HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1923-09-13, Page 5uRSDAY
13, 1.923 ?,
for pair o
•MEN; Would - you be villin � to pay Five Dollars a f
Shoes that will .keep your feet dry and comfortable in all kinds
of weather2
ecountry We have two fo the best makes in' the c u y at Five Dollars.
Made of long wearing, Urus Calf, an oil treated leather that will keep
soft and pliable. Black or : Brown, with or without toe cap -solid
construction throughout.
Of course, we have lower-priced Work Shoes. Extra good values
at $3.00; $3,50 and $4.00.
We want you to see our Work Shoes; with our large assortment
and low prices, you will hye no trouble getting a pair to suit you,
Western Ontario's leading
Commercial School, where you`
can get a thorough practical
training under experienced in-
structors in Commercial, •Short-
hand or Telegraphy Depart-
ments. We assist graduates to
positions. Get our free cata-
logues now. -
W . Walker & San
Motor or Horse Equipment.
W. J. WALKER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers Furnished,
Night or day phone 67.
you We are not only a Cream Market but we are Also a fory
Large Dairy Industry in Your Community.
We respectfully solicit Your Cream.
OUR MOTTO: Guaranteed Accurate Weights and Tests.
, Courteous and Prompt Service:
Highest. Market Values,
CREAM GRADING: A difference of 3 cents per lb. Butter Fat
will be paid between No. 1 and No. 2 Cream.
Cash Paid to Any Patron Wishing It When Cream is Delivered.
Creamery Open Wednesday and Saturday Evenings.
Seaforth Creamery Co, Seaforth, Ont.
C. A. BARBER, Mgr.
Is Your Wife Marooned
During the Day?
AVE you ever considered what is
meant by the hundreds of cars
parked in the down -town district dur-
ing the dayand in the large number of
cars driven for business purposes by
'the men folks of the family?
It means that during the day, the wife
must stay at home, must walk or must
take the street car or bus. -
In the Chevrolet Superior Utility Coupe
the wife finds 'tn ideal means of trans-
portation for shopping or social calls.
It gives her ,a freedom of action that
she deserves.
Why not leave
a Utility Coupe
for the wife and children while you are'
lasing the other car for business?
Ask About the a,. M.A. C. Plan of Deferred Payments
earliri BrosSeaforth
�a �I
m n
rr 81.0
Mies Beatrice Larkin, who spent
the vacation at the bonne of her par-
pnts, Di;.; and Mrs, F. H. `Larkin, -left
on Monday for iTpeonto, where she
has accepted a poSitiOn on thestaff
of Haver al Ladies' College.
g 6.
Miss Ratcliffe, Sault Ste, Marie, is
the guest of her sister, Mrs, Janies
Mrs. Smith,, Flint, Mich., is visiting
.relatives in this vicinity.
Al the regalar meetng of the Little
Helpers' Mission Band in the Eg-
mondville Presbyterian church on
Saturday afternoon, the 'president,
Mrs. James McKay, who leaves next
week to reside in Toronto, was pre-
sen ted with a set of silver dessert
spoons' by Members of the Band, hiss
Bernice Joynt read the address and
the presentation was neade by Master
Ales Finnigan.
Mies Sparling, of tit, Mary's, who is
at present on furlough from China,
gave two inspiring addresses' in the
Methodist church on Sunday in which
she gave an interesting description of
the country and the educational and
evangelistic work being carried on.
'Cwo pairs of bowlers from the
Iota! club motored to Guelph on Mon-
day to take part in a tournament,
Messrs T.3. Stewart, J, -;Beattie, R, :f1,
Sproat and A. H. Close.
Mrs: B. •O'Connell has returned
from spending a week in Detroit.
Rev; W, 11 Rdbarts, reetor of Mit.
shell, took the services in St. Thomas'
church on Sunday last and preached
two inspiring •sermons. : Rev. T, H,
Brown officiated at Mitchell and Dub -
n. Rev. Mi.Robal s' therequest
1 R t o c u t
of the members of Trinity church,
Mitchelll, has refused •the appoint-
tnent to Blenheim, offered by the
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Aberhart,"Mrs,
Oliver and Airs. James McIntosmo-
tored to
o-tored"to London this week,
Mrs; John McLeod underwent alt
operation recently in the hospital.
Mr, and Mrs. C. Consigney and
children, Detroit, were town visitors,
Mrs. George Sparks was in Hen
salt last week attending the funeral
of tier mother, the late Mfrs, Douglas,
Mrs,' Frank Devereaux has returned
from St. Joseph' hospital, London.
