The Seaforth News, 1923-09-27, Page 5TI --URS, SEPTEMBER 27, 1923.;, TH1 sEJFORTJ. NEWS bl i s, T O f,ou hltn was the hostess at a: mi.c + c1la,leaus shower giWen at herrnn cSaturday afterneon, on ' lou or Of f :l 5SMd I' I I I" . y n iltce.I4entledy daughter of Me, and Mrs. Roland Kennedy, J'uckersmith. The bride-to- be received a .number of beautiful. gifts from her girl friends and neigh- bor:s, and a pleasant time was spent. Miss Kennedy, although taken. Com- pletely by surprise, - thanked her friends very gracefully, Mr. Clifford Trott, Hamilton, visit- ed p, alr. Mrs, Wm, Trott, his for aarentsf:w clays,{and Messrs.;Harold Coates, Alvin, Qke, ave ri �8 ® qq 1._;nipress atr.44..., „r+lnl��,v,,.nli�.ti tt0.o,oira..�nq S �` �l �6r� for Regier has given thefrontof his garage a coat of paint, which has t p yp greatly wed its lW1appearance, nFGode_ ���"��$�nfl rich, was a visitor for rain Day EMPRESS Shoes interpret with rare charm and distinction the trend of feminine fashions for Autumn and later wear. I Whether you consider them from the style standpoint solely, or 1 with regard to their quality of materials, workmanship and fitting, EMPRESS SHOES are truly Rally and glower Day services ,will be held at theSeaforth Presbyterian church next Sunday morning, A. spec - al Praise' -Service featured by' choice Musical selections will be' given in the veiling, Mr. John Cooke and sister, Miss. Lii:[ite are here visiting their: eo a sins, [r, and Mrs. John 'Webster, Centre Canada's Leading Shoe for Wormer 1 r\ New Autumn and Winter models express in every way EMPRESS supremacy. Once worn, always worn.; They fit when others fail, Oxfords and Strap slippers $6,00, Boots $8.00 and $8,50. Sold only -in Seaforth by SEAFORTII I CENTRAL STRATFORD; ONT. Prepares young men and young women for Business, which is now Canada's 'greatest profes- sion. We, assist graduates to positions 'and they have a prac- tical training which enables' them to meet with success. Stu- dents are registered each week, Get our free catalogue ue and learn something about our dif- ferent departments. D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal W.J. Walker San UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment, W. J. WALKER, holder of'Go- vernment diploma ma an d license p Flowers Furnished, Night or day phone 67. STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! CREAM We not only a Cream Market for you but we are Also a Large Dairy Industry in Your Community. We respectfully solicit Your Cream. OUR MOTTO: Guaranteed Accurate Weights and Tests. Courteous and Prompt Service. Highest Market Values, CREAM GRADING: A difference of 3 cents per 7b. Butter Fat will be paid between No. 1 and No. 2 Creamy, GASH FOR CREAM -Cash Paid to Any Patron Wishing it When Cream is'Delivered. Creamery Open Wednesday and Saturday Evenings, Seaforth Creamery Co, Seaforth], Ont, • C. A. BARBER, Mgr, NEW3upERIoR (HEV OLET The Eyes f the World re onChevr let -. H remarkable sales a s of Chevroletcars s proves that the Chevrolet Motor Company has correctly gauged the public demand for a low-priced, economically -operated, completely-. equipped, quality automobile. Call at our showrooms, inspect the much -talked - of Superior models and see why Chevrolet sales have jumped in such a remarkable way. Learn • how much daily utility and year-round health and happiness you' can obtain for a sum so low that almost any Canadian family can easily finance the purchase. B2616 (Ask About the G. M. A. C.Plan of Deferred Payments) BE ..SURE AND- GET OUR PRICES ON PREST-O-LITE BAT- TERIES, TIRES OF ALL MAKES FROM $7,50 UP. arli Bros. . eafort h /CHVROLET 1. street, They came all the way from Champaign, T11., by auto, Mr. and Mrs. John Shaffer, of Gow- anstown, and their son and daughter, Charles and Frazer, together with Mr. Rockwood of the sante place, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. 