on Sep- tember 8, 1923, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 1:. Blake, a son. MARRIAGES HURST-BARRON.-At the manse, Walton, on Aug. 290, by Rev, Mr. Chandler, William David Hurst, 12th concession Elma, was united in marriage to Miss Minnie Barron,, only daughter of Alex, and Mrs. Barron, Grey township. They will reside an the groom's farm in Morn- ington. EPPS-TRICK,-At Port Colborne, on Sept, 13th, Laura, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Trick, of Port Colborne, to Lorne Epps, of Varna, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Epps, reffiglamssamizannagina CS "Wonder what an idle Telephone thinks about?" HY, oh, wiry do my people send out 'Special Offer' letters broadcast to a lot of ctealers,when I could do so much better for them ? " Think of the time lost before they will have replies enough to know if the sale is a successt-•of the letters that won't receive properattention-of the unnecessary expense- in that big list; " They'd do better to put nue in charge 0 their 'Special Offer'.Cam- paigns,' I'm the boy that gets an immediate decision. t "In two hours, by Long Distance I've often sold 60% of a Special Sale stock to a few merchants-apd.: a letter to a small listtelling of Ihct ,fact soon disposed of the remainder, "I can prove that getting quick decisions on important policies. by Long Distance is the most,econom- ical in the long run," CIDER, AND APPLE BUTTE � MILL, Our cider er and 'aple butter'Mill it 1 bt.o en c p on'Tuesda'�aud. Ae n l �• \ ci est i y . a ., neat Sept, 251h and 26th and' will continuopen ilurin ' .the-seasop on g these days. r 40p MERNER & FEE, Seafrth. McKILLOP VOTERS' LIST. Notice of First Posting By Clerk. Notice is hereby given that I have transtnitted or delivered to the per- sons mentioned in Section 9 of the Ontario Voters' List Act the copies of the List made pursuant to the said Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the Municipality of the Township of Mc-. Killop, to be entitled to vote in the said municipality at elections to the Legislative Assembly and at 'Munici- pal Elections and the said list was first posted in my office in McKillop, on the 17th day. of -September, 1923, and remains there for inspection. I. hereby call upon all voters to examine the said list and if any errors or omis- sions are found therein to take im- mediate proceeding to have same cor- rected. according to law. Dated at McKillop, this 17th day of September, 1923. JOHN McNAY, Clerk of Mc- Killop. BY-LAW No.,1 For Year 1923, Union Separate School Section No. 1, McKillop and Logan. A By -Law to authorize the issue of Debentures of said Union Separate School Section to the amount of $10,- 613.40, for the purpose of raising the amount required by the Board of Trustees of Union Separate School Section No, 1, McKillop and Logan, to erect a new School House for said Union School Section WHEREAS the Board of Trustees of Union Separate School Section No. 1, McKillop and Logan, have made ap- plication to the ratepayers of said Section to issue Debentures for the purpose of raising $8,000.00, the amount required for the erection of a newtion, School House in said School Sec - AND WHEREAS the proposal to make the said application for the issue of said debentures was on the 5th day of June, 1923. submitted by the said Trustees to, and thesame was duly sanctioned at a Special Meeting of the ratepayers of the said Union Separate School Section duly and properly call- ed for said purpose. AND WHEREAS it is advisable for the ratepayers of union Separate School Section No. 1. McKillop and Logan; should grant the said applica- tion. AND WHERE6S in order thereto it will be necessary to issue deben- tures of the said Union Separate School Section for the said sum of $10,613,40, as hereinbefore provided (which is the amount of the debt in- tended to be created by this By -Law) the proceeds of the said debentures to be applied to the purpose aforesaid and to no other, AND WHEREAS it is desirable to issue the said debentures at one time, and to make the principal of the said debt repayable 0 yearly sums during the period of ten (10) years, being the currency of the said debentures, said yearly sums being of such respective amounts that the aggregate amount payable in each year for the principal and interest in respect of -said debt, shall as nearly as possible equal the amount so payable in each of the oth- er nine years of- said period, AND WIXEREAS the total amount required to be raised annually by spe- cial rate for paying the said debt and interest as 'hereinbefore provided is $1061,34. AND \3THEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property of the said. Union Separate School Section No, 1, McKillop and Lagan, according to the last revised Assessmerrf Rolls of -McKillop and Logan, is $322,900.00. AND WHEREAS the amount of. the existing debt of said Union Sep- arate School Section No, 1, McKillop. and Logan, is none, NOW, THEREFORE the ratepay- ers of Union Separate School Section No, 1 McKillop and Logan, sanction the Board of Trustees to enact as fol- ows: 1. That the application of the said Board of Trustees of Union Separate School Section No 1, McKillop and r Logan, be granted, and for the pur- pse of raising the suns of $5,000,00, ebentures of said Union Separate School Section to the amount of $10,- 1140 (being the amount required to a epay said principal sum with in r hereon at the rate of 5% per cent. per annum), shall be issued in ten (10) debentures of $1061,34 each, all of said debentures to be dated oar the 1923, rid one of said day debentureofs to be pay- lile on the 15th day of December, 923, and one an the same date of r: ach succeeding year until all are paid. nd payment to be made at the Office f the. Standard Band, Dublin. 