HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1923-09-20, Page 4PAGE, FOUR. LL Ut r 17A1FIVai nEt06 J. F. SNOWDON, Proprietor. General Observations l While Premier Ferguson is in the depths of the wild north aril no po5' siliility of reaching him for contra- diction, it world seem some wag has played a joke on hint by announcing that only the Liberal leader would be recognized in the House during next session. The funny thing about it is the peeved way in which ex - Premier Drury falls for the joke and groves sarcastic. over the story, 4,* Roots and vegetables were well rep- resented and poultry teas well tip to one it wa • , Altogether the average, of the best exhibitions held in Exeter and bad the weather been fait would undoubtedly proved a record breaker. The usual concert was field in the opera house with a emnpaOY from St, Mary's playing "What Happened to Jones." • HORSES. General Purpose, oir, ]Brood urate with foal, Dr. MJ. Manson & Son, E. 1Taist; Foal, 1923, Dr. Moir, L ilaist; Filly or gelding, 3 years, E. horst; diploma, E. Hoist. Agricultural. Brood snare and foal, John Rat- cliffe, 1st and 2nd; Foal, 1923;' John'. Ratcliffe, 1st and 2nd; Filly or gelding 3 years„ A. I --I. Doupe; Filly or geld- ing, 2 years, Gordon McDonald, John Luker; Filly or gelding 1 year, L, Gaiser; team,' \Vm.. Patrick; diploma, Gordon 'McDonald, Heavy Draught. Brood mare and ..foal, Dr. Moir, \Ant. McAllister & Son, 2nd &..3rd; Foal, 1923 Wm.'Mc:\llister & Son, 1st and 3rd; Dt Moir 2nd; Filly or geld- ing 3 years, 1 C=aiset Filly or geld- ing, 2 years, Win McAllister & Son; diploma, L. Gaiser, Russell's Special, \Mint. McAllister & Soi; Southcott Special, J. Ratcliffe; Taman Special, .\Vm. McAllister; Mill- er Special, John Ratcliffe, 1)r. Moir. Judge, A 11. McPhail, Galt. Carriage Horses. Mare and foal, fi, H. Brown; Foal, 1023, I, Manson, H. H, Brown; Filly or gelding, 3 years, J. Manson; Team in harness. John Young, Bruce Pringle, H. \Viirtle; diploma. J. Young. Lady driver, Mrs. A. Pringle, Mrs. 1., Paynter. Roadsters, Mare and foal, 1. Decker jr„ H. H. Brown, 2 and 3; Foal, 1923, H. H. Brown, J. Decker; 2 and 3; Team in harness. Win. Decker, Wm, Moff- att; single roadster in harness, Elmer hestemeyer; R. Morrison; Arksey Bros. G. Wilson; diploma. E. Reste- meyer,$+ W. Beer's Special, H. H. Brown, Judge, E. Phipps. Burford, CATTLE Speaking of the statement made by Hon, George Henry at Stratford re- cently, when he announced that road expendtiure in general is to be curbed and most emphatically asserted his opposition to roadway widening, :n particular, the Fariner's Sun says; "In Speaking as he did, in the face of strong Ineal pressure for more spending for local benefit, at the. ex- penge of the whole province, Mr. Henry has done well. The new Min- ister of Highways may restassured,- too, that he has ^behind him the solid support of all who have any real .