1•'. Welsh over Sunday, together with M'r. and Mrs, Chas, Duekwater, of 11ensall, Mr. Garnet Chapman, who speltt the summer: at Bridgeburg, visited his bparents :'Ir, and Mrs, \t'rs. Chapman, efore returning for his final year'at the :Dental' College. Mr T. E, hays returned this week after a trip to the West, He is looking well after the experience and reports splendid weather all the time he was away, Thee first time lie bit wet wea- ther was at' Sudbury while returning. St. Thomas' Church, Seaforth. twill hold annual Thanksgiving services on Suhday'next. Holy Cortimuinion 8;30 a,m, services at 11 a,ui. and 7 p.m • .d children's service 2:30 pan. Special music has been provided by'the choir -and the church will be decorated for the occasion, Mrs, Thos. Boyer and Mrs, Bi lt-, of Albilene,.Kan.,-were guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Janies Acheson. Mr. and d i\rL• a Cm � , Charles \ h ', [ten and baby, act of Montana, are visitors at the home of his sister, Mrs. It L. Clark. \dr, and Mrs. Willoughby twerd in London. on Sunday visiting Mrs. Wil- loyghb_v's mother, Mrs. Edgar, who underwent an operation. Mr, and Mrs. Brooker are here visiting front Algomac, Bich., with their cousins; Mr. and Mrs. John Webster, Centre street, •>Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gillespie, Brus- sels, spent Sunday with his parents, \-[r, and Mrs. 11 Gillespie, Janie', =t. The Huron Rural Deanery of ',e Anglican church, tt:il1 be held in St. Thomas' church, Seaforth,_ on Tues- day next. Mr. Ernest ridge leaves on Thut clay to` attend Queen's Universit Kingston, ,p. Mrs:'ICnight`is visiting her siste Mrs. Wm. Mc:Iicltael, after spendit some time with relatives in Brussel Merner & Fee started their cid and apple butter mill on Tuesday, an as there is no packing being done 1 this neighborhood, many are takin this opportunity of saving their frui A bridge club has been organize by a number of ladies, and at the meeting last Thursday evening. at th home of Mrs, Chapman, the prize wa by Miss Guerra Brown. 21r, Harry Pierce left on Monda for Saginaw. Mich. Mr. Andrew Beattie, Mr, Andrew Scott and Miss Beattie, Bruceftelcl and Mrs. Thomas, Sarnia, were guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John Beattie, Main street. • Mrs. H. Edge is visiting her daugh- ter, Mrs \V. Main, Burlington, for a few days 21r, and Mrs, Louis Kahle motored to their hone in Detroit on &fonday. Mrs. J. Stewart, Loderich. spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Arnold Westcott. Mr. and Mrs. C. Richards, Strat- ford visited Mr. and Mrs. I. Mode - land. Mr. and Mrs. R. Aimless Jones have returned from a motor trip to.Que- bec, where they went to meet .Mr. Jones'sister,.Miss Jones, who arrived from Liverpool, England Mr. Gordon McKay, who has been visiting his father, Mt. :\. McKay, ha, returhed to Windsor, Iiir. \V. J Young, Toronto. who was in town visiting his cousin, Mrs. J.S. Welsh, sang solos at the morning and evenutg services in the Methodist 'lurch. Mr, Young was born in Sea- Iorth and leu here thirty years ago. T -Tis olcl friends were glad of the opportunity of renewing his ac- quaintance. Mrs McDetmid, Clinton, was a visitor at the home of her sister, 121 re. W. Freeman. Miss Sadie Howatt spent a Inc'a clays in Londesboro - - 21r. and Mrs T. Baird. Sr., and Mr. T.Baird, jr., of Stanley, were town 'isitn rs. Mrs. Boyd, Walton, is a visitor at the home of Mr.'and isTrs. W. lcnechtel, DIT.. W. Greig leaves this week to i'canine his studies at Toronto Uni- versity. Miss Leila Best left on Monday to accept a position of the staff of the Collingwood Collegiate Institute. Mrs. Stevenson, Varna, visited her sister, Mrs 'Fred Kerslake. Mr. George Scott, Toledo, 0., is visiting his brother, Mr. Andrew Scott. Mc, A. Wilson; Toront9, is visiting his sister, Mrs, A. Young. Mr. David Wilson, Kitchener, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A Wilson, this week. Mr. D. Stuart ane! Miss Stuart, De- troit. were guests at' the home of Mrs. C. McCormack. Miss May Stobie left on Tuesday morning for Detroit. ivfrs. Beamis Toronto, is a guest bf Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Henderson, John street. • • Ml's. Garden, "form, to, is et visitor at the home of Mr:_ and Mrs. James ,ys _Rev, 1). Johnstone. Lucan, preached in the Egmondvile church on Sunday s y, r, rg s, er d n 8' t. d it e as y ;Mess[ sr.Eclward Mcrner, ,Harvey Burrows, Archie Hays and Russel Bristow leave this week to attend the Dental College, Toronto.