2. Each of said debentures shall be igned by tine Chairman and Secre- ary-Treasurer of said Union Separate chool Section and the Secretary of aid Union Separate School Section hall attach the Corporate Seal of aid Union Separate , School Section ser eto. 3. During string the currency of the said ebentures there shall be raised an- ually by special rate over and above 1 other rates and taxes on all the 'o pert it 1 y t the said � Union Separate chool Section No. 1, McKillop and ogan the sons of $1061.34, for the urpose 0f paying the.amount.due in ch of the years as the debentures be due. 4. That this By -Law shall 'conte to operation and take effect on the y of the final:passing thereof. Done and passed by the Board' of rustees of Union'- Separate'School ection No, 1, McKillop. and Logan, is 30th day of July, 1923. FINALLY PASSED nis the Twen- y-second day. of Afigust, 1923, by the. Sc Board of Union Separate hool Section No, 1, McKillop and gan . ALBERT KRAUSK'OPF,. SEAL ] Chairman,, EDWARD IHORAN, Sec,-Treas, 1 p d 6 a a1 e a 0 t S s 5 s t1 d n al Si L p ea i11 da T 5 th ty Sc Lo 1 SE9FO R T Wednesday, September r 26th. 6 . '1Y�p.rCisAe Ri WeOrFca iu' Eo od repair, air, MAR6FTS. A; 1heat, per btshel .. .,: )Oc Bargain for quicic`liuyer; MRS. JOHN Oats, per liushel ,..;,'....,....,.,, Barley, par-bushe ,. l ....,s,„,,,..',." o5c IURNEI, Seaforth, 50c .1:'eas, per bushel ... , . , , . 1,20'$1..4 3 0 Shorts, er ton.32,04 Bran, penton ...... •. , ;$34.00 Flour, per bag.,.,.,.,,,$3:35 to $3,75 Butter, per Ib, , 30 32c Eggs, rper dozen 33 to 35c 1 otatoes, Per bag . S1,25 Hogs, per cwt, 59.10 HOUSE FOR ,SALE. Centre street, a good frame house, with an extra. lot and barn, if required. Apply.t'o 3. H.' WEBSTER, Seaforth, (39 PRIVATE SALE, • • ' Maple Leaf Composite. recently new; ; oak suok-stove- dining suite; bed- room suite; new Kapok mattress; wet-. nut parlor table and miscellaneous articles. MRS. H. LIVENS. (39p) AUCTION SALE - Mr, Thos, Brown has Beets instruct - cd to sell by public auction at 2 p.nt. Ms Saturday, Sept. 29th, op the prem- ises of Miss Helen McNabb, all household articles. . T. BROWN, acct. EN McNA5B, Prop, --- MISS HEI, .39, a y, y� �\"a �r est The rule of the road Is "Keep to the, Right," The rule of the maid; "Keep 'yourself bright," . If you want to keepyoun And Time ' g ptes ravages stop, Talk it over with us At the Central. t alBarber Shop Our Boneilla Massage will keep your 'face young. Does wonders for the skin. Men wJao shave themselves es. pecially need these massages. Colne in and have one today, eENTRAL Barber Shop W. W. ROBINSON, Prop. e Will 4 Items News Carry Items of news, if mailed in art unsealed envelope, ,require but one centosta e. P g When you have visitors, ators, or other items for publication, place 'it in an envelope and mail, without sealing, to The Seaforth News, using a one -cent stamp.Write "Printer's „ inP nter's Copy" one corner of the envelope and be sore to sign your name tothe items. The Newsoes g to press Wednesday af- ternoons. Please let us have items earlyin the week when possible. • The Seaforth News til xa larammipminineammicas Ladies' Overcoats CLOTHES OF QUALITY, FEATURING "MISS CANADA" and "MISS CHADWICK". MAN -TAILORED ULSTER OVER- COATS FOR LADIES, Made to Order Only; "MISS CANADA," A two -button single breasted model, with all round belt and all round strap an sleeves, Both belt and straps are finished with eyelets and leather buckles. Sleeves are "set in" and the box pleat featu1je Di centre of back is repeated on ppocketa are finished with fancy flap and three leather buttons. which three-eighths lined with Marquis de Luxe inThis coat is "MISS CHADWICK" shadesle match. Atwo-button double breasted.style, fea- turing Raglan sleeves with all round cuffs and inverted with invertedpleat patch pockets, The all round pleated back belt is finished with. eyelet holes and leather buckle, while pockets have fancy flap fasten- ing with one leather button, Like "Miss Canada" this coat is three- eighths' lined with Marquis de Luxe, PRICES $32 UP, ARDLt EN -SIU Theecial Milverton � Flour , We Have it -Give it a Trial, Also, Ground Screenings ehop of Ail Kinds C 5T GRAN DEALER OMSON nommeautassemststamsnesrmmanmemamwar..... Seaforth .,...M t,, ,.... , ., ..�..�. .. ort para J-li o Tires and TnIqes We have on hand a Complete Line,of Tires and Best on the Market. Tubes. all sizes, Let' us supply your needs . on Auto Cylinder Greases.. We Lubricating Oils and handle nothing but the best and can supply you with oils of proper viscosity to suit your motor., Also. stock a complete line of most -called .for parts ,of various autos. anoua If you are in need of a new Battery,' p aire o . r sf' you have: a Battery to be repaired, give us a •call,, . BATTERY CHARGING OXY-ACETYLINE EXPERTweal AUTO REPAIRING WELDING serve you A SPECIALTY. Get into the habit of patronizing us. We want to serve yon, and 1 1 PHONE 25 J_ I MAXWELL AND CHALMERS DEALER." PHONE 167W We Have Installed a telephone for night calls -167j 4111111Mlilma0ti