- conception of the dangerous condition that has been created by reckless Municipal, Provincial and Federal fi- nancing in the past. Economy -most rigid economy --public and private, must he practised if the whole coun- try is to escape disaster. If Mr, Henry realizes all this, as clearlyas he seems to do, he is most assuredly the right man in the right place." GENERAL OBSERVATIONS ; By W. H. T.I The summer resort and the straw hat are out of season. *** The blackbird, with his unmelodi- uu, voiceand unattractive personali- ty. is rat with tis a, numerously as. he used to be. It is to he hoped that he has taken a permanent dislike to us. for his room is better than Itis company: Japan, haw terribly she has surfer - ed by earthquake, fire and flood. The great heart of the world beats in sym- pathy with her in this her hour 7f calamity. One wonders why these great convulsions of nature should have to occur, involving as they have lately in Sicily and Japan such ter- rible loss of life, and •so hutch misery and suffering. Judging from the re- cent activity of Vesuvius and Etna. and the earthquake in Japan. affairs inside the earth are in as great a stale of turntoil as they are upon its sur- face, Nature pursues her course with apparently a little regard for humanity as Premier Ring has for the fuel supply of Canada •ht, ung the coming winter, Speaking of fuel remind, us that some Alberta coal has actually arriv- ed in Seaforth, and is being horned by some of our citizens. It gives great satisfaction. It makes a hot fire, and horns down to at fine ash, leaving Ito waste in the shape of slate or clinker. 1t •produces a flak smoke, but not nearly as touch as ordinary bituminous coal, Perhaps haps :t does not last as lung as Pennsylvania anthra- cite, and for, that reason, it should be somewhat cheaper. We hope such a rate of transporta- tion will yet he secured for it, as will enable it to competewith the coal from ,tern.s the border. *e* We modestly and considerately for- bore intruding ourself on the Prince of Wales when he passed through Ontario the other days We respected his desire to be allowed to travel in peace and quietness. THE SEAPORT# NEWS V. Bowden; Bantanis,'C.'& h„ J. Mc= Cullough IL Laing; cockerel, pullet, I un .ev. A. A Trimmer, Per , II Laing; A O.V: Bantam, cock W. Bowden, F. Bloonthetd; hen F. Bloomfield, 1 and 2; . Red Clap, cock, W. Bowden; White ltoek,-e. & h., T. M. Snowden, W, Bowden. Turkeys -Cock, J. 1,, Pollard; hen cockerel, pullet, J. A. Pollard, W. Bowden; A. O. V., e, & h. E. & R, Snowden; cockerel, pullet;, W. Bow- CGeese--ldremen, goose, ganderE. & R. Snowdeu; Toulouse, geese, W. Bowden, Ducks --'Pekin, duck, drake; E. & 1t. Snowdeu, J. Raters; Rouen, duel , drake, T. AL Snowden; young duels and drake, W. Bowdeu; .\.O.V., chick and drake, T. Kay; Belgian rabbits, 11, ,D. Dayivan; Collection, pigeons, W. Bowden, R. Sanders. Judge, Wm. McLeod London, INSIDE DEPARTMENT; 5-1-b butter, J. Tu beer, J Caldwell; 10 lbs. -butter, C. Sweet, J. G Dater Pound rolls, J. Caldwell, Jno Trieb- , uer; neatly arranged plate to butter, J. Deters, Hy, Ford. Judge, 'Thos. Willis. Fine Arts, Painting in oil, landscape, 11rs. :Mil- ler, Miss Livingstone; figure, Mrs. Miller, Miss 'Livingstone; fruit or lowers, Miss Livingstone; animals, Miss Livingstone lirs..Miller;,in wa- ter color marine, also landscape, also figure, Miss Follick, Miss Living- stone; fruit or dowers, also sepia, any subject, \Miss Follick, 1 and 2; sepia. figure, Miss Follick, Miss Living- stone; pen ink' sketch. Mrs. Miller, Miss Follick; painting un china, real - stir, f. Grieve. Mrs. A. MCPherso t; conventional, \Mrs. 1N1cPhersoit, also coins; stamps, Dr, Roulston. Mrs. McPherson; curiosities, Jos. Stacey; Huron scenery, Dr. Hyntlinan, Miss