Mrs, Boyd who has been spending
the summer with Mrs. C. Aberhart,
Sr., leaves this week for her lionie in
Mi. 1-lothain is a London visitor.
Mrs. Cully, of Mitchell, was in town
visiting Mrs, T. Patton.
A large representation from the
Senior Auxiliary and the Barbara
Kirkman Auxiliary, Seaforth; and the
Egmondville, bfcKillop and Winthrop
Auxiliaries, motored to Hensall on
Tuesday to attend the semi-annual
con ference.
Miss Mary Walker is visiting
friends in Buffalo.
Mrs. A. Kennedy, who underwent
b[r," Cliiefitz has moved his family an operation in Hamilton recently,
into `apartments in the Stephens hag recovered sufficiently to return
13{ock. hone this week.
, Miss Boswell, Toronto, is a guest • Mrs. H. J. Smith and granddaughter
at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs, 'Robert of Woodstock, were guests at the
home ome of her son, Mr, J. H. Smith.
Miss Claire Doble, who has been
spending her vacation at the home of
her sister, Mrs. W. D. Bright, left on
Monday for Lethbridge, Alta.
Miss Sadie Thompson has returned
from a visit to Toronto.
mi.. and Mrs. A, Scott and family
are moving front Egmondville; into
Mr. Isaac bfcKay's house on Market
Mr; and Mrs, I. Hudson were To-
ronto visitors, •
Mr. W. J. Russel, Mr. and Mrs.
Russell and little daughter, of Guelph,
and Miss Jessie Wilson, of Waterloo,
were guests at the Russel -Scott wed-
ding on Tuesday.
bliss Jean Carnochan, of Linwood,
is the guest of Miss Fergus McKay.
street. Mr. G. Ifolmes, Toronto, is visiting
his father, Mr. S. T. Holmes,
Mrs. Frank Carlin was in Stratford
this week visiting her sister, Miss
S. Way.
Mrs. W. Sclater and daughter Mar-
ion, who have been visiting relatives
in town, left on Friday for their home
'in Regina, Sask. They were accom-
panied by Mrs William Sclater, who
intends spending several months in
the west.
Mrs. Smith, Toronto, was a visitor
at the hone of her grandmother, Mrs.
A. Calder,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Healey, who
have returned from a wedding trip
to Quebec, were week -end guests al
the home of 'her another, Mrs. C, Mc-
Mr: and Mrs. R, 3,1. Jones left Mon-
day on a motor trip to Quebec to
meet Mr: Jones' -sister, who is 06111-
in"g to visit then from Ireland. Mr; F.
L. Downey, Toronto, formerly ac-
countant here,. is taking lir, Jones'
place during the latter's absence.
Mr. and 15frs, Ross, Edinburgh,"who
have been guests al the house of 1•Ir,
and Mrs, T. Swan Smith, left last
week to visit Toronto and Montreal,
and tvill later go to Vancouver, B.C.
Rev. W. D. McDonald was in Dun-
gannon on Friday attending the fun-
eral of Mrs, McDonald's unele, Rev.
Mr. Rutherford.
Mrs. Stewart, Brussels, was a guest
of b[rs. J. Cuthill.
Miss Jessie Scott,•n•ho spent the
vacation at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs.' A. • D. Scott, Inas re-
turned to Winnipeg.
bfrs, Peter Scott, Brussels, ivas s
visitor at the bane of lnea••sisters, the
Misses Brine, Goderich street •
151r and Mrs. Elmer Reid; Stat ford,
are visitors at the home of her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, J. Grimoldby. -
lir. Leslie Bell, Detroit, was a visit-
or at. his 'hane in Tuckersniitli.
Mr. and 'Mrs. T. Consitt and Miss
Consitt, of Hilisgreen; were town'I
visitors: •
Miss Forernan spent the week -end
at her „home in Granton,
Mrs, Kelly has renters 'Mr. F. G.
Neelin's house on Louisa street.
\erste Brown and Mrs. John Inglis,
of Grand Rapids, Mich., are visiting
their sister, Mrs, T. Patton, who k
seriously ill;
The following item refers to the
Guelph Collegiate Institute and Vo-
cational School, of which 15(r. J. F.
Ross, former principal •of Seaforth
Collegiate, is the new principal- Mr,
Ross taught here successfully, for
several years and resigned a year
ago to go to the Soo. His many
friends in Seaforth will wish hint con-
tinued success.
"Tile formal opening of Guelph's
Collegiate Institute and Vocational
School will not he held until October,
hut on Monday the several classes' got
cIoiim to business with little cere-
mony. There were 11 all a total of
612 students present, 43 of these being
for the industrial classes. The stud-
ents met in the assembly roost. where
J. F. Ross, •the new principal, was in-
troduced. A short address was made
to• the teachers and scholars by MMr.