- tvliss Helen McNabb has resigned ,her position in the NLactavish'store. and �\ Airerhart le this week for Toronto University. 2fr. and Mrs: Stewart 'McIntosh, and daughter, London spent Sunday trl1l, 11rs. W Scott. Mr. Frani. Murray Detroit is visit Mg his uncle, Mr. A1r. McDougall, in 1»:gmondelite. Miss Dorothy 'Wilson leaves this week to attend the University of To- ronto, Mr -and Mrs. LutherRobins, Ro- chester, N.Y., are guests of Mr, and Mrs. P, M.'Chesney, .The Seaforth FIighlanders Band has been engaged for. Brussels fair of Fri - lay, October 5th, Mrs, Geo. Haigh and daeghter spent' he week -end in 1'eeswater, Ilir. W. R, Rlant is visiting his fa Cher in Acton, • Mrs, John McLeod is improving icely at the present time. Mr. Nyal Murray, Winnipeg, Man., s visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ohm Murray. �\fr, J, D. Ainslie, Leamington, who as been visiting her niece, Mrs. J. 'B. vermeil,has returned home, -Mrs. ' Stonehouse: of Weston is isiting her niece Mrs, Sam. Spencer, Mr. and Mrs, F. Campbell, 11'eit eld. were week -end guests at the onto of Mr, and Mrs. Tyerman, Miss Heath, Brampton, who spent veral .weeks with her aunt, Mrs. am. Spencer, returned home on rednesday, ' Miss Lillian.'Wankel .spent the eels -evil the guest of the, Mises Tuckersniith. M rs. 111. Clanahan, of Glencoe, and rs. J, 'Thomas, of Sarnia. visited cir cousin, Mr;, \\'nt. Murray.' tins ek, at the Conte of her daughter. rs. H. Tyndall, in Tuckeramitl.' J T v e h se S \1 tar Ci :I th we \1 CROMARTY. During the violent ti unrlerstortn of Thursday night last, the line hank baro of -lir, L. Fulton, two and a half utiles froin here, was struck by light- ning and completely destroyed with the season's crop and a number of. hogs. Messrs, James and John 'Ballantyne, of the south boundary, Hibbert left on friday on a trip to Scotland, The latter suffered a severe attack of flit and is taking- the trip for the benefit of his health. Mr. A. D. McKellar lost a valuable horse last week from indigestion. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robertson Au- burn, visited Andrew Christie during the past week. Mr, and Mrs: Neil. Currie, St. Mary's, visited Mrs. Mary Currie last Sunday. Miss Mary Currie is spending two weeks in Avonton, r - STAFFA. :fr. and Mrs. C. 'freffery and famti ly, London, called on friends here on. Saturday Mrs. George Wilson, who has been under medical treatment is expected hone onSaturdav of this week. Mr. and Mrs, John Barbour's baby boy, who has been undo meths: treatment in a Toronto hospital, has so far recovered as to he able to he brought home. Their many friends are much pleased at such favorable progress. The anniversary services held in the Methodist church on Sunday were all that could be desired 1l,e clay was line anti good congregations were present at both services to hear Rev, W. Kitely, ,Centralia, Mrs, Wyatt has become a favorite here and her selection, were much appreciated as usual. Collections amounted to over $100. Mr. and Mrs. J. Campbell, Walton, visited at the home of Ur, r. Tiara- .1 :ley on Sunday. DUBLIN, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stn ubb re- turned to Kitchener after spending a pleasant week the guest of the I rnt- er's mother, Mrs. Tom Burn,, Don't forget the Dublin fair on Thursday, Sept. 27t11, -The school chil- dren are looking forward for a big day. Mrs. joe \Millet Miss Sarah Way and MTs. Tc. Harrigan, of Stratford, attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Woods. Mr. and Mrs. T. Kelly, Blyth, spent Sunday the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carpenter. Mr. Phillip Carding and son, of De- troit, called on olcl friends in town during the work , Mr, Tames Maloney returned to Ncw York, after a feaa days' visit with his mother. Mr. and Mrs. E. Litt, Stratford, spent : Sunday the guest of their friends, Ur. and Mrs, John Darling. Mr. Jones, of :St.2 fary's, made . a business trip tis our town on Thurs- day. ' Miss Nellie Evans, of London, at- tended the funeral of 21is. Woods on Wednesday. is. 