Follick; photography. also photo- graphs, and collection of photographs, T Senior 1 and 2; crayon 'Miss Liv- ingstone, Mrs. Miller; pencil sketch, Miss Livingstone, Miss Follick; ama- teur photographs, Miss Follicle, col- lection of views. J Senior, Atiss Foil ic; special. Thos, Hunkin. - Manufactures. Domestic cloth, W. Tartan, Mrs. E. Darling; flannel, Mrs. Darling; blan- kets, Southcott Pros., Mrs. Ketches woolen yarn, Southcott Bros„ Miss Tom; rag carpet, Miss Tom sewing machines. also piano S. Martin & Son, 1 and 2; tailor custom suit, W. Taman, Southcott Pros.; gen, goods, boots and shoes, also ladies' bosh. and gents.' boots, Southcott Bros., al- so wall paper special; tailor's goods and furnishings factory tweeds, and assortment tweeds, \\r. Taman. o.f grapes,) Mrs, McPherson. Peaches --Late Crawford, Phillip Hern; A.O..V. R. N. Creech; Mrs, G. Heywood. Shorthorns. COW, A. J. Todd, Henry Smith, 2 and 3; heifer, 2 years, H. Smith, 1 and 2; heifer calf, A. J. Todd; bull calf, 12, Smith; bull. 1 year or over, H. Smith; Black Special and Diploma, H. Smith,. Herefords, Cow, k Hooper 1 and 2, W. Ford 2; heifer, 2 years, E. Hooper 1 and 2; heifer. 1 year. E. Hooper, 1. 2, 3; heif- er calf. E. Hooper, 1, 2; 1\ Ford 3; hull calf. E. Hooper, W. Ford. Jersey Cuw•,`R (antbriIl, Holstein --Cow, heifer 2 year, heifer 1 year. and bull calf. Dan, Dew, Grades. Cow, \\, Ford,' 1 and 2; heifer 1 year. C. Sweet, 0. Sanders; \V. Ford; steer 2 years 1;. Hooper 1 and 3, F. Etherington 2; steer 1 year, 1%. Hoop- er; junior calf, 12. Mills, R. Brock, D. Penhale; Senior calf, E. Hooper, A. 1'yut. 2 and 3; 1'shorne baby beef, R. Mills. R. Bruck, A, Pym; Royal Pur- ple Special, R. Mills, C, Sweet; Byron .1L -le, special, E. Hooper; McKenzie special, F. Etherington; Etherington special, E. Hooper, A. J. Todti; rliatehford special, R. Brock, Judge. \\`. E. P,ntt bslitter, Beautsviile. SHEEP. Dorset Horned. Rani and ram lamb, G. Penhalc, T. M. Snowden; owe and lamb, T. M. Snowden, t, Penhale; shearling ewe, [ Penhale, 1 and 2; Ewe lamb, T, Al. Snowden, 1;. I't nlialc. f ieeester -All classes. Win, M Al - I lister & Sun, 1 and 2. Shropshire. tiliearling ram, John Manson !C: Son, Doupe; Ram lamb, Manson & Son; A. Doupe; ewe, A. H. Doupe, 1 ;old 2; shearling ewe. J. Manson & Son; ewe lamb, A. H. Doupe, 1 and 2. A pen of sheep ---(i. Penhale, \V. McAllister, HOGS. Yorkshire- Boar aged. and one year old, 3. Manson. Sow 2 years, sow 1 year, and sow 1 1923, 3, 'Manson & Song Tamworth --Boar tinder 1 year, ore 2 years, sow 1 year, and sow, 1923, 3, .Manson; sow, 1923, 2nd, 1'. 31 Snowden. Berkshire --Saw 1 year, T. M. Snow- den. Special, Bacon hog, J. Manson, Judge, Chas. Harvey, Exeter. EXETER FALL FAIRt The exhibits at the Exeter fair this year were of a high order in each and every class. Rain 11i1fortutatcly mar- red the proceedings and all rates were canceller) on Tuesday, and . were to be rein on \\'cdnesday, when 32 horses entered, which Mr. R. G. Seld- om the secretary, states is the largest entry in the history of the fair. The gate receipts on Tuesday were about $350,, a very good showing considering the rainy weather. The exhibits of cattle were special- ly noteworthy, Hooper & Son, ' of \\'oodban,, captured all tite prizes in the 'Hereford class. Excellent carriage and single, drivers were shown. Mn,,s Pringle