Ross, who told theta what would be
expected of them and what they could
expect from him, and with co-opera-
tion there would be a year of out-
standing success. All were assigned
to their several classes and work l>e-
ganin earnest."
Luck was against the football team
nn Saturday at Owen Sound, The
long drive was poor preparation for
the. game 1111110 rain fell in heavy
showers which hampered both teams.
The score of 4-0 in, favor of Owen
Sound is no indication of the standing
of the teatiis, as Kinburn played a
good game, but somehow failed to
score. 'Two goals were scored in
each period.
_hers, (Dr.) Struthers, who, with her
husband, is at present home from
China an furlough, • was the speaker
at a meeting, held on Friday under
.the auspices of the Women's Mission-
ary Society and the Kelly Circle,
Mrs. Strutlier's address, which dealt
chiefly with her experiences among
the Chinese people, and was most
Rev, Mr, Lane, Drunibo, was the ably delivered, ivas greatly enjoyed.
guest of his sister, Mrs, McDonald, and at the same time made a powerful
at the Egmondville manse. appeal on behalf of the Foreign Mis-
sions. At the close of the meeting,
lunch was served cn the basement,
Mrs. Janet Ross and sol, Seldon,
are at present in London, visiting
Mrs. Ross's daughter, Mrs. Roy Mon-
Mr. Ronald Mackenzie, who has
been ill in the Marine Hospital; Cleve-
land, is at present at the lionie of his
parents , Mr. and Mrs. Alex: Mac-
Many people from this vicinity in-
tend taking in the Western Fair at
Mrs. Robert Townsend, . of Criu-
neaut, Ohio,' and Mr. James Proud-
foot; of Fairport, Ohio, who have
been visiting relatives in Seaforth and
T;rucefield, have returned' hone;
Mr, and Mrs. C. A, Barber and chil-
dren are on a motor trip to New
Miss Agnes Cowan, Sarnia, is visit-
ing her brother, Me. James Cowan.
Mrs. Johnstone, president of the
Toronto Presbyterial, who was in
Hensall addressing the semi-annual
conference of the Huron Presbyterial
Society, was the guest of Mrs, WW; D.
McDonald, •
Mrs. Clancey and bfr. J. Brown, of
Detroit, Mich., are guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs, Charles
Mr, and Mrs. John Robb, Detroit,
are visiting Mr. Janes Robb anti his
sister, bliss Robb.
Mt. Harry Livens has returned
from a visit to Buffalo, N.Y., anti oth-
er places.
Mr, R. Coates had a slight stroke of
paralysis on Sun clay morning, but ,is
Mrs. Whitby and children, ivho
have 'been visiting her parents, Mr,
and Mrs. John Robb, fames street,
have gone to visit relatives in Paris,
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison, Bad Axe,
Mich., Mrs. Ernest Webber and Mas-
ter 13illy Webber, Exeter, and lhfr. and
Mrs, S. Handy Exeter, arc guests at
the home of Mrs, George Siliery.
Mrs. W. E, Southgate, Sr-, and.
Misses Betty and Patsy Southgate,'
have returned from Toronto,
Dr, and xl bfr
Moir and d bfrs.
Thompson, Hensall, were in town at-
tending the funeral of the late 1I/G•
.William Mulholland.
The public school opened on Mon-
day of this waek.and'work is again in
tull swing'with the same, teachers asp
la§t year, '
The schools have re -opened again,
after the long vacation and the pupils
have resulted their studies for the fall
season, and a number of young ladies
of the vicinity i t have ia-
e gone as teachers
othern ••
d irict
Miss E. Dodds, of McKillop, has
secured a school at Mildmay and
started on her new duties last week
She taught at No. 12, Grey, east of
the village last year.
Mrs. Gardiner. Mrs. AV. G. Clark
and Mrs. Mowbray and sons motored
to Usborne, one `day recently to visit
Miss ,fenny Clark went to Brussels
last week to resume her ditties ars ap-
prentice at the millinery business,
and Mrs.
Jas. Mowbray r
J ay anti
family, who have been visiting rela-
tives Isere for some time, went to De-
troit fast: week, where they fintend to
reside ".
Quite $- titimber �h on J>,ere aretalc-
ing in the:' 'dstern,Exhibition held lit`
London„thns vrecl..'
Miss Edna and Grace 'McGregor,
lIr. and Mrs. Jas, Smiley, Mr, and
Mrs. Earl Sproatt, Miss Mae Me -
Gregor and Mr. Alex. McKenzie were
visitors 't at Toronto last weelc.