'ItIr. Dan Shanahan;- of Scaforll,, called on friends in town during the g S it f hCn 51.,1)arling spent Saturday the nest of Goclerich friends. Mr. Jacic Bruxe• and Mr, Wm. Byrne returned to Detroit after pending' a few clays at their homes ere, Mrs. P. Evans called on Mitchell riends or Saturday. Mr, Leo Evans wears a pleasant mile o h 5 ROKBORO. 21,'.t T+.. Hays has a, returned halm Y C the west after tt vel' pleasant asant tri i. . l t Messrs. Frank and Homer Mint are busily engaged drawing gravel from the stone crusher. Silo filling is the order of the day, Mr. R. Agar is a attach wanted man these tine days, with'his outfit, Iv£r. and Mrs, Ned :Hunt visited with Mr. F, J. Coleman on Sunday last. Mr. It, 'Richardson is busily thresh- ing in the neighborhood the past week, • HIBBERT The Council. ---The regular nieetit of the Council was held 00 Werine day, Sept. 19th, and held Court of 11 vision on the 'Jogger th Drai Arnendiug. By -Law, There being 11 appeals against the assessments,' th by-law was read a third time and fir ally passed. Court of Revision w• also held on the Liffy Drain. The ap peal against'the assessment of 2 acres of Lot 16, Con 2, which do no drain into the said drain, was allowe on satisfactory evidence being sub mitten, and a proportionate reductint was made in the assessment. The ap peal' against Village Tots 24 and 25 Ann street; Lot 32 :Mill street and 1,0 10 Nelson street was disposed of a follows: The duplicated assessment o Lots 24 and 25 Ann street was placed against Lots 32 Mill street and Lot 10 Nelson street, both:of which were omitted from the original assessment. This closed the business of the Court, Tenders were opened for the con- struction of the LiiTy Drain, and the following tenders were received; Oliver 'Ale Lover $7250 Thos, J. Crowley 4998 1\n. Dohnis 4650 Wtu, Connolly 5042 tic Donald Bros, 5003 Dwyer & Mahoney 5707 \\m. Dohins' tender bong ,he lout eat, was accepts 1. Cheques were is- sued for the follow'i,; accounts: Wor- den \Mil r le , grading, d f5 g M Wt. g n Bt $272; Brown, gravel contract, I. Hog- garth. th rep. bridge, $16.50; U Dal - bridge. gravel contract, $157.50; H. Dalrymple, rep. bridge $3; it. Kers- eke, gravel contract, $71,25; \V, Jett- •ey, S. pipe $6; A. Jeffrey, rep, ,cu!- -ert and work, $20; T. Oliver, grading $6; T. Forester, express, 90e; 'China', G.R. Co. rep., $6.14; A. Ro'aey, grad- ing, ,2.75; 11'.:'nnls,setting crusher. $3, J Coyne, gravel contract, 230. 1). McKellar, ditching, $27; J. Quinlan, ditching, $32,20: Mitchell Advocate. printing.$28.50; R. McDonald, rep. road $4: 1' • Lunney, work with en- gineer, $3; P. J. McGrath, do, $3. Council then adjourned to meet again on Wednesday, October 17, at 1 p.m.� -.TAMES JORDAN, Clerk, Simple and Sure,—Dr, Thomas' Eclectric Oil is so simple inapplica- tion that' a child eau understand the instructions. Used as a liniment, the only direction is tosrub. and when. used a a 'dressing to apply. The di- rections are so plain and unmistak- able that they are readily understood by young or old, tg s- it o l - as' 0 d s 1 Dominion f ran 0 Canada Refunding Loan, 1923 5/ Bonds Dated and bearing Interest frpm 15th October, 1923, and of- fered in two maturities as fol- lows: 20 year bonds due 15 Oct, 1943 5 year bonds due 15 Oct„ 1928 21) year Bonds, 51)8?5 anti 111. terest, yielding 5.14 p.c. 5 year Bonds 549 and interest, yielding 5.23 p.e. Orders or instructions for ex- change solicited. Rankin SEAFORTH, ONTARIO Fall Shoes We have just received another large