isecured'first prize for lady drivers and Mrs. :Poynter second„ In the I building, thr school Cit l)G1 C ^ Thr ' ort was excellent. Yong Ying Wee, a Chinese youth from Exeter, won first place for some .excellent maps. Joe Stacey exhibited a number of ancient articles as used by the first ,settlers in the district, includingan iron tea Mettle with crane for the same, an ancient device to help ironing ,vont- 4;11's caps.' and an old lantern. POULTRY, l.anslians, c, & h. I', W. Lotman; Grey Dorking, c. & h., 1\'. Bowden, I). Haywood; cockerel. W. Bowden, 1st and ,,d: Buff Orpington, hear, J. tl, Dater Barred Rock, C. & h„ J. lliC'nllotigh 1st and 2nd; cockerel A. Etherington: in ton: pullet, J. McCul- lough; I' 0. Rock, c. & h. and cockerel. ercl, 1. 'McCullough, 1st and 2nd; \\'lute Wyandotte, cock, J McCul- lough, (i, FIaywood; -hen, J McCul- lough, If. Cochrane; cockerel and pul- let, 1), Haywood. P. Pooley; A. Q. V. Wyandotte, rack, 0. Curintore, R. Pooley; hen G. Cudmore; cockerel and .pullet, 0. Curintore, let and 2nd; �.C. Rhode Island Red, c. & h., J. Atfe- ('ulinut lr & Son, lst and 2nd; R.C. 12 T. Reil cock:, J. McCullough & Stn, 0. JI•iywood; hen, cockerel and millet, G. Haywood, 1st and 2nr1; Buff Leghorn, c. & It,, 0. Haywood, ist, rid: cockerel and pullet, P. Hearin, 1,:t and 2nd; White Leghorn. cock, hen, cockerel, pullet. G. FIaywni,d, 1 anti -2: Black Minorca, c. & h„ J. Sutton, 1 and 2; Andalusian, cock, 1V. Bowden; :\ncona. Bock, P. Hearn; hen cockerel, pullet, J. A. Pollard, 1 and 2 5 5 Hamburg. cock, J. McCullough, hfaywood; lien, J, McCullough, 1 and 2; Silver Cantine,:hen, 3,'"McCul- lough, 1 and 2: A,O.V,'Gante, c. & h. Vegetables, Potatoes, Beauty of Hebron, 1V. H. Dearing; 'Ree[ Elephant, Fred Stew- art; Eraly Rose R Sanders, W. H, Dearing; blood beets, R Sanders, Mrs. G. Ifeywod; globe beets 12, Zeid- man, Mrs Heywood; sugar beets, J. Caldwell, 13 Tuckey: sugar beet..man- golds, R Sanders, 13. Tuckey; long o mangolds B. rl'uckeY, W. Ford; globe, lis'Curley, L. and 12 Snowden; inter- mediates, B. Tuckey, G. 5. Howard; early horn carrots, E, Heideman, E. Hoist; Nantes, F. Stewart, W. H. Dearing, orange or red, 3, Triebner; white or yellow, 13, Tuckey, 3, Trieb- ner; sweet corn white, Mrs, (1, Hey- wood, T. M. Snowden, Indian corn, Mrs. Heywood; Bantam corn, E. Heideman, Jos. Stacey; water melons, T. M. Snowden, J. Deters; pumpkins, J. Grieve,, R. Sanders; squash, A. Dougall; mush acelous, Truemner & St, JTriebner; Swede 'turnips, rnipps , J• Caldwell, F. Bloomfield; other variety red onions, R. Sander's, E. Heideman; white or yellow, W. H. Dearing, Mrs. Heyn•ooci; Spanish onions, 3. Grieve, R. Sanders; tomatoes, Miss Hogarth, W. H. Dearing, J. 0, Deters; round citron '1'. Snowden; I, 0rieve;'partidps F. Stewart; Hubbard squash, J. Grieve; table squash. Mss Hogarth, Truenmer & Son; fall cabbage, R, Sanders, 13, Tuckey; col, vegetables, Mrs. G. Heywood, Miss Hogarth; special, E. Heideman. Judge, Geo. Andrew. Flowers, Begonias. tuberous, Dr. Roulston, 1V. H. Dearing; other variety, Miss J, Creech, T. Kay foliage Min' Ho- garth: hanging basket, T. Kay. Mrs. L. Reynolds; novelty in potted plants. W. M. Dearing. Miss Hu,garth. Cut Flowers, Asters, white, L. Hoist, Dr. Roel- :ton; any color, Mrs. Miller, E. Haitt; Coxcombs display, Dr. Roulston. 