Mr, and Mis. John ;Baird, of De-
troit, were visitors fora couple of
day at the bonne of Mr. and Mrs.
Jas; Bowey,
Mr, and Mies, Jas,' 1-tay, Miss Jean
McLean, and Mr,'Alex, Sinclair are
spending a few days' at Niagara Falls
visiting Mies McLean, sister of Mrs,
Win, Hay.
Miss M. Mollis has returned home
from Toronto, where shehas been
visiting for a couple of weeks.
Messrs, P. Bowey Si Son unloaded
a tai• of coal last week, which the
people were pleased to get.
stirs, James Thomson, of Bre
field, gave a miscellaneous shower
honor of the bride to be hiss JIa
]agie, on Tuesday evening last.
Rev. and Mrs. Lundy are spendi
a week ina Toronto,
Miss IEthel Eigie, ' of London.
spending her holidays with her p
tints, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Elgio.
Mr. and Mrs. Butt, of Seaforth, ha
been visiting their son Edgar.
Mr. Jas, McClynto)t has be
painting his house, which looks fit
Jim likes to have things looking goo
Mr. Wm, Fasker, C.N.R. agent. h
arrived hone after spending six weel
in the west. He was relieved by
Lewis of Lucan, when he Was awa
Mr. Alex. M sBeth has bought a ne
Ford car
lir. J. C. Jarrott was down to Lot
don one clay this week bringing
some new cars for Cook tiros., Het
\lrs. Roht,'Elgie entertained a aur
bee of ladies on Saturday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Wright. of Se
forth, spent Sunday with 11:r, an
Mrs, Jas Bowey.
\1%e are sorry to learn that M
Chas. Hoggarth had the niisfortun
to have to undergo an operation, bt
Hope for his speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Pollard an
Miss Phoebe Wakefield are spendin
the week -end with friends in De
troit and other places across the bur
Quite a number from around her
intend Laking in the London exhibi
Mr, Joe Riley went to Auburn on
day Past week for a crusher, which i
being set up in Caldwell's gravel pit
about one utile and a half east o
Don't forget the Seaforth Fall Fair
Sept. 20th and 21st.
The Methodist congregation is ar
ranging to hold the anniversary in th
near future.
Ruby, the little daughter of Mr. an
Mrs. Geo. Dalrymple, who has beet
in St, Joseph's Hospital, London. on
dergoing an operation, Inas recoirere
sufficiently to be able to be taker
lionie, and is improving nicely,
Mr. and 'Mrs.. , Hugli McKerracher
of Paisley, were the guests of Mr. an
Mrs. Geo. S. Eyre,
'Mrs. O. Bavingtou and daughter
Margarette, have returned to thei
home in Toronto,
Mils: Taylor, who has been stayin
With her daughter, Mrs, John Shep
herd during the summer, has returnee
to her home in Hensall,
The farmers •around arc finisher
harvest and are now engaged n
Misses Rena and 'Lydia Reid spent
the week -end with Misses Mae and
Anna T-Iamilton,
Mr.' and Mrs. S. Lllis, of London,
spent the week •with Mrs: Tl, Altar,,
- Itfr. William Murphy spent' the
week at Toronto Exhibition, looking
over steam driven cars.
Misses Gertie Ferris and Vina Knox
spent the week at the fruit farms at
11eamsville and Ham'iltoit,
Mfrs. T. Miller, Clinton, -is spending
some days with her ,sister, Mrs. Thos.
Ku OX. •
Wedding bells will be ringing on
Harlock line in the neer future.
Mr, and Mrs, J. MacGregor motor-
ed from Walkerton' .and spent the
week -end •with his father •Mr. J. Mac -
Toe Week
Next Week Is hoe Week,
Sept. 17 to 22
Women are more enterprising and
thoughtful than men in the natter of
shoe styles - sand yet there is still a
great Ileal of incongruity to be noticed
amongst then in the selection and use
of shoe apparel.
You will find, for instance, a woman
in a handsome street' costume with a
Pair of slippers only fit for the bou-
doir or the ball' room, You will often
see a'lady in a ravishing evening
gown wearing a pair of shoes that are
only fit for travelling or a tennis
'onrnanl en
t t
It is still a more common thing
these days when variety encourages
considerable license to see a woman
on the street wearing a pair of shoes
that clashes •loudly with the rest of
her make-up,
The really dressy woman has shoe•
for various occasions, avid thOSe. i
stick to the old System lit of
s1s c one or two
pairs of shoes at a time are certainly
at a disadvantage,
A woman floes not stop to think
that she can buy half a dozen pales of
shoes for the price of a single fash-
ionablc hat, or moderately Priced
gown. Ladies do not fully realize that
tliey are not well dressed unless their
shoes snatch their surroundings, But
the schoolmaster is abroad.