shipment of NEW FALL_ SHOES. Many new styles are included and satisfaction is. assured': These are made by the' most noted manufactur- ers, and are marked for their graceful appearance and their durable quality. If you come to our store and allow us to exhibit these, it would be hard for you to decide just what one suited you the best, Growing girls' Patent Bal. Oxfords, Goodyear welts on,aspecial last' for growing girls,:. Women's Black Calf Bal: Oxfords, Goodyear welts, very latest style with new toe. Women's Patent • Bal. Oxfords, Goodyear welts,'also new toe and very latest style, Women's Koko Calf Bal, 'Oxfords, Goodyear welts and again the latest styles. Or, those who care, for slippers can be well satisfied here, n his face since Saturday when I_ El . presented hien with a 1>eauti- smith San -, _5 , l The Modern Shoe Store. There is' iso poisonous ingredient in Holloway's Corn Remover, and it can opp Bank of Commerce: be used without danger or injury. Pnone5l Seaforth is wife ul Daby boy. J McIII.,' ,.O 7 P, 7'h'regular c Irl W.M.S. meeting, ! the Nati held at die 1111111e of Mrs, -Drov- e,.. near Seaforth, On 'i 1,ursday, when Mrs. (ovenlocic presided;.,19rs. G. Sparks read a'selection from the u"Ntny,io,.sei study hook on'Nation Building.," Af ler the programme, lunch was 1v - i .l by \jars. 111 iv er; and the evening .:was sped( in d social tatty,. ,Wan t and. For Sale .Ads, 3 time„ 711: THURS., FRI. and SAT. Hoot 1i. son in Single I -landed A Cyclonic Story of Action and Love along with. Reginald .Denny in THE WANDERING MITE, A new round of the "Leather Pushers" makes an entertain' programme that can't be beat for the money. Our regular show will commence at 8.30 Friday on account of the High School scholars' performance, m MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY WILLIAM DUNCAN and EDITH JOHNSTON Playing it Wind A Love Story of the Plains, Also the Big V. Comedy, RIPS AND RUSHES, It's Coming! GLENGARRY SeII zU' oL DAYS Sellin Out House ornlsni Lines We h ve d ° tided to give ap our fr4tsuse Furnish= ings Department and will sell aid and SI 4 Large' and Small, also L➢1NoLECMS At Bost and Less � ..p Fali and t. -,Iv oats for athos and Children We have now in Beautiful Lines of Fall and Winter Coats for ladies and children, and we are selling thein at very low prices. CHUFLTZ CROS. Campbell Block,,: Seaforth 4 TIMES Around the World with ONE OILING, 100,000 Miles Without Stopping for Oil, An inventor who could develop an automobile, a railroad car or any other conveyance on wheels which wouldRerforin such a feat would be considered a wonder. But such is the record of regular accomplishment by the Auto -oiled Aermotor during the past eight years in pumping water. Did you. ever stop to think how many revolutions the wheel of a windmill make -s? If the wheel of an Aermotor should roll along the surface of the ground at the same speed that it makes when pumping water it would encircle the world in 90 days, or would gofour tunes around in a year. It would travel on an average 275 miles per day or about 30 miles perhourforShoura each day. An automobile which keeps.up that pace day after day needs a thorough • oiling at least once a week. Isn t It marvelous, then, that a windmill hes been made which will go 50 times as long as the best automobilewith oneoiling? The Auto.oiled Aecritotor after 8 full years of service in eve'? part of the world has proven its ability to run and give the most reliable service, with one oiling a year. The double gears, and all moving parts, are entirely enclosed and flooded with oil all the Hine. It gives more service with less attention than any other piece of machinery on the farm. To get everlasting wind -min satisfaction buy the Autooiled Aermotor, the most efficient windmill that has ever been made. maiien write • 4. gar2SaS Oty Minneapolis. Oakland FOR SALE BY'. BERT IRWIN Dealer in Gas Engines, Cream Separators, Stable Fittings, Pumps, Pipe and Water Supply Fixtures, Wind.and Cat -Insurance.