1.. Heist; feathered, T. Harvey, Dr, Roulston; dahlias, Gladys Huikiu: show variety, E. Haist, Miss A. An- drew; otte !pike gladioli. LS'. Harvey, P. Hern; display gladioli. J. S, Harv- ey, W. H. Dearing; Marigolds, Afric- an, Dr. Roulston, W. H. Dearing; French hiss. A. Andrew, Dr. Hynd- tnan; petunias; single, Dr. Roulston, W. H. Deering; double Urs. Reyn- olds; pansies, J. S. Harvey, T. Kay; Stocks, Mrs. Reynolds sweet peas, Dr. Hynclman, Mrs. McPherson; snap dragons. W. H. Dearing, Mrs. Mc- Pherson; zinnias, dahlia, W. H,Dear- ing, Mfrs. 1.. Reynold:; zinnias, dis- play, 5. Cann, Miss A. Andrews; an- nuals Mrs. L. Reyonlds Miss A. An- drew; bouquet. Earl Hoist, Dr. Roul- ston bride's bouquet, Mrs, McPher- son. Miss A. Cochrane; novelty cut Grain and Seeds, flowers, T. Harvey, Dr. Roulston." Fall wheat, white, '1,'. N. Snowden. lad c, Dr. Sweet. C. Truemner & Son Fali wheat, red, Miscellaneous. 'I'. Rundle, 3, G. Deters; 6 -rowed bar- ley, C. Truemner & Son; J. G. Deters, 2 -rowed barley. C. Truemner & Son; Finless barley. Mrs. G. Hey- wood; white oats, E. & R. Snowden, T. N. Snowden; Timothy seed, C. Truemner & Son, 3.'(3, Daters; White beans, 1.'. Truemner & Son, E. Heide- man; Clover seed. 3, G. Deters, C. Truemner & Son; best col. grain 10 ear, Mrs. L. Reynolds, J. G. Daters: Ensilage core. T. X. .Snowden, S. Aladge Large pears. 0, Truemner & Sou. J Trieburr; Sunflower special, M. R. Cotnplin. Apples. Four varieties of fail apples, C. '1'ruemne & Son; Fall apples, any variety, Airs. J Anderson, C. Truem tier & Son; Rhode 'Island greenings, Gordon Cudmore, 0. Trucnuter & Col. canned fruit, 11'. H. Dearing, A. Dutigall; col. honey, Mrs. McPher- son; honey in comb, Mrs. McPher- son; pickles. W. H. Dearing; canned vegetables, \'1', H. Dearing, A. Doug- all; home-made Fans. L. & R. Snow- deu, W. H. Dearing; home - made bread, Miss Hoggarth 1\'. 1.3, Dearing; cakes, Bertha Andrew, 22'. 1-T. Dear- ing; lunch for 'two, Mary Andrew, J. G. Deters; cured meats, \\'. H. Dear- ing, Mfr, T. Anderson: eggs, .Mfrs. An- derson Mrs, Ketchen. Jticlge, hiss M. E, Browns Ladies' Work. Embroidered tray cloth, Miss r\ Cochrane, cl ane, AMr McPherson; enib table linen cloth, itis• Livingstone, H. E. Huston; enib. lurch cloth and serviette, lfiss E. Darling; enib. ltui- chew) set, H. 1.. Huston \lids D'arl- Son; Northern Spies. Gordon Cud- tug; enib, lunch cloth, Miss Darling. more, J, Triebner; Roxboro Russets, Airs. Afiller; emb, centre piece, white, ,Andrew Dougall, Golden Russets, J. Triebner, C. Truemner & Son; Spits - burgs, Gordon Curintore, Balelwius, (,union Curlmort, J. G. Deters; Snow apples, C. Truemner '& Son. T. Col- Jingwood; Gravensteius, 1:I. E. Hus- ton; Culverts, Gordan Outwore, J, 1). Deters; Fall pippins, Gordon Cud - more, A. Dougall; Ring of Tomkins, 'Gordon Cudmore Mrs. G. Heywood; Rihstone pippin,, J. Triebner; \Wag- ners, Gordon Cudmore, C. Truemner & Son; Ben Davis, G. Cuchnore; On- tario, 0. Curintore, Wealthy, Mrs. G. Heywood, C. Truemner & Son; Blen- heim pippins, Fred Stewart. Mrs. 1. Anderson; Tatman Sweet, J. D. Deters, 3, Triebner; Mann, Mrs. G. Heywood; Another variety, T. Col- lingwood; Crab apples, A, Dougall, Pears. Four varieties of winter pears, Mrs. McPherson; Duchess of .