The Modern Shoe 'Store.
Opp, Bank of Comitteree
Sea o ft
Mr, Sol. Shannon is remodelling his
and Mrs,. W, O'Brien spent
Sunday with friends in Listowel,
Miss Verna Dralce, who took hon-
ors at her late exams„ is attending
Mitchell high school.
:Mr, and Mrs, Hambley attended
the Western Fair, on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs:John
Toronto, Johti Barbour ii
are 1
) o, where their young, son is
undergoing treatment,
Mr, and Mrs. Win, Worden, Strat-
ford, visited friends here on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Verner, Stratforc1,
spent Suntlay at Mr, A. i4lillti"
Harvest thanksgiving sot'viaes`
,held in Grace Anglican church!„
on Sunday, Sept, and. Large co
gations were present. The hnti5
of the church was beautifully dol
ted will, Rowers; feuitsi etc
C, L. Bi1kei fvf.A B,D„ rector
Clinton, was tine preacher for thte 5a
and eloquent serniozis Were:: delivered:.
Special music was rendered through-
out the clay, and the singing was.e:a
cellent,.Wide Ilffts Dreunniot,d presid-
ing at the organ., A quartette was,
rendered' at tach service by ' Maw. Ro-,.`',
Mrs. Simpson, Mrs, Drttt>:I,'
mond and Mrs..Broadshaiv, of Hen,
n -
We advise
mala enn in
Wandering o"
New Round of 'The Leather Pushers."
"What Wives Want"
spEel'] iL
A super -feature with an All-Star Cast
of the North" by
Oliver eurwood
'Also a Big V. single comedy
you to come early, Shows commence 8;15 sharp,
be closed
from June
. e w--4.Ne 1 I
W. W. Robinson wishes
that the Lad
Department will
for the summer months
At Torouto Exhibition
Be sure to visit our booth in the Manufacturers' Building, where
you are assured a welcome. Make it your resting place.
If you have ever thought of purchasing a Player Piano, or Piano,
it gives you a chance to compare it with others and when you finally
make up your mind to buy, you will just say: "Ship me that' Style B,
Walnut case, I saw at Toronto fair. • Since testing several other
makes, I believe, as thousands of others do, the Bell to -day is a piano
worthy of my home,"
Bell Piano and Organ Co, Ltd.
E fin �'
Jonathan�'lii, Agent
PHONE 13-616.
TIMES Around
f ' An inventor
�If r �� ,. other
/1v .., , .
7 :Y%.:
�!"�,!'�l "' t, �q�
the World with ONE. OILING
Miles Without Stopping for Oil
who could develop an automobile, a railroad car or any
conveyance on wheels which wouldperforin suclrafeatwoultl
be considered a wonder. But such is the" record. of regular
accomplishment bythe Auto -oiled Aeimotor durst the
. i g t past
eight years pumping water.
Y p P ,,b
Did you ever stopto'thinl
Y vchow-man revolutions
Y e the wheel
makes? • If the wheel of an Aermgtor should- ole alongrho
ground at the same speed that it makes when pumping water surface
ru di g it would
on 20 days, or would go four times around o a year. It would
n average `”
R 7 sperdayc
1r about.50 les 1
o er tourfor0. liaurs
A nautomobile n
whichdtee s upthat .
at ac
p,aftat. day :ire
A dayds ash
once o50ti a Isn'tlong sthelbes,then, that a-windmioali gbeen
go 50 timesaslaigasthebestautomobile:withoueoiling4
uto.oillea ,e a ter ®for after 8 full years of servipe in every
proven its ability to run and give the most .reliable'sekv ice
The double gears, and all moving parts, are entirely
oil all the. thee. It<gives more service with, less attention than
mo e the faint, Tq get as everlasting g: made. It satisfaction b the
efficient Windmilltkathasever.beenm e..'� �
nix 1, TOn occo idcago naafi hes;iyluhkee.
ffisansasCity. IVYItlneti gawanot
I! � •, F,.�,,.��
W �"
.i t
�. of awinamill
1i..,of the
t.::. 1. encircle r letlie
A , travel
d, a:q:;, oddSwlurhwill
1 t madewliichw..ou
Ann s
of the world has
oneoiling a year.
and flooded with
piece not r, t h
ir>for- 141.E „ '
Dealer he Gas Engines Cream Separators, :Stable Fittings, Putnjta,
Pipe and Water Supply xPixturee, Wind alis Car Insurance ,
P3ONE: 1,0-61,'3 CLINTON.