\ujouline, C. Truemner & Son; Clapp's Favorite, Mrs. McPherson Beurs Clairgeau, C, Truemner & Sat, Mrs. AfcPlterson; Vicar of Wakefield, H. E. Huston; Sheldon, H. E. Huston; Bureau. An- jou. Mrs, McPherson; Bartlett, R. Sanders. Plums -Imperial Gage, C. Truent ner & Son; Any variety, Miss Ho- Lombard plums, J. H. Grieve,. Mrs, (Dr.) Sweet. garth. Grapes. Niagara, J, McDonald, E. M. Sweitzer; Concord, IVirs, McPherson; Delaware, G. Cudmore, Miss Jessie Creech; Rogers No, 4, R. N. Creech; Rogers No. 9, J Grieve, Mrs. Mc- Pherson; Rogers No, 22, Miss Ho- garth; Rogers No. 45, Mrs. Mc.l.'her, son; A.O.V„ Mrs. McPherson; Col, (Continued on Page 8,) "Ready?" Click! And the picture YO r s t o keep. KODAKS $6.50 up Brownies $a.00 up We do our owti finish- ing -we know it's right. Bring us your films. J. M Fo DALY `y' Jeweler 1 Hest Imported Holland Bulbs HYACINTHS TULIPS (Mixed) NARCISSUS (Mixed) CROCUS (Mixed) 50c to $1.50 per doz. 40c per doz. 50c per doz. 15cp e o r doz, TUBEROUS BEGONIAS (Mixed) 1,00. perdoz. P Send for Complete List including Roses and Shrubs. HOLLAND C1$N. IMP@RT co. 449 River. Road NIAGARA FALLS, ONT.. e Princess Fair Day #- t - i;% E;' aia#V ulL METRO'S MAGNIFICENT TALE OF THE', SEA' All The rattlers Were Valient Frorn the Novel by BEN AMES WILLfAMS. It was written in the log book of the House of 'Shore, "All- the brothers' were valiant," This story concerns yotutg Joel Shore, the last of the family, - of his worthiness to be included in , y, andthe proof the proud legend. Among the tetany big scenes of this spectacular photoplay; are those 'showing the, harpooning and capture of a fifty.ton whale from small boats. Credited with being the most remarkable scenes' of the kind ever projected on a screen, THERE THURS., FRI., and SAT. Shown continuously from; 3 P.M, to 11 P.M„ Fair Day. Afternoon, 10c and 15c. . Evenings, 15c and 20c PROFESSIONAL CARDS Medical DR. H. HUGH ROSS, Physician and Surgeon.Late of London Hospital, London England: Special. attention to diseases of the eye, ear,. nose and throat. Office and resid- ence behind Dominion Bank, Otfi.e Phone No. 5, Residence Phone 106. New Laid Eggs Also Live We pay the farmer a premium for strictly New Laid Eggs and also for well fattened Live Poultry of all kinds. Special arrangements will be made to handle produce from a distance. Phone or write us for regular weekly price list which gives all the necessary information. s LailIff��GoaLimiled MONTREAL, QUEBEC. N. W. TREWARTHA NA MANAGER, CLINTON 13RANCH. Day Phone 190. Night Phone 214W. 13R. F. J. BURROWS, 3eaforiE,Of- five and residence, Goderich Street, east of the Methodist Church, Cor- oner for the County of Huron. Tei. ephone No. 40, DRS, SCOTT & MACKAY, Phys- iciana and Surgeons, Goderich St. opposite Methodist church, Seaforth, SCOTT, Graduate Victoria and Ann Arbor, and member of Ontario Col- lege of Physicians and Sur eota Coroner for County of Huron. MACKAY, honor graduate Trinity University, Gold' medallist, Trinity Medical' College, Member of Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario, alnatemeesagoor INI RE 410311084112=1 LIMITED. Canada's Largest Retail Grocers. "We Sell To Satisfy." 20 bars SO A10 Gold, P,&G„ 901111'011., Pearl, Sarprise Q` 1 P Sunlight and 111 Castile Soap SELECT BLEND• 55c Our Teas Are Right For a Good. Cup of Coffee lb.... No.rt 3 Tin Easa fis or Domestic 55 c SHORTENING Fine New Canadian CHEESE, lb.. 29c PICNIC HAMS 22c lb. Patterson's Dutch -Cream 25c BISCUITS, lb. Lazenby's CHEF SAUCE THE PEACHES ARE READY IHOW ABOUT SEALERS? Crown Sealers PINTS 1225 QUARTS $1.35 GINGER SNAPS, ib. 1 c Maple Leaf THE ENORMOUS SALE WHICH WE HAVE FOR OUR TEAS ENSURES S THE CONSUMER HAVING FRESH STOCK. If you have never tried our Tea, we feel sure we can satisfy you and respec- tively solicit your order this week. Our Famous SPECIAL BLEND. In the Red Bag, lb„ , &.'2-• � SELECT BLEND The English sly Breakfast. Tea, lb... .16 RICHMELLO TI -IE TEA DRINKERS' CHOICE, ASK FOR THE YELLOW BAG 7,„ GOLDEN TIP r: Broken Orange lb. -F' C Peko, The Best .Obtainable, These Teas are only sold at the Dominion Stores. JUTLAND SARDINES 3 TINS 25 c STOVE PIPE' VARNISH SALMON'13ottic 9c AND BRUSH .® • Make your White Sath iPastry Flour 241b. 89c `. pastry with bag DR, F. J. R, FORSTER-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, Graduate is Medicine University of Toronto, 1897.. Late Assistant New York`Ophthal ntic and 'Aural Institute, Moorefield' Eye, and Golden Sfuare Throat pitals, London,' Englan Commercial' Hotel, third Wednesday in each from 11 a.m, to 3 p.m,' 53 W go street, South, Stratford. Phone 2 r. - Stratford, DR. A, M. HEIST, OSTEOPATH - Licensed in Iowa and Michigan. Spe- cial attention to diseases of women and children. Consultation free, Of- fice over Umbach's drug store. Suc- cessor to Dr. Geo, J. Heilemana, Tuesday, 9 a.n1. to 6 p.m. DR. E. G. DuVAL Chiropractic Specialist. 0 Office -Royal Apartments, Seaforth. Hours -10-11 a.m„ 2-5 p.m., 7-8 p.m. Consultation free. General Fire, Life, Accident & Automobile INSURANCE.. AGENT and Dealer in Singer Sewing Machines James Watson North Main St. SEAFORTH, ONT, THE McKILLOP Mutual Fire a iasuranca Gat FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY, INSURED Officers Jas. Connolly, Goderich, President' James Evans, Beechwood, Vice Pres- ident; Thomas Hays, Seaforth, Sec.- Treasurer. ec:Treasurer. Directors, 1), F. McGregor. R. R. 3, Seaforth; John G. Grieve, R. R. 4, Walton; W. Rinn, R. R. 2, Seaforth; John Ben - newels, Brodhagen; Robert Ferris, R. R. No. 1, Blyth; Malcoltn• Mcl(eon, Clinton; G. McCartney, R. R. No. 3, Seaforth; Jaynes Connolly, Goderich; Jas. Evans, Beechwood. Agents, Alex, Leitch, R. R. No. 1, Clinton; 1;• Hinchtey, Seaforth; J. A.Ilfurray, R. R. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V. Yeo, Holntesville; 1t. G. Jatauottth, Born- holm. 'James Kerr and John Goven• lock, Seaforth, auditors, Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business will be promplty attended to by application to any of the above officers addressed to their respective postoff°ces, Desirable House FOR SALE. To the person seeking a com ort - able home close to stores, churches, attd schools, and still be in the country, this residence is splendidly located, being less than a mile from Seaforth postoffice. The property consists of eight acres of land, a good frame house with seven rooms and woodshed, hard and soft water; good 'stable with cement flooring; fine or-' • chard. Possession can be given im- mediately. Further information may he obtained at THE NEWS OFFICE, R 4 . 1--�i Don't Throw Your Old Carpets I-way Theytnalre new rever- sible" Velvetex" Rugs. send for Velvetex Folder 2 CANAGA AUG COMPANY LONDON, ONT. FEATHERS WANTED Highest prices paid. Max Wolsh, phone 